What can you cook a guy for a romantic dinner. Table setting for a romantic dinner

Valentine's Day - great occasion arrange a romantic evening for yourself and your soul mate: put on a new dress and shoes, turn on your favorite music, cook a few delicious meals. And what will be on the table besides your masterpieces? Same tablecloth and crockery as usual? There are no trifles in such an important matter as a romantic evening, and if you want to make it really memorable, you should think not only about the content, but also about the form. Table setting for a romantic dinner is just as important to setting the atmosphere as tasty food, and your Nice dress. the site "Culinary Eden" has selected for you a few table design ideas for romantic evening. Choose, combine, embody!

Let's start with the simplest tricks. The classics of the romantic genre are flowers and candles. Find candles that are the same color as the flowers, ideally pink or bright red. Put one flower on the plates, and arrange the candles randomly on the table. Dishes and tablecloths should be snow-white. By the way, it is not necessary to buy roses. Gerberas, carnations, lilies or orchids are also beautiful and romantic.

Subtle, romantic natures will be delighted with delicate spring flowers. Try to find pink or purple tulips that haven't opened their buds yet. Pick up candlesticks, vases or a branch of artificial sakura to match them. Cover the table with a simple linen tablecloth, tie napkins and cutlery with hemp thread, decorate the composition with tulip buds.

The next table setting for a romantic dinner will certainly appeal to passionate natures. There is nothing easier! Surely, after the celebration of the New Year, you still have bright red beads, garlands, streamers, confetti, and maybe a red tablecloth. It remains to reveal the theme of love and complement the still life with hearts. It can be candles, homemade valentines or confectionery decorations. Dishes and cutlery, again, let them be neutral in color.

We combine tenderness and passion on one table - we use "50 shades" of pink. To make such a serving look harmonious, you can’t limit yourself to only pink or red, dilute the picture with white, gray and silver accents. Here, simple floral ornaments, satin, silk or organza will be in place.

Now in stores you can find pasta in the form of multi-colored hearts, even when raw it can decorate romantic dinner. Just put it in a transparent vase or on a flat dish and put it in the center of the table. Complement the composition with sprigs of fresh basil or rosemary, tomatoes, whole spices - the table will not only be beautiful, but also Mediterranean-flavored.

It’s even easier for cheese lovers to arrange a romantic evening: organize a cheese plate of several types of cheese, complement it with grapes or nuts, toast, pick up wine. Instead of a plate, you can use a wooden board. Create romantic atmosphere candelabra and candles will help.

An interesting idea for a romantic dinner is to put a large mirror in the center of the table, decorate it with flower petals, decorative pebbles and beads. Place one or more upside down martini glasses on the mirror. They will serve as candlesticks - place candles on their legs. And fill the space inside the glasses as you wish: with flowers, photographs, valentines or gifts that you have prepared for each other.

Speaking of gifts. Stretch a pleasant moment for the entire romantic dinner: write in advance on pieces of paper why you love each other, roll them up and fold them into beautiful glass jars or vases. This will be the centerpiece of the table. During dinner, swap banks and take turns reading what has been written about you.

If the treat is limited to dessert, set the table in chocolate tones. Pick up a tablecloth and napkins in warm coffee and chocolate shades, lay out cinnamon sticks, star anise, slices of dried oranges and vanilla pods. And decorate the plates with cocoa powder, spilling it through a heart-shaped stencil.

With a sweet table, you can do it even easier: serve heart-shaped cookies with coffee, spreading beads and valentines around. Instead of a tablecloth, use a piece of organza or some other translucent fabric. Do not forget to attach a gift and write a declaration of love on a silver platter with sweet sauce.

Do you want to just drink tea with sweets on Valentine's Day and not bother with serving? And don't - put sweets and cookies on a large dish, put one flower in a small vase, and let homemade valentines be decoration.

If food is not the main part of your romantic evening, then why sit down at the table at all? You can sit on the sofa or on the floor by the fireplace, and put wine and light snacks nearby: fruits, berries, cheese, sandwiches or canapes.

