The most unusual New Year's Eve in an unforgettable new place. New Year on the train Blindfolded

New Year already very close, it's time to think about where and with whom to meet him. Main winter holiday familiar to everyone since childhood, - great occasion take a break from the daily routine and spend time with loved ones. Family dinner, a romantic trip or an unusual adventure - you can celebrate the New Year in different ways, the main thing is that it should be really fun!

We have collected some original ideas on how unusually to celebrate the New Year 2018, perhaps you will find among them the one that is close to you.

How unusual to celebrate the New Year 2018 at home

Celebrating the New Year with a homemade feast is the most traditional solution. However, it can be made not at all boring if you connect a little imagination. Let's look at a few ideas.

Theme party

Who said that on New Year's table must be Olivier and champagne? What if it's sushi and sake? Replace the traditional theme party! It can be the cuisine and culture of a certain country, a favorite movie or book, or anything else that you and your guests like. There should be themed dishes on the table, and guests should be warned to get creative with the costumes. Entertainment also needs to be chosen according to the theme: space for imagination and vivid photos from the holiday are provided.

Board games

If you think that Board games- an activity for children, which means ... that you simply did not try to play them in the company of your friends (or even relatives!). Even skeptics are quickly drawn into the general fun, and time flies by. Choose a game according to the composition of the participants:

  • traditional (lotto, card games) - for the company of relatives of different ages;
  • gambling (poker, roulette) - for friends who are not afraid to take risks;
  • funny (“Crocodile”, “Alias”, “Mafia”, etc.) - for almost any company.

Fun photo session

At any party these days, half the time is spent on creating spectacular photos for social networks. So why not get creative with this issue? Collect unusual accessories (for example, wigs, replica signs, colored glasses, etc.), hang a poster with an unusual background on the wall, stock up on a camera or at least phones, and arrange a photo session for yourself and your friends.

pajama party

Another format that will be appreciated by both adults and children. Instead of a stately feast - scattered pillows, instead of uncomfortable suits and dresses - cozy pajamas, instead of heavy food - light snacks and drinks.

How to originally celebrate the New Year outside the home

If you are tired of celebrating at home, and the most obvious alternative - restaurants and clubs - scare away with festive prices, then you can try to find more original places to celebrate the New Year in your city.

New Year in the bath

“Every year on December 31, my friends and I ...” - everyone saw legendary movie about visiting a bathhouse on New Year's Eve, but in fact, few have tried to bring it to life. You can rent a sauna for a group of friends and combine a festive feast with a steam room and a swimming pool.

New Year on the roof

Another one original idea- climb onto the roof of a tall building with friends, snacks and drinks. You can grab a small Christmas tree to create festive mood, and, of course, admire the festive fireworks from the most favorable point for this.

Active New Year

Why is it necessary to sit at the table at 12 at night? Instead, you can go ice skating or skiing, or go on a winter hike. If you prefer an active lifestyle, perhaps this New Year will be remembered for a long time!

New Year's skating rink - The best way combine business with romance

New Year with good deeds

If the idea of ​​charity is not alien to you, then you can spend New Year's Eve helping those who need it. For example, you can participate in New Year's performance in a hospital or orphanage or give gifts. Helping others is a great start to the new year.

How to celebrate the New Year while traveling

Christmas holidays are a great time to travel. By the way, you can meet the chimes right on the plane: many airlines offer big discounts to those who agree to fly directly on New Year's Eve.

New Year under palm trees

Someone does not accept the idea of ​​a New Year without snow, while others fly away every year for the holidays to Thailand or India. In any case, at least once in your life you should try to escape from the cold into the heat and replace the Christmas tree with a palm tree.

New Year's in a hotel made of snow and ice

The opposite alternative is to celebrate the New Year in a hotel built entirely of snow and ice. For several years now, similar hotels have continued to open in Sweden, Finland, Canada and others. northern countries. They are completely built of snow and ice, the temperature is maintained below zero, and sleeping is supposed to be done in special arctic sleeping bags. Without a doubt, such an adventure for the New Year will definitely be remembered!

New Year in a new city

Surely you have already tried to walk around your city on New Year's Eve, why not try to do it in a new place? You can choose another city in Russia or one of the European capitals, for example, Budapest or Prague. Send for a walk around the city center, congratulations strangers and recharge with that unique atmosphere that always arises in places of mass celebrations.

new year on the train

Finally, you can meet the New Year not at the end point of the route, but directly during the trip. If you find yourself on a train during the chiming clock, you will be amazed at how quickly all fellow travelers get to know each other and start celebrating together. Many say that this New Year is the most memorable!


