The original message to the guy. How to write a love letter. My love is real

In this vain world, two halves meet one day - He and She. Each couple has their own scenario for the development of relationships: a love story begins, unfolds and, sadly, comes to an end.

There are many reasons for parting: misunderstanding, accumulated resentment, betrayal, and just a feeling that the relationship has reached an impasse.

Almost all stories have a beautiful beginning, but not everyone is able to put a beautiful end. It is difficult to gather my thoughts and say calmly: "I'm sorry, we need to leave." The voice may tremble treacherously, and tears will flow from the eyes.

If a breakup is unavoidable, try writing a farewell letter to your boyfriend or the man you love.

Girls, of course, are subtle creatures, but often it is they who take the liberty and say the last goodbye. It's much easier to talk about a breakup in writing.

You can write a message in your own words or use the samples that we have prepared for you.

Farewell letter to boyfriend

For example, this:

“Hi, zaya. You will probably be surprised that I am writing you a letter. We are used to talking to you. True, lately all our conversations end in quarrels. I thought for a long time, understood myself, analyzed our relationship and realized: this cannot continue.

I already forgave you. And goodbye!"

who do you love

"Darling, good, beloved! I pulled myself together and decided to write you in a letter everything that I can’t put into words when we meet. Our love has turned into some kind of one-sided ugly entity. I see that my efforts to improve relations lead to nothing.

You rarely call, you perceive our meetings as a heavy duty. I'm not made of stone, and I feel it all.It hurts, it's hard, I won't pretend to be strong. I will cry, miss and worry about you.

But, so be it, I let you go free swimming. Fly towards your happiness. Unfortunately, I failed to make you happy. Let everything work out for you with another girl. Maybe you already have someone, but you're afraid to say. Fly, my dear, fly!

I release you. Forever. Goodbye!"

who offended

"Hi baby. I am writing you a farewell message in prose. There is not enough spiritual strength for poems and rhymes. My strength left along with tears, which I stopped with great difficulty in order to put an end to our history.

We often quarreled, saying hurtful words to each other. We became strangers and incomprehensible to each other. Hands have ceased to be affectionate, there are no former strong hugs and ... nothing at all.

Let's confess to each other that our love has turned into nothing, we have destroyed it with our efforts. My resentment is too great to continue the relationship.

We're breaking up. Sorry and goodbye!"

who changed

"My dear! How difficult it is for me to collect my thoughts and tell you everything. Even in a letter when you don't see my tear-stained face. I know that you betrayed me. No not like this. You betrayed our love, our beautiful days and nights. Your act showed that I mean absolutely nothing to you.

Apparently I've become your habit. You call out of habit, come out of habit, and even apologize out of habit. Somehow insensitive and insincere you get it. Why do we need extra problems? We both need to change something in our lives. You already started.

Happy travels, dear! I forgive you and let go. Forever."


"Hi Hi! I don't even know how to address you now. The heart is beating and shouting to you “beloved”, “native”, “only”, and the mind is sobering and says “former” about you. Yes, you were a wonderful, wonderful moment in my life. Now it seems like it was all a dream. Morning came and our love dissolved.

After our separation, days and nights ceased to exist for me. I lived as if in some kind of impenetrable fog. But the heavenly forces have mercy, the fog is slowly dissolving, I see the outlines of the horizon. This means that I again live and breathe deeply.

Even though you are no longer in my reality, no one will rip you out of my heart. Memories of our meetings will always warm and encourage me. Forgive me for all. Remember us. There was love. Goodbye!"

Beloved husband

“My dear, dear man. Life decreed that you and I turned from two halves into two loneliness. I think about you every minute, my heart lives only with you. How did it happen that we broke up?

Do you remember our first meeting - our burning eyes, excitement and unquenchable desire to be together. Do you remember our days and nights? Do you remember how we missed each other?
Is love doomed to death, like all living things in this world? If I love, how can you not love? Somehow this is wrong, unfair. Feelings must be mutual.

Maybe so many problems have piled on you that you stopped hearing the voice of your heart? I will pray to heaven that your heart be freed from captivity, that love will rise in your soul. I wish you good, light, warmth and, of course, love!

I'm sorry. And goodbye!"

Video: Letter to a loved one

To a married man

“Good, not my man. How difficult it is to write a letter to a still loved one! I had no right to fall in love with you, but I could not resist the surging feelings. It's amazing that you couldn't resist.

I don’t know what to call our relationship, but it was wonderful, like a dream. Sadly, the time has come for both of us to wake up, look into each other's eyes for the last time, embrace each other for the last time and part.

You are married, return to your family, gather your strength and solve all the problems that have fallen on you like a man. At first, it will certainly be difficult, you will rush back, but this is the path to nowhere. A beautiful dream dissolved in the rays of a clear sun, it is time to face reality.

