How to make paper napkins. How to fold napkins: beautiful options for every holiday. Videos fold beautiful paper napkins

A napkin is an indispensable attribute of any feast, and many housewives want to arrange these items in the most original way possible. Diagrams showing how to beautifully fold paper napkins on a festive table help a lot with this. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to master the art of origami. In this article, we will look at illustrative examples of how you can use the simplest forms and choose the right color correctly.

Table Decoration Basics

There are many options for beautifully folding paper napkins. To choose the most suitable of them, it is necessary to build on the main principles:

  • Napkins need to be folded simply so that they do not have to be untwisted or unfolded for a long time before use.
  • Their shape is chosen based on the age of the guests and the holiday.
  • By color, they should be organically combined with serving items, especially with a tablecloth.
  • They can be folded on a plate, napkin holder or simply put in a glass.
  • Before serving the table, all napkins should be folded and prepared in advance.

If the hostess has never done this, she does not have to start with complex schemes from the Internet. To begin with, you can master the simplest shapes: a corner, an accordion or a tube. Playing with colors and having a sense of taste, it will be possible to decorate the festive table even with the help of such unpretentious forms.

Consider how to arrange a paper napkin in a glass:

  • Unfold the napkin completely.
  • Bend it diagonally so that it takes the shape of a triangle.
  • Lay the triangle with the base facing you.
  • Next, you need to carefully roll the figure with a tube.
  • Pinch the right corner of the figure between two fingers, then wind the napkin around three fingers at the same time.
  • The bottom edge of the tube should be even, and the top edge uneven.
  • Bend the top of the tube outward (about 1/3).
  • Put the figure in the glass.

If there is a napkin holder on the table, paper napkins can be folded in the form of a corner or an accordion.

The easiest thing to do corner. To do this, you need to take a square napkin and fold it diagonally - we get an isosceles triangle, which folds in half until the desired size is reached.

Much more interesting is the design in the form accordion. To obtain such a form, follow the following algorithm.

  • If the napkin is small (25×25 cm), it should be fully unfolded. For large sizes (from 33 × 33 cm), fold it four times.
  • Give the object the shape of an accordion. When folding, it is enough to observe a step of 1-2 cm.
  • Now bend the figure in half and place in a napkin holder.

Getting creative

Often, when preparing for a celebration, there is simply not enough time to learn complex schemes for serving a festive table. However, with a creative approach and a competent choice of color, the hostess can achieve an original design even with the help of the simplest forms of folding paper napkins.

Colors should match the holiday and surrounding objects, especially tablecloths. Consider the main examples:

  • New Year: you can combine green and golden colors.
  • Halloween: The main colors of the holiday are black and orange.
  • Valentine's Day: make the simplest figures in red or pink.
  • Birth of a child: if a boy is born, use a combination of white and blue; at the birth of a girl, take as a basis a combination of white and pink flowers.
  • Children's holiday: take napkins of several colors and decorate them with an accordion - you get a rainbow. Additionally, you can take orange napkins, twist them into a tube (this method is discussed above) and tie with green ribbon to make a carrot.

Shape examples

If you want really original jewelry, you should turn to schemes with more intricate figures. These napkins are guaranteed to be the decoration of any festive feast. Let's look at a few examples.

Figure "Peacock Tail"

A napkin must be present on the table. This is necessary not only for decoration, but also for the convenience of maintaining hygiene during the meal. But if at an ordinary lunch or dinner this element is simply placed in a napkin holder, then on holidays and celebrations napkins are served in a beautifully designed form. A variety of flowers, fans, caps, candles and even shirts are formed from them.

How to fold paper napkins beautifully photo

How to fold napkins on the table like a fan

1. First we make a holder for a folded napkin. It can be made from cardboard to match or a postcard suitable for drawing and texture. Cut out an oblong oval shape 6-8 cm long

2. with special scissors and one side of the hole punch, we make holes on both sides

3. we stretch a beautiful ribbon into the holes

4. fold the napkin like an accordion, but from the middle with corners as shown in the photo

5. insert the folded napkin into the holder and decorate the table with it

Napkins “Peacock tail”

1. Place the napkin face out and fold in half

2. 2/3 of the length of the folded napkin needs to be folded like an accordion

3. fold the napkin in half again so that the folded accordion is on your left, and not folded on the right side

4. now take the napkin in your hands and holding the unfolded part, straighten the “tail”.

