Material on the topic: New Year's competitions and games. Cool New Year's games and competitions

Don't know how to entertain yourself and your guests on New Year's Eve? Yes, everything is very simple. We need New Year's competitions! They will not let you fall asleep after the president’s speech and will allow guests to take their mind off eating salads and drinking champagne. "SuperToast" gives you a collection of the most popular New Year's competitions:

New Year's competition "Sculpting a snow lady"

If in New Year's Eve There is snow outside, then guests can be invited to play outside. All players (preferably men) must be divided into several teams, each team receives the task of making a snow woman, not snow woman, namely a woman. The team that has the most charming and unusual snow woman with beautiful figure. For example, to decorate such a woman you can even use women's clothing etc. A similar game can be offered to women, but they will have to sculpt the man of their dreams, whom they want to meet next year.
New Year's competitions to the website

New Year's competition "Alphabet"

The owner of the house, where guests are supposed to come to celebrate the New Year, dresses up in the clothes of Santa Claus, and when all the guests have gathered at the table, he announces that he has a small gift for everyone, but he gives gifts only to educated people. Now Santa Claus offers to play the alphabet game. He calls the first letter - A, and the first player must come up with a phrase related to New Year's greetings that begins with the letter A, for example, says: “Aibolit conveys his congratulations to everyone!” The second player says the letter B: “Be happy” and so on alphabetically, while each player who came up with the phrase is given a souvenir. It becomes very funny when the alphabet reaches the letters Zh, P, Y, b, b.

New Year's joke "Box of gifts"

For the New Year, you can arrange such a little joke. At the end of the room where you will celebrate the New Year, place a box that has a top but no bottom. The box can be wrapped beautiful ribbon and write “Happy Holidays” on it, and fill the box with confetti. It is important that the box is placed in a high place, maybe even on a closet. When a person enters a room and is told that there is a gift for him on the cabinet, he naturally takes the box off the cabinet and is showered with confetti.
New Year's competitions on the site

New Year's competition "Dress up the Christmas tree"

To play you will need several balls of ribbon, tinsel, garland (depending on how many players there will be). In this case, women will act as Christmas trees =). Women hold one end of a ribbon or garland in one hand, and men, without touching their hands, take one end with their lips and wrap the garland around their lady. The winner will be the couple whose “Christmas tree” turns out more beautiful and elegant, or who does it faster.

New Year's competition "Pins"

For this New Year's fun You will need several pairs, preferably married couples. Both couples need to be blindfolded, then take five pins and pin them on their clothes. Now the competition begins: the first couple to collect all the pins from each other’s clothes wins. All this happens under slow and romantic music. But in the end, the winner is the couple who will be the first to understand what the catch is, and this catch lies in the fact that, for example, five pins were pinned on the girls’ clothes, as was said, but four on the guys’ clothes. Before the contestants understand the meaning of the deception, they will spend a long time feeling the body of their significant other in search of the lost fifth pin. From the viewer's perspective, it looks quite interesting.
New Year's competitions on the site

New Year's competition "Mittens and buttons"

Several pairs are called. Male players are given thick winter mittens. Their task is to fasten as quickly as possible the largest number of buttons on a shirt or robe, which is worn over the clothes of their playing partner.

New Year's wishes competition

We invite 5 participants, each must name one New Year's wish in turn. Whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.
New Year's competitions on the site


In the hat there are small pieces of paper on which one word is written (Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Everyone takes turns taking notes out of the hat and sings a song - always a New Year's or winter song, in which the word written in his leaf!

New Year's competition "Smeshinka"

Each player gets a name, say, a cracker, a lollipop, an icicle, a garland, a needle, a flashlight, a snowdrift... The driver goes around everyone in a circle and asks various questions: - Who are you? - Firecracker. - What holiday is today? - Lollipop. - What do you have (pointing to your nose)? - Icicle. - What drips from the icicle? - Garland... Each participant must answer any questions with his “name”, while the “name” can be declined accordingly. Those answering questions should not laugh. Whoever laughs is eliminated from the game and gives away his forfeit. Then there is a drawing of tasks for forfeits.

Mask, I know you

The presenter puts the mask on the player. The player asks various questions to which he receives answers - hints: - Is this an animal? - No. - Human? - No. - Bird? - Yes! - Homemade? - Not really. - Is she cackling? - No. - Quacks? - Yes! - It's a duck! The person who guesses correctly is given the mask itself as a prize.

Poetry competition

You can prepare cards in advance with rhymes for the future New Year's greetings (toast) and distribute them to guests (including children school age) at the beginning of the evening. Rhyme options: grandfather - summer nose - frost year - the third is coming - millennium calendar - January The results of the competition are summed up at the table, or when presenting gifts.

New New Year's competition "Snowball"

Redemption of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag can be arranged as follows. In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared “snowball” - made of cotton wool or white fabric. “Lump” is passed on and Santa Claus says: We all roll a snowball, We all count to “five” - One, two, three, four, five - You should sing a song. Or: Should I read poetry for you? Or: You should dance a dance. Or: Let me tell you a riddle... The person who redeems the prize leaves the circle, and the game continues.

