How to make a guy want you. Video: a conspiracy to make your loved one miss you. Man with a capital letter

Over the years, I've spent more time than I can admit chasing men, trying to convince a man that he likes me. And it's terrible. With each rejection, I felt worse.

I did not understand what I was doing wrong when I first called the men, offered to meet and showed interest.

Whenever I immediately took matters into my own hands in relationships with guys, it didn’t end well. And that went on until I realized a few things about how different men are wired than us women.

People get pissed off when I say that men are hunters who love to chase. And I understand why.

At first glance, this sounds somewhat humiliating. One word "chase" gives the impression that men are not worthy of women, not good enough not to chase after them.

Or that they are masochists who like it when a woman is cold and contemptuous of them. Or that a woman is like a stupid deer hunted down by a hunter. Or that a woman can't attract a man, so he has to chase after her.

But all this is far from the truth!

Men swear that they like it when a woman they like shows them her interest. And they don't lie.

But there is a big difference between how men show their interest and how women do it. Attractiveness for a man consists of two factors: sexual attraction and effort.

And that's where the "chase" is.

If a man does not feel physical attraction to you, then he will not fight for your attention. Although at the same time he can have sex with you and chat for hours. But he won't want to go beyond "friends with privileges."

The second very important and obscure part of this equation is that that a man experiences happiness when he achieves something.

In a relationship, achievement for a man is: make his woman happy, marry her, provide for her and children.

In the early stages of a relationship, achievement for a man is getting a girl to agree on some little things - and this will show her interest. Even something as simple as taking her number, getting her to reply to his text, asking her out on a date.

And all these small achievements constitute the "chase". And why is this method not suitable for women?

That's the problem. In most areas of our lives, this approach is ideal. Do you want a job? Go ahead and build your own career. Do you want an apartment? Save money and buy. Do you want a man? Uuu…uh…

It is a mistake to think that in relationships we should do the same as in other areas of life.- that is, to make a titanic effort.

Because too much effort in a relationship sabotages it. Firstly, because the energy of achievements and aspirations is masculine, not feminine.

He can't get you if you hang on to him, tell him he's sexy and you want to meet him next Friday at 8pm. There is no riddle. You take all male role to myself.

Secondly, when a woman seeks a man, it completely deprives her of any power, and creates the feeling that she is just desperately trying to find at least someone.

Yes, I also thought that showing your interest to a man is a sign of confidence, not despair. But when I dug deeper, I realized that the reason for this behavior is really desperation, because I really wanted the guy to be interested in me. And if he refused, then the day was ruined.

Well, you know that feeling when someone asks for a compliment or your approval - you automatically resist.

A man's feelings cannot develop if you stand over him, hands on his waist, and ask if he is in love with you or not.

When I stopped chasing men, they seemed to have lost their drug. And I noticed that the quality of the men who started courting me increased dramatically. The best thing was that I no longer felt like I was begging someone to pay attention to me.

This is good compensation for changing my tactics.

So how do you get him to chase you?

Using her natural female magnetism to show him her interest without doing anything. In practice, this means being happy, playful, flirtatious and receptive to his advances. He must seek your time and attention, and you must allow it and enjoy his attention.

When a man wants you, don't give up everything for him. Do not stop moving towards your goals and dreams, give up your hobby and make it the center of your universe.

And also believe that right man still get you. Believe that if a man gives up, it means that he is simply not for you or it is not yet time. Let him go.

Stop proving your worth or explaining why you should be together. Right person will be so fascinated by you that he will not want to let you go.

Previously, in terms of sex, everything was extremely simple. While the australopithecine Lucy sat in the cave and collected the roots, the male australopithecines got meat. Australopithecus Vasya returned with meat - he received Lucy for the whole night. Vasya ran in without meat - he was left without a portion of pleasure, and even hungry: Lucy warmed another Australopithecus Gena, who brought her fish, and also fed him with her roots. Everything was completely without offense, did not feed Lucy - did not get access to the body.

But years passed, and our Vasya could not but be satisfied with the fact that Lucy constantly warms Gena, and her tribeswoman Zoya also warms Gena, because Gena brings more meat, which is enough not only for Lucy and Zoya, but also for other females of the Australopithecus tribe . And Gena also received healthy sons from Lucy with other females, with whom he could get more meat and rob neighboring tribes. And Vasya was offended by the females.

He put on a lot of feathers and a cassock, hung himself with bells, and came up with a marriage when the female was assigned to one Australopithecus, without the right to change the unsuccessful male for his more successful tribesman.