5. and the last: fold the part that is not folded like an accordion into a corner to make a napkin holder

How to festively fold herringbone napkins

1. napkin folded in 4 (since it is sold in packs)

2. we bend one side, not reaching the edge of approximately 1 cm

3. do the same with the 2nd and 3rd sides of the napkin

4. after that, turn the napkin over

5. and tuck the right and left sides. Right to the middle, and with the left we cover the right folded side

How to fold napkins in an original way “Diplomat's Pocket”

1. a large paper napkin is laid face out and folded into 4

2. We turn one corner of the napkin from the corner to the middle with strips 1-1.5 cm wide. We turn only half of the side.

3. turn over the napkin

4. turn the right and left corners to the middle

5. after the right and left corners are wrapped, turn the napkin over again

Napkin “Lotus flower”

In this version of folding the napkin, everything is quite simple, at first glance.

1. The napkin is folded in such a way that as a result, at the first stage, we get a 1/2 folded napkin, in which the lower and upper folds are folded inward, and the middle one is folded outward.

2. after that, we begin to fold the napkin with an accordion, moving strictly along the already formed folds

3. then, having pressed the folds well, we take the middle of our “butterfly” with our fingers.

4. now we bend the corners of our napkin with triangles in the opposite direction from the existing fold of the side

5. and the last, with a simple movement of the hand, we unfold our flower from a napkin.

Well, since to describe this process in such a way that everyone can understand what is meant by this or that phrase, I think it’s better to see how to do it.

Video - how to beautifully fold paper napkins in the form of a flower.

How to fold napkins video

I offer you 2 more options for folding napkins on a festive table with a detailed video outlining the whole process.

Napkin “Slanted pocket”

Napkin “Flower of the East”

Table setting with napkins

Such a seemingly insignificant detail has a huge variety of shapes, colors, sizes and materials. A napkin can be completely simple or, on the contrary, be exquisite, large or miniature, bright colors or plain and elegant. Previously, this product was used only for hygiene purposes, in order to be able to dry hands after eating or to clean clothes from possible stains.

Now napkins are also used as table decorations, and there are many different ways to do this. However, in addition to the fact that the folded design of the napkin should be interesting and unusual, it is also necessary that guests can simply and quickly unfold it and use it if necessary. There are many options for serving napkins, for example, they can be folded into a certain shape.

Openwork products will look amazing folded into an envelope, tube or triangle .

There are also dining sets. with special serving rings , in which napkins are threaded and placed near the plate. Of course, it looks very aesthetically pleasing, and people at such a table will have a good time.

But if the hostess has absolutely no time and serving needs to be done quickly, then napkins can simply be put in a napkin holder . Also, it won’t take much time, but a napkin will look beautiful and unusual, threaded into the handle of the cup. Or, for example, you can bandage a dessert spoon with it.

A napkin is considered a mandatory attribute of table decoration.

Usually two types of napkins are used:

  1. fabric,
  2. paper.

Large napkins (35x35 cm - 45x45 cm) are usually served for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Smaller paper products (25x25 cm - 35x35 cm) are more suitable for coffee and tea tables, as well as for dessert and cocktail tables.

For napkins, there is a basic rule regarding their edges. As a rule, paper napkins with a hemmed edge are used, but decorative ones with a fringe can also be served with a coffee and tea feast. The main thing is to arrange them beautifully so that the folded napkins are in harmony with both the tablecloth and the dishes. Maybe an option, for example, when napkins and a tablecloth are of the same color, or when these products differ in tone. The main rule is that the combination of colors should be harmonious and appropriate. In the case when the table is served with a double tablecloth, then you should fold the napkins in place and pick them up to match the main tablecloth.

How to serve napkins ? Everything is simple here. Folded napkins should be placed on snack plates or to the left of them. You can thread napkins into a decorative metal or wicker ring. But if the table is served with ceramics, then it is also better to choose ceramic napkin rings.

When setting the table with napkins, you should try to touch them as little as possible with your hands, since the presence of stains on these products is unacceptable.

A decorated napkin is usually placed under vases with sweets, fruits, containers with bread, under the main appliances. During the meal, it should be spread on the knees to protect clothes from possible contamination, and in case of need it could be used, for example, to wet the lips.

