Conspiracies for the sale of a car. Magic plot to sell a car. Strong magical effect

In this age of commercial prosperity, it is not so easy to sell your own car. Throw away doubts and just try to pronounce You will be surprised how quickly you can come to an agreement with the buyer, improving your well-being.

How is a conspiracy to sell a car carried out?

First you need to determine which spell suits you best. Perhaps it will just be a prayer for the sale of the car. cook necessary funds to implement a conspiracy, for example, holy water or salt. Choose a place and time so that no one bothers you and does not embarrass you with a sudden appearance. Although you are not doing anything wrong, it is easier to do without justifying explanations.

An effective and versatile spell

If your goal is to profitably sell the car, before turning the deal while washing, say a conspiracy to sell the car: “I put up the car for sale, as I wash off dirt and dust from it, so I beat off the desire to bring down the price to buyers. I'll sell it to whoever I get the most from. Let the bargaining go with them, and the desire to buy a car will grow!” This conspiracy to sell a car allows you to make a profit more than planned.

Conspiracy for the quick sale of the car

Buy holy water from the church, and on the way home buy regular salt. Arriving home, take a handful of salt with your left hand, sprinkle it with consecrated water and hold it in your fist. Then say the following words: “How can people now not do without a steel lock, how impossible it is to live without a hardened key, so buyers will not be able to live without an iron horse, my still car. May what I say be done!” After that, put the salt somewhere so that it just dries. naturally, without additional stimulation on your part. Sprinkle a part of the dried salt on the car, saying: “As food needs salt, so a merchant needs goods!” On the same day, add the remaining portion of salt to food.

A simple plot to sell a car

When cleaning the vehicle cabin, remove all covers and mats. Knock them out, saying: “As I shake the dust out of the car, so I brush my spirit out of it. As I drive out the rubbish, so I change the owner! Let the buyer come, he will take the car dearly!

Conspiracy with holy water

Pour holy water into a glass and say the following words over it: “Just as there is no life without water, so it is bad for a buyer without a car, so I can’t sell cheap. Let one merchant come, the second look, and the third buy, all my expenses will pay off! Amen".

Conspiracy to attract many buyers

If your car has a lot of buyers, it will not be difficult for you to raise the price of it. To do this, go around the car three times clockwise, saying: “As I am now walking around the car, so the merchants would go and breastfeed, strive to buy. Attract a new owner to yourself, mark a good price! Amen".

The psychology of car sales

Scientists are not yet able to explain why conspiracies work, so they are wary of such magical procedures. Although in this case the engine of the process is the man himself. The seller is configured in such a way that he creates a certain energy around him that attracts people who are appropriate for the situation. Choose the spell option that suits you. And happy selling!

Magic in the 21st century is a powerful tool to help people make their lives better. With the help of magic, people have long learned to attract good luck in many areas: love, health, money. Merchants, businessmen, businessmen use magic, it helps them to make deals, sell property more profitably, attract buyers. In the article, we will talk about how to successfully conclude a deal to sell a car with the help of magic.

Is there a conspiracy to sell the car?

A car is a luxury item that is often difficult to sell. The car may be new, beautiful and technically perfect, but for some reason buyers bypass it. Is it a matter of price, rarity or appearance, but for white magic reasons are not important. Magic does not make the item being spoken better, it helps the magician find those who need this item.

With the help of a conspiracy to sell a car, you will quickly find the very buyer who, at the very sight of him, will be ready to make a deal. And at the same time, he will lay out the required amount for him, because it will be just the car that he was looking for.

If you have already practiced white magic in order to achieve success in various areas of life - including trading - you know the main rules. If you are a novice magician and, in despair, to sell your car with the means available to the layman, do not worry. We will tell you how to do this easily and simply with the help of existing conspiracies.

All you need is self-confidence, a lunar calendar, some components for rituals and the words of conspiracies that you will learn from this article.

Conspiracies for the sale of a car are of three types:

  1. Conspiracies for the speed of the transaction;
  2. Conspiracies for a successful and profitable deal;
  3. Universal conspiracies-purifiers of energy.

Conspiracies on transaction speed- the simplest, most often they are repeated after a certain period of time. Ultimately, they lead to a quick transaction if speed is more important to you than price.

If you want to sell a car more profitable- it is better to do this with the help of a conspiracy of the second type.

In case you want to sell a car and quickly and profitably, - there are universal conspiracies. They purify the energy of the car, helping you to get rid of the attachment to it, removing the negative effect and making it attractive to the buyer. It is recommended to use one universal conspiracy instead of two (for speed and profit) at the same time. So one magic will not come into conflict with another and the chances of success will increase.