In this situation, Lucy was forced to agree with Vasya and supported his idea of ​​a marriage, accompanied by shamanistic rites and terrible curses against the walking Gena.

Millennia passed, but nothing changed. Lucy, trying to eat more and tastier, tied Gena more and more tightly to herself with customs and laws, and Gena, in turn, wanting to feed exclusively her cubs, mutually limited Lucy in choosing other males. Our Vasya in a cassock and a shaman's tambourine helped both sides in this.

But over time, Gena got enough of meat, built a warm house and realized that only the warm body of Lucy and other females was not enough for him. And he began to toil. Lucy, realizing that something was wrong with Gena, tried to decorate herself with pebbles, rags and feathers. At first, this suited Gena, but Gena evolved and his evolving soul required something else, in addition to elementary relaxation.

So Gena and Lucy evolved to love. And other kinds of sensual pleasures.

This is how Lucy taught Gena to love what she saw - aesthetic pleasure. To enjoy not only the process of copulation, but also other types of caresses is sensual pleasure. And - then the cunning came to the rescue female physiology- to receive the necessary portion of hormones from Lucy herself.

The loss of any element from this triad, or a bias towards one - and Gena is looking for another female. Let's consider them in order.

Aesthetic enjoyment. A man loves with his eyes, this truth does not need to be confirmed. The choice between females is always wide, so they choose not only outward signs physiological health for the future no less healthy offspring, but also according to the signs of external beauty: how many pebbles, rags, feathers are on the female. Even a healthy female may not attract Gena, because she does not satisfy his aesthetic requirements in terms of the number of multi-colored feathers and pebbles on her body, which is why there are so many fetishists among men, sometimes even they themselves do not notice this.

sensual pleasure. Yes, the man received a discharge, and then what? The night is long. And he wants warmth just like when Gena lived in a cave. And this warmth can only be given by Lucy's touch. Different. From spanking to kissing, depending on Gena's preferences. But here grandfather Freud is already to help in recognizing the points of sensual pleasure in the male.

Stroke Gena on hormones. The female body is a real chemical factory for the production of hormones. For example, there is serious scientific research on the hormone oxytocin. This hormone secretes female body during sex, especially during orgasm. This hormone, received by a man, makes him become more attached to a woman, be faithful to her, and gives a feeling of saturation with a sexual relationship. According to these studies, women who fake orgasm are nothing more than thieves, because they deprive a man of one of the most important elements his enjoyment. Therefore, if you want a man's fidelity, learn to experience an orgasm. Yes, this can be learned. And teach your Australopithecus.

Of course, now a woman herself is able to get a bag of meat in the nearest supermarket, but ... there is always a but. We'll talk about what Lucy herself needs next time.

What do you think? Under all these conditions, a man is able to long time want the same woman?

A woman dreams of attracting, attracting attention to herself, being desired for her man so much that he always wants to be near her.

But he often forgets about the atmosphere he creates around him.

People, including men, are arranged in such a way that they are attracted to all forms of freedom, warmth and respect, and repelled by any background of anxiety, coldness and superiority over themselves.

The atmosphere created by presence is what attracts. What do you know about presence? What is your presence? Where are you when a man is next to you? What is happening to you in these moments?

The atmosphere is created non-verbally. It is not necessary to say something for people around to understand our inner content. They can feel what we are filled with from the inside in a matter of minutes.

And make your own decision: run or stay. What a person is filled with, he pours out. Even silently.

And it is very difficult to pretend to spread a different atmosphere. Courses that teach manners will help create a pleasant atmosphere only after creating peace and trust in the world inside.

People want peace! Here is the main conclusion to be drawn by a woman who wants to attract a man.

The secret to creating an atmosphere is to convey your deep sense of peace to those around you.

A man longs for ease in order to fly to his goals. He perceives the anxiety of a woman as a burden that he wants to shake off so that it is easier to fly.

A woman at rest can act decisively and quickly. She is not a mushy lady. She lives here and now.

She doesn't need to wait. Expectations always indicate anxiety. About lack of independence. “Well, when will the prince come and save me by giving me crystal slippers!”

The prince arrives, and plunged into the atmosphere of anxiety lurking behind expectations, becomes an overweight burgher, unable to win trophies for his "princess".

And the princess, disappointed, gasps: “Where were my eyes!”

Darling, you yourself poisoned your boyfriend, and now you are outraged! Ah ah ah! What a shame! Sit alone, learn peace!

