How to make a hat from a scarf. Ideal for those who don't like hats! Super fashionable DIY headdress. Features of a scarf fabric hat

In the closet of each of us there are, if not a couple of skeletons, then certainly a certain amount of clothes that you will never wear and would be a pity to throw away. Oddly enough, the top spot in the ranking of unnecessary/unfashionable/moth-eaten items is occupied by sweaters. If you have found such a character on the mezzanine or in the depths of your wardrobe, but for sentimental reasons you cannot throw it in the trash can, give the item a second chance. Turn an old sweater into a cute, fashionable hat.

Current beanie hat, made with your own hands, can become your favorite accessory this spring. Or a cute gift for girlfriends on March 8th. If you have enough sweaters and an hour of free time. By the way, the ability to hold a needle and thread in your hands is not required in this case. And here, what will you need, so this:

1.An old sweater (preferably with an elastic band at the bottom);
2. Glue gun;
3. Measuring tape or tape measure;
4. Scarf for visual measurement (although a “centimeter” can be used for the same purpose);
5. Sharp scissors;
6.Marker or chalk.

1. Tie a scarf around your head, fix it so that it is comfortable: not tight, but not too loose.

2. Remove the scarf without untying it and apply it to the elastic band/edge of the sweater. The length of the scarf from edge to knot will be the width of your hat.

3. Attach a measuring tape to the middle of the scarf and measure the height of the future hat. Rely on your taste or take measurements from your favorite hat of a similar design. The average height of beanie hats is in the range of 24-29 cm.

4. Draw the shape of the future accessory. Don’t be afraid to stain the fabric with a marker - as a result, the measurements will not be visible at all.

5. Now – cut. The main thing is to grab both layers of fabric at the same time. Therefore, the scissors must be really well sharpened.

6. After the two halves are ready, take a glue gun and connect them, gluing along the very edge, as shown in the photo. Don't forget to leave the bottom unsealed, otherwise you won't be able to put on the hat.

7.After the hat has already begun to resemble a hat, it’s time to take the scissors again and trim the top a little. This step is necessary so that the beanie fits better and does not resemble the “cockerel” familiar to many from the days of happy childhood.

8. Fold the hat as in the photo below and glue the edges of the resulting “figure eight”.

A knitted hat and scarf will not only warm you up on an autumn evening, but will also perfectly complement clothes in a modern urban style. A knitted hat and scarf are suitable for both women and men. Our master class will tell you how to create a knitted hat pattern for any size.

Knitted hat and scarf: preparing for work

How to sew a knitted hat and scarf with your own hands? Medium weight knitwear is best. You can also sew such a set from warm and soft fleece.

The amount of material may vary slightly depending on how stretched it is. We recommend that you first create a hat pattern and decide on the size of the scarf, and then calculate the material consumption. For the pattern, you will need to take head circumference measurements. The length of a hat for adults is usually taken based on the following values: from 30 cm (for a hat sitting close to the top of the head) to 55 cm (for a hat with the back hanging down).

If you plan to turn up the edge of the hat, add at least 5 cm to the lapel. The knitted hat and scarf that we propose to sew consist of two layers. This hat can be worn on either side, you can also turn up the edge and make a wide or narrow lapel. In addition to the dart seams on the top of the head, the hat has one seam at the back, which makes it not only very comfortable, but also easy to sew.

The scarf also has two sides. However, in this case, fewer seams only make the work easier, so to save material or to achieve an interesting combination, the second side can be sewn from a different material. We suggest fastening the scarf with a large, beautiful button. The hanging loop is sewn from the main material, but it can be made from cord or suede. If you are sewing a fleece scarf, you can make a welt loop.

To work with knitwear, use a special needle and a suitable machine stitch or overlocker.

So, let's sew a knitted hat and scarf with your own hands!

Constructing a pattern

Take a head circumference measurement and decide on the length of the hat.