New Year's competition "There are Christmas trees"

We decorated the Christmas tree different toys, and in the forest there are different kinds of fir trees, wide, low, tall, thin. Now, if I say “high,” raise your hands up. “Low” - squat and lower your arms. “Wide” - make the circle wider. “Thin” - make a circle already. Now let's play! (The presenter plays, trying to confuse the children)

New Year's competition "Telegram to Santa Claus"

The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red-haired”, “hot”, “hungry”, “sluggish”, “dirty”... When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts into it the missing adjectives from the list . Text of the telegram: "... Grandfather Frost! All... children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances ! Finally... New Year is coming! I don't want to talk about... studying. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts . With respect to you... boys and... girls!"

New Year's competition "Dancing with a ball"

Each pair is given a ball. They place the ball between themselves and, holding it with their bodies, dance with each other. At the same time, it is prohibited to touch the ball with your hands. It will be very fun and funny to use musical excerpts for this competition. different styles and pace. It's better to start with slow dance, for the participants it will seem easy, but the funniest thing is yet to come - rock and roll, lambada, polka, folk dances, this will be a real test.

New Year's competition "Who's last?"

Requires 5-6 participants and one less glass than players, as well as drinks. Guests stand around a table with glasses on it. They turn on the music, the guests begin to run around the table, and when it turns off, the participants grab the glasses and drink the contents to the bottom. Whoever is left without a glass is eliminated. And so on. The most important thing is that there are always fewer glasses than there are players. The winner will be one of the remaining two who drinks the last glass.

A simple and funny New Year's competition "Faces"

Santa Claus asks contestants to put an empty matchbox on their nose. It is necessary, solely with the help of facial expressions, without helping with your hands, to remove the boxes.

A trickle of wallpaper

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Women are invited to spread their legs wide apart and walk along the “stream” without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the “walk along the stream,” but blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed a stream blindfolded, and at the end of the path having removed the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man lies down on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant’s eyes). The woman is embarrassed. A second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth... Everyone has fun!

New Year's competition "Prize from Santa Claus"

Two participants stand opposite each other - there is a prize on a chair in front of them. Santa Claus counts: one, two, hundred, one, two, thirteen...twelve, etc. The winner is the one who is more attentive and the first to take the prize when Santa Claus says three.

New Year's competition "Santa Claus's Magic Bag"

All participants stand in a circle. Santa Claus is in the center. He has a bag in his hands. The contents of the bag are known only to him. There are a wide variety of things in the bag. These can be panties, Panama hats, bras, etc. Anything, the main thing is that they are funny and gigantic in size. The music turns on and everyone starts moving in a circle. Santa Claus gives the bag to one of the participants. He must quickly get rid of it, give it to someone, because if the music stops and he ends up with him, then he is a loser. Next comes the punishment. IN in this case it’s like this - Santa Claus unties the bag, and the loser, without looking, pulls out the first item he comes across. Then, to the Homeric laughter of those gathered, he puts this item on himself - over his clothes. After that everything continues. The losing guest dances in a new outfit. The music stops again and now the next participant who happens to have a bag at this time tries on new suit.

New Year's competition "Compliment to the Snow Maiden"

Santa Claus invites men to participate in the competition. Santa Claus must put a match on the man's eyelashes, and he, in turn, must compliment the Snow Maiden. Whoever says the most compliments until the match falls wins.

New Year's competition from the Snow Maiden

I'll tell you a story
In one and a half dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!

One day we caught a pike
We looked at what was inside.
We saw small fish
And not just one, but... five.

A seasoned guy dreams
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: “One, two... march”

When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself,
Once, twice, or better yet... seven.

One day the train is at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you took the prize.
I give you a five.

New Year's competition "Contest with glasses"

Guests run around the festive table at speed, holding the glass by the stem with their teeth. The longer the stem of the glass, the better. Whoever runs the fastest without spilling the contents is the winner.

New Year's competition "Winders"

Ribbons are tied to the waists of 3 girls. The girls wrap ribbons around their waists. Male participants must quickly twist the ribbons around their waists... Whoever is faster and more careful wins and deserves a kiss from the girl.

Submitting an application to the registry office is the most important and at the same time the simplest stage of preparation for the wedding, and the costs of paying the receipt are incomparable with those that await future spouses ahead. Wedding salons, specialized firms and individuals are vying with each other to offer their services. It’s not easy to understand this abundance, and calculating at least the approximate amount of costs for a wedding celebration at first glance seems like higher mathematics. But there are no unsolvable problems, so

eventspro suggests working together to figure out how much it might cost nice wedding without any frills.

1. Wedding dress

The bride's dress can be rented or purchased. Girls usually don't like the first option. Of course, who wants to wear a dress from someone else’s shoulder on the most joyful day in their life? There are several purchasing options: the market, tailoring in China to order through Internet resources and wedding salons.

The market is not the best good choice. You won’t be able to try it on or really see how the outfit fits here. And no one is responsible for the quality.

A number of websites offer dress tailoring in China according to a style pre-selected from a catalog. In this case, the materials used are similar to the original ones, but the question of their quality also remains open. There is no way to try on the dress, which means there can be no confidence that it will fit perfectly. As a result, there is a risk of experiencing great disappointment after receiving the order. As an alternative, you can offer dress tailoring in local tailoring shops, but this is far from a cheap pleasure, and there is also the possibility that ready-made dress will not look on you the way you saw in your dreams.

