Why is there bright yellow urine? Urine is a rich lemon, dark orange color, which means

Urine, like blood, instantly reacts to changes in the state of the body, but, unlike blood, it allows you to draw preliminary conclusions through a simple visual analysis of it. In the body of a healthy person, urine has a yellow color with slight fluctuations in the saturation of the hue. This is noted in both adults and children. The shade of urine is affected by urobilins, urochromes and uroerythrins contained in it, or rather, their concentration. In addition, the concentration of the urine itself directly affects the intensity of the shade - the larger it is, the more intense the color.

What can affect the color of urine?

The degree of transparency of urine is no less informative than its color. In a healthy body, very light shades of urine indicate a large amount of fluid consumed, however, the same symptoms occur with diabetes mellitus and with some kidney pathologies. Therefore, the slightest change in the usual color or cloudiness of urine should lead you to a doctor to take it for laboratory analysis.

A change in the color of urine can also be the result of a person's exposure to food, medicines, and even certain types of vitamins. Excessive use of vitamins leads, as a rule, to coloring urine in greenish hues, but carrots give a bright orange color. Food additives and artificial colors can also change the natural color of urine. Separately, we mention newborns. In a child up to two weeks, urine is often observed without any special shades. This is absolutely normal and is explained by the use of milk and the difference in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract from a more mature organism.

As a rule, in a healthy person, the urine staining pattern is not observed for a long time, and normalization is natural, but if significant color changes continue for a long time, it is worth undergoing a full examination. This is especially important for children and pregnant women.

Causes of the appearance in the urine of shades other than normal

Changes in the shade of urine can be quite a lot and each has its own reason:

  • Dark colored urine appears due to insufficient fluid intake, the use of quinine, rifampicin, vitamins C, B and medications. Diseases such as cirrhosis, polycystic disease, vasculitis, jaundice, and other infections, as well as poisoning with copper-containing substances, also lead to such symptoms;
  • Brown color characteristic when ingested by aloe, legumes or rhubarb. Laxatives, antibiotics, and anti-malaria drugs often cause this effect. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, kidney disease and some others also lead to such symptoms.
  • Urine with a reddish tint often happens after eating beets or blackberries. This is absolutely normal, but if blood clots appear in the urine, a whole range of serious problems is possible here - kidney stones, prostate adenoma, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and other pathologies. In this case, an examination by a doctor is mandatory;
  • Intense yellow color urine of dark tones can be provoked by the use of medications or, much more dangerous, signal hepatitis. This shade is also observed due to dehydration of the body, the cause of which can be frequent vomiting, diarrhea, and even pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Urine color and consistency of beer indicates the presence of bilirubin and urobilinogen in it, caused by parenchymal disease. Similar to beer, it is made by the foam that forms when such urine is agitated;
  • Lemon color urine talks about the disease obstructive jaundice;
  • Urine green, most often formed as a result of the use of medicines or foods with dyes of artificial origin. The exception to the rule is asparagus. This is the only natural product that has this effect;
  • Orange color urine is given to carrots and its juice, as well as some medicines, for example, furadonin;
  • yellow bright color in combination with a sediment in the form of sand indicates the presence of stones in the kidneys;
  • Milky white shade indicates excessive reproduction in the genitourinary system of pathogens;
  • Black urine- a sign of serious and dangerous pathologies. It can be Macifava Michelli's disease, melanoma and even cancerous tumors.

Medications that change the natural color of urine

Consider in detail the medicines, the use of which leads to staining of urine:

  • Aspirin gives a pink tint;
  • Rifampicin, phenazoperidine and metronijazol are red-brown;
  • Triamterene - blue and blue-green shades;
  • Sulfososalin and tetracycline - orange;
  • Triamterene - blue and greenish shades;
  • Phenacytin - dark brown;
  • Phenindione - orange or red;
  • Phenytoin - red or pink;
  • Phenothiazine - Red, pink, orange, sometimes rusty;
  • Furazolidone and chloroquine - brown;
  • Quinine - black or brown;
  • Zincofen - brown and red.

As you can see, the causes that cause a change in the color of urine are very diverse, and can be either natural and harmless in nature, or indicate serious pathologies that require the immediate intervention of a specialist.

