What to cook for a sweetheart for a romantic dinner. Romantic dinner for your beloved at home recipes

Would you like to spend an evening with your loved one and surprise him with his culinary skills? But don't know which dish to choose?

Let's try to understand this situation and find the best solution.

Dinner for two or what to cook for a romantic dinner for two?

A romantic dinner for two at home is a very responsible event that requires a little effort and a little imagination, otherwise you should follow the advice of experienced people.

A great dinner will leave only positive emotions, and romance will allow you to establish an emotional connection, provided that the romantic context is right. Therefore, you should not be negligent about such an evening, but it is better to understand the little things and nuances. A serious approach to this matter is an integral part of success.

The determining factor will be the prevailing atmosphere. Try to create the most accurate effect of a romantic nature, otherwise you risk deviating from the real situation. The best time for a dinner of this nature was and still is in the evening or when the sun sets below the horizon.

But for such a moment, you should stock up on candles, because they emphasize the mood and atmosphere. Do not forget about music, as well as flowers and other irreplaceable attributes.

Few people notice, but even the table setting creates the right mood. Here is what is used for this:

  • nice tablecloth
  • candle holders
  • fresh flowers should be put in a beautiful vase
  • do not forget about the style of glasses, as well as the style of dishes
  • tableware and, of course, napkins.

It is from these notes of celebration that your mood during communication will develop. Another determining factor is the menu or dishes for your dinner. You shouldn’t cook a lot for dinner, because you weren’t going to eat, but on the contrary, you rejected everything except the two of you.

But food is also an important link for the formation of relationships, because the favorite dish of a loved one will emphasize attentiveness and respect, and this, in turn, is a feature of a real relationship.

In the case when nothing is known about your favorite dish, you should focus on the most relevant dishes for such an event. Here are some modern and trendy ideas for a romantic dinner.

You should start with a couple of sips of wine, which are served in beautiful glasses.


For wine, you can even choose sangria, which will allow you to enjoy mixed fruit flavors.

The Bellini cocktail is also a good choice, because it allows you to cheer up with its own and sour bubbles.

Shrimps and arugula

Great variation on a light salad. At the same time, you can shape the lightness of the salad by means of calories.

Cook at home:

  • shrimp about 150 grams
  • a bunch of arugula
  • a little vegetable oil
  • balsamic vinegar
  • apricot flavored syrup
  • parsley and dill are optional
  • If you like almonds, feel free to add them to your salad.
  • and of course, ground pepper and a little salt, to taste.

Preparing the salad:

  • wash all pre-prepared greens and finely chop it
  • arugula is used as a small addition, so take the leaves of the plant no more.
  • deep plate, perfect for salad and mixing.

Preparing salad dressing:

  • mix balsamic vinegar and oil, which were prepared in advance (choose the proportions based on the amount of greens)
  • add apricot syrup to the resulting mixture by eye.

Pour the resulting mixture into the salad and mix it well, turning it over so that the oil does not drip onto the bottom of the dish.

Put the shrimp on top and sprinkle the salad with almonds. It should first be grated or chopped with kitchen appliances.

Everything, the salad is ready. Once brewed, it will acquire a mixed flavor.

Pork in champignons

Pork in champignons should be baked to achieve the desired taste and aroma. The dish is not only pleasant, but also tasty, and also very satisfying.

Mixing Ingredients:

  • pork of any type, but not smoked
  • a little bit of cheese
  • mushrooms of your choice, preferably champignons
  • tomato
  • homemade or store-bought mayonnaise, your choice
  • salt in proportion to the mass of meat
  • ground type black pepper

Cooking process:

  • preheat the oven to 180 degrees
  • salt and pepper the meat on a baking sheet (put foil under the meat, this will help to avoid burning)
  • top with chopped mushrooms and tomatoes
  • pour mayonnaise
  • sprinkle the grated cheese on top of the entire mass of meat
  • bake blanks for 30-40 minutes.

Steak with salmon

For a couple of steaks you will need:

  • ground type black pepper
  • olive oil
  • salt in proportion to weight.
  • heat up the pan
  • pepper and salt the steaks put them in a pan
  • fry in olive oil, about 20-15 minutes
  • readiness is determined by a golden crust
  • add some rice or vegetables to the finished steak.

