Games, round dances and songs at the celebration of God Kupala. Folk festival "bathing"

Lilia Tarushkina
Scenario of the holiday "Kupala Fun"

Holiday script" Kupala fun"


To develop children's interest in ancient Russian customs.

summon emotional response children.

Develop a desire to participate celebration calendar holiday Ivan Kupala.

Equipment: glass - 2 pcs. , 2 wooden spoons, a bucket - 2 pieces, raindrops - 10 pieces, cardboard flowers, soap bubbles.

Holiday progress:

Leading: The holiday is beautiful, holiday vintage we will meet today. On the night of July 6-7, they celebrate Ivan Kupala holiday. It is believed that the water in rivers and lakes has this night healing power Therefore, the custom began to pour water on each other. Our holiday will be devoted to water and everything connected with it, because the name holiday obliges us to bathe from bathe. On this day, everyone should plunge into the river, lake, sea, or simply pour water over it.

According to legend, who lived in the water before? (Mermaids, mermen, etc.)

In the people there is another name for this holiday - Ivan the herbalist, or Ivan color. It was believed that the herbs collected at this time have a special healing power, so on this day they prepared healing herbs for the future. Guys, the most important plant on holiday Ivan Kupala was considered a fern. It is known that the fern never blooms, but people came up with fairy tale, as if a fern flower appears on this very night and opens the way to countless treasures.

And also this the holiday is called the festival of lights. And it was the fire that was the symbolic embodiment of the mighty sun, and, jumping over Kupala bonfires, By popular belief become healthy and gain new strength.

On Kupala make wishes, bathe in dew, doused with water, which on this day has a cleansing power. And today we will also play Kupala games.

(Voditsa comes out - the elder sister of the waterman)

Hello little people! Girls and boys, dear adults! I'm very glad to see you.

Let's get to know each other - I'm Voditsa, Vodyanoy's older sister. (goes to meet)

Vedas: And what is it, Mr. Vodyanoy himself, did not deign to come to holiday.

Voditsa: I got sick, I overate frogs and leeches. He lies in the moss, groans, and strokes his belly. But don't worry, it often happens to him. The regime does not comply, so he is ill. And I see you here no holiday? Well, I'll take a look. Here I’ll tell the Waterman what he lost because of his gluttony.

Voditsa: Which one then holiday today, you know? Then why don't you play? I have a vodka here. Let's play with her.

relay race "WATER CARRIERS"– 2 teams of 5-6 people. (2 spoons, two glasses, water, two chairs)

relay race is underway "ROOKER"- a bucket on a stick. (2 buckets, 2 sticks)

Voditsa: Well done boys! How hot it is outside. Look at the plants withered. Please help me to make it rain. Let's collect the raindrops into a cloud, and from the cloud it will rain.

Contest "Gather the raindrops" 5 people from each group participate. Each person has one drop in their hand. The first ones standing run to the cloud, hang a drop, come back and stand at the end of the column. When the children hang all the droplets, the Lead and Voditsa splash from the bottles.

Voditsa: Well done boys!

Leading: There is another belief

On Kupala week

Emerge from darkness

Witches, devils, ghouls!

But don't believe in these fairy tales

And don't be afraid, children

Then no one will touch you

Your courage will drive them away!

Sounds of music appears Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga: I'm evil, I'm terrible,

Insidious, toothy

I also love holidays

Even though I'm a prankster!

Leading: Oh you old hag

Why did you come here?

Holiday do you want to spoil us?

We didn't invite you!

Baba Yaga: Well, what if they didn’t call! Yes, it's an interesting thing, they themselves gathered here to have fun, but I have nothing to do here! You won't have fun. I to you spoil the holiday. Now I will sweep you with a broom so that you will run away from here without looking back, your heels will only sparkle. Whoo-hoo!

(Waving a broom.)

Leading: It's okay for you to frighten children. They will not be shy. Not afraid of them devilry. This is what you should be afraid of.

Baba Yaga: Okay, I won't bother you, but you can play with you. Just don't chase! I am so bored in this forest, but it will be fun with you!

Leading: So be it, stay. And our children know the game and want to play with Baba Yaga.

The game is being played "Grandma - Ezhka".

Baba Yaga stands in the middle of the circle. In her hands "broom" Playboys run around and tease her

Grandmother Yozhka bone leg;

I fell off the stove and broke my leg

And then he says:

"My leg hurts"

She went to the market

Crushed the samovar

Went to the street

crushed the chicken

Went out on the lawn, scared the bunny. (B. I jump on one leg and try to touch someone "broom". Whoever touches - he freezes.)

Baba Yaga: I also know the game. Do you want to play it? (Children answer.) But she's hard!

Children: We want, we want!

Baba Yaga: Then become two teams!

(Children are built in two columns one after another.)

Baba Yaga: Oh, there are two teams, but I only have one broom. You can't do without witchcraft. To make two from one broom, you need to stomp your left heel three times, cross your arms, turn around and say “Umba-tumba-transformation! I’ll turn around, turn around and split in two!”

(Children complete the task, the broom in the hands of the sorceress is easily divided into two; she hands each team one broom.)

Baba Yaga: Now, guys, show your prowess: it is necessary to fly on a broomstick "snake" back and forth between the pins, but not a single one should be dropped. Can you? (Children answer) Then - three, two, one - someone will win!

A relay race is underway.

Baba Yaga: Well… you did a good job with this difficult game. Well done!

Leading: Thank you Baba Yaga for the games. I invite everyone to sit down and relax with meaning "RIDDLES - THINKING"

Why do lions eat raw meat? (because they don't know how to cook)

There are teeth, but no mouth. What is this? (saw)

What happens to a handkerchief that falls into the water? (get wet)

What stones do not exist in the sea? (dry)

How can you transfer water in a sieve? (to freeze)

They go forward - they sing, they go back - they cry. (buckets).

Voditsa: Well done boys! And I know riddles about plants. Riddles about plants:

High and green, It will be mowed. Sheep, goats and cows are always ready to eat. (grass)

Oh, bells Blue colour, With a tongue, but there is no ringing (bell)

There is one such flower, You can’t weave it into a wreath, Blow lightly on it, There was a flower - and there is no flower (dandelion)

The traveler often injures his leg, so the doctor is on the road (plantain).

From an onion has grown, But it is worthless for food. That flower looks like a bright glass (tulip)

Voditsa: We worked, now you can play, become pairs soon. Our brook flows more cheerfully


Voditsa: Well, here it is have fun.

In that holiday, in the summer heat,

I will sprinkle water on everyone.

Voditsa: Here we met,

Everyone laughed heartily.

It's time for me to go,

Goodbye, kids!

Leading: On this our holiday ends! You are all so brave, dexterous, strong, well done guys!

Related publications:

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b] Tasks: Organize useful leisure children; Make every child a holiday, let him feel that he is not alone and loved;

Purpose: To form in children the need for healthy way life. Tasks: - To develop interest in winter games-competitions; - Develop dexterity.

Tatyana Karacheva
Holiday "Ivan Kupala"


Holiday outdoors for older children

Children senior group are going to the sites. The plots are decorated with foliage, ferns, flowers. The teacher in a Russian costume goes out to the children. Hostess. Hello good people! Guests invited and welcome! (bows).

Hello kids! Hello little ones! I see you are all here already.

Yes, and I came, not late. TO was going to the holiday,

Weaving a wreath, dressing up. After all today is not an easy holiday.

The holiday is magical, color.

In honor of our chief father - Ivan Kupala glorious!

Today is great festival of fire and water! It is believed that the water in rivers and lakes on this night has healing powers, and therefore the custom has gone to pour water on each other. I invite you kids celebrate ancient beautiful holiday ! Today we will play with you, we will be naughty. And here's the deal - no one is offended by anyone! Agreed? What reservoirs do you know? (children's answers).


Hostess. As I tell all the lakes, let them appear soon, but as soon as you hear streams, run one at a time!

(after the game). Guys, let's remember what fairy tale characters live in water?

That's right, and my daughter lives on the lake Ivan Kupala and her name is Kupalinka she knows all the little mermaids! Let's call her! Kupalinka, come to us, have fun and play!

Out to the music Kupalinka.

Kupalinka. Hello little people! Thank you kind people for calling, because this is my favorite holiday! By Kupala custom on Ivan Kupala guys and girls danced round dances, and decorated a birch with ribbons as a sign strong friendship. And we will start a merry round dance!

