How to dress for the new year. Image for a friendly party. What to wear Libra

You always want to look irresistible and stylish. And especially on the most long-awaited and fun night of the year. Therefore, it is worth knowing which new year trend prepared for everyone by the Yellow Dog. What color and style of a festive outfit will be relevant, and what will be banned.

What to celebrate the New Year 2018 to Nordic blondes, burning brunettes and just lovers of bright. There are no problems, you just need to learn some recommendations.

We define the style and main features of the year

This time, the “hostess of the year” completely sets the trend. But some people are not happy about it at all. Since not everyone is suitable for warm, sandy or bright sunny tones. In fact, there is no reason to be afraid. First, in a positive Dog wild fantasy, so you can find a lot of options for a New Year's dress. Secondly, the "Earth Lady" is not at all mercantile, and therefore she does not care how much the outfits will cost.

But this animal loves bright and beautiful things very much. This makes it possible to inexpensively and cheerfully celebrate the New Year 2018. Since the Dog may like an interestingly selected print more than an overly outrageous cut of the dress.

Therefore, before deciding what clothes to celebrate the New Year 2018 in, you need to remember these simple rules for outfits:

  • No stiffness in movements.
  • Simplicity and convenience of a cut.
  • Moderate sexuality.
  • Naturalness and lack of tension.
  • Sophistication that makes a strong impression.
  • The presence of some "zest".
  • As can be seen from the rules, the Dog does not require that the dress for the New Year must be of any particular shade. Therefore, women to whom the yellow color suits their faces can safely take note of it. But, if you wish, you can look after yourself and something else.

    Based on the trend set by the hostess of next year, trains, deep neckline and tight corsets, as well as dresses, abundantly sprinkled with sequins, rhinestones and sequins, can be safely left on a hanger. At the same time, it is worth cautioning against the opposite extreme. Since the complete absence of pretentiousness and embellishment will only offend the Dog. In fact, this is a cunning animal, which, demonstrating good nature and devotion, actually loves beautiful things very much.

    What color to celebrate 2018

    To select the best and stylish outfits for the New Year 2018, you should immediately decide on the acceptable color palette. Since the Dog is not only yellow, but also earthy, any shades associated with nature will suit the liking of the patroness.

    The simplest and most affordable options will be:

  • Brown.
  • Yellow.
  • Gold.
  • Coffee with milk.
  • Beige.
  • You can also use any of their shades, for example, sand, golden, ecru and terracotta. Of the materials in this palette, thin gabardine, silk, knitwear and stretch satin will look good. You can also use lace, but then outfits in such shades as delicate ecru and dark chocolate will do.

    But if there is no desire to stick to the classic tones that defines chinese horoscope, then we can recall that the earth is not only sand and soil, but also clay, mountains, black soil, peat bogs, reservoirs and vegetation. This awareness already significantly expands the palette and will make the choice of what to wear for the New Year 2018 truly rich.

    Therefore, you can safely give preference to such colors as:

    • graphite;
    • grey;
    • purple;
    • turquoise;
    • pink;
    • blue;
    • green;
    • blue.

    Also, some stylists distinguish such bright colors, How:

    • crimson;
    • pale blue;
    • orange;
    • khaki;
    • mustard;
    • pearl;
    • burgundy.

    It is worth noting that it is burgundy that stylists stand out as the most trendy, and not only for new year holiday but for the whole of 2018.

    Bright red shades in this case will not work, because they are associated with a flame, which is dangerous for a totem animal. But, if desired, you can use red, as an addition to the overall image. For example, in a colorful print that creates the feeling of a summer meadow.

    The best option for choosing colors is associations with a fun dog walk through pastures and lands. Therefore, many experts advise giving preference to plant, flower and fantasy motifs of the sky and herbs.

    It is allowed to use any variations of these shades, from soft light to rich deep.

    Which color solutions not allowed on New Year's Eve

    In addition to the mentioned bright red color, you need to exclude any cat prints. These include:

  • Leopard prints.
  • Image of cats.
  • Vests made of short-haired fur.
  • Decorative fur trim.
  • Hats with cat ears.
  • The same goes for anything associated with reptiles. For example, crocodile or snake skin, as well as their imitations.

    What dress to wear for the New Year 2018 for women

    Having dealt with the colors, you can proceed to the style of the outfits. Dresses made of natural and soft fabrics, draped or flowing, are best suited. For example, you can opt for hard brocade and sparkling lurex. The trend will also be lace, velvet and silk.

    So, lace is perfect for pairing with dense textures, since patterned matter will add attractiveness to outfits of the most ordinary and unremarkable cut. Velvet, in turn, can be both a base and an addition to clothes with other fabric textures. Well, silk, falling in soft folds, will make any image of a woman luxurious. Moreover, this material is also very pleasant to the touch.

