How to make Christmas decorations from plastic bottles. New Year's toys from plastic bottles - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bideas! To work you will need

1. Christmas tree made of plastic bottles

Make such a Christmas tree green plastic bottle, scotch, scissors(such that they can easily cut a plastic bottle, paper tube. The only thing that can be added to such a Christmas tree is that you can decorate it with beads by gluing them to the Christmas tree with glue. You can hang a ribbon of rain. You can do this craft with your kids. Next, we do everything as in the photo:

To make a decorative New Year's craft: a Christmas tree from plastic bottles, you will need the following:

  1. Plastic bottles - 3 pcs;
  2. Scotch;
  3. A sheet of thick paper, ideally whatman paper (A4);
  4. Scissors;

So, cut the bottle as shown in the photo below. That is, it is necessary to cut off the bottom and neck so that a straight pipe from the bottle remains.

Cut each plastic bottle lengthwise into 3 equal parts and only then adjust their sizes so that each subsequent tier is slightly smaller than the previous one. Then each blank must be "dissolved into needles." The neck of one of the bottles will serve as a stand for our future New Year crafts

The next step is to roll the paper into a tube. We insert it into the bottle neck and fix it with tape in a circle.

You can decorate the top of our Christmas tree with a homemade Christmas tree toy or complete the Christmas tree the way we did.

If you want to make a Christmas tree from PET bottles more fluffy, such as in the photo below, when making a Christmas tree, the needles need to be cut as thin as possible (more often).

2. For Christmas trees from plastic bottles you will need green bottles of various sizes and a wooden stick, with a diameter slightly smaller than the neck. The length of the stick will determine the height of the tree and the number of bottles.

Probably done.)

4. Another very interesting option

For the manufacture we need:

  • scissors
  • green bottle
  • cork stopper
  • round cup of cottage cheese dessert
  • candle
  • glue.

Also find foam rubber. We cut off a piece of kitchen sponge for washing dishes.

First, cut the green bottle into squares or circles of different sizes. For the lower part of the Christmas tree, the width of the square should be at least 6-7 cm, the middle one should be about 5 cm, and 2-3 cm is enough for the crown.

Now with scissors we densely break through the edges of the stars. You can call family members for help. In fact, the work is painstaking and requires a lot of patience. Time edging the edges takes about 30 minutes. To make the spruce paws look more natural, we will bring the plastic to the flame of the candle. The tips of our coniferous twigs gracefully wrap down. Here is the finished result.

The turn has come to apply glue and foam rubber. Cut the sponge into small pieces (1x1 cm).

Now we grease the largest spruce paw with glue, apply a cube of foam rubber on top. We drip glue again and cover it with green plastic.

We continue to work until the details run out. Do not forget that we are “building a pyramid”, and therefore, with each subsequent gluing, we focus on the size of the plastic star.

It remains to arrange the trunk of a coniferous tree. Of course, cork will play its role. However, to make the craft resistant to tipping over, we will place the Christmas tree in a small yellow bucket. Cut it out of a round glass.

Lubricate the bottom of the bucket with glue, put the cork barrel in the center. Set aside the part for 2-3 minutes, let it dry completely.

We connect the crown with the trunk. It turned out a slender emerald plastic bottle tree. A true forest beauty.


5. By the way, the Christmas tree looks quite creative with larger “branches”
We cut the bottle into 3 parts. Only cuts are made in a circle to the center, straight.

In the center, a puncture is made with an awl and the needles are bent up and down in order. In the lid of a cream or mineral water, a puncture is made into which a skewer of the desired length is inserted.

The parts are strung in descending order, a large bead is placed on top of the glue. The Christmas tree can be decorated with foam, rain, etc.

Glue the Christmas tree to the stand from the disk.
Christmas tree is ready

We offer to make Christmas decorations with your own hands from plastic bottles!

For a long time we have been waiting for the New Year holidays, when all the most cherished dreams come true. Therefore, it is worth thinking about such pleasant chores as: choosing the right outfit, creating a festive atmosphere and decorating the Christmas tree.

Many needlewomen are very fond of creating Christmas toys with their own hands, so I often use the simplest materials to create a new masterpiece: paper, felt, plastic bottles, etc. Combining them with sparkles, tinsel and bright decor, you can create an unusual and elegant Christmas tree decoration.

Due to the fact that these are made very easily, you can create more than one Christmas decoration with your own hands that will delight you and your loved ones. In order to make a craft, you will need:

  • 2 plastic bottles;
  • paints or markers;
  • multi-colored ribbons;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • brush for drawing;
  • stationery knife.

Process of creation:

  1. First of all, you need to cut the bottom in each bottle. These blanks will be needed to make one toy.
  2. Now we take brushes and paint and draw a snowflake on the inside of each blank.
  3. After that, you can put tinsel, confetti, decorative balls or sparkles into the toy.
  4. Then we connect the two parts together using double-sided tape.
  5. In order to hide uneven lines, you will need a ribbon matched to the color of the paint used. It is best if you wind the ribbon in several layers and tie it in the shape of a bow. This way you will complete the top of the toy.
  6. Now the craft is almost ready and you can secure it with a paper clip, which must be bent in the shape of a hook.

