Felt decoration of a New Year's bottle. How to decorate a bottle of champagne: different ways for different occasions

We offer interesting workshops on creating a decor for a bottle of champagne. Let's create a unique decor for various holidays such as: New Year, wedding, February 23, March 8, birthday. Such decoration can become the main decor of the holiday and festive table.

In connection with the upcoming holiday New Year 2017, we decorate the bottle in the form of the main characters of the celebration - "Father Frost and the Snow Maiden"

We decorate a bottle of champagne for the new year with ribbons (in the form of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden)

For decoration we need:

  • a bottle of champagne
  • paper
  • Ruler and pencil
  • silver ribbon
  • Red ribbon
  • lace, sequins, rhinestones, beads

It should turn out something like in the photo, I think yours will be more accurate.

We make a collar from a silver ribbon and a fur coat from a red satin ribbon or an oblique inlay.

Then we begin to decorate our Santa Claus in an original and beautiful way. Connect your imagination, use various materials for decoration. It can be lace, ribbons, rhinestones, sequins, beads, etc. I think any needlewoman will have a magical stock of such little things that have been waiting for this particular day!

And now our New Year's heroes are ready to decorate the festive table!

Another simple idea on how to decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year!

Making such a removable and reusable suit for decorating a bottle of sparkling wine is actually very simple. I think everyone in the house has a Santa Claus hat from last year's festivities lying around, so from it we will decorate the bottle in an original way.

According to the detailed photo of the master class, everything is clear, so we can do without further ado.

Now consider the options for how to decorate a bottle of champagne in the form of a Christmas Tree.

We decorate champagne with sweets! There will be a beautiful Christmas tree and a delicious gift on the table. You can put such a Christmas tree on your holiday table, or you can take it with you as an original gift if you are going to celebrate the New Year at a party.

Champagne is a drink that is appropriate for various events and, of course, for such a holiday as a wedding! Let's decorate the bottles in the form of the bride and groom.

These bottles can be a wonderful gift for newlyweds!

Making the bride

Let's start with the collar

We continue to decorate and now it's the turn of a beautiful dress.

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Everyone is able to come to visit and give a bottle of champagne, this is especially true for the New Year. But it’s another matter to bring a real holiday with you. In order for aesthetics, creativity and good mood to go with you, we study the material on how to decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year with our own hands along with the site.

Decorating a bottle of champagne can be quite unusual.

How to prepare an elegant Santa Claus costume for champagne for the New Year with your own hands

A luxurious decoration for a bottle of champagne is made of felt. Such a robe is also made as an outfit for Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden.

What is required for the product

Let's try to sew a great champagne costume, and prepare the following materials and tools:

  • piece of red felt;
  • scissors;
  • thermal gun;
  • decorative braid;
  • gel pen (for marks);
  • white fur for the beard and collar (or cotton wool);
  • fake curly hair (from an old doll) for a beard;
  • decor as buttons;
  • needle with thread.

We free up our workplace, take a bottle and begin to immerse ourselves in the creative process.

Dress up in a Santa Claus costume

What is needed in order to make champagne decor has been determined. Let us now see how the masters create a miracle.

IllustrationAction Description
We wrap the bottle with felt and mark the place of the future cut a little overlap.
We cut off a rectangle about 11.5 cm by 29 cm, depending on the parameters that you measured.
Using hot glue, connect the cut points, again with a little overlap.
We put the resulting caftan on the uniform.
We wrap the remaining cut around the neck so that the felt overlaps obliquely. We mark the contours of the future part with a pen.
Cut as intended.
We glue the edges with an overlap along the marked lines, but do not leave 1 cm unglued at the bottom as in the photo.
We try on the neck and bend a little edge up. Apply glue under the edge and press the felt.
We decorate the cut with a beautiful braid.
We cut off a piece of white fur for the collar, edging the bottom and leave a little for a chic hat. First glue the vertical cut, then the bottom and top.
We place several decorative ornaments imitating buttons on the fur coat.
We cut off two pieces of 14.5 cm and a circle with a diameter of 5 cm.
First, we sew the edges of the rectangular cut.
We sew a circle to the resulting design. Turning out the hat.
Glue fur to the bottom of the cap.
We cut off a crescent moon from a thin fabric or white felt, on which we glue an artificial beard.
Dressed Santa Claus looks very festive!