    In principle, the main thing in choosing an outfit is comfort and freedom. Therefore, every woman has the right to choose the type of fabric and style herself. It can be either a floor-length evening dress or a small cocktail dress, or a blouse suit with a skirt just above the knee or even trousers.

    Stylists, giving tips on how to celebrate the New Year 2018 Year of the Dog, recommend sticking to neutral looks that have brightness, but not overshadowing holiday tree, semi-fitted or flying silhouette, and if there is an open part of the body, then only one. For example, an open back with a closed neckline or one sleeve.

    Ideal solutions for a festive event

    World designers, developing new clothing lines that would meet the requirements of the "totem animal", decided to combine all the popular motifs of 2018. Therefore, for a festive night, dresses with a tight cut are offered, which will emphasize the merits of the figure. As noted: either the back or one sleeve remains open. In the second case, the dress is completely closed.

    Of the trendy skirts are: maxi, pencil and tulip. Also highlighted are trouser suits, free in the belt, which will not restrict the woman in her movements. Since minimalism is now gaining active popularity, geometric patterns are recommended as prints, for example, “houndstooth”, also known as “houndstooth”.

    In addition, you can give preference to multi-tiered outfits, which are decorated with flowing large flounces. Such a dress will make it possible to make the image perfect, adding elegance and grace. In addition voluminous decor will help hide the flaws of the figure.

    But, choosing what to celebrate the New Year 2018 in the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, you can still look at the short cocktail dresses tight silhouette. Models of medium length in the Greek style with asymmetry and long maxi evening dresses.

    What accessories are suitable for celebrating the New Year

    It is very important not to overdo it when choosing accessories for the outfit. So, for example, wearing a dress with a violation of symmetry, you can complement the image with one of these accessories: a brooch, wide belt, earrings, a massive necklace or a voluminous bow.

    For a discreet dress in soft tones, a bright clutch or beads are suitable. You can also complement the image and dazzling makeup. If on the contrary, the outfit directly radiates saturated color, then the makeup should be slightly perceptible. Small earrings with stones or a pendant are also suitable.

    Subdued colors are best paired with jewelry made from metals such as gold and silver, or richly embellished jewelry. From natural stones, aventurine with gilding and an amber necklace are suitable.

    Shoes should be natural and comfortable. Heel, stiletto heel or flat sole are chosen at the discretion and in accordance with the image of the whole outfit. The main thing is that you can dance in shoes until the morning, demonstrating your vigor to the patroness of the next year. The material can be textiles, suede, patent or matte leather. But all materials must be exclusively natural.

    Ideal for shoes will be brown or yellow. Since it will not be appropriate in all cases, you can still give preference to beige. In addition to the fact that it is combined with almost all other shades, it also lengthens the legs.

    What to wear a man for the New Year 2018

    Certainly, stronger sex it’s a little easier to pick up an outfit for the New Year, but you don’t need to think that they are not fashionable. On the contrary, women are increasingly liking men who pay enough attention to their appearance. Therefore, stylists also give recommendations on how to celebrate the new 2018 year for men, taking into account the stated preferences of the Yellow Dog.

    The best choice of clothes for a festive night will be one of the following options:

  • Classic suit in graphite or amber shades.
  • Shirt in blue, sand or beige.
  • Classic or looser trousers in blue or dark brown.
  • Jeans without scuffs in almost any shade, except for red.
  • Jumpers made of natural wool without a collar and fasteners.
  • Ties, bow ties and neckerchiefs, necessarily with an artistic print.
  • Stylish accessories such as a wallet, belt and dog cufflinks.
  • Not too flashy gold jewelry like chains and bracelets.
  • Classic shoes in black or brown.
  • But the main quality that will allow a man to make a strong and attractive impression on New Year's Eve is confident and gallant behavior. It is these representatives of the stronger sex that are in the center of attention of others.

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    Each new year is a time for new goals and fulfillment of desires. According to the Eastern calendar, 2018 is the year of the earth dog. And, as a result, for the new year 2018 we are advised to dress up in clothes of yellow, brown and sand shades. Nevertheless, not every woman is ready to choose her image for the new year, focusing solely on Eastern calendar. 🙂 Let's diversify the options for New Year's outfits and pair them with the most important. After all, the most important thing is to create an image in which you will feel as comfortable and luxurious as possible.

    The most fashionable New Year's images 2018 - What to wear for the new year 2018? 1. Velvet

    Not a single autumn-winter season is complete without velvet clothes. This fabric really looks incredibly elegant and adds chic to the image. And the new year great occasion walk a velvet outfit. It can be dresses in combination with fashionable over the knee boots the same color as the dress. But if you want to create more original image, then a velvet suit, which is also incredibly relevant now, is perfect for you. In addition, you can create a laconic look by combining velvet trousers and a bright blouse made of transparent fabric or asymmetrical. Velvet looks great with jewelry from gold, silver and large jewelry with inserts of stones. Choose a dress or suit in trendy reds, burgundy shades and shades of emerald, as well as mustard and gold hues suitable for the new year 2018.