Why do you think a woman is periodically left alone? So that there, left alone with herself, she figured out the causes of her childhood anxieties.

And only when I'm mature independent woman you can go on a journey through life, and men themselves will be attracted.

men are looking for mature women capable of self-respect, and not to cling to them.

Let's bring everything that has been said into a logical chain for a woman who has set the goal of becoming so desirable for her man that he will forever want to stay by her side.

  • First go alone.
  • Explore the causes of your anxiety and fears.
  • Fill yourself with love.
  • Find peace in your soul.
  • Get out into the world.
  • Do whatever you want.
  • To be here and now, giving yourself completely to your occupation.
  • To convey your feeling of peace and pleasure to those who appear nearby.
  • Respect his needs
  • Maintain self respect and dignity.
  • Do not forget about your main goal: peace of mind.
  • Let a man go on a journey to his goals.
  • Loneliness is used for enjoyment.

And rest assured, you will not be released for a long time. The source of pleasure is always valuable!

There are many ways to tie a man to you - from psychological tricks and to magical conspiracies. Which one is right for you depends solely on your belief in the effectiveness of the method. Someone is more disposed towards science, psychological research and methods of conquest male heart through cunning tricks, and someone prefers time-tested magic conspiracies and rites. But who said that one interferes with the other? Of course, we are not talking about black and dangerous magic, but to strengthen psychological techniques with energetically strong prayer conspiracies means to increase your chances of becoming desirable and necessary for a man.

6 psychological tricks to make a man bored

Start any of the methods of influencing a man with a clear attitude not to harm - neither the man, nor yourself, nor your relationship. Using techniques solely for selfish purposes, you are likely to achieve what you want, but insincerity, dirty manipulation and prudence will be revealed, and you will have to reap bitter rewards. Honestly admit to yourself why you need a man. If this is unconditional, selfless love, help it grow stronger, and start with psychological techniques for influencing a man’s desire to always want to be with you:

  • Beauty is a terrible force ... And it is also a true magic for men. Few of them are able to resist the always well-groomed, stylishly dressed, pleasantly smelling woman. This is how it works male psychology, which is guided by genetics - the "male" chooses the best of the "females". Self-respect is a royal privilege. A woman who is ready to run after a man, humiliate herself, begging for his love and attention, will never be a queen in the eyes of a man. But only the queen, in the opinion of any man, is worthy of him.
  • Reminders are everything. It is forbidden to impose on a man, but you can always be in his field of vision without it. Cute reminders in the form of a keychain for keys, pens, a scarf, etc. will help you. Remind yourself through "identification" signs, love messages, notes, or accidentally "forget" your little thing at his house. Leave traces of your presence in a man's life.
  • Secret is the key to success. While you remain an unsolved mystery for your man, he is interested in you. Do not rush to become an open book for him, the ending of which is known from the first pages. Stay unpredictable, arouse curiosity, intrigue, and you will see a man near you more often than you dared to hope.

  • Freedom is a trap for men. Firstly, the inner freedom and self-sufficiency of a woman is nectar, on which men flock like bees. Secondly, never grossly restrict male freedom. This is their greatest value. Let the man continue to think that he has it. This is the only way you can control the length of the "leash".
  • "No" to pedestals. Don't put a pedestal on a man and don't turn him into a god. But if he is still God for you, then you have only one way out - to become his Goddess. Develop, become an interesting person, be moderately selfish and moderately accommodating. Be equal to your God!

5 magical ways to tie a man to you

The conspiracies below are in no way related to black magic and are not capable of harming a person. They play the role of energy "messengers" more and are psychological attitudes for those who believe in help higher powers women.

How to make sure that a man could not live without you, fell head over heels in love and called to marry. What to do to make a man give expensive gifts always helped and protected. How to make a man regret leaving you. Answers to other interesting questions.

Popular responses to readers' questions.

Ways to make a man couldn't live without you

Are you dreaming that a man falls head over heels in love and cannot live without you? What will contribute to this? Read carefully and remember:

  • Be natural, no need to portray someone. A sweet, friendly girl, good-natured and sympathetic, looks much more pleasant than a mannered, artificial person. Moreover, excessive pretense can even harm you.
  • Gradually, carefully show your pluses. No need to stick them out, but sometimes show yourself with better side it will be quite good.
  • Be easy, mischievous and unobtrusive. Never talk a lot about problems, strive to show that life is beautiful, you yourself are an incorrigible optimist.
  • Consider the interests of the man. Sometimes you need to take his place and think about what he needs, what is important and valuable to him. If you do this at least occasionally, you will certainly tie the guy to you.
  • Support the man. Give advice gently, unobtrusively, and make comments carefully so that his dignity is not hurt.
  • Become the most beautiful, the best for a man. Believe yourself and your man and others will believe. Think about what you need to do to look charming, stylish and well-groomed every day.