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How to decorate champagne so that the decor is removable

Decorating champagne with your own hands is becoming a very relevant topic, because the New Year is getting closer and closer. For convenience, many people prefer to decorate everything with a removable decor, especially if the drink needs to be cooled first before serving, and you don’t want to spoil the decoration.

Consider the basic principles of removable decor.

We decorate a bottle for the New Year and, thereby, pour not only champagne into the mood, but also a fresh creative stream.

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How else to decorate champagne with your own hands? Let's try crepe paper!

Corrugated paper today is a very popular material for needlewomen at any time of the year. The question "why?" is not even appropriate here. - rich palette and ease of use are clear to everyone. Therefore, we will use such a fertile resource and gladly decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year.

What should be taken?

The most important thing is the base, which we will decorate, and corrugated paper. What colors to take? It already depends on what kind of design is intended.

To work, you will need a workplace, scissors, hot glue and other decor as desired. Beautiful buttons, beads, an artificial or real sprig of spruce, cones, sequins, ribbons will come in handy.

Assistance in production

The essence of decorating with corrugated paper is that it easily takes the desired shape. You can make a flower out of it, indistinguishable from a real one from afar, a Christmas tree, a bag, a suit.

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We decorate champagne with our own hands: we use ribbons and beads

A bottle of champagne, decorated for the New Year with ribbons and beads, looks impressive: satin ribbons sparkle fervently, beads also wink with their appearance. There is nothing left but to relax and have fun!

What material to cook

Based on your idea, the color, length and width of the ribbons, the size and number of beads and other decor are selected. For gluing, a thermal gun is used. You can make different designs from ribbons, the main thing is to understand the principle of work.

We cut the ribbons with any sharp scissors.

Work process

Let's see the best examples of design and get acquainted with the principle of decoration.

Champagne bottles decorated with wonderful decoupage technique

Those who are not familiar with the decoupage technique should not be afraid to try something new. This is not an uncharted path, but a path well trodden by many, with accessible explanations and illustrative examples.

Related article:

This decor is especially popular when creating objects in vintage style. In the article, we will consider detailed photo instructions for decoupage: furniture, on glass from napkins, on a box.

What is useful at work

We will immediately prepare all the materials so that we don’t have to search later - the work will be exciting, so we won’t spoil it with unnecessary distractions.

We need the bottle itself, alcohol, a thermal gun, a New Year's napkin, an empty file, acrylic varnish, acrylic white paint, a palette knife, a wide sponge, a convenient flat brush, wood putty and a little patience.

Everything you need is purchased in needlework stores, putty can be found in the construction departments, a palette knife is also sold in art shops.

Manufacturing instructions

We offer you to learn how to make decoupage of champagne for the New Year from a master class.

IllustrationAction Description
Dip the bottle in warm water for a couple of minutes so that the label gets wet. We don't need it. We wipe the bottle with alcohol to degrease the surface. On a dry base, apply a layer of primer with a sponge.
We wrap the bottle with a napkin to find out what size we need. We simply tear off the excess gently with our fingers, no scissors! A break must be made along each edge.
We put the file under the napkin. We apply acrylic varnish on it with a brush, gently smearing it in an even layer on the wrong side.
We take our time and hold the file when we lower it onto the bottle.
We slowly remove the file, along the way straightening the napkin under it with a brush. You can't touch it with your hands!
Let's walk a little around the bottle with a hair dryer running on low power.
Putty on wood is applied with a palette knife (in its absence, you can get by with an ice cream stick). Texture is given with a sponge. You can apply putty on the bottom in the form of snow.
From above and to the end of the neck, we apply hot glue in the form of smudges. We cover the glue with white acrylic paint.

Champagne garnished with brilliance: sparkles or confetti

Decorating champagne for the New Year will bring a lot of positive emotions, and you will like not only the design process, but also the reaction to the original result from relatives and guests of the holiday.

How else can you decorate champagne for the New Year?

We offer other ideas that people have embodied and were satisfied with the result.

Video with other ways to decorate a bottle of champagne

Would you like to try the proposed decor, but do not know what is best? So it is unlikely that the New Year's feast will cost one bottle of champagne or wine, so decorate each one, let the fun flow like a river!