Divide the head circumference measurement by 4. Depending on the stretchability of the material, reduce this number by 0.5-1 cm. For a hat made of fleece or knitwear with a small stretch coefficient, reduce the head circumference measurement by 0.5-1 cm, and then divide by 4 .

Draw a rectangle whose width is equal to ¼ of the girth (minus the required values), and the height is equal to the length of the hat (taking into account an increase of 5 cm for the lapel, if desired). From the top of the rectangle, set aside ¼ of the total length. On one side, step back 1.5-2 cm from the corner and draw a dart line. On the other side, round the corner as shown in the diagram.

You have got ¼ part of the dart, reflect it, as shown in the diagram and you will get half of the pattern for the hat in one layer. For a single-layer hat, only the vertical fold line will be relevant; for a two-layer hat, both are needed.


Fold the material in half and in half again so that the fold lines coincide with those outlined on the pattern. Allowances for the side and top seams, as well as for darts - 1 cm. Cut out one common part for the hat.


For the scarf, cut out a rectangle of the desired length (in our case 70 cm) and double width (here 40 cm) plus 2 cm for allowances. For the loop, cut out a strip 5-6 cm long and 2.5-3 cm wide.


Sew the darts by folding the hat piece with right sides facing each other. At the end of the stitch, slightly round the line. Cut the seam allowance almost to the seam and press the seam allowance to the sides.

Fold the hat in half, right sides facing each other. Sew with one seam, leaving an opening of about 5 cm.

Pin the loop to the right side of the short edge of the scarf as shown in the photo. Check that the button fits into the buttonhole.

Fold the scarf along the long side, right sides facing each other. Sew with one seam, leaving an opening of about 5 cm.

Sew the opening by hand using a blind stitch. Try on the scarf and find the right place for the button.

A hat and stole made from a Pavlovo Posad shawl will be a bright addition to your look or a pleasant, warm and stylish gift for your loved ones.

You will need:

  • hat pattern
  • 2 pieces of Pavlovo Posad shawl
  • knitted dublin
  • matching threads
  • scissors
  • sewing machine
  • iron.

A cap


The pattern is given without seam allowances.

Step 1

Before starting work, we glue our scarf on the wrong side with thin knitted dublin. This is done in order to slightly stabilize the fabric of the scarf and increase the service life of the product.

Step 2

We lay out the pre-duplicated scarf on the table and select the part of the design that we would like to see on the hat. We will cut along the front side. Using self-disappearing chalk, mark a stripe on the fabric at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the grain thread.

Step 3

Place the pattern on the fabric, aligning the middle of the pattern with the marked bias guide.

Step 4

Cut out the first piece of the hat. In the opposite corner of the scarf we also mark an oblique guide line.

Step 5

We align the middle of the first part of the hat with the guide, trying to match the pattern as accurately as possible.

Step 6

We pin the first part with a flap around the perimeter and cut out the second part.

Step 7

Cut out the lining pieces from fleece.

Step 8

We sew the darts.

Step 9

We connect the parts of the hat and the lining (don’t forget to leave a hole in the lining for turning inside out).

Step 10

Iron the seams.

Step 11

We connect the part of the hat and the part of the lining with the right sides facing each other and grind them down.

Step 12

Through the hole in the lining along the front side of the hat, we put a stitch at a distance of 1 mm from the edge, tucking the seam allowance towards the front of the hat.

Step 13

We turn it inside out and get such an oval.

Step 14

Sew up the hole in the lining and the hat is ready!

How to wear a hat

And now the most interesting thing: the good thing about the hat is that it can be worn in different ways.

Option 1

For example, like a regular hat with a wide lapel.

Option 2

Or you can let out the top part of the hat more, make a small lapel, and tie the “extra” part on top with a ribbon, as if creating a pom-pom.

Option 3

Another option: you can move the “extra” part of the hat to the side, creating folds and creating an asymmetrical drapery.

Option 4

We continue to experiment. We put an additional fold on the back of the head, and the rest of the cap hangs freely like a stocking cap.