KHOROVOD "ON IVANA ON KUPALA» (in Spanish "Magicians of the Yard")

Kupalinka. Girls and boys, it's great to see you. Do you want me to introduce you to my girlfriends - mermaids, with girls who have the most long braids? Come out to the middle. You walk around, boast of your hair, and maybe someone will dance! And you guys, clap more cheerfully, decide who has the braid longer.


(Music sounds, girls dance, showing off their braid).

Kupalinka. Ivan Kupala holiday - day when the simplest things turn into magic. Only on this one and only day are water and fire friends, and only in Kupala the grass is gathering at night magical power. In the people there is another name for this holiday - Ivan the herbalist. It was believed that the herbs collected at that time had a special healing power, repelled evil spirits, and therefore medicinal herbs were harvested for future use on this day. And the most important miracle is the fern flower. It blooms only once a year. He is guarded by evil spirits - Kikimora, Goblin, Baba-Yaga. And whoever sees him will be happy and find the treasure. But the path to this flower is difficult, it grows in an impenetrable thicket, it is guarded by evil forces! You have to overcome many obstacles. Are you ready to find the treasure? Then I'll check you out! Are you smart and brave?


(Participants become in a round dance, holding hands, and raise their hands up. Several other children will be fish. "Fish" they run arbitrarily, now running inside the seine circle, then running out of it while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, the round dance should unanimously lower the clasped hands down and catch "fish". Caught "fish" become in a general circle, the game continues until everyone is caught "fish").

Kikimora appears to the music. She scares everyone, and then sprays the children with water from a spray bottle.

Kikimora. I am a forest Kikimora, I am a business witch! I love doing mischief!

I'll put a frog and a snake for you for dinner, instead of rolls and sweets.

I mess up holiday glad - nothing better!

You probably forgot that today Ivan Kupala holiday - pour over, anyone! (sprinkles water on children again).

Kikimora. Oh, how nicely I played - I improved a lot.

And I was completely touched that I might eat someone! (scaring again)

Hostess. Don't scare the children, Kikimora. They are not shy. They are not afraid of evil spirits. We have decorations medicinal herbs. Well, look!

kikimora (trembling): Oh, oh, oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!

Get them out of here if I don't feel bad...

I will not disturb you, I will play with you!


(Kikimora spins the rope, the children jump over it, whom Kikimora hit with the rope, is out of the game).

Kupalinka. Guys, you sit down, take a break, our path is not close, and I will try to persuade Kikimora to show us the way to the flower! (sit down).

Kikimora, do not be offended and do not wish harm to anyone, but rather help us find a fern flower! 2

Kikimora. See what you want! What cunning! I just won't give it up! Guess my riddles, then maybe I can help you.

MYSTERIES OF KIKIMORA (about nature, natural phenomena)

1. It comes to visit us in the spring,

It brings with it a lot of worries,

Hot, gives long days,

So that spikelets ripen soon in the fields (Summer)

2. People are waiting for me, calling me, and when I come to them, they run away. (rain)

3. The golden apple rolls across the sky, smiles at everyone in the morning (Sun)

4. In the morning, the beads sparkled, they wove all the grass with themselves,

And let's go look for them during the day, we are looking, we are looking, we will not find (dew)

5. Noisy, thundered, washed everything and left.

And gardens, and kitchen gardens, watered all the districts (storm)

6. What is not visible in the house, but felt (heat and cold)

7. The gates rose into the sky, the beauty of the whole world (rainbow)

Kupalinka. Kikimora, the guys have guessed all your riddles, now show us the way.

kikimora: Nope! I have changed my mind! You will never find a fern flower that shows the way to the treasure until you complete all the rites!


1."Carry the Pearls"

Postpone "pearls" (dry pool balls) from a basin without water to a basin with water.

2. "Roll the hoop"

Skating a small hoop with a gymnastic stick in a straight line and passing the baton (gymnastic stick) next player.

3. "Washcloths"

The adult gives the child a sponge and asks him to fill the bowl with water, which he holds in his hands. But this must be done only with the help of a sponge, collecting water and then squeezing it into a bowl.

4. "Water Carriers"

From the big pelvis (buckets) scoop up water, go the distance and pour it into the opposite big one, whoever ends up with more water in the bucket, that team won.

Hostess. Well, here, Kikimora, your guys have passed all the rites, lead us to the flower that guards the treasure!

Kikimora. Ha-ha, ha! And you won’t pass the most important rite! Only that flower will find who through the fire Kupala will jump over!

Kupalinka. People jumping over Kupala bonfires, according to popular belief, become healthy and gain new strength.

Hostess. Kikimora! Our children are still too small, they are scared to jump over the fire! So that the fire does not burn their heels, I offer you another fire! Guess riddle: A green bush is growing, if you touch it, it will bite. Not fire, but burning. That's right, it's a nettle!

Kikimora. And I have prepared a lot of nettles for you!


Kupalinka. Well, the guys turned out to be so dexterous, resourceful, skillful, they overcame all obstacles. Now, Kikimora, will you show them the way to the fern?

Kikimora. So be it. I will keep my promise, I will show you the way to the flower!

Kikimora offers to line up in pairs and, after playing the game "Brook", get to the flower.


Children line up in pairs, opposite each other, hold hands and raise them up. The one who was left without a partner passes through "brook" and takes the child by the hand. Together they pass through the pairs and stand in front of everyone, raising their hands. The freed participant passes from the end of the pairs under "brook" and chooses a pair and so on. (Children go to the place where the flower is hidden).

Kikimora. And here is a flower that blooms only once a year! (Children admire.)

Kupalinka. So, we will be happy, healthy and find the treasure! (Children are looking for "treasure"- a chest in which juice boxes are hidden).

Kikimora. The treasure lies here is not easy, but magical, that's what. There was simple water here, but it has become so healing!

Kupalinka. Let Kupalskaya water will give health for years! Drink to your health!

Hostess. On Ivana, on Kupala, more fun in the world has become!

The sun, flare up brighter, try to warm everyone with warmth!


July has come into its own, which means that everyone will be celebrating one of the most interesting holidays in the year - . We will tell you when and how the holiday of Ivan Kupala is celebrated in 2017, what is interesting to tell children about this day, how to have fun and what traditions to follow.

Once upon a time, when our ancestors lived according to natural cycles, each holiday was special and in one way or another connected with the elements. So, which falls on June 20-21, was a holiday of gratitude to the Sun for life and a bright day. The Kupala holiday was timed to this day among the ancient Slavs. But with the advent of Christianity, the day of Kupala was separated from the day of the solstice and timed to coincide with the day of John the Baptist. Therefore, it is now noted.

Ivan Kupala holiday: customs of the day and night

The most important elements of the holiday are water, fire, herbs and, of course, songs. Not a single rite for Ivan Kupala can do without these components. And although the holiday is very mystical, the people turned it into one of the most noisy and cheerful.

Already by the name of the holiday it is clear that the main actions on this day are connected precisely with water. In ancient times, from the very early morning, all the people could be found on rivers and lakes, because people believed that water cleanses the body and mind. Now the tradition has acquired a slightly different character - on this day, in addition to bathing in a pond, it is also customary to pour water on it, because “pour it on anyone!”. In such fun, children take an active part.

The game "Tails". For this game, you need a rope cut into as many pieces as there are participants. Each player tucks the rope into his belt so that about 2/3 of it hangs down from behind, like ponytails. The essence of the game is to take away the "tail" from the opponent, while maintaining your own. The one who "collected" more "tails" wins. In the game you can not fight, push, trip. Hands can be taken only by the "tail".

Fire jumping game. Instead of fire, you need to take a long stick. Two participants take a stick by the edges, and the rest line up in a line. The task of each participant is to jump over the stick. After the whole team jumps, the stick is raised and the jumps are repeated. The winner is the one who was able to overcome the highest level.

The game "Weave a wreath." You need to choose a leader. Each child must decide what kind of flower he will be. Then the facilitator takes turns calling a flower, and the participants must, holding hands, weave a wreath in the sequence in which the facilitator calls them.

Play, rejoice and have fun on this day with the whole family. Let the holiday of Ivan Kupala 2017 bring you a lot positive emotions and vivid impressions!

Kupala holiday for a day summer solstice(June 21) for thousands of years was of great importance for our ancestors, who lived in Harmony with the Universe and obeyed the natural cycles.

Kupala is the highest manifestation of the Yara Power of the Sun, the highest manifestation of Love, a symbol of spiritual and bodily purification, the guardian of couples in love, the power of fertilization, the embodiment of achieving the goal.

