All her friends are surprised how she manages to create a New Year's mood even in the slush and in the absence of snow outside the window. The whole secret is... Christmas and New Year's floristry. Trends and traditions

Good afternoon – today our article will be devoted to New Year’s compositions. This means that we will make up with you small ISLANDS OF NEW YEAR'S HAPPINESS. I'll show you how such small compositions can decorate the New Year's table. Or how to use them to decorate a room - giving it the spirit of anticipation for a fabulous holiday.

We will have…

  • small TABLETABLE New Year's compositions with dishes... With candles… Compositions from natural materialEdible New Year's crafts...
  • ...there will be HANGING compositions to decorate a window or wall...
  • ...and there will be GREAT crafts to decorate the fireplace area or decorate part of the room.

So, let's see how you can decorate your house for the New Year...

TABLE compositions - with BEADS, BALLS and DISHES.

The simplest idea is to take a beautiful wide vase or a ceramic SALAD BOWL - put candles of different sizes in it.... To the bottom place Christmas tree decorations between the candles and beautifully distribute a long thread of glass beads - You can see an example of this idea in the left photo below.– everything here is designed in a single silver-gold color. But you can have a blue composition... or red... to match the color of your service and tablecloth on the New Year's table.

Also... (right photo below - look how original...) you need to take round cake stand(on a high leg). And on this round “podium” place wine glasses, glasses, vases– which are filled with Christmas tree decorations (small balls), beads, glass crystals.

Not necessary to make such “New Year’s tableware” compositions in one color scheme. It can be a bright combination of three or four colors. Moreover, you can arrange them chaotically... or you can GROUP by shade(as in the left photo below) - where Christmas tree decor in blue tones lies in one pile... purple tinsel is collected in another... red... yellow... green - all this forms rainbow arrangement of spruce toys on one large platter.

And you can use not only juicy spruce balls as bright colors - but also bright DICE-COLORED LIQUIDS in pot-bellied decanters and glass sauceboats(see left photo below).

Also... you can add TRIANGULAR CONICAL SHAPES to the round balls - that is, buy bright wrapping paper (in the gift department)... roll it up bright cones... and place them here and there in our composition– it turns out to be an imitation of New Year trees. If still these cones decorate with glue rhinestones(sold at any newsstand - rhinestone stickers) - then our Christmas tree cones will be very elegant. This is also a simple idea.

They also look good in compositions for the New Year’s table - tall flat vases for fruit and cakes… They are single-tier (as in the purple photo below) ... or multi-tiered (as in the red example from the photo below).

They can also be decorated with a scattering of New Year's balls and colored lozenges.

You can also turn regular wine glasses upside down.– and their flat base legs will make an excellent candle stand. Under the “head” of an inverted glass you can put a flower, glass beads or a scattering of small tiny New Year’s balls (such tiny balls are sold at any New Year’s fair).

Do you know? ... how to put balls into a glass without spilling them, When will you turn the glass upside down? It's very simple - you need to pour balls into a glass and put a cardboard on top. Turn the glass over onto the table - remove the cardboard from under it - and you're done: all the balls remain under the glass. And we get a beautiful New Year's candlestick.

You can also use a GARLAND in New Year’s table compositions... It can be placed to the bottom of colored vases and wine glasses. Or hide among the tinsel, beads and floral material (leaves, flowers).

Or you can buy crystal Christmas trees (during the season they are sold in almost every major store) or Christmas tree lights. Place such a tree in the center of the future composition - surround it with candles and other New Year's decorations and... light all this splendor in the evening. The fire of the candles will be reflected in the crystal of the Christmas tree, in the shiny silver of the tray... in the candlestick cups wrapped in foil.

You can use not a tray as a base... and a WICKER BASKET...And add to standard candles and balls ribbon... and fan, in the same colors as the Christmas tree decorations.

Or you can do it without any vessel or container at all... just make a beautiful display on the table New Year's tools...

Place heart-shaped balls... add spruce branches... pine cones... candle tablets... dried orange slices... and fragrant bunches of cinnamon sticks tied with a ribbon

Look good compositions with a large star... already for this it is worth buying it ... or you can make a beautiful New Year's star with your own hands ... How exactly I will tell in a separate article and then a link to it will work here.