The dish is ready.

Photo of a romantic dinner for two

It is very important to pay attention to the dearest and closest people to us. Sometimes we are so busy and running somewhere that we only remember to show care during the holidays. But after all, for a woman, you can arrange a romantic dinner not only on March 8, but also on any other day!

The main thing to remember is that women prefer food that is “not heavy” for the stomach and many can follow a diet to maintain their beauty and harmony. Therefore, we recommend that you, dear men, focus more on diet foods, as well as vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals.

And in order to make it easier to choose the necessary recipes, you can use the proposed version of the holiday menu or see the previous article about.


1. Snack on chips

Quite an interesting option for serving snacks ... on chips! It is only necessary to lay out and serve such an original delicacy almost right before serving, so that the chips do not have time to become sour and retain their crispy essence.

You can make any filling you want. It can be salads, and a mixture of fruits, and even pate or caviar.

As an option, you can make the following snack on chips:


  • Round potato chips - 1 large pack (about 100 gr.)
  • Boiled chicken fillet - 100 gr.
  • Boiled chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Processed cheese - 100 gr.
  • Greens - 50 gr.
  • Garlic clove - 2 pcs. (optional).
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


1. Cut the melted cheese into small identical cubes. So that the knife does not stick to the cheese during cutting, you can moisten it in cold water.

2. In the same way, grind the pickled cucumber into pieces of the same size.

Instead of cucumber, you can use a fresh tomato - this will give the salad a flavor of spring freshness.

3. We can grind boiled chicken meat either with similar cubes, or tear it into thin longitudinal strips.

4. Grind boiled eggs with an egg cutter or rub them on a coarse grater.

5. Favorite greens (usually green feather onions and dill may be enough) finely chop with a knife.

If the chopped onion feathers are slightly harsh, they can be slightly salted separately in a cup and crushed a little with a crush - this will make them more tender.

6. Combine the eggs with herbs and lightly pepper and add.

7. If you are sure that your chosen one has a positive attitude towards dishes with garlic, then we pass the garlic cloves through a press and mix it with sour cream or mayonnaise. If the use of garlic is undesirable, then you can skip this step and then season the salad with ordinary sour cream - it will turn out no less tasty.

9. We send the finished filling to cool in the refrigerator, and before serving, just carefully spread it on the chips with a spoon and put it beautifully on a plate.

This filling can also be used as a ready-made salad, simply beautifully decorated in a bowl or in a salad bowl.

Bon appetit!

2. Warm salad"Temptation"

In recent years, not only residents of the sea coast, but even Siberians can treat themselves to shrimp. The meat of this sea delicacy is quite tasty, low-calorie and rich in easily digestible proteins, amino acids and vitamins D, A, K and a whole complex of B vitamins.

Try making a very simple warm shrimp salad and it will become your signature dish for many holidays for a long time.


  • Peeled shrimp - 300 gr.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs. medium size.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1-2 pcs. (depending on size)
  • Garlic oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Greens (dill, cilantro, parsley can be) - 1/3 bunch each.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


1. We remove the seed partitions from the bell pepper along with the stalk and seeds and rinse well in running water. Lightly dry and cut into strips. The salad will look very impressive if one pepper is green and the second is red or yellow. But if the pepper is very large, then you can take only one color.

2. First cut the tomatoes into two halves, and then cut them into equal slices.

3. Defrost shrimp to room temperature. If there was no time to look for peeled ones in the store, then you can take them in shells and peel them to get only meat.

4. Grind your favorite greens as finely as possible with a knife or cut with special scissors for greens. A few sprigs or leaves of greens can be left whole to decorate the finished dish later.

5. In a pan, heat the garlic oil and lower the tomatoes and peppers into it to fry for 3 minutes.

If you do not have garlic oil, then you can use ordinary butter or sunflower oil, and squeeze at least a clove of garlic into it with a garlic press about half a minute before you start frying vegetables.

