Happy birthday to male colleague search ordering. Colorful birthday greetings to a male colleague. Cheerful congratulations to a male colleague

Our team is in a hurry to sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. Rarely do you see this beautiful person- a wonderful employee, a highly qualified specialist and an exemplary family man. We are extremely grateful to you, and as a token of our gratitude, please accept our warm congratulations. We wish you health and longevity, further professional success, prosperity and happiness to your family.

Today I wish you, my friend,
To be the first among the first, among the best!
My colleague, perhaps you yourself know
That in the team you are like a bright ray of sunshine!
On your birthday, I want to congratulate you.
But not for you - for your deeds to leave an order:
I wish you success in your undertakings
I will order health to be excellent,
I call love to your family, colleague,
And let the thread of friendship not break with us!
And finally, I will say in my own way,
How to overcome joy and despondency:
"Grow big!" - I command your career,
To your problems I say: "All away!"

Let the phone crackle with congratulations!
May joy fill the new day!
And bring new achievements to life
Birthday present for you!

excellent health,
family happiness,
sparkling fun,
A glass of sparkling wine
Infrequent checks -
Just take part
cheerful mood,
good bosses,
No noisy neighbors
smart kids,
So that the school is in order
Minds and notebooks;
Salaries are high
Such to gasp! -
You on your birthday!
Poems, congratulations
We do not write ourselves
Even with a mustache.
Helped "Congratulations"
Our glorious assistant.

Let him carry my congratulations SMS,
It's hot enough to burn paper.
Have fun, because today is your birthday
And remember it for the rest of the year
!I wish mutual and true love,
Good luck at work, success,
Let the mood carry up from the earth,
And don't be afraid to burn ships behind you!

good morning,
Good day,
Quiet evening
Calm night!
I wish
decent salary,
Problems never to be
In the field of work.

Congratulations, my dear colleague! On your birthday, I would like to wish luck in everything, well-being, harmony and love to your family and yourself. May all things be crowned with success, and new ideas boil in your head! Let the path up the career ladder be not difficult and thorny, but easy and interesting. Every day, enjoy the work that you do so well!

What do you wish for today? Well, of course, health, health and more health! In our difficult business, without him, nowhere. But also take a supply of good luck with you and sunny mood V new date Where did you start your journey today! Happy birthday!

Let it be smooth on the personal
And everything is in order in the career,
To work not dusty,
So that everything is stable with the budget.

Let nothing get in the way for you
Always and in everything to achieve success,
We also want to wish on your birthday,
May all dreams and aspirations come true!

I wish you joy, success -
In work, creativity, in everything ..
To have reasons to laugh
Growing to profit every day.

Let your life be boring
All in business - safely,
Happiness, joy wagons,
And luck - two tons.

Happy birthday congratulations.
We wish you to be happy
Super stylish, energetic,
Smart, smart, cute!

Always be positive
And the best colleague in the world,
good-natured citizen
And very generous!

The team congratulates you
Wishing you to be healthy
Bright life, long years,
So that success runs after!

I wish you on your birthday
Live happily and do not grieve!
And every moment in life
With all my heart, sincerely love!

I wish you vivid impressions
Big love, true friends,
As many achievements as possible
And a sea of ​​bright, clear days!

So that the car does not junk,
And my heart didn't skip a beat.
With the female sex - no misfires,
So that in everything - like a cucumber.

You are a very valuable worker.
Oh, what's there - awesome!
Let everything, always, everywhere
Success accompanies you!

It's nice to work in such a team
Where full order, success and comfort.
Today we want to wish you a happy birthday
Colleague that the holiday was waiting for a whole year!

After all, the holiday of birth is the most desired,
It is impossible not to wait, not to want.
Accept our wishes today:
Be the first in the work, but do not burn out in it!

May prosperity be stable and durable,
May you enjoy every working day.
There will be a holiday in the soul, and it will be cozy in the house,
And the work gives warmth a light!

Less cases for you and reports -
More rest and sleep.
So that your favorite work
She brought in a lot of money.

You health and success!
Happy birthday, colleague!

I gave you a ticket to the sea,
Allowed me to take a nap at lunchtime.
And in general, do not know grief,
May the journey be happy.