And if you find DEER FIGURINES on sale ... then you can make a beautiful craft on a flat dish covered with moss ... with a small artificial spruce and acorns ...

or in a ROUND BELLOW WIDE VASE (or aquarium) with SALT poured into it (like snow), stick cones (like Christmas trees) into a salt snowdrift ... and insert a white candle ... which in the evening will illuminate this small piece of the winter world ... with handsome deer.

New Year's compositions - made by YOUR OWN HANDS.

You can make beautiful elements of New Year's decor with your own hands. It could be CHRISTMAS TREE STUNNED WITH SPARKLES.

It’s easy to do – just roll up a bag of thick paper – cut off the bottom edge of the cone (so that it stands evenly on the table). We smear the cone with silicate glue - and sprinkle with shiny sequins ... You can fill the gaps between the sequins with a manicure powder (it is small enough to close all the tiny gaps).

If you feel sorry for money for sequins(such a quantity will be quite expensive) ... you can do it simpler and cheaper. We buy regular ones in the store fluffy foil garland... and chop it all up "terry" with scissors- we get a whole bunch of chalk glitter - you can sprinkle the Christmas tree cone with them.

You can also make a WICKED CHRISTMAS-WET...(Here as in the left photo above... pale golden, see?) ... It’s also done superbly - I’m just attaching step-by-step instructions below.

Master class on making a Christmas tree from threads.

1. Take the same paper cone - a bottle of silicate glue (old Soviet). Golden threads (or beige threads) are smaller in size... and a little thicker in size (you can use cord or twine).

2. Make a hole in the glue bottle (right in the side)- through both sides - we thread our thread into the hole (using a needle) - and it turns out that our thread is quietly pulled through the glue (wetting evenly). That is, we have built in this way... a mini-machine that creates a glue thread. We place the spool of thread on the bottom of a glass jar (so that it does not jump around the table).

3. And now we will use our paper cone entangle with this glue thread– we just pull it through the bottle... it immediately comes out coated with glue... and we wind it in a chaotic manner on our conical Christmas tree blank.

4. When the main winding is driven in, the entire product can be sprinkle with gold dust(it could be nail powder… it could be a can of gold paint… it could be a shredded gold garland)

We also smear the cord with glue (you can not shove it into a bottle of glue), but simply immerse the cord in a bowl of glue. Take it out and apply it in a FLIGHT LINE from the top of the tree to the very bottom. And do it IN SIX DIFFERENT PLACES. And then use this cord to make a circle-ring at the very base of the Christmas tree.

6. After drying (5-6 hours), you can carefully peel off the paper cone from the openwork cobweb of frozen threads ... Just poke paper through the holes - it should move away well (if it’s bad to move somewhere, you can moisten it with water - ONLY from the back of the cone.

You can make original ones Christmas trees and snowmen made from balls of cotton threads... The result is a stylish composition in snowy tones. From white wire, you can make accessories for snowmen (shoes, pens, smoking pipes).

You can collect cones and paint them in gold and silver paint y (from a can) - and put mixed with balls in high cylindrical vases.

Or you can make these yourself beautiful Christmas trees made from Christmas balls. How to make such a Christmas tree with your own hands in 30 minutes (without a drop of glue ... that is, dry work, you can trust the children, they won’t get dirty) I’ll tell you now.

Everything here is simple and really fast.

Step 1. Make a base in the form of a cone. We take thick paper (we buy a sheet of drawing paper at the office supply store). We take a large dish (round, the size of the dish can be 2 times the sheet) - put the dish on the sheet and circle it with a pencil so that it turns out FLOOR CIRCLE. We cut out half a circle and turn it into a cone, fasten the cone flaps with a stapler or double-sided tape.

Step 2. Fill the surface of the cone with large balls. We take the wire and pierce it bottom of the cone- we string Christmas balls onto wire tails and onto metal ears. We wrap the wire with balls around the bottom of the cone, the balls are distributed evenly around the cone, in a tight row. Next, the wire, when it reaches the closure of the circle, we pass a couple of times through the place where the wire leaves the cone (that is, we close the circle). And now we make the second circle (it will be higher than the first). We string the balls again and again wrap the wire with the balls around the cone. We make as many such wire rings with strung balls as necessary in order to close the cone from top to bottom.

Step 3. Fill the holes with small balls. Between the big balls we will have gap holes. They need to be covered with smaller balls. To do this, cut the wire into short pieces and thread a ball into each piece separately. And we will attach each such ball separately. We pierce the cone with a wire in the place of the hole - in two places - we twist the tails of the wire with the hanging ball into a knot inside the cone. double-sided tape - even if a child pulls on a small ball, the wire will not tear the puncture site.