In the annual calendar cycle, the Kupala holiday correlates with the "maturity" of the Sun (Kolyada - "birth" and "boyhood", Great Day - "youth", Kupala - "maturity", Ousen (Sivoyar) - "old age", Kolyada - "death" and "birth"). The period of “maturity” also corresponds to such concepts as “family union”, “marriage”, etc. The essence of the Kupala ritual is the mystical family union of Heaven and Earth, Sun and Moon, Fire and Water, Male and Feminine principles. The main form of the mystical family union is a combination of Fire and Water elements. The culmination of their "wedding" (the most famous and common) is rolling down a burning wheel from a high slope ( masculine) into the water (feminine).

Kupala is the holiday of Love. The interaction of Heaven and Earth is Universal Love. The interaction of a Man and a Woman is Earthly Love. Kupala is a holiday of Earthly love, like Cosmic love. Kupala - kupa (totality, association). The main function of Kupala is the unification (kupa) of polar energies on the basis of Love, not struggle. Yav (Yang) - Nav (Yin); Heaven - Earth; Fire water; Man Woman. Kupala night is a cosmically determined time for meeting the betrothed, conceiving children and strengthening the family on the basis of mutual understanding and well-being.

On the Kupala holiday, the greatest flowering of Nature is observed. On this day, Mother Earth has the most magic power, which gives to everyone, and fire and water are the greatest life-giving healing effect. Kupala dew is considered healing and life-giving, and the herbs collected on Kupala have extraordinary magical powers. This holiday unites people with the Divine world of Nature.

On the holiday of God Kupala, the Heavenly Gates open and all prayers easily and freely reach their addressee. This best time in order to start new important things, to conceive bold dreams.

On this day, millions of people turn to the Sun, filled with divine power and powerful creative energy. On this day, our desires are saturated with cosmic power. And it is very important to be able to direct this energy to implement your plans, to attract success, good luck, and material achievements into your life. On this day, you can and should WISH MUCH! This is the very culmination of the year when every girl can feel like a sorceress. The summer solstice fills space with ebullient solar energy necessary for programming your future for the positive and for the realization of your most daring desires. Therefore, on June 21, from the very morning, set yourself up for a positive wave and do not miss it at least until sunset.

The holiday begins in the evening, on the eve of Kupala. The basis of the holiday, around which the actions take place, is the Kupala fire, symbolizing the Sun-embryo in the mother's womb. Jumping over fire means spiritual and bodily cleansing, burning all troubles, diseases, etc. If a guy and a girl jump three times over the fire, this means that they are announcing their engagement to everyone, so you don’t need to jump with anyone.

Girls who aspire to get married weave wreaths "for good luck, for fate" and put them on the water. A guy who wants to marry a girl catches her wreath in the water.

According to custom, people spend the whole night around the festive fire in order to meet the newborn Sun-Kupala in the morning and say glory and prayers to Him.

They also say that on the Kupala holiday, the Sun itself seems to bathe.

How to spend time with the greatest benefit and in accordance with the Tradition of our Ancestors Kupala holidays.

The time of the Kupala holidays is considered one of the most energetically strong not only in summer, but throughout the year. These days are filled to the brim with energy, and where you direct it, how you use it, depends on you.

The most important thing is to determine what you need to dedicate your time and attention to. Best use Kupala power is a co-tuning of one's inner elements with the elements of Nature.

To live in a single rhythm with Nature means to live according to the Primordial Cones of the Universe, and to live according to the Cones of the Universe means to be healthy, happy and in abundance, Love and balance. Not maintaining the harmony of all vibrations Life Force in his body and mind, a person begins to get sick, suffer, feel sad, there is a discord in his affairs.

Kupala holidays, proper conduct, just allow you to improve the quality of the vibrations of the energies of all bodies and shells of a person, to become healthy and happy. If for some reason you were not able to spend all the previous holidays of Krugolet (Kologod) in accordance with the Traditions of our Ancestors, then during the Kupala holidays you can make up for lost opportunities, improve your health and gain strength for the entire upcoming Krugolet (Kologod).

June 21-23 are the shortest nights of the year. These days and nights are full of Life Force. Therefore, we recommend:

You can start the day of the summer solstice with a set of yoga exercises - Surya on mah (bow) to Ar (Earth), which is called "Salutation of the Sun" (Sanskrit - Surya maskar).

On the Internet you will find many descriptions of this practice and educational videos. This is a great start to any day, not just the summer solstice. Just on the days of the solstice, you will be filled with powerful force from the Sun.

2. The solstice is also good for the birth of a dream.

Early in the morning, looking at the Sun, say: “Red Sun, bless me in my work, bless my dream, illuminate with a bright light, warm with a beam.” Then say your dream out loud.

Before that, it is desirable to get rid of the old "troubles". You can silently say something like "I am grateful to let go of (name the problem), I have learned my lesson and now I am clearing myself for new, happy changes in my life." After that, you can be specific about your dreams and what changes you are inviting into your life. It will also be great to practice forgiveness. THE PRACTICE OF FORGIVENESS. WHY AND HOW TO FORGIVE:

On the day of the summer solstice, the Solar Power increases and the potential for meditation and spiritual practices increases dramatically. You need to spend this time in Nature: go out of town - into the forest, into the mountains, to the country - where you feel good and comfortable. If possible, these days should be spent in solitude, silence and prayer practice. You can use mantras for prayer practice. More details about mantras and a selection of beautiful mantras:

* Power of Mantras. Mantras for achieving Harmony in Life:

Ask Nature your innermost questions, and then just sit and really listen, observe everything that happens inside and around you. What is Nature talking to you about, what does it tell you? Yes, flowers, trees and wind cannot answer us in our language, but we can learn to feel and understand their language. Our soul has a wonderful connection with nature, so listen to what is happening around you and how it resonates with you inside. What does your soul want to tell you? Our ancestors went to the forest to look for the mystical fern flower and the grass-grass. They were looking for meanings and answers to questions. And found. The fern flower is a powerful symbol of fire and protection, overcoming the grass heals and helps to overcome obstacles. They were embroidered on clothes as powerful amulets.

Find a beautiful oak or birch. Approach the tree and hug it. Talk to the tree, ask him to participate in your destiny as a talisman, pick a few leaves - this will be your talisman for a year. Dry leaves can be put in a bag (cloth) and put it in a pillow. Stroke the grass and feel how it feels to the touch, breathe in the scent of flowers, listen to what the birds sing about, take a closer look at what the clouds look like, what the leaves on the trees whisper about? Do whatever you want to fully communicate with Nature.

If the day of the summer solstice is not possible to spend in Nature, visit the city park in the evening at sunset or in the morning at sunrise.

4. Drink sun tea.

If the sun is outside, you can make yourself "sun tea". To do this, you need only 4 ingredients: your favorite aromatic tea (preferably herbal, from herbs growing in your area, for example, Ivan tea), water, honey and the sun. Brew your favorite tea and put it for a couple of minutes on the windowsill under Sun rays. If you live in own house and you have the opportunity to go out into your garden and charge your tea with solar energy there - generally wonderful! In any case, just meditate for these couple of minutes, admire the beauty of the color of your favorite tea, its transparency, aroma and imagine that the sun's rays penetrate your tea, and it is immediately filled with the power of nature, the energy of the Sun, the qualities of Light and Love. Add a spoonful of honey to the drink, watch how living gold dissolves in the drink, gold collected from hundreds of flowers, drunk with the rays of the sun. And then, slowly and savoring every sip, enjoy the taste of your tea. After such a solar recharge, it will not only taste better than usual, but also more energetic! Try it!

5. Dress in a sunny item.

When you are about to go outside, put on some piece of clothing in yellow, sunny color, golden decoration, bright accessory, and ideally a charm symbolizing the sun. Put on something to remember the holiday, that your thoughts will be saturated with the Sun all day long. This will help you create good dreams, consciously create a positive mental space. It's great if you have traditional Slavic clothing with fire and sun symbols embroidered on it. Put it on then.