6. We send shrimp to the steamed vegetables. We add and pepper the resulting mass and, stirring occasionally, fry for another 4 minutes, so that even raw shrimp have time to cook, and if they were already boiled, then they had better time to soak up the juice of vegetables and the garlic aroma of butter.

7. Put our hot salad on festive portioned plates and sprinkle with chopped herbs, and also decorate with whole leaves. This salad is usually served warm, but cooled down, it will be worthy of praise.

Bon appetit!

3. Roast "Diet pot"

If you really want meat, then it is better to choose its dietary types. The combination of rabbit and turkey is just right. And if you add vegetables to them, and bake it all in a pot, you get a memorable fragrant roast.


  • Pulp of rabbit and turkey - 400 gr.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs. medium size.
  • Red dry wine - 1 glass.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Celery root - 160 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Garlic clove - 4 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l. + 2 tbsp. l. + 2 tbsp. l.
  • Greens (onions, dill, parsley) - 1/4 bunch each.
  • Pepper, salt, spices - to taste.


1. Cut the rabbit pulp into small cubes and, after adding salt and pepper, fry in sunflower oil (2 tablespoons) for 10 minutes.

2. We do the same with turkey pulp. The breast is best suited, which we conveniently cut into cubes and fry for 10 minutes in heated sunflower oil (2 tablespoons). Do not forget to add a little salt and season with pepper during frying.

3. Grind greens and garlic cloves.

4. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in sunflower oil (2 tablespoons) until translucent (about 2-3 minutes).

5. Cut the celery root and carrot into thin strips.

6. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

If desired, you can add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotato cubes.

7. Put all the ingredients in layers in heat-resistant pots: fried rabbit meat, then sauteed onions, tomatoes, celery, a little garlic and herbs. In the second stage, lay out the fried turkey and repeat the sequence of layers of vegetables and herbs.

8. Mix red wine with water and pour the resulting puff pastry for roast. In order for the water-wine sauce to completely cover the contents of the pot, the layers can be lightly pressed with a tablespoon.

9. We close our pots with lids and send them to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for an hour and a half.

10. Before serving, directly in the pots, you can lightly sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs or grated cheese (optional).

Bon appetit!

4. Cocktail "Chocolate Madness"

You can offer another no less tasty, but stronger alcoholic drink with a charming chocolate taste.


  • Chocolate liqueur - 250 ml.
  • Vodka - 150 ml.
  • Bitter chocolate - 50 gr.
  • Ice - 100 gr.


1. We rub bitter chocolate on a fine grater to get small fluffy chips.

2. Grind the ice in a blender to the state of large crumbs.

3. Pour crushed ice into a shaker and fill it with vodka and liquor. Shake the shaker well for a minute.

4. Pour the finished contents into martini glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate chips. Serve preferably cold so that the chocolate chips do not spread over the glass, but are held on the surface by crushed ice.

Bon appetit!

5. Dessert "Fruit bliss"

Of course, you can make an original cut and serve it beautifully decorated on a dessert plate with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream. But it will be much more interesting to taste a dessert of crushed berries with yogurt. You get something similar to a berry-fruit cocktail or smoothie, but if you decorate the delicacy, cool it and serve it in a bowl, you get an amazing dessert, much healthier than regular ice cream.


  • Fresh strawberries - 8 pcs.
  • Yoghurt 8% - 350 ml.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Berry syrup - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Whipped cream - for decoration.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp


1. Peel the banana and cut into small pieces.

2. We clean the well-washed and dried strawberries from the tails and cut them in half.

3. Pour the chopped berries and banana into the blender bowl. Add syrup with yogurt and cinnamon. Finely grind everything with a blender attachment until smooth.

The syrup can be with the taste of any berry - even raspberries, even kiwi, but cherry is best suited, because it brings original sourness to the dessert.

4. Pour the resulting mixture into glasses and set to cool in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. You can cool it in the freezer, but then 10 minutes will be enough so that the dessert does not freeze to such an extent that it needs to be “peeled with a spoon”.

5. When serving, decorate the dessert with whipped cream and any berries (you can cut into quarters or halves for a couple of strawberries).