Despite the fact that such toys are considered the easiest to make, they open up huge prospects for your imagination. This is a great way to teach your child new ways of decorating and create your own New Year's masterpiece.

Christmas balls

In order to make a Christmas tree toy in the form of a ball, you will need to take a plastic bottle from milk or water (it is desirable that the surface is transparent). Their shape is most suitable for creating this decoration.

Now let's prepare the following auxiliary tools:

  • dye;
  • sequins;
  • stationery knife;
  • glue.

First of all, you need to take a clerical knife and cut out four circles from the bottle (up to 1 cm wide), and then connect them into a ball. After that, you need to fasten them together with glue.

You can pinch them on both sides with clothespins to keep them from moving until the glue is completely dry. You can decorate the balls as you wish. For example, you can stick ribbons to the side faces or sprinkle them with lots of multi-colored sparkles. The main thing is that the result pleases you.

Chinese lantern decoration

Christmas decorations in the form of Chinese lanterns that you can make with your own hands will look very original. To do this, you will need the simplest materials:

  • plastic bottle;
  • ruler;
  • marker;
  • thin thread;
  • beads;
  • decorative elements (rhinestones, sequins, sparkles, etc.);
  • scissors.

It is worth noting that there are several options for creating this toy. Let's look at one of them:

  1. First you need to remove all unnecessary elements from the bottle (label, glue). This will be easier to do if you submerge it in water for a while.
  2. Now take a measuring tape and apply it to the top of the bottle. We mark points in a circle that should be located at a distance of 1 cm from each other.
  3. Then, at any point, you need to attach a ruler and draw a small line down. And make the same marks at the bottom of the bottle, near the bottom.
  4. After that, we take the scissors and with rotating movements we make holes in each of the marks. You can also use an awl for this.
  5. Now we make cuts between the upper and lower marks that you previously made. Gently fold up each resulting strip. And then select the middle and make another fold.
  6. We take scissors and make holes in the middle of the bottom and cap of a plastic bottle.
  7. Now you need to take a pre-prepared bead and thread it into a thread or wire. Connect the free ends together. It is only very important that the bead is in the middle of the thread. To do this, you can fix its position by twisting the wire several times. Then we thread the ends of the wire through the hole on the bottom and stretch along the entire length of the bottle to the hole in the cap. After that, the lid can be screwed on. The remaining thread or wire can be used to create a loop to hang the toy on the Christmas tree.
  8. Marker marks can be removed with nail polish remover.

Turn on your imagination and decorate the plastic bottle toy as you please. The main thing is that your Christmas tree decoration is created with your own hands and with all your heart.

plastic garland

We have already seen that you don't need much for a festive atmosphere. And it is not necessary to spend big money on expensive New Year's toys and decorations. Continuing preparations for the New Year, we can create another Christmas tree decoration in the form of a garland of plastic bottles with our own hands. Such a do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy made of plastic bottles can attract the attention of even the most demanding guests.

For this you will need:

  • electric garland;
  • plastic bottles;
  • wire;
  • scissors.

Process of creation:

  1. First, make sure that the LED garland you have chosen is working.
  2. Then lay it out on the floor to get an idea of ​​how many plastic bottles you will need to make the craft.
  3. After that, you need to cut off the bottom and cut a small hole in it to put the bulbs in it.
  4. Carefully connect the resulting parts with wire.
  5. As a result, you will get a beautiful flower garland!

There are several more options for do-it-yourself Christmas decorations from plastic bottles that will help you quickly decorate your house for the upcoming holiday.

Christmas tree decoration - pine cone

The cone toy will be a great addition to your holiday decor. To create one blank you will need:

  • dark brown plastic bottle (2 l) - 1 pc.;
  • green plastic bottle - 1 pc.;
  • patterns of each layer;
  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • large beads;
  • scissors;
  • candle;
  • marker.

Main stages of work:

  1. Before you get started, you need to prepare the available plastic bottles. You need to put them in soapy water and leave them there for a few hours. This is necessary in order to make it easier for you to clean it from the label and the adhesive layer.
  2. After the bottle dries, you need to cut off its neck and bottom. As a result, you should get an oblong cylinder, which we cut along one of the side faces.
  3. Now you need to take a marker and draw blanks of different sizes on the resulting rectangle - these will be the layers of our bump. Then we cut them out and make a hole in each with a red-hot awl, and in the smallest one (the core of the cone) - two. The wire will be threaded through these holes.
  4. Now you need to shape each part to get a more natural look of the product. To do this, you will need pliers, it will be more convenient for you to hold the “layer” with them, and an ordinary candle. We take each blank and hold it over the fire for several seconds. After that, the plastic will begin to wrap inward and acquire the necessary shape. We repeat these steps with the rest of the parts. It is worth noting that during heating, plastic can release harmful substances that are dangerous to our body. Therefore, do this step with the windows ajar.
  5. It's time to collect our bump. To do this, take the wire and put on it each layer, starting with the largest.
  6. After you have secured the last piece, take a large bead and thread it through the center of the product. This will be our core. And now pass the wire along the same path, only in the opposite direction. Twist its outer ends to twist them together, we still need them.
  7. Now you need a green bottle. From it we will cut a blank resembling a twig. After that, bring it to the candle and process the edges. After that, you can attach it to the wire.
  8. From the remaining parts of the brown bottle, you need to cut a thin strip. Then we heat it with fire and begin to gradually wrap the wire with it. But if you don't succeed, then you can take some brown beads and decorate the wire with them.

