Decor for a 4 year old boy's birthday. Decorating a children's birthday: various ideas for a fabulous holiday. Making a big room for little money

Start small - decorate the nursery and / or living room - so that the guests freeze on the threshold of admiration, and the kid rejoices at the bright colorful splendor!

Before you start: TOP 4 rules to keep in mind when decorating a room for a 1 year old child

  • Choose safe decor elements - without sharp corners, chips. A one-year-old baby is already with might and main interested in the objects around him, so decorations should not harm either the birthday man or his little guests.
  • When inflating balloons, do not try to make them as "pot-bellied" as possible - leave them a little deflated. In this case, the probability that the balloon will burst and frighten the butuz is minimal.
  • Avoid using strong-smelling flowers - a child may be allergic to a fragrant irritant.
  • Do not clutter up the room with objects - it scatters attention. It is better when there are a limited number of decor elements - then each of the blocks will look advantageous in the overall concept of the event.

Air mood ordered?

For some reason, everyone considers balls a banal element of decor. Like, it's quite budgetary and familiar. We agree with the first statement: indeed, with imagination, you can inexpensively decorate a room for a child’s birthday with bright balloons with your own hands. But as for banality, one can (and should!) argue about this. The main thing is not to create voluminous compositions, but to limit yourself to a concise design.

  • Balloons can be sent straight to the sky! The advantage of this option is that the baby walks, pulls the strings, attracts one or the other ball to itself. Entertainment for a few hours - no less.

  • Scatter randomly on the floor. The little one will be able to play football with them, toss and catch them.
  • Form a garland of colorful balls. Anyone can do this. The main rule is to use at least two color combinations.
  • If you want to decorate the room for a child’s birthday in an original, but inexpensive way, order a balloon in the shape of the number 1. Or you can make a composition of balloons in the form of this number for a year with your own hands.

What's in a name?..

In addition to helium balloons, you can install wooden or plastic letters in a conspicuous place, which make up:

  • the name of the little one;
  • his birthday;
  • weight and height.

This is an original paraphernalia, which after the celebration does not need to be thrown away - it will remain with you for many years and will become a home decoration.

Please note that the process of making such an inscription is laborious and time-consuming. Therefore, if you want to receive such an element of festive decoration, take care of it in advance - at least a month before the child's birthday.

Do you think that just a name and parameters are not enough?.. Do you want to tell the whole world about the personal achievements of the baby?.. Then a chalk film or an ordinary board for drawing with markers will help you. On a large surface, all the relevant information about the child will fit: what he can do, what he is fond of, what he likes and what makes him cry.

From small to large: a train with a photo will help to decorate the room in an original way for the birthday of a child 1 year old with their own hands

Looking at a cheerful butuz, it is already difficult to remember what he was like 12 months ago. Fortunately, the pictures captured how the color of the eyes changed, the cheeks grew, the number of hairs on the head increased ... But what if we show this photo story to all the invited guests?

You can do this in different ways:

  • The most common is to cut out a locomotive and wagons for it from colored cardboard. On the steam locomotive there is a photo of an adult birthday boy, and on the cars there are his pictures taken in each of these 12 months.

  • An alternative to the railway "month measurer" will be frames on magnets - they can be attached to a refrigerator or any metal surface.
  • Photos hung on a rope with clothespins will look much more elegant. Of course, this “holiday laundry” should be organized not on the balcony, but in the corridor, living room or in the nursery.

What is always at hand: glue, scissors, paper, paints

However, to create a festive atmosphere during the celebration of the first anniversary (1 year) of a child, it is not necessary to buy something, order something - each of us can create decorations. The main thing is to approach the process creatively ...

Surely, in the house there are colored napkins, paper (the remnants of wrapping paper used for gift wrapping are suitable; corrugated paper; old newspaper sheets). From these "reserves" make fluffy pom-pom balls, curlicue snakes, butterflies, voluminous lanterns.

An even simpler option is to cut out diverse circles (not necessarily the same, it can be uneven), and then sew them into long vertical beads.

Tasty and practical - who said that food can't serve as an element of decor?

Undoubtedly, you will have the best, most beautiful cake at your birthday. It is likely that there will be themed cupcakes, gingerbread, covered with icing. It’s only a pity that the birthday boy, due to his gastronomic limitations, will not be able to try all this ... If you don’t want to upset the little one, arrange an edible decor for him.