    2. Red color

    Another trend that has captured all fashion platforms and magazines. A fiery or muted red color will definitely not leave you unnoticed at a New Year's party. You can make a total-look of red or go with the top or bottom of the outfit. For a daring New Year's look, combine a red patent leather skirt with a red blouse and over the knee boots of the same color - here you will not be left without attention. For fashionistas who do not want to wear dresses and skirts, a bright red suit is perfect - concise, stylish and bright!

    3. Lace

    Well, where in the new year without lace? Lace, of course, always emphasizes the festive look, makes it feminine and sexy. Dresses made of lace can be extremely transparent or bare only the arms. The colors of lace dresses in the new year 2018 can also be very diverse. It can be both classic black dresses and dresses in burgundy, red and turquoise shades.

    4. Fringe

    Fringe, like lace, is a frequent companion of festive events. Indeed, fringe always gives an outfit a touch of retro - and that's great! The dress can be decorated with fringe both along the entire length and only along the hem. Choose bright and “resonant” dresses in gold and silver shades or classic black dresses with fringes. Of course, these dresses are ideally combined with light shoes with heels. But in modern interpretation you can combine a dress with a fringe with over the knee boots-stockings - stylish look you are provided.

    5. Gold

    Gold, gold everywhere! New Year's Eve is a great occasion to walk out those outfits that you don't dare to wear to a regular party. And gold is a choice in which you will shine in the truest sense of the word. Dresses of golden shades are very self-sufficient and do not require additions in the form of bright accessories. Dresses can also be complemented with lace or fringe - three 2018 trends at the same time - a uniquely stylish and bold move. But, if a dress is not your option, then try combining a golden-hued skirt with a white shirt - a great option for a New Year's corporate party!

    6. Transparency

    Transparent things give a flight of fancy to your surroundings. Of course, dresses made of translucent fabric are perfect for a festive event. They can also be lace. But it is not necessary to limit your choice only to dresses. Try wearing flowy velvet trousers. translucent blouse- fashionable, unusual, relevant!

    7. Emerald

    Emerald is an incredibly “rich” color that gives depth and mystery to the image. This color looks great in combination with gold - in the form of jewelry, as well as accessories - shoes or bags. Emerald-colored clothing is relevant in the season-autumn-winter 2017-2018 and is perfect for new year party at work or on the most important New Year's Eve. Dresses, suits from different textures- velvet, lace or silk - a win-win for the holiday.

    8. Floral print

    Floral print is relevant always and everywhere! And New Year 2018 is no exception. Dresses, skirts and suits in bright floral prints are an option for those who do not like clothes made of metallic fabric or lace. And she prefers to focus on the print of clothes. Combine dresses with floral print with stockings or ankle boots suitable color. Shoes can match the shades of the print or be directly opposite in color.

    9. Yellow and brown colors

    So, if you still want to dress for the new year in accordance with the eastern calendar, then dresses of yellow and brown shades. A yellow dress will help you look flawless and unforgettable in any occasion. choose new year outfit suitable yellow shade - from lemon yellow to honey mustard. Lace, chiffon, brocade, velvet and other fabrics will also look harmonious in yellow. Dresses in brown shades at first glance may seem rather boring for the new year. But in fact, shades of brown - from beige to mustard - are elegant and sexy in their conciseness. In addition, you can choose such a dress with an unusual texture - diluted with fringe, unusual cutouts and a silhouette.

    10. Peas

    Polka dots are an incredibly feminine print that suits almost every woman. Black dresses with white polka dots are another classic. In the 2018 season and for the New Year's party itself, we suggest you combine a polka dot dress with ankle boots or over the knee boots in a bright, red color. Such an image will take you away from the classics to modern, fashionable trends. Choose clothes with small polka dots if you want to look slimmer and vice versa if you think you need to visually make your silhouette larger.

    The celebration of the New Year of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity endows special meaning. With the chimes, the most cherished desires with the hope that they will be enforced. This night is especially believed in miracles, so the girls start preparing for the new year in advance.

    The choice of outfit for the New Year is usually approached thoroughly, even in cases where the celebration is planned within the walls of your own house or apartment.

    Often, New Year's Eve is given a sacred meaning and they seek to appease the hostess of the next year. The eastern horoscope provides any information about her character, color and gastronomic preferences.

    Tips on choosing a dress are also important, which should become a kind of golden mean between the preferences of the patroness of the year and the girl herself, and maybe a complete match of the tastes of both. After all, I so want the future outfit to be liked by the fair sex and not anger the hostess of the year.

