The correct name for the handkerchief in the top pocket of the jacket. How to fold a pocket square

Men who prefer business style in clothes, they know about his exactingness to details. While creating classic look every little thing counts. Say, how to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket to look elegant and stylish? This article offers original and at the same time simple solutions.

About choosing a scarf

How to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket? To begin with, it is worth figuring out how to choose the right one elegant accessory so that it becomes the highlight of the image. It is desirable to purchase a pasha (the so-called decorative scarf) last, having already decided on the fabric of the shirt, suit and tie.

An important point - pasha and tie should not be made of the same fabric, otherwise male image will seem unnecessarily strict and old-fashioned. Also, they should differ in texture. The product will often have to be wrinkled and folded, so the type of edge processing and the quality of the material play a big role.

Elegant combinations

How to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket? The impression that a man's outfit will make depends not only on the way the pasha is folded, but also on its compatibility with a tie. An interesting solution will become a tandem of a cotton accessory and a silk tie that looks incredibly elegant. A silk pasha looks great in alliance with jacquard and wool products.

If a man opts for a blazer and sports jacket, he should opt for a cozy cashmere accessory. From tie to this case it is better to refuse altogether, as in choosing a pasha with colorful ornaments, otherwise there is a danger of overloading the image.

How to fold a handkerchief in a jacket pocket: method number 1

The first method is called the "Presidential fold", which serves as a kind of hint at the cases in which it is appropriate. A business meeting, solemn event- Situations in which this method is relevant. When choosing an accessory, preference should be given to linen or silk products. Of course, monophonic material is most preferable.

How to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket using the "Presidential fold" method? The canvas is folded four times, then laid so that the free ends are located at the top right, and the fold is on the left. The left edge is neatly superimposed on the right. Bottom part the fabric is folded under the top, while about two centimeters remain to the top edge.

The folded accessory is placed in a pocket, neatly straightened in width.

Method #2

How beautiful to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket? Method number two is famous for its versatility, it can be used during informal and formal meetings. Best of all, the one-corner technique is suitable for products of a single color, but experiments with accessories decorated with bright prints are not forbidden. The folding algorithm is given below.

  • The accessory is folded four times, the fold point is at the top right. The product is bent in half corner to corner.
  • The left edge of the fabric is carefully wrapped to the right, then this manipulation is repeated on the other side.
  • Pasha turns over, placed in a niche.

Method #3

How to fold a handkerchief in a jacket pocket in order to look elegant and strict? Method number three is called Two Corners. It is believed that this method is most relevant for official events. If a man wants to make pasha the highlight of the image, he can give preference to a product with bright prints.

How to make two corners of the accessory protrude from the pocket? To do this, follow the instructions below.

  • Pasha folds four times.
  • The fabric is folded in half top edges while slightly shifting, but remain at the same level.
  • The right and left lower parts are bent, as a result, the width is equal to the niche of the jacket.
  • The lower edge of the product is bent by about a third of the entire length.

The structure is turned over front side fits neatly into a breast pocket.

Method #4

How to fold a handkerchief into the breast pocket of a jacket? Method number four is not suitable for formal occasions. It is relevant if a man wants to complement an informal outfit with the help of pasha. For this method, both bright products with prints and discreet plain scarves are suitable.

The first two points described in method No. 3 are exactly the same. Further, the side parts of the product are bent inward, and their ends should be equal to the middle. Pasha is turned over, placed in a breast pocket. Stylish look for friendly party can be considered completed.

Method #5

Method number five is the original name "Cloud". It needs to be addressed close attention representatives of the stronger sex who want to create an original and stylish look. Of course, this method categorically not suitable if a man is going to official event with a strict dress code.

Should start with right choice products. The ideal solution will become a handkerchief made of air and light fabric, for example, silk. The folding algorithm is simple. The fabric is clamped by hand in the middle, a lush cloud is created on top. The cloud remains on top, and the free ends of the product are inside the pocket.

many angles

The above describes how to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket. The photos given in the article will help to cope with this task. Of course, far from all existing methods have been considered. Why not consider another option?

  • Pasha unfolds in a rhombus, then folds in half from bottom to top. The bottom corner of the fabric is slightly shifted to the right.
  • The left corner of the product is bent to the right, as a result of which it is located below the first two. Top right corner.
  • The canvas is tucked left and right, resulting in a cone.
  • The bottom edge is slightly folded, while you need to focus on the depth of the jacket pocket.
  • The handkerchief fits neatly into your pocket.