The optimal solution would be to choose wedding dress in the cabin. Fortunately, there are a lot of them now, they have a rich assortment, and price policy very different. The most simple model will cost about 5,000 rubles, and for Nice dress tailored to suit fashion trends, you will have to pay 20,000 - 25,000 rubles.

2. Wedding accessories

The next consumable item is accessories: veil, gloves, stockings, garters, shoes, handbag. To purchase these things you will need at least 7,000 rubles. And don’t forget about the services of a wedding makeup artist and hairdresser, costs for which start from 4,000 rubles.

3. Groom's suit

With the groom everything is much simpler. His wedding dress rarely differs from the ceremonial version of the classic men's suit, whose price varies between 6,000 - 8,000 rubles. Suits in wedding salons and branded boutiques are more expensive - 12,000 - 17,000 rubles. On average, a groom can be well dressed for 10,000 rubles.

4. Wedding bouquet

The price of a bridal bouquet differs significantly from the cost of an ordinary bouquet. You can spend 2,500 rubles or even more on it.

5. Wedding rings

Rings symbolize the unity of two people and are one of the most important wedding attributes and expenses accordingly too. If you are not pragmatic enough to do without them, prepare at least 6,000 rubles. This money is enough for two small and simple rings. Want to gems or engraving? Be prepared for the fact that there is practically no upper price limit in this matter.

6. Wedding procession

If you are planning to celebrate wedding celebration on a grand scale, then you can’t do without rented cars. On average, one hour of renting a car costs 1,500 rubles, but of course, the higher the class of the car, the higher its cost. For example, the price of limousine rental for newlyweds and close guests starts from 2,000 rubles.

7. Decorative elements

Many companies provide services that can add color to a wedding, such as launching snow-white doves. The price of each bird is from 500 rubles. But even if you do not include them in the program, then wedding rings from balloons for 3,000 rubles or Balloons for launch into the sky, costing 2,000 rubles, will become a holiday decoration.

8. Video and photography

Tariffs for professional video shooting per hour range from 3,000 – 5,000 rubles; photographer services will cost 2,000 – 7,000 rubles per hour.

9. Wedding banquet

Banquet costs depend on the level of the restaurant, the selected menu and the number of guests. On average, you need to proceed from the amount of 1,500-2,000 rubles per person, that is, if you have 30 guests, then total cost will be 45,000 - 60,000 rubles. Please note that the price includes restaurant menu won't turn on a wedding cake, fruits, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. If there are no restrictions on your wedding budget, you can choose an expensive restaurant, but be prepared to spend 3,000 - 5,000 rubles for each person. Additional expenses include renting restaurant equipment - prices start from 3,000 rubles, festive covers for tables and chairs - from 1,000 rubles, and the opportunity to invite your toastmaster - from 2,000 rubles (the latter condition is typical only for some establishments).

10. Entertainment program for guests

The fee of a presenter invited to entertain guests at a wedding starts at 10,000 rubles, then everything depends on his popularity, talent and workload. For equipment for musical accompaniment and the services of a disc jockey will have to pay at least 5,000 rubles. The most spectacular ending to a wedding is fireworks, but considering its cost - 5 minutes 20,000 rubles - not everyone can afford it.

11. Gift for your loved ones

If, after preliminary calculations, the newlyweds still have a certain amount of money, then why not treat yourself to booking a luxury hotel room for the first wedding night, which will become the starting point in the new life together? The price of pleasure is 6,000 – 7,000 rubles. Additional services in the form of champagne for the newlyweds and room decorations will cost about another 2,000 rubles. In summer, the cost of the service increases to 10,000 - 12,000 rubles plus a fee for decorations.

Final mathematics

After some simple calculations it turns out that minimum size wedding expenses are approximately 150,000 rubles, and to organize a beautiful, memorable celebration you will need 250,000 - 350,000 rubles.

How to celebrate the New Year in a fun and noisy way? To do this you need to prepare in advance competitions for New Year!

What New Year would be complete without fun and competitions? There are a huge variety of competitions for children that adults will also be happy to play.

Competition "Twins"

Two participants should approach each other and hug with one hand (one should take one partner by the waist with the right hand, the other in the same way, but with the left). As a result, it turns out that each of them has only one free hand. Having received a task, they need to complete it as if their hands were the hands of one person. For example, cut out a shape from paper or lace up a shoe.

Competition “Wrap it faster”

To conduct the competition, four people are needed, who need to be divided into two pairs. One of the team members will be the “mummy”, the other will be the “mumiator”.

The essence of the game is that the “mumiator” is the most short term must have time to wrap his “mummy” toilet paper(that is, “bandages”). It's very funny and funny competition! After this, the task can be slightly modified, for example, who can wind the paper back into the roll faster.

Football with tangerines

The game takes place on a table where each “player” is the middle and forefinger some child, and the ball is a tangerine.

Newton's laws

In order to carry out these New Year competitions, you will need 2 bottles and 20 dragees (you can take peas instead). The program is hosted by Father Frost.

The essence of the game is that bottles are placed in front of two participants in the competition and they are given 10 tablets each. At a signal from Santa Claus, participants must, without bending (so that their arms are at chest level), lower the dragee into the bottle. Whoever can put it in the bottle wins greatest number dragee.

New Year's dance

To hold the competition you need to take hoops according to the number of participants.