Happy birthday to you, colleague!
Joy, happy days.
And love and inspiration
To be all right!

We wish you big plans and ideas,
The kindest and most sympathetic friends,
Inspiration every day at work
Honor and respect from colleagues.

Good luck, happiness on your birthday,
All the best and unearthly love,
More adventure in life
Accept with great pleasure.

Let life be interesting
Filled and joyful,
Days give a bright result,
And the nights will be sweet!
Let the basic male instinct
Gives adventure,
Variety will bring
Leisure and entertainment!

Happy birthday, dear colleague! From the bottom of my heart, I would like to wish professional ups and downs, pleasure from work, patience and stability. Let peace and prosperity always live in the soul, good luck accompanies in all endeavors, and comfort and care of loved ones always await at home!

You are my friend and colleague.
And just a nice person!
With all my heart I wish you
Health for your long life!

To support and support
Your family has always been
And in life only surround
You reliable friends!

From the team we are our friendly
We all wish you everything you need for life:
Only personal happiness, a stable salary,
Health is always what you need!

With attention, paragraph after paragraph.
You are smart, soul, intellectual!

You are a man, oh good!
You are our personal general,
Today we clap our hands
Today is your birthday!
Congratulations, congratulations!
Heard here and heard there.
Everyone wishes you joy
And we - to be cheerful in the morning.
"Happy birthday," let's say together,
And you smile at us
Want everything you need
And listen to the words!

Our dear colleague!
Congratulations, congratulations!
Birthday is yours!
We wish you new heights!
Our dear colleague!
Real hard worker
You have baggage of knowledge,
Round the clock worker!
You celebrate well
Take a rest, go away
Well, then - as usual
Come to work!

We want to wish you success in everything,
Let fate itself help in life,
And for one good, good day,
Another, even more beautiful, is coming.
May all who are dear live happily,
After all, the happiness of loved ones means a lot,
May joyful meetings await in life,
Love, health and good luck!

Our work is difficult, disturbing,
But you always helped us to survive,
And the impossible became possible
We endured, we stood together!
God bless you with hope and love!
We will overcome the difficult road together,
And experience, intelligence, luck and health
They will not refuse you and will help you in everything!

In the rhythm of a huge city
Or deep province
Gotta have a sense of humor
And amaze with erudition.
All the secrets of our profession
Successfully received.
May all peaks and speeds
Really achieved!

Success in working life,
I want to be in great shape
And look to have you fighting.
I want to be always cheerful
Happy, joyful, healthy!
I wish you great luck
May your life be rich.
So that you have success in everything,
May you all be happy!

Again, back at work
will congratulate someone
Happy Birthday. Tra-ta-ta!
This someone is in front of us!
Our colleague, our hero.
Congratulations, we're all eating
And we go home.
Smiling - that's nice,
Feel free to be alive.
Be natural, be funny
To everyone else's envy!

We would like to sincerely congratulate
And wish you a lot of happiness in life.
May all dreams, ideas and hopes
Luck helps to embody!
We wish you love, well-being
Support of relatives and friends,
Good luck, interesting undertakings
And true loyal friends!

Let the lucky stars shine
And unchanging success awaits
Everything you want comes true
Everywhere lucky without interference,
The moments will be great
Friends will be happy
Smiles, kindness and luck,
And fate will give joy!

We respect our dear colleague,
Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you today
Himself happy birthday day,

Let the high feeling of flight
Never leaves you
And if life roll into the "swamp"
It will save more than once

Such a worried soul
I never saw
Let there be only the best
Fate takes care of you!

All with their determination and strength
Of course you conquered
You are so important and beautiful
He conquered the hearts of all women.

Happy birthday congratulations!
And we assure you
What is today from night to morning
You need to take a walk!

Dear my man,
Happy birthday congratulations!
Today is your anniversary
I sincerely wish you:

Be healthy like Hercules
Happiness, so that there is a full bowl,
So that you often hear the word "yes"
And your name would flourish.

The main thing is that harmony reigns in the soul.
Don't forget your friends.
To make you happy in life.
Never be discouraged.

On the birthday of a colleague
"No!" - work without lunch.
Better turn the work
IN Holy holiday for the people.