How to do so

For a man to be afraid of losing you?

  • Don't impose. If a man desires, he himself will gladly invite you to visit interesting place or go on a trip together.
  • Don't control it. Don't ask these constant questions: "Where are you?" or “When will you be back?” or “Why was the cell phone disconnected?”;
  • Don't be jealous. It's okay if a man turned his eyes to another girl, there is no need to pull him up, you are not his mom;
  • Take an interest in his hobby. At least sometimes cheer for his football team together or go to a music festival together;
  • Don't force a man to do what he doesn't like. For example, he does not tolerate shops, so you do not need to take him when you go shopping, do not drag him to your mother once again;
  • Sometimes leave a man alone. Maybe he wants to reflect on his own, to think.

man fell in love with you

  • Feel free to submit yourself. You don't have to be super-beauty, but knowing your strengths is a must. Dress elegantly and feminine, attractive and seductive. Be sociable, soft, delicate in communication, charming and sweet.
  • Appreciate yourself, respect, admire your virtues. Never belittle yourself, do not scold.
  • Be mysterious. Remain a mystery and a man will want to unravel you, find out better.
  • Be an individual. Manage to hit a man, surprise him, teach him.
  • Be unforgettable. Leave before the man begins to be burdened by your company, stop talking on the cell phone at the most exciting place.
  • Be sexy and attractive, mischievous and sweet. Sometimes make a man jealous of you.

For a man to run after you

  1. Gently find out more about him, collect all the information, then use it. Captivate him by gradually showing that you are captured by the same things. Surround him with affection, love.
  2. The next step will be your disappearance for a while. Turn off your phone, evaporate, just disappear. Let a man be tormented, tormented, looking for you, yearn and be sad. So you kindle the fire of his love.
  3. Always look stunning and bright, let the man know that you are successful and everyone wants to conquer you.
  4. Sometimes innocently flirt with others. Try to make the guys devour you with their eyes, they want to get to know you.
  5. Always be fun and interesting. Change, do not dress for years in familiar style, be different.
  6. Be kind, caring, soft, gentle and understanding.
  7. Don't hide your dignity.

For a man to think about you

  • Give a man a cute trinket, a keychain, a pendant or a cup, some little thing that reminds you of you. For example, if it is your photo that he places in his car, then during the trip his thoughts will be absorbed by you.
  • Wish in the evening Good night in sms. Maybe a man will see you in a dream.
  • Catch a man's eyes more often, while looking chic and seductive. A short dress or cute tight jeans will not let a man forget you.
  • At a meeting, ask about business, wish Have a good day be sure to smile sweetly. Don't lower your eyes, don't run away in a hurry.
  • Charm his buddies, let them call you an extraordinary girl.
  • Join a guy for a morning jog or accidentally end up in the pool at the same time as him.
  • If a party is planned, be sure to visit it, dress as advantageously as possible for you, call a man with you.
  • Invite a guy to share a meal with you. The menu can be supplemented with wine, aphrodisiac products.

To give gifts

  1. Sincerely rejoice in every gift of a man, then he will yearn to see your delight again, the flow of his gifts will not dry up.
  2. Feel free to let me know what you need. Guys don't like hints, be direct. It is better to use the word “need” rather than “want”.
  3. During the shopping promenade, admire earrings or a ring, but do not ask to buy them. The man will remember them and present them later.
  4. If a man is used to living as a bachelor, explain that now there are two of you, and a beautiful girl needs to change outfits and look chic, this requires funds.
  5. Do it occasionally and give gifts to a man yourself, tell how long you have been looking for a sweater or belt for him.
  6. When you accept a present, never exclaim that it is expensive, accept the gift with dignity. Do not swear if a man, for example, has issued a loan, later he will simply try to earn more in order to please you again.
  7. Don't show independence or a high-paying job. It is better to pretend to be a poor sheep, but so sweet, tender that you simply cannot be left without gifts.

For a man to want to marry

Do not push, do not persist, do not inquire meticulously about the future. It is better to give a man more freedom, do not forbid meeting with friends.

Show all your pluses, arrange everything so that the man realizes that together you will be wonderful and wonderful.