The idea is that the participants are given a plastic or metal hoop, and the host of the game (that is, Santa Claus) gives various tasks to those participating in the competition.

For example:
Rotate the hoop around your arm, waist or neck. Accordingly, the person who spins the hoop the longest wins.
At the leader’s command, send the hoop forward using your hand in a straight line. The one with the hoop that rolls the farthest wins.

New Year's competition "Snowflake"

To do this you will need to take cotton wool and make lumps out of it that resemble snowflakes. The host of this competition is Grandfather Frost.

The essence of the game is that all participants, upon a signal from Santa Claus, must begin to blow on the lump from below so that it flies through the air, like a snowflake, which, accordingly, should not be allowed to fall.

The winner is the person whose “snowflake” flies through the air the longest.

Competition “Dress up the holiday tree”

To do this you will need to do several Christmas decorations made of cotton wool (for example, fish, apples or pears) with wire hooks and a fishing rod with the same hook. Using a fishing rod, you need to hang all the toys on the fishing rod, and then remove them, also using the fishing rod. The winner is the participant who can do this in the specified time, for example, in two to three minutes. Instead of a Christmas tree, you can use its branch installed in some kind of stand.

Lump of snow

Ransom New Year's gifts in Santa Claus's bag can happen as follows.

Participants who decided to play New Year competitions, stand in a circle and begin to pass each other a pre-prepared “snowball” made of paper or cotton wool.

While the “com” is being passed around to each other, Santa Claus walks around and says:
“We all roll a ball of snow!
Let's count to five!
One two three four five!
And read poetry to you!”
Or, as an option (ending) - “Sing a song for you!”

The one who falls out needs to do something (depending on the task) and... pick up his gift. After this, the game continues until the bag is empty.

crumple up the newspaper

For the event, newspapers will be required according to the number of participants. The host of the competition is Father Frost.

The essence of the game is that the participant, upon a signal from Santa Claus, must crumple up a sheet of newspaper, previously laid out in front of the player, so that the sheet fits completely in his fist.

The one who does it first wins.

New Year's competition "Tomato"

Two participants are invited. They should stand facing each other on opposite sides of the same stool. The presenter places a small banknote on a stool, after which he announces that on the count of “one, two, three...” the participants must grab this bill. Accordingly, the one who does it first wins. In order to increase the excitement, you can give the bill to the winner. After this, the task becomes more complicated - participants should blindfold their eyes with tape. After the presenter again starts counting down “one, two, three...” the participants clap their palms on the place where the bill should be and... they find a tomato instead!

Throw the ball

To play this game you will need: a ball or an apple (in general, any round object), boxes, buckets, a “basket” made of a hat, a stool, rings, and various items.

The essence of the game: Santa Claus offers to choose any option for the task.
Using a ball, knock down several objects that are on a stool from a distance.
Throw an apple or a ball into a “basket” from a hat, which is located at a fair distance from the participant.
Place several rings on the legs of an inverted stool.

The one who completes the task best wins the competition.


In this competition, you should choose a presenter - Father Frost or Snow Maiden. Having run some distance away from the leader, the children stop at once and, clapping their hands, shout loudly: “One, two, three! One two Three! Well, hurry up, catch us!!!” Having finished speaking the text, everyone runs away. The leader must catch up with the children.

What types of Christmas trees are there?

They decorate the Christmas tree with different toys, and Christmas trees in the forest are different, thin, wide, low, and tall.

Santa Claus (host) explains the rules to the children:
In words:
“high” – raise your arms high up,
“low” - squat and lower your arms down,
“wide” – make the circle wider,
“thin” - make the circle narrower.

And now it’s the game’s turn! (Santa Claus plays with the children, while trying to confuse them).

Mouse trap

Two participants who have decided to play competitions for the New Year (or the two tallest ones, or adults) stand opposite each other, holding hands. Holding their hands up (something like a mini round dance), they say: “How tired the mice are, they chewed everything up, ate everything. We will set a mousetrap and catch all the mice!”

The remaining participants play the role of mice, running between the hands of the catchers. As soon as they are pronounced last words, hands give up, and the one who is caught joins the mousetrap. After that, everything is new. The fastest “mouse” wins.

Collect potatoes

For this you need baskets (according to the number of participants), balls, cubes, marbles - an odd number.

On the playing surface you need to put “potatoes” - balls and so on.

Game process: each participant takes a basket in his hand and, blindfolded, tries to collect as many “potatoes” as possible. The one who collects the most wins.

Crush the ball with your foot

To conduct this competition, balloons will be required exactly for the number of participants. The host of this competition is Grandfather Frost.

In front of the participants playing New Year competitions, placed at a distance of several steps air balloons. At a signal from Santa Claus, each participant must crush his ball with his foot. The one who crushes the ball the fastest wins.

Answer questions in unison

A game of attention. You need to answer in unison - yes or no.
Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?
He comes promptly at seven, right?
Santa Claus is a good sorcerer, right?
Wears a tie and galoshes, right?
Grandfather will come soon, right?
He'll bring toys, right?
This tree has a good trunk, right?
It was made from a double-barreled shotgun, right?
And cones grow on the Christmas tree, right?
Cucumbers and tomatoes, right?
Well, what a beautiful tree, right?
There are blue needles everywhere, right?
Grandpa is afraid of the cold, right?
He's friends with Snowflake, right?
Well, the questions have been answered,
You all know about Santa Claus.
And this means that the time has come,
Which the kids are looking forward to.
Let's call Santa Claus!