SWEET New Year's compositions with a gingerbread house.

OR... you can make DELICIOUS NEW YEAR CRAFTS with your own hands... for example, this Christmas one gingerbread hut house.

Such a house sets on a rectangular cake... so that it is convenient to carry... And if you make several gingerbread houses, you can build a small village... If you place such a village on a mirror (as in the photo below), you get the feeling that the houses are standing on the shore of a winter lake... A very beautiful composition.

You can make a THREE-TIER NEW YEAR PENDANT (as we see in the pink photo below)…

Your child can do this (it’s so simple)... you need to buy soft aluminum wire(it’s very cheap in any hardware store or kiosk) and fold it right away THREE RINGS of different sizes... Connect the ring-tiers with a pyramid (using the same wire) and wrap it all in a garland of foil... and then run an ELECTRIC GARLAND with LEDs along the same rings. It turns out to be a beautiful New Year's chandelier.

And it's even easier to do PENDANT MADE OF THICK CORRUGATED CARDBOARD. This is exactly what we see in the left photo above (with purple flowers)…

Let's take it dense cardo n from the box - cut out a circle… in a circle poke three holes- into the holes thread the ribbon(our pendant will hang on it). We arrange on this circle to composition of moss, twigs, dry herbs and flowers and small candlesticks (necessarily in glass cups) so that the branches do not burst into flames. (Or lay out an electric garland). And we get a beautiful New Year's pendant.

Here are more options decorating a New Year's hanging composition... You can make your own design - your own... to suit your overall style... to match the color that you have chosen as the main color of the Christmas tree.

And you can make everything easier ... tie balls on strings to the chandelier... make the threads of different lengths - so that each ball occupies its own SEPARATE AIR SPACE and does not come into contact with another ball.

I also showed an interesting version of the suspension in the article

And in the same ideological vein you can make a New Year's hanging window decoration . On the same cornice where the curtains hang we attach bright ribbons (or white ropes) and tie Christmas tree decorations or homemade flat stars made of gold cardboard to them.

We also make sure that we make ribbons and strings of DIFFERENT LENGTHs - so that each toy in the row occupies ITS LEVEL, its own place - so that they do not crowd in a row like cows at a watering hole.

First think how do you want to see this New Year's holiday row on the window -

  1. lay it out on the carpet toys and ribbons...
  2. adjust(directly on the floor) the length of the ribbons and the level of the toy’s position...
  3. and when you like the composition, then start transferring it, ONE PIECE at a time, onto the curtain rod...

Or you can make a hanging composition not near the window opening... and at the wall... Hang spruce paws from above (directly on the wall)... and beautifully lower the strings from the spruce legs with fancy balloons... and cookies. The main thing is to monitor from time to time... whether the decorative New Year's cookies have disappeared from the wall into the warm womb of your little ones.

Well, now it’s the turn of the candles...


Candles for the New Year are the main thing. Without them, New Year's Eve is no different from non-New Year's Eve. There should be candles - and they should flicker... And we will now look at what beautiful compositions can be made with them...

You can take a long plate (for example, a herring bowl, if there is a picture of fish in the herring bowl, cover it with foil)... Place the balls on a plate... put candles in a row... For additional style, you can cut one long candle with a knife into pieces of different sizes - AND ARRANGE IN ORDER from large to small so that you get steps...

You can just randomly arrange candles on the table or mantelpiece (if you have a fireplace). And you can still make beautiful ones candlesticks from ordinary glasses.

The master class here is simple... We buy from stationery a couple of jars of stained glass paint And one tube with a stained glass outline(the outline is a thick paste)... On the glasses we draw cells with an outline (for example, square ones like in the photo below). Let the outline dry - 4-5 hours... and fill the cells of the outline with different colors of stained glass paint... If the instructions on the package require baking, then bake such a painted glass in the oven - temperature 120 degrees (average is obtained)... 5 minutes.

You can decorate a New Year's candle SPRINKLING of sequins or sparkling powder for decorating manicure or beads...

For this The surface of the candle must first be made sticky... You can hold the necessary places over the fire... so that the side of the candle heats up and begins to melt slightly... And while the melted side is soft and sticky, pour the sprinkles on it and gently press it down, pressing it into the soft side of the candle. It turns out an elegant decorated New Year's candle.