    For those who are going to meet the white rat by all the rules, choosing a dress for the festival will be easy enough. It is only necessary to find out about the personal preferences of the patroness of the year and follow them clearly.

    With the onset of 2020, pig habits and customs should be completely forgotten. These two signs Eastern horoscope they are so radically different that it is even hard to believe how they manage to get along side by side.

    The Pig is replaced by a friendly and affectionate white rat, so it is better to hide last year's bright scarlet outfit in a distant drawer and start looking for a new dress.

    Choose suitable style can be based on the character of the patroness of the year, and she has it "golden". Good nature, thrift, friendliness and promotion of family values ​​are just a few facets.

    Dresses with maximum comfort and the absence of "vulgarity" will appease the mistress of the next year.

    Here are a few parameters that will be good guidelines when choosing a dress:

  • Natural fabric. Unity with nature is something without which the white rat cannot live. Any of the newest synthetic fabrics is disgusting to her and the choice will fall only on materials donated by nature. For a New Year's party, satin, silk and even woolen dresses are quite suitable.
  • Color palette. All shades of the earth and everything that grows on it will be most preferred. Some deviations from the rigid color frames are also allowed, which should not be bright and catchy.
  • Comfort. The feeling of comfort and coziness should not leave the hostess of the year even during large and important holidays. The dress should not constrain movements, squeeze parts of the body and cause discomfort.
  • What outfit would a white rat disapprove of?

    Despite their good nature and openness, there are several things in outfits that can throw a white rat off balance. It is better to eradicate them immediately so that the friendly rat does not turn into an evil one for the next 365 days.

    It is necessary to completely eliminate the deep neckline and excessive cutouts that expose the legs. After all, the patroness of the year promotes family values and frankly despises outright vulgarity.

    Revealing outfits showing off female beauty the white rat does not accept and will not tolerate such insolence in the year of his reign.

    Bright colors of dresses with defiant decor will play the role of a red rag for a bull. Any catchy shades or aggressive prints will cause outrage among the patroness of the year. The rat is disgusted by various passions and intrigues, so save the outfits in the style of the fatal seductress for another occasion.

    You should also pay attention to the length of the dress, which should not be too short. Let it be midi or maxi. In the most extreme case - just above the knee.

    Trendy dress colors 2020

    Already in the name of the year is a hint of what colors will be relevant. white rat welcomes the whole palette of natural shades, including:

    • white;
    • grey;
    • violet;
    • gold;
    • Bordeaux;
    • pink;
    • lilac.

    In other words, all colors natural beginning, which can be seen on the ground and will become the main favorites of the year. True, it happens that the favorite shades of the patroness of the year may not match the color of the girl’s appearance or simply don’t like it.

    In these cases, you can deviate a little from the strict framework and look into other palettes. It can be pastel and deep restrained shades, but by no means bright and juicy.

    Unity with the nature of the rat influenced the gamut of colors Christmas dresses.

    Accessories for the New Year 2020

    Another point in the preparation of the New Year's bow, which should be approached with extreme caution. Even if an outfit is chosen simple cut in the favorite "earthy" palette of the hostess of the year, the presence a large number massive accessories can cross out all efforts to establish good relations with her for the next year.

    Accessories should be selected in the characteristic of a rat color scheme. For example, a dress of the main color of the year - white, is quite compatible with a lacquered handbag in a muted mint shade.

    An accessory can only be a harmonious touch of the image, and not occupy a dominant role.

    Also a good addition to the New Year's dress in the shade of "dark chocolate" will be a fringed clutch in deep green.

    The coloristic predilection of a rat for discreet and balanced colors of metal can be diluted with jewelry yellow color. The image will become brighter thanks to such accessories, but will not upset the balance of the patroness of the year.

    How to decorate a dress with rhinestones for the New Year 2020

    There are many different opinions about rhinestones. Some fashion designers claim that they have lost their relevance forever, someone continues to decorate their outfits to this day. The only day when this element of decor will not cause excessive surprise to anyone is the New Year.

    You can shine no less than a coniferous beauty by decorating the dress with rhinestones. The modern textile industry produces them in color or completely transparent.

    Glittering rhinestones on the dress will give an atmosphere of magic.

    Bright colors of rhinestones for the New Year's Eve 2020 party cannot be used due to the preferences of the hostess of the year, so the decor remains colorless rhinestones.

    The design of the decoration can be completely different. It can be chaotic placers, squiggles and patterns. To finally appease the patroness of the year, you can decorate the dress with the silhouette of a rat or depict numbers with the number of the year. Decorating a dress with rhinestones is a very “contagious” process, and the main thing here is not to overdo it.