Be happy with the one who is your legal wife. After all, you loved her once. I wish you reunion, understanding, warmth and light. I no longer want to be the cause of your quarrels and pain.

Forgive me and let me go"

who threw

"My love! I'm sorry, I can't call you anything else, because I love and will always love. It hurts me, it hurts me to tears. Burning tears - that's what warms me in the last days and weeks. And before, your hands and lips warmed me.

My heart rejoiced and did not believe in my happiness. It beat like a free bird, ready to break out of its chest. And now it beats muffled and doomed, as if imprisoned forever in a dungeon.

Why did you go away? He did not explain anything, did not say goodbye, did not hug. He just disappeared from my life and that's it. I can’t believe that life goes on, and you are not around, and there will be no more. I believe in a miracle that you will come to your senses and want to return. Know, my dear, that I will always open my arms to meet you. I will be faithful to you until the end of my days.

Remember this. And be happy!

who you don't love

"Dear friend! I'm glad I met you on the path of life. You are a wonderful, sincere, interesting person. You know how to love and care beautifully. I'm sorry I can't reciprocate. My heart does not respond to the call of your heart. You are probably aware of this yourself.

I can no longer date you and continue this deception. Thank you for the love and warmth that you generously give, but believe me, I'm not the one who will reciprocate your love. Let's part as friends before our relationship reaches an impasse. Keep this farewell letter and remember that I was honest with you.

Forgive me a hundred thousand times and let me go once. Goodbye!"

SMS message

Modern girls can end a relationship by sending their ex-boyfriend a farewell text message.

Here are some examples:

"Baby, it's over between us. Goodbye!"
“It can’t go on like this anymore, love has passed, the tomatoes have withered!”
"I'm sorry, it's over, we're not together anymore. Goodbye"

Remember that sending the "last" SMS is dangerous. There is a high probability of receiving a lot of bewildered or even offensive text messages in response. A beautiful one-way farewell letter on paper will indicate the seriousness of your intentions.

The choice, of course, is yours. Perhaps you, like Tatyana Larina, would like to rhyme your last message.

touching poems

Everything in this world is not forever
Everything in the world has an end in sight.
I will hug you by the shoulders
And I whisper: "I'm sorry, goodbye."
No need for extra explanation
No need for tears and insults.
Let there be no love between us
Let's be friends.

It is difficult to decide and send a farewell letter to a guy, even if it has already been written. In any case, it is better to throw out your pain and resentment on paper than in the face of a loved one.

Who knows, suddenly this message will take your relationship to a new level, help resolve accumulated misunderstandings and improve shaky relationships. Be happy!

I'm so afraid that you're just a careless dream
And I wake up and you're not with me.
But even if so, you will always be in my heart,
And we will fly in my dreams, with you.

In the meantime, we are together in this world,
Thanks to you, my whole life is like heaven.
You give me wings of happiness every day,
And I beg you, don't go anywhere.

Again winter is circling in a strange way,
Some wild superstition
And we go to countries
With an invented sign.

Love is different:
Chocolate ... We have it strawberry,
You know I'm not an infection
You know, not metropolitan.

I love a little with sadness -
Winter without snow again
But still I love and let
With you I will accept the rain under the sky.

Play with me for caresses in pursuit
Joke and laugh, lie with your eyes.
I'm like a squirrel that takes from the palms
Nuts, seeds and crackers.

Whether from a glass, or from a tin mug,
I want us to drink life without end.
In the mirror surface of a Christmas tree toy -
Let our two faces be reflected.

My beloved man, I want to tell you -
As soon as you leave, I start to wait...
I dream about meeting, about how you will come.
I keep thinking, wondering - how do you live without me? ..
I'm very lonely when you're not around
But when you come, hug, give me flowers,
And the sun will smile and the birds will sing
Peace and comfort will immediately fall on the heart.
My beloved man, I will only open the door for you -
I don't need anything, I'm happy with you!

Like two wings of an angel with you
We are inseparable, like two in one.
Married by both God and fate,
We live with you one day after day.

Beloved husband, fate is a true gift,
Thank you very much for you!
You for the fact that my character is bad,
You endure understanding and loving!

I'll tell you about how big the world is
And how the seas flow into the oceans.
How my spirit penetrated your dreams
And how hurricanes rage in my soul.

I'll show you beautiful places
Where waterfalls lash and sing drops
Where dry winds circling
And waltz dancing snow blizzards.

I'll write you a poem or an ode
I'll give you culture shock.
Will you tell me that I'm sentimental?
Okay, I'll write you a poem.

Today the blizzard is snowing,
And my soul is at peace.
After all, next to this difficult life
You are my beloved and dear.