You can also use candles place on upside down crystal glasses... and scatter imitation snowballs below. Do you know how to make snowballs?

How to make beautiful snowballs from felt or cotton wool.

There are two ways. The first way is cotton wool, put it in a bowl with pva glue- and when it’s wet, we roll the ball with our hands and put it out to dry overnight...

The second way is to buy felting felt... Pour soapy water into a bowl(we use any white soap) - tear off a lump of felt. We immerse it in soapy water and roll the wet piece into a ball... The longer we roll... the harder we press with our palms, the denser we will get a felt snowball. As you roll, you can add pieces of felt to it - if you want a bigger ball. They will stick to it - like lumps of snow stick to a snowball. And we roll it up... we roll it up. Children will really enjoy rolling these soapy, wet balls of felt.

Such lumps can be pierced with twigs- and it will look like twigs in the snow...

Can you make FLOATING NEW YEAR CANDLES? . They are sold as round candles...or triangular floating cone shaped candles.

A container with water for floating candles can be decorated with beads, branches of flowers and shrubs. Such compositions look especially beautiful when decorated in a red style (red berries, beads, candles)... I have collected many ideas on red decor for the New Year in a separate article

Can be done red apple candlesticks , and decorate with a ribbon and a sprig of evergreen fir. You can tie a candle with a bunch of reeds or long candy sticks.

You can put candles in small flower pots (tiny ones like catus) and decorate them with moss and pine cones.

And since we have already touched on the topic of moss and cones, it’s worth moving on to a new paragraph...

New Year's compositions are made from NATURAL materials.

Can you make a candlestick with your own hands? from thick SAWS of large branches or logs. In such a cut of the log you need to make a recess (drill or gouge) and insert a candle into it. You can paint such saw cuts with gold paint.

You can make a floral New Year's composition by simply placing natural material on the bottom of the container, forming a dry bouquet of leaves, pine cones, and herbs.

Can be used as a base beautiful wooden box... cover it with a lace napkin (or satin fabric), place branches of pine needles, pine cones, New Year's balls... You can also make New Year's cones with your own hands - in a special article

Or maybe from natural material? make Christmas trees. Very simple New Year's crafts. When thin branches... flakes of bark from a tree... white airy flakes of cotton wool or white yarn are glued onto a paper cone.

LARGE compositions for home decoration for the New Year.

New Year's compositions are not only tabletop... You can make large decorative islands- placing them on the floor by the fireplace... or in the corner of the room next to the Christmas tree... on the flight of stairs... or on the porch at the front entrance to the house.

You can make a New Year's composition from a sled... from a cart. You just need more fir legs, red ribbons, Christmas tree decorations, pine cones and more...

Here are some ideas on how to make your own New Year's compositions to decorate your home for the New Year.

And also...

We have other New Year's crafts for children and adults... And many ideas for New Year's decoration:

Happy new year to you.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

The pleasant pre-New Year bustle began - buying gifts, champagne, decorations. It's up to you to decide whether to put up a New Year's tree or limit yourself to interior compositions. But it seems to us that the report about the master class of Princess Irina Nikolaevna, held at the Moscow Flower Growers Center on November 22, will not leave anyone indifferent and everyone will want to try their hand at New Year's floristry. Push your imagination with the recommendations of an experienced florist, artist, member of the Union of Designers of Russia and the Association of Russian Florists - perhaps this is what will help make this New Year’s celebration unforgettable and festive.

New Year and Christmas awaken the brightest childhood memories for every person, evoking memories of sweet gifts, the fresh smell of tangerines and the New Year tree. Floristry has its own special attitude to this holiday. Decorating a Christmas tree (Christmas tree) is a sacred sacrament for Russian people, associated with our Orthodox traditions.

This year's trends, announced by Dutch florists, fit them perfectly. This year's main color is white. This is the color of snow, snowflakes, which carry this sacrament. Last year's hit was the combination of white and black - so stylish, but so far from Russian traditions. White color is close to the Russian soul; it allows you to create an atmosphere of warmth and tenderness. This year's main flower is the Cymbidium orchid. Bringing in this tropical plant combined with traditional materials brings a fairy tale to life.

When creating these compositions, first of all, the goal was to use more available natural materials, simple vases, simple floral accessories in order to show how, without large investments, you can decorate the table and interior with stylish compositions and bring a real New Year's mood into your home.