Symptoms that should alert you:

  • Increased urge to urinate;
  • Regular rise in temperature;
  • sudden chills and fever;
  • Painful manifestations in the peritoneum;
  • Fetid odor of urine.

Whatever the color of the urine, if one or more of the above symptoms appear, urgently for examination.

Bright yellow urine is an alarm. An important indicator of metabolic processes is the color of urine. Ideally, it should be yellow, and any deviations from this indicate disorders in the body.

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    urine color

    The composition of the fluid that is excreted by the kidneys includes food consumed by a person and metabolic products that occur in the body. It is believed that the more active this process, the darker, richer or brighter the urine becomes, and vice versa.

    Why is urine yellow? The fact is that the waste products of the human body contain urobilin, which has a yellow color. It is produced as a result of the synthesis of bilirubin, and that, in turn, is processed by the gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract and liver. The kidneys are also involved in this process, because other organs do not always cope with the task assigned to them and do not completely remove bilirubin from the body.

    Therefore, a saturated color may be an indicator that the kidneys have processed an excessive amount of the bilirubin enzyme, and urobilin has entered the bladder. If the urine turns dark in color, it means that the kidneys were working in overactive mode.

    Non-pathological causes

    It should not be discounted that food also affects the color of urine. Bright yellow urine may be produced if a person has recently eaten pumpkin, carrots, beets, or drinks containing yellow dyes. This means that if you need to take urine for analysis, you should stop using these products the day before so as not to distort the result of the research.

    Urine can be bright yellow during lactation, with acute intestinal infections, with the use of laxative medications, with excessive sweating, and with edema that accompanies some pathologies.

    If the body does not receive the required volume of fluid, the kidneys begin to actively reabsorb water, and because of this, the urine turns bright yellow. The same effect is observed when the body loses a large amount of fluid (this happens during physical activity or in hot weather). Through the skin in one day, the body can then give up to several liters of fluid. Breastfeeding women give up most of their water with milk, so they are advised to drink more water, tea or juices.

    There are some medications that turn urine bright yellow. These are vitamins A, B, and C, some antibiotics and others. After taking them, urine can become lemon-colored. Female hormonal contraceptives also contribute to changing the color of urine.

    How does gestation affect

    During the period of bearing a baby, significant changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, the work of some organs is also transformed. In this regard, urine may change in color. This is considered completely normal and should not be cause for concern. A woman begins to consume more food, that is, the load on the kidneys and bladder increases. In addition, during pregnancy, a woman drinks vitamins, and they also give the urine a bright yellow color.

    In addition, during pregnancy, the female body is responsible not only for ensuring the normal growth and development of the fetus, but also takes an important part in all continuous life processes. This means that he has to remove the products of vital activity for two, and this is an additional burden.

    Illness in children

    In children, as in adults, the color of urine can change due to the foods they eat, the amount of fluid in the body, the intake of vitamins, and so on. A newborn's urine is transparent light yellow in color, then the baby's body adapts to new living conditions outside the mother's womb, and the urinary system begins to excrete waste products on its own. This adjustment of the body can be delayed or manifested in drastic changes, and the child's urine can become bright yellow. The main task of parents during this period is to monitor the ongoing changes. If the urine continues to be bright yellow, you need to see a doctor. The cause may be congenital pathologies or lack of fluid in the body. About how much water should be given to a child, a young mother should ask the local pediatrician.

    How does dehydration affect

    Such a phenomenon as dehydration of the body can occur as a result of an acute form of infections in the intestines. They are usually accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, which remove most of the fluid from the body, high fever, profuse sweating, so the urine in this case will be bright yellow. Signs of dehydration are observed in CHF, cirrhosis and preeclampsia.

    When dehydrated, fluid from the blood stops flowing through the bloodstream, and enters the intercellular space, causing edema. Sometimes they are hidden, and it is possible to talk about their presence only if the patient has a significant increase in body weight. With cirrhosis, plasma enters the abdominal cavity, the blood becomes thick and ascites develops. If the patient, in addition to urine of a bright yellow color, has an upset stomach, nausea, a feverish condition, pain appears on the right under the ribs, then in this case an urgent need to consult a doctor.