If everything is planned in advance, table setting for a romantic dinner turns into a game and creativity. Get inspired by your loved ones and inspire them!

What should be the table setting for a romantic dinner? Enough long term relationship between husband and wife cool over the years romantic feelings, therefore, in order to refresh them, partners arrange a romantic evening for themselves.

The most important element during preparation is to create a certain atmosphere, and keep everything in a single stylistic direction. You need to pay a lot of attention to table setting to romantic dinner and all elements of its scenery.

Serving for such an evening is designed to create an intimate and rapprochement atmosphere.

General tips for setting the table and decorating it for a romantic dinner

To properly set the table, it is desirable to arrange it in pastel shades, ideal option for this there will be a pale lilac, pale blue, pale pink gamut or made in salad colors. Tablecloth, tissue napkins and all tableware should not have too bright color, but they also should not merge with each other. by the most suitable option table decoration will be a bright red bouquet of flowers in a beautiful vase.

It is advisable to choose flowers depending on the time of year and the personal preferences of the woman. Eg, the best option for a spring dinner, a bouquet of pink or red tulips can become, and in winter you can put a bouquet of scarlet roses on the table. In addition, the table can be decorated with elegant candles and always with candlesticks, various lanterns, hearts and pretty bows made of brightly colored satin ribbons.

Also, do not forget that the correct table setting for a romantic dinner should not be too heavy, try to have free space on the table from the decorated table should exude romance, lightness and special tenderness.

It is advisable to use dishes for dinner to match the style of the decorated table, while you can use plain dishes or with original drawings, but they should not be too saturated and flashy. Do not set the table with a large number of cutlery and dishes, since a romantic dinner does not at all imply a wide variety of cooked dishes, only low-calorie dishes and light snacks, since a romantic evening is intended not only for eating cooked dishes.

Selection of napkins and tablecloths

Decorating and setting the table for a romantic dinner is not complete without the main attribute, such as a tablecloth. Choose a tablecloth for a table not for everyday use, but for a romantic evening. The most suitable option would be a tablecloth made of satin, as it will give the table more elegance. You can also opt for tablecloths made of natural silk, because the smoothness of the texture, silk shine, saturated color associated with romance and love.

Choose the color of the tablecloth so that it should impress the couple in love and reflect their feelings. In addition, you need to choose the color of the tablecloth, which will match the decor in the room.

Depending on the specific shape of the table, you need to choose a tablecloth so that the table decoration for a romantic dinner is in the same theme.

It should be remembered that the tablecloth in size should not be too long or vice versa short. The most optimal length for hanging the tablecloth from the table - 30 centimeters, but if your tablecloth is too long, you can pick it up a little and stab it satin ribbons or original brooches. Napkins for the table for such a dinner should be chosen in the same style or from the same fabric in which the tablecloth was made.

Table setting for a romantic dinner

Each person chooses his own serving, which is most suitable for a couple in love, but at the same time there are certain rules. When setting the table, first of all, the table is covered with a tablecloth, which must be perfectly clean, carefully ironed and fresh.

After that, you can proceed to the very table setting for dinner. Arrange the plates on the table strictly perpendicular to each chair, from the plate itself to the edge of the table there should be a distance of no more than two centimeters. Usually, for a romantic dinner, only two plates are placed on the table: a large one and one diner on top.

You can use this advice on table setting. Most often, a specially folded napkin or a napkin with a special ring is placed on a snack plate. Snack and dining forks are placed on the left side of the plate. On the left side is a pie plate, which is designed for sliced ​​bread. WITH right side there is a knife, which should lie with the blade to the plate itself. The wine glass is placed on top of the plate.

Glasses must be clean and without any cloudiness. Hot dishes, cold snacks and salads should be located throughout the free area. For each dish, you need to put common cutlery on the table: salad tongs, shovels, forks. A bottle of wine is best placed closer to the center of the table.