When planning a New Year's celebration, do not limit your imagination! A boring feast can be turned into unforgettable party, most importantly, be creative in organizing and, of course, take into account the tastes of other guests (and also do not forget about common sense and safety rules, of course). Have a great holidays! With coming!

In a series of holidays, the New Year in our country occupies a special place, it is the most beloved family celebration ! How to organize it so that it is not only sincere, but also original and fun? Here are a couple of ideas.

1. We arrange at home the New Year's "Christmas tree commotion"

Beauty Christmas tree is an invariable attribute new year holiday- without it, a Russian person cannot imagine the New Year's Eve. And if you feel sorry for the natural Christmas tree? They chop her poor “under the very root” ... And you don’t want an artificial one. In this case, we propose to arrange a "Christmas tree commotion" in the house - many different "trees" instead of one. And do not break the tradition and the pleasure of unusual holiday receive! What "trees" do you mean?

edible christmas trees. Turn on the fantasy and decorate festive table all kinds of trees. First, we make a salad “tree”: we form a crown from lettuce leaves, which we decorate with vegetables so that they look Christmas decorations(beads or "snowball" - from droplets of sauce or from cheese, a star - from bell pepper, etc.). We replenish the festive feast with a buffet menu in the form of " New Year's toys"(canapes, sandwiches, etc.), we decorate the table with stylish "Christmas tree" napkins.

Secondly, we make a "Christmas tree" from all sorts of goodies: fruits, sweets, chocolates. To do this, we buy a base in the form of a cone in flower shops and use skewers to attach all this “yummy” to it, interspersed with real Christmas tree decorations. Then, of course, a Christmas tree-shaped cake - cut out the cakes and decorate the cake (with berries, chocolate and cream) again like a Christmas tree.

"Christmas decorations. We decorate with "Christmas trees" (from tinsel, colored stickers, beads, garlands and small toys) literally the whole house: walls, doors and windows. The “Christmas tree” on the wall can become the central one, under which we put toy Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and prepared gifts.

Christmas tree entertainment. We continue the theme of Christmas trees in entertainment. For example, a beauty contest among couples, who is better (for limited time!) from ancillary material will decorate his "Christmas tree" (one depicts a Christmas tree, the other decorates it). Then, to Serduchka's song "Christmas trees are rushing around the city" - a general defile. The winner can be determined by "beauty" or by the number of items used to decorate.

new year at home, in a close company, it is also good that everyone can take part in all events and, without any hesitation, show all their talents. Why not arrange a parody contest for the singer Yolka or a wonderful musical - each to sing "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" to different motives and in a different manner: romance, rap, hard rock, etc.?!

With the participation of the "Yolka" there are many New Year's fairy tales, which you can easily play out on your own. You can also stage the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" or play a small funny New Year's scene , does not require prior preparation and rehearsals.

The holiday under the slogan "Christmas tree commotion" will turn out to be cheerful and sincere, and most importantly, in its credits it will be possible to safely write that "during the organization of the holiday, not one living tree didn't get hurt!"

2. We arrange the New Year at home.

New Year with your family is a wonderful opportunity to be in a cozy atmosphere, sit at a delicious festive table, in an atmosphere of warmth, friendly communication and joyful fun!

"It's all love - great moments" - don't miss them!

Specially for the site

Folk wisdom says how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. You can argue or agree with this. But main question where, how and with whom to meet main night per year, remains open.

We are here to help you choose. And in this article we have collected 30 ways to celebrate the New Year.

So, let's begin?

Bus.On New Year's Eve, you can rent a bus, decorate it, prepare snacks, choose music and drive around the city all night, visiting friends and visiting places where festivities.

Anna.The heroes of the famous film go to the bathhouse every year, why don't you repeat their path? Celebrating the New Year in the steam room is good not only for the body, but also for the soul. Bath helps to relax, relieve fatigue and leave all the bad things in the past year. In addition, this is a great way to warm up, remember Russian traditions and arrange an unusual New Year's photo session :)

Peak.This place is perfect for romantic natures who are on you with nature. Just imagine: exactly at midnight you stand on top, look around and feel all the greatness and beauty of nature. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains or Kilimanjaro... It's up to you to choose.