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The holiday season is approaching, which means it's time to think about how to decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year. Like a Christmas tree, tangerines, gifts and Olivier salad, champagne is traditionally considered one of the main symbols of the New Year; not a single celebration is complete without glasses of sparkling wine. It is a glass of champagne that each of us holds in our hands, making our most secret wish at the moment when the chimes count the last seconds of the outgoing year. On the New Year's table, bottles of champagne take pride of place. Everyone strives to take care of the quality of the drink, but rarely thinks that you can effectively decorate a bottle with it, thereby adding an entourage and exclusivity to the feast. In addition, an originally decorated bottle of good champagne will be a wonderful accessory on the festive table, as well as an excellent gift for family friends or colleagues, because, as you know, made with a soul is highly valued.

Advice ! Price decorated bottles champagne on New Year Maybe be Very high, V dependencies from decor And skill performance, That's why For whom- That Creation such accessories on order will be able become Not only interesting hobby, But even additional source income.

How to decorate champagne bottles

Among the ways to decorate champagne bottles, you can find both the simplest ones that everyone can master, as well as more time-consuming and costly ones that require maximum accuracy and diligence.

Simple decor options include bottle design with tinsel, serpentine, sparkles and other Christmas decorations. It is enough just to fix them on the bottle, wrap them around in a spiral or make a bow out of them. This way of decorating is more suitable for champagne that will stand on the table, for example, during a corporate party or a festive party.

You can quickly and easily decorate champagne with thermal stickers or custom-made labels with suitable images, inscriptions, congratulations. For this decor, you will need to remove the old labels, so the bottle should be dipped in hot water for a few minutes, carefully removing the paper when it gets wet.

Advice ! Champagne accepted file chilled, having his V pail co ice. IN this case costs get by simple decoration from tinsel or decorate pail. Except Togo, on bottle Can draw With help special contours or sequin New Year's patterns (snowflakes, frosty ornaments, thematic inscriptions).

In order for champagne to emphasize the spirit of the holiday and match the situation, when decorating a bottle, it is worth starting from New Year's themes, symbols, and shades. For decoration, almost any materials that are easy to find both in ordinary and specialized stores are suitable.

The most popular creative ways to decorate champagne bottles are:

  • Decoration with ribbons.
  • Candy decoration.
  • Decoupage.
  • Painting.
  • Creation of decorative wreaths.
  • Production of decorative bags.

All these methods have varying degrees of difficulty, so you should focus on your skills, choosing the right one.

Champagne bottle decoration with ribbons

For such a decor you will need:

  • Satin ribbon - approximately 3.5-4 m with a width of 1.5-2 cm.
  • Satin ribbon of a contrasting shade or brocade - 1.5 m.
  • Transparent glue, for example, Moment.

Advice ! Brocade tape better pick up under color foil, which wrapped neck bottles.

We decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year with ribbons:

  • Wrap a satin ribbon around the neck in the shape of a V so that it goes over the bottom of the foil. This will be the first layer, after you need to cut off the excess.
  • In the place where the tape will be located, apply a few drops of glue to the bottle, then attach a piece to them and fix it by pulling the fabric tightly.
  • Similarly, glue the next 3-4 layers, slightly going over the previous ones, only the length of the segments will change.
  • From the brocade ribbon, make another 2-3 rows according to the same principle.
  • Wrap the bottom of the bottle around with a brocade ribbon so that its edges are connected on the reverse side, fixing everything with glue.

  • Similarly, make several rows of satin ribbon, wrapping the bottle from the bottom up. There should be a gap of 1 cm between the upper segment of the satin ribbon and the lower V-shaped of brocade. Make sure that the edges of each segment are connected in line with the previous ones.
  • To hide the seam, you need to take a piece of satin ribbon, slip it under the lowest row, smearing it with glue, and then pull it tightly over the joints of the edges up, securing it on the area with open glass.
  • Wrap the bottle in the place where the uncovered glass remains with brocade tape, fixing its edges in front.

Thus, a base was obtained for further decoration. Further, you can decorate a bottle of champagne with beads, a bow, lace snowflakes, a composition of cones, a wreath, crystals, etc.

candy decoration

New Year's "bouquet" of sweets and champagne

With the help of sweets, a bottle of champagne can be easily turned into a pineapple, a Christmas tree, a pine cone, or simply create an abstract bright composition.

Advice ! If Not managed find wrappers necessary colors, That easier Total do their on one's own from color foil, V this case composition succeed maximum beautiful And professional.