    How to decorate a dress for the New Year 2020 with stones, beads and beads

    A dress of even the simplest style in pastel or discreet shades will become bright and original when it is decorated with luxury elements. The sparkle of stones, beads and beads gives the dresses a rich look and a special chic.

    Stones in the form of geometric shapes or similar to fragments broken glass can perform real miracles. Paintings from a scattering of very transparent small and almost cobblestones create the effect of a play of the color of the dress. Stones identical in color to the outfit give it an expensive and noble look.

    White beads sewn over the entire surface overnight turn a simple dress into elegant outfit. France and Madame Coco immediately come to mind, honoring simple luxury.

    patterns, beaded, in their beauty, can be in no way inferior to the grace of lace fabric. Decorate with such embroidery should only small areas dresses. For example, an ornament on the edges of the sleeves or a collar will make the dress much more elegant.

    Fashionable New Year's dresses with one shoulder 2020

    Variation greek dress on one shoulder has long been rooted in evening fashion. A special chic is given by the originality of the cut and the bareness of the back. Despite some frankness in the style of such a dress, she does not cross the line of excessive emancipation, which is so unpleasant for rats.

    Fashion designers presented in their collections several fashion bows from one-shoulder dresses that will become ideal participants in the New Year's holiday.

    Admirers of the elegant style of the girls of Ancient Hellas can adequately "shush" at New Year's parties.

    Yellow knee length dress voluminous bow shoulder. The image is complemented by matching stiletto heels. Straight dress in iridescent silk orange color with one shoulder made in the form of an insert of draped fabric.

    An oversized brown metal bracelet accentuates the tone of the outfit. Lung beige dress with an oblique brown stripe, it is held on the body thanks to an orange braid over one shoulder. The dress is decorated with a large squiggle of the same shade as the braid.

    Fashionable New Year's dresses with fluffy skirt for 2020

    Dresses with a puffy skirt in themselves carry a certain mood of solemnity. You will not wear such a dress either to work or to the street. If the choice fell on such a style of dress, then it can be argued that there was a good reason for this.

    You can feel like a real queen on New Year's Eve only in a "fluffy" dress.

    In the collections of fashion designers, two fashion trends on "fluffy" dresses - just above the knee and to the floor. The only bright colors that the rat accepts - purple and lilac, were chosen specifically for "fluffy" dresses.

    Styles with medium length were made of silk with a voluminous petticoat, and the elongated ones were equipped with a skirt made of multilayer chiffon.

    Fashionable dresses for the New Year 2020 for full

    The color palette from a white rat for evening dresses is the best way to hide overweight curvaceous girls.

    Dresses of two colors will look especially impressive. Eg, straight dress in the floor of light coffee color with sleeves and inserts of deep blue. Caviar with two shades will visually draw a figure " hourglass”, thereby giving the figure harmony.

    Fashionable evening dresses for girls "plus size" are distinguished by "skater" and luxurious fabrics.

    Another option would be a toe-length A-line dress in chocolate chiffon with slightly dropped shoulders, as well as an elegant style in pistachio silk with long sleeves with a wide dark green satin ribbon at the waist, tied with a bow.

    On New Year's Eve, you can be not only elegant, but also extraordinary if you wear a dress of two fabrics. Top part made of earthy-colored brocade under the throat and with short sleeves, and a gray silk mermaid skirt with a small train.

    Fashionable New Year's brown dresses 2020

    Maybe someone thinks brown is boring and not suitable for evening fashion, then you should look at the collections. elegant dresses for 2020. In addition, this shade occupies a special place in the heart of the hostess of the year.

    Brown color can look like a king if you choose the right texture of the material.

    Brown hues look good on bandeau dresses with full skirts in brocade with gold patterns, A-line cuts in satin and flowy materials, as well as sheath styles in velvet.

    Fashionable New Year's dresses made of shiny, shining, flowing fabric 2020

    Attributes of the New Year in the form of various lights and shiny garlands will make you look harmonious even in the most sparkling dress. IN Everyday life it is unlikely that there will be an opportunity to flaunt sparkles, so on New Year's Eve you can stay in an unusual form for yourself.

    Fashion designers have released a whole line of fabrics with both a slight sheen and almost cosmic ones. It is worth noting that the cut of such models is distinguished by its conciseness.

    In most cases, these are A-shaped dresses on the floor, having features only in the upper part - closed under the throat, with a small neckline and a one-shoulder style. All shades of brown, beige and gray began to look amazingly beautiful in this design.

    Against the general background of the homogeneity of the radiant fabric, a sleeveless dress stands out, on which an ornament is drawn using shiny rectangles of various sizes.

    Bright and stylish lighter dresses will help to compete with the coniferous beauty.