You can decorate the room with your own hands for the birthday of a child who is one year old with the help of sweets. Hang bagels and apples, pears and bananas on threads. In response to the surprised looks of invited guests, invite them to taste delicious dishes. The advantage of such a “hanging buffet” is the possibility of choice.

How to decorate a room for a 1 year old girl? .. or create real magic for a little princess!

Today the baby is the highlight of the program. She is at the head of this celebration. And even if most of the invited children are representatives of the stronger sex, add femininity, sophistication, romance to the atmosphere.

First, decide on a color scheme. Ideally, it is better for a girl to decorate a room for 1 year old in white-pink, yellow, pastel colors. Avoid bright, flashy colors.

  • Order a ball in the shape of a princess, a little one with a pink bow on her head. As an option - tie a gift for your daughter to an ordinary helium balloon - a new plush toy, a welcome doll.

  • Make holiday paraphernalia for the baby and all guests. It will be very useful for you to create creative photos. For a one-year-old princess, buy a crown hoop, and distribute Mini Mouse ears to invited guests.

  • If you have time, then you can make such elements yourself - from wood or cardboard. In addition to crowns and ears, make big lips, glasses in the form of star-shaped hearts.
  • The final chord of your preparation will be clothes - let mom and baby try on Family Look.

And do not forget to arrange for the baby the most memorable gift in her life with an eye to the future. Give all the guests envelopes and sheets of paper - let them write congratulations for the birthday girl, which she will be able to open and read only at the age of 16-18 (until that time, hide the messages - after that all this will become a pleasant surprise for the girl).

Have you booked a gentleman's party? A few ideas on how to decorate a room for a year old boy

Mom wipes away tears, and dad beams: his boyfriend turned one year old! A little more - and it will be possible to play football at the stadium, go fishing together and teach how to hammer nails correctly ... In the meantime, all that is needed from dad is to organize a fun holiday for his son.

The traditional color scheme for a little gentleman's party is azure blue. However, there are no clear rules on how to decorate a room for a 1 year old boy - you can stop at green tones, yellow, bright purple.

  • Hang flags and garlands around the room in the form of cars, pirate ships.
  • Or you can make a pirate out of a birthday boy - draw a mustache and beard on the butuz's face with special children's paints, hand over a sword from balloons - and the little conqueror of the seas is ready for a serious photo shoot.
  • Buy or make a large wishlist. Start a tradition every year not only to replenish with new photos, but also to write congratulations for the birthday man in this album. Year after year, the sheets will be filled with sincere words from people for whom the baby is so dear!..

And don't forget the most important thing!

... if in the midst of the celebration the little one becomes capricious and refuses a noisy feast, you should not be upset. This is his right. Let the guests continue to have fun, and you will take the time for your already such an adult, but still such a small birthday man - he deserves it not only today, but all 365 days a year!

How to decorate a room for a birthday to make the birthday person happy? We will talk about this and much more later. In modern society, creativity, a creative approach to any holiday is welcomed. One of the main events of the year for every person is not left without attention - his birthday.

Perhaps both an adult and a child want to be in an individually decorated room. In this regard, on the eve of the holiday, relatives and friends are wondering: how to decorate a room in order to surprise and please the hero of the occasion?

I must say that there are actually a lot of solutions. Decorating a room for a birthday is not such a difficult process. Firstly, stores offer a large selection of accessories, and secondly, having shown basic needlework skills, you can make wonderful decorative gizmos for the birthday boy’s room from improvised means.

  • 1 For a girl
  • 2 For a man
  • 3 Universal decorations
  • 4 Photo gallery

When decorating a house for a birthday, you should consider the gender of the birthday person. If this is a girl (woman), then it is appropriate to refresh the space of the hall with flowers: live or artificial. Arrange vases with roses, lilies, gerberas around the perimeter of the room, maybe they will become daisies: the choice depends on the specific preferences of the birthday girl.

As for artificial compositions, we are talking about topiaries, candy bouquets. Today it is not necessary to be able to do it yourself, many companies offer handmade products. Unlike live plants, which can deteriorate the very next day, such compositions are durable, they will remind you of the holiday for several weeks.