The decor of a bottle of champagne in the form of a pineapple is very popular. For him you will need:

  • Sweets in golden candy wrappers - round or semicircular in shape, so that it is convenient to place on the surface of the glass. A standard bottle will require about 50 pieces.
  • Transparent silicone.
  • Colored paper (corrugated, cigarette) - yellow (orange, gold) and green.
  • Decorative cord - thin gold, silver or even simple twine.

The process itself is very simple:

  1. From yellow paper, cut out several squares (according to the number of sweets) about 7x7 cm in size.
  2. Glue candy to each square on transparent silicone, bending the edges of the paper up.
  3. Start gluing candies to the bottle with silicone in dense rows from bottom to top. Candies of each subsequent row should be located in the gaps of the previous one. The number of rows will depend on the height of the bottle and the size of the sweets, the topmost row should be placed at the level of the bottom of the neck.
  4. Cut out several long and narrow leaves (10-15 pieces) from green paper, and then glue them together.
  5. Wrap a strip of leaves around the neck close to the sweets, secure with a drop of silicone.
  6. Using a decorative cord, wrap the bottle around the border of leaves and sweets several times. Tie the ends and hide or tie a bow.

Advice ! Candies To bottle Can fasten on bilateral scotch, A colored paper use By desire.

Decoupage and painting

Both for decoupage and for painting, the bottle needs to be prepared:

  1. Remove labels.
  2. Cover the glass with 1-3 coats of white acrylic paint.
  3. Dry.

After that, you can start decorating:

  • For decoupage, drawings on the New Year theme on thin paper or cut out of napkins are used. They need to be placed in the right places, smeared with PVA-type glue, and then carefully leveled with a brush. When the images dry, the bottle can be covered with a layer of water-based varnish and additionally decorated with ribbons, beads, wreaths, etc.

  • For painting, you can use stencils with winter ornaments, apply drawings or inscriptions with special contours, or simply beautifully paint the surface with acrylic paints, drawing New Year's characters, snowflakes, Christmas trees, etc.

Both of these methods can be combined with each other, in particular, decoupage can be easily supplemented with congratulatory inscriptions and original ornaments.

Advice ! Very effectively look bottles champagne, issued V decoupage technique using silk or satin . Textile V this case fully covers surface glass, creating various folds And unusual invoice.

decorative wreaths

A relatively simple and quick way to decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year is to decorate it with festive wreaths. You can make them using:

  • Wire frame.
  • Spruce branches - natural or artificial.
  • Dried fruits and dried flowers, painted walnut shells, figured candied fruits from tangerine peels.
  • Cigarette and designer paper, making them mini-pompoms, garlands, New Year's figurines.
  • Decorative cord, ribbons, lace.

Such wreaths can simply be put on the neck of a bottle of champagne or used in conjunction with other decor. For example, you can wrap the bottle tightly with several layers of foil or corrugated paper, put a wreath of spruce branches on top, decorate it with a bow with a small Christmas tree toy or a glass pendant.

Champagne bags made of natural fabrics, imitating a New Year's bag with gifts

To sew a beautiful bag for a bottle of champagne, you will need:

  • Fabric - any, but best of all natural, suitable color, for example, cotton, linen, silk, felt.
  • Threads - you can sew a cover both on a typewriter and manually, using large decorative stitches from shiny or contrasting thick threads.
  • Decor - buttons, beads, sequins, rhinestones, ribbons, lace, sequins, applications, stickers, etc.

The cover is sewn according to a pattern taken from the bottle, after which it is decorated at your discretion. You can also not sew a bag, but knit it, for example, in the form of a warm sweater, complemented by a scarf and a hat.

Bottles of champagne can be dressed in the "costumes" of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, snowmen, animals, such a move will surprise and delight guests, creating a unique festive mood.

Advice ! New Year's cases on bottles With champagne may be used repeatedly, V flow many years.

How to decorate a bottle of champagne for the New Year: other ways

In addition to all the methods described, there are many more options for decorating New Year's champagne bottles:

  • A decorative cord wrapped tightly around the entire height of the bottle or up to a certain height. This design will be complemented by beads or small figures, stripes, lace, crystals, fur, beautiful buttons, etc.