6. Kindle the fire of inspiration.

The Summer Solstice is beautiful time in order to ignite the Fire of your Soul in order to Create. But it’s not just to do something, compose, invent, write with the goal that someone appreciates how wonderful we are and “pats on the head” - praised, bought, etc. Let today’s goal be the only one - to get pleasure in the process of creation! Do not think about the result, do not think what others will think, do not compare yourself with anyone (this is how you extinguish your fire of creativity!) You may not show anyone what you have done at all. Create today first of all for yourself! Be in touch with your soul and create together what you really want! Take materials, tools for creativity (you can take your favorites or, on the contrary, those that you always wanted to try, but your hands did not reach). And then let go of yourself, and let inspiration flow from you, as from a wonderful source. Do not control it, do not tell it where and how it should flow, trust him, he knows everything himself.

Even if you just want to dip your palms in paint different colors and print them on paper - great, do it! Do not strive to create a masterpiece that will be admired in museums by distant descendants. Enjoy the process, have fun, indulge, play pranks, rejoice, play!

7. Plunge into the fire of feelings.

Allow yourself to feel anything today. Throw away your criticism, doubts, dividing feelings into good and bad: - enjoy the whole gamut to the last shade! Feelings are what allows us to be real, alive! Focus on the area of ​​the heart center and ask yourself during the day more often: "How do I feel right now?" Listen to yourself, be aware of your feelings. And then say, "I accept myself and my feelings as they are."

8. Get rid of the unnecessary.

The Summer Solstice has a powerful cleansing power. And first of all it is concentrated in fire. On this day, you can get rid of the negativity that has accumulated in you and your life, from resentment, disappointment, you can let go of negative attitudes that prevent you from living and being happy, etc.

To cleanse yourself with a solar candle, take a candle yellow color(ideally wax, but any will do). Light it up, put it on the table. Sit next to each other, make yourself comfortable and relax. Make sure that no one disturbs you in advance, turn off the phone.

Close your eyes and imagine the image of the Sun, big, bright, blazing, with incredible cleansing power. Now open your eyes, and while holding this image, transfer it to the flame of your candle. You will get such a small sun burning in a candle flame. Small, but with all the same properties that you presented for the big sun. Now imagine an image of what is stopping you, what you want to let go of your life and place it directly in the solar flame of your candle. Just watch as the fire purifies and dissolves all that you have entrusted to it. You can silently say something like "I gratefully let it go, I've learned my lesson, and now I'm clearing the space for new, happy changes in my life." After that, you can specifically formulate your desires, what changes you invite into your life. Then just sit like this meditating on the candle flame for as long as you like.

9. Write a Letter to the Universe.

Another way to get answers to your innermost questions is to write a Letter to the Universe. The ritual is very effective, tested more than once. Write a letter and send it to Iriy - through the fire. Make sure that all the paper turns into gray light ashes (you can burn the letter in a ceramic bowl at home). Give the ashes to the wind, let them spread your desire, question or dream around the world. The universe will surely answer.

10. Charge with the Force of Nature on June 21 - 24 and make useful supplies for the whole year.

These days have great strength. It is these days that healers collect medicinal plants for their potions, because these days they are most charged with mighty solar energy.

Solar herbs and other plants collected at this time have powerful healing power: wormwood, burdock, St. John's wort, mistletoe, dill, parsley, green onion, thyme, honeysuckle, hyssop, nettle, meadowsweet. Some of them, for example, nettle, mountain ash, burdock, dill, are used to protect the house from evil.

On the day of the summer solstice, you can collect protective herbs. In order to prepare protective herbs, you need to ask permission and blessing from Mother Earth. Say aloud: “Mother Earth, bless me, take herbs, and mothers to me!”

Protective herbs are herbs that have the ability to protect against evil invisible to our eyes:


Verbena is very closely associated with the summer solstice and has almost the same protective power as St. John's wort. She has great abilities to cleanse the surrounding space from evil, does not let him enter your house.

You need to collect verbena in the morning of the summer solstice, always with your left hand. By the way, ancient way win over the good spirits of your home - hang vervain in the corners of your house or apartment.

St. John's wort.

St. John's wort - a plant of the summer solstice, a plant of the Sun. His bright yellow flowers symbolize the sun. St. John's wort protects from evil spirits, binds their strength.

But it must be collected during the summer solstice, when it is gaining the greatest strength. Even the plant itself, if hung in the corners of the house, will serve as an excellent protection against all evil spirits.


Her protective properties have long been used in witchcraft. Here, for example, to alleviate or even completely remove the curse, you can fill a small bag with nettle leaves and always carry it with you.

If you want to get rid of evil forces and direct their malice at themselves, then scatter chopped nettles around your house. If you are afraid that you or someone else is in danger, in this case a proven method will help - throw nettles into the fire. And if you are tormented by inexplicable fears, then carry nettle with you along with yarrow.


Especially useful is the mistletoe that grows on sacred trees: oaks, birches, ash trees.


Ruta is a very strong defensive plant. It protects from poison and disease. Rue grows mainly in the Mediterranean countries. In Italy, special silver amulets in the form of a rue are made, which are worn to protect against the evil eye.

If you sew (necessarily with red thread) a sprig of rue, along with slices of bread, a pinch of salt and a few anise seeds, into an amulet, you will have a classic protective amulet of the Italian Witch. At the same time, you can utter such a conspiracy: "Rue grass, let this amulet protect my family from harm."

For spiritual purposes energy protection it is usually harvested during the summer solstice. At this time, protective amulets are traditionally made from various herbs for home and pets.

With the help of protective herbs, you can make various amulets to protect yourself and your home (making amulets is a topic for a separate article). To do this, you can use the burning of herbs, as well as prepare special herbal infusions.

Ivan da Marya.

An important role in the Kupala rite is played by such a flower as Ivan da Marya. It is collected on the night before Kupala Day, laid out in the field at dawn, so that the morning magic dew sprinkles the flowers, giving them healing miraculous powers.

If on this night you pick the flower of Ivan da Marya and put it in the corners of the hut, the thief will not come to the house: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers plants) will talk to each other, and it will seem to the thief that the owner is talking to the hostess.

They guess at Kupala on herbs. The girls collect twelve herbs (thistles and ferns are a must) and put them under the pillow, saying: “Betrothed-mummers, come to my garden for a walk!”

Another version of fortune-telling: they tear the herbs at midnight without looking, put them under the pillow at night, and in the morning they check if there are twelve different ones. If yes, then this promises an early marriage. A tripartite (plantain) is placed under the head, saying: “Triputnik-fellow, you live by the road, you see the young and the old, tell me my betrothed!”

Days of preparation of magic brooms.

June 21, the day before Kupala night, is considered the most powerful and filled with Solar Power. After dinner, Slavic girls and women go to the forest and prepare young birch brooms with songs. The broom collected on this day is magical.

Now there are more and more Slavic communities in which there are Knowledgeable people who know what rituals must be performed in order to properly celebrate the holiday. If you know such people, it is better to join them. But if this is not possible, then you can arrange a holiday for yourself. And here's how to do it.


On June 21 or June 23, leave or go out into Nature, preferably to a clean place, ideally, if there is a river nearby in this place. Water during this period is filled with miraculous power that can heal, protect, attract, endow with health, beauty and peace.

It is necessary to take with you gifts and requirements to the Gods and Ancestors (grain, pancakes, honey, nuts, seeds), as well as treats for friends during a joint festive meal, which you will share with them after all the rites have been performed.

Women need to wear a long skirt in order to be attuned to Mother Earth as much as possible and to be filled with female power. If you have ritual clothes, then you need to wear it. Next, do the following:

1. During the day, all the girls weave wreaths - amulets.

Girls let their hair down, put on long skirts or sundresses and go to collect herbs for a wreath. If you are going to pick this or that grass, twig or flower, you must mentally ask the plant for permission - is it possible to pick it - and then thank you.

When you have collected enough herbs, sit down and weave a wreath. Think positively at this time - dream, wish health and wellness to your family. The finished wreath is fastened with a red ribbon. In the evening, you can put it on your head when you dance around the fire. And then hang on the wall above the matrimonial bed - the amulet will protect your family from adversity.

2. In the evening, make a fire.

To do this, you need to make two fires. One will be sacrificial (a fire for bringing gifts and honoring your Ancestors, your Family and Nature), the second - a festive one. At the beginning of the ceremony, it is necessary to light a sacrificial fire, stand around the fire and say thanks to the forces of Nature, your parents, Ancestors, your entire Family, remember all your ancestors. After that, it will be beneficial to sing mantras to harmonize and purify the space and your energy, for example, the OM mantra. For more information about the OM mantra and its impact on the space and energy of a person, read the article "OM MANTRA - THE KEY TO PURIFICATION, JOY AND ENLIGHTENMENT":

Then make a request to the Ancestors and the forces of Nature to accept your gifts. Put the gifts (grain, pancakes, honey, nuts, seeds) into the fire. Stand by this fire and feel the blessing to you from Nature and Ancestors. You may intuitively want to say some more praise or chant the mantra "Om", or other mantras.