    Stones in the kidneys

    The formation of kidney stones is the main symptom of urolithiasis. In this case, in the kidneys, the formation of salt stones first occurs, gradually turning into stones. Attacks of renal colic are accompanied by the presence of pus in the urine. With hematuria, blood suspensions may appear in the urine, which stain it in a bright yellow or orange color.

    The very formation of stones is a very complex physical and chemical process, which consists in the crystallization of the salts that make up the urine, and their further precipitation. As for the size of the stones, they are different: from a few mm (sand) to 10 cm. The shape of the stones can also be different: angular, rounded, flat. The mass of the stone can reach 1 kg.

    Men suffer from this pathology more often than women, but the female body suffers the disease in a more complex form: stones fill the entire renal pelvis, this pathology is called coral nephritis. The age of the patient does not matter, often kidney stones are diagnosed in children.

    The reasons for the formation of stones may lie in the hereditary factor: with minor disturbances in metabolic processes, salts are formed that do not dissolve and become the basis for the development of stones. The active formation of stones is affected by high levels in the blood or urine of uric acid, phosphate salts or calcium salts in the urine.

    The formation of stones can be influenced by the climate where the patient lives, the characteristics of the soil, flora, the chemical composition of water, the volume of fluid consumed, a sedentary lifestyle, physical overload or work in hazardous industries.

    A separate factor in the formation of stones is the dietary regimen, namely, how much food is saturated with calcium, protein, salts, oxalic and ascorbic acid. Diseases play an important role in the formation of stones: infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder, and others.

    Symptoms of the disease are lumbar pain that spreads to neighboring organs (this happens when a kidney stone moves to the ureter), attacks of renal colic are possible - the pain is so severe that the patient cannot take any comfortable position, painful and frequent urination, which can be unreasonable. Urine becomes cloudy, its color changes. Temperature and blood pressure may rise. The doctor is able to diagnose the presence of stones based on the patient's history, as well as using laboratory and ultrasound examinations.

    Liver dysfunction

    The liver is a very important organ in the human body, its tasks include many functions: it cleanses the body of harmful substances, participates in the process of hematopoiesis and digestion, produces and stores vitamins.

    There are quite a lot of liver diseases, their symptoms are also different. However, there are some common symptoms that indicate that the liver is not working properly. Patients have yellow integuments on the sclera and mucous membranes, the groin and axillary zones can turn brown, itching, spider veins or skin rashes occur. The area of ​​the palms to which the thumbs adjoin may turn red. Dry skin is noted, cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, the tongue acquires a crimson color. There may be white dots on the nails, sometimes subcutaneous hemorrhages and bruises appear.

    Patients complain of a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, there may be pain in the hypochondrium on the right side. Nausea, diarrhea, or constipation occurs, stools become light in color, and urine becomes dark or bright yellow.

    Violations in the liver may be accompanied by hormonal disorders, the occurrence of bone pain, bone deformities.

    Liver pathologies, both chronic and acute, can cause neurological disorders. Sleep changes, fatigue appears, the patient is either restless or inhibited. There may be a tremor of the fingers, memory impairment, in severe cases, convulsions appear.

    If the liver is affected by an infectious disease, then there are symptoms of intoxication: fever, muscle and joint pain, nausea, sudden weight loss. Due to a malfunction in the liver, blood clotting may be disturbed, bleeding may occur.

    Diagnosis of diseases is made on the basis of laboratory tests of blood, urine and feces, ultrasound, CT and MRI of the liver. In accordance with the results obtained, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed - medical or surgical.

    Syndrome of late toxicosis

    Gestosis occurs only in pregnant women. In another way, the disease is called the syndrome of late toxicosis. Unlike early toxicosis, preeclampsia is associated with pathologies that can lead to complications. It is important to know that gestosis absolutely never goes away without treatment.

    With preeclampsia, kidney function is impaired, edema and arterial hypertension appear. All these 3 signs are necessarily observed in this pathology. The cause of the development of preeclampsia has not been studied. It is believed that more often this disease is typical for women with a history of endocrine and vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, kidney pathology, and hypertension.

    A symptom of hetosis is severe vomiting. In the normal course of pregnancy, vomiting also happens, but this occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, it is repeated no more than 3 times a day, it mostly happens on an empty stomach in the morning. Such vomiting, apart from inconvenience for a woman, does no harm. Most often, on the 12th week, these symptoms disappear without the participation of doctors. With gestosis, vomiting does not depend on food intake, it is repeated often, the patient refuses to eat and loses weight, her condition generally worsens.