  • Spangles - smear the glass cleared of labels with glue, sprinkle abundantly with colored, gold, silver sparkles, then dry, shaking off the excess. This method can be used for applying ornaments, in this case, only the necessary areas are covered with glue with a brush.
  • Golden festive decoration of the New Year's drink

    Decorating a bottle of champagne for the New Year is a great way to please loved ones with an unusual gift or decorate the table with a spectacular accessory. In addition, decorating will help unleash creativity, awaken the artist in everyone, and, perhaps, the activity will turn into a full-fledged hobby that will delight friends and relatives.

Beautiful and original decor of the wedding table is very important at the wedding. Why is it so important to decorate the table with a pair of originally decorated bottles of champagne? As a rule, wedding bottles are decorated by the bride and groom with their own hands. And this champagne is not touched throughout the celebration.

  • The first bottle is saved for the anniversary of the wedding.
  • The second is opened when the firstborn is born.

There are many ways to decorate champagne. We will voice a few of them, the master class offered below will help us figure it out.

Whatever decor option you choose, first you need to remove the label from the bottles and prepare the surface.

To do this, put the bottles in a saucepan or basin, pour warm water and add dishwashing detergent there. We wait 30 minutes and then carefully remove the label. Wipe dry and degrease with acetone or alcohol.

The easiest option: light lace decoration. This work does not require a lot of money or effort. All you need is lace, beads, spray paint, glue, and a couple of satin ribbons.

An unusual option is to decorate the bottle with flower petals. Do-it-yourself artificial flowers are also suitable here.

The traditional decoration option is to wrap narrow ribbons around the bottle. Decor from ribbons can be supplemented with: beads, rhinestones, lace, flowers made of polymer clay and satin.

An original solution for those who love exotic and Chinese cuisine. Suitable for those who are good at sewing.

Touching and cute polymer clay roses are definitely suitable for. If making flowers from clay is a difficult task for you, these roses can be purchased at a needlework store.

This master class will help you decorate champagne bottles and glasses in the same style at no extra cost. You can take absolutely any color, to your taste. Of course, the bride and groom should be in solidarity in choosing wedding jewelry.
For work you will need:

  1. Champagne - 2 bottles.
  2. White spray paint in a can - 1 piece.
  3. Satin ribbons white and lilac - 2 meters each.
  4. The adhesive tape is double-sided.
  5. Beads.
  6. Flowers from polymer clay.
  7. Glass outline.
  8. Glue stationery.
  9. Clay Moment.

With warm water and a sponge, wash off the stickers from the bottles. Degrease the surface with alcohol or acetone. We are waiting for it to dry. Next, we stick paper squares, after painting, clean glass should remain in these places. You can decorate with butterflies or whatever.

We take a can of white paint (you can choose the color golden, silver), from a distance of 20-30 cm we paint the glass. We paint at least 3 times, after each time we wait for it to dry.

Carefully remove the squares of paper. If the glue is dry, scrape the glass with sandpaper. There are unpainted squares and stripes.

Glue the flowers on a clean glass with Moment glue.

We paint flowers and a bottle with a contour on glass.

Glue the beads onto the white paint. If the beads are large, split them with a knife and a hammer into two halves. Glue the halves too.

At the end of the work, we tie the bottle with satin ribbons, we start to weave from the neck. To keep our ribbon in place, just in case, fasten it with double-sided tape every 5 cm. We tie the ribbons with a knot and a bow.

So the decor of wedding champagne bottles is ready. This is what ribbon bows should look like.

The classic version of wedding decor requires more time and skill than the previous one. But, if you try, you will succeed. We will make champagne and the same ones.

For work you will need:

  1. White inlay - 10.5 meters.
  2. Black inlay - 8 meters.
  3. Clay Moment (preferably a pencil).
  4. Kapron bow - 3 meters.
  5. Lace - 10 centimeters.
  6. Rhinestones.

Champagne for a wedding can be decorated with a satin ribbon or colored trim. These are all sold in craft stores.

Use an inlay, it stretches better than a tape, it will be more convenient for you to stick it on a bottle. Moment glue stick is best suited for these purposes.

We remove the labels, leaving the gold foil on the neck. Cut off a piece of lace and glue it.

Draw a vertical line across the bottle with a bar of soap. So it will be easier for us to work. Next, we begin to decorate with white trim. The first turn was glued, then grease the glass with glue, slightly touching the previous row.

You need to glue, slightly pulling the strip. After each turn, we cut the strip along our intended line. We've covered most of the champagne already.