For mom, grandmother, girlfriend or sister, it is appropriate to decorate the room with balloons. Decorating a birthday room with your own hands is more valuable than using the services of a decorator. Birthday balloons will allow you to make creative shapes. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is not necessary to do it yourself: seek the help of professionals. Arrange the balls or figures from them throughout the space of the hall, randomly or in a certain order. Make an arch of balls, install it at the entrance to the room. This will immediately create an atmosphere of celebration and fun. Balloons can be bought ready-made or inflated on the spot.

For a man

The festive decoration of a room for a man raises more questions than in the case of ladies. Dads, grandfathers, brothers are more picky. The room for their holiday should combine simplicity and rigor. In this case, you can pay special attention to the design of the festive table. Use an elegant tablecloth, such as red. It is also appropriate to use candles in beautiful candlesticks, decorated with glasses. It would seem that everything is simple, but the atmosphere thus created is simply fantastic. But the balls for the birthday of a man can be excluded.

Today there is a trend of decorating candles and glasses with satin ribbons. It's beautiful, no doubt, but quite a fire hazard, so think twice before you go for it.

Do not forget about napkins, but not in terms of improvised means, but for decoration. Show your skills in the field of origami, build figurines and put them on the table next to the plates. Believe me, these wipes are much more pleasant to use. Drape chairs with tablecloth material. If there are a lot of guests, then you can highlight the place of the birthday in a special way. At the entrance to the room, install a wish tree, on which each guest will hang a postcard intended for the hero of the occasion. True, the invitees must be warned about this in advance.

Universal Jewelry

Decorating a home for a birthday can be done using lighting. Garlands for this day are accessories not only for the new year, but also for any modern celebration. They are suitable for a hall in a large house. They are used at weddings and birthdays to create a festive atmosphere. It looks especially interesting in the evening when the lights are off. Garlands are affordable, so you can take many meters of light bulbs and generously decorate a room or even an apartment with them.

Undeniable classics are sweets and chocolate. Handmade candy cake is suitable for decoration and gift for any member of the family. We act according to the same scheme: we cook with our own hands or order. This also includes mastic cakes, cupcakes and other goodies. Use a separate table, making it sweet and beautiful. He will delight the eyes of the hero of the occasion all evening. Order a chocolate fountain if the birthday boy has a special sweet tooth.

All of the above takes place during a celebration with guests or a tête-à-tête evening. This is how you decorate an apartment for a birthday.

In addition to the visual design of the room, it is necessary to pay attention to the sound. This means that pleasant music will not interfere with your birthday. It's good if it is live: play it yourself, if you know how, or use the services of professionals.

All this is appropriate for a holiday and an adult family member, and the smallest. In the second case, instead of flowers at a birthday party, balls will look better. For children of the first years of life, toys, voluminous numbers and letters are chosen as decorations. You can also prepare themed treats in the form of your favorite cartoon characters. In this way, you can originally decorate a room for a child's birthday.

Such a birthday, no doubt, will be remembered for a long time, and pleasant memories of this holiday will delight for many more years. Want to capture a birthday - photos with details and details will print this moment in your photo album.

Photo gallery

Birthday for any child is always a special event. Only once a year there is a birthday, all children look forward to this day. What to come up with so that the birthday man and his guests are delighted with the holiday?

Let's think ... Maybe organize a pirate-style party, make a costume show? Or celebrate a birthday at Hogwarts "magic school"? Or maybe make a holiday in the style of superheroes? There are many ideas, and each is interesting in its own way.

Parents are trying to come up with something interesting and original so that the holiday will be remembered for a long time by both the birthday man and his young friends.

Decorating rooms for a child’s birthday will require careful consideration of all the details: how to beautifully decorate a nursery, a hall or another room in which a celebration will take place, how to treat little guests, decide whether to bake a homemade cake or buy a ready-made cake with candles.

Do-it-yourself children's holiday decoration, photo

Choosing jewelry

Jewelry is an important part of any holiday, especially a child's birthday. The room needs to be decorated colorfully, brightly, using rich colors.

DIY table decoration for birthday, photo

The main requirement for choosing jewelry is safety. All decor items should be light, which can be easily removed after the holiday is over.

Advice. Choose space-saving decor accessories that can be stored in boxes so you can use them next year.

Decorate the room without large material costs: if you try, it is quite possible to do this. There are many things you can decorate a room with.