Then a second fire is lit - a festive one. It is lit from a sacrificial fire. At the same time, it is also worth saying thanks to the forces of Nature, your parents and Ancestors and singing the mantra OM.

Spinning a round dance, we spin the energies of Nature. Negative heavy energy moves to the center of the circle, where the fire is located. All troubles, hardships, illnesses and failures are burned in the fire, thereby people receive purification.

After the fire gets lower, you can start jumping over the Celebration Bonfire (make sure that no one takes it into his head to jump over the Sacrificial Fire, so as not to desecrate it).

Before jumping, you must say: “Glory to the Gods and our Ancestors, Glory to Kupala”!

Fire has the ability to purify the human aura. Therefore, those who jump over the fire burn out all the accumulated negativity in themselves. Young couples jump over the fire, holding hands. If they open their hands, they will not be able to be together and part, if they hold their hands, they will live together happily ever after.

After all the rituals of games and fun, arrange a joint festive meal.

3. Early in the morning - at 4-5 am - they wash themselves with dew.

In order to preserve youth and beauty for a long time, it is useful to wash yourself with dew before sunrise and even swim in it, rolling over the grass. You can collect dew and sprinkle your house - this will protect its residents from trouble, and the house from fires.

Try to celebrate this day as suggested in this article, believe in yourself and tune in with the Forces of Nature. Feel natural forces flowing through you, bathing you with Spiritual Energy.


It is necessary to know and understand this for everyone who participates in Slavic holidays in nature, in particular, participates in the celebration of Kupala.

look short video"TRADITIONS OF THE SLAVES FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF ENERGY AND INFORMATION SECURITY: wreaths of flowers, plant foods": This information, as they say, is for the judgment of sanity! Although this article on the Kupala holiday tells that supposedly picking flowers and making ancient wreaths out of them Slavic tradition, the authors of the public are of the opinion that this tradition is not as ancient as they are trying to present to us, and that picking flowers without extreme necessity, weaving wreaths from flowers and generally giving flowers is not worth it. Even more about this in the article “WHY IN Rus' DID NOT GIVE PICKED FLOWERS?”

Slavic Energy and Holidays. Viktor Chulkin, Slavic researcher, inventor of knives (37 models), technologist, creator of the patented multi-purpose knife "Siberian Bear", a knife throwing trainer.

Very interesting information about the sacraments of the Kupala mysteries. Tells Victor Chernikov - the founder of the school of SPAS the Great, the keeper of the knowledge of the Cossacks-characterists.

For more information about nature-friendly (harmonious with Nature) holidays and the Life of our Ancestors, see the video of Vasilchenko Lyudmila Pavlovna “GENUINELY SLAVIC NATURAL HOLIDAYS - LIFE IN HARMONY WITH NATURE”.

This is a very interesting, lively and natural video!

A real Russian woman Lyudmila Pavlovna Vasilchenko literally ignites the Soul with sparks. Lays out the basics of primordially Russian traditions.

The video talks about the GODS and HOLIDAYS on Slavic calendar, ABOUT LIFE in harmony with NATURE, about the stages of the Life Path! It will be useful to all those who are interested in the secrets of Slavic culture.

Vasilchenko Lyudmila Pavlovna - teacher of Slavic studies, author of the program "Slavic Studies - Russian Health"; author of books: "Nature of the Slavs", "Dictionary. Life of the Slavs. For 20 years he has been engaged in Russian Culture and is doing everything to introduce Slavic studies into the education program. Founder of the Museum of Russian Ethnography in the Balashovsky District of the Saratov Region.


The tradition of holding the Kupala holiday for young people included round dances, Kupala songs and games. Most of the games are aimed at the interaction and exchange of male and feminine energy. In particular, a lot of kissing games. It is no coincidence that kissing games in conjunction with folk dances are sometimes called the secret of family happiness ...

The fact is that such games really help to throw out excess energy (including sexual energy), the excessive accumulation of which at the described age, we note, in modern times leads young people to outright debauchery, or to aggression and its waste through the lower centers (chakras) . Therefore, today's youth are only interested in instincts: to eat, sleep, defend themselves and copulate, and what is happening with the Motherland and the Tradition of the Ancestors - they do not care. And our Ancestors in round dances, in harmless kissing games, kept their energy at the level of the heart center and learned to spin the whirlwinds of childbearing power, pump the nadi channels remotely, at the level of the biofield without any sex, in order to create virtuous offspring in the future.

No less (or maybe more) important is that the kissing game, like no other, helps to energy level it is better to feel “your” person with the help of playful, non-binding hugs and kisses.

And the options for behavior in games (the girl’s choice of a certain guy from a round dance, the choice: kiss - not kiss, etc.) is a great way to unobtrusively, without offense, but very clearly show your attitude towards a person - sympathy-antipathy. Like most games for other ages, traditional youth games are also distinguished by great musicality, rhythm, and the players have the opportunity to demonstrate their prowess, dexterity, and ingenuity.


ON THE CHAIR. One of the players sits in a circle on a chair or on a stump. Everyone stands around him and pronounces the words:
I am sitting on a chair
I myself sit on the painted.
Who loves me,
He buys me. Who buys me
Kiss three times!
One two Three!
On the count of three, everyone runs to the seated one. Whoever runs up to him first and kisses (or touches) three times on the cheek, he sits in a circle and everything repeats from the beginning.

I'M SITTING ON THE BARREL. A guy (several guys / girls) sits inside the round dance, the rest dance in a round dance, everyone sings:

I'm sitting on a barrel
Tears are rolling
There is not a penny, but I want to eat.
I sit, I sit, mourning by the willow bush,
If someone loves me, he will help me out.
Girls kiss - help out guys, guys - girls. If someone sits up unkissed, then they sing:
Oh no one loves me
And no one helps out, I'm sitting on a barrel,
Tears are rolling...

Ducks have arrived. Two circles gather: boys inside, girls outside, then change (after each verse).
The ducks have arrived
Sat in the valley
Wings spread out
I was forced to kiss.
Kiss your friend in the middle of the circle
Kiss your friend in the middle of the circle

Bring in the new one, the black-browed one.
young girl -
Put in a circle
Put in a circle
I was forced to kiss.
Kiss your friend in the middle of the circle
Kiss your friend in the middle of the circle
Bring in the new one, the black-browed one.
Bring in the new one, the black-browed one. There's sugar on the floor
I'm not lazy - I'll raise it.
I ate sugar, sang a song,
I wanted to kiss my friend.
Kiss your friend in the middle of the circle
Kiss your friend in the middle of the circle
Bring in the new one, the black-browed one.
Bring in the new one, the black-browed one.
Here comes my dear
About laying your head
young kisser,
The kisser is dear.
Kiss your friend in the middle of the circle
Kiss your friend in the middle of the circle
Bring in the new one, the black-browed one.
Bring in the new one, the black-browed one.


A girl and a guy stand opposite each other in pairs and hold their arms up, flush with their chest. Couples are built in one row in a long line, and the longer it is, the more beautiful. This row is called the bridge.

The chosen couple - a girl and a guy begin to pave him: holding hands, they go to an imaginary bridge; the first couple of the bridge raise their hands, let them through. Here the guy turns around and kisses the girl opposite to her, and his girl the guy opposite to her; when both couples kiss, the guy closes his kiss on his girlfriend. This mutual kissing is called a bridge, and it continues through the whole long row: everyone is absolutely obliged to kiss each other, otherwise it will be considered a crime against the game. When the first couple has kissed the whole row, then it stands at the end and the next couple starts fiery paving - in the same order. When all the couples kiss, then the paving of the bridge is already over. If someone did not have time to kiss or kissed the wrong way, they take a phantom from him, which is then played out.

But there are rarely forfeits, because no one misses the opportunity to kiss, unless it happens somehow by accident, through an oversight, or the girl herself dodges, for that the guy is not only punished by a phantom, but also betrayed by general ridicule. For the most part, it happens that again they begin to bridge the bridge due to the lack of phantoms, because the game ends with phantoms.

WATER. The driver sits in a circle with eyes closed. The players move in a circle with the words:

watery, watery,
Why are you sitting underwater? Come on out
Sit with us.

