How to beautifully fold a pocket square in a men's suit. Men's pocket square

A pocket square has long been considered optional, but quite a stylish attribute. men's suit.

These accessories have been used since Ancient Greece. They were considered a symbol of luxury and were worn exclusively by aristocrats. Such handkerchiefs were used in order to protect the sense of smell from bad odors. And jackets and suits appeared much later.

In the 19th century, the pasha scarf entered men's fashion and became a symbol of fine taste and prosperity. In a sense, in men's fashion the use of the headscarf became a certain creative self-expression.

Why do you need a scarf

With a certain style of wearing headscarves, you can emphasize the strict style of the suit, or give it a touch of informality. Thanks to this element, you can add zest to your image and make the appearance attractive and varied. If we add pocket square different ways, this will make it possible to create several completely different images.

Such an accessory is considered exquisite, but at the same time it does not require large financial investments. If it's nice to put it in chest pocket jacket, you can give your appearance certain style and sophistication. There are many ways to attractively fold a scarf, the most popular options will be discussed below.

Which scarf to choose for a jacket

Before proceeding with the study of the main ways of folding a scarf in practice, you need to deal with some points:

  • Choose the type of accessory: chest or bow. It is not necessary to buy a tie and a scarf with the same pattern, but if these details of the suit are purchased separately, then you need to choose the patterns in such a way that they look harmonious. Some stores offer sets that consist of a pocket square and a tie.
  • The choice will depend on the event for which the outfit is intended. For a jacket for a strict official event, for example, a wedding, it is better to choose a white scarf or a model with a small pattern. It folds in a certain way to emphasize the strict style. For everyday wear, you can choose various options colors and prints, the main thing is that they are combined with the outfit.

If you don't have a pocket square, you can use a handkerchief or bandana.

How to fold a handkerchief in a jacket pocket

The method largely depends on the fabric from which the accessory is made. Silk items should be folded using smooth lines, while cotton or linen items should be folded more rigidly in a jacket pocket.

Before folding the product, it must be ironed. The only exceptions are silk options, they cannot be ironed.

How are pocket squares folded? Consider the most common options.

How to fold a scarf into a jacket at an angle

How to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket

  • The handkerchief is folded 8 times, arranged in the form of a rhombus and folded down.
  • The upper left corner needs to be slightly moved to left side. The lower corner of the product, which is under it, should be visible.
  • Right, left and bottom corner should be turned inside.
  • The accessory fits in the pocket with the corners up.

How to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket for a wedding

  • Fold the fabric in half and place it like a square or diamond.
  • The bottom of the product must be wrapped up to get a neat fold. In this way, you can make a few more folds as you wish.
  • Fold the accessory in half horizontally.
  • The resulting design is placed in the pocket with a bend upwards.

How to fold a handkerchief in a diamond pocket

How to fold a scarf for a jacket

  • The scarf should be taken by the central part, while the edges should hang freely.
  • The material is intercepted between the corners in the center, and a cloud is formed.
  • The ends are tucked in.
  • The product fits into the pocket with the center part up.

How beautiful to fold a scarf in a cloud

  • Fold the material in the shape of a triangle, the fold line should be on top.
  • Take the product by the fold and combine the edges so that the edges are aligned in the center of the scarf, and a large fold is obtained at the top.
  • The corners turn inward.
  • The accessory is placed in the pocket with folds outwards, upwards.

How to fold a cotton scarf beautifully

  • The product is folded in 4 layers so that the edges are located on the right and top.
  • Then the fabric is folded in half again, in the direction from left to right, the edges are clearly aligned.
  • The lower part of the accessory is tucked in according to the depth of the pocket.
  • The handkerchief fits into the pocket of the jacket, if necessary, unnecessary folds are straightened.

If the cotton or linen version does not hold its shape, it can be starched and then folded.

You can't do that with silk. If a folded accessory constantly sinks into a pocket, you can put a small piece of fabric underneath.

How to choose a scarf for a suit

Today, the pocket square is an accessory worn with jackets as in Everyday life, as well as in solemn occasions. It complements the style and makes the outfit more attractive, and a man with a well-chosen wardrobe looks neat and well-groomed.