Composition 1

Plastic foam molds in the shape of a hemisphere are decorated with moss and halves of pine cones using a hot glue gun. Covered with glitter. A moistened oasis is placed inside the lower hemisphere. Cover with the top half. Short branches of Weymouth pine (Pinus strobus), which has beautiful long and soft needles, are inserted into the side (but you can also use Scots pine). White roses are placed between the branches, and buds of white carnations are placed along the edges. It is better to place the composition on a platter, pouring artificial snow around it to give the composition a winter sound and more tenderness.

Composition 2

This composition is made using the traditional Christmas color - red.

In Europe, the Christmas fast lasts 4 weeks. Wreaths made of pine needles, foliage, and fruits are popular among Christmas decorations. An indispensable attribute is a candle. In the first week of Lent, 1 candle is lit, in the second week - 2, in the third - 3, and finally, on Christmas Day, 4 candles are lit. The golden decorations of our Christmas represent the burning of a candle.

This composition uses holly branches (Ilex) with red fruits, but with the same success you can use viburnum, hawthorn, candied fruits - medium-sized tangerines, apples, pears, kiwi. In order to get such fruits, just dip them in boiled sugar syrup, then in sugar. You will get a snowy effect. Such decorations will especially delight children.

Take a simple shaped glass vase. Place a moisturized oasis inside. Secure it crosswise with tape. In order for the tape to stick well, the vase must be dry. The sides of the oasis can be decorated with gold beads.

Next, make a cuff from the legs of a blue spruce (more precisely, prickly spruce, Picea pungens). Between them insert bundles of cinnamon sticks tied with silver wire. These bundles symbolize good luck, attracting wealth. If you don’t have cinnamon, you can use bamboo sticks or simply cut from branches of deciduous trees or shrubs. In order for the wire to hold well in the oasis, you can make an “anchor” on it by bending one end.

Now the time has come to decorate the composition with gold and silver beads. The beads are divided into 2 beads, placed sparser on the wire and placed in the composition. You can simply place the beads beautifully by slightly twisting them around the spruce branches. The result is an elegant and festive wreath. You can place a candle or an impromptu Christmas tree in the center. To secure the candle, 4 pieces of wire are heated over the flame and inserted into the candle and then inserted into the oasis. The Christmas tree can be made on a cone from an oasis for dried flowers, decorating it with moss and beads reinforced with wire. The “Christmas tree” is secured to the oasis using 4 sticks.

Composition 3

This composition perfectly reflects the trends of this year, where an abundance of ice and snow is welcomed.

A vase on a leg is filled with beads, balls, and crumpled cellophane. Place a tray on top for the oasis according to the size of the vase. Install the moistened oasis and secure it crosswise with tape.

The composition itself is made from one needle. The same Weymouth pine is used here. The resulting shape is a circle, a wreath, the most traditional for Christmas. The top of the oasis is also covered with pine needles, securing it horizontally with pins.

The round white candle is mounted on wire legs. Around the candle are placed silvery inflorescences - “balls” of Brunia - plants from the Proteaceae family on wire legs. To give the composition more shine and shine, it is supplemented with small transparent and matte Christmas tree balls, also placed on a wire.

The final stage for this composition will be to give it a snowy effect. Spray glue is applied to the needles along the edges of the wreath and sprinkled with artificial snow.

It is better to make 2 or more such candlesticks. They can be used to decorate the table and interior.

Composition 4

The next composition is a real New Year's bouquet. It is made on a round wire mesh. Using wire and hot glue, mossy twigs covered with lichen and moss and ordinary fir cones are attached to the stack. The cymbidium inflorescence is disassembled into individual flowers, each of which is inserted into a test tube with water, into which Chrysal can be added to prolong the life of the flowers. Test tubes on a long wire should be used, which are threaded through the frame and collected into a bundle. The same is done with “snow-covered” and silver Christmas tree balls placed on a wire. You can enhance the lilac hue of orchids with the help of large lilac beads placed freely between the flowers.

The bottom of the bundle of wire stems is decorated with a cuff of blue spruce branches arranged in a circle and secured with a wire cord. The wire is trimmed and decorated with beautiful braid.

The resulting composition resembles the Star of Bethlehem. Orchids perfectly correspond to the slogan of Dutch florists “Look, be surprised and rejoice!”