Catch a snowball

Two teams take part in this competition. One child on each team is given an empty bag, which he must hold wide open. Each team has a supply of paper snowballs. At the leader’s signal, everyone throws snowballs into the bag, and the rest of the partners also help, while trying to catch them. The team that manages to collect more “snowballs” wins.

Melt the ice

To play this game you will need to take ice cubes. Each participant in the competition must take a piece and melt it. The person who does it first wins.

Great Wizard

Ropes will be required (according to the number of participants).

The host of this competition is Grandfather Frost.

The essence of the game is that participants playing competitions for the New Year have their hands tied behind their backs with a rope. At a signal from Santa Claus, they try to untie the ropes. The first one to free himself wins.


You will need: two chess officers and two artificial swords made of foam rubber or rubber.

A chess piece is placed on the edge of the table.

Participants are located a few steps away from the table. At the leader’s signal, they must lunge with a sword and prick the figure. The one who does it first wins.

Christmas decorations

The kids and I will play an interesting game:
I’ll tell the guys what they use to decorate the Christmas tree.
Listen carefully, be sure to answer,
If we tell you the truth, shout “Yes!” in reply,
Well, if it’s suddenly not true, feel free to say “No!”
- And garlands and firecrackers?
- And mattresses and pillows?
- Blankets and cribs?
- Tangerines, chocolates?
- Are the stars made of glass?
- Are the shelves made of wood?
- Snowball made of white cotton wool?
- Backpacks, briefcases?
- Are the cones silvery?
- Are the stars radiant?

Not everyone likes to spend new year holidays at the table in front of the TV. Those who celebrate the New Year with a noisy crowd want especially wild entertainment. Numerous New Year competitions, entertainment and games will help create an atmosphere of fun for the New Year 2018. Below is a list of just some of the pastime options that are worth including in the event scenario.

Competitions for the New Year 2018, New Year's games and entertainment can be spent outside the home. This is especially true when there is snow outside the window.

For fun company You can offer the following entertainment. Everyone is divided into teams. It would be better if the division is based on gender. Assignment: create a “snow gentleman” for the girls’ team and a “snow lady” for the boys’ team. The goal of the teams is to create an object made of snow that is as similar as possible to a real woman or a man. It is important that the work of “snow” art repeats all the graceful lines as much as possible female body or the brutal outlines of the masculine.

For creating bright image You can use items of clothing and accessories from men's or women's toilets. The winner will be the team that manages to create a snowman that is closest in its external qualities to the given object. Even if the team members do not have artistic talents, a good time and a lot of laughter are guaranteed for the competitors and the judges.

“We study the ABC under the Christmas tree...”

Another competition for the New Year 2018, which is worth including in New Year's games and entertainment at a corporate party, is quite simple and does not require additional equipment. The organizer of the event or Santa Claus invites those present to take part in a game for educated people. To stir up the public's interest, you can promise everyone who completes the task a small gift.

The essence of the competition is that the presenter shouts out the letters, and each of those present, in turn, must pronounce a logical and coherent phrase, close in meaning to the New Year, on the letter that fell to him. For example, with the letter B you can suggest “Drink to the New Year”, with the letter B you can say: “Be healthy!”, With M you can wish “Lots of happiness and smiles!” The most interesting thing begins when the players come across the letters Z, J, Z. To prevent guests from guessing in advance who will get which letter, you can use a hat in which pieces of paper with letters are folded.

So each guest will give himself a completely unexpected task. In order for each participant to receive a souvenir, you can walk several circles with the hat and drop more “Simple” letters into it, for which it is easy to come up with a congratulatory phrase.

Good jokes for the holiday mood

You can defuse the situation with a non-offensive, funny joke. Big box, decorated with New Year's wrapping and ribbon, is placed on a cabinet taller than a person's height. There should be confetti inside the box, and the bottom of the box itself should be removed. The object of the joke could be a guest who has just arrived. They tell him that this gift has been prepared just for him. The moment the newcomer pulls the box towards himself, multi-colored snow will pour out on him. The joke is funny and kind, it greatly contributes to the New Year's mood.

We decorate the Christmas tree

Among the competitions for the New Year 2018, New Year's games and entertainment, there may be the following activity. Guests are divided into pairs. The girls take it in their hands long decoration: rain, garland, tinsel, ribbon. The guy, without touching the decoration with his hands, uses his lips to wrap the garland around his partner. This can be done by simply walking around the impromptu Christmas tree. The winner will be the couple whose Christmas tree is ready faster and looks more elegant than others.

Lost pin

This competition more suitable for established couples. Several such tandems can participate in the game. Spectators or judges must attach pins to the clothing of the woman and man of each pair as discreetly as possible. Moreover, one of the partners should have fewer pins on their clothes than the other. After this, to the music, the competitors feel each other in search of a prickly surprise.

The tandem that is the first to realize that the partner has fewer pins than himself wins. It will be especially amusing for the other guests to watch how the partner who has the most pins is looking for one that was lost on the other’s clothes.

To avoid freezing...