    Fashionable New Year's dresses in delicate shades 2020

    Milky, champagne, light beige, creamy, light pink... Even in the name of these colors one can feel tenderness and fragility. A dress in pastel shades will transfer its character to its owner, giving it a special femininity. Delicate tones look especially impressive on light fabrics, endowing their owners with airiness.

    The trend is straight cuts and an A-shaped silhouette up to mid-calf length or to the floor. Both absolutely lace models and decorated with inserts of this material look gorgeous.

    Dressed in a dress of delicate shades, you should not be surprised if representatives of the male population rush to look after you. Outfits of these shades literally scream about the feminine.

    Fashion designers used embroidery with silk threads, small sequins and colorless beads as decoration. A variety of styles of dresses provides an opportunity to make various New Year's bows.

    At the shows, completely closed conservative models were seen, open on thin straps and “sleeveless jackets” with a stand-up collar. Despite this, delicate shades played their part. Thanks to them, even the most prim outfits do not allow you to forget about female fragility and sensuality.

    Fashionable New Year's dresses with thin spaghetti straps 2020

    The openness of the style, which suggests thin straps, is quite compatible with the cold of a winter night. First, this a great opportunity show a fur cape, if any. Secondly, dancing, competitions and champagne will increase the degree of your own body and the opportunity to “open up” will be an indisputable advantage over closed dresses.

    The most trendy variation of the style of a dress with thin straps will be slip dresses. Incredibly luxurious and attractive image in all shades brown palette. It can be like a classic A-shaped model with a length of 7/8, or it can be multi-textured with a complex cut.

    For example, the style of a plain slip dress with an elasticated waist and a sewn-on puffy skirt on the middle of the thigh with a pattern in the form of brown lines different shades.

    Another model that stood out against the general background with its originality was a midi bandeau dress with a mermaid skirt, decorated with a strip of fur on the shoulders.

    A dress with thin straps is a non-standard move for a New Year's evening.

    Children's New Year's dresses for girls 2020

    Many options for New Year's dresses are presented for little fashionistas. Very popular dresses with a puffy skirt, the so-called "princess image". In such outfits, the girl will definitely not yield to her mother in the beauty and charm of the New Year's bow.

    A sense of style must be instilled from childhood.

    Different models of dresses are decorated with interesting decor:

    • sequins;
    • beads;
    • rhinestones;
    • embroidery.

    New Year 2018 - Year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The main colors of this year will be yellow, black, gold and orange.

    Favorite flowers in the Year of the Dog will be yellow and gold, which should be in festive attire. The dog does not like chains, so there should be no chains in clothes and accessories, and also no fur. But any images of animals are welcome, so feel free to wear your favorite sweater with deer. If you have not yet decided what to wear to celebrate the New Year, the Informant has selected the most beautiful outfits for you.


    Of course, every girl wants to look beautiful in this magical night. But the Year of the Dog sets its own demands. On this night, avoid brightness, pomp and any hint of a catwoman in your outfits. The feline family, including the leopard print, is out of favor with dogs.

    You don't have to wear yellow or sparkly dress. It may just be minor, but bright detail, For example: leather belt, wide bracelet, beautiful bow in your hair or charming handbag. And, despite a certain combination of color palette, no one has canceled the classics yet. Therefore, you can safely use white and black shades in your image.

    Since the yellow-brown gamma is the priority in the coming year, it is best to choose jewelry from gold and amber. It can be beads, bracelet, earrings, brooch or pendant.

    The handbag should be selected in a small size, but unusual shape and original style. Great options are a golden clutch with rhinestones or a small cosmetic bag with a strap and matching fringe.

    Not the last role is played by makeup, which should be neat, but modest. The main thing is to make it in gentle sandy tones, and so that the image does not turn out to be too pale and inconspicuous, use cosmetic tricks. For example, apply shimmery powder on the skin, matte dark lipstick on the lips. coral shade, and on the eyelashes - mascara with a volume effect.

    And don't forget your hair. It should be anything: loose hair, disheveled curls, sloppy buns, but only not varnished and carefully laid strands.


    As for men, it’s even easier here - the representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, don’t bother much with trends, the more conservative they are, the better.

    For an informal party or to celebrate the New Year at home, you can do without a special dress code: a warm cozy sweater with a winter theme appliqué will be enough. The same clothes are quite suitable for an informal party in the office.

    If you are in for a cool pompous party, then in your image men should also choose yellow, brown colors, but classic black is also suitable. For lovers of the classics, an elegant suit will be a good option. You can choose a shirt, pullover or jumper for your favorite trousers. Pants can be replaced by jeans, but giving preference to them, you should pay attention to the style - the dog can hardly be pleased in jeans with scuffs or slits.

    When choosing a shirt, you should not be limited only to the "white collar". Butterflies and strict ties are best left in the closet, and for the New Year's party, choose something more interesting. Bone-shaped cufflinks go well with a shirt, and a belt with a classic-shaped buckle goes well with trousers or jeans.