I'm not afraid of trouble with you,
We can overcome them.
Sunsets and sunrises with you
Help to sing the song of life.

I still remember with a smile
That moment when I said yes to you.
And every day, in your hands I melt,
And I know for sure "together forever."

And even after months and years
My love will not fade.
And in our "movie", episodes are waiting for us,
In which we will fly away from happiness.

I remember how you gave me
White snow, yellow leaf, lilac color.
How he whispered to me, shouted, said:
"There is no more beautiful than you in the universe."

All wild flowers are mine.
Summer rain and spring puddles
Warm beam and those clouds in the distance ...
How did you know that I need it?

How do you know that I love the light
And I like the rainbow in the sky?
In the morning you give me a fresh bouquet -
Sunrise and swallows twitter.

Blue lakes in the mountains
The scent of cornflowers over the meadows.
Your gift - in gray evenings
Or in the velvet of moss underfoot.

For me - the dance of two moths
And the shy whisper of the trees.
But your main gift is love...
I appreciate it very much, trust me.

My beloved, unique,
The man of my dreams, dreams,
Like the air I need
Always be by my side.


Dear readers, I really missed spiritual topics. Today I want to continue talking about Love. Love in our life - as much as I have already written about it, it was just reflections, and my favorite poems, there was also the theme of love in music. In my virtual journal, I devoted many pages to this topic. I will not repeat here, everything can be found on my blog. At the end of the article, I will provide links to the articles that are dearest to me on this topic.

We are now accustomed to a different, probably, way of expressing our feelings and emotions. The era of the Internet, our cell phones, the modern rhythm of life - letters are rarely written.

But suddenly, after reading everything, someone wants to pour out their feelings in this form, write something either on paper or just send it by mail to their loved ones? I think you can surprise yourself with unexpected thoughts and the very style of communication.

Let's learn from great people. How touching everything can be and exquisitely said in letters. I hope you will also enjoy this material.

Alfred de Musset - George Sand.

My dear Georges, I need to tell you something stupid and funny. I'm writing you foolishly, I don't know why, instead of telling you all this after returning from a walk. In the evening, I will fall into despair because of this. You will laugh in my face, consider me a phrase-monger. You will show me the door and start thinking that I am lying.

I'm in love with you. I fell in love with you from the first day I was with you. I thought that I would recover from this very simply, seeing you as a friend. There are many traits in your character that can heal me; I tried my best to convince myself of this. But the minutes that I spend with you cost me too much.

It's better to say it - I will suffer less if you show me the door now. Tonight, when I ... [Georges Sand, editing Musset's letters before publication, crossed out two words and cut out the next line with scissors] I decided to tell you that I was in the country. But I do not want to make riddles, or create the appearance of an unreasonable quarrel.

Now, Georges, you, as usual, will say: “Another annoying admirer!” If I am not quite the first person you meet, then tell me how you would say it to me yesterday in a conversation about someone else - what should I do.

But I beg you - if you are going to tell me that you doubt the truth of what I am writing to you, then it is better not to answer at all. I know what you think of me; saying this, I do not hope for anything. I can only lose a friend and the only pleasant hours that I spent during the last month. But I know that you are kind, that you loved, and I entrust myself to you, not as a beloved, but as a sincere and faithful comrade.

Georges, I am acting like a madman, depriving myself of the pleasure of seeing you during the short time that remains for you to spend in Paris before leaving for Italy. There we could spend delightful nights if I had more determination. But the truth is that I suffer and I lack resolve.

Alfred de Musset

John Keats - Fanny Brown.

My dear girl!

Nothing in the world could give me more pleasure than your letter, except perhaps yourself. I am almost tired of being amazed that my senses blissfully obey the will of that being who is now so far away from me.

Without even thinking about you, I feel your presence, and a wave of tenderness covers me. All my thoughts, all my joyless days and sleepless nights have not cured me of my love for Beauty. On the contrary, this love has become so strong that I am in despair because you are not around, and I am forced to overcome in dull patience an existence that cannot be called Life.

Never before have I known that there is such love as you have given me. I didn't believe in her; I was afraid to burn in its flame. But if you love me, the fire of love will not be able to scorch us - it will be no more than we, sprinkled with the dew of Pleasure, can bear.

You mention "terrible people" and ask if they will prevent us from seeing each other again. My love, understand only one thing: you fill my heart so much that I am ready to turn into a Mentor, as soon as I notice the danger that threatens you. In your eyes I want to see only joy, on your lips - only love, in your walk - only happiness.

I would like to see only pleasure in your eyes. Let our love be a source of pleasure, and not a shelter from grief and worries. But if the worst happens, I can hardly remain a philosopher and follow my own prescriptions; if my hardness hurts you, I can't!