Several pairs of participants should go to the center of the room. They will be given thick mittens and several items of clothing. One of the couple puts on gloves, and then helps the partner not to freeze by putting on the remaining items of clothing. The fun begins when he has to fasten the zippers and buttons on his partner's clothes. The victory will be won by the team that warmed up its partner before the others.

Holiday wishes from kids

Among New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for children for the New Year 2018, you can choose the following simple competition. Competitors, in order of turn, voice holiday wishes. This needs to be done quickly. Anyone who thinks for more than five seconds is eliminated from the game. There can be any number of competitors in the competition. The last one will be the winner and will receive a New Year's prize.

Songs from a hat

Everyone who wants to play this game gathers around a hat or box, into which the organizers have previously placed a lot of pieces of paper with one word on each. It is desirable that the words relate to the New Year and winter. Each participant takes out one piece of paper, reads what they have written out loud and sings a song wherever that word is used. The one who cannot come up with a single song with the word given to him loses. The award is given to the one who sang all the words given to him. This New Year's competition can be used as a game and entertainment for the New Year 2018 for the family.

Who's under the mask

The presenter hides his face behind a mask to create an ambiance and imagines a person known to all participants. A New Year's variation of this fun could be wishing upon objects associated with the holiday. Those present take turns formulating questions to which the presenter can only answer yes or no. The one who pronounces the intended word takes the prize and becomes the presenter.

Holiday rhymes

The organizers of the event come up with several pairs of rhyming words in advance and write them down on pieces of paper. For example, you can write on one sheet of paper “the year is coming, brought frost”, on the other “sleigh-sami, tree-needle” and others. In order to make the game more interesting, it is better to give more time to think about the future poem. Each guest will receive papers upon entry, and the results can be shared for festive table. Whose creation is the most successful will receive main gift evenings. The remaining participants will receive consolation gifts.

Buying gifts from Santa Claus

The second name for the competition is “snowball”. The organizer of the game needs to prepare a large ball of cotton wool or white cloth in advance. This “snowball” will be the main item for determining the task with which you can redeem your gift from Santa Claus.

All guests sit around the bag and pass the ball to each other, saying: “We are all celebrating the New Year. One two three four five…". The phrase ends with a task from Santa Claus. For example, “To sing a song for you” or “To dance a dance for you.” The task applies to the one who has a lump on the count of five. He must fulfill the wishes of Santa Claus, after which he receives his gift. Everyone who received his prize leaves the circle, and the game continues without him.

Children's game of Christmas trees

Among New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for schoolchildren in the new year 2018, the most interesting ones will be those that make everyone laugh. This is the game “Christmas trees are different.” The presenter gathers the children around him and says: “There are different Christmas trees: high, low, wide and narrow. Each of the words is a command. Having heard “high”, children should raise their hands, “low” - this means you need to sit down, “wide” - you need to make the round dance wider, “narrow” - the circle should become narrower.

During the process, the leader changes the order of the commands. Children must react quickly. It's funny to watch the fun bustle that reigns during this game.

Letter to Santa Claus

To begin with, the participants all come up with 12 adjectives, which they write in order on pieces of paper, after which the presenter takes out the main text of the letter to Santa Claus. It has missing adjectives that need to be filled in with those that were jointly invented.

The result is a very funny text. The source should look something like this: “...Grandfather Frost! All the...children are really looking forward to your...visit. New Year's holidays are the most... days of the year. We promise to sing...songs, perform...dances, recite...poems. We promise to... behave and receive only... grades. Grandfather, quickly open your...bag and give We look forward to seeing you! Your…boys and girls!”

Who didn't have time...

Some New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for the New Year 2018 are suitable only for adults. Videos from such events are especially fun to watch.

To conduct the competition you need equipment: glasses with alcohol. There should be one less of them than the competitors. The glasses are placed on a table in the middle of the room. The competitors line up near the table and, on command, begin to run to the music. When the music stops, you need to take a glass and drain it. Anyone who doesn't have enough drink is out of the fight. The fastest participant will win the competition.

Important tip! There should not be more than 5-6 players, as there will be too many rounds and the last participants can harm their health by drinking an excessive dose of alcohol.

Funny faces

This competition will allow the event photographer to take lots of fun photos. To start the competition you will need several empty matchboxes. Each of the competitors puts the box on his nose and, at the signal from the presenter, without using his hands, but only using facial expressions, tries to remove this object. The one who manages to do this first wins.

Fashionable things from Santa Claus

The organizers of the event pre-fill Santa Claus's bag with funny wardrobe items. These could be ridiculous hats, oversized underwear, dresses of outdated styles.

Participants in the fun pass the bag around in a circle. When the music dies down, the one in whose hands the bag remains takes out the first thing he comes across and puts it on himself. What follows is a dance from the loser in the new look. After which the competition continues. This funny game guarantees a lot of laughter and good mood.

Rewinding the tapes

Couples are required to participate in the competition. The girls wrap a long garland around their waist. On command, her partner must quickly wrap the garland around his waist. Victory will go to those who cope with the task more quickly than others.

Quiet games at the table

The point of the fun is to start a phrase with the words “On next year I promise...", and end with a very real promise in rhyme. For example:

- “...invite everyone to tea”;

- “...that I’ll change the wallpaper.”

This can be continued endlessly. Time limits will help intensify rivalry. 5 seconds should be enough to create such a poetic masterpiece. Who can't cope within deadline, he flies out of the game. The winner receives a gift from Santa Claus.