The method described above attracts the representatives of the stronger sex with its versatility. If you use a bright pasha scarf, you can go to fun party. Solid colors are great for formal occasions.

A pocket square is not a must-have accessory for a man, but I have 7 reasons that will convince you not to leave this piece of clothing and distinguish you from your colleagues and emphasize your elegance. You will not have any difficulties if you want to know how to fold pocket square. I bring to your attention 5 of the most popular options.

Reasons to wear a pocket square

  1. A pocket square adds variety in color and makes your look more lively.
  2. A pocket square is a great addition to your tie.
  3. A pocket square instantly adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to your look.
  4. Using a pocket square allows you to both maintain the dress code and emphasize the informal look of your outfit.
  5. Perhaps this is the best "exquisite" accessory that will not hit your pocket hard.
  6. Folding the same pocket square different ways will allow you to wear the same suit, while having different image every day.
  7. After all, the pocket square is the detail that will allow you to create a personal style that is unique to you.

By the way, if you have not yet purchased a pocket square for yourself or as a gift, go to our Bowandtie Shop Gallery online store at. We always have men's scarves in stock and at affordable prices.

Method number 1 - classic, simple and elegant.

This method of folding a handkerchief is called “Presidential”. He is one of the most simple ways folding a scarf. This method is best suited for formal meetings and is used under a classic black tie. Usually a classic pocket square is made of silk or linen.

Method number 1 "Presidential"


  1. Place the pocket square on any surface, flat side facing you.
  2. Fold the scarf straight in half.
  3. tuck bottom corner handkerchief, leaving a small space at the top (about 2-3 cm), depending on the depth of your pocket.
  4. Place a pocket square in your jacket pocket and flatten the fabric to avoid wrinkles. Attention! The handkerchief should not hang out of the pocket, folding in half.

Method number 2 - "With one corner"

Another popular way to fold a pocket square is “One Corner”. It fits any type of dress code. I recommend using a colored scarf, not a white one.

Method number 2 “With one corner”


  1. Fold the scarf in half.
  2. Finally, place the pocket square in your jacket pocket.

Method #3 – Interesting & Difficult

If you want to stand out a little or give an informal look to your image, I recommend this method of folding a pocket square. Sometimes referred to as "Two corners on top" It goes well with any plaid scarf. In addition, you can use not only silk, but also scarves from other fabrics. Personally, I choose scarves with patterns or monograms. It looks both very unusual and at the same time suitable for a formal dress code.

Method number 3 “Two corners from above”


  1. Lay the pocket square on a flat and clean surface, angled towards you.
  2. Fold the left edge over the center a little.
  3. The same on the opposite side.
  4. Finally, place the pocket square in your jacket pocket, gently smoothing the top edges.

Method number 4 - "Crown"

This type of pocket square fold is sometimes referred to as a "three corner up" or "crown" fold. Ideal for patterned and colored pocket squares. Although this the way is fine better to formal wear, I think that paired with a blazer or cardigan, your look will be no less sophisticated.

Method number 4 “Crown”


  1. Lay the pocket square on a flat and clean surface, angled towards you.
  2. Take the bottom corner and pull it to the top, laying it so that you get two corners or "mountains".
  3. Take the left edge and pull it up, so that you have three corners or "mountains".
  4. The remaining right corner must be folded exactly at 90 degrees and with an effort to prevent the scarf from turning back.
  5. Place the pocket square in your jacket pocket.

Method number 5 - "Doughnut" or informal way

This way of folding a pocket square is sometimes referred to as "dumpling". It's perfect for a more casual outfit

Friends, it's time to show off. Guess what that means? You need a pocket square on your chest. We will help you sew a handkerchief with your own hands and show you how to fold it beautifully.

There is nothing hotter than a man in a suit, and especially a man in a suit with accessories. self made. Of course, the store shelves are full of different pocket squares, but why be lazy when you can show your personality by getting your hands a little dirty, but making your own pocket square? Even if you have not taken a course in cutting and sewing, you can easily master this lesson. It's simple. We will help you fold origami small pieces of fabric to turn them into perfect pocket squares. Don't forget your thimble and let's get started.


  • fabric (silk or cotton).