Composition 5

If you still have orchids or holly branches, you can make a number of simple compositions from pine cones, a pine branch and one flower or branch with fruits, which will also help create a New Year's mood in the house. The first two compositions are made without water, the vase is simply filled with pine cones. In the third case, water is poured and artificial snow is poured (it will float on the surface).

Composition 6

To create this composition, which will serve as a good replacement for the New Year tree, a square “golden” dish was used. 5 “frogs” with wire are glued onto the tray, onto which the “Christmas trees” are attached. The “Christmas trees” themselves are made on small oasis cones, which are covered with moss using wire. The candles are set on hot glue. Between the verticals are golden and silver balls of different sizes, symbolizing the gifts the Magi brought to the baby Jesus.

Composition 7

The last composition resembles a New Year's cake. The mold is made from a moistened oasis into which blue spruce branches are inserted. Cones and balls are placed on horsetail sticks with hot glue. Inflorescences of white hippeastrum are placed in the center, for which the stems are cut short and obliquely and a bamboo stick is inserted inside. To give the design a flatter appearance, the inflorescences can be disassembled into individual flowers. The spring flower - hippeastrum - was not chosen by chance; it symbolizes hopes for the future. The composition is completed by candles mounted on wire.

It should be noted that in all compositions the candles are functional and can be lit without the risk of setting the entire piece on fire.

In conclusion, I would like to present completely unexpected solutions made by another teacher of the Flower Growers of Moscow Center, Natalya Vasilievna Kuznetsova - a knitted Christmas tree and a sweet bouquet of candies. These ideas contain incredible scope for imagination and allow you to introduce an element of play and humor into the New Year's holiday.

I love holidays very much, but I value New Year and especially Christmas the most. Every year all my friends and acquaintances are surprised how I manage to create Christmas mood, even in slush and in the absence of snow outside the window.

The secret lies in the fact that since November I have already begun to gradually transform and decorate your home so that the two most important holidays of the year are brighter and more fun. From my personal experience, I am convinced that a festive atmosphere influences a person and helps him create a festive mood.

Winter compositions

Not only the queen Christmas tree will help you decorate your home in an original way for the New Year, but also a variety of New Year's decor, bouquets and compositions made from natural materials.

Waiting for New Year and Christmas miracles editorial team "So simple!" prepared 19 ideas winter compositions for the home that you definitely want to bring to life.

  1. Tabletop compositions are the most popular. New Year's decorations for the table are collected in round or oblong flat vases, reminiscent of ordinary plates.

    The composition may consist of fir branches, cones, Christmas tree decorations, silver rain and “frost” on the branches (crushed foam placed on glue). Well, beautiful decorative candles will help add warmth and soulfulness to the New Year’s composition.

  2. The Christmas wreath is one of the traditional and favorite attributes of the winter holidays. And needlewomen have recently become very fond of making topiary trees for the New Year.

    By the way, for those who cannot place a Christmas tree indoors, topiary can be an ideal replacement.

  3. Oh, what a magnificent composition! How I dream that someone would give me just such a thing.

  4. Pine and spruce branches in New Year's compositions goes well with fresh flowers. The best options for a winter bouquet are roses, chrysanthemums and carnations.

    Notice how charming these arrangements look in hat boxes!

  5. Another stylish variation of topiary tree.

  6. Who said that Christmas compositions should only be in tabletop vases or in the form of an Advent wreath? What do you think about this decorative moss pillow tied with a velvet bow?

    In my opinion, this is an excellent solution not only for home decoration for the holiday, but also for a gift.

  7. I think this is one of the best ideas for Christmas!

  8. It’s very easy to bring an idea to life, and the result is a sight to behold.

  9. New Year's compositions made from branches are simple to make, but very effective decor. To create such a composition you will need dry branches.

    You can go to the forest for them. Spray paint the branches in gold or silver or leave them in their original form.

  10. And this is one of those compositions that I made last year to create a festive atmosphere in the house. Beautiful, isn't it?

I suggest you familiarize yourself with creative New Year and Christmas ones. When the decor matches the interior perfectly, a feeling of security is created, the eyes are relaxed and the mood is lifted!

Miniature floral arrangements made from fir branches, Christmas tree bouquets, arrangements with candles and pine cones, outlandish decorations made from dry branches can be a spectacular addition to festive decor or replacing a traditional Christmas tree.