In this article, we looked at the easiest ways to create Christmas decorations with our own hands, while using an economical material - a plastic bottle.

Plastic bottles are no longer garbage, but a material for making various crafts. Disposable containers are used to make vases, dishes, designer jewelry and much more. So why not make a New Year's toy out of a plastic bottle? Moreover, there are a lot of ideas in this direction.

Some skeptics object: “Well, why make Christmas tree decorations from garbage? Indeed, in modern stores you can buy very beautiful products! There is some truth in this, of course. But New Year's toys from plastic bottles have their own advantages:

Lamp, chandelier or light garland

As you can see in the picture, the bottle was cut in two. With scissors, you shape the flowers and you end up putting small garland bulbs in the bottle ring. We love this plastic spoon candle idea! Well, it's not a bottle, but plastic spoons! We decided to include this idea in our selection because it is really very interesting. The principle of its implementation is very simple - you need plastic spoons, rope and glue. Watch the video to see all the stages of its implementation.

To make the candle holder shown below, you will need a large plastic bottle. Or a squirrel feeder is a very good idea and ecological restoration. A plastic bottle is perfect for this! Just make a hole, fill it with seeds and hang it on your terrace, balcony or in your garden.

In addition, by using waste materials, you give them a second life and do not throw them away, indirectly taking care of the environment. And the pleasant feeling of a New Year's fairy tale appears precisely at the time of making crafts. Try it once, and next year you will decorate your Christmas tree only with toys of your own production. These activities are very helpful for children. During the creative process, the child experiences positive emotions. Work with hands also has a positive effect on the cognitive sphere: thinking, memory, imagination, fine motor skills of hands develop.

Feeder for birds and birds for squirrels

Little happy bird of his manger. Refurbished and original candlesticks? Very easy to realize and free you to decorate them however you want! The plastic bottle can be easily transformed into original and practical storage accessories.

Teaching children respect and love for nature

Does a plastic bottle turn into a gem? You can create any kind of plastic jewelry. Teaching children to respect the environment is essential. Even if "green" has been in vogue for a few years, this trend is still not common. Many find recycling unnecessary and generally do not repair old items rather than discard them. If you want to teach your kids to recycle and recover, dedicate a weekend of creative activity. Below you will find two ideas for toys made out of plastic.

Christmas balls

To make a Christmas ball you will need:


From the middle of the bottle you need to cut out several rings (3-4 pcs.). The thickness of the rings should be about 1 cm.

Plastic robot, source: Bottle robot. Every year around Christmas, thousands of plastic items are sold in the country, such as gold and silver thread, aerosol cans and artificial snow, light-colored wires, colored paper, adhesive paper and every year almost 50% of these products end up in waste. These are numbers that make us think, but what we can do is: Obviously, the solution is not to give up decorating your homes, as many of you are used to doing, but simply to use recyclable materials, making a lot of affairs.

Now thread one ring into the other and connect with a paper clip. It is desirable that the rings are arranged symmetrically. The blank for the ball is ready.

Let's start decorating. To do this, coat the rings with glue and strew, for example, with beads, sequins, foil of different colors, and so on. Tie a silver thread or ribbon to the ball in the form of an eyelet. New Year's toy from a plastic bottle is ready!

Let's get excited little creative recyclers to make decorations to be displayed at home. Ideas are so many and fun, maybe even engaging young children in a healthy and educational game. If you haven't already, try setting aside newspapers, bottles, and caps, as they will certainly come in handy for preparing your greeting cards.

Simple plastic bottle toys

For decorations, there is nothing to look in the drawers and find something reusable: cardboard items, old t-shirts, and even plastic bottle caps are great for creating original decorations to cheer up the house, wood, and crib.


Toys in the form of cones were always hung on the Christmas tree. Previously, they were made of glass, today you can buy plastic jewelry. We will make cones from a plastic bottle. If a child participates in the manufacture of crafts, be careful, as you will need to work with fire.

It is necessary to prepare such tools and materials:

Here are some tips on how to decorate your home for Christmas. With seeds, however, you can give birth to Christmas-themed paintings and posters. You just need to have eco glue, eco color shades and game over. A very decorative product, absolutely non-toxic and environmentally friendly, is a happy maza, a game created by a well-known company that produces environmental games, consisting of a powdered corn derivative. natural that connects bricks to bricks and through which you can create a crazy father, comet stars, Christmas trees, snowmen and many other characters or themed objects.


From a brown bottle, you need to cut 12 square blanks of different sizes (3 small squares should be about ¼ of the large blank).

Now the corners of the squares need to be rounded, making a camomile out of each blank.

How to decorate your house for Christmas without harming the environment: felting

How to decorate your house for Christmas without harming the environment: felt trees. If you have colored "leftovers" in your home, you might consider using them to decorate a tree, table, or gifts. Hearts and stars are perfect for house breeding as well as a quick cleanup. If, however, you try to do something a little more original, you can play the classic Christmas stars, draw flower silhouettes on paper sheets, and then trim the felt.