  1. Cut out a square from the fabric. In general, the sizes of pocket squares range from 25x25 cm to 43x43 cm. We recommend taking a larger size, that is, 43x43 cm.
  2. Create a fold by folding one side 0.5 cm and ironing immediately. Then fold that side over again and iron to avoid wrinkled edges. Repeat this action on all four sides of your scarf.
  3. Sew the edges of the scarf on the sewing machine.
  4. Roll up your handkerchief and put it in your pocket. Looks good!

Sew it on!

Try to cut out a perfect square. You may need extra fabric if it doesn't work the first time. We cut squares 43x43 cm, but any size from 25 to 43 cm will do.

To make a hem, fold the edge of the square and press it with an iron. Then fold it a second time and iron it again. Repeat this step for all four sides of the square.

Place the fabric under the needle sewing machine, lower the presser foot and start sewing by depressing the foot controller quickly, then switching the machine to the back stitch. Then continue stitching over the area of ​​the square. When you reach the corner, leave the needle in the fabric, raise the presser foot and turn it 90 degrees. Lower the presser foot and continue sewing. Trim the ends of the threads carefully.

It's time to lay down those "bad guys"!

The presidential fold seems to tell us: “I am a player. I know what I look like bad guy but feel free to stare at me, I don't mind."

Fold the scarf vertically once. Match top and bottom to create a smaller square. Place the handkerchief in your pocket as you did before. Ready.

two corners

This option is suitable for stylish guys who like to add details to the image. The handkerchief, folded 2 times, sticks out a little, as if it wants to say “Hi” to us.

Fold the square vertically once. Connect the top and bottom by making a smaller square. Rotate it 45 degrees to make a diamond. Bend the bottom corner, slightly shifting it to the side. Connect the right and left corner and turn your scarf from the inside to the front side. Ready.

rolled up cloud

If you're feeling the urge to change your style and ditch the classics for sass and cheekiness, this is the way to roll your scarf.

Fold the square vertically, join the top and bottom to create a square. Rotate the square 45 degrees so that the diamond is in front of you. Then connect the top corner to the bottom.

Fold the corners down so that different sides the fold lines aligned in the middle, and formed a large fold at the top center. Then fold the corners inward. Ready.

So many ways to fold a pocket square, but so few reasons to wear a suit. Maybe it's time for Fancy Fridays?

Put on a costume to surprise everyone with your pocket square! As you can see, sewing a handkerchief with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems.

A pocket square has long been considered an optional, but rather stylish attribute of a men's suit.

These accessories have been used since Ancient Greece. They were considered a symbol of luxury and were worn exclusively by aristocrats. Such handkerchiefs were used in order to protect the sense of smell from bad odors. And jackets and suits appeared much later.

In the 19th century, the pasha scarf entered men's fashion and became a symbol of fine taste and prosperity. In a sense, in men's fashion the use of the headscarf became a certain creative self-expression.

Why do you need a scarf

With a certain style of wearing headscarves, you can emphasize the strict style of the suit, or give it a touch of informality. Thanks to this element, you can add zest to your image and make the appearance attractive and varied. If you fold the pocket square different ways, this will make it possible to create several completely different images.

Such an accessory is considered exquisite, but at the same time it does not require large financial investments. If you beautifully put it in the breast pocket of your jacket, you can give it to your appearance certain style and sophistication. There are many ways to attractively fold a scarf, the most popular options will be discussed below.

Which scarf to choose for a jacket

Before proceeding with the study of the main ways of folding a scarf in practice, you need to deal with some points:

  • Choose the type of accessory: chest or bow. It is not necessary to buy a tie and a scarf with the same pattern, but if these details of the suit are purchased separately, then you need to choose the patterns in such a way that they look harmonious. Some stores offer sets that consist of a pocket square and a tie.
  • The choice will depend on the event for which the outfit is intended. For a jacket for a strict official event, for example, a wedding, it is better to choose a white scarf or a model with a small pattern. It folds in a certain way to emphasize the strict style. For everyday wear, you can choose various options colors and prints, the main thing is that they are combined with the outfit.

If you don't have a pocket square, you can use a handkerchief or bandana.

How to fold a handkerchief in a jacket pocket

The method largely depends on the fabric from which the accessory is made. Silk items should be folded using smooth lines, while cotton or linen items should be folded more rigidly in a jacket pocket.