Why should I not talk about your Beauty, without which I could never love you? Only Beauty is capable of awakening such love as my love for you - I cannot imagine otherwise. There may be another love for which, without a hint of mockery, I am ready to have the deepest respect and admiration for it. But it is deprived of that strength, that flowering, that perfection and charm with which my heart is filled.

So let me talk about your Beauty, even if it is dangerous for myself: what if you are cruel enough to test her Power over others?

You write that you are afraid - if I think that you do not love me; these words of yours instill in me a painful desire to be near you. Here I diligently indulge in my favorite pastime - I do not miss a day without stretching a piece of white verse longer or stringing a couple of other rhymes.

I must confess (since I've mentioned it) that I love you even more because I know that you loved me exactly as I am, and for no other reason. I have met women who would be happy to be engaged to Sonnet or to marry Roman.

I saw your Comet; well, if it served as a good omen for poor Rais: because of his illness, sharing company with him is not very fun, especially since he is trying to overcome and hide his illness from me, releasing dubious puns.

I kissed your letter up and down in the hope that you, putting your lips to it, left the taste of honey on the lines. What did you see in your dream? Tell me your dream and I will give you an interpretation.

Always yours, my love! John Keats.

Beethoven to his Beloved.

Even in bed my thoughts fly to you, my immortal love! I am seized by either joy or sadness in anticipation of what fate has in store for us. I can either live with you or not live at all. Yes, I have decided to wander away from you until I am able to fly and throw myself into your arms, feel you completely mine and enjoy this bliss. It should be. You will agree to this, because you do not doubt my loyalty to you; never another will take my heart, never, never. Oh, God, why part with what you love so much!

The life I now lead in V. is hard. Your love makes me the happiest and unhappiest person at the same time. At my age, a certain monotony, stability of life is already required, but are they possible with our relations? My angel, now I just found out that the mail leaves every day, I must finish so that you receive the letter as soon as possible. Be calm; be calm, love me always.

What a longing to see you! You are my Life - my Everything - goodbye. Love me as before - never doubt the fidelity of your beloved
Forever yours
Forever mine
Forever we are ours.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Constanze.

Dear little wife, I have a few assignments for you. I beg you:
1) do not fall into melancholy,
2) take care of your health and beware of spring winds,
3) do not go for a walk alone - or even better, do not go for a walk at all,
4) be completely sure of my love. I write all the letters to you with your portrait in front of me.
6) and in the end I ask you to write me more detailed letters. I really want to know if brother-in-law Hofer came to visit us the day after I left? Does he come often, as he promised me? Do the Langes come in sometimes? How is the work on the portrait going? How do you live? All this, of course, is of great interest to me.
5) I beg you to behave in such a way that neither your nor my good name will suffer, also watch your appearance. Do not be angry with me for such a request. You should love me even more because I care about our honor with you.

V.A. Mozart

Jack London to Anna Stransky.

Dear Anna: Did I say that all people can be divided into types? If I did, let me clarify - not all of them. You're slipping away, I can't attribute you to any species, I can't figure you out. I can boast that out of 10 people, I can predict the behavior of nine. Judging by words and actions, I can guess the heart rate of nine out of ten people. But the tenth is a mystery to me, I am in despair because it is higher than me. You are the tenth.

Has it ever happened that two silent souls, so dissimilar, so suited each other? Of course, we often feel the same way, but even when we feel something differently, we still understand each other, even though we do not have a common language. We don't need words spoken aloud. We are too incomprehensible and mysterious for this. The Lord must be laughing, seeing our silent action.

The only glimmer of common sense in all of this is that we both have a frenzied temperament big enough to understand. True, we often understand each other, but with elusive glimpses, vague sensations, as if ghosts, while we doubt, haunt us with their perception of the truth. And yet I dare not believe that you are the tenth person whose behavior I cannot predict.

Am I hard to understand now? I don't know, maybe it is. I can't find a common language.

Huge temperament - that's what allows us to be together. For a second, eternity itself flared up in our hearts and we were drawn to each other, despite the fact that we are so different.

Do I smile when you get excited? That smile that can be forgiven - no, it's an envious smile. For 25 years I lived in a depressed state.

I have learned not to admire. This is a lesson that cannot be forgotten. I'm starting to forget, but that's not enough. At best, I hope that before I die, I will forget everything, or almost everything. I can already rejoice, I am learning this little by little, I rejoice in the little things, but I cannot rejoice at what is in me, my innermost thoughts, I cannot, I cannot. Am I unclear? Do you hear my voice? I'm afraid not. There are many hypocritical posers in the world. I am the most successful

Napoleon Bonaparte – Josephine in Milan

I don't love you anymore... On the contrary, I hate you. You are a vile, stupid, ridiculous woman. You don't write to me at all, you don't love your husband. You know how much joy your letters bring to him, and you cannot even write six quick lines.