The circle stops. The merman gets up and, without opening his eyes, approaches one of the players. His task is to determine who is in front of him. The merman can touch the player in front of him, but his eyes cannot be opened. If the Vodyanoy guessed correctly, he changes roles, and now the one whose name was called becomes the leader.

The game is played on level ground. The players are divided into two teams that line up against each other in a chain at a distance of 10-15 meters.

The first team goes forward with the words: - Boyars, and we have come to you!
And he returns to his original place: - Dear, we have come to you!
Another repeats this maneuver with the words: - Boyars, why did you come? Dear, why did you come?
A dialogue begins: - Boyars, we need a bride. Darlings, we need a bride.
- Boyars, what do you like? Dear ones, how do you like it?
The first team confers and chooses someone: - Boyars, this sweet one is for us (they point to the chosen one).
- Dear us, this is sweet.

The selected player turns around and now walks and stands in a chain, looking the other way. The dialogue continues:

- Boyars, she is a fool with us. Dear, she is a fool with us.
- Boyars, and we with her whip. Dear ones, and we are her whip.
- Boyars, she is afraid of whips. Darlings, she is afraid of whips.
- Boyars, and we will give the gingerbread. Dear, and we will give a gingerbread.
- Boyars, her teeth hurt. Darlings, her teeth hurt.
- Boyars, and we'll take you to the doctor. Dear, and we will reduce to the doctor.
- Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor.
The first team completes: - Boyars, don't play the fool, give us the bride forever!

The guy who chose the bride must scatter and break through the other team's chain. If he succeeds, he returns to his team, taking with him the bride from the first team. If the chain is not broken, then the bride remains in the first team, that is, she does not get married. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The task of the teams is to keep more players.

In fact, each village had different words, and sometimes the rules of the game. Eat different variants text. And every option is correct. The same - with round dances and songs. Collectors on expeditions themselves were surprised how in neighboring villages the words for the same round dance differ, or vice versa, the words are the same, but the drawings of round dances are different.

Here is another version of the words of this game.

BOYAR-PRINCESS. Guys and girls stand in two lines opposite each other. In the ranks, they interlock with their elbows (as in shackles). On the first phrase, the line moves forward, on the second, back. Who is silent, he stands.

Boyars (B): Princesses, yes, we have come before you. Young people, we have come to you.
Princesses (K): Boyars, why did you come? Young, why did you come?
B: Princesses, yes, we look at brides. Young, yes we are brides to watch.
K: Boyars, we don’t have brides. Young, we have no brides.
B: Princesses, yes there are at the age? Young, yes there is on age? (“Overstarki”, those who are no longer given in marriage).
K: Boyars, yes undersized. Young, but short. (Those who can not yet).
B: Princesses, yes overgrown. Young, but overgrown. (Like, just).
K: Boyars, show the groom. Young, show the groom.
B: Princesses, isn't this the groom? Young, but this is something not a groom (it turns out that the one who was chosen as the groom then joins his line).
K: Boyars, show us (the word). Young, yes show us (word). Here the girls demand to show any word "hut", "watch". The bottom line is for the guys to prove that the groom is worthwhile. The last word that marks the end of nit-picking is "boots."
B: Princesses, is this something (word). Young, but is it something (word). The guys show the required word by any means and prove the viability of the groom.
K: Boyars, show me your boots. Young people, show me your boots.
B: Princesses, aren't these boots for you? Young, aren't these boots for you?
K: Boyars, boots without soles. Young, boots without soles.
B: Princesses, pay for embarrassment. Young people, pay for the embarrassment.
K: Boyars, which one is dear to you? Young, which one is dear to you?
B: Princesses, yes, (name) is dear to us. Young, yes, (name) is dear to us.
K: Boyars, yes, we will not give her up (and she is a fool with us). Young, but we will not give her away (and she is a fool with us).
B: Princess, yes, we will come and pick it up. Young, yes we will come and take away.
The guys are trying to take the named girl, and the Princesses protect her. If they are taken away, then they put them in their line together with the groom. Then the motive changes.
B: Our regiment arrived, arrived. Oh, did-ladoo, it's arrived, it's arrived.
K: In our regiment, it has gone, gone. Oh, did-ladu, gone, gone.
B: In our regiment they danced, danced. Oh, did-lady, they danced, they danced.
K: In our regiment we cried, wept. Oh, did-lady, wept, wept.
B: In our shelf, poppies are blooming, poppies are blooming. Oh, did-lady, the poppy is blooming, the poppy is blooming.
K: In our regiment, the dirt is black, the dirt is black. Oh, did fret, the dirt is black, the dirt is black.
B: In our regiment they drink beer, they drink beer. Oh, did-lady, they drink beer, they drink beer.
K: In our regiment, tears are shed, tears are shed. Oh, did-lady, tears are pouring, tears are pouring.

Men and women play. Women are Dawn, men are watching them. Everyone becomes in a circle. Every man stands behind his girlfriend. Hands are freely lowered. Women exchange glances with each other, their task is to change places with the one with whom they blinked. And the task of the man is not to let the girl run away. He should grab her by the shoulders and hold her.

There are also traditional games that correspond to the nature of the Kupala holiday: Matryoshka, Guide, Handkerchief, Drake and Duck, Golden Gate, etc.


They play in pairs. Each of the players receives a rope of the same length as the opponent. The rope is tucked into the belt of the trousers so that 2/3 hangs down from behind like a tail. Each of the players must take the tail from the enemy, without giving up his own at the same time. During the game, you can not push, fight, grab everything with your hands except for the tail, put the steps. The winner is the one who took the tail from the enemy, but saved his own. You can play with 4-5 people at the same time, the goal is to save your tail and collect more tails of opponents.

This, one might say, is a classic of the genre. Players are arranged in pairs, holding hands and forming a column. The driver is in front. All in unison loudly say or sing:

Burn, burn bright
To not go out.
Burn, burn bright
To not go out.
Look at the sky
The birds are flying.
The bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!
Another variant:
Burn, burn clear
To not go out.
And one, and two, and three.
Last couple, run!

In any case, at the word “run”, those standing in the last pair open their hands and rush to the beginning of the column, running around it with different sides(one on the left, the other on the right), and the driver tries to catch one of them before the couple, having met, again join hands. If this succeeds, then together with the caught player, the driver stands in the first pair of the column, and the one who was not caught becomes the driver.

The bear is in the forest.
Choose one "bear". Outline two circles. One is a place for the "bear", the other is a "home" for the rest of the participants. Everyone leaves the house saying:

At the bear in the forest -
I take mushrooms, berries, But the bear does not sleep -
And growls at us.

On last word The “bear” runs out of the “den” with a growl, and the rest run into the “house”. Caught becomes a "bear".

Salki ("Pyatnashki", "Traps", "Traps", "Lyapki", "Lepki", "Dumplings", "Salo", etc.).
This game has different names and rules, but the main content remains: one or more drivers catch other players and, if caught, change roles with them.

The game can be played in the most various conditions: indoors, outdoors, children of all ages, youth and adults. The number of participants - from 3 to 40 people. The game does not require leaders, judges.

By lot or by a counting rhyme, one driver is chosen - a "salka". The boundaries of the playing area are conditionally established. Everyone scatters within this area. The driver announces: “I am a salka!” - and begins to catch those playing within the established limits of the site. Whomever he catches up and touches (touches), he becomes a “feed” and announces, raising his hand up: “I am a feed”! He begins to catch the players, and the former "trail" runs away with everyone. The game has no definite end.

Varieties of "Salok":
"Salki with the house." For those who run away, a “house” is drawn on the site, in which they can escape from the “tag”, but they do not have the right to stay there for a long time.

Salki "Feet from the ground". Escaping from the "tag", the players must take their feet off the ground (floor). To this end, they climb on any object or sit down, lie down, raising their legs up. In this position, the "trail" has no right to salt them.

Salki "Give me your hand." In this game, the person running away from the "trail" shouts: "Give me your hand"! If one of the comrades takes his hand with him, then the driver does not have the right to touch them. If, on the other hand, another player joins, that is, there will be three of them, the driver has the right to salute any extreme.

"Salki-crossings". Runners can help each other out by crossing the road between the chasing tag and the one who is running away. As soon as someone crosses the road, "Salka" must catch him. Here again, someone seeks to rescue a comrade and runs across the road, the "trail" begins to catch him, and so everyone strives to save the comrade, whom the "trail" is running after. The driver ("salka") must quickly switch and catch a new player who has crossed the road.