Congratulations and toasts
Let them sound solemn.
The birthday boy is an adult guy,
There is no way back

Just go forward and with a song,
Conquer bold peaks.
May fate give gifts
Happiness does not pass by!

All men are heroes outwardly!
But not everyone is like you!
Kind, brave and generally
Genius of male beauty!

Today, on my birthday,
you deserve
Words of wishes and recognition
The fact that you do not twist nets, but bundles!

And women get caught in them
Willingly, but the thing is
That they all enjoy life!
And no one regrets anything!

Today there is one reason
Congratulate the young man
Happy Birthday to you!
Congratulations at this hour.

We wish you progress at work,
good mood in the morning
Don't be sad on Mondays
And good things to remember.

And today, to the sound of festive glasses
Make a wish to become real
And when it comes true
Something good is bound to happen.

We wish you more success
Maintain your strength and vigor.
And multiply your achievements!
Happy Birthday!

Let them always accompany you
Happiness and long luck.
We wish you long years
And pockets full of gold coins.

Today is your anniversary
My glorious and dear!
I hasten to congratulate, loving
Man, my dear!

I want to wish a lot -
Sky, grove, silence,
Sad a little, a little
Conquer the mountain peak.

May your dizzying success
To the envy of all and causes laughter.
Live without resentment
And don't borrow money.

Today is a day filled with celebration
We will drink the whole glass of wine to the bottom.
After all, today is a very difficult day,
After all, the employee's holiday has come.

We congratulate the friendly team,
We want your work to bear fruit.
After all, hand on heart, we know
How you work responsibly!

Let the achievements be great
Let inspiration shine at work
And let comfort always reign in the house,
And let your wife and children wait for you!

I'm glad to congratulate you!
You will always be my joy!
And I especially love
your fishing. I'm not kidding!

Then you can rest easy
Not thinking about the fact that the guests suddenly descend!
I'm used to blowing hot
But without you, all feelings wither!

Happy birthday, colleague!
Be happy and don't be sick
For at least half a century
Please all your friends.

positive and prosperity
I sincerely wish.
In life, let everything be smooth,
Without worries and without sadness.

In our friendly team,
You appeared a long time ago
Became indispensable for everyone
You dispersed the envy of evil,

We are lonely without you
Very boring without you
You are a great colleague
You have charisma

Happy birthday colleague
Always be happy in everything
Let it come true soon
Your old dream!

Let me congratulate you
My colleague, dear.
So many years with you we are together
Work hard, my friend.

happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you not to know troubles.
At work, only success
IN personal life- happiness, laughter.

The house is cozy and big
So that from work, on the weekend,
Like going home for a holiday.

Happy birthday colleague!
Let the work always argue
Let career growth and promotion
Won't last for many years.

Good-natured, cheerful, serious,
Every word, every gesture is positive.
Energetic and ambitious
An inspiring team.

In our friendly team
There is a great person.
There is a man who will support
Who will always give us advice.

We want to congratulate you
And we want to wish
A lot of happiness, light, affection.
And, of course, to always
Everything is in order, okay
You would have everything.

Specialist is great
Everyone can be taught.
The employee is top notch
No one can replace!

He knows the business very well
Goes to mentors.
Colleagues respect:
To be lazy - does not give!

Strong hands and a brain in the head.
You amaze everyone with your work.
Like Caesar, you can work hard,
Finishing your work on Saturday.

And not boring, pleasant! Yes. Yes.
Friendly, kind, funny.
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you, as always,
Regardless of our hard work.

Today is your birthday
And everyone will gather at the table,
Let's shout together loudly Hurray!
For happiness, let the glasses beat.

A colleague is a brother-in-arms!
You are always happy to help in trouble.
We love you very much
And happy birthday!

We wish you career growth
To grind the tail of tasks,
And so that work quickly, soon,
Everything was done without a hitch!

You work like this
That you will soon get to the top,
Well, today, on my birthday,
I will give you poetry.

I want to achieve a lot
Career growth is so important to everyone
You should aim for it
Good luck with everything!

What can you wish for a colleague?
Especially one like you?
Successful, and almost irreplaceable,
Make your dreams come true quickly!