In the next step, we will work with fire. Light a candle and bring the edges of the blank to the fire: the petals will fall down. Be careful not to melt the plastic. As a result, you should get some kind of bowl or plate.

Poke a hole in the middle of each blank. To do this, you need to use an awl.

Bend the copper wire and make a loop (leave room for the "pine twig" and beads). Now we need to string our blanks onto the wire: we start with the largest and end with the smallest. Hang a bead between the pieces.

How to decorate your house for Christmas without damaging the environment: deer. It's also useful for creating custom placeholders or decorative balls to hang from a tree. In this case, it is enough to cover a small piece of paper or newspaper to give it a round shape and insert colored fabric combs. The most skilled can even create crowns hanging from doors.

How to decorate your home for Christmas without damaging the environment: A crown hangs by the door. Alternatively, you can create interesting shapes by covering small, unused objects. Always with felt you can make an original. And if you have cushion pads, you can sew a beautiful red and green pillow and then decorate it with old buttons or other "restoration minions" that usually inhabit our homes.

Let's start making a spruce branch. We will make it from a green bottle. Cut out a figure resembling a propeller from the middle and make frequent cuts (needles) along the edges. Hold the workpiece over the fire, forming the shape of a twig.

In the very center of our pine branch, poke a hole and put it right on the bump. Hang some more beads. You can decorate a Christmas tree with a New Year's toy from a plastic bottle.

How to decorate your house for Christmas without harming the environment: felt gloves. You can also try to create beautiful and unusual felt closures. How to decorate your house for Christmas without damaging the environment: it feels. Recycling is always a good idea, especially items meant for an awkward box. Glued in between on the rainbow side, you can get sparkling Christmas crowns to hang on your door, enriching them with perhaps a red ribbon or a decorative bow.

How to decorate your home for Christmas in an environmentally friendly way: decorating paper and recycled plastic. With old sheet music, you can create stars, balls, or Christmas tablecloths that need to be plasticized for rendering and water repellency.

A wonderful winter holiday is approaching - New Year 2018. It's time to decorate your house for his arrival so that Santa Claus does not pass by on his magic sleigh and leaves good gifts under our Christmas tree. It is very interesting to decorate the Christmas tree and rooms with handmade toys for the holiday. The very process of their manufacture is fascinating, however, like any creativity. Such crafts can be made from the simplest materials, for example, from plastic bottles. From ordinary plastic bottles, you can make a lot of interesting and beautiful things that will successfully replace store counterparts. Our today's story is dedicated to the 7 best and original crafts from plastic bottles for the New Year 2018, which will be held under the sign of the Yellow Dog. Let's look at them in detail in our article.

With old sheet music, you can create stars or tablecloths for your Christmas table. How many times have you thrown away your discarded colored cardboard, paper sheets and plastic bottles, thinking they can't come back to us? With cardboard, you can make personalized cards and greeting cards, or wrap your gifts in an eco-friendly way, or make fancy backlit decorations like a Scandinavian-style mini crib.

Christmas cones from plastic bottles

You can make unusual light-up decorations, such as a Scandinavian-style mini crib. It is also ideal for bookmarks and color locks. Buttons can also be used to create decorative flowers of great effect: get some thick wooden sticks, fix the flask on a hard drive and glue colored buttons of different types and sizes one after the other, starting with the one with the largest diameter, or make greeting cards.

Christmas tree

An unusual Christmas tree can be made from simple plastic bottles. It is important to collect the necessary materials for this craft and follow the master class step by step.

This will require:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scotch;
  • Sandpaper (cardboard);
  • Scissors.


  1. The bottom and neck of the bottle should be removed, and then a straight pipe will turn out. Then you should prepare blanks from twigs. They must be of different sizes so that the Christmas tree turns out to be cone-shaped.
  2. Then plastic bottles need to be cut lengthwise into 3 parts so that subsequent tiers are less than the previous ones. On each blank, you need to make needles, and for this they are cut into thin strips, but not completely. In order for the Christmas tree to stand steadily, it is advisable to use the bottom of one of the bottles as a stand.
  3. A sheet of cardboard must be rolled up into a tube and installed in the neck of the bottle. You can secure it with tape. Now each tier of branches needs to be fixed on the tree. You can put a toy on top or come up with something else. To make the Christmas tree fluffy, the needles should be cut thinner. Usually blue or transparent bottles are used for this. That's all, our craft is ready!

Christmas balls

You can decorate your Christmas tree with handmade toys. In work, it is important to follow all the steps step by step, and then you will get wonderful products.

Christmas balls from plastic bottles

How to decorate your home for Christmas in an environmentally friendly way: recycled materials. Stars, snowflakes, trees, angels, wands, bells and hearts can always be created from recycled paper or bottles from plastic bottles. Draw the shapes on the sheet, cut and color them.

How to Decorate Your Home for Christmas Environmentally Friendly: Edible Decorations

Paper and cardboard stars and balls made from recycled balls. Here is a fun and colorful advent calendar. Not just felt, paper, plastic and buttons. Why not think of letter shaped biscuits or decorate with icing, better homemade so you can hang on a tree and also give to kids and dear friends, maybe in delicious tins.