    The next symptom of preeclampsia is jaundice in pregnancy. There is heartburn, nausea, skin itching, some areas of the skin turn a little yellow. Increased salivation may occur. Sometimes there is an edematous syndrome, renal colic develops, urine becomes dark or bright yellow.

    Pathology is diagnosed on the basis of the clinical picture, and laboratory tests also take place. Treatment of preeclampsia is inpatient or outpatient, depending on the severity of the disease.

    What measures to take

    Based on the foregoing, if the flower has changed its color and turned bright yellow, it is important to find out what the patient ate and drank. You may just have to make a slight adjustment to your drinking regimen, exclude foods that can stain urine from the menu, temporarily reduce physical activity and stop taking medications.

    You should not panic, perhaps a change in the color of urine will be explained in the simplest and most harmless way. If after this the urine does not acquire its natural color, then a consultation with a urologist is needed. As a preventive measure, you should give up bad habits, lead an active lifestyle and periodically drink herbal teas.

The color of urine is one of the most important visual indicators of metabolic processes in the body. Under normal drinking regimen, urine has a light yellow color. With a sharp restriction of water consumption, urine darkens, it becomes more saturated, even brown, this is a variant of the norm. The color of urine is the first criterion that laboratory assistants pay attention to when conducting an analysis. If urine is bright yellow in women, the reasons may be different. By the color of urine, one can sometimes conclude that a person has diseases.

Coloring can change throughout the day depending on what kind of food and drinks the person consumed. This is a normal reaction of a healthy body. If urine suddenly changes color, then you should not immediately panic. It is necessary to remember what was unusual in the diet, what medicines were taken. If you stop taking them, drink more liquid, then in a day the urine will become a normal color.

Normally, urine in a healthy person is colored yellow, the intensity of which is very variable (from pale straw to dark yellow). It depends on the presence of decay products (coloring pigments) in it: urorosein, urochrome, urolibin. However, it must always be transparent.

It is worth knowing that in the morning urine has a richer hue than throughout the day.

It is not always a symptom of the disease. Much more often it becomes so due to physiological reasons. Saturated yellow urine becomes as a result of the following factors:

Introduction to the diet of foods with bright colors

The use of a large amount of carrots and beets has a particularly strong effect on the color of urine. Also, special food colors are added to modern sweets and carbonated drinks, which turn urine into bright yellow. These are mainly "orange", "melon", "lemon" drinks and sweets.


Very often, for this reason, urine during pregnancy acquires a rich bright yellow color. Dehydration can occur as a result of excessive sweating, due to intestinal infections, as a result of vomiting, diarrhea.

Fluid loss may be associated with breastfeeding. A woman loses a lot of water during lactation. At this time, consume more fruit drinks, juices, mineral water. Any disease that is associated with fluid loss affects the color of urine. It becomes more concentrated, a dark yellow color and a pungent odor appear. A sharp loss of fluid in the body occurs due to increased sweating.

Medicines and vitamin supplements

Vitamins in tablets and injections can give the urine a dark yellow color. Artificial analogues of vitamins are practically not absorbed by the body and are excreted in the urine. Riboflavin stains urine with residual molecules.

After an overdose of vitamin preparations Pikovit, Revit, urine turns bright yellow and acquires a characteristic odor. Children especially like to consume vitamins in large quantities. Taking vitamins of groups A, B, C affects urine,. Coloring may change as a result of taking a large number of laxatives Furazolidone, Furacilin. As soon as the components of the drugs are excreted from the kidneys, urine will return to normal.

Urine staining and pathology

Sometimes the reasons for the bright color of urine are not so harmless, but may indicate some problems with the body. All deviations from the norm in the color of urine can be divided into renal and not associated with kidney disease. The first are associated with pathologies that have arisen in the urinary system. The second talk about diseases of the liver, gallbladder, heart.

The main pathologies that cause a change in the color of urine:

  • Liver problems.

In this case, the level of urolibin, a dye that changes the color of urine to dark yellow, rises.

  • Kidney stones.