City Park.Celebrating the New Year in the park is also very romantic and at the same time budget friendly. You can take a folding table, chairs, mulled wine in a thermos, champagne, tangerines, candles and lanterns with you and go to the park half an hour before the New Year. There, among the trees and the light of lanterns, you will feel like in a snowy fairy tale.

Village.On New Year's Eve, you can go to the village to your relatives or rent a house (room) from one of the local residents. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can truly enjoy the charm of this family holiday. It is here, among snow-covered fields and small rickety houses, that you can go skiing, build snowmen, warm yourself by a warm stove and drink tea from a samovar. What could be nicer?

E annual Olivier, tangerines and herring under a fur coat.Traditional New Year with family- a good option. You can visit your parents, grandparents, or gather everyone at your house and arrange a big family holiday with the main new year character- Dad dressed up as Santa Claus.

Christmas tree.We are talking about a large city Christmas tree, around which all festivities are usually concentrated. There is entertainment here not only for adults, but also for children who will be happy to participate in competitions and frolic in the ice town.

Wish.Have a wish night. Let each family member (guest) write their little wish on a piece of paper and give it to you a week before the holiday. Agree in advance not to think of something impossible. On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus or another fairy tale character can get desires from a magic box and immediately fulfill them. Children will especially enjoy this holiday.

A fun pajama party.Who said that on New Year's Eve everyone must be at the parade. This year, try to go against tradition and have a warm cozy pajama night with mulled wine, tangerines and sweets. Don't forget to stock up on soft blankets, pillows and fluffy bears for your guests :)

And an intriguing fireworks show in Australia.It is in Sydney that the world's largest fireworks show takes place every year. Sparkling, roaring and rainbow-colored skyWhat else do you need for the New Year? On a festive night, residents and guests of the city rent boats and go to the harbor. It is there that the most unforgettable light show is played over their heads.

Perfect place for all fireworks fans!

Yorick, poor Yorick, or New Year's Eve in theatrical style.The original way to celebrate the New Year- organize a theatrical performance at your home. Start preparing about two weeks in advance. Choose a good New Year's or Christmas play, prepare the scenery and costumes, ask all the participants in the play to learn their roles and rehearse everything well. Be sure to prepare and print invitation cards to the performance for your guests and hand them out in advance. And then the show begins!

Roof.Another incredible romantic place. On the roof you can set a festive table, decorate everything around and have a big party, or you can just go up to the roof with glasses 10 minutes before the New Year and spend there last moments outgoing year. It's so magical- to simultaneously see hundreds of lights burning in the windows, and to understand that in each of them at that moment they are celebrating a holiday.

Forest.An option for those who are not afraid to freeze. New Year in a tent or in a house in the woods can't be bad. Fresh air, a huge starry sky and snowflakes fluttering overhead ...

Sea.For those who are frozen in anticipation of the annual miracle, the best place celebrations- sea coast. There, among the palm trees, warm breeze and shells, you will feel truly happy.

Night in red colors. main color coming year of the rooster- red. Make this color the leitmotif of your feast. Let the outfits, table setting, gifts and decor be decorated in different shades red. Scarlet, carrot, madder, burgundy, titian, crimson, massaka ... The palette is very diverse. By the way, contests that will help you plunge into the symphony of color will be a great addition to your holiday of color.

Oh carnival!Another way to have fun in the New Year- go to a costume party or organize one at your home. The holiday will become even more fun if you try to come up with and make your own costume.

Train.Have you ever met the New Year on a train? A great idea for a celebration for the brave. The chiming clock to the sound of wheels, the flickering of lights outside the windows and endless train romance. New acquaintances, at least with a conductor, are provided. And also- sincere conversations and fragrant tea with tangerines.

Rio de Janeiro.In Rio! It is there that every year they arrange the largest new year party in the world. Hand the 4-kilometer beach of Copacabana gathers more than 2 million people dressed in all white. Dances, fireworks and a huge living white sea with burning lighters and mobile phone screens.

From achar.Today, the New Year can be celebrated even in the desert, or ratherin a caravan crossing the Sahara Desert! In order to carry out such an unusual undertaking, you just need to book a budget desert tour in Morocco (10 days) and rent a camel. Among the endless sands, the New Year will seem especially incredible!