This will require:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • Glue;
  • Rain;
  • Any shiny jewelry.


  1. The paper needs to be wrapped around the bottle: this will help mark blanks on it. It is necessary to cut 4 rings 1 cm wide. Then the rings must be fastened together according to the “crosswise” principle and secured with glue. The result should be a ball of plastic strips. You need to choose beautiful threads or rain so that the toy can be used for the Christmas tree.
  2. To decorate the resulting blanks, it is better to use foil, beads, beads, etc. A small ball can be placed inside such a ball. In this craft, you can fantasize as much as you like. For children, this will be a very interesting activity.

Snowflakes from plastic bottles

Here are cornflowers that can be hung on a tree. A cookie to give to children and dear friends, perhaps in delicious tins. The risk here is that your decorations won't be up until December 25th, but it can be a nice way to spend a nice day with the kids and friends. Who could hold on to a sweet garland of colorful cookies or candies?

This will require

A colorful candy garland to hang on your door! Cookies to look at, to pass into the red ribbon and hang on the fireplace and on the walls. From the classic cookie box to cookies of all shapes, with a small hole to hang them on cinnamon sticks. It will be a greedy and creative Christmas for everyone to enjoy!

To expand the range of crafts from plastic bottles for the New Year 2018, you can also make snowflakes from the bottoms of bottles as a Christmas tree decoration. This process will be possible for beginners in this creative business.

For work you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Acrylic paints in white, blue, gold, silver - to choose from;
  • Plastic bottles, preferably blue;
  • Paint brush;
  • Wire;
  • Pliers.


Decorations to eat and hang from tree branches. Also on the table may be curious decorations in the form of a sapling with cheese and vegetables: an unusual way to decorate a Christmas dinner. Strawberry or Santa hat? Why not imagine a tree-like dessert?

This is the right opportunity to show that you are even more sensitive to nature, which we ourselves endanger. If you want to make your next Christmas even greener, check out these articles as well. How to replace a plastic bottle with a colored pet or a white snowman? Just colored paper, paint, glue and enough. A plastic empty bottle like it was such an inconspicuous thing and so much fun to play with!

  1. We take plastic bottles and cut the bottom as low as possible to the base with a clerical knife or scissors, leaving only the corrugated part.
  2. After the bottoms are ready, we take up the painting of our future snowflakes. Depending on the desired pattern, we select the thickness of the brush, and then proceed to the artistry. As drawings, you can use various ornaments that come to your mind. This also applies to the choice of color of paints with which you will decorate your New Year's product.
  3. When your snowflake has turned into a beautifully painted masterpiece, let it dry, and use wire and pliers to make a small eye for the thread. Fasten it to the snowflake and pull the thread into this ring.

Well, our New Year's toy for Christmas tree decorations is ready, which you now have the right to be proud of. A do-it-yourself snowflake can serve as a worthy decoration not only for your home, but also for a kindergarten, if you have a small child, and also act as an exhibit at an exhibition at the school of New Year's products.

Sitting at home with Jas, we organize our own classes. And now there are ordinary plastic bottles for drinks and yogurt. Today, 2 ideas on how to use old bottles to create really interesting things. How to use a regular plastic bottle when playing with a child. Today we will show you how to make snowmen and plastic dog bottles.

To make a snowman, we need. In 2 plastic bottles, we only had white, which made it easier to work with hot glue and such ordinary school scissors with a black cardboard box and eyelets made from any material or paper paint. The bottle, if you don't have a white bottle, can be painted or lined with thin white paper, or perhaps smooth paper. When the bottle is dry, we draw a test tube and make a hat of any color, black cardboard or foam, cut out circles and insert eyes and buttons.

Penguins from plastic bottles

The original New Year's decoration of your home for the New Year 2018 can be plastic bottle penguins, which should be placed in the rooms and under the Christmas tree as a decor. Such a craft will delight all your relatives and guests, and especially children. Without spending a lot of time, you will create a real masterpiece of art with your own hands, which will cause a lot of positive emotions and sincere smiles in your household.

For work you will need:

  • Plastic bottles (one toy takes two bottles);
  • Scissors;
  • Acrylic paints - white, black, red and others;
  • brushes;
  • Small colored shreds for a scarf;
  • Buboes or bows for hats;
  • Glue.


  1. We take a bottle and cut off the upper part almost completely or in half to get the body of a penguin. The head is already made from another bottle and also from the bottom, but the workpiece should be slightly smaller.
  2. We connect both blanks, inserting the upper part, which is smaller, into the lower, which is larger.
  3. After you have built the body of the penguin, proceed to its coloring. Take acrylic paints and apply gently on a plastic product, imitating the color of a penguin, as shown in the photo. Use more bright colors, because the brighter your New Year's penguin turns out, the warmer and more fun the smiles of your family will be.
  4. When your penguin looks realistic, you can tie a small scarf around his neck, and attach a bubo or bow to the cap with glue.

Here is such a cartoon miracle you got!

Video tutorial on making penguins from plastic bottles

golden bells

Golden bells will look original on the New Year tree. Such work is carried out very quickly and is suitable for kindergarten.