How to fold a T-shirt beautifully

When choosing this part of the costume, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • the handkerchief should not completely repeat the pattern of the tie;
  • the accessory should match in color with any element of the wardrobe, for example, a shirt, tie or even buttons;
  • you can use a blowing chest and neckerchief;
  • for classic strict version the scarf should protrude exclusively by 1-4 cm, and with a free style, you can make any exceptions;
  • you can change the image, from strict to casual, simply by folding the accessory in different ways.

By following these tips to complement your look with a pocket square, you will always look fashionable, stylish and diverse.

A pocket square is such a seemingly insignificant detail, like, for example, cufflinks, but it gives your whole suit that accentuated, completed look that will not leave anyone indifferent. In the absence of a corner of white fabric from the side of the chest, your whole image loses its attractiveness. But just crumpling or carelessly putting a handkerchief in your pocket is not enough - it is important to do it right, just like, for example, tying a tie - this needs to be specially learned. We will show you how to fold a scarf into a jacket quickly and beautifully. There are several simple ways, which you will get acquainted with below - they represent an angular folding of matter - from simpler to more complex, depending on the purpose of your future business or informal meeting. And so let's move on to the question of how to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket beautifully and quickly. The schemes of how to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket are below:


The first few ways to fold a pocket square into a jacket (No. 1-3) are suitable for cotton and linen handkerchiefs - from a fabric that holds its shape.

One corner method number 1. This is the easiest classic version how to put a pocket square in a jacket. To do this, you should fold the scarf eight times, as a result you should get a small rhombus. Then fold it over to make a triangle. Wrap the lower corners of the latter exactly inward so that it passes and insert it into your pocket - only the corner of the handkerchief will be visible.

Two corners method number 2. Just as in the first case, fold the scarf eight times until a rhombus is formed with a fold at the bottom. Then move the top corner a little to the side - you get two tops. Before inserting into a pocket, tuck the sides and bottom corners - a festive party option.

Three or four corners method number 3. This method is a little more sophisticated than the previous ones, it will require some dexterity of the hands, and by the way, if you are familiar with the art of origami, then this method will seem easy to you. Just as in the two cases described above, we first make a rhombus, then a triangle. Now we form either three corners - for this we combine the ends of the scarf, or four - in addition to this, we shift one corner to the left side, after which we take the last one and wrap it - it is necessary that it peeks out slightly from other corners. The right one is to the left of the others. We fold the lower part and make the final touch - we insert the resulting “cascade of corners” into the pocket. Looks very nice.

If you have a silk scarf, then the following methods described below (No. 4-7) will suit you, since it should lie in your pocket easily, freely and beautifully shimmer. Such details of your toilet will come in handy for informal meetings.

Cloud, inverted cloud method number 4. Take a scarf, run your hand over it, pinch it in the middle so that its ends hang down, then intercept the fabric between the corner and the center, so that you end up with a cloud. Wrap the ends inward, and fold the scarf into your pocket with the center up.

Rolled cloud method number 5. Form a triangle, hold the fold line at the top, then grab it with both hands and bend the corners. You should get a crease in the middle, and the sides of the line should line up in the center. Bend the bottom of the scarf and put it in your pocket - the edge of the fold peeks out at you.

Cooper method number 6. This is one of the most free and uncomplicated methods. Take your accessory and make a depression in the center with your finger. Supporting the top of the fabric, fold the bottom ends and insert into the pocket. If desired, you can straighten the top of the protruding scarf.

Astaire method number 7. It's pretty unusual option, which can give your look a freer look. Take the scarf by the center and raise the corners to the middle. bending bottom edges and put it in your pocket. It should turn out like in the picture.

Ways to lay a scarf for business meetings

In a formal setting, your appearance should emphasize the seriousness and responsibility of the working mood. Your competitors should feel how ready you are to go towards your goal. Therefore, such a part of your accessory as a pocket square should correspond to a presentable look. Consider ways to put a handkerchief in a jacket pocket for business meetings.

Presidential method number 8. The most rigorous of all methods. Fold the scarf four times, then two times from left to right. And turn the bottom of the scarf according to the size of the depth of your pocket. As a result, a small rectangular strip of fabric is visible.