Before folding the product, it must be ironed. The only exceptions are silk options, they cannot be ironed.

How are pocket squares folded? Consider the most common options.

How to fold a scarf into a jacket at an angle

How to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket

  • The handkerchief is folded 8 times, arranged in the form of a rhombus and folded down.
  • The upper left corner needs to be slightly moved to left side. The lower corner of the product, which is under it, should be visible.
  • The right, left and bottom corner should be wrapped inward.
  • The accessory fits in the pocket with the corners up.

How to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket for a wedding

  • Fold the fabric in half and place it like a square or diamond.
  • The bottom of the product must be wrapped up to get a neat fold. In this way, you can make a few more folds as you wish.
  • Fold the accessory in half horizontally.
  • The resulting design is placed in the pocket with a bend upwards.

How to fold a handkerchief in a diamond pocket

How to fold a scarf for a jacket

  • The scarf should be taken by the central part, while the edges should hang freely.
  • The material is intercepted between the corners in the center, and a cloud is formed.
  • The ends are tucked in.
  • The product fits into the pocket with the center part up.

How beautiful to fold a scarf in a cloud

  • Fold the material in the shape of a triangle, the fold line should be on top.
  • Take the product by the fold and combine the edges so that the edges are aligned in the center of the scarf, and a large fold is obtained at the top.
  • The corners turn inward.
  • The accessory is placed in the pocket with folds outwards, upwards.

How to fold a cotton scarf beautifully

  • The product is folded in 4 layers so that the edges are located on the right and top.
  • Then the fabric is folded in half again, in the direction from left to right, the edges are clearly aligned.
  • The lower part of the accessory is tucked in according to the depth of the pocket.
  • The handkerchief fits into the pocket of the jacket, if necessary, unnecessary folds are straightened.

If the cotton or linen version does not hold its shape, it can be starched and then folded.

You can't do that with silk. If a folded accessory constantly sinks into a pocket, you can put a small piece of fabric underneath.

How to choose a scarf for a suit

Today, the pocket square is an accessory worn with jackets as in Everyday life, as well as in solemn occasions. It complements the style and makes the outfit more attractive, and a man with a well-chosen wardrobe looks neat and well-groomed.

How to fold a T-shirt beautifully

When choosing this part of the costume, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • the handkerchief should not completely repeat the pattern of the tie;
  • the accessory should match in color with any element of the wardrobe, for example, a shirt, tie or even buttons;
  • you can use a blowing chest and neckerchief;
  • for classic strict version the scarf should protrude exclusively by 1-4 cm, and with a free style, you can make any exceptions;
  • you can change the image, from strict to casual, simply by folding the accessory in different ways.

By following these tips to complement your look with a pocket square, you will always look fashionable, stylish and diverse.

A handkerchief in a man's jacket pocket is considered an elegant and fashionable addition. Properly selected and skillfully laid accessory will be an effective completion of the created image. Any man can afford to look stylish. To do this, it is enough to have a few items in your wardrobe. basic clothing and a small set of men's accessories that go well with each other.

A pasha scarf (the so-called chest accessory) is just the very accent that helps to make the costume complete and the image elegant. How to fold a handkerchief into a jacket pocket , it is not difficult, it is enough to master the simple techniques of folding and laying it. And also you need to know a few subtleties on wearing pocket squares.

How to choose a scarf

First of all, you need to know that the accessory is not lost in your pocket, you should choose a copy by size. If the scarf is made of silk or chiffon, then its range should be at least 35x35 cm - 45x45 cm. For cotton, linen and cambric fabrics, the size may be slightly smaller.

The main fabrics for breast attributes are: silk, cambric, chiffon, linen and cotton. In the cold season, it is recommended to choose a scarf with the addition of a woolen thread to a tweed jacket. You should not look for combinations of fabrics for a tie and a chest accessory: they can be exactly the same in composition. The combination of a silk tie and a linen piece of fabric also has a right to exist.

The most optimal and universal option considered a white linen accessory. It is he who is suitable for all occasions, whether it is any celebration or just a walk in the park.

On scarf accessories made of synthetic fabrics, you should not hold your attention. After all, a chest element in a jacket pocket is not the kind of wardrobe item that is worth saving on.

Colors and patterns

An accessory such as a pocket square is not considered an official wardrobe item. Therefore, its colors and patterns are chosen for their intended purpose. For example, an accessory with a solid color or with a small pattern is ideal for an office employee.