Today, a table napkin is considered a familiar thing in everyday life. It protects clothes while eating, gives variety to the table. Even simple paper can be given a peculiar look. And here are some tips on how to beautifully fold napkins on the festive table.

Announcements related to the request

Subtleties of serving

  • Remember that items of any quality must be square (35*35 or 46*46 for special occasions). Rectangular give the desired shape, bending correctly;
  • When folding into the original figure, try to touch it as little as possible with your hands. The same goes for cutlery if you make a composition with them;
  • The folded structure should be easily straightened by the guest;
  • Fold all napkins of any quality on the same table according to the same pattern;
  • If you're putting together a modest dinner, don't try to make the napkins intricate. Flat shapes work best. But if a snack plate is used during the meal, make a three-dimensional figure. Columns give special solemnity;
  • Do not overdo it with the decoration of the festive table. Remember the functionality of the napkin;
  • Set the napkin on a patty plate or snack dish. It is permissible to put it on the left. The exception is serving drinks. Place the napkin in the cup or wrap it around the handle;
  • When choosing a product to match the tablecloth, remember that thinner copies look better. If the shade of the tablecloth is lighter or darker, the material should be the same;
  • Use rings. These elements for table decoration are created from completely different materials (leather, beads, strips of fabric or flowers). Sometimes the rings are included with the sets, but they are easy to make with your own hands.

original ideas

To surprise guests at a festive table or a banquet, you even need to give napkins an original look. For you, we have provided 18 text ideas and detailed diagrams.

To begin, fold the fabric or paper diagonally to form an isosceles triangle. Align both equal corners with the top, bend in the middle. Bend the top of the triangle and carefully unfold the future flower. Take this process seriously if your napkin is paper and thin, it is easy to tear when unfolding it.

Fold in half so that the two free edges are on the left. Fold the resulting rectangle a second time. Fold the bottom piece of napkin up diagonally. Wrap both corners towards yourself, and bend their protruding parts inward. Fold the napkin along the vertical axis back, and then carefully pull the future sails of the ship out of its sinuses.

This method is suitable for a tissue napkin, because it involves reversals of the material. Fold the material for the future megaphone in half four times. Determine the middle, and bend both sides of the resulting rectangle down. Turn the figure with the front side facing you and twist miniature rolls from the ends. Connect them, as in the photo, and place the napkin on the plate.


  • The horizontal sachet allows you to serve cutlery in an original way. To create it, fold the fabric product in half with the front side inward. Make sure the fold is on the bottom. Fold 1/3 of the top down to reveal the center crease. Unfold the napkin with the other side facing you. Bend the "wings" so that they dock in the middle. Repeat this action.
  • For a diagonal sachet, fold the square cloth napkin into quarters. Bend the level of the first fabric layer by 5 centimeters. Bend the second layer in the same way, tuck it under the first, forming a miniature pocket. Gently fold the napkin, removing any remaining pieces of fabric inside. Lay the future sachet on the table, fold it up and down so that the cutlery is easily held in the fabric, and the folds run diagonally. The diagonal sachet is considered a difficult folding method, so use the video tutorial.

About 1/4 of a napkin from any material, bend down. Unfold the napkin and fold 1/3 up, fold it in half from the bottom up. Form a semblance of an accordion fan from the material, pinch one of the sides. Pull out the hidden folds from the top. Secure them with pressure or a paperclip.

Envelope or handbag

Fold the fabric in half vertically. Position it so that the fold of the napkin is on the right side. Bend the resulting rectangle from the bottom up. Bend the first two layers of paper in the upper left corner to the middle, do the same with the right. Bend the tiny triangle at the top to the bottom, do the same for the unused layers.

Lay the napkin face down. Fold all four corners of the paper square inwards. Repeat this manipulation. Turn the napkin over, bend the corners inward once. The last step remains: pull out the tip of the napkin remaining inside the quadrangle. Then straighten all remaining corners so that they look the same.

Napkin on a fork

Fold the napkin diagonally. Bend its lower edge by 2 or 3 centimeters. Make three equal folds and place them between the tines of the fork. If you are using a non-standard four-prong fork, change the number of folds.

Bend the napkin so that the free edges are on the bottom. Wrap the upper corners towards the middle, and connect the sides so that the sharp corners are at the bottom. Turn the figure inside out and fold the paper ends to form a support for the future structure. Bend inward, set the napkin in the shape of a pointed mountain vertically.