Folds method number 9. Take a scarf, wrap it four times and make folds. Fold the fabric in half and place it upside down.

Bend method number 10. From a scarf, make a rhombus and a triangle. Hold it so that the ends remain at the top, then bend the bottom corners up, overlapping the opposite ones. Then make a cone from the side parts and fold inward. Insert the handkerchief into your pocket, after bending lower part handkerchief. With such an accessory, you can not only attract attention, but also intrigue your competitors.

How to put a handkerchief in a jacket pocket video instruction

If you are looking for new ways to diversify your style and image, then the men's pocket square is perhaps one of the better ways achieve it. A pocket square will add a little detail, accentuate your personality and instantly create a more sophisticated look.

When is it appropriate to wear a pocket square?

Strange as it may seem, it is not always appropriate to wear a pocket square. There are times or events when you should not take a headscarf with you. For example, going to an interview for new job, dressing extravagant is better not worth it. For the men who are going to produce positive impression in an interview, a conservative, classic outfit is better. This is more important than trying to prove yourself a fashionista at the first meeting. For more information on how to dress for an interview, you can read the article.

However, there are situations when a men's pocket square is simply necessary as an element of style. The so-called "Black Tie" implies the presence of a pocket square.

How to choose the color of the pocket square

Pick a pocket square classic suit, shirt and tie, the task is not difficult, as it might seem at first glance. The exact match of colors and shades is not a mandatory principle. It is enough that the pocket square is approximately the tone of your general view. For example, if you are wearing a dark blue suit, white shirt and a blue tie, then under this one kind of fit pocket square from light blue to dark blue. Another example: gray suit, light pink shirt and pink tie. You can match the color of the pocket square with this look from light pink to red, and it will go well with the chosen look.

Drawing of a pocket square

If you chose a solid color tie, without any pattern, should you choose the exact same solid color pocket square? No, not necessarily.

Most people who often wear a pocket square, seeing another absolutely identical combination of tie and pocket square (very often they are sold as a set), will find this look boring. The only thing that should unite a tie and a scarf is color. And then, there are exceptions when we talk about, where any combination is possible. By the way, if your tie and pocket square have the same print, make sure that the size of the pattern is different.

Combinations of a pocket square with a suit

How to fold a pocket square

There are dozens of options for how to tie a tie, but when it comes to folding a pocket square, the number of options is reduced to two or three dozen, of which only 2-3 are the most popular. Keep in mind that you need to fold the pocket square according to the appropriate style or dress code. To learn

The breast pocket of the jacket is designed for such an accessory as a pasha scarf. It is not mandatory, but correct use will help to emphasize the style of its owner. In this article, we will look at three simple options scarf folds and tips to make your look really attractive.

presidential fold

This option is the easiest. It emphasizes the simplicity and elegance of its owner. Scheme:

  • Fold the scarf four times so that its fold line is on the left, and the overcast edges are on the right and on top.
  • Then bend it to left side completely covered the right.
  • Fold the bottom of the scarf up, but not all the way to the edge.
  • All is ready! Place the accessory carefully in your pocket and straighten if necessary. It is worth noting that for a good fixation of the handkerchief in the pocket, a small mechanical device is used that clamps its shape. It is not required, but it is very convenient.

one corner

This option is also a classic. It can be used in any environment. It is recommended to give preference to a plain scarf. Scheme:

  • As in the previous version, first fold the scarf four times. But in this case, the fold should be at the top right, and the ends should look down. Then fold the scarf diagonally to form a triangle shape.
  • Wrap the left edge to the right, and put the right edge on the left side.
  • Put the resulting handkerchief in your pocket and straighten it.

two corners

This option is more interesting, but also suitable for any image. The main thing is to choose the right color. Scheme:

  • Fold the scarf four times and fold it along the line marked in the picture. The corners may be at the same level, but in traditional version one of them should be slightly higher than the tangent of the other.
  • Fold the left side of the scarf to the right, and put the right side on the left side. Adjust the width of the handkerchief to fit in your pocket.
  • Insert the accessory into your pocket and straighten it out.