For a light and free style, brighter and non-standard colors and patterns are used.

Avoid monochrome with a suit

In the selection of accessories for a suit, the color combination of the shirt, tie and jacket is initially taken into account. The chest accessory does not take any part in this. It comes as a completely independent unit of the costume, but the following points must be taken into account:

The pattern on the scarf accessory should be in harmony with the ornament of the tie or shirt.

Color garter fabric is chosen so that it echoes the color of the main outfit, which gives the image a harmony of taste. Incorrectly selected fabric colors will look ugly and indicate a lack of style and taste.

And yet, a scarf in a jacket can act as an independent element, but you need to make sure that it harmonizes with wardrobe items, and does not conflict with them.

It is easiest to combine plain shawl accessories with the main elements of clothing.

Try to avoid ready-made store-bought handkerchief-tie sets. This combination of accessories is considered primitive and tasteless.

But, if you add a little ingenuity and imagination, you get a real refined and inimitable image.

How to fold a pocket square

After you have chosen the right accessory, you need to put it beautifully in your jacket pocket. There are many ways and techniques for folding a chest accessory into a pocket. Here are some simple but very popular options for adding a fabric element:

Option 1. Classics of the genre

The method is quite common and popular among lovers of chest accessories. In another way, it is also called "presidential". Folding the fabric is simple, does not require special skills, it fits both a tailcoat with a butterfly and a blazer with a neckerchief.


  • Lay out the scarf accessory on the table.
  • Fold it in half.
  • Then horizontally.
  • Place it in your pocket so that only a thin strip of fabric remains visible.

Option 2. Folded in half


  • Fold the scarf in half twice to make a square.
  • Fold diagonally so that one of the corners is slightly shifted to the side.
  • Turn the left third of the folded accessory to the right side.
  • Then, the right third must be bent to the left.
  • Place the accessory neatly in your jacket pocket.

Option 3. Winged

It will be a little more difficult to fold the scarf this way, but if you follow step by step instructions, its design can be handled easily.


  • Fold a square piece of fabric diagonally to form a triangle.
  • Bend the corners of the triangle to its top.
  • Should be a rhombus.
  • Bend the three ends of the rhombus to the center.
  • Adjust the bottom of the resulting structure in height.
  • Place the resulting design in your breast pocket.

Option 4. Eccentric


  • Take the straightened piece of fabric by the middle, so that the ends of the fabric hang down freely.
  • Pass the handkerchief through your hand, and in the middle make a half turn.
  • Fold the fabric twice, starting at the end without edges.
  • Place the finished design in a jacket pocket.

Video: Three ways to place a handkerchief in a jacket pocket: folded in half; wing-shaped; eccentric.

Beautiful styling of a pocket square

A beautifully laid pocket square in a jacket pocket, gives an eccentric and gorgeous view to the whole image. A scarf laid in an extraordinary way will tell about its owner about his skill and sophistication in style, which usually delights those around him.

Factory-sewn handkerchief accessories do not have the beauty and appeal that can be created by folding a handkerchief with your own hands.

By the way, a scarf accessory is worn not only in a jacket pocket, it can be successfully decorated with a vest if it is worn without a jacket:

And even a coat:

A scarf accessory is a completely independent element in clothing, so it is not necessary to wear it in tandem with a tie.

A few more ways to wear a chest accessory:

One for beauty, one for cleanliness

It's no secret that the handkerchief in your pocket plays important role in the created image. And if an unforeseen situation arises, in the form of soiled hands or suddenly appearing snot, the chest accessory should not be used in the form life buoy. For such unforeseen situations, it is necessary to carry cotton handkerchiefs in your pants pocket.

And even if you had to use a chest accessory, then you should not put it back in your jacket pocket. Otherwise, the image will be hopelessly spoiled and you can easily pass for an untidy and slovenly person among those around you.

During the day, the chest accessory must be monitored so that it does not fluff or break out of the pocket. The intended accessory for creating the image should be perfectly folded and untouchably clean.

Styling a pocket square

At a wedding or other significant celebration, you can quite often meet men with a chest pocket accessory in combination with a boutonniere.

Modern gentlemen, although rare, are also found in everyday bustle, with beautiful additions like a pocket square and boutonniere.

Well-chosen images