Option 5

And finally, we bring all the excess of the hat to the back of the head, putting it in the folds under the lapel.


From the second flap we will sew a stole to go with the hat.

Step 1

We cut the flap into two symmetrical parts relative to the drawing.

Step 2

We connect the parts in the center with a linen seam.

Step 3

We sew the edges with a hem seam with a closed cut. The stole is ready!

Now your wardrobe has a wonderful set of Russian-style accessories.

about the author

Lilia's main occupation is a tailor and owner of a small atelier. She loves her job very much and has loved doing handicrafts since childhood. Lilia has her own online store.
The store features leather and textile accessories made using various decorating techniques, as well as toys and home textiles. Each product is made with love, is completely original and exists in a single copy!
Lilia does not make repetitions, since she is simply not interested in it, and often it is impossible, since the materials used in the products are almost always unique. However, Lilia does not exclude the possibility of working to order.

Lily invites everyone to her shop ! It is constantly updated with new products. Lilia also has a page


You will need:

Fabric: velvet - 30 cm with a width of 150 cm, lining fabric - 30 cm with a width of 90 cm.


1. Bottom - 1 piece;

2. Crown - 2 parts;

3. Band - 1 piece.


First, sew the sides of the wall parts together using a 0.7 cm seam. Press the seams. After this, stitch the walls to the bottom. Iron the seam towards the walls, stitch to the edge or press it. Treat the lining in the same way. Fold the parts from the main and lining fabrics with the wrong sides inward, aligning the lower sections. Sew the narrow sides of the band (it will take the shape of a ring), and press the seam. Sew the band to the bottom edge of the beret, folding it right side together with the lining. Turn the band onto the front side of the beret and stitch it onto the wall, covering the stitching seam. If the band is made of leather, make its inner side from the main fabric (cut the part according to the shape of the leather band and stitch it to it along the longitudinal side, folding the right sides inward). Steam the beret carefully and attach the finishing parts.

Black velvet beret with a bow, secured with a brooch. It is recommended to sew such a beret from soft pile fabrics that drape well - velvet, loose drape. The bow is made of grosgrain ribbon in a contrasting color. The leather band also serves as a decorative function. The lining is best made from a thin lining or voile-type fabric.


You will need:

Fabric: cloth - 30 cm with a width of 150 cm, lining fabric - 30 cm with a width of 90 cm.


1. Bottom - 1 piece;

2. Crown - 2 parts;

3. Band - 2 parts;

4. Bow - 1 piece.


First, sew the sides of the wall parts together using a 0.7 cm seam. Press the seams. After this, stitch the walls to the bottom. Press the seam towards the walls, stitch to the edge or press it. Treat the lining in the same way. Fold the parts from the main and lining fabrics with the wrong sides inward, aligning the lower sections. Sew the narrow sides of the band (it will take the shape of a ring), and press the seam. Sew the band to the bottom edge of the beret, folding it right side together with the lining. Turn the band onto the front side of the beret and stitch it onto the wall, covering the stitching seam. If the band is made of leather, make its inner side from the main fabric (cut the part according to the shape of the leather band and stitch it to it along the longitudinal side, folding the right sides inward). Steam the beret carefully and attach the finishing parts. An unusual decoration is a large decorative bow, which can be made from bright drape or velor. Along the middle line marked on the pattern, pull the bow detail with a thread or fold it with several soft folds and attach it to the beret with a brooch. Since it is recommended to make the bow from non-fraying fabrics, there is no need to process the edge. The band is made of artificial leather.


You will need:

Fabric: drape - 30 cm with a width of 150 cm, lining fabric - 30 cm with a width of 90 cm.