Bon appetit!

Now you can easily prepare an amazing dinner for your weaker half. And at the same time, she will be pleased that you took care of her health and the absence of heaviness after eating. A woman will not need to spend extra hours in the gym after such a romantic dinner.

For all women, romance is important in a relationship. After all, it is the touching moments between you that make your relationship special and unique. But a man should try to ensure that romantic notes are not repeated, but are varied. A romantic dinner for a loved one is a pleasant tradition for couples in love, especially if it is organized by a young man. For a girl, this is a real feat.

How to arrange a romantic dinner for your girlfriend

In order to impress your beloved, you need to follow the rules for organizing a romantic dinner, think through all the details so that there is no awkwardness.

Of course, a romantic dinner is only perfect at the movies, so don't worry if you make a mistake. You will be forgiven or not even noticed, because they love you.

If you are going to arrange a dinner for your girlfriend at home, then urgently clean up the mess. Cleanliness is the key to success.

Not only the room and bedroom should be cleaned, but also the bathroom and kitchen, because no one canceled personal hygiene procedures. Be sure to put clean hand and body towels in the bathroom in a conspicuous place. The girl will understand that this is for her;

Bed linen should be clean, and preferably new;

Of course, that your romantic dinner involves an intimate continuation, so the menu should not consist of heavy dishes. Focus on fruit and dessert;

Decorate the table with a tablecloth, pick up dishes and glasses for different drinks. Don't worry too much that something is missing. You are a bachelor and you are not in a restaurant. Beloved will understand everything;

If you want to cook a meat dish for a romantic dinner for your beloved at home, then give preference to red wine, but if there are fish or seafood on the table, then white wines. But let's not forget about other drinks. They must be chilled;

Pick up romantic music, a pleasant background will help the girl to relax and get comfortable faster;

Use lampshades, floor lamps and scented candles for interesting lighting. A very bright light will make you feel like you're in a shop window, and a dimmed light will add romance;

Think of conversation topics to fill in awkward pauses during a romantic dinner for your loved one at home.

Dinner for your beloved at home: what to consider

A romantic dinner for your loved one should be a surprise that both of you will enjoy. Therefore, we advise you to arrange a dinner in secret from your soul mate. If you order dinner in a restaurant, then you have practically nothing to worry about. Just discuss all the points with the administrator and invite your loved one in the evening, sending a taxi and flowers with a note with pleasant glories of love in advance;

If you will have dinner at home, then you need to thoroughly take care of everything. Arrange the candles, starting from the door. Or maybe even cover the path to the festive table with rose petals;

As for food, you should not cook very fatty and high-calorie dishes: a couple of light salads and hot dishes. Prepare those dishes that your loved one likes;

Win-win options will be: fruits, chocolate fondue with fruits, cheese plate, mini-sandwiches or canapes with caviar or other fillings. If you are not strong in cooking, it is better to order food in a restaurant where you have eaten more than once and you liked the cuisine;

Alcohol should not be bought very strong. A bottle of good wine or champagne is the best option. Well, do not forget about the tastes of your half;

Pick up light music that will set you in a romantic mood;

Make the table setting for a romantic dinner so that everything is not piled up on it. In the center is a bouquet of flowers, along the edges of the candle. It is best to sit not opposite each other, but at an angle: it will be easier for you to communicate, you won’t have to speak loudly to be heard, there will be a feeling of closeness;

Of course, take care of your appearance. The man must be clean-shaven, neatly dressed and smell of perfume for evening events;

And most importantly, do not forget to make sure that your beloved does not run headlong to you. Order a taxi.

How to decorate the table for a romantic dinner for your beloved

A very important step in the life of every couple is a romantic dinner. It is both beautiful and long-awaited and exciting. But not all men are strong in this. We tell you how to decorate the table for a romantic dinner for your beloved at home simply, and at the same time elegantly.