Sometimes we all come to you for advice,
And at work, well, just like that!
You know how to calm everyone with a word,
Put things in order where there is a mess.

We envy your endurance a little,
We wish you a mandatory career growth!
Well-being in everything and happiness too,
Conceived to always come true!

Accept, colleague, congratulations,
After all, you have a holiday of childhood.
Inviting everyone to a birthday party
Listen to us now, love.

May every moment be a wonderful miracle
May it always be transformed.
Let health be over the edge
Let the sadness disappear into nowhere.

We read congratulations
May they not be forgotten.
May this holiday, birthday
Instantly embellish weekdays!

In everything wide world this
Rather, colleagues can not be found!
We congratulate you on your birthday
And we wish you - love!

Love for family, spouse, children
Love for work is the burning of the heart,
To superiors and subordinates,
To all the world under the sun!

Be young in body and soul
Don't get sick and don't get sick
Reach your goals
Get a lot of money!

Happy birthday colleague
We congratulate you
On the career ladder,
The collective brotherhood wishes you
So that lies do not get you,
There was enough positive and good in life,
And the family to respect
As a man, husband and father,

May all your accomplishments
Will bring big success you,
May for these achievements
You will be seen on the ground.

Accept congratulations,
You on your birthday
Drive away sadness,
Believe in your luck

You are a colleague of the highest class,
You work great
And your career
Grow up pretty well

I know you will succeed
Luck awaits you
And will surely decide
Difficult task!

We congratulate you on your birthday today,
And as a team, we want to wish everyone
Achieve great heights in your build career
And do all the tasks "on five"!

And besides that, we also wish you
To have time to rest after work
And so that you have enough energy for everything,
So that your motto in life is: “Always ready!”

Accept congratulations from colleagues
And assurances of our eternal friendship,
After all, is a person worth affection,
Over the years, it turns out in the service.
We read you like a document
Attention, paragraph by paragraph
You are smart, soul, intellectual!
All! You can check with the Human Resources Department.

Colleague, happy birthday to you,
We hasten to congratulate you at an early hour
And wish you good luck
And promotions to boot.
Good health, like steel,
Reliable friends, like an altar,
Successes in the service, in personal life.
So that in general everything is fine

It's not easy to be a boss these days.
We wish you career growth,
Family happiness, health at the same time,
So that they give you a vacation in a sunny summer!

So that the children alone bring fives,
Lessons taught from cover to cover
So that you do not get sick, and do not know grief,
And the bonus was received three times a quarter!

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On your birthday, Putin will fulfill your wishes

birthday song for colleague

Happy birthday from the team

Goodness and happiness and love
You, colleague, I wish!
And happy birthday from the bottom of my heart
I congratulate you today!

Let it be bright, not thorny
Works way through all obstacles.
I wish: be a man
And conquer women with just a glance!

We are dear colleague
We wish very much
Joy and happiness in the house,
Be always invincible!

Let the career peaks
Subdue without difficulty
And fate so that a good gin
For you it has always been

To fulfill wishes
pointed out Right way,
All adversity drove away.
Happy birthday! Be happy! ©

I want to congratulate my colleague
After all, it's his birthday
And on this day I want to glorify
I am his good name.

In a career - only promotions,
In work - solvable cases,
To bypass all doubts
So that you have everything you want!

On your beautiful birthday,
My colleague dear,
I wish you clear
Working days, be yourself.

to be a man with capital letter,
Never retreat
All that can be taken from life
Never lose heart!

Expensive, dear colleague,
Happy birthday to you from the bottom of our hearts,
And we wish peace, joy and laughter,
We wish you unlimited happiness!

To get you up the career ladder
Aimed very high
So that there are no barriers in life,
And so that everything is easy for you!

Congratulations to a wonderful man

On my birthday, colleague, I wish not to be bored,
Smile, have fun and hit the jackpot!
Wonderful man, the person you though where.
Let neither separation nor trouble visit your house!

I will not get tired of congratulating, I wish only good,
A lot of money and salaries so that life is bright!
So that work is only to the heart, and in business it is always success.
May faith, joy, happiness, laughter never leave you!

Happy birthday to you today
Our entire team is very friendly!
We wish you success at work
And let the work bring you only positive!