1. Bottom - 1 piece;

2. Crown - 2 parts;

3. Band - 1 piece.


First, sew the sides of the wall parts together using a 0.7 cm seam. Press the seams. After this, stitch the walls to the bottom. Press the seam towards the walls, stitch to the edge or press it. Treat the lining in the same way. Fold the parts from the main and lining fabrics with the wrong sides inward, aligning the lower sections. Sew the narrow sides of the band (it will take the shape of a ring), and press the seam. Sew the band to the bottom edge of the beret, folding it right side together with the lining. Turn the band over to the front side of the beret and stitch it onto the wall, covering the stitching seam. If the band is made of leather, make its inner side from the main fabric (cut the part according to the shape of the leather band and stitch it to it along the longitudinal side, folding the right sides inward). Steam the beret carefully and attach the finishing parts. The rigid beret is made of drape, backed with two layers of adhesive padding. The gasket is necessary in order to clearly fix the cone-shaped shape of the beret. The adhesive pad can be replaced with a regular linen border, but in this case the fabric parts must be carefully quilted with the border using oblique stitches in a circle so that the stitches are not visible from the front side. When stitching, do not tighten the thread too much. The seam on the bottom of the beret should be covered with a decorative piece made of drape or leather. The band is made from the main fabric. The lining is normal.


You will need:

Fabric: spandex - 50 sq. dm, lining fabric - 50 sq. dm.


1. Wedge - 6 parts;

2. Visor - 2 parts;

3. Band - 2 parts.


1) Having made a pattern from paper, apply it to the fabric.

2) Sew the wedges on the wrong side.

3) We cut out the lining according to the patterns, stitch it and sew it to the cap on the wrong side.

Sew the visor along the outer contour and stitch at a distance of 0.75 cm. Sew it to the crown. Sew the band to the crown.

CAPE (SIZE 56-58)

You will need:

Fabric: 50 cm of any fabric with a width of 80 cm, lining 50 cm with a width of 80 cm.


1. Middle part - 2 parts;

2. Side part - 2 parts;

3. Visor - 2 parts.


We make a pattern on paper, transfer it to fabric, cut out and sew first the two middle parts, and then the two side ones. Let's connect them together. We make the lining according to the same pattern as for the main parts. We sew the lining and sew it to the cap. Then we sew together the two parts of the visor and sew it to the cap. The visor is reinforced with cardboard or plastic spacer. The lower edge of the cap is finished with grosgrain ribbon.

BLOCK HAT (size 56)

You will need:

Fabric: cloth - 25 cm wide 140 cm, lining fabric - 25 cm wide 90 cm.

1. Bottom - 1 piece;

2. Fields - 1 detail;

3. Side part of the crown with a bend - 1 piece.


Reinforce all parts of the top with a thick adhesive pad. Sew the wall parts together, press the seams up. Sew the bottom to the top of the wall, stitch the lining and sew to the facing. Lay out the lining parts along the top parts, connecting the wall parts. Stitch the fields, right side to right side.


You will need:

Fabric: any 25 cm wide 140 cm, lining 25 cm wide 90 cm.

1. Bottom - 1 piece;

2. Crown - 2 parts;

3. Fields - 2 details.


All parts are lined with thick fabric. Line the margins. Cut out the lining according to the same patterns, but with an oblique placement of the grain thread. First, the parts of the crown are sewn together, then they are sewn to the bottom. The fields are sewn to the finished head.


You will need:

Fabric: printed 25 cm wide 140 cm, lining 25 cm wide 90 cm.

1. Wedge - 6 parts;

2. Fields - 2 details.


Make a pattern on paper and transfer it to fabric. Sew the wedges first. From the lining fabric, make a pattern using the same patterns and sew to the crown of the hat. But first sew on the brim. Line up the margins and lining. You can raise the brim both at the front and at the back.

The hat itself can quite create an image. Leading designers regularly release collections of hats - ironic, comfortable, funny and bright - they help to create an individual style, combining fashion with convenience and comfort. But sometimes choosing outerwear is easier than finding a decent headdress to go with it. And then the craftswomen get down to business - they can sew anything, even a hat.