He must understand that family life- better and more attractive than a lone wolf. Having shown your merits, calmly wait for the offer, it will arrive soon. Just don’t keep repeating that Alina’s friend has been married for a long time, and Edik and Sveta got married the other day.

If the guy does not show a desire to go to the registry office, you can casually ask if everything suits him in the relationship. Usually men say everything directly, you just need to delve into it. If something does not suit him, either change yourself, or think about whether this is the man with whom you want to spend your life. Do not wait for an offer for years, remember, the lover will want to quickly tie the knot with his beloved.

For a man to propose

There are many options to push a man to decisive action, we will not consider unscrupulous methods, like reporting a pregnancy, we will analyze the most suitable ones.

  1. You can catch a guy by proposing herself in the company of mutual friends. So he won’t get out, if he refuses, he will put you in a mess, for which, of course, you can get angry with him and it’s generally unknown how it will end then, because a man doesn’t plan to lose you forever.
  2. Hint to the man that your mother is opposed to him, since you have been cohabiting for a long time, and she raised her daughter according to other rules, this situation is so disgusting to her that she will make an effort to take her daughter out of the clutches of this bon vivant. If he respects your mother, he is unlikely to want to upset her and will soon propose.
  3. Arrange romantic dinner, dress smartly and feminine, turn on a pleasant melody and remember the best moments of your life, admit that you dream of a husband like your man. Unforgettable night will be the finishing touch.

Wanted a baby

  • Do not hysteria, do not arrange a showdown, do not put ultimatums. This behavior will lead to negative results, and the man just wants to hide away.
  • Let him mature to a child. Men begin to think about an heir by the age of 35. Initially, a man plans to achieve success, and wants to have a child later. Until the age of 30, he is more concerned about a career, reaching new horizons.
  • Visit friends with children, a funny little one will cause tenderness in any person. Let the man play with the child, assemble the designer with him or fold the pyramid.
  • Be economic and domestic, stop chasing career heights, you can even quit. Usually a man is afraid to offer to have a baby to a businesslike and cynical person who is never at home, who is not eager to cook borscht or meatballs.
  • Become softer and more feminine, understanding and gentle.
  • Connect his parents. Let the man's mother speak more often about her grandchildren.

For him to call

  1. You have to be remembered, you have to stand out. An extraordinary personality, an extraordinary girl will be remembered faster than a gray inconspicuous mouse.
  2. It's good to send a sms to a guy, for example, “Thank you for magical evening or “Have a great time”. Be sure to subscribe so the guy knows who it is.
  3. Call him, you don't have to talk, just drop the call. When the man calls back, say that you dialed him by mistake or laugh it off.

How to make a man not cheat

  • Don't refuse sex. At what be different, today - a gentle and submissive doe, tomorrow - a passionate and ardent lioness. Read the Kama Sutra and similar books, invite a man to try new positions, do not dismiss his suggestions. Change of costumes role-playing games- there should be no restrictions.
  • Don't be intrusive, don't control the man. By limiting his freedom, on the contrary, you simply push him into the arms of his mistress.
  • Always stay gentle , air fairy, don't turn into a grumpy chick with curlers.
  • Be interesting as a person. Be versatile and multifaceted, not just a doll in a dress and heels.

How to make a man give a car

A car is not a cheap gift, not every man can afford to pamper his beloved like that. So choose to start young man, who, in principle, is capable of making such gifts, you should not expect miracles and hope for something when meeting with a simple manager or bartender. Then, when you get to know decent man, turn on all your charm, show all your virtues so that he knows that you are a luxurious, seductive girl and, I'm not afraid of this word, dear.

Yes, it's better to make it clear right away that public transport- not for you, it's terrible, bad and generally creepy. Hint that you have long dreamed of getting a license, but you were afraid that you would not be able to do it, be sure to say that you don’t even know when you can afford a car, but you would really like it, it’s just your dream. Don't beg for a car, don't talk about it all day, just hint and that's it. Most likely, soon you will need to sign up for auto courses.

To draw attention to you

Looking good is the key to success “by default”

You need to become a noticeable, bright personality, unique and original. Develop in yourself positive traits. Forget about modesty and excessive meekness, try to become catchy and dazzling. It will be just cool if you manage to somehow become famous, you can go to a famous TV show or participate in other events, it is even better to become a media personality, an actress, a TV presenter. support appearance on top, always look luxurious, at the same time original. In general, stand out from the crowd, then you can charm and attract any man.

For a man to help

Men tend to help gentle young ladies, defenseless, weak, so you need to become like that.