T yumen and hot springs.Real exotic cold winter: the temperature outside the window is -25 -30 degrees, there is snow around, and clouds of steam rise from the water. And you celebrate the New Year not in evening dress but in a bathing suit.

Cleaning.Arrange a real cleaning right on New Year's Eve. Yes, don't be surprised. This is exactly what the people of Edinburgh do. Throw away everything unnecessary from the house on New Year's Eve. You can turn this seemingly boring activity into a real quest for yourself and your guests. Set up a game« 12 unnecessary things "- Hide 12 items around the house to throw away and have guests follow the clues laid out here and there to find them all. It's fun!

Let everyone who is going to visit you bring a couple of unnecessary things with them.- build an unusual NG tree out of all this junk, and then arrange a photo session with it. At the end of this action, you can safely take all the trash to the trash can.

Flashlights.Host a Chinese Night paper lanterns. At midnight, go outside and launch glowing cylinders high, high into the sky. Don't forget to make a wish :)

X rushchevka. Who said home is bad? There is no better place to celebrate the New Year than your small cozy apartment. It is there that it is best to say goodbye to the sadness of the past year and open the doors for new joyful moments. There won't be many of them this year. We promise :)

C branch greenhouse.For those who yearn for summer. It is not easy to get to such a place on New Year's Eve, but if you really want to, you can organize a New Year's rehearsal in advance. Among the bright fragrant flowers, you begin to believe in beauty even more, and therefore go to the greenhouse, for example, on the afternoon of December 31- great idea. There you can get your portion of summer and a charge of vivacity, which will last for a long time.

A wonderful trip to Veliky Ustyug. A good option for families with children. New Year's Eve visiting Santa Claus will definitely be remembered and will delight both kids and adults.

W smart karaoke bar.Great place for lovers of songs until dawn and noisy parties. Here, in a warm company, you can once again demonstrate your talent and really have fun.

Shch astier.This is the place where the New Year will definitely be the best. May each of us visit there many times in the coming year.

b, b, b. Celebration options for the most daring and desperate :)

Eiffel Tower.The most romantic place to celebrate the New Year is the Champs Elysees in Paris overlooking the New Year's Eiffel Tower. On a festive night, thousands of fireworks fly over it. Amazing spectacle!

Yu Moristic New Year. good jokes cheer up everyone, especially during the holidays. May His Majesty Humor rule in your house this New Year's Eve. Prepare jokes and anecdotes, remember funny stories that happened to you and your loved ones this year, ask the children and guests to show funny scenes, watch the most provocative releases of KVN. And then the night turns into real holiday fun!

I'm pony.Have a New Year's Eve Japanese style. Japanese food, kimono, sake... And there are many bells that should ring at midnight. In Japan, it is customary to ring the bells 108 times at X hour. There, in an instant, all the bell towers of local temples begin their sacred chime. Fascinating action! Try again :)

Happy New Year!

You have already decided where and how you will be celebrate the New Year? Not yet? We will be happy to help you with this. Let's let's hit the banality with creativity and surprise everyone the most unusual celebration in the world! New Year in the country? This is too small for us. Even more so in a restaurant or a nightclub! A trip to warm countries, a palm tree instead of a Christmas tree - well ... this is still all right. But cactus is better! So, to the clink of glasses, let's get started! Even if you do not follow our advice, at least you will smile!

Slippery New Year: meet at the rink!
On New Year's Eve, you can take champagne with you and go with friends or the whole family to the rink! A huge elegant Christmas tree, music, cheerful faces, wind in your hair - oh, how wonderful it is! Frozen - you can always return home and have plenty of pre-cooked salads. We are looking for large skating rinks in Ufa.

Wet New Year: we meet in the sauna or in the bath!
great way meet New Year in the company of friends and relatives! It could be urban sauna or good, spacious bath in the country. Santa Morozov caps in the steam room will look just gorgeous! I don’t know if there are New Year’s swimsuits, but it’s quite possible to find bath towels with holiday symbols. Beer, salads, Christmas tree - oh, beauty! And to be sure to have a small pool: overeat - swam, and like water off a duck's back! All wet places in the city.