But what do you do all day long, ma'am? What urgent matters take up your time, prevent you from writing to your very good lover?

What prevents your tender and devoted love, which you promised him? Who is this new seducer, new lover, who claims all your time, preventing you from taking care of your spouse? Josephine, beware: one fine night I will break down your doors and stand before you.

In fact, my dear friend, I am worried that I do not receive news from you, write me quickly four pages, and only about those pleasant things that will fill my heart with joy and tenderness.

I hope to wrap you in my arms soon and cover you with a million kisses, burning like the rays of the sun at the equator.

These are touching and revelations. If you are interested, please share in the comments. I would like to continue this topic in future articles.

And now those of my articles that are very dear to me on this topic:

. are my favorite poems.
God sends us all to each other- also poems
Love and music is the theme of love in music.
Mandala of Love
Love and tenderness in contours and lines

My heartfelt gift for today Chopin Nocturne in E flat major , Op.9 No. 2 performed by one of my favorite pianists, Valentina Lisitsa. I introduced you to this blonde beauty. How close everything is, how subtle everything is, what an amazing touch to the keys. Listen to everything yourself.

I wish everyone the same touching and sophistication in feelings, rise a little above the bustle of life, maybe we can see other colors of life?

see also



    29 Mar 2013 at 20:53


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    silent violet
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    Madame Internet
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    15 Mar 2013 at 7:44

Love letters to a girl

Letter to my girlfriend

It's hard for me to love you. Indescribable feelings, you brought into my soul. A bouquet of fantastic emotions brought your unexpected arrival into my life into my heart. Now you are not around, but I know you feel my warming love for you. To teach a person to dream again is not given to everyone. You did it. And I am again in a fairy tale, alluring into the distance and frightening with its beauty ... You are not a desire, but an opportunity to find yourself. Only with the advent of you, I was able to be reborn and understand who I am. Only you helped me become independent of my desires. My heart has learned to be patient. Endure the fire, flaring feelings and overwhelming emotions. Having passed through darkness, through the jungle of evil and the desert of suffering, I found light in my soul. Your harmony. I won't give you to anyone now and I won't let them take you away. But I'll let you go if she wants to leave... I can give my life to you, but I'm afraid that you will throw it into the sky, bottomless and too spacious for one human life. I'm afraid that she will not return to me anymore, and I will only exist, not live ... You have become an angel in my life! ..

Letter to my girlfriend

I want to thank you for being in my life. For leaving so many pleasant, beautiful memories and emotions. For giving me so much affection, warmth, care. For wonderful nights. For the minutes when I was there. For your smile For the kind words. For all the good things that happened between us.

I am sincerely sorry that I was not able to appreciate it in time ...

Only now (or rather, after the May conversation), realizing that I was losing you, I realized how dear you are to me. Only now I realized that you are exactly the person with whom I am ready to go my life path to the end. That you are exactly the one with whom I want to raise our children (recently I have been haunted by an illusion - I see you with a stomach, and next to me I kneel and lean against the baby with my cheek, gently stroking my tummy with my hands. I see this picture all the time and from this starts to ache.) That you are the one to whom I want to give my affection and warmth, whom I want to take care of. It is you and our crumbs that I want to make happy,

Letter to my girlfriend

My girl, I feel for you an incredibly great and truly wonderful feeling, without which a person does not live, but simply exists - this is love. You are everything to me and even more, you are the one for which I began to live and breathe.

I love you and will love you forever!

Letter to my girlfriend

We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart.

If you don't think so, then I won't be able to live anymore, because the heart can't only beat halfway...

Letter to my girlfriend

I love you madly, from your first glance into my eyes ...

You are the one who gave me the best feelings. I didn’t have such feelings, but I was waiting, looking for ... and now the moment has come ... you appeared!

I love you more than life!..

Sometimes it seems that my love is so great that your love is not even noticeable ... But I know that you love me! You give me joy and fill my life with meaning!

So I want to shout to the whole wide world that I LOVE YOU!!!

Letter to my girlfriend

You are the most precious person to me! I love you with all my heart and can't live without you! I am ready to share with you both grief and joy! I am ready to go even to the ends of the world, if only you were next to me!

Letter to my girlfriend

My favorite and dearest in the world!

You are the most beautiful, and I am very happy that I have you! You know that I love you, I have already told you this many times, but I want everyone to know about it. They found out that I love you madly, and I don’t doubt my feelings a bit, I value you very much! You are the most precious person for me in this world!

You suddenly appeared in my life, and this feeling so suddenly arose and grew into boundless love for you!

I really understand that without you I can no longer live, except for you I don’t need anyone and no one can replace you!