Rules for wearing a headscarf

When wearing a scarf, remember the following rules:

  1. The fabric of the tie and scarf should be different. For example, if the tie is glossy, choose a matte handkerchief. If the tie is matte, it is recommended to choose a scarf made of satin silk.
  2. If you don't know how to combine colors yet, start small. White variant(in combination with a white shirt) - great way put on a casual outfit presentable appearance. Pasha will not focus on himself, but the image in the complex will be perceived in a completely different way.
  3. Remember that the color of the scarf should match the tone of the tie or be in contrast to it. If you are not wearing a tie, it is acceptable to use different patterns, but then the scarf should match the shirt or suit.
  4. The handkerchief should not protrude much above the pocket. Some men prefer to show it by just a few millimeters. Pasha should not protrude more than 3-4 centimeters above the pocket. There are no such rigid frames in free images.

The choice of a pasha scarf

Features of the selection of a scarf:

  1. The optimal size of the scarf is 45x45 centimeters. Scarves that are too small will gradually fall into the pocket. In addition, they may simply not develop properly.
  2. Remember that high-quality scarves are made from natural fabrics (silk, cotton, wool, linen). There are many synthetic models on the market, but it is recommended to give preference natural materials. They will look more solid and last longer.
  3. When buying a scarf, be sure to check the fabric for strength. To do this, fold it different ways repeatedly. Make sure there are no snags on the scarf and that the seams are even. It is worth noting that, ideally, the pasha should be hemmed manually and have slightly rounded edges. But modern technology allows you to use a typewriter for this, so it is often difficult to distinguish hand seam from machine.

The pasche addition schemes shown are very simple. You can use them both for a formal look and in an arbitrary setting. It all depends on the color and texture of the fabric. To diversify your image, alternate between different addition options. A handkerchief in your pocket is a faithful assistant modern man with excellent taste.

Modern stylish man you need not only to be able to wear a suit, but also to place accents correctly using accessories. They allow him to express his individuality, to isolate own image, make it brighter and more chic.

One of these accessories is a pasha scarf, because it was for him that the breast pocket of a jacket was invented.


Translated from French"pochette" means "to carry in your pocket".

A handkerchief in the top pocket of the jacket completes the look, makes it more personal, but it is not a must-have accessory. Often such an accessory is preferred to wear creative people, adherents of their own style. This element of the image has only a decorative function, that is, it is an ornament. It cannot be used for its intended purpose. If you need to wipe away a tear or wipe your nose, use a cotton handkerchief, which is usually stored in the back pocket of your trousers.

Why do you need a handkerchief in your jacket pocket

Scarves appeared many years before the creation of the costume. It is believed that they were invented English king Richard II. Although it is known for certain that they were already in China in the 2nd century. Previously, their presence emphasized social status men. Initially, the scarf was used purely for hygienic purposes, to protect against unpleasant odors. It was also used by snuff lovers. Over time, pasha has become a stylish attribute that can emphasize the character of its owner.. IN modern world in the 30s of the twentieth century, the pasha scarf was first presented on itself Hollywood stars Fred Astaire and Cary Grant, thus setting a new vector for the development of fashion for this stylish attribute.

How to choose a scarf for a jacket

A pasha scarf should be combined with the general image of a man. First you need to decide on a suit, shirt and tie, only after that pick up a scarf. It is worth checking carefully how the edges of this accessory are processed. Frayed edges can ruin the whole look.


For designer products, the edges are always hemmed by hand.

You should not choose pasha from the same material as the tie and the same fabric. In combination with satin tie it’s better to choose a matte scarf; with a matte tie, a pasha scarf from satin fabric. The most common handkerchiefs are made of cotton and silk. However, there are also suede, linen, wool pasha, as well as products made of polyester, gabardine and many others. It is allowed to use pasha and without a tie.

A properly selected pasha is able to refresh any men's suit and add sophistication to the image.

Choosing the right size

They mainly produce pasha scarves square shape. The most common are 30x30, 35x35 and 45x45 cm. But there are others. The size is chosen depending on the type of stowage in the pocket of the jacket and the size of this pocket.

How to choose the right color

The scarf can be in one color scheme with a shirt or suit, but not tone on tone . It is acceptable to match the color of the pache with the elements of the print on the tie. You can choose handkerchiefs with a pattern, it is allowed to use different patterns for a suit, pasha and tie.