If you want to surprise a girl with a table setting, then it is best to contact a restaurant or a good cafe. There you will be arranged with music, and any whim will be fulfilled. They do this every day and will be able to draw your attention to what you may not notice;

If a romantic dinner for your beloved is at home, make the whole evening in the same style. For example, in French / Italian - depending on what kind of cuisine you like. This will make your choice of table decorations much easier - flags, bouquets of flowers, ribbons in the colors of the national flag. This topic is especially suitable for couples who have vacationed together in some country and were satisfied. Nostalgic memories or the music you listened to at that time will "make" your evening;

Important ingredients for a romantic dinner


A permanent and indispensable attribute of a romantic evening for your beloved home. If there are no candles, the evening will not seem as romantic as you would like. After all, it is not very pleasant to sit under the light of a light bulb and see how midges fly there. Not the best picture. And candles will give you a warm light, illuminating your faces and the table;


This is a great opportunity not only to put this work on the table, but also to lay it out in a beautiful pattern, arrange it between glasses and even freeze it in ice for drinks. Fantasy has no limits, and there is where to turn around. But, use only fresh flowers. Let it cost enough, but you didn’t come to the funeral either;

Rose petals

This is a great table decoration at all times. Even if you have seen it a hundred times in films and soap operas, do not doubt that these petals will bring a big splash. Because it is always better to see that others and feel it yourself. It will be a table of remarkable beauty;


This is one of the main points that should be approached thoroughly when planning a romantic dinner for your beloved. It will be your basis for all decor and should match the beauty of the table. Do not take tablecloths with stains and slits. Let it be a new, clean tablecloth, combined with dishes and table decorations very harmoniously. Don't forget to iron the tablecloth before dinner. Arrows right in the middle of the table look very ugly;


It is divided into several points. Let's discuss the most important - glasses. Yes, it's the glasses. Do not dare to put glasses and grandmother's glasses on the table. It will be very ugly and ridiculous to look at. After all, you will drink champagne, wine or other exquisite drink. If the drink is prepared in advance, find the appropriate glasses for it.

Rules for women:

  • Don't be picky. They tried for you. So be sure to rate and praise him. If necessary, cheer up your loved one;
  • Don't go to a romantic dinner empty-handed. Buy what is for a man that can complement the evening with romance;
  • Be relaxed, but do not forget that you are visiting, even if you have been dating for a long time. Vulgarity is useless;
  • Do not abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • Try to entice the guy with different topics of conversation so that he does not feel pauses or other obstacles. Believe me, he is worried, it is not easy for him;
  • Thank him for a romantic dinner, tell him that you are very glad that your boyfriend turned out to be exactly what you dreamed of and knew that he was exactly like that.

Valentine's Day makes the monotonous winter days a little warmer and brighter. It is not at all necessary to give gifts in honor of this holiday - just spend the evening together with the one you love. And we'll tell you.

The taste of tenderness

An exquisite miniature appetizer will be a good start to dinner for Valentine's Day. The recipe for tartlets with delicate pate is exactly what you need. Saute in oil 2 onions with 6 cloves of garlic. Add 200 g of fresh chopped champignons and evaporate the liquid. Separately, fry 500 g of chicken liver in cubes, seasoning it with 1 tsp. dried oregano and 1 tbsp. l. honey. We combine it with cooled mushrooms, put 100 g of butter and beat into a smooth mass. Using a pastry syringe, fill the finished tartlets with pate. Decorate this delicious recipe for a romantic dinner for two with dill sprigs and pomegranate seeds.

A little love magic

Sophisticated chefs know what to cook for dinner on February 14th. A light salad with avocado, shrimp and fresh herbs is a magical combination that awakens the deepest senses. Cooking a meal for two people. Cut 10 cherry tomatoes in half, fill them with a mixture of 5 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 tsp. mustard, lemon juice, a pinch of salt, sugar and pepper. While the cherry tomatoes are marinating, boil 200 g of shrimp and cut 2 avocados into thin slices. We combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl, sprinkle them with chopped green onions and torn arugula leaves. This light colorful dish for a romantic dinner will add a special mood to the whole evening.