Decorate the room with garlands

The best decoration for a children's holiday are multi-colored garlands. This decoration is simple and colorful at the same time. Bright flags can be hung on walls, cabinets, placed on tables.

How to decorate a birthday room with your own hands, photo

Garlands are very easy to make with your own hands. Flags are made of fabric or colored paper. Make decorations with your child. Of course, you can buy garlands in the store, but it is much more interesting to make the decoration yourself.

On thick paper, draw a figure that you like, for example, a flower or the sun. So you will make a template, you need to cut it out with scissors. The template is applied to a bright paper sheet, circled and cut out. Circles of colored paper are strung on a thread at a distance of 10 to 15 cm.

The garland can be either horizontal or vertical. You can combine these two options.

Decoration of a nursery in a scientific theme

The theme of science for a child's birthday is becoming more and more popular. Thematic scientific decor is a very original solution.

Children have always been interested in everything related to science. Create a décor reminiscent of a science lab setting.

You can attach a table of chemical elements to the wall and decorate it with balls. Thematic posters on the walls will help create a scientific style. On the table, place glasses resembling flasks with orange, apple, pomegranate juice. A bright liquid will become an imitation of chemical solutions.

Fill the flasks with small, colorful candies - a great treat for young scientists. Buy a small board so guests can write their wishes on it.

Holiday for kids who love Superman

Superman is a hero that almost all children admire. Traditional congratulations "Happy birthday!" can be cut out of comics and decorate the wall with it.

The costume of the hero of the films Wolverine will remind children of the superhero. And the mask of the famous Batman will make the child feel like a real hero.

A Superman-themed party is the perfect gift for a young birthday boy.

You can buy the cake or, if you're good at baking, make your own. Now in stores there are real confectionery masterpieces, for example, a cake in the form of a figure of a movie character, the same Batman.

Now it has become fashionable to transfer photos to baking: order your child a sweet treat, which will have a photo of his favorite character. This cake is definitely not cheap. In order not to spend much, bake the cake yourself and cover it with bright icing with thematic drawings (the image of a bat is associated with Batman, the web is associated with Spiderman).

Decorate the walls with superhero posters. You can cut out pictures of courageous heroes from magazines, stick them on wooden sticks and place them on the table.

The superhero-themed party is sure to please the kids. Create an extraordinary party for your little birthday boy: this option is perfect for boys' birthdays.

Harry Potter is a suitable character for a children's party

There is probably no child who does not know who Harry Potter is. This famous character is admired by children all over the world. The boy from the works of the English writer JK Rowling is insanely popular, and not only children, but also adults love him.

Create a setting for a birthday celebration in the style of the wizarding Hogwarts School. To do this, you need to be prepared.

Write invitations similar to the messages that came to children who studied at the school of witchcraft.

Make invitations on paper, previously soaked in tea leaves, just like you - make it old and put plasticine seals with the symbol of the school of witchcraft.

Artificially aged paper makes a good base for Harry Potter themed party invitation cards.

You can buy magic wands in a specialized store or replace them, for example, with edible bread sticks.

Hang posters of Harry Potter and his friends on the walls. And the birthday boy will put on glasses with round glasses - exactly the same as the fairy-tale boy wore.

It's a good idea to make a fake wall out of the red bricks you used to have in the school of witchcraft. Buy wallpaper with imitation brickwork and fix it in the hallway to the entire wall. Make a cut in the cloth from floor to ceiling - this will become the entrance to the territory of Hogwarts. As soon as the guests pass through the “wall”, let them put on the robes and hats you have given out.

The famous Hogwarts wall in red color will be great entertainment at the party.

Don't forget about the owls that lived at Hogwarts: they can be cut out of paper.

When choosing treats for the festive table, it is recommended to give preference to dishes that are mentioned in the Harry Potter books. Serve chocolate frogs, pumpkin biscuits and, of course, molasses pastries. On glasses with juice, stick inscriptions corresponding to the theme of the holiday, for example, “Snake Elixir” and others in the same spirit.

Cookies in the form of figurines of children who studied at Hogwarts will delight the children. Even the most fastidious child will try such a treat.

You can make chocolate hats: such a delicacy awakens the appetite, and in general such a treat can be safely called exclusive.