This will require:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Acrylic paint, if desired, fabrics, tapes and accessories can be used instead of acrylic paint.


  1. For work, you should take bottles of 0.5 liters each, but more is possible if the tree is very large. The bottom of the bottle should be cut off. To get the bell petals, you need to cut the edge of the bottle in the form of a zigzag. Since the resulting edges will be sharp, care must be taken.
  2. The petals of our crafts need to be made pointed, and with a knife you can give them a shape. To make holes for the rope, you need to heat the knitting needle and make holes. You can do this job with scissors, but be very careful. At the end of the work, the bells should be painted, and they will dry within an hour. To give the products a New Year's look, they need to be decorated with tinsel, garlands or sparkles. The instruction is simple, and you can do the work in your sequence.

Plastic bottle candlesticks

This will require:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • Universal glue.


  1. With your own hands, you can make a wonderful candlestick for the holiday. You can use bottles of different colors. Containers must be cut in half. The edges of the part that remains with the bottom should be cut into strips, not reaching 4 cm. The strips can be of different widths. The resulting container will be a stand for a candle.
  2. Strips of plastic should be melted over the candle. Then, using a glue gun, you need to attach a candle in foil. The space near the candle can be decorated with beads or pebbles. So the candlestick will have a small weight, our craft is ready.

Video master class on making candlesticks


You can make original cones with your own hands, this craft from a plastic bottle will perfectly decorate your Christmas tree and house for the New Year 2018.

This will require:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scissors;


  1. From a plastic bottle, you need to create squares, after which their corners should be rounded. The result will be products, like chamomile. After that, you need to process the edges of the petals with a candle so that they fall down.
  2. All details must be strung on a thread in descending order. Between them you need to insert a bead. Then you need to make a sprig of spruce and fix it on the cone. The product is ready to create a festive atmosphere.

A wonderful winter holiday is approaching - New Year 2020. It's time to decorate your house for his arrival so that Santa Claus does not pass by on his magic sleigh and leaves good gifts under our Christmas tree. It is very interesting to decorate the Christmas tree and rooms with handmade toys for the holiday. The very process of their manufacture is fascinating, however, like any creativity. Such crafts can be made from the simplest materials, for example, from plastic bottles. From ordinary plastic bottles, you can make a lot of interesting and beautiful things that will successfully replace store counterparts. Our today's story is dedicated to the 7 best and original crafts made from plastic bottles for the New Year 2020, which will be held under the sign of the White Metal Rat. Let's look at them in detail in our article.

Christmas tree

An unusual Christmas tree can be made from simple plastic bottles. It is important to collect the necessary materials for this craft and follow the master class step by step.

This will require:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scotch;
  • Sandpaper (cardboard);
  • Scissors.


  1. The bottom and neck of the bottle should be removed, and then a straight pipe will turn out. Then you should prepare blanks from twigs. They must be of different sizes so that the Christmas tree turns out to be cone-shaped.
  2. Then plastic bottles need to be cut lengthwise into 3 parts so that subsequent tiers are less than the previous ones. On each blank, you need to make needles, and for this they are cut into thin strips, but not completely. In order for the Christmas tree to stand steadily, it is advisable to use the bottom of one of the bottles as a stand.
  3. A sheet of cardboard must be rolled up into a tube and installed in the neck of the bottle. You can secure it with tape. Now each tier of branches needs to be fixed on the tree. You can put a toy on top or come up with something else. To make the Christmas tree fluffy, the needles should be cut thinner. Usually blue or transparent bottles are used for this. That's all, our craft is ready!

Christmas balls

You can decorate your Christmas tree with handmade toys. In work, it is important to follow all the steps step by step, and then you will get wonderful products.

This will require:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • Glue;
  • Rain;
  • Any shiny jewelry.


  1. The paper needs to be wrapped around the bottle: this will help mark blanks on it. It is necessary to cut 4 rings 1 cm wide. Then the rings must be fastened together according to the “crosswise” principle and secured with glue. The result should be a ball of plastic strips. You need to choose beautiful threads or rain so that the toy can be used for the Christmas tree.
  2. To decorate the resulting blanks, it is better to use foil, beads, beads, etc. A small ball can be placed inside such a ball. In this craft, you can fantasize as much as you like. For children, this will be a very interesting activity.

Snowflakes from plastic bottles

To expand the range of crafts from plastic bottles for the New Year 2020, you can also make snowflakes from the bottoms of bottles as a Christmas tree decoration. This process will be possible for beginners in this creative business.

For work you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Acrylic paints of white, blue, golden, silvery colors - to choose from;
  • Plastic bottles, preferably blue;
  • Paint brush;
  • Wire;
  • Pliers.


  1. We take plastic bottles and cut the bottom as low as possible to the base with a clerical knife or scissors, leaving only the corrugated part.
  2. After the bottoms are ready, we take up the painting of our future snowflakes. Depending on the desired pattern, we select the thickness of the brush, and then proceed to the artistry. As drawings, you can use various ornaments that come to your mind. This also applies to the choice of color of paints with which you will decorate your New Year's product.
  3. When your snowflake has turned into a beautifully painted masterpiece, let it dry, and use wire and pliers to make a small eye for the thread. Fasten it to the snowflake and pull the thread into this ring.