Pashas with intricate patterns are suitable for wearing with sports jackets or blazers, while only plain accessories are combined with formal suits. White cotton handkerchief - a win-win for any classic look.

How to put a handkerchief in a jacket pocket

When placing a handkerchief in a pocket, you need to make sure that it does not bulge or sag, it should look natural . In a classic formal look, the handkerchief does not protrude more than 4 cm from the pocket. Some representatives of the stronger sex generally prefer to stick out its edge by a couple of millimeters. When using pasha in an informal way, any options are possible.

How to beautifully fold a scarf into a jacket pocket: 8 proven ways

There are many folding techniques. They began to appear at the beginning of the 20th century. It is worth noting that it is better to fold accessories made of cotton or linen in simple shapes, and silk paches can take on various intricate shapes.


You should not make obvious folds on silk products, the lines should be soft.

Before folding cotton or linen handkerchiefs, they must be ironed. Silk accessories cannot be ironed. Consider some options on how to beautifully fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket.

This styling method is good for complementing informal and free looks. It is possible to use pasha from fabrics of various textures and colors. It is appropriate to use bright patterns.

To get three corners, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Fold into a triangle, forming a fold at the bottom. The edges (top corners) should not be aligned, i.e. there should be a distance between the tops of the corners.
  2. Then the lower left corner is bent up, forming a third.
  3. We put the handkerchief in the pocket of the jacket with the corners up.

Ready! Let's move on to other options.

How to fold a handkerchief to make a polygon

The polygon is obtained as follows:

  1. Fold into a triangle, forming a fold at the bottom. Please note that the top corners should not be aligned. We get two corners.
  2. The lower left corner is folded up, forming the third corner.
  3. The lower right corner is similarly bent upwards, forming the fourth corner.
  4. The resulting right and left corners are bent to the middle, combining with each other.
  5. The lower sharp corner is bent up, but does not go beyond the pocket.
  6. We unfold the scarf and place it in the breast pocket of the jacket, that is, the corner that was bent last looks inward.

Thus we have four sharp corners that look up.

How to fold a puff handkerchief

Also known as "cloud". This is an informal folding technique, due to the lack of clear lines. It is not used for official events, it is more suitable for celebrations and bohemian parties.

  1. With your fingertips, you need to take hold of the center of the matter so that the edges hang freely.
  2. With the other hand, pinch it in the middle and form a cloud.
  3. We turn the edges inward.

A handkerchief in this style is placed in the breast pocket with a cloud up, corners down.

How to make beautiful free corners

The same applies to free techniques. The principle of addition is the same as in the puff style, only with the free ends up. This style will be appropriate for informal events and walks.


For this technique, light silk fabrics are best suited.

Place your fingertips on the center of the handkerchief so that the edges hang freely. With the other hand, pinch it in the middle and form a cloud. Fits into a pocket with free corners up.

How to put a handkerchief in a jacket pocket to make a winged puff

The method is good for tuxedos and suits, but rarely used, which is why it does not cease to be stylish.


This method is only suitable for silk fabrics.

Winged puff is obtained as follows:

  1. It folds into a triangle, forming a fold at the top, and an angle at the bottom.
  2. The upper left corner is folded down, then the upper right corner is also folded down.
  3. The newly formed corners are bent towards the center (to the crease).

Pasha in this style fits into a pocket with a fold outward.

How to make one corner of a handkerchief in the breast pocket of a jacket

Suitable for business meetings and holiday events. An accessory folded in this way is part of a costume for official receptions . For him, it would be more appropriate to choose a solid color.

  1. Fold into a triangle, forming a fold at the bottom.
  2. The lower left corner folds to the right.
  3. The lower right corner folds to the left.

A scarf is inserted into the pocket with an angle upwards.

How to fold a presidential fold handkerchief

This fold method is preferred for classic suits.

  1. Roll up in 4 layers the fold is on the left side, and the free edges are on top.
  2. The bottom is bent up, but does not reach the top edge.

The scarf is inserted into the pocket and straightened out in width. Linen items look great.

How to fold a handkerchief into two corners for the breast pocket of a jacket

Suitable for both everyday wear and formal wear. Two corners look very neat and elegant.