    If you prefer to wear chains or bracelets, then the best option gold jewelry will become, since gold is the most favorite metal for a dog.

    Shoes should complete the look without taking all the attention to themselves. Classic shoes in black or dark brown with a low rise will be an excellent solution for a New Year's costume.

    You have already learned what it is desirable to wear, but the Informant advises the main thing is to put on a smile and take it with you good mood. After all, as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it.

    As you know, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog is coming, so traditionally women think about what to wear to the festive table and what color will give the favor of the hostess in 2018.


    Color options that should be in clothes

    Friendly and calm, the Yellow Earth Dog in its year prefers people who are dressed in outfits where shades prevail:

    • sand;
    • cream;
    • apricot;
    • shade of ocher;
    • shades of chocolate;
    • mustard;
    • khaki;
    • coffee;
    • olive.

    On the eve of 2018, you should wear something that will help the symbol of next year find its favorite. At the same time, do not forget about the colors where gold prevails - festive mood create all kinds of sparkles warm shade. Since the year of the Yellow Dog is considered calm and measured, due to this animal, the colors should also be warm so that they do not repel or cause aggression. Don't dress up in clothes leopard prints, too sexy and lush.

    Grace is the main goal of 2018 of the Dog in terms of dress, home decoration and cooking. festive dishes. But lovers bright colors You should not be upset about the ranges, you can always choose an outfit that will not look defiant, even if it is red, for example.

    Clothing style

    Dogs are by nature very active animals and astrologers advise spending the New Year, albeit with your family and friends in a homely atmosphere, but not bored in front of the sofa just by eating and talking on different topics but fun and hilarious. So, what to wear for the New Year 2018 we will consider in the article below.

    Therefore, you should choose a style of clothing that is comfortable, not restricting movement, i.e. ball gown hardly suitable, although this is not forbidden, the main thing is comfort.

    Designers have already released new collections, relying on the advice of astrologers, and they are dominated by sophisticated, restrained styles, but with interesting notes or whatever else you can call zest. Open back in overalls, a small neckline in blouses and much more. As mentioned above, the main thing is not to overdo it and not look vulgar or pretentious.

    If we talk about the combination of colors or prints in the outfit for the New Year 2018, then the symbol of the next 365 days, Yellow Earth Dog will be supportive of floral and natural images, but the main thing is that they do not mention felines.

    What accessories to choose

    A properly finished image is what will allow you to catch the admiring glances of others. But in order for it to turn out to be successful and tame the yellow dog, the symbol of 2018, you should be no less reverent in choosing shoes, hairstyles, makeup and, of course, accessories.

  • Shoes. You should rely, of course, on the outfit and shoes to select exclusively for him. But there is one piece of advice that will make it hard to please. yellow dog but also feel comfortable. Give up high heels and give preference, for example, to suede pumps, and choose the color to match the outfit. Do not be afraid to experiment, it is not necessary to choose the color of the shoes to match the tone.
  • Bag. World fashion houses for events such as the celebration of the New Year are advised not to overload the image with details and release miniature models of bags in their collections, these are clutch bags or, as another option, a purse bag. The materials from which they are made are varied, these are leather, fur, suede, varnish. They are decorated, can be rhinestones, fringe, small bows or a stylish buckle.
  • Accessories. Bracelets and brooches, that's what it is desirable to choose as accessories for the New Year's look. But, a stylish thin ring with a soft stone will never spoil any outfit.

  • Outfits for each zodiac sign

    Many men and women, especially the weaker sex, follow the recommendations of astrologers, what to wear and what color, what to cook and what customs to observe on such a holiday as the New Year? Competent people who study such a science as astrology have prepared tips for each zodiac sign for the year 2018 of the Dog. So, astrologers advise:

    Capricorns, as the hardest working sign of the zodiac, should be avoided office style, girls can change into light dresses with a print of geometric shapes or flowers, you can also consider an abstract pattern. On the last day of the outgoing year, you should move away from work and meet the next year in all its glory. Opt for a floor-length silk dress or a flowy, below-the-knee skirt with a fitted blouse in the same light material and it doesn't have to be the same color.

    Aquarians must restrain their pressure and stop shocking the audience and guests with their shocking and excessive sexuality. Should be abandoned deep cuts neckline, high slits in skirts and dresses. Great option for Aquarius, this is a modest, but not strict suit, a classic jumpsuit or a pencil skirt in combination with a blouse. Since strictness and conciseness will prevail in the image, earrings and necklaces made of natural stones will help to make the image boring.

    Experiment with the color of the outfit, but look at the light shades, this will give the image lightness and romance.