Wild New Year: meet in the forest under the Christmas tree!
A more extreme version of the country New Year, perfect for for a group of friends. We go deeper into the forest, look for a picturesque clearing and a lonely standing Christmas tree, dress it up, set a camping table, make a fire and celebrate! The forest may be near your dacha or even a forest park in the city. Barbecue, smoke from a fire, snow-covered trees- what could be more beautiful! In addition, at such a forest party you can do anything: screaming, yelling, hitting trees. Great way to get rid of everything negative accumulated over the year. Everything is allowed, because you are in the forest today New Year! Just don't forget to dress warmly.

Thematic New Year: we meet according to the scenario, in costumes!
Great idea for something out of the ordinary family celebration. Can be played one act play and you can turn the whole holiday into merry masquerade according to a predetermined scenario. Then, in addition to costumes, according to the scenario, the house will also have to be decorated. Alternatively, you can arrange dwarf New Year, New Year of funny bears or bunnies. Or you can set a more serious task: get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the New Year of a country, reconstruct the triumph of the ancient Greeks or Celts, and also revive old Russian traditions. Imagine and dare!

New Year under the sky: meet in a hot air balloon!
Don't believe? It is quite possible to implement even in our city! True, this option is not designed for a large company, but for a couple in love or bosom friends- that's it. Although, you can rent a couple of balls. Imagine what a magnificent sight: multi-colored Balloons in the sky of New Year's Eve?! Impressions and memories - for a lifetime! Liked the idea - contact us here.

Underground New Year: meet in a cave!
Super extreme option for travel friends. The company must have a professional speleologist, and the chosen cave well known. In the most spacious hall we decorate the Christmas tree, set the camp table. One downside - can't scream loudly. Don't forget spare batteries for your headlamps! Dark New Year is not on our list. Feel like a caveman and welcome to speleologists club !

New Year of travelers: meet on the train!
Another option for extreme friends. Although, perhaps, someone ended up on the train by chance. And this is not a reason to be sad! On the contrary, very original way meet the holiday. Also, ticket prices on New Year's Eve are many times cheaper! You can take a bunch of spruce paws on the road, dress them up with rain. Champagne, chicken in foil tangerines - here you go New Year's feast! And those running outside the window winter views with a vengeance replace the TV! Holiday on the way sounds very symbolic!

New Year from a bird's eye view: we meet on the roof of the house!
Option for a loving couple. Find a roof in advance that has open access. Cover an impromptu table there, although you can do without it at all. Do lovers need a lot? A bottle of champagne, a couple of tangerines and hot kiss for snack! You can take with you warm blanket and wrap yourself in it. And if it opens from the roof view of the central square with a Christmas tree sparkling with lights, then this will generally be the most romantic new year in the world!

Historical New Year: meet in a medieval castle!
Option for an experienced, wealthy couple. If you choose to celebrate New Year abroad don't skimp on this trip. Some travel agencies offer to hold a New Year's party in European medieval castles, with the corresponding entourage in the form knights, ancient dishes And so on. Feel like a guest at the royal feast! For lovers thrill: there is also a party in Count Dracula's castle!

Philosophical New Year: we meet in splendid isolation!
If for the New Year you were left alone(it happened or you chose this option consciously) then organize a real holiday for yourself (Wow) ! Remember what you love the most and buy yourself the most stunning delicacies, the most expensive champagne! put on the most gorgeous outfit! Finally watch New Year's "Blue Flame" from beginning to end, and not snatches between toasts. Maybe you come up with some wise thoughts, on you revelation will descend In this magical night... And if you get bored - go out into the street, on New Year's Eve, all brothers and sisters to each other!

Crazy New Year: congratulations to everyone in the costumes of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden!
Another option for a single or a couple of cheerful friends. If no one invited you, if you are left at home alone and you are bored, then spit on the conventions and go to visit without an invitation. And, to all in a row! Dress up as Santa Clausa win-win. If there Snow Maiden- better! We knock on the door, congratulations to the people. Giving gifts is welcome: let it be real trifles! There will be no trace of the feeling of loneliness and abandonment! Oh god, you'll be surprised How much everyone loves you!

Just in case, we remind you that coming year- year of blue (Green) Wooden Sheep (Goats). Therefore, when planning a celebration, also consider the preferences of this cute animal: we don’t eat lamb, we don’t wear red. Be closer to nature: chew weed, wear all blue-green and decorate yourself with wooden beads. But do not hit your face in Olivier, drinking too much - you risk bleating! See other details here.