Pork in emeralds

The next number of a romantic dinner at home is meat, certainly with some zest. Pork medallions in tropical sauce are perfect for this role. Cut 400 g of pork tenderloin into pieces 1.5 cm thick, rub with salt and pepper and leave for 30 minutes. Fry 3 chopped shallots, add 4 kiwi cubes and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Pour in 100 ml of orange juice and beat with a blender. Fry the medallions until golden brown, pour over with fruit sauce, or, alternatively, you can stew the medallions in such a sauce for several minutes. This recipe for a romantic dinner will give a bright firework of flavors.

Salmon in a cream dressing

What to cook for a romantic dinner if your favorite is a fish soul? Cannelloni with salmon will definitely please him. Moreover, preparing such a dish for two is very simple and fast! Fry the onion with 200 g of spinach, lay out 600 g of salmon fillet in pieces and continue to fry until golden brown. Separately, melt 50 g of butter, stir in 30 g of flour, 400 ml of cream and cook a thick sauce. At the end we put salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Dip 10-12 cannelloni in boiling water for a couple of minutes. We fill them with fish filling, pour cream sauce in a baking dish, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 25 minutes. Your signature dish for a homemade romantic dinner is ready!

Mystery inside

Poultry dishes are a great choice for a romantic dinner for two. Especially if it's meatloaf with vegetables. Cut 2 chicken breasts in half and beat off each piece, wrapping it with cling film. Saute grated carrots with onions in oil. Roast sweet peppers in a dry frying pan. Lubricate each piece of beaten fillet on one side with a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. Dijon mustard and 1 tsp. spices for chicken We put fried vegetables on the edge, a couple of slices of gherkins, fold tightly and secure with toothpicks. We fry these “cocoons” well from all sides. Such rolls will surely intrigue your soulmate.

chocolate confession

Dessert is the key recipe for a romantic dinner. What to cook for a sweet for a loved one? Panna cotta with chocolate, because this is the main love ingredient. Soak 10 g of gelatin in 100 ml of water. We combine in a saucepan a broken chocolate bar, 30 g of vanilla sugar, 100 ml of coconut milk and 400 ml of cream. Slowly bring the mixture to a boil and, stirring constantly, simmer for 10 minutes. Slightly heat the swollen gelatin and pour it into the saucepan. After mixing well, pour the mass into silicone molds and put in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Before serving, decorate the panna cotta with raspberries and mint leaves. Such a dessert will tell about the most secret feelings.

Cupid in a glass

What is missing for a real romantic dinner at home? Festive drink recipe Original sangria with champagne will be the perfect end to the evening. Dice with skin on 2 sweet yellow pears and 2 sour green apples. We divide a large orange into slices, peel and chop. Cut 15-20 strawberries in half. We put all the ingredients in a decanter, sprinkle with 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar and refrigerate. When the sugar has melted, pour in 750 ml of champagne and keep in the cold for another 20 minutes. Pour the sangria into glasses along with pieces of fruit and treat your loved one.

If you have not yet decided how to make a romantic dinner and how to please your loved one, our recipes will come in handy. May this evening give you moments of happiness and leave the warmest memories in your heart.

Friday, October 04, 2013 12:22 pm + to quote pad

Culinary community Li.Ru -

Your loved one is about to return from work, but you don’t know what original, tasty and unusual to cook for him? Do not rush to panic: we bring to your attention dozens of answers to the question that is relevant for many, “what to cook for dinner for your beloved husband.” Treat your breadwinner to a delicious dinner prepared according to one of the recipes below, and he will love you even more. So, what to cook for dinner for your loved one - read and take note!

Dishes for dinner for your loved one

Monastic potato is a dish for fasting days. Little tricks - and a seemingly ordinary dish will sparkle with a new taste. I tell you how to cook potatoes in a monastic style!

Meat in pots with sour cream - an amazing taste of the most delicate dish. It takes a minimum of time to cook, and any meat is soft and juicy.

According to legend, Alexander Sergeevich was very fond of this dish, which was later named after him - Pushkin potatoes. Well, let's catch the right wave and prepare a poetic dish! :)

Meatballs in milk sauce - a great dish for the whole family! Delicious, nutritious and very easy to prepare. You will cook it quickly and be able to feed a whole army of hungry people!