Other sweet treats can be ordered from cafes, shops, or you can make your own.

balloon decoration

Multi-colored balloons are an indispensable attribute of a children's celebration.

Decoration with balloons for a birthday, photo

Bright balloons are the best budget way to decorate a room. This decoration looks festive and uplifting.

With the help of inflatable multi-colored balloons, you can create a very festive atmosphere. Bright balloons will fit into almost any theme of the holiday, and such decoration is inexpensive.

Using balls, you can create an intricate composition or keep the decor simple and discreet. To do this, you just need to choose the appropriate colors and combine them correctly. It is very easy to decorate a room with balloons.

Decoration with balloons for a birthday, photo

For the holiday of the little princess, balls of red and pink, beloved by all girls, are suitable.

The decor of the room in pastel colors looks very nice, where the accents are placed with the help of golden balls. White with gold, blue with silver are the best combined duets.

If the interior of the room is light, you should use large-sized balls of bright colors for decoration.

Balloons filled with helium are usually released to "fly" under the ceiling.

Birthday balloons, photo

Ordinary balls decorate the walls or scatter them on the floor. Balls scattered on the floor add lightness to the overall atmosphere of the holiday.

Flowers made from balloons look spectacular. Make them easy. Fasten several identical balls in the form of flower petals, and mark a ball of a different color in the middle.

From balloons, you can make a figure that reflects the age of the hero of the occasion. Finding a ready-made blank for an inflatable figure is not difficult today.

Another decoration option is a large ball, fixed under the ceiling, inside of which there is a surprise. As a "filling" for the ball, you can use confetti or serpentine.

You can even fill the balloon with candy. Burst it at the right time - it will be very impressive. If there were candies inside, the kids will be able to catch them. Do not hesitate: the kids will love the decor created from balloons.

You do not need to understand the design of the air space, which will beautifully decorate the room with balloons. From balloons you can create unusual and original compositions, from single flowers and bouquets to a fabulous inflatable forest of balloons.

Holiday table decor

It is necessary to decorate the table for a little birthday boy in an unusual way so that the child has the best memories of the celebration.

A festive table is the main element of the interior at a children's birthday party. There are many options for decorating the festive table.

Lay a bright tablecloth on the table. A white tablecloth is impractical, it will get dirty by the end of the holiday. For a boy's birthday, a gray tablecloth with bright patterns is suitable. For girls, pick it up in juicy orange, red, crimson.

As for the choice of dishes, it is better to give preference to plastic plates and other cutlery. Plastic dishes will not break, children will not get hurt, and they do not need to be washed after the holiday is over, and this is especially true when there are many guests. Buy dishes with images of popular cartoon characters.

Plastic tableware with drawings is a practical solution, because funny pictures will also please children.

Dishes for the children's table should be chosen according to the tastes of children. Most children are very picky eaters, so treats need to be unusual to make them want to try. Prepare small curly-shaped sandwiches, sandwiches.

Use your imagination to make magical sandwiches. Cut the tomatoes into two parts and make mayonnaise on the outside of each half. Butter slices of bread and place tomato halves on top of them to make ladybug-like sandwiches.

Make canapés, for example small penguin figurines can be made from eggs and green olives, strung on skewers.

Lay out the salads in the shape of a fish or a snake, put olives on top for decoration.

Make sure that there are fruits on the table, they are not only tasty, but also healthy and will make the table bright. Make pyramids from juicy fruits.

The most favorite dish of children is, of course, sweets. Therefore, there should be a lot of desserts on the festive table. Put cupcakes, cakes, vases with sweets on the table.

Cookies made in special molds will help to awaken the appetite in children. Such cookies are not difficult to prepare at home if there are molds. Children will certainly want to taste the whimsical figurines.

Decorate regular cupcakes with colored icing. Kids won't be able to resist this delicacy.

If your child's birthday is in the summer, stock up on ice cream. Children can enjoy a chocolate, cream or fruit cold dessert.

At the mention of a birthday, associations with a cake immediately arise. A birthday cake for a child must be chosen with great care. Ask your child what kind of cake he wants for his birthday. As mentioned above, you can make it yourself, buy it from a store, or order it from a pastry shop.

A cream product decorated with candles will become the central decoration of the festive table.

The best options for organizing a child's birthday are costume parties with fairy-tale characters and movie heroes.