A variation of this game could be a prediction contest. All invented one-liners are written down on pieces of paper and thrown into a hat. Everyone takes out one for themselves. Written and will become a prediction for the coming year.

Another game played at the table is called debt distribution. It will require a festively decorated box or box. The presenter says that there is a sign according to which you need to enter the new year without debt. To solve this issue right now, you need to perform a special ritual. Anyone can put any amount into an impromptu piggy bank and make a wish to become richer and happier in the new year.

After this, the box is passed around and anyone who wants to puts as much money into it as they see fit. At the same time, the presenter says that the more generous the contribution, the more money will be with the “investor” next year. The collection process can be accompanied by a song about money.

After the collection process has been completed, the presenter counts the amount where no one can see it. Then the competition continues. The presenter announces that someone present may become a little richer right now. Competitors have only one attempt to guess the amount that is currently collected in the box. The one who managed to get as close to the truth as possible gets all the money.

A lot of competitions, New Year's games and entertainment will help you have a fun New Year 2018 with your family. This time the fun is called “Bag of Fortunes from a Fairy Tale.” The most curious thing is that the predictions will be encrypted in the symbols of the New Year holidays.

To play you will need a firecracker, a medal, a small bottle of alcohol, a small pistol, banknote. There should be several such items. It is important to pack them all equally and place them in a bag. Each participant takes out one gift and reads the predictions for the next year written on the card attached to the gift.

The one who gets the banknote will get rich. The one who pulls out the gun will fight with the competitors and defeat them. The lucky owner of a firecracker will receive next year a pleasant surprise, and endless merry celebrations. The winner of the medal will gain fame and recognition.

Many New Year's competitions, games and entertainment are suitable for celebrating the New Year 2018 at school. You need to bring one for the celebration. a small gift from every event visitor. It’s better if the gifts are inexpensive, fun and enjoyable. Everything is collected in a bag by Santa Claus and mixed.

Those present, in order, take the bag and say the words: “I have long wanted to give you this, but...”. After which an object is pulled out at random and announced. Next, the participant must come up with why he did not give this item to its future owner earlier. The reasons should be funny and humorous. As a result, everyone will receive a New Year's present, and the distribution of gifts will be funny.

By diversifying your holiday feast with these fun activities, you can make the holiday unforgettable, and the New Year holidays even more beautiful and bright.

The most vivid impressions of the holiday, as a rule, are associated with games, fun activities, various funny “dress-up” and gifts. That is why everyone loves it so much when there is all this in abundance, when your favorite games are played by your favorite fairy tale characters when they are showered with gifts, when they especially believe in miracles and fairy tales, because everyone on this holiday can reincarnate themselves into the hero of a fairy tale: Baba Yaga, Bogatyr or Thumbelina.

We offer our collection - New Year's games for children's parties, which can be carried out on family holiday or a matinee held in kindergarten or school. The organizer of these entertainments can be Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, the hosts of the holidays or parents.

New Year's game "Magic Chairs"

For this game, the chairs are arranged alternately with seats left and right. They seat the children on them and explain to them that when Santa Claus approaches any of them and touches him with a magic staff, then he must stand up, grab Frost’s waist and repeat all his movements.

So after a couple of minutes, Santa Claus forms a rather impressive “tail” of boys and girls. Following the “prankster” Frost, children squat, jump, waddle and perform other funny movements.

But Grandfather, in a thunderous voice, notifies the children that now they must each quickly return to their place. And, by the way, he was in a hurry to take one of the chairs, so that while the kids were figuring out who was sitting where, there was no longer enough space for one of them. This child is out of the game. So that the baby does not get upset, the Snow Maiden should give him a small sweet prize and explain that soon another of his comrades will be left without a chair (the fact is that with each round one of them should quietly disappear from the row of chairs).

It is not at all necessary to bring the matter to one winner; four to five rounds are enough. You can sing a funny song with those children who “survived.”

Game "Throw the Snowball"

Lead this small competition maybe one of the fairy-tale characters or Father Frost and the Snow Maiden themselves. To do this, they will need a regular hoop for gymnastic exercises, entwined with Christmas tree tinsel. A mountain of cotton wool snowballs is placed nearby. It is better to divide the snowballs in half. Children will be taken from these two piles, and we will also divide them into two teams.

Their task: take a “snowball” from a “snowdrift” and, stopping at a special mark, try to throw it inside the hoop. The winner is not the team whose members throw the snowball into the hoop the fastest, but the one that hits the hoop the most times.

Game for children's party "Find a New Year's gift"

No more than four kids can participate in this almost detective game at a time.

Previously, the organizers of the holiday must draw four “paths” on the floor with multi-colored chalk, which would intersect each other, twist in zigzags, and run into different sides, that is, they were very dangerous and difficult routes.

In this case, each child is given a picture with an inscription and an image of the method of movement with which he must overcome his path: on all fours, single file, ten jumps on the left leg and ten jumps on the right leg, backwards forward.

The most important thing is that all the paths will lead to the Christmas tree, under which four gifts are hidden. It is better if one of them is larger - this is for the child who will come first to the finish line. Let the other three be the same.

New Year's game "Gallery of portraits of Santa Claus"

Children love to draw, and they will definitely be pleased with the version of some in an unusual way drawing. For example, invite children to portray Santa Claus with their left hand. Another option is to draw blindfolded. The third way to amuse the little ones is to invite them to make a drawing by holding a pencil or felt-tip pen in their teeth.