    People who were born under the sign of Pisces are considered quite difficult and dual natures, so why not combine this duality in New Year's image. First of all, this concerns the question of what and what color to wear an outfit for the New Year of the Dog 2018, the answer is clear, combine. For Pisces, an ideal option would be a white milky top in the form of, for example, an elegant blouse or shirt and dark chocolate-colored trousers or a skirt. You can complement the image with accessories made of silver or white gold, most importantly, do not overload your neck with bulky necklaces.

    Aries are very subtle natures, sensual and romantic, but their determination and the ability to go ahead may dictate their own rules and want to add bright colors to their image. Astrologers do not resist and advise to look at the combination of white and burgundy. You can experiment with the length and style, but still choose a more modest outfit. Accessories should be at a minimum.

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    Taurus, like the most graceful and subtle natures I have an opportunity large selection flowers in clothes for the New Year 2018 of the Dog. Green, blue, purple, mauve, beige and all light shades brown. Spacious styles should be preferred. Accessories can be voluminous and even catchy and bright colors.

    For Gemini, it is advisable to take a closer look at the dark palette, and choose a trouser outfit. Brown, mustard, sand or straw color should prevail in the outfit and then the symbol of 2018, the Earth Dog will be very pleased. As an accessory, you can choose a neat and elegant leather clutch and amber jewelry.

    Cancers are another of the representatives of the signs of the zodiac who have a place to roam, golden, brown, red, amber, coral, terracotta, yellow shades will be in place. It is advisable to wear a stylish jumpsuit made of light, flowing fabric on New Year's Eve, if you do not like a voluminous bottom, but skinny pants with a non-tight bottom are also allowed. Mysteriousness can be given by accessories, at least at first glance, and atypical for such a holiday, this is a carnival mask embroidered with stones or feathers that will cover your eyes.

    Lionesses should especially reverently approach the question of what to wear and what colors to choose for such a holiday as the New Year of the Dog 2018, since their zodiac sign belongs to the cat family and it will be more difficult to appease a dog than other 11 representatives. In order for the Lions to be lucky, successful and prosperous in the new year, their outfit should look luxurious and rich, so to speak, so that even the dog will like it.

    To create a look that will be saturated with chic, it may be enough to choose an elegant style of a floor-length dress made of silk, satin, velor or velvet. And it is desirable to give preference in colors to golden, chocolate, muted scarlet and maroon. No dog can resist this outfit. You can complement it with jewelry with stones.

    Virgos have always had a sense of style. They are pedantic and self-confident. But on New Year's Eve, they will have to forget about fashionable excesses and give preference to the classics.

    Virgos are considered very feminine and soft natures, who often add brightness to themselves with the help of clothes and accessories.

    But in fact, astrologers assure that they do not need it. It is better to celebrate the New Year in clothes made of natural fabrics in gray-blue or yellow-green shades. It is desirable to refuse any drawings. To add zest to the image should be stylish accessories in the form of a bracelet, ring and earrings. The latter can be voluminous.

    For Libra, astrologers have one piece of advice, stop weighing everything, measure out all the pros and cons. Buy yourself luxurious fur products, whether it's a fur coat or accessories, it doesn't matter, but be sure to wear it on New Year's Eve. To match the fur with the outfit, you should choose light dresses or trouser suits from very light fabric V brown tones.

    Scorpios should be themselves and not hide their assertiveness and determination behind a mask. This is the only sign of the zodiac who is allowed to be bright and sexy on New Year's Eve. Open legs, a deep neckline and a cutout on the back, one of these items may be present in the outfit, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can achieve it in the form of vulgarity.

    Colors that should preferably be in clothes are raspberry, garnet or yellow. Of the accessories, one should stop at one thin ring, stockings and stilettos.

    The center of attention is always Gemini. In outfits for the New Year, preference should be given to dresses made of cotton or linen, they should be turquoise or aqua in color. Rings with sapphires, bracelets or pendants with emeralds or garnets will fit very organically into the finished look. Also, do not forget about earrings.

    What the Yellow Earth Dog Won't Like

    As you know, dogs love everything natural and living, which is why she will not appreciate synthetic fabrics and acid colors. When choosing an outfit, you should avoid:

  • The image of cats in clothes, leopard prints.
  • fluffy Fur vests(Products with short fur are allowed only).
  • Hats and headbands with cat ears;
  • Decorative fur trim, only all natural;
  • In makeup, it is strongly recommended to avoid painted long arrows that create the effect of "cat's eyes".

  • Having chosen correctly what to wear and what color, how to put on makeup and what to cook for festive table for the New Year of the Dog 2018, astrologers promise that the year will be generous for positive emotions, in financial matters, in family relationships and much more, the year will turn out positively.

    10 outfits for the New Year 2018\Variants of dresses for the holidays. Life is a mother who is a girl.

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