With the active formation of salts in the urinary system, stones appear. Salts begin to actively absorb liquid, as a result, the concentration of urine increases and it acquires a bright shade.

  • Pregnancy gestosis.

The causes of bright yellow urine in women carrying a child lie in the development of preeclampsia. The pregnant body reacts not only with a change in the color of urine, but also with other symptoms, so additional tests are required.

  • inflammatory processes.

In men, bright yellow urine may indicate the onset of prostatitis, in both sexes - an increased protein content, urethritis.

Bright urine in children

In children, a change in the color of urine occurs for the same reasons as in adults. Urine in a child immediately after birth, but gradually, as it adapts to a new lifestyle, the diet begins to change color to straw yellow. In the first year, it is required to constantly take urine tests of the child, so the pediatrician can monitor the change in the baby's health. Parents should also pay attention to the color of the urine of the little one. If it turns bright yellow for no reason and does not lighten up for several days, you should contact your pediatrician to find out the reason. Perhaps this is a sign of congenital pathologies.

What to do if the urine has changed color

If the urine has become very yellow, but the person’s well-being is excellent, then you can calm down. This is a variant of the norm, especially if a course of vitamins is taken or there is a violation of the diet. To calm the nerves, you should stop taking pills, do not use coloring products. During the day, drink at least 2 liters of clean water. And urine must acquire. But if this does not happen, it is better to consult a doctor.

The combination of bright yellow urine and severe pain in the lower back, abdomen, as well as vomiting and diarrhea is a serious reason to call a doctor urgently. This may indicate serious problems with the functioning of the urinary system.

To determine the causes that caused the appearance of bright yellow urine in women, the doctor prescribes a second urine test, on ultrasound of the kidneys. After such studies, the doctor selects the optimal treatment.

Usually, if urine in women acquires a dark yellow hue, this occurs as a result of a change in diet, taking medications and vitamins, and dehydration. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to exclude provoking factors, drink more fluid. If the urine after that remains too yellow for several days, then you should either contact a general practitioner to get a referral for tests, or immediately go to a urologist who will determine the cause of this symptom and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Urine includes the end products of metabolism, which color it in different colors. What color is healthy urine in humans?

The answer to this question is simple - it

What factors affect the color of urine?

  • The presence of dyes in food.
  • The use of certain products.
  • Taking medication.
  • metabolic processes.

What does the color of urine indicate? Amber - about the pigments urobilin, urochrome and others, and the level of its saturation depends on the number of such pigments. In addition, the more liquid a person consumes, the less urine stains. With a lack of water, especially in hot, dry weather and with increased sweating, the urine darkens.

Why does the color of urine change in a healthy person?

Some people do not know what color urine should be, and therefore worry about it turning greenish or reddish. For example, why If you eat beets, blackberries or rhubarb, this color of urine appears. In some cases, pregnant women have urine that turns orange. A similar color appears when eating carrots and fruits rich in carotene. Redness of the urine can also occur after poisoning with toxic substances. When red urine appears in women, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The appearance of blood in the urine is considered a prerequisite for serious health problems in women. Timely assistance will help to avoid serious problems and consequences.

Why is urine red and painful? This happens with diseases of the urinary tract and urination. occurs in people who take antibiotics. As a rule, the doctor talks about the side effects of drugs, so there is no need to be afraid. Green urine comes from eating asparagus. The blue color may be the result of taking a complex of vitamins or medicines. After eating legumes, urine becomes dark in color. Light-colored urine appears with excessive fluid intake.

dark urine

Urine contains the enzyme urochrome, which has a yellow pigment, the concentration of which determines the shade of urine in a healthy person. The higher the concentration of the enzyme, the correspondingly darker the color of the urine. In addition, its color is influenced by other factors. For example, pregnant women have dark colored urine.

During the bearing of a child, the woman's body is transformed, all the internal systems of the body experience an increased load. Dark urine in a woman during this period is the result of a restructuring of the body. The reason for this in early pregnancy is dehydration due to toxicosis, manifested by vomiting.

A dark shade of urine can give:

  • Food;
  • medications;
  • starvation diets;
  • difficult working conditions;
  • intense physical activity;
  • violation of the diet, insufficient amount of water drunk per day.