With a hot flame of a bonfire - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!
Lighted by the power of the Sun - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!
We walk, we dance - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!
With songs in the sun move - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!

We are looking for a fiery flower - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!
To help us in life - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!
We are looking for light in the foggy darkness - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!
This light is in you, in me. - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!

This light - in the soul Love - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!
Gentle song sounds again. - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!
Glory to Mother Earth! - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!
Glory to the Sun and Moon! - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!
Glory to all Slavic Gods! - Oh, Kupala, oh, Kupala!

In the dirty week, the mermaids sat - ooh,
early-early - woo-oo-oo-oo-oo.
Sitting mermaids on a crooked road - woo,
early-early oo-oo-oo-oo.
On a crooked road, on a crooked birch - ooh
early-early - oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.
The mermaids asked for neither bread nor salt - wow,
early-early - oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.
No bread, no salt, no bitter tsybuli - ooh,
early-early - oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.
They asked the mermaids for bright ribbons in braids - ooh, early-early - ooh-ooh-ooh.
Ribbons are bright in braids, bare feet are tender - wow,
early-early - oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.
The mermaids asked for hot kisses - woo,
early-early - oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.
Delicate feet barefoot washed the dew - wow,
early-early - oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.
Washed dew, dried tears - woo,
early-early - oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.
Tears dried up, dreams came true - ooh,
Early-early - woo-oo-oo-oo.

As in the night and on Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,

Divya grass enters into force,
Oh, lyuli, divya herbs,
Oh, lyuli, divya herbs;

As in the night and on Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,

Scarlet flower blooms
Oh, lyuli, scarlet flower,
Oh, Lyuli, scarlet flower -

Hot scarlet miracle color,
Hot scarlet miracle color!

As in the night and on Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,

They guard the forest of Navka-Mara,
Oh, Lyuli, Navka-Mars,
Oh, Lyuli, Navka-Mars;

As in the night and on Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,

The color burns with bloody fire,
Oh, lyuli, yes bloody,
Oh, lyuli, yes bloody -

Hmar forest drives away,
Ardent, burns-bleeds the night!

As in the night and on Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,

Mlada walked through the forest,
Oh, lyuli, yes walked,
Oh, Lyuli, yes, she walked; As in the night and on Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,

Collected herbs in a box
Oh, lyuli, I collected
Oh, lyuli, I collected -

Herbs ardent are strong
By the power of the Sun and the Earth!

As in the night and on Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,

She untwisted her braid,
Oh, lyuli, untwisted,
Oh, Lyuli, untwisted;

As in the night and on Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,

Good young man called,
Oh, lyuli, yes, she called,
Oh, Lyuli, yes she called -

Mother is a fast river,
You find me a groom!

As in the night and on Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,

Divya grass enters into force,
Oh, lyuli, divya herbs,
Oh, lyuli, divya herbs;

As in the night and on Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,
Oh, Lyuli, to Kupala,

Scarlet flower blooms
Oh, lyuli, scarlet flower,
Oh, Lyuli, scarlet flower.

How short the night
How short the night is
On Kupa-ala,
To Kupa-ala!

How healing dew
How healing dew -
On Kupa-ala,
To Kupa-ala!

The people gathered
The people were gathering
On Kupa-ala,
To Kupa-ala! Started a round dance
Started a round dance -
On Kupa-ala,
To Kupa-ala!

Salting round dance,
Salting round dance -
On Kupa-ala,
To Kupa-ala!

Fire flared up
Fire flared up -
On Kupa-ala,
To Kupa-ala! a flower blossomed,
A flower blossomed -
On Kupa-ala,
To Kupa-ala!

The East lit up
The East lit up
On Kupa-ala,
To Kupa-ala!

ODOLEN-GRASS (launching boats).
Close the haze, forge the glow,
Overcome-grass! (2 p.).

Oh, swimsuit, oh, sadness,
At the mermaid waters - a navi round dance,
Overcome-grass! (2 p.).

Oh, swimsuit, oh, sadness,
Silver in a handful, forget it, forgive me
Overcome-grass! (2 p.).

Oh, swimsuit, oh, sadness,
The time of the year is like your water,

Oh, swimsuit, oh, sadness,
The surf will ring in the reeds,
Overcome-grass! (2 p.).

Oh, swimsuit, oh, sadness,
What was - has passed, gone through the sand,
Overcome-grass! (2 p.).

KUPALENKA (for weaving wreaths).
Bathing suit, Bathing suit, dark night, bathing suit!
Dark night, dark night, where is your daughter, dark night?
My daughter, my daughter is in the garden, my daughter
In the garden, in the garden - tears flowers, tears flowers;
Tears flowers, tears flowers - weaves wreaths, weaves wreaths:
The first wreath, the first wreath - the first wreath for the mother and father;
Another wreath, another wreath - another wreath for brother and sister;
The third wreath, the third wreath - a third wreath on the head of a friend!
Wear it, my friend, wear it, my friend - do not throw it off, wear it, my friend;
Love me, love me - don't say love me!
The people themselves, the people themselves - the people themselves will guess
About us with you, about us with you - they will talk enough about us with you!
He loved you, he loved you - he was happy, he loved you;
I have lagged behind you, I have lagged behind you - I have become unhappy, I have become unhappy! ..

AT THE DAWN, AT THE DAWN (they go with branches to the construction of the gate and the merchant).
At dawn, at dawn,
Under the mountain in the window.

Where is beauty Kupala
Did you visit at night?
Oh, early, early, it's holy on Kupala.

Tea on the coast
With a sweet friend
Oh, early, early, it's holy on Kupala.

collected flowers,
I knitted a wreath.
Oh, early, early, it's holy on Kupala.

I wove a wreath
I threw it into the river.
Oh, early, early, it's holy on Kupala. I threw it into the river
Also called:
Oh, early, early, it's holy on Kupala.

You are a river, a river
steep coast,
Oh, early, early, it's holy on Kupala.

You carry a wreath
On that shore
Oh, early, early, it's holy on Kupala.

On that shore
Where does my friend live?
Oh, early, early, it's holy on Kupala.

At dawn, at dawn,
Under the mountain in the window.
Oh, early, early, it's holy on Kupala.

Girls plucked flowers
Yes, Ivan was tortured:
"What kind of flowers"?
"These are the flowers of Kupala,
Girls - washed,
And the guys - sigh! Dry - dry guys
Sitting behind the ridges
Looking at the girl
That the girls are good
And the guys are naked:
The spearmen don't talk about souls!

In the forest, in the forest,
By faith, by faith
The conic walks, the conic walks
Little raven, little raven.
On that horse, on that horse
The saddle lies, the saddle lies.
On that saddle, on that saddle
Ivan sits Ivan sits
Behind him is Marya, now, Marya,
Behind him is Marya, now, Marya,
Running after, running after:
“Wait, Ivan, wait Ivan!
I'll say something, I'll say something!
I'll say something - I love you,
I love you, I love you
I love you, I will go with you
I will go with you!

BURN CLEARLY (from the repertoire of the Alatyr group).
1. Goy, Yarilo! Goy, Kupalo!
Your turn has come
Hearts are burning
Like the coals of a bather!


2. Goy, Kupalo! Goy, Yarilo!
The sun illuminated the earth
Kolovrat turn around
Burn brighter the flame!

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out! (4 times). 3. Above the forest, above the mountains
Rise our fire
Where the sky is blue,
Spread your hot wings!

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out! (4 times).

4. The flame whips and roars,
There will be a fun round dance!
Goy, Kupalo! Goy, Yarilo!
Your glory, your strength!

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out! (4 times).

There was a birch in the field
Curly stood in the field,
Lyuli-lyuli stood
Lyuli-lyuli stood.

Break a birch for someone
Break someone's curl
Lyuli-lyuli break,
Lyuli-lyuli break.

I'll go, I'll go for a walk
I will break the white birch,
Lyuli-lyuli I will break,
Lyuli-lyuli I will break. I cut three rods from a birch,
I will cut three rods from a birch
Lyuli-lyuli three rods,
Lyuli-lyuli three rods.

I will make three beeps out of them,
I will make three beeps out of them,
Lyuli-lyuli three beeps,
Lyuli-lyuli three beeps.

And the fourth - balalaika,
And the fourth - balalaika,
Lyuli-lyuli balalaika,
Lyuli-lyuli balalaika.

You do not rejoice, spruce-aspen,
Oh, lyuli-lyuli, spruce-aspen.