You can talk to the car different ways: on the keys, on the photo of the car, on the car itself, you can even speak it at a distance without seeing the car itself in front of you. For successful conspiracy you will need various components, for example: salt, holy water, bay leaf, money, candles.

Conspiracy for the keys

The most likely success of a conspiracy on the keys. Such a conspiracy to sell a car can be read at home.

After checking with lunar calendar, make sure that the moon in the sky is in the waning phase. In case there is a growing moon in the yard, it is better to wait certain period time. Of course, a self-confident magician will be able to perform the ritual regardless of the phase of the moon, but it is believed that the waning moon symbolizes success and profit, so we recommend that you still wait for the right time. Ideal Conditions for a successful conspiracy - this is 12-15 lunar days.

Conspiracies on quick sale car keying is best done in the morning and evening, before dawn and after sunset. Until the deal goes through.

All you need is:

  • the keys themselves, preferably all the kits that you have;
  • Holy water;
  • bowl or wooden bowl;
  • Bay leaf;
  • old paper bill;
  • candle.

Pour a bay leaf into a wooden dish washed with holy water, from which no one has eaten before. Fresh, not dried is best, but in a metropolis you can also use regular package bay leaf from the market or from the store. Put your car keys on a bay leaf. In case there are several keys, make sure they don't overlap each other crosswise, this can short out the energy and nullify the effect of the conspiracy.

Take the oldest, wrinkled and battered bill that is in your wallet. Light a candle, it is best if the color of the candle matches the color of your car. If there is none, take an ordinary yellow church candle.

Holding a bill in one hand, a candle in the other, stand in front of the tub with laurel and keys. Holding the candle so that the wax drips into the bowl, but the candle does not go out, begin to slowly drive the bill over it. Your goal is to keep it from burning, but warming up.

During this, read the plot:

“With a sacred candle, prayer grass, I overshadow with laurel, I conjure the keys. As money becomes obsolete, so I let go of my car. Let the buyer come, let him pay immediately, the goods for him, the profit for me.

Repeat the plot three times, then turn the candle over and put it out on the key. Carefully fold the bill and hide it inside the car for sale so that it is difficult to find. Keep the keys with you.

A buyer will appear soon. The ritual can be repeated twice a day, use the bill only for the first time.

On the picture

Conspiracies for the sale of a car that need to be read as a key are the most effective, but not always the most convenient. It makes sense to read a plot to sell a car on a photo of a car if you don’t have the keys themselves, you can’t get close to the car, or you want to help one of your acquaintances, friends or relatives.

To do this, consider the three types of conspiracies described below.

Conspiracy to quickly sell a car from a photo

All you need is a photo of the car and a candle. Light a candle and, having covered its flame with a photograph, imagine how the photo is enveloped in light energy. Feeling the warmth in your fingers, start reading the plot:

“To the goods - the merchant, to the merchant - the goods, come the buyer, the buyer come. Time is not a hindrance, distance is not a hindrance, I send the light of a candle. Come light and shine white energy on the car (name, model, brand, color). Let the buyer come soon, let the warmth of the candle warm him up and the transaction will be completed in the blink of an eye.

Conspiracy for a successful and profitable sale of a car from a photo

In this case, do the same movements, but the text of the plot will be different:

“To a commodity - a merchant, to a merchant - a commodity, a merchant - a businessman, a merchant - a craftsman. Let there be many buyers, and let there be bargaining in favor of the merchant. Time is not a hindrance, distance is not a hindrance, I send the light of a candle. Come light and shine white energy on the car (name, model, brand, color). Let the deal be successful, the merchant will have the treasured money, the buyer - the desired car. Let it be so".

A universal conspiracy to sell a car from a photo at a distance: energy cleaning

In order to free the car from the energy of the owner and the emotions associated with them that interfere with the transaction, the following is necessary. Take a photo of the car, a photo of the owner, two candles and an object belonging to the owner of the car. Preferably something frequently used, very personal. A handkerchief, a keychain, a pen—anything that the owner of the car frequently touched. He is needed for better contact with the power of the machine.

Place a photo of the owner under the photo of the car. In an open palm, put a personal item of the owner, cover it with photographs. Place two lighted candles at an equal distance from each other, put your palm between them.

Read the plot:

“It was your car,” the car became a draw. Became a draw machine — was the buyer's car. I release you from the common energy, in the name of new accomplishments and desired money. A buyer will come, he will take the car, the car is clean, given without regrets.

Then set aside in different sides a photo of the car and a photo of the owner with a personal item. Fold the photo of the owner in two additions and carefully seal with wax from the left candle. Thus, you free the car from the energy of the owner and do not harm him.