At the same time, what does the color of urine say dark? Urine of this color can also be a symptom of various diseases:

  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • genitourinary system;
  • gynecological;
  • infectious;
  • venereal;
  • oncological.

At the same time, dark urine in a woman may also be accompanied by a specific unpleasant odor.

If you detect dark urine, you should contact your doctor and get a referral for testing, according to the results of which the doctor will prescribe an additional examination, diagnose and treat.

Causes of dark urine in a child

If in the morning parents notice the dark color of urine in a child, this is not a reason to sound the alarm right away, since it is caused by natural causes of the vital activity of the body. During the day, its color returns to normal.

If the urine remains dark during the day, then it may be:

  • Infectious disease of the genitourinary system of a child. Urine takes on a dark brown hue. In advanced cases, mucus, pus and blood are found in it.
  • This condition is manifested by pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting. The water-electrolyte balance is disturbed, dehydration of the body occurs, urine becomes dark.
  • Liver disease, in which urine can even be black.

Why do children have cloudy urine?

The appearance of cloudy urine in a child is familiar to many parents. It is known that urine is the main indicators of the state of the body. However, not everyone knows what to do in such a situation. If with sediment, then parents do not need to immediately panic, the reasons for this are varied, most of them are absolutely harmless.

The appearance of cloudy urine in the first days of a baby's life should not bother parents, as this is a physiological normal phenomenon. And after a short period of time everything will be back to normal. In infants, this situation is possible at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, as the composition of feeding changes.

Reasons for changing the color of urine in children:

  • the use of certain foods, such as plums, gooseberries, sorrel, parsley, grapes, legumes;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • burns that occupy a large surface of the skin;
  • excess vitamins;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, parenchymal jaundice);
  • diabetes;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory process (pyelonephritis);
  • blood disease - hemolytic anemia;
  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the kidneys;
  • intoxication of the body in case of poisoning or infection.

In the evening hours, urine can become slightly cloudy even in healthy babies - this is associated with overworking the child during the day. If the child has cloudy urine with sediment, with a pungent odor and mucus, and the baby does not sleep and eat well, then you should definitely contact a specialist who will determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

Preventive actions:

  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • constant emptying of the bladder;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reduced salt intake;
  • limiting the use of foods that contain a lot of calcium;
  • drinking enough fluids.

If a sediment or cloudy urine appears, it is necessary to observe the condition of the baby. If unusual symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor and not engage in self-treatment.

Presence of acetone in urine

Most people attribute the bad odor that comes out of their urine to food. The appearance of acetone in the urine indicates problems with the kidneys. In many cases, the problem can be easily solved - just returning to a healthy lifestyle is enough, but sometimes a medical examination is necessary. Timely diagnosis and testing will help to avoid negative consequences. If you do not start treatment on time, it can lead to serious illness. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to know the reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine.

Acetone in urine in adults: causes

  • Excessive consumption of spicy and fatty foods contributes to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body.
  • Irregular physical activity.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.
  • The effects of anesthesia.
  • Poisoning and high fever.
  • Eating only low-calorie foods.

These causes are quite serious and need to be addressed immediately.

Symptoms indicating the presence of acetone in the urine:

  • the presence of a strong unpleasant odor when urinating;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • unstable mental state;
  • high blood glucose levels;
  • continuous desire to rest and sleep;
  • pallor and crimson;
  • lack of thirst and appetite;
  • unexplained vomiting and diarrhea.

Actions for the detection of acetone in the urine

If you find some symptoms and think that you have acetone in your urine, then it is recommended to get tested. This can be done in the outpatient laboratory. Routine urinalysis can detect acetonuria.

It is very risky to detect acetone in the urine of pregnant women. Acetone can occur in urine due to toxicosis and frequent vomiting. In this case, it is recommended to restore the water-salt balance in the body of a pregnant woman. If a woman is not worried about anything, then if acetone is found in the urine, it is recommended to be tested again. And if there is a positive result again, then you will need to undergo other examinations that will help determine the causes of its occurrence and take the necessary measures.


If proper nutrition and normalization of the order of the day did not give a result, then special preparations should be taken. If acetone is found in the urine of adults, the causes may be associated with intoxication with poisons or heavy metals, with a change in the level of thyroid hormones. In the presence of similar problems, inpatient treatment is recommended, which, if necessary, may include droppers, intramuscular injections, and surgery.