My heart forever belongs only to you. Only with you I am truly happy and only with you I want to be always! **

Letter to my girlfriend

I want to say a lot. Leave more unsaid. Something that can only be felt, something that the best writer cannot convey in words. Feel like a touch of lips, like a touch of silky skin, a feeling that pierces the soul and leaves a deep trace of sweet memories, anticipation of wonderful sensations and an anxious heartbeat. Like a whirlwind of images, into which you slowly sink, wanting to save every second, to extend it into eternity, not to expect the end of the element of feelings. Save like gold, as the most valuable gift, keep in memory the eternity that keeps you. And never betray the sacred for two in their little world of oblivion and joy.

Letter to my girlfriend

I miss you very much... I wait for YOU every day... With dry lips I whisper your name... and tears well up in my eyes from the realization of the impossibility of a miracle, from senselessness and hopelessness. Yes, I never heard from you those words that I was waiting for ....

You can't fix anything. Start over??? I... I only feel loneliness and your indifference, which may not exist, but you do not show anything else.

Why can't I be with you - WHYUUUUUUUUUUUUU?

And maybe just waking up once in a nightmare, with something inside, torn from unbearable pain, without even immediately realizing where I am, and that I am alone, and now REALLY ALONE - maybe only then I will understand HOW I REALLY I LOVE YOU... And these are not just words... Tell me what I have to do, and I will do everything... if you say to die, then I will die, do not hesitate!

How can you live with such love?

Letter to my girlfriend

Still, it's great to love you! .. Sometimes you don't understand where you are going, and, in fact, why. You remember your eyes, and the earth flies out from under your feet, intoxicated with delight and pride that I can love you!

(Selection of material for the site: Lyudmila T.)

I decided today to give you my sincere confession. My letter is a sled that is flying without control on the ice, I don’t know where they will take me, but still I mustered up the courage to tell you this. You are the cutest and smartest boy I have ever met. When you're around, strange things happen to me. I begin to blush, stutter, my arms and legs go numb, and my knees give way. When I go to bed and close my eyes, I immediately see your face, I think about you, I sort through all your words and gestures in my thoughts. I'm always very interested in you. And every day this feeling in me is stronger. I want to see you more and more, and I feel more and more embarrassed when I see you. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that I fell in love with you. And I decided that it's time to tell you about it, otherwise I'll just stand silently on the sidelines.

I have one biggest and most important secret in my life. You are my favorite boy - now you know my secret! How you will deal with him is up to you, I understand that you will do as your heart feels. And I do not pretend to anything, I just want to say that I have long lost my appetite and restful sleep. You have become so special and important for me, even necessary! When you smile, it seems to me that my head starts to feel a little dizzy. All because you are the cutest, the funniest, the strongest and the bravest. Now my heart beats much faster, and all my thoughts are occupied with you. I dream that you would reciprocate me, because then my whole world will turn upside down and I will become as happy as I have never been! All I dream about now is to see your affectionate and playful look.

You and I have been best friends for a long time. We spend a lot of time together. We walk together, watch interesting films together, talk about everything in the world, laugh, make fun, fight sometimes. I feel very good with you always, very fun, warm and comfortable. I can no longer imagine my life without you, you have become an integral part of my every day. Millions of spoken words, millions of cups of tea drunk, millions of jokes, millions of infinitely beautiful minutes. But, not so long ago, everything has changed dramatically. Now everything is different. When you are near, I increasingly want to touch you, kiss you. I'm jealous of other girls. And you know what I think? I love you! I am very afraid to admit this to you, because I cannot know for sure what is happening in your heart. But, I still decided on this and I really, really hope that my feelings will be mutual.

I want to confess my feelings to you today, and maybe this is not very common for girls, but I plucked up the courage and did it. I have long and hopelessly in love with you, the coolest boy on earth. And even now, not knowing your feelings for me at all, I'm still very happy about it. Because love makes a person more beautiful, I now notice beautiful things that I didn’t even pay attention to before, everything is completely different now. And I know for sure that no one, since I am not able to love you, with all my heart, absolutely disinterestedly, without demanding or expecting anything in return. After all, despite your answer, your eyes will not stop captivating me, I will not stop liking your smile, I will not stop thinking about you twenty-four hours a day. All I need is to see you cheerful and happy.

My sweetest, most desirable boy, I fell in love with you so much that I no longer have the strength to keep it in myself. I myself did not realize and did not understand when there was that moment in which I changed so much. But at the same moment of my change, two large white wings grew behind me, with one wave of which, I fly into the sky. I know for sure that guys like you don't exist anymore. You are like my own magnet, I am drawn to you as soon as I wake up, and, falling asleep, I think only of you alone, my dear. I'm sorry if I seem too bold to you, but please take this girl's confession seriously and do not laugh at my feelings. For me, this is very, very important. After all, I love you with all my bright and inexperienced soul. I am very afraid to be disappointed. You filled my head so much that it became difficult for me to study, I felt like eating, and now I can’t sleep at all. I love you.