Red girls don't come to you,
Oh, lyuli-lyuli, yes with pullets.

Rejoice, white birch,
Oh, lyuli-lyuli, white birch.

We are coming to you, red girls,
Oh, lyuli-lyuli, girls are red.

We bring you bright ribbons,
Oh, lyuli-lyuli, the ribbons are bright. We will guess yes on ribbons,
Oh, lyuli-lyuli, yes, on ribbons.

May we decorate your branches,
Oh, lyuli-lyuli, your twigs.

We will delight you with round dances,
Oh, lyuli-lyuli, we will please you.

We will welcome you with a ringing song,
Oh, lyuli-lyuli, we will welcome you.

Rejoice, white birch,
Oh, lyuli-lyuli, white birch.
Kupala round dance songs:

Red girls came out
Walk out of the gate into the street.
They carried out a nightingale on a hand,
They put the nightingale on the grass,
On an ant, on azure flowers.
The nightingale will whistle,
Red girls will dance,
And the young women will cry:
Play, red girls,
As long as the volushka lives with the priest,
Since the mother's negushka. The uneven groom is engaged,
Irregular as hell, it will be imposed:
Or old and suffocating
Or small and unkind,
Or equal - a bitter drunkard.
I have consoled the old
She hung it on an aspen;
I've consoled the little one
She waved it and threw it into the water.
Already with a rovnyushka - she went for a walk.


The girls gathered in a green meadow or on the street join hands, make a circle and begin to call their girlfriends to a round dance. While singing, they walk in a circle:
The grass, the ant has blossomed,
I was that evening, young, I was not in a round dance.
The red girl staggered
Riding with a sweet friend.
My dear friend is not married, single,
He is kind and good
Looks like me, dude.
The girls all gathered in a circle,
Dispersed into the woods
sat down on the meadow,
Where is the ant and the flower. They plucked flowers from flowers,
Wreaths were put on their heads.
Let's go to the round dance, let's go to the round dance!
Having fun in the round dance
They went for fun.
The songs sang beautifully
Girlfriend collected:
Gather in a single circle!
Let's sing that new song
About our joy to the round dance.


The girls sing an invocative song, in which they observe the previous order of the round dance:
The falcons gathered in the oak forest;
White swans flew into green.
They flew from bush to bush.
Didi, ok, didi, ok!
Everyone gathered at a single point.
They talked among themselves.
Everyone figured it out.
Didi, ok, didi, ok!
They thought, wondered:
How are we going to nest nests?
How will we build warm ones?
Didi, c'mon, dndi, c'mon!
How can we, girls, collect a round dance?
How can we, Reds, sing new songs? One girl came up with everything, thought it up.
Didi. ok, didi, ok!
You are beloved friends!
You are beautiful, funny,
Come down to the meadow
Yes, we will all be in a circle.
You grab everything by the handles
And take the youngsters with you.
Didi, ok, didi, ok!
Come out, merry, have fun.
Frisky pairs, plows to collect;
Pairs, pairs, plow pashenko.
White lenochek time to sow;
You can't miss the time.

Enjoy your leisure time based on the Russian folk tradition!

We wish you Light, Love and Harmony!

Other informative articles:


Funny new script holding a holiday on the day of Ivan Kupala for a cheerful youth company. Comic poems and congratulations, toasts, cool contests and games, humor and reworking songs in a script dedicated to holiday party on the night of Ivan Kupala.

The venue of the holiday on the day of Ivan Kupala is a clearing near the water (it can be either a river or a lake or even a pool). Members - funny company youth girls and boys. For celebratory event According to the scenario, one presenter is needed, who will monitor the course of the holiday and initiate the holding of competitions.


We have gathered for this holiday,
To challenge the evil spirits of the earth!
Let Leshy tease us today,
Let the vile Waterman tease with mud ...

Let the witches bypass us -
Today we will have our ceremony...
May everything that happens here today
Let's leave it a secret ... They are silent about this ...


I suggest not to waste time, because, as you know, today is the most short night and we have so much to do. We still have to weave wreaths, jump over the fire and look for flowering ferns. Therefore, I propose to start immediately with the most important.

As it gets darker and harder to see the evil that accumulates next to us, it is necessary to scare it away. I have here the lyrics to a well-known motive, I propose to sing in chorus and as loudly as possible.

(a song is sung to the tune of "Murka")

They gathered with you and finally gathered,
To celebrate Ivan Kupala ....
And so that we are not afraid of witches today,
Song we need to disperse them!

If there is a witch nearby, we will spit on her tail,
And then we cross five times ...
And grimy devils, as if for fun
We will sprinkle with holy water!

Happy holiday today
Disappear away the impure dirty ...
We will meet the Kupala holiday at once
Company now!


I hope that the evil spirits do not have a sense of humor, and they did not understand that we were actually joking, and therefore they will definitely not come close to us. In the meantime, it is not yet completely dark, there is a proposal to cast a spell on the betrothed.

In the meantime, the girls will tell fortunes, I suggest the guys play the game that our ancestors came up with. As you know, girls have to weave wreaths and lower them into the water. And good fellows, they should choose a wreath for themselves, and thereby choose their betrothed. But who will go to choose first? And this is what determines the tournament of the game "Tear off the imp's tail."

Script Host:

Now the girls will go to weave wreaths, and I will tell you the essence of the tournament.

According to legend, everyone who moves away from the Kupala fire becomes half unclean. Rumor has it that guys even grow tails like hell. Of course, we will not wait until your tails grow on their own, and we will try to imitate them.

Here are the ropes for you, they will need to be fixed at the back of each of the guys (the rope can simply be inserted into the belt of trousers or shorts). Make sure that part of the rope is always on the ground.

After all of you are with tails, we will start the game. The goal is to step on the tail of the enemy, thereby tearing it off. The last one left with a tail will be the winner and the first one will go to choose a wreath put into the water. Is everyone ready? Then let's start!

(a game is being played, all the guys take part)


The winner is determined. I see the girls are already ready to put their wreaths on the surface of the water. Come knee-deep into the water and let the wreaths, and for now I will read the ancient spell:

Through the fords on the surface of the water
Let the wreaths float faster ...
Let them tell who will be free
And who should wait for news about the wedding ...

Let the mermaids swagger with them
Wearing them all...
Let the beloved raise the wreaths
With whom you are waiting for love and family ...

You float wreaths from the shore,
Let the wave rock you sometimes ...
Come on guys, let's run!
Choose your wreath!

(During the ritual poem, the girls let go the wreaths and come out of the water, and the guys are in a hurry to get the wreaths out of the water. Whoever took out whose wreath will be the couple for this evening).

Party host:

I see our girls and guys got a little wet. To keep warm, it makes sense to kindle a fire. Yes, not just to support the fire, but to kindle a ritual fire. Such that even the devil in hell would be envious.

Let the fire burn brighter
To make your heart warm!
Let's jump and jump
To burn your sins!

Let's hold hands together
Let's dive into the baking heat!
Purify the soul and body
We are jumping very boldly!


They say that if it's scary to jump over a burning fire, it means it's hard to part with sins. So let's see who we have the most sinful. And they also say that if you jump over the fire as a couple, it means to receive the blessing of nature for eternal love and for a carefree life ... Who is brave? Who is first? Who will jump in pair?

(jumping over the fire)

It's almost midnight ... Fern color
Does he exist in the world or not?
Let's check together
And ferns let's go color search.

After all, they say that ferns color
We will find an answer to any question ...
He will tell where the treasure was buried long ago,
It will show those by whom it has long been forgotten ...

And who is not afraid to look for treasure,
He should definitely shine with courage!
Worthy let him find a color today ...
Well? Let's go look soon, or not?

(While everyone is looking for a fern at a distance from the fire, the leader slowly lays out a box of booze in a clearing and puts an artificial flowering fern on top of it. After a while, he loudly shouts that he has found a flowering fern and calls everyone to look at the treasure. When the treasure is found, you can together and fun, with toasts to celebrate the holiday of Ivan Kupala).

First toast:

I wish you Ivan Kupala,
So that you have everything, everywhere, always enough!
So that there is prosperity in the house and love,
So that the blood boils with passion in the heart!

So that you are happy forever
To live with the joy of the year ...
So that they look for the treasure and find it soon!
So that the troubles soon leave you!

May everyone find love on Kupala!
Let someone pour me a glass of wine!
I want to raise a glass to the holiday!
I congratulate everyone on the holiday, friends!