Do not demonstrate independence, the ability to solve all problems, on the contrary, do not hesitate to ask a man for help, ask for advice on an issue that interests you. Show that you are a weak, fragile girl in need of care, make it clear that you need to be cared for, cherished. Do not take everything on your shoulders, give a man the opportunity to be strong and powerful, your savior and benefactor. If a man helps you significantly, he will grow in his own eyes, let him show the depth of his nature.

How to make a man stop loving

First option - frankly admit that you do not love him, do not want to see him next to you, he is disgusting to you and in general you would like you to never cross paths. If in a conversation you slightly offend a man, hurt him, then the effect will be stronger. Although it may not work if the gentleman is too stubborn and not ready to give up so easily.

Second option. Create unbearable conditions for him. Do only what annoys this man, constantly get into trouble, torment him with jealousy, nit-picking and reproaches. All day long follow him with your tail, impose yourself and ask where he was yesterday at exactly 22.00. Become such a Velcro, aching and grumbling, do nothing pleasant for a man, just ask, swear and drink him. And when he is completely exhausted, say that you dream of a wedding with him and certainly 3 children at once. Tell him about your sick grandmother, crazy sister, stupid brother and always lecturing parents, tell him that after the wedding you will all live together, since he has a big apartment, there is enough space for everyone. Tell the man that from now on he will have to work 2 times more, otherwise how will he feed your large and friendly family.

Do not worry, very soon the man will disappear from your horizon.

Answers to other popular questions

How to bind a man using magic, a conspiracy?

Try this conspiracy:

“Two swans flew, kept up with each other, their love warmed up, gave them strength. So let Max (say his name) run after Anastasia (say your name), wherever she is, there he is, without her there is no life for him, no air, no sleep, no peace, they will be forever connected.

What should I do to make a man leave his wife and rush to me?

You need to be light, cheerful, carefree always, become the complete opposite of his boring wife. Always meet a man affectionately and affably, be at the parade, do not burden with problems. Do not give him ultimatums, do not cause trouble, bring only joy, happiness, give pleasant moments. If you can always be like this, it is quite possible that a man will rush to you with the speed of the wind and stay forever.

For a man to spend money on you

How to arouse in a man the desire to spend incredible amounts? Accept his gifts with sincere joy, smile happily, admire, thank him. Show emotions as brightly as possible. You can jump on him, kiss him or just gasp, saying that you have always dreamed of such a gift. Show how happy you are for both the man and his gifts, and he will want to give them to you every day, just to see your delight and your shining eyes. If you dryly say: “Thank you” and put the gift away, then the man will not soon have a desire to please you.

How to make it come back

If the man is gone, don't put too much hope in his return, but something can be done. Be an interesting person beautiful girl which is desired by many. You can have a romance with a man's friend, go on dates more often, flirt and have fun. Enjoy life without a man, don't wait for him, think about yourself, build your life, as soon as you stop yearning and sad all day long and start living and meeting men, breathe life full chest, then your man will want to return, positive, funny, sexy girls attract and you want to win them.

To return to the family

Meet with your ex more often, ask him to help you, ask for advice.

You are connected by the years spent together, you can sometimes be reminded of how good it was for you together. Start seducing your husband again, praise him, encourage him, say compliments. Get out together somewhere, while not imposing, do not try to show that you are waiting for his return, you just have a great time. Be cheerful, good-natured, try to take into account the mistakes made, with mutual desire, it is quite possible to start your romantic story at first.

For a man to invite you on a date

In order for a man to definitely invite you on a date after meeting, let him know that you are not against the development of your relationship.

Show him that you like him, give a compliment, it will be nice to encourage the guy. So you will give him self-confidence, and he will surely invite you to meet again.

It happens that a man is simply afraid to make a date, because he believes that the girl is more successful than him, wealthier or smarter. In this case, focus on strengths men, start a conversation about what he is an expert in. Praise him, admire his knowledge or skills.

For a man to forgive

It is best to organize a romantic dinner, in a peaceful atmosphere, with candles, gentle music. Beautifully apologize, promise that in the future you will not allow what you have done, you can make a small gift to the guy. From now on, behave with dignity, it may turn out that the second time the guy will not forgive you.

For a man to regret leaving me

Live your life, do not be sad and do not yearn, do not look for a man in social networks, do not harass him. You can post pictures where you are with other men, cheerful and dazzlingly beautiful. You can sometimes accidentally run into a man, always look luxurious and seductive at the same time. Just do not guard him at every post. It is best to do something, achieve success in many areas of life, and the man will definitely regret that he left you.