Fold the napkin diagonally. Bend the base up about 2.5 centimeters. Starting from the left edge, gradually roll the napkin into a roll. Fold the bottom edge inward and place your column upright on a flat surface.

Fold the fabric vertically in half, making sure that the fold is on the left. Bend the upper left and right corners down, and the lower ones up the same distance. Fold both resulting triangles down or up (depending on their location).

Fold the napkin upside down. Fold the resulting triangle into a small accordion from the bottom up. Use the small triangle left on top to secure. To do this, bend the figure in half, straighten it. Secure the resulting flame with a napkin ring, paper clip, or other decorative item.

simple tents

  • To create a tent for two, fold the napkin in half so that the fold is at the top. Bend the upper left corner to the middle, do the same with the opposite. Fold the napkin and place it on a flat surface of a table or plate;

  • The triple tent is considered one of the simplest paper napkin folding methods. Bend a square paper napkin diagonally. Bend the resulting miniature triangle again, connecting the corners together. Roll the napkin again, and then set the structure vertically.

Lay the napkin on a flat surface folded at an angle. Bend the bottom corner up, and the protruding left corner down. Do the same manipulations with the right. Now carefully fold the sides to the center and straighten the napkin, turning it over to the side with the pattern. It can be decorated with a miniature shell.

Napkin etiquette

  • After you have brought the dish, put the napkin on your knees with the bend towards you;
  • Wipe your mouth and palms with the top of the tissue, gently lifting the cloth or paper from your lap. Never use a napkin to wipe off lipstick, do not shift it to the surface of the table and do not fiddle in anticipation of a new dish;
  • If you begin to feel thirsty while eating, blot your lips first;
  • Do not use a fallen napkin again: replace with another one. Even if we are talking about tissue;
  • Do not remove the napkin from your lap until everyone present has finished the meal. After that, just put the paper to the right of the plate. These simple rules will allow you to show off your knowledge at any celebration and even arrange your own with non-standard decorative elements.

Setting the table is a real art. You can perfectly decorate dishes, pick up the perfect dishes, but if you don’t know how to fold napkins beautifully, a lot will be spoiled. Aesthetically and tastefully decorated table will cheer up the guests and set the atmosphere of the holiday. We will show you the best ways to help you fold your napkins in an original way. You as the hostess will be in the center of attention! Do you think it's too complicated and long? But no!

Read this article:

Paper napkins: the art is in the details

If you're setting the table with plain paper napkins, you don't have to put them directly into the napkin holder. You can put them on a plate, folding them in an unusual way. We have 5 great ideas on how to fold paper napkins beautifully.

Method one: accordion

  1. Take the tissue paper out of the package without unwrapping it.
  2. Fold it accordion top down.
  3. Bend the accordion in half.
  4. Place it in a glass or hook it into a napkin ring and place it on a plate.

You can buy a napkin ring in kitchenware stores, a department store, and home departments. Some women are not even lazy to make rings by hand from lace, beads, paper and other materials.

Method two: artichoke

  1. Lay the napkin face up in front of you.
  2. Bring each corner to the center to make a rhombus.
  3. Turn the figure over and lay it in front of you so that you see not a rhombus, but a square.
  4. Repeat point #2.
  5. Carefully, holding the center, dissolve the petals.

Method three: rose

If you do not know how to fold napkins on the table in the form of an original decoration, try this option.

To make the rose lush and as natural as possible, choose large multilayer napkins for this purpose, preferably in floral shades.

Before you fold paper napkins with a rosette, stock up on scissors (a ruler and a pencil may come in handy for accuracy).

  1. Take the wipes out of the package without unwrapping.
  2. Lay on the table so that the free edges are on the right side and at the bottom.
  3. On the left side (where the fold is), cut a thin strip and save it.
  4. Open up. It should be a long stripe.
  5. Bend it with an accordion from the bottom up.
  6. Place the cut strip in the middle so that you get a bow.
  7. Tie the strip carefully into a knot.
  8. Now each of the layers needs to be separated up one by one.