Small children are unlikely to appreciate your efforts to organize a holiday, but they are guaranteed a fun pastime, good mood and a lot of positive emotions.

Decorations for the room in which the children's party will be held can be made independently. What varieties of them can an ordinary mother do and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to decorating a room?

Garlands of different shapes and colors

The easiest way to create a decoration is to take a thin rope and attach paper figures to it. They are often cut out in the form of circles, flags, flowers - these are suitable for any holiday. Also, these elements are made thematic:

  • snowflakes for the New Year;
  • hearts for Valentine's Day;
  • leaves for the First of September;
  • birthday cakes with candles.

The choice of material for the garland should be approached creatively. For example, take sheets of paper of similar colors and build a curtain with smoothly changing shades. Or buy designer cardboard (with applied patterns): it will allow you to create something memorable even from primitive circles and stripes. They also use fabric for crafts - plain or with drawings.

A good idea is a candy garland. Now these products are produced in various beautiful wrappers, so making decorations is not difficult. Such a decoration can be used for a contest for the "extraction" of sweets or dismantled at the end of the holiday for gifts.

Bulk paper products

Large single elements are made in 3D format, that is, volumetric. These include snowflakes made of intertwining stripes, flowers collected from individual petals, fluffy pompoms, deployed fans, stars, lanterns, butterflies and much more. For some, you need plain paper, for others - corrugated or cigarette paper. And of course - instructions for making, because in appearance it is far from always clear how this decoration is made.

Balloon beauty

By creating simple compositions from foil helium balloons in the form of stars, hearts and cartoon characters, you can give the room a unique look. To do this, tie several of the same type of figures to the rope and fasten it so that an arch forms. Or make a fountain - a bunch of balls on threads of different lengths attached to a weighting agent.

It is easy to make flowers from ordinary balls. To do this, you need to tie four “bubbles” of the same color together, and place one small one of a different shade in the middle. But more complex shapes - bouquets, little men, animals and others - require special skills. Therefore, to create them, it is better to turn to professionals.

Where is the best place to place decorations?

  • Under the ceiling. So you can arrange a lot of balls that will not interfere with the kids to move actively.
  • On the window. This is a good idea for an evening holiday, but during the day the light from the street will not allow you to see the decor in all its glory.
  • On one of the walls. If decorated over the entire surface, this creates a color chaos. Therefore, it is better to focus on one place and create a so-called photo zone - with it the room will look incredibly stylish.
  • Near the table. Here, the decor will help turn the meal into a truly festive event.

Pros and cons of DIY jewelry

There are certain positive aspects in the independent production of decor for the holiday:

  • it will cost less;
  • you can come up with an original design;
  • if you involve a child, then classes will help develop artistic taste and fine motor skills of the hands.

However, this process has some disadvantages:

  • you need free time;
  • you need to have a penchant for creativity;
  • for some elements, you will have to look for instructions for creating.

To decide whether to make your own party decor or not, weigh the pros and cons. If such activities are unusual for your family, you should not aim at decorating the celebration. If you and your child are fond of such things, then why not create a festive beauty on your own.

Is your child's birthday coming up? We offer fun and fiction to decorate the nursery for the holiday.

The birthday of a little birthday boy is always awaited by parents. They are waiting and preparing to organize a wonderful children's holiday.

They buy gifts, set a sweet table. But without a festively decorated room, it is difficult to create a joyful mood.

Imagine how much delight there will be in the eyes of a son or daughter when, waking up in the morning, they will see bright balloons, shiny garlands and large greeting cards!

There are many ideas on how to decorate a child's room.

Tell me, what was the first thing you thought about? Of course, about the balls!

Let's start with them...

Decorating a children's birthday with balloons

From balloons you can make a lot of decorations for a child's room:

  • garlands of decorative balls,
  • figurines of animals and funny little men,
  • decorate the room in different styles according to the interests of the child (nautical style, jungle style, doll-pink, etc.),
  • put candy in balloons, and let the children at the birthday party burst them and rejoice.

Balloons can be picked up in the child's favorite colors, and after the festive feast, arrange playful games with them.

Using Christmas decorations

If you still have garlands from the New Year, then multi-colored light bulbs can decorate the walls in an original and fun way.

And lanterns wrapped around a birthday cake or fruit bowl will create an atmosphere of magic.