Well, our New Year's toy for Christmas tree decorations is ready, which you now have the right to be proud of. A do-it-yourself snowflake can serve as a worthy decoration not only for your home, but also for a kindergarten, if you have a small child, and also act as an exhibit at an exhibition at the school of New Year's products.

Penguins from plastic bottles

The original New Year's decoration of your home for the New Year 2020 can be plastic bottle penguins, which should be placed in the rooms and under the Christmas tree as a decor. Such a craft will delight all your relatives and guests, and especially children. Without spending a lot of time, you will create a real masterpiece of art with your own hands, which will cause a lot of positive emotions and sincere smiles in your household.

For work you will need:

  • Plastic bottles (one toy takes two bottles);
  • Scissors;
  • Acrylic paints - white, black, red and others;
  • brushes;
  • Small colored shreds for a scarf;
  • Buboes or bows for hats;
  • Glue.


  1. We take a bottle and cut off the upper part almost completely or in half to get the body of a penguin. The head is already made from another bottle and also from the bottom, but the workpiece should be slightly smaller.
  2. We connect both blanks, inserting the upper part, which is smaller, into the lower, which is larger.
  3. After you have built the body of the penguin, proceed to its coloring. Take acrylic paints and apply gently on a plastic product, imitating the color of a penguin, as shown in the photo. Use more bright colors, because the brighter your New Year's penguin turns out, the warmer and more fun the smiles of your family will be.
  4. When your penguin looks realistic, you can tie a small scarf around his neck, and attach a bubo or bow to the cap with glue.

Here is such a cartoon miracle you got!

Video tutorial on making penguins from plastic bottles

golden bells

Golden bells will look original on the New Year tree. Such work is carried out very quickly and is suitable for kindergarten.

This will require:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Acrylic paint, if desired, fabrics, tapes and accessories can be used instead of acrylic paint.


  1. For work, you should take bottles of 0.5 liters each, but more is possible if the tree is very large. The bottom of the bottle should be cut off. To get the bell petals, you need to cut the edge of the bottle in the form of a zigzag. Since the resulting edges will be sharp, care must be taken.
  2. The petals of our crafts need to be made pointed, and with a knife you can give them a shape. To make holes for the rope, you need to heat the knitting needle and make holes. You can do this job with scissors, but be very careful. At the end of the work, the bells should be painted, and they will dry within an hour. To give the products a New Year's look, they need to be decorated with tinsel, garlands or sparkles. The instruction is simple, and you can do the work in your sequence.

Plastic bottle candlesticks

This will require:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • Universal glue.


  1. With your own hands, you can make a wonderful candlestick for the holiday. You can use bottles of different colors. Containers must be cut in half. The edges of the part that remains with the bottom should be cut into strips, not reaching 4 cm. The strips can be of different widths. The resulting container will be a stand for a candle.
  2. Strips of plastic should be melted over the candle. Then, using a glue gun, you need to attach a candle in foil. The space near the candle can be decorated with beads or pebbles. So the candlestick will have a small weight, our craft is ready.

Video master class on making candlesticks


You can make original cones with your own hands, this plastic bottle craft will perfectly decorate your Christmas tree and home for the New Year 2020.

This will require:

  • Plastic bottles;
  • Scissors;


  1. From a plastic bottle, you need to create squares, after which their corners should be rounded. The result will be products, like chamomile. After that, you need to process the edges of the petals with a candle so that they fall down.
  2. All details must be strung on a thread in descending order. Between them you need to insert a bead. Then you need to make a sprig of spruce and fix it on the cone. The product is ready to create a festive atmosphere.

In this article, we will tell you how to make do-it-yourself Christmas decorations for a street Christmas tree using available items. Everything ordinary can be turned into something beautiful and magical.
Decorations for the New Year's beauty are not made from anything: polystyrene, cardboard, cones, pieces of wood and even bottles with light bulbs are used. And every piece is unique in its own way. Look at the photo. These balls are handmade from styrofoam.

It is important to know one important detail. On New Year's Eve, the weather is not always good, it rains often. Therefore, your crafts should not have something that is washed off or soaked. When the tree is in the house, use whatever you want there.

styrofoam crafts

The material is easy to process and by itself. It will not split, break or hit anyone if it suddenly falls off a branch. Do-it-yourself Christmas toys made of polystyrene foam can be made in any form and in many ways.

Getting ready for work

We need materials and tools:

  • Styrofoam;
  • soldering iron;
  • paints;
  • sequins;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue;
  • sandpaper.

Keep in mind that you are making decorations for a street tree, so the paint glue must be resistant to water and frost.

With a knife, we will process a foam blank. The knife should have a thin, sharp blade because the cut should not be too rough. The same applies to the emery skin, choose "zero". Sandpaper will be needed for final processing: we will remove irregularities (burrs, extra tubercles) with it. With the help of paints, we will color our craft, and then lightly cover it with sparkles. We will make a hole with a needle, and send a thread from which a loop will turn out.

Choose strong threads, as a strong wind can easily rip off the decoration!

With a soldering iron, if desired, you can apply recesses in the form of patterns. Glue will be needed if you want to attach, for example, a beautiful ribbon bow to the toy.