Of course, now it will not be possible to use the napkin for its intended purpose, but it turned out to be a wonderful decoration for the table. There is another way to make a rose napkin, for this you need 2 colors of napkins: green + a bright shade for the bud. We lay out a colored napkin in front of us and form a triangle out of it. We lower the upper corner down to the base, and slightly smooth it. We fold the resulting figure along and begin to wrap it in a spiral. Don't pull too tight for a fuller rose. It's time to surround our flower with greenery: the second napkin also folds into a triangle, then bends vertically in the middle: let the edges diverge a little after that. The first triangle should not make another smaller one. We need something like a "bird". Now we hide our bud in greenery, covering it between the “wings”, putting it under the top layer (at the bend of the base of the triangle). We raise our rose - she should dress in a green "skirt". We insert it into the glass, hiding the sharp edges of the green napkin.

Method four: royal lily

  1. Unfold the napkin.
  2. Lay it face down.
  3. Wrap 4 corners towards the center.
  4. Flip.
  5. Wrap 4 corners towards the center again.
  6. Holding the top corners with your finger, carefully pull out the bottom corners so that the petals form.

Method five: a hat with a lapel

This figure will turn out more beautiful from a large size napkin, if you took a colored package, then before you fold the napkins in this way, you will have to turn them inside out.

  1. White can be taken out of the package without unwrapping. The "seam" is located on the left.
  2. Wrap the lower left corner up, not reaching the top by 2-3 cm.
  3. Take the figure in front of you on the palm of your hand, base down (a triangle within a triangle). Bend the left and right corners around the fingers and fasten them together by threading one into the other.
  4. Stand the napkin upright on the plate, dipping the smaller triangle down to make a flip-top hat.

Cloth napkins: perfection in everything

Cloth napkins can also be laid in a variety of ways. But before that, they must be washed and starched.

Discard aerosol starch, as it will not be able to give the canvas sufficient rigidity, which can cause your composition to spread before the arrival of guests.

If you have no idea how to fold a cloth napkin, don't worry! We will show you 3 different options.

Method one: tent

  1. Unroll the napkin into a square and fold horizontally down.
  2. Lower the upper left corner down - the side will turn into a diagonal.
  3. Connect the left and right corners of the resulting triangle to the vertex.
  4. Fold the figure horizontally in half.
  5. Connect the left and right corners together.
  6. Place the figure and slightly pull its sharp upper corners to the left and right.

Method two: heart

Perfect for a romantic dinner. By the way, for this option, you can take simple paper napkins.

  1. Before you fold the napkin with a heart, you need to unfold it.
  2. Fold in half from top to bottom.
  3. Do the same for the bottom side.
  4. You will get an elongated rectangle, lift the top left and right edges. A vertical gap will appear in the center.
  5. It remains only to arrange the corners - hiding the edges inside.

Method three: table fan

If you are not sure how to fold napkins for your occasion, choose this option. It is suitable for any feast.

  1. Fold the fabric in half right side out.
  2. Collect three quarters of the length into an accordion (the first fold “looks” down).
  3. Fold the resulting figure in half, leaving the accordion outside.
  4. Take the napkin in your hands with the open sides up.
  5. Form a stand.
  6. Put the napkin on the table.

Putting cutlery on a napkin

Before folding the serving napkins, you can form envelopes from them to put cutlery inside. For this:

  1. Fold the napkin in half horizontally right side in.
  2. Fold down about a third of the top edge for the center crease.
  3. Turn the opposite side towards you.
  4. Bend the sides, connecting them in the center.
  5. Do it all over again.
  6. Lay down cutlery.

Do not be lazy to decorate the table! A lot depends on how to fold a napkin for appliances!

Napkin holder - queen of the table

There are different ways to help you fold napkins nicely into a napkin holder. The simplest of them is to carefully lay each one after the other to make a light fan. It will be very convenient for guests to take them. By the way, the designs of napkin holders are the most unusual, so you can easily surprise loved ones by serving an intricate device on the table. Just do not put them in an awkward position: it is desirable that it is clear how to use such a device.

Before you put the napkins in the napkin holder, you need to choose them correctly. Remember that everything on the table should be in harmony with each other. And the color of the napkins should not stand out too much. White ones are suitable for any holidays, choose red ones for romantic evenings, bright ones for children's parties, and green, silver and gold ones will ideally fit into the New Year's atmosphere.

And most importantly - do not give all your strength to preparing for the holiday. Think about yourself too. Let the mistress of the house also look great. This is no less important!