How to sew a Wolf hat with your own hands (pattern with explanations)

Many women do not wear thick hats for fear of ruining their hair, preferring to throw a spacious hood over their heads. For cases when your outerwear does not have a hood, the designers have come up with a comfortable and original Wolf hat. The hood, which can be pulled over the head and lowered in a warm room, has become a real hit.

You will need:

  • lining fabric and for external decoration (one piece measuring one meter per meter);
  • threads, needles, pins;
  • button for fastening and for decoration.

The hood will be double, so you need to cut it in two copies.

Operating procedure:

You can choose any fabric - fleece, jersey or lace silk. Just decide for what weather and for what occasion you are sewing a hat.

How to sew a turban hat with your own hands (pattern with explanations)

The turban or turban is experiencing another surge of worship. Urban fashionistas wear them with pleasure, decorating them with a brooch or a small veil. But it won’t be difficult for real craftswomen to create such a hat to match the color of their outerwear.

The most fashionable colors of this season are blue, chocolate brown and rich gray. You can sew a knitted turban hat for women using a very simple and accessible pattern. When sewing knitwear, you need to take into account some nuances, so first, ask yourself how to sew knitted parts.

You will need:

Operating procedure:

How to make a knitted sweater hat with a fleece lining with your own hands

Sometimes it happens that you no longer want to wear your old favorite sweater, but you just can’t bring yourself to throw it away. There's no need for that. Sew a new hat from your favorite clothes - this will be a creative solution to the problem.

You will need:

  • idea, because this is where the cutting will begin;
  • favorite sweater; adhesive fabric;
  • fleece for lining;
  • woolen threads and a needle with a wide eye.

Operating procedure:

In case you still have a lot of old sweaters and original ideas, look at how to sew a bag yourself.

How to sew a hood on your head instead of a hat

The hood can be worn completely separately and does not necessarily have to be part of the outerwear. In addition, you can make long ties to a large and loose hood that can replace a scarf. If the idea of ​​loose hats interests you, look at how to sew a snood yourself.

You can sew a hooded hat from any fabric, the main thing is that it is soft and pleasant to the body. You can tailor the lining from a contrasting fabric, then the hood can be worn on both sides.

You will need:

  • thin knitwear for the outer layer;
  • threads, needles;
  • sewing machine;
  • fleece or thin knitwear of a different shade for lining.

Operating procedure:

How to sew a fly agaric mushroom cap for a child

On the eve of the holidays, all mothers, in addition to the usual chores, are also preoccupied with making costumes for children's parties. Someone is sewing a princess dress or a musketeer costume, and someone is thinking about how to sew a fly agaric hat for a boy or girl for kindergarten.

The hat is sewn based on the pattern for the beret, so ask first, —how to sew a beret with your own hands using a beret pattern—.

You will need:

  • piece of red fabric(fleece suits best) size 70x70 cm;
  • piece of plain white fabric for lining (chintz) size 70x70 cm;
  • felt sheet for white dots on the cap;
  • foam sheet which will keep the shape of the hat;
  • wide ribbon 2 m long for fixing the hat on the child’s head.

Operating procedure:

Children's hats must cover their ears and, in the cold season, their necks. A helmet is a children's hat that covers the baby's head, not giving the wind the slightest chance. Soft fleece will not cause the slightest irritation, and additional decor can be made to please the baby.

  • Instructions for beginners with explanations on how to sew a hat from a scarf with your own hands. Pavloposad shawls are chic in themselves, and a small, neat hat will come in very handy and will go with any outfit.

  • If the old collar has no longer made you happy, there is only one thing left to do - sew a fur hat with your own hands. A knitted base and little tricks will help you create a fashionable element of your look.

  • A fashionable youth beanie hat can be worn even by those who are just thinking about it. The simple pattern and practical advice from the author of the video are clear and accessible.

You may have already created your own hats. How did you like this creative process? Write about your achievements, we will be grateful to you.