At a distance without a photo

If this is your car and you remember what it looks like, what's inside it, or even smell the interior, it's very easy to make a conspiracy. But if this is not your car, or friends have asked you, a prayer for a quick sale of the car will help you.

In any of these cases, you will not be able to use components that help sell a particular vehicle. You will need to use your image and bring it to life.

Take a sheet of paper, a pencil whose color matches the color of the car. If the car is white, take a brown or black sheet of paper and a white pencil.

Wait for favorable lunar day and sit in front of the window so that the moonlight falls on a piece of paper. Light a candle in advance and set it aside so that its light does not illuminate a sheet of paper.

Closing your eyes - be sure, otherwise nothing will work - bring a pencil over the sheet and draw a car with arbitrary movements. It may be completely different even from a vehicle with four wheels, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to draw, imagining a car and put associations with it into your movements.

Selling a car is a common thing these days. Each seller wants to sell his vehicle as profitably and quickly as possible, and the buyer seeks to buy a car that pleases the soul, and is of high quality, does not break, and at an attractive price. It can be seen that the two participants in the transaction pursue completely different goals, which is why the car can long time be on sale and remain unclaimed.

Special magical conspiracies for the sale of a car can help significantly speed up the process. They should be read by the owner of the vehicle, who decided to find a new owner for his “swallow”.

Conspiracies to sell cars are considered a relatively young ritual. They began to be used only with the advent of cars, and since then they have helped a considerable number of car owners. However, there are prayers that can be considered a prototype of these conspiracies (some of them will be given below). They were used in antiquity for the purpose of selling any means of transportation (carts, teams, carriages, and even riding horses). Antique prayers are inherently more versatile and are suitable for selling not only a car, but everything that can be considered a vehicle.

Rituals for the sale of cars are safe view magical influence. They do not suppress the will of a potential buyer, do not force him to buy the car being sold. The purpose of rituals of this nature is only to attract solvent buyers and, thereby, speed up the transaction.

In order for the conspiracy to sell the car to work correctly, the seller must read it subject to certain conditions:

  • the ritual is effective if carried out when the moon is waning. The reduction of the moon contributes to the rapid sale of the car being sold;
  • the deal will be profitable for the seller if he reads the plot on Wednesday - this day is considered the most favorable in terms of money;
  • the conspiracy will be powerless if the performer (the seller of the car) doubts the power of the magical effect and does not believe in the successful outcome of the transaction;
  • any ritual is a sacrament, so confidentiality is a must, even with a positive result.

In addition to all of the above, it will be useful to sprinkle the car being sold with consecrated water in advance. When potential buyers show up, the car should only be shown to them in daylight. And even if the first customers refuse to buy, the seller should in no case lose positive attitude. The first failure is not a cause for despair. It is imperative to maintain confidence in the success of the transaction, and then everything will certainly work out.

Special conspiracies and prayers for selling a car

Simple conspiracy

Walk around the car for sale 3 times, moving clockwise. At the same time, say the magic words given below, repeating exactly as many times as it takes for 3 complete rounds. Text:

“As I walk around my car, so the buyers will walk around it, crowd and want to buy. Attract a new owner and with money.

Old conspiracy before meeting with the buyer

This conspiracy is one of the most ancient and powerful. With it, you can sell any vehicle, including a car. Magic words must first be memorized and read during any actions that are directly related to the transaction (advertising, telephone conversations with customers, meeting with a potential buyer, etc.). The text is as follows:

“Across the clear sky the wagon rushed, the bird was harnessed to its harness. Anyone who saw that chariot immediately wanted to take possession of it. I searched in my dreams, I didn’t know peace during the day. Let the honest people do everything that I offered, desired, wanted and bought from me. For my heavenly bird, for the iron chariot. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

Strong conspiracy on the keys

In this video, you can see another powerful way to conspire with car keys:

Ancient rite for sale

Water is talking, which then you need to wash the car being sold on your own. Text:

“I wash off all the dirt from the horse, but I put it up for auction. Who is for the horse more money If he gives it, I will sell it to him. Let every other richer merchants come, they are bargaining for my horse.

If during the process of washing the car it will be necessary to change the water to clean, a new portion of water should also be spoken. It is useful to call visualization as your assistant: to imagine how the car will be sold, how the buyer will like it, what a profitable deal will be for the seller’s wallet.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Everyone needs to improve their business - for example, to sell an old car in order to buy a different model. Perhaps the need for a car has simply disappeared, or the family will have to move to another region. In such cases, it is easier to get rid of the car than to transport it to a new location. But getting away with it can be difficult. Then many ask for help from the Lord and the saints. What prayers for the sale of a car will be the most effective?