Recently, some miracles happen to me, as if magic broke into my life. I am so happy that I want to turn into a butterfly and soar to heaven. Such lightness, such inspiration, very strange, unknown to me and very unusual feelings. And it was you who was to blame, because it was you, the most beautiful boy in the world, who made my life change. It was you who was able to paint my world with bright colors, it was thanks to you that wings grew behind my back. You are so cool, funny, smart, interesting and brave. I have never met anyone who could be better than you. And now it's time to reveal my feelings to you. Because it has already become very difficult for me to keep it in myself and cope alone. I am very worried about what your answer will be, because a lot depends on your answer. But, there is one thing that will remain in me, no matter what you answer me - this is my strong love for you.


Today I will write my wish on a piece of paper and burn it. And I have one desire, that you reciprocate this bold confession of mine. I want to confess to you that you are the best boy on earth, you have become a close and dear person to me. You are like a ray of gentle, warm sun lit up my life and my every day. You give me happiness, you give me laughter, you give me the most interesting and most pleasant minutes. Thank you for this. Today the day has come when I will tell you that I can no longer be just your friend, because I have long and strongly wished for more. I want to be your girlfriend because I love you. Today I will write on a piece of paper: I love my boy, and I want us to always be together, and for him to reciprocate! It is up to you to decide what you will give me, the fulfillment of my dream, or the pain of disappointment and tears. All in your hands!


I fell in love with you with a very strange love, you seem to have grown to my soul, become a part of me, and it’s not that it’s hard for me to be without you, I can’t even breathe without you - I start to suffocate. You and I have become one, and I am one hundred percent sure that you are my soul mate on this earth. I am sure that my love for you will be eternal, all because love has no end. I am sure that you can make me the happiest, you are already doing. You shed a bright light of love and tenderness on my days. Now every morning I wake up thinking about you, and every night I go to sleep thinking about you. You penetrated into my soul, into my heart, into my blood and captured me all. Now my heart belongs only to you, my beloved and the best boy in the world. I love you. I can not live without you. I want to be always by your side. I want to be the one and only for you.


My dear boy, today is a special and very important day for me. After all, it was today that I decided to confess my feelings to you, to tell you, without hiding, about what worries me very much, about what excites me for a very long time. I don’t know how to write beautiful words, but when I wake up in the middle of the night, because I dreamed about you, and I lie and think about you for a long time, I understand that all this is not just like that. When you come up to me, I start to get very embarrassed, I lose the power of speech, I blush, and I understand that this is also not just like that. In the evening, I look forward to the next day, because after an hour I start to miss you very, very much, and this is also not just like that. I decided today to confess not only to you, but also to myself what I am very scared and excited to admit. But, this can no longer continue, because the feelings that live inside me rebel and want to go out. I love you, I love you very much!


My dear boy, the most beloved in the whole wide world, the best, the smartest, the most beautiful, the most cheerful. Today, my feelings cannot be limited to the space inside me, they are torn out, they want to fly and spin. I love you so much! I love everything about you: your eyes, your hair, your smile, your laugh. I love your jokes, I love your thoughts. I love you all very much, my dearest and closest. You were able to make my life a little better, now everything that happened in it before has become a little happier, a little more interesting, a little brighter. It is very important to me that you answered me in return, that you love me too. This makes me truly happy. I don’t know what else you can wish for, because I have everything a girl needs to be happy. And most importantly, I have you and it's so wonderful!


My dear boy, my beloved, the only one! How long I have been waiting for you, how grateful I am to fate that I met you on my life path! I have never met a more beautiful and sweeter person in my life! Only you helped me to believe in real feelings, only before you I opened my soul and entrusted you with all its secret corners and hiding places. Only you know what is going on in my soul, I stretch out my bare heart in my palm in front of you and give it to you forever! I will never forget our first, such a tender and touching kiss, your look, your lips, your strong hands, your touch. They excite my blood, and from excitement I hear the beating of my heart. I want to confess to you my feelings, because I don’t have the strength to keep it in myself anymore, there’s no point in being silent. My boy, kitten, I love you, I live by you, I breathe you, I admire you, every minute of my time, I think only about you!

Having met you, my gentle, pure soul and heart, dear boy, I seemed to be in a garden, in a rose garden of love, which is fragrant with aromas of tenderness that eat into the soul forever. And this magical aroma will never disappear from the corners of the heart, it will never be forgotten and will not disappear from memory. It will leave a mark for life, but it will never be repeated. Only once in a lifetime can you feel it. And this time it happened. I am bewitched, I am enchanted, I am in love. Your charm is endless, your voice is divine, your smile is insanely beautiful, your gaze pierces so through and through that there is no chance not to fall in love with you. You are the universe of my perception, you are my world, you are the ideal, you are my idol! I admire you, my feelings are growing every day, my feelings are also gaining momentum, and it would seem that there is a limit to everything, but no, not in this case. There is no limit to my love. It will never be. He is not. There is you, me and our love.