Observe safety precautions when working with a soldering iron! When processing foam with this device, poisonous smoke will be released that can cause cancer. Keep this in mind, work in a well ventilated area. It is advisable to use a mask or respirator to protect the respiratory system.

Making beautiful balls

It is best to make Christmas decorations from foam balls with your own hands. They are very common in craft stores. This option is offered because you can’t make a ball out of ordinary foam wrappers. We will need large balls, as we will hang them on a street tree. The bigger the tree, the bigger and brighter the toy!

So, take a clean foam ball and prepare a flat foam pad. We paint it in any color with resistant indelible paint. In order not to get your hands dirty and not to smear the paint from the ball with your fingers, use two toothpicks and stick them into the ball, as shown in the photo. You can paint with a brush or spray can. We stick toothpicks with a ball into the stand and wait for it to dry.

After the ball is dry, you can paint patterns with other paint or glue something beautiful on it. You can apply patterns with the tip of a soldering iron tip, for example, in the form of snakes. Here, play out your imagination. Then take a needle with a thread in the eye and pierce the part of the ball that you think is the top.
The figure shows exactly how to pierce the toy.

Many people use paper clips as a suspension, simply sticking them into the ball, and then tying the thread. In our case, this option will not work: a strong wind will calmly tear the ball off the suspension. The simpler the design, the more reliable it is!

We tie both ends of the thread into a knot, and hide the knot itself. The finished craft will look like a store-bought plastic Christmas tree ball.

Styrofoam figurines

Styrofoam Christmas decorations can also be made flat, in the form of various figures. You will need foam boards. First, with a pen or felt-tip pen, we make a drawing on the foam. Then carefully start cutting. Rough surfaces need to be sanded with sandpaper, otherwise the craft will not look so beautiful.

For example, we want to make a beautiful snowflake. We draw it on the foam, then we begin to cut out the internal places.

Always start by cutting out the interior. This is much more convenient, and the risk of breakage of the toy is significantly reduced.

Now we start cutting out the snowflake itself from the foam sheet. It will look beautiful and without painting. It is better, of course, to paint it in silver, gold or metallic blue. A hole must be made from the upper ends so that the snowflake on the Christmas tree is turned with its front part to the viewer. If you pierce directly on the plane, then the snowflake in limbo will turn to us with an edge.

Do not limit yourself to flat figures. Cut out voluminous crafts in the form of bells, birds, Christmas trees and so on.
By the way, such Christmas toys can be made from foam balls. For example, a snowman.
You will need balls of different sizes. One is big, another is smaller, and the third is even smaller. Glue them together carefully with strong glue. You don’t need to paint such a craft, because the snowman should be white anyway. Use indelible markers to draw his mouth, eyes, nose and buttons. You can make him a little hat.

Amazing snowflake - video

From plastic bottles

There are a lot of options, both simple and complex. Plastic Christmas decorations are perfect for a street New Year's beauty. They also do not get wet, have a small mass and are easy to manufacture.

Only large bottles, 1.5 or 2 liters, will do. Toys from small bottles will be poorly visible on a street tree.

Let's make a Christmas tree toy from a plastic bottle with our own hands, which will serve as a bird feeder. We will need supplies:

  • 2 liter plastic bottle;
  • scissors and awl;
  • paints;
  • strong nylon thread;
  • tinsel, ribbons, etc.

In this option, it is a large bottle that is suitable so that the birds have room to eat in it.

We take the bottle and begin to paint it in any bright color, along with the cap. Spray painting doesn't take long. We are waiting for the paint to dry. We decorate the bottle with ribbons, for example, we knit a bow and fasten it with glue. You can also use stickers. Then we cut out a small round window (diameter 8 cm) in the wall of the bottle so that it is as close as possible to the bottom. The photo shows interesting variants of feeder bottles, where the upper parts are made in the form of a roof.

First you need to paint the bottle, wait for it to dry, and only then cut out a window for the bird. The paint should not get where the food will lie. An animal can inadvertently swallow a piece of dry paint and get poisoned.

Now unscrew the cork and punch a small hole in it. Take a thread and make a loop. It is better to make the knot large (tie several times). We put the end of the loop so that the knot rests on the bottom of the lid. A simple and useful feeder toy is ready. We hang it on the Christmas tree, pour food and admire the birds.

Flashlight bottle and delicate bells

A very simple option, familiar to everyone since childhood. Such Christmas decorations from plastic bottles are also easy to manufacture and process. We will need everything the same as for the feeder. Only now we will cut vertical stripes on the walls.

For this procedure, a sharp thin knife or scalpel is perfect. It is better not to use a razor blade, as they can easily get hurt.

We cut the strips, the gap between them should be approximately 5 mm. The length of each strip is 15-20 cm, depending on the size of the bottle. Now we need to squeeze the bottle so that all the strips bend in different directions. Let's start painting and decorating. Something bright and shiny can be put into the inner cavity of our flashlight.

A plastic bottle and disposable teaspoons will make a wonderful Santa Claus.

A white bottle will make a unique snowflake.

Green bottles will be the basis for the Christmas wreath.

A little patience and more bottles will turn into a big snowman after a while.

Do-it-yourself disco ball for a street Christmas tree - video