How not to do

People far from the church go online to find the necessary "magic" text of the prayer. And then worse than that- call for the help of magicians and healers. They think that the sale of a car will take place by itself if they repeat a set of words they do not understand 40 times. But this way is far from true Christianity.

True, there is also little harm from theatrical action, but they will not help sell a car. You should not trust dubious texts compiled by unscrupulous authors. Especially if they offer to whisper conspiracies on holy water or Orthodox icons. Such manipulations are already witchcraft, which is strictly prohibited in any Christian denomination. The Bible repeatedly describes how magicians, magicians, sorcerers were subjected to God's strict judgment.

Prayers for car sales

How to do the right thing so as not to harm your soul? It's not as difficult as it seems. First of all, one must be aware of why the sacred text will be read. I would like him to help quickly and successfully sell an unnecessary vehicle - but then mechanical repetition will not be enough. To begin with, you need to use only proven prayers.

Prayer for a profitable car sale

“Just as everyone needs water, there will be no life without it, so there would be no life for other people without my car. Let the merchant come, buy a car, reward me with a coin. One will come, the second will look, and the third will buy the car. Amen"

Prayer to sell a car quickly

“I put up my car for sale, I wash off the dirt from it. To sell it to the highest bidder. To give to the most not greedy. Let the rich merchants come and buy a car soon. Do not stand for him for a long time, the new owner is already on his way. Amen"

It should also be understood that turning to God cannot be a simple requirement. Prayer is not an act of exchange certain actions for material goods. What effect does it produce?

  • Saves the seller from spiritual harm.
  • Protects from intruders.
  • Calls for help heavenly powers in all matters related to material well-being.
  • Protects from envious people.

Turning to God and saints does help, but it is not a guarantee that a buyer will immediately appear and offer a huge amount in exchange for the keys to your car.

Prayer for the sale of the car of St. Spiridon

“Begged for the mercy of the Humanity God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by his grace. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life and grant us, but the death of the belly is shameless and peaceful and eternal bliss in the future, let us unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen"

Spiridon of Trimifuntsky is considered the most effective assistant in monetary matters. In particular, he patronizes transactions, but only when they are completely honest. If someone is trying to sell a faulty car, there is some hidden intent in his actions in order to make a profit at the expense of the buyer - you should not wait for help. The effect can be just the opposite.

Even having received a benefit, you can regret your deceit. After all, any act will return as a boomerang. It's better to do the right thing:

  • to carry out high-quality preparation of the vehicle;
  • inform the buyer about the existing defects;
  • offer a fair price without overcharging.

You can deceive a person, but higher powers cannot. In order for money to flow, it is necessary to earn it honestly, without trying to use the saints for personal selfish purposes.

Help in money matters - who to pray

Many during the crisis began to be in great need, because the level of salaries does not keep pace with rising prices. Then confusion, fear settles in the soul, even faith begins to crack. Orthodox sometimes go to extremes - some are sure that the Lord is obliged to provide for their material needs without any restrictions, efforts on their part. Others feel that this area of ​​life is out of control higher powers, and the reward awaits the righteous only after death, but on earth they are destined only for torment.

Both of them are wrong. God created man in such a way that everything in his life was harmonious. But first of all, one should think about the spiritual life. Everything else will gradually improve. The main thing is to remember that the Lord helps only those who themselves do not sit idly by.

Is it possible to read prayers for prosperity? Separately, asking for material benefits is allowed in cell (private) practice, but there are no specially drafted petitions. They are implied in many psalms, also in the prayer "Our Father", when a person asks for daily bread.

Why are there no special Orthodox prayers about money? Because Christians must first of all think about the salvation of the soul. Everything else comes after.


Material resources are just as good as any other, they must be managed. Unfortunately, residents of modern megacities tend to mindlessly spend money on things, the presence of which is dictated only by fashion, but by no means vital necessity. Therefore, they punish themselves, not being able to appreciate what is given by the Lord. money prayer is not a solution to all problems, although it can help promote the success of righteous causes, including the desire to honestly sell a car.

Selling a car, especially one with mileage, is not an easy task. Anyone who has experienced this knows that the sale process can take up to long months, or even years - then you can’t find a buyer, and if you find it, then the price doesn’t suit him, or you don’t like the conditions under which the buyer is ready to buy a car from you. Agree that you always want to scroll through the deal faster and more profitably. For this, there are rituals, prayers and conspiracies for the sale of cars, which we will now tell you about.