Paper balloons and flowers

Paper flowers for decorating a room can be bought at a store or made with your own hands. You don't have to just cut them out of colored paper.- Find stencils or finished parts on the Internet.

Cut, glue, staple or sew with a needle - and you will have great voluminous bouquets. They can be hung on walls or ceilings.

Simple tricks for decorating a room for a birthday

Decorative numbers from balloons, postcards, in photo collages, in inscriptions on the cake will not only be remembered, but can also remain a good memory in the home archive.

If the child is 5 years old, then for breakfast on the table there can be 5 buns or cakes, a piece of cake with a candle number.

It is desirable to hang five balls under the ceiling, stick beautiful numbers on the wall.

newspaper collage

Choose the funniest photos of the hero of the occasion, write congratulations, which can be in the form of short SMS messages.

Such a surprise must be prepared in advance. And if you leave room for the wishes of grandparents or other guests, then this home newspaper will be kept for a long time and reviewed with pleasure and smiles.

Wall newspaper with animals

Find on the Internet ready-made templates for children's newspapers, where you can paste photos into dedicated windows or on figurines of funny animals. You can stick not only photos of the baby, but also grandparents.

Congratulatory SMS drawings


Make an application - a train and trailers with photographs of the child.

The first car is for a photo of a birthday boy at one year old, the second one at two, etc. And if you make a craft not just from paper, but, for example, from cardboard or plywood, then every next year it will be replenished with new trailers with a birthday photo and will become an original family tradition for many years.

Each trailer may have several windows with photographs of the child and parents.

You can use vinyl wall stickers. You can cut out the necessary wagon substrates from them yourself or order them from a specialized company.

Favorite cartoon characters

Every child has favorite cartoon characters. They can cut out from colorful magazines or buy decorative stickers and hang them around the room. Furniture, doors, windows, walls - everywhere the child will find his favorites.

If you stick the cut out figures on a solid substrate, then the figures can be made standing.

elegant chandelier

Multi-colored stars, serpentine, carved pictures on strings, colored balls, paper garlands and chains can make even a simple chandelier a festive decoration. The main thing is that the suspended structure is bright!

Put a fairy tale in the room

Prepare pictures and toys. Let Pinocchio look at gifts on the windowsill, Little Red Riding Hood will be waiting for a birthday cake, and the heroes of the Three Little Pigs fairy tale fly on gel balloons.


Well, what is this decoration? you say.

But if you buy inexpensive small toys and place them around the room in the most unexpected places, then the joy of finding them will be sure!

As an option, buy a children's set (Lego for a boy or any other constructor, soldiers; for girls, you can choose sets with dolls and furniture).

Pool with colorful balls

If you have an inflatable children's pool for giving - put it into action.

The inflatable structure with balls can become not only a bright decoration of the room, but also an excellent entertainment attraction for children at a birthday party.

After the holiday, the inflatable pool is put away in a box and is perfectly waiting for the summer season or the next holiday.

Balloons for filling the pool can be purchased separately. Online stores offer them in sets of 30-60 pieces.

Where is the solar drawing light

Look smart painted window glass. Watercolor and gouache can be easily washed off with a sponge and water after a few days.

candy bouquets

Sweet decorations can become part of the decoration. After all, it's a children's holiday!

Only do not put them in traditional vases- it's boring ... Hang sweets all over the room, hide them under toys, behind books on the shelves. Hang on strings from the ceiling - and tasty and beautiful!

Love creativity - make small bright bouquets of sweets.

sweet tree

This is perhaps the most unusual decoration of the room. Moreover, you do it once, and use it for a long, long time.

A strong dry branch plus paint, cardboard and bright pictures and you get a fabulous tree!

Put this design in a bright flower pot and feel free to hang different goodies.

For a child of 8-10 years old, you can already use the thematic design of the room for a birthday. Transform it into a pirate ship, a princess palace or a jungle room with palm trees and hanging vines.

And now a few more tips for the festive decoration of the children's room:

  • The decorations in the child's room must be safe: there should not be any piercing or cutting parts.
  • Use paper figures, balloons, soft toys.
  • Nurture the taste of a child from an early age - choose the color scheme of jewelry, avoiding acidic hash. It is fashionable to take classic combinations of blue-blue, yellow, red and green.