With the timely detection of acetone in the urine, it is quite easy to eliminate the causes of its appearance. Before starting any treatment, you need to seek help from specialists.

Diseases and color of urine

Consider what the color of urine indicates in diseases:

  • Pale yellow - lack of pigments and with polyuria.
  • Dark lemon color appears with toxicosis, dehydration, which is caused by vomiting, as well as fever.
  • White - when pus, phosphates, lipids penetrate into the urine. This is possible with pyelonephritis, fatty degeneration of the kidneys and urolithiasis.
  • Brown color - an increased amount of urobilin, for example, with anemia, poisoning, problems with blood clotting.
  • Black color accompanies the disease melanosarcoma and hemolytic kidney.
  • The color of beer when bile pigments enter the excretory system.
  • Red - when blood comes in.

So, what does the color of urine say? A change in the color of urine is not always the cause of the disease, but you should carefully monitor the signals of the body.

Straw-yellow color of urine is considered to be the generally accepted norm. Sometimes it changes shade, but it should always remain in the yellow color palette. Why is urine yellow? There are several answers to this question.

To begin with, the color of urine depends directly on the pigmenting substances that are in it. They color this biological fluid in one color or another. Urine is colored in different shades based on what factors affect the body. With some factors, the pale color of urine changes. It can be lighter or darker in color.

Bright yellow urine is not a reason to panic. However, this is a significant reason to look at the state of health and exclude the debut of any disease. It is worth noting that urine of a bright yellow color can become such due to the use of certain foods and drinks.

The dependence of the color of urine on drinking and food

In many situations, the changed color may be due to the fact that a person consumes little fluid, as a result of which the content of pigment substances increases, and the urine changes color either to bright yellow or darkish. The way urine is colored is influenced by a person's food habits (citrus fruits, carrots, beets).

Also, the color of urine can be due to artificial food colors, which are currently found in almost all foods. Therefore, yellow urine may well appear after drinking soda or eating candy.

When a person discovers lemon-colored urine in himself, he needs to take into account all the foods that he has consumed.

The color of urine depends on the amount of fluid in the body

Factors causing color change

What are the causes of bright yellow urine? The shade of urine depends on what percentage of pigmenting compounds is concentrated in it. The main ones are urobilin, urochrome, urorosein and others. Urobilin plays a major role in urine staining.

It is the result of the metabolism of bilirubin, which, as part of bile, enters the small intestine to break down food. Due to the influence of many bacteria located there, bilirubin is converted into urobilin. In parallel with this substance, urobilinogen is involved in the color of the urinary fluid, it functions after urine has been removed from the urethra. Interacting with oxygen, it gives the urine a dark yellow tint.

If the color of the urine is changed, then this indicates either that a foreign substance has entered the body, or about any violations. Of course, do not forget that normally the urine that a person excretes in the morning is more saturated in color than daytime.

Main reasons:

  • dehydration;
  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy;
  • pastosity in some chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • nutrition;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • lactation;
  • heredity;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • salt abuse.

The first factor that explains the change in color of urine is the lack of fluid in the body. When it comes in insufficient volume, then a chronic form of dehydration can occur. There is a failure in the mechanism of normal excretion of metabolic products, they are not excreted and thus lead to a gradual poisoning of the body.

Another reason may be pathological changes in the functioning of some organs. For example, urine that is too yellow may indicate damage to the kidney or liver system.

Also, the situation can be explained by an infection in the gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, with this ailment, there is a colossal loss of fluid through diarrhea, vomiting, and sweating. As a result of this, the concentration of coloring substances occurs in a small amount of urine, and due to this it changes its shade.

There are situations in which a change in the color of this biological fluid is accompanied by extensive pastosity, this can be interpreted as a sign of some disease (chronic heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, pyelonephritis). Often, strongly yellow urine indicates the presence of kidney stones.

The color of urine is directly dependent on the number of years lived, gender, and level of health. In newly born babies, it has practically no color, but in the first 7 days it begins to acquire a certain shade. The baby adapts to life outside the womb, he fully performs all the functions himself, reacting to the world around him, routine, nutrition.

You can learn more about the appearance of bright yellow urine in children.