And how nice it is to create at home with your family, and even with children! With their bold and unpredictable tips, you will certainly come up with something extraordinary, which means that an equally extraordinary year awaits you ahead.

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that’s what a girl’s heart strives for! Anastasia is an interior designer and also makes unique floral-themed jewelry. She dreams of living in France, is learning the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

New Year's holidays are the most favorite time for many, including me. Shops and shopping centers begin to hang decorations at the end of autumn, when the street is dark, dirty and slushy. It is at this time that you should start creating a New Year's mood. This is what helps you survive the transition from autumn to winter, even if there is no snow outside the window yet.

The whole secret is to make New Year's compositions from branches and cones ahead of time and decorate your home back in November, slowly, slowly, with love. Then the soul is happier and the house is brighter. From my personal experience, I am convinced that being beautiful affects a person’s condition and helps to be calm and happy.

Beautiful winter compositions with your own hands

Modern decorators and florists make stunning compositions of branches, candles, berries, small and various natural materials. They look very original and at the same time not intrusive. And when it’s too early to put up a Christmas tree, but you want a holiday, then it’s time to make winter compositions for your home. They can decorate your home all winter, not just on New Year's Eve.

If you create a winter composition in November and plan to keep it all winter, then it is best to use artificial Christmas tree branches so that the needles do not fall off

1. New Year's compositions with candles

Bouquet and compositions for the table are very popular. Such decorations are collected in low round vases of fairly large diameter, reminiscent of ordinary plates.

Large thick candles are placed in the center of the composition, and small fir branches, angels, and small toys are laid out around. Artificial snow or foam balls placed on glue will help you create the illusion of snow on the branches.

2. Compositions in a box in nature style

By adding a few cinnamon sticks, pine cones, wooden toys and twig balls, you can create a rustic winter bouquet.

3. Advent wreath

4. Winter bouquets

This floral New Year's composition is collected in a round gift box and will be a wonderful gift for anyone who has a winter birthday.

A New Year's composition from fir branches can be assembled not only in a round, but also in a square box. Decorate it with all the natural materials you have.

Small white wicker baskets are a great base for a winter bouquet. In this case, toys and Christmas decorations are also better to choose white.

Fresh flowers perfectly complement the New Year's compositions on the table. In a floristic sponge, they stand for quite a long time. For a winter bouquet, choose chrysanthemums, roses, carnations. A bouquet in a hat box looks very charming, and the Christmas tree branches can be replaced with small green ones.

Add dried oranges to your New Year's table compositions with your own hands, and the Christmas aroma will settle in your home for a long time.

5. Topiary

If you don't plan to put up a Christmas tree this year, you can replace it with topiary. It looks very original, and no less festive.

6. N DIY Christmas compositions for 2018 using branches and other natural materials

If you like the natural style and feel sorry for breaking the branches of the Christmas trees, then simply use the branches of trees and shrubs after pruning. Fortunately, there are many of them in the garden. Clean them, dry them and decorate them with small toys. Let these be knitted snowflakes, then your composition will be very wintry and snowy.

There are a lot of ideas for table decoration, and even the simplest will make your holiday table setting more interesting. For example, take a small jar (no more than 0.5 liters), pour salt into it, place a layer of rose hips, and thuja sprigs on top. Your New Year's compositions for 2018 are already ready. Don’t forget to put a few next to each other and luck will always be with you.

Miniature floral New Year's compositions from pine cones, Christmas tree bouquets, compositions with candles and cones, outlandish decorations from dry branches can be an effective addition to the festive decor or a replacement for a traditional Christmas tree.

And how nice it is to do creativity at home with your family, and even with children! With their bold and unpredictable tips, you will certainly come up with something extraordinary, which means that an equally extraordinary year awaits you ahead.


New Year is such a holiday when you want to decorate your house with magic lights, fill it with New Year's aromas familiar from childhood - pine needles, tangerines, cinnamon and chocolate... New Year's compositions will cope with this task perfectly! Create them yourself or you can .

Let's discuss how to prepare your home for the holiday and what winter compositions will suit your interior?

We will also learn how to turn the holiday table into a magical one, and your home into a real fairy tale! At the same time, we will try to use those materials that we can collect in the forest or buy for little money in stores before the New Year.

With the help of this lesson, you will be able to make a New Year's composition with your own hands.

How to choose Christmas compositions for home decoration?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the interior of your home and its color scheme. And