In addition, we also wish you
To rest you also found time,
So that you have enough health for everything
And you went to work like a holiday!

Today I wish you, my friend,
To be the first among the first, among the best!
My colleague, perhaps you yourself know
That in the team you are like a bright ray of sunshine!
I wish you success in your undertakings
I will order health to be excellent,
I call love to your family, colleague,
And let the thread of friendship not break with us!
And finally, I will say in my own way,
How to overcome joy and despondency:
"Grow big!" - I command your career,
To your problems I say: "All away!"

Happy birthday, colleague, congratulations, dear!
I wish you happiness and only peace in work.
So that you go to work with a smile and fun
And he certainly received three salaries in a month.

After all, a man like you is only worthy of praise.
So let the thirsty fuse of the heart not fade away.
I wish all dreams come true this year,
Let faith and hope live in your heart every day!

Happy birthday congratulations
We offer congratulations.
In it, we wish a colleague
In life, only luck

And good luck and success
And health for a hundred years,
Creative ideas and laughter
And protection from all troubles!

Pockets full of money
adventure round dance,
True friendship without deceit
And a hassle-free career!

Voice congratulations to a male colleague

Vladimir Putin congratulates and presents Lada Kalina and Yotafon

Oh God, what a man! Live beautifully!

You are a good man, without cockroaches and show-offs!

Colleagues have been with you for a long time,
We've been through so much together.
We check with you together
It's easy, my friend, we'll survive.

I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you luck
Be in a great mood
To spite the callous bosses.

Let fortune smile
In matters of love, you always.
Let them pay a big salary
Everything else is nonsense. ©

Happy birthday colleague
Happy birthday dear friend!
On this beautiful summer day
Everyone around you loves.

Chorus of happy congratulations
You will hear many times.
And gifts, no doubt
Only for you now!

Happiness, joy, success!
And wait for your career to take off!
Meet difficulties with laughter!
Only luck is ahead!

Let sorrows recede
And problems fly away!
Happy birthday to you today
Congratulations to all colleagues!
We wish you salary
To cover all costs!
We wish you more
Become a big boss!
So that everything goes smoothly in the family,
And everything in life is just sweet!

My colleague, let me congratulate you
WITH wonderful holiday- your birth!
Let the years rush, but you do not age,
Only wiser with your experience!

Forget all your reports
Leave worries about things for later,
Let them wait for bills, papers, quotas,
And you celebrate your holiday at the table!

We wish to be always and everywhere the best,
Health, optimism - a whole cart!
May you receive many different awards,
Pleasant as bouquets of scarlet roses!

Nice colleague, happy birthday,
Our hymns are addressed to you!
Career - uphill, money - in the bank,
Go forward like an important tank.

Be healthy and kind
Cheerful and carefree.
We value you very much
And you stand up for us.

We hand over an expensive gift,
From our good hands- in yours.
Keys, but not from a foreign car -
From your happiness are the keys.

Congratulations from the whole team

Congratulations from the whole team
We wish that there was a lot of everything in life,
So that the career ladder becomes expensive,
On which you will walk with pleasure,
AND take a position and get money
Let our employees respect you
See how they congratulate you sincerely,
Be cheerful, happy, love and luck!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

Colleague, happy birthday,
Accept congratulations from the team:
You are a good worker without a doubt
And we wish you joy, luck,
Success in building a career,
More in the family tender days,
To be loved, and to love without measure,
Be true to your life purpose.
And yet, when you reach the goal,
We wish not to lose ourselves,
So that your children can do it too
So that they have someone to take an example from.

Dear and dear colleague! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! wish good health, patience, strength, wisdom at work and at home! Always stay positive with a smile on your face! Faithful and reliable friends and colleagues! Goodness and peace!

Congratulating you, I would like to sincerely wish you strong health, strong strength to achieve your goals. And may you always be upbeat good mood and life is filled with pleasant moments, surprises and colorful emotions.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you many smiles and tears of joy. Let success become an integral part of life. We wish you a lot of wisdom and patience, which will not let you go astray and help you achieve your goals. And, of course, good health, moral and spiritual strength!