Urinary processes in childhood

Because the urine of the baby is able to acquire a lemon hue or rich dark. In such a situation, the main thing is not to panic, it is worth monitoring the situation. You should consult a doctor if this phenomenon is delayed. After all, a change in color sometimes means that there is a pathology or a failure in the correct drinking regimen.

The urine of the beautiful half of humanity is lemon-colored during the bearing of the baby. This waste product of the body in a pregnant woman is an important marker of the level of health. However, not in every situation such a change means a pathological process. This happens after taking vitamins, as well as when introducing certain products into the menu. Vitamin complexes that color the secreted liquid contain a group of B, C, A.

Read more about the causes of bright yellow urine in women.

It is worth noting that if the pregnant woman did not take vitamins and did not eat foods that could color urine, then you need to see a doctor. After all, we can talk about toxicosis. And this condition is very dangerous for the fetus.

Pregnant women need to be especially attentive to the color of urine, as its changes can be a sign of toxicosis.

Laxatives also cause discoloration of the urinary fluid, as they lead to more fluid loss.

Another phenomenon such as color change indicates an imbalance of hormones. During lactation, a change in the color of urine may be due to a large consumption of liquid for milk production, against this background, the development of dehydration is not excluded, it is for this reason that the drinking regime should be strictly observed.

Bright yellow urine in men, as well as in women, is in some cases a sign that there is inflammation. It is important that all other factors are excluded. The presence of yellow urine of intense color, as well as urine with a greenish tint, indicates inflammation of the urinary system. In men, it can be prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, or kidney disease.

In women, inflammation of the bladder very often occurs due to the structural features of the urethra (it is shorter and wider than in men). The clinical picture of such ailments is characterized by a change in the color of urine from normal straw to bright yellow, dark yellow and even brown. When foam bubbles are visible in urine, then, as a rule, this indicates in favor of a high content of protein compounds. In a strong half of humanity, such signs can also indicate the penetration of sperm into the urinary fluid.

Fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sorrel, parsley, spinach, celery, pumpkin, citrus fruits, black currants, raspberries can give a bright yellow and orange color to the urinary fluid.

As for the factor of heredity, here we are talking about the fact that some people have a tendency to intensive formation of salts, and those, in turn, give the urine a bright yellow color. If you do not take action, then urolithiasis may soon develop. It is important to know that prolonged excretion of concentrated urine leads to the formation of stones.

Do not forget about drugs, antibiotics of some groups (Furacilin, Furazolid) can affect the change in urine color. In addition, drugs, the shells of which have dyes in the composition, give the same effect. Urine smells very sharp with an excess of vitamins, this usually happens in children who consume a lot of Revit, Undevit.

A change in climatic conditions, namely the weather conditions of hot countries, leads to a loss of fluid through sweat, as a result of which urine also changes. The same happens with intense physical exertion.

Consuming too much salt leads to fluid retention in the body and the excretion of a small amount of concentrated urine.

What to do?

It is important not to leave this situation unattended. First of all, you need to analyze your lifestyle. Answer yourself the questions: do you drink enough liquid, what foods, vitamins, medicines have you been using lately? Further, if possible, all drugs are excluded.

Vitamins, as well as food products capable of coloring. Physical work is also suspended. Try to establish a drinking regimen, do not drink carbonated drinks with dyes, give preference to clean water, herbal teas. But if urine has not acquired a normal shade within seven days, then you should not hesitate to visit the doctor.

He will definitely appoint an appropriate examination and give recommendations. You can contact both the therapist and directly to the urologist. It is important to know that when changing the color of this biological fluid, along with pain in the lumbar region, vomiting, diarrhea, it is dangerous to delay consulting a urologist. These symptoms indicate damage to the urinary tract.

Drinking enough fluids is a step in preventing dehydration

To find out the cause of the pathology, another urine test is prescribed, an ultrasound examination of the kidneys is required. If necessary, the abdominal cavity is examined with the help of ultrasound.

To prevent this condition, you should consume a sufficient amount of fluid, for an adult it is at least one and a half liters per day. It will also be a preventive measure for the formation of stones. A change in urine color should not be ignored. After all, this can be a sign of a serious pathology in the body, if detected in a timely manner, it can be completely cured.