That's how uncomplicated I decided to christen this salad. The dish is also very simple, so there is no point in inventing a pretentious name. So, the recipe for salad with corn, cheese, tomatoes!

Meat in pots with champignons is a very tasty dish. Its special charm is that it is prepared quickly and easily and does not require the constant attention of the hostess.

Celery has a specific taste that not everyone likes. But even the most vehement opponents of this vegetable should enjoy the recipe for making a salad with shrimp and celery - it's so delicious that it's simply impossible to resist!

I tried beef stroganoff with mushrooms at a party and did not recognize my favorite dish since childhood. Mushrooms gave it aroma and exquisite taste. Mushrooms, however, were white. Learned how to cook, here's the recipe!

Chicken in bacon is juicy, soft, spicy. The bacon gives off its flavor and keeps the chicken from drying out. The dish is baked in the oven for about an hour. Vegetables can be served as a side dish for chicken in bacon.

Oven baked potatoes with greens are a very versatile dish and easy to prepare. They can feed a large group of people who will definitely remain full. It also goes as a side dish.

Salad "Olivier" with sausage

Salad "Olivier" with sausage is one of the most popular holiday salads, without which it is difficult to imagine any feast. For the New Year, birthday, anniversary - there is always a place for this salad.

Fried ribs in a pan are not only very tasty, but also versatile, because they can be served at the table both as an appetizer for beer and as a second course for lunch!

Baked pork ribs are incredibly tasty. They can be served as a weekday lunch or dinner, as well as for a festive one. Men (they are our hunters) like it especially :)

Cabbage stew with ribs is a wonderful dish that is not difficult to prepare. I give you the recipe for this dish.

Stewed potatoes with ribs is a very tasty and nutritious dish. It does not take much time, effort, or food to prepare it.

When there is very little time for cooking, but you want to cook something unconventional, whip up lasagna according to this recipe. Unusual, tasty and most importantly - fast!

Borsch with beef is the best thing that was invented in Slavic cuisine. Everyone loves borscht - both adults and children. The recipe for borscht with beef in families is passed down from generation to generation. I share mine!

Russian cabbage soup differs significantly from traditional cabbage soup. Russian cabbage soup is unique in terms of ingredients, taste, and even color. I share the recipe.

I ate tender chicken chops at a children's birthday party, where we were invited with our granddaughter. The chops were small for children, huge for adults. Everyone ate them with pleasure and praised!

Potato pancakes with meat are so yummy! An excellent winter dish, hearty, high-calorie, warming in any frost. Making potato pancakes with meat is easy - here's my recipe!

Meatballs with potatoes are a dish of home craftsmen. The dish is original, amazing. I advise you to cook it for children and men. Indifferent will not remain.

Meatballs are a favorite homemade dish that can be prepared in a variety of ways. They can be stewed, fried, baked, steamed. I suggest meatballs in tomato-sour cream sauce.

Buckwheat with champignons can be an excellent side dish for meat or a dietary independent dish. In any case, the taste of this dish will not leave you indifferent!

Eggplant lovers - a new interesting recipe. Everyone will like eggplant boats with vegetables!

The recipe for steam meatballs is a little more complicated than regular ones, but such meatballs will bring you invaluable benefits. Ideal with a diet, because it is not so often possible to afford meat, but these are possible.

Tomato pie is a traditional southern, or rather, Mediterranean dish. Perfect for a brunch or a light dinner on a warm summer evening. The cake just disappears before our eyes.

Sour cream mashed potatoes are another way to enjoy a simple and affordable vegetable. Here is another original way to cook potatoes. I tried this at school when the children cooked for their mothers!

Green beans with bacon - an old grandmother's recipe, which I improved a little by adding balsamic vinegar. This is a nice warm salad that can be a light dinner too.

Today I will tell you about a rather unusual dish that you have hardly ever tried - this is fish jelly with tomato juice. Don't be scared because it's really delicious.

Simply a wonderful dish that is perfect for a family dinner or a festive lunch. The meat is very tender, and the potatoes act as a fragrant side dish - simple and tasty.