Birthday is the day when the Universe decided that it could not do without you. So said the ancient sages. Accept sincere wishes goodness and health. Stay young at heart. May your positive mood brings joy to those around you every day. Thank you for your constant support in everyday work. Be happy!

Have a good mood at work and at home, not only on this holiday! Let colleagues please you more often, let your loved ones please you every day! May work always call positive emotions brings both pleasure and financial joy! Success to you in everything!

Dear employee, congratulations
With your most beautiful birthday!
May all plans and hopes come true
May all your wishes come true!

A short beautiful wish to a colleague

Today is the most right time to say: we are very glad to see you in our team. We hope for reciprocity and wish you happiness, love in life, and success in your work, interest in your work, inspiration and optimism!

Drank a lot of coffee
And smoked cigarettes.
A friend in the office is more reliable
I don't, I know.
I wish you a birthday
To make your dreams come true.
Happy with money in my pocket
It is imperative that you be.

I wish you a well-fed life
soft sleep,
May you be lucky on all fronts
Be happy, colleague.

Let the work cart
Does not disturb, does not creak,
Happy birthday, colleague!
May you be open to success.

Become happy and rich
Everything in the world succeed.
Let your salary grow
Happiness is overflowing!

Fate brought us into one team,
And in this we see a big positive,
After all, our birthday boy is a colleague for five,
With him, we have no time to be sad or bored.

A wonderful man, skilled in everything.
We want to wish that night and day
Your head was spinning with happiness
So that joy is always alive in the heart.

Health, good luck, in a career - a breakthrough,
Fate to be pleasant and easy,
Dreams so that yours always come true
And you were popular like a star!

Happy Birthday. We wish you to come to work with pleasure and leave home with satisfaction. Let professional activity bring pleasure, well-being, give opportunities and guarantee a decent reward. Health to you and your family, good luck, career growth and respect in the team. Happy holiday!

I wish you on your birthday
Live happily and do not grieve!
And every moment in life
With all my heart, sincerely love!

I wish you vivid impressions
Big love, true friends,
As many achievements as possible
And a sea of ​​bright, clear days!

Let it be smooth on the personal
And everything is in order in the career,
To work not dusty,
So that everything is stable with the budget.

Let your life be boring
All in business - safely,
Happiness, joy wagons,
And luck - two tons.

So that the car does not junk,
And my heart didn't skip a beat.
With the female sex - no misfires,
So that in everything - like a cucumber.

You health and success!
Happy birthday, colleague!

Men's logic and mind
The advantages of all cannot be counted,
It's nice that a colleague
We all have one like this.

You are a prominent and stately man,
Plus, it's very enjoyable.
Specialist in his field
And pride for the entire department.

We wish you strong nerves,
To be the first on the lists for the award,
The boss so as not to get
So that capital grows all the time.

To rest in the Maldives,
Lived peacefully and beautifully
They gave you a vacation so that in the summer ...
And keep your tail with a gun!

We wish you big plans and ideas,
The kindest and most sympathetic friends,
Inspiration every day at work
Honor and respect from colleagues.

Good luck, happiness on your birthday,
All the best and unearthly love,
More adventure in life
Accept with great pleasure.

On your birthday we want to wish
Do everything in work and in life on the "five".
Work hard, have a good rest
And don't forget about yourself.

Health, patience, peace, prosperity,
In the house, in work and in thoughts - order.
Love in your heart and optimism
To help out a lot of charisma.

Not a minute is free
You are at work and worries.
Stop, colleague, rest your breath
And smile a little.

On this day - without stress,
After all, today is my birthday!
We want to tell you
That we value you.

You are a very valuable worker.
Oh, what's there - awesome!
Let everything, always, everywhere
Success accompanies you!

The team congratulates
Happy birthday and here's what you want:
So that everything is successful at work,
And the career moved, of course!

So that the authorities do not scold at all,
And cherished and often rewarded,
Prizes gave endlessly
Looking at such a young man!

In private life, women loved
They fed different delicacies,
So that health is one hundred percent,
A new car has arrived!

You are just an ace at work,
And as a friend you are also a class.
And today from the heart
Accept congratulations!

Let everything turn out like in a fairy tale.
After all, you are a beautiful person,
And all dreams will come true
Anything you want, you can!