To make it interesting for all the children to watch the process, deploy five or six easels with sheets of paper attached to them into the room. Let the sheets be not just big, but huge. This will give the child the opportunity to express himself brighter and more fully.

Surely, each of the kids present will want to draw in one way or another, so it makes sense to use the above techniques in turn. It is also important to include a new melody each time so that children do not get tired of the monotony of sounds and lose interest in the process.

Naturally, the organizers will have to stock up on a large number of interesting gifts for this game, so that, in addition to creative satisfaction, each child will also receive material satisfaction.

Competition "Breath of Winter"

To conduct this competition you will need to stock up on paper cutouts big snowflakes- their mini-competition participants will blow them off the table.

There should be from three to five players, preferably both boys and girls.

Rules of the competition: snowflakes lying on the table, as at the start, must be blown off the table surface. However, the winner is declared not by the one who removes his snowflake from the table the fastest, but by the one whose snowflake falls to the floor later than everyone else. Thus, before the “start”, little players need to be hinted that the snowflake should float a little in the air.

As a prize, the child can be given mint candies or candies that would be associated with the name of the competition, for example, “Auntie Blizzard” or “Blizzard.”

Fun idea "Magic snowfall"

The host of this little fun venture should emphasize that the snowfall they are about to make is called magical, because it will be created by the hands of the children themselves. So, having intrigued her little guests, the presenter invites each of them to take a ball of cotton wool in their hands, fluff it up, throw it in the air and start blowing on the cotton wool from below so that a light “snowflake” begins to float in the air.

Those kids win - and there should be several winners! - whose “snowflake” can float as long or as high as possible.

Game "Harvest from snowflakes"

This game is suitable for very young children. It is better to use the Snowman in it, because this is the character that children associate with snow and fun at the same time.

So, explain to the kids that now they will be given magic baskets in which the snow does not melt. They need them in order to race to collect snowflakes. Pre-cut paper beautiful snowflakes Snowman demonstrates to the children. It is best to place them on a patterned tray.

Then, standing on a chair like a boy, the Snowman begins to throw snowflakes up. At this moment, the children need to turn on a pleasant melody and invite them to dance under this lacy snowfall. And then offer to collect snowflakes in magic baskets. Give the children two minutes, no more. The winner is the little one who is quicker than the rest and collects as many paper snowflakes as possible into his basket.

New Year's idea "Miracle Hat"

They play this fun game by forming a round dance. Father Frost or Snow Maiden begins. He or she takes off some funny hat from his or her head and places it on the head of a nearby child.

Explain to the children in advance that they take turns placing this hat on their neighbor's head. This will continue until the music stops or Santa Claus knocks with his magic staff. And the one who is wearing the miracle hat at that moment goes to the center and demonstrates any talent he has (must sing a song, recite a poem, ask a riddle, etc.).

Naturally, this child receives some kind of prize as a reward.

Entertainment "Talking Alphabet"

As an intellectual workout, you can invite children to play “Talking Alphabet.” His conditions: Santa Claus pronounces New Year's greetings, which begins with the first letter of the alphabet: “Ali Baba sends you warm congratulations!”

The second participant - already one of the children - comes up with his own speech, but only for the second letter of the alphabet - “B”. for example, “Barmaley asked not to worry, he will not interfere with our New Year’s Eve!” and so on. Surely it will be especially interesting for children to receive prizes for the same letter that fell to them for congratulations; it will be especially fun for those who get b, b, y, etc. Here, of course, the organizers will have to work hard.

Entertainment for children's party"Funny Christmas tree"

It is most appropriate to organize such entertainment at a festival, since in this fun competition children will have to show good coordination of movements.

So, we put a small artificial Christmas tree in the middle of the hall. It comes with a box of decorations. However, toys should only be made of plastic so that children do not hurt themselves.

Three to four volunteers are called. They are blindfolded and in this state they are asked to decorate the Christmas tree. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden or other fairy-tale characters from the matinee can serve toys. It is advisable not to look for the losers in the competition and give them chocolate medals or Christmas balls every child.

As a variant of this competition, we can offer the following form: we do not place a Christmas tree in the center of the hall, but hand over the children plastic toy, turn around its axis three times and offer to walk and hang the decoration on the first “Christmas tree” you come across. The trick of the presenters should be to, while promoting the child, still direct him towards his comrades. Then, having reached one of the children, the little participant will certainly hang the toy on his ear, nose or button. Which will certainly cause friendly children's laughter.

Attention game "One, two, three!"

This game requires attentiveness and intelligence. It will certainly amuse children who are at least seven or eight years old: it uses numerals, so the child must be able to count.

Rules of the game: on a chair in the center of the circle formed by the players, there is a prize, decorated in a New Year's style. You can only grab it when you hear the number “three.” But the presenter will indulge in deception. He will try to say the word “three” several times, but will always add some ending. For example, “One, two, three... eleven!”, “One, two, three... a hundred!”, “One, two, three... twenty!”. And somewhere between these deceptions he should say the cherished word “three”.

The prize will be given to the one who turns out to be the most attentive, it is better to encourage the others too, so as not to get upset.

New Year's game "Let's make a blizzard"