This dish can be called two in one. I tried it in a sanatorium, but I liked it so much that I now often make potatoes with minced chicken at home. I think you will be satisfied too.

All the ingredients I use in this dish are my favourites. I tell you how to cook potatoes with mushrooms and chicken - one of my favorite dishes, which I cook even for a holiday.

This simple eggplant and tomato salad recipe is one I use a lot during vegetable season - it's delicious, easy on the stomach, and easy to make. Ideal for barbecue and other meats;)

This is one of my favorite ways to make cottage cheese. It turns out a unique thing - it is delicious with vegetables, and with meat, and even just with bread. I think many of you will also like this simple recipe!

Fresh champignon soup is a light soup. Light in every way - easy to prepare, easy to eat and absolutely does not harm the figure. What could be better in spring?

Everything ingenious is simple, but in our case it is delicious. Try to cook champignons fried with onions - a simple and surprisingly tasty dish.

Mackerel is a fish that is a real pleasure to cook. The microwave will help you make a quick and tasty dinner from this fish.

If you decide to fast, or just want a light, low-fat meal, then you should pay attention to this simple recipe for lean cabbage cutlets. Tasty and healthy!

I love meat very much, I can’t live without it, so I try to cook it often and in different ways. Today I decided to cook meatballs - the dish is as simple as possible, quick, but tasty. Are we trying?

The garlic aroma and delicate taste of chicken will delight those who undertake to cook this dish. How to cook garlic chicken - I hope you enjoy the recipe!

In a slow cooker, the goose is not tough, well stewed and tasty. Cooking a goose in a slow cooker is a pleasure. I prepared the products, put them in the slow cooker, set the necessary mode and you're done!

Turkey meat is considered dietary, and turkey with beans can also be attributed to dietary dishes. Cooking a turkey with vegetables and a stewing method. The meat is juicy, tasty, and the dish is hearty.

I offer you a classic recipe for pilaf with raisins - this traditional Uzbek dish has such a stunning taste and aroma that you will definitely like it!

I bring to your attention an unusual taste and incredibly easy-to-cook pilaf with seafood in a slow cooker. This is a fragrant, delicious and low-calorie dish.

No matter what anyone says, the best and most correct pilaf is made from lamb, so today we turn to Uzbek cuisine and cook this dish in the best traditions.

Cordon Bleu is a breaded schnitzel (usually veal) stuffed with cheese and ham. We will cook a "pocket" of chicken - juicy, soft and incredibly tasty. Simple and fast!

Meatballs in Sweden are not just a national dish, but a popular delicacy. Every Swedish housewife has her own recipe for meatballs in Swedish. I'll tell you how to cook!

Meatballs with cabbage in the oven are very juicy and fragrant. I welcome in my kitchen all dishes with a high content of vegetables, especially those baked in the oven. Great dish for kids.

Cauliflower with cheese in the oven is a very healthy dish that is easy to prepare. Cauliflower is available in stores all year round, both raw and frozen, so the dish is affordable.

If you want goodies on a diet, or in a post, I propose to learn how to cook buckwheat meatballs - a tender and juicy addition to any side dish without extra financial costs and long cooking! Are we trying?

Steamed fish meatballs are a dietary dish. I used this recipe for fish meatballs for my kids. But they turn out so tasty that I cook them even now and everyone eats them with pleasure.

Any of us at least once, but ate potato pancakes. Hot, fragrant, and with sour cream! Mmmm ... And if also with minced meat, then in general beauty. How to cook pancakes with minced meat? Read on.

Mushrooms in sour cream are probably the simplest dish in the world. But no! Add a twist - and you get a completely new interesting taste. Read the recipe with a twist;)

Savoy potatoes - it turns out very tasty, soft in texture, tender. It can be served both as a side dish and as an independent dish. How to cook Savoy potatoes!

The recipe for making fruit pilaf will come in handy during Lent. The dish is spicy, but not cloying. Vegetarians will love it.

This is an incredibly tasty juicy stew with pumpkin and meat, which, I am sure, will become a hit on your table. Cooked in a pot, it acquires the mild taste and aroma of real home cooking.