I want to turn back time and go to the day when we met. Remember and scroll through your head, every minute, every second, every moment of our meeting. It was a great, incomparable feeling that now, right now, something incredibly important is happening for both of us. Something clearly happened between us, it's so hard to explain in simple words, but I'll try. I understood the meaning of the expression: "wings have grown." It was the state of inspiration that I felt next to you, like a bird, my soul flies when I think about you. And I think about you all the time. The entire ether of my time is filled with you, all my attention is only for you, everything that I can feel and feel is for you, my dear boy. I thank you for every pleasant minute you gave me. In general, stop beating around the bush. It's time to dot the i's. I want to confess to you. I love you!


Before meeting you, it seemed to me that there were no real, strong, self-confident males left, but you completely convinced me of this and showed that a girl should be weak and defenseless. You taught me to trust you, your choice and decision, and I am very grateful for that. My beloved boy, I will never tire of repeating that I love you very much, you are the real and only meaning of my life, which I will never give up. Only next to you I feel complete, alive and very happy. It is with great pleasure that I am going to you on a date every time, and every time I get excited as if this is our first meeting. I love to watch you rush to me, a little excited, with a bouquet of flowers and a charming smile. After you take me home in the evening, I immediately begin to dream about the next meeting and look forward to it. And there is a reason for that. I love you!


It seems to me that not all girls can say that they are as happy as I am. The reason for such happiness is the most beautiful, most intelligent and talented boy, with whom I am simply madly in love. Ever since we ran into you on the street by accident, my life has literally been turned upside down. Now I constantly think about you, miss you and plan our new date. The time spent with you is always not enough for me, because no matter how much we are together, it seems to me that only one minute has passed. Thank you so much for giving me the feeling of a blooming and very warm spring, which will literally be in my soul, even among gray everyday life, rainy weather and winter cold. Only your hands can hug so gently and tightly at the same time, only in your hands I want to be around the clock, thank you for that, my love.


My sweet baby, my boy, my affectionate angel, I want to give you the most precious thing I have - a declaration of love and a desire to make you happy! I can't live without you, I need you like air. Without you, I'm just a little man in this world, and with you I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. When you are around, I feel that you need me just as much as I need you. Don't think that when you're not around, I don't think about you. When you are far away, I love you hundreds of thousands of times more. I think about you all the time and I love you very much. We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you don't think so, then I won't be able to live anymore, because the heart can't only beat halfway. I can't imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness, my soul, my joy! I love you!


When a star falls from the sky, I make a wish. I have one desire and for one person, for you, my boy. I ask heaven that the feeling that I feel for you never ends, that it lives in me forever and only gains strength. So that you feel the same and our love lasts forever. I live for this, for the sake of our meetings, touches, for the sake of our future with you. The whole meaning of my life is you! I fall asleep and think of you! I wake up and think of you! I sleep at night and smile because I dream about you. When you are near, a light burns inside me, I like its insanely cozy warmth, and the way it warms me. I feel comfortable with you when you hug me or when you just smile. You are my little world, which even the whole universe cannot replace. I love you and that says it all.


Recently, some very strange things have started to happen to me, I have become very distracted, I constantly fly in the clouds, I can’t see anything, I can’t hear anything and I can’t concentrate on anything. Do you know, my dear boy, what caused all this? It is because of you that I have become like this, because I can’t think of anything else except my most beloved, most beautiful and most wonderful boy. You take up so much space in all my thoughts that I just don’t have time to think about anything else. Despite all this, I'm just happy, because only next to you can I feel such an upliftment, so much happiness and joy, like never before. I love you very much, my dear, and I am ready to repeat these very warm beautiful words every day just to see your most wonderful smile in the world. Thank you, my love, for making me so happy!


Among the thousands of random passers-by in the gray crowd, my eyes met yours and I realized that I was gone forever. That depth, beauty and sensuality that I saw in your eyes captured me and never let go. My dear, I am happy that then I was able to consider you, and you, too, could not pass by. Let our love story last for many more years, our feelings become stronger day by day, and that light that shines in our eyes does not fade away. I constantly want to breathe the same air with you, hold your hand and look at the same stars. There are probably no words that could fully contain what I feel about you, so I'll just say that I love you very much. Among a thousand eyes your are the most dear, among a thousand hands your warmest and among the thousand boys that I have met in my life - you are the only one to whom I gladly give my heart!