Someone likes to celebrate the New Year in hot countries, others choose restaurants and cafes. However, this holiday is not in vain called a family holiday. Most celebrate it at home with family and friends. True, often such parties are equal to the usual feast. Everyone sits down at a table bursting with goodies, turn on the TV and get carried away with noisy conversations with glasses in their hands. As a result, on the first day of the New Year, we get headache, couple extra pounds and no happy memories.

However, the New Year is a special holiday, which means that it must be celebrated in an unforgettable and magical way.

Preparing for the New Year

The old Russian tradition - in preparation for the holiday, to be so tired that no party is a joy, should be thrown aside. From the hostess - decoration of the house and a hot dish. Do not take on 100% of the New Year's troubles.

A few days before the holiday, the whole family make general cleaning and decorate the house.

More details about New Year's decor read at home.

New Year's table

Just because you have a party doesn't mean you have to cook 15 meals for your dear guests. Throw aside the shyness and timidity and directly distribute the organization of the table among all the guests. Forget about 6 mayonnaise salads, 10 hot and 100 appetizers. Enough 1-2 salads, appetizers, hot and dessert.

Does the menu seem modest to you? Then get creative with canapés, sandwiches and other snacks. Add to this pickles, meat and fish cuts, fruits and sweets. Something can be ordered from a restaurant or bought in a trusted supermarket. Distribute the main menu among the guests. From you - hot, from others - salad and dessert. Cooking one dish is not difficult for anyone.

And finally, most importantly - try to arrange everything so that the table is not the main thing at this celebration of life. So that you can not only eat, but also communicate, play and dance. Maybe you will opt for a buffet, or plan dinner in the kitchen and the rest of the party in the living room.

How to beautifully decorate the New Year's table, read.

Conceptual New Year

To make the preparation for the holiday more interesting - decide on the concept. The easiest option is to arrange national new year. Remember Russian folk fun, fortune-telling, roller-skating, throwing shoes, etc. On the table - pancakes, pies, potatoes, pickles and jams!

You can take another country as a basis. You can easily pick up Italian or French music. Or maybe you will have a German, Czech or English beer party? Or do you prefer Hawaii and pineapples will flaunt on the New Year's table, and the guests, out of spite winter frost dress up in colorful outfits and drink smoothies from fruit cups?

  • Italian New Year- this is Prosecco sparkling wine, fireworks on the streets, grapes on the table and the tradition of throwing old unnecessary things out of the windows. Feel free to throw it out the window old jacket? Invite guests to throw out old thoughts! Prepare as a hot dish - pizza or pasta, one of the traditional Italian salads, appetizers with sun-dried tomatoes and tiramisu or panna cotta. By the way, Italian Cuisine easy to prepare. Grapes should be in the amount of 12 pieces for each. If during the festive night the guest eats all the berries, then all 12 months will be happy.
  • If your choice is french holiday then prepare your shoes- it is customary to add to it in this country new Year gifts. On the table should be black pudding, baked poultry with lentils, peas and other legumes. For dessert - a cake with a surprise. Place a pea, coin or bean inside. Whoever gets a piece with an object will be lucky next year.
  • In Cuba, just before the New Year many containers are filled with water, and after the clock strikes, they are poured out of the window! This is a wish for the old year - a happy and bright path like water. Traditional Cuban New Year's dishes are fried pork or pig, and of course, rum from alcohol. It is mixed with orange juice and ice is added to the cocktail.

A youth party can be organized under the auspices of your favorite movie or series. Persuade guests to dress up as vampires or aliens.

Maybe you love Pirates of the Caribbean or The Hunger Games. Preparation and entourage will increase the level of festive mood in your company.

Do not want to bother with grandiose preparations? Then host a cocktail party. Find out which alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks your guests like the most and prepare recipes based on them. Part can be done in advance, and the rest right in the process of the holiday all together. You will need several shakers and measuring cups. And, of course, an incredible amount of ice. Give children the opportunity to create airy milk desserts.

New Year's contests

The festive table and outfits correspond to the chosen theme, but after the first course you already want to warm up. How to have fun on New Year's Eve? First, divide the responsibilities again. Let everyone who comes prepare a creative number or competition. Prepare the program and you.

New Year with children

Whatever scenario of the New Year's holiday you choose, the main thing is that you have good mood and the expectation of a miracle, and then your wishes, made to the beat of the clock, will certainly come true!

Happiness and success to you in the New Year!