Magical rites and rituals - there is an appeal for help to another world, so you need to strictly follow all the recommendations for their implementation in order to get desired result, and it is very important to act confidently, without fear and doubt, then everything will work out. And one more thing - do not tell anyone about your idea to sell the car, otherwise everything may not go the way you want.

Approach the process of selling your car with all seriousness and, of course, with love, because it has served you faithfully long years and deserves the very best. If you initially radiate the energy of love for your car, and sincerely wish to please the buyer, then a successful result is guaranteed for you, and conspiracies for a successful car sale will help you.

Conspiracy to sell a car

Before the start of the sale, the car should be “cleaned” of its energy. This is done to neutralize the energy of the car so that it can easily accept a new owner. Get out of the car, clean it of your personal belongings, repeating the words: “I shake out the rubbish from the car - I drive my spirit out of it. Let the buyer come and bring his spirit into it! ”, And then wash it properly, be sure to manually, you can add detergents and flavors, while repeating the plot: “I wash out the dirt, I put up the car for auction, let the buyers go one richer than the other - whoever offers more money, I will sell it. Amen!" At the end of the ceremony, the car should be sprinkled with holy water.

After washing the car, perform a ritual with a key - put it in boiling water and say a conspiracy: “Just as people cannot live without an iron lock, without an iron key, so they cannot live without my car. Just as you people can't live without water and food, so you can't live without my car. Amen". After reading this plot, remove the keys from the pan, and wash your hands with that water on the day the car is sold.

There is another simple conspiracy. Before announcing the sale of a car, visualize that your ad has already been responded to a large number of buyers who agree to buy a car from you, and then say the following: “Let my plan come true, let my wish come true. All my words are true and strong! Let it be so!"

Conspiracy to sell a car quickly

Go around the car for sale three times clockwise, saying the following spell as long as you walk: “As I walk around the car, let the buyers go to buy if they want, and a new owner with money has been found!” A buyer will be found soon.

Strong conspiracy to sell a car

Ritual with honey and holy water. For this ritual you will need:

  • red ribbon;
  • some honey;
  • Holy water.

Lightly smear the car doors, hood, trunk, bumper with honey, and then dilute a drop of honey in holy water and spray the space around the car, whispering a conspiracy: “All people love honey is sweet, even if my car will be sweet for buyers, so that he loves she also desired. Let the buyer stick to my car! My word is apt and strong! Amen!"

Place a red ribbon under the driver's seat, and if the buyer asks what it is for, you can say that this is a charm from accidents.

Conspiracy to sell a car for salt. Fry the salt in a skillet until dark color, while saying the words of the conspiracy: “The salt on the fire is tempered, new strength acquired, be my helper in all my undertakings!

Sprinkle this salt around the car so that the buyer can enter that circle. As soon as he enters there, mentally close the circle, saying: “I close the magic circle so that a person does not leave it without buying my car. My words are strong."

Conspiracy to sell a car to read on the water

On Wednesday draw water from the spring. If you don't have one, buy it from the store. mineral water from the well. Consecrate it in the church. This ceremony is performed at night on the full moon on the street. Sprinkling the car with water, they read the following spell: “You are the water that gained strength from the earth, received a blessing in the holy temple, help my car get a new owner who is ready to pay me for it as much as I ask. True and strong my words will soon find me a buyer. Let it be so!" After this ritual, a quick and profitable car sale will not be long in coming.

Prayers for a successful car sale

In addition to conspiracies to sell a car, you can use prayers that are no less effective.

Very strong prayer Nicholas the Wonderworker. After you have agreed with the buyer about the meeting, take any church candle and light it next to the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Mentally ask God for help in the upcoming transaction, before that sincerely repenting of all your sins. Ask for forgiveness from those you hurt and forgive everyone who hurt you. Read the prayer sincerely: “Nicholas the Wonderworker is the Pleasant of our Lord! I ask You for a favor in need of the unrighteous! I'm trying to sell the car and I'll meet the client soon, let him buy that car - no one will stop us! Let it be so!"

“Wonderworker Nicholas, Savior and Defender! Let go of all my sins and misfortune, let all passions subside! Not because of big money bargaining to sell cars hefty worried! With your miracle, protect from the one who buys without giving me anything! May Your will be done. Amen!"

"Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! Take evil people away from me so that there is no sale - a trap. Let the client fall in love with the car, and he will pay as much as necessary by the time! Amen!" Blow out the candle and cross yourself.

A conspiracy to make a deal on the terms of the seller

If the buyer is trying to drop the price for your car, and you do not want to give in, do the following - go around the car three times in a circle and repeat these words: “Time is running, flying away - my goods are sent into the hands of the good! You - the goods, the money - to me, I will not lose in the price. You have a car on the go - and I need money for need. Amen!"