We need to decorate the work further, make a skirt for the bride. We take a wide white ribbon, divide it into 3 parts and connect its edges. Use a lighter or soldering iron. We gather our 3 skirts and try them on a bottle of champagne. We tighten the thread.

Evenly distribute the fluffy skirt. Glue the frills at a distance of 1.5-2 cm.

At the end, we will decorate the neck: glue rhinestones on a narrow golden ribbon

This decor is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that we make the upper turns white, and the rest black. Decorate with a butterfly made from a piece of black satin ribbon.

Glue rhinestones over the butterfly. Three rhinestones will imitate buttons. We glue a piece of a black bike - this will be a pocket with a white handkerchief.

In the pre-holiday chores, there is not always enough time to look for gifts for relatives and friends, and decoupage of bottles for the New Year can help you out. Without leaving home, without spending effort and extra money, you can make an unusual gift with your own hands that will surprise and delight absolutely everyone with originality.

What is decoupage

Since preparations are underway for the New Year, Christmas motifs should also be present in the technique. The most popular material for work is paper napkins, three-layer, with New Year's drawings or photos. In addition to them, you will also need:

  • PVA glue, if there is no special decoupage;
  • acrylic paint (in this case white);
  • acrylic varnish, preferably transparent;
  • nail polish remover (always at hand);
  • cotton pads;
  • ribbons of red and green colors, each 1 m long and 0.5 m wide;
  • dry sea salt (grinding should be fine);
  • brush for varnish and glue;
  • sponge or brush for paint;
  • paper and scissors;
  • rubber spatula;
  • container with water.

When all auxiliary materials and tools are prepared, you should pick up bottle of wine, and it will turn out even more interesting if it is with content. An alternative would be to decoupage a bottle of vodka for the New Year.

Do-it-yourself bottle decoupage master class

First of all, prepare a bottle of wine by placing it in a container of warm water so that the labels get wet. Hold on until they leave. Then, using a cotton pad, apply nail polish remover to the bottle and degrease the surface. Then paint white. The number of layers depends on the hiding power of the paint, through which the glass should not shine through.

The next step is to work with napkins. They need to be divided into layers, only the upper part, which is with a pattern, is suitable for decoupage. We cut out those motives that we like or fit better, and pre-think over their location. There are two gluing options to choose from: stick the pattern on the base over the glue or first attach a napkin and apply a layer of glue on top. The result is the same, the choice is up to the craftswoman.

Attention must be paid to this moment: when gluing a napkin, it must be ironed with a spatula so that air bubbles do not collect. Thus, the entire bottle of wine is gradually smeared with glue and each of the napkin elements is glued in stages. The resulting decoupage should dry well, and then use a brush with acrylic paint to walk along the edges of the picture to smooth out the outlines. Now varnish the entire surface in several layers, allowing each of them to dry.

The final stage. Depending on the design decision, glue certain areas with glue and roll these places over a sheet of paper with sprinkled with salt. Get the effect of snow. And tie the neck of the bottle with ribbons, tying a bow. The end result is a gift-wrapped bottle of wine.

It was decoupage of bottles for the new year for beginners. As an illustrative example, a photo or a video master class will serve. For those who are not new to this technique, we can offer a more complicated option.

Decoupage of champagne

As for the neck of champagne, it can be turned into a melted candle by making drops with a glue gun, or you can simply decorate it with tape. The final touch is a lacquer coating in several stages. Decoupage with fabric is considered the most spectacular. The master class serves as the basis, so all bottles can be decorated for the new year using decoupage technique.

Advice! When working with napkins, it is recommended to tear out the drawings, if they are cut out, the contours will be noticeable.

In addition to the examples above, there are many other types of decoupage. For the New Year, you can prepare a set of bottles with various decor options and styles. For example, it is not necessary to apply a specific pattern, it is enough to cover the entire plane in a chaotic manner with pieces of colored drawings or photos, and then comes the usual decoupage technique.

Another type, the so-called reverse. The New Year motif is attached on the opposite side of the bottle and the process is carried out in the reverse order, that is, the surface is treated from the front side of the pattern.

The combination of pasted New Year's pictures with the use of various other techniques that hide transitions looks fabulous. For example, elements of painting. This creates the effect of painting.

Shells, salt, eggshells, cereals and even putty are used as decoupage material.

Whatever bottle decoupage technique you choose for the New Year, the proposed master class with a photo will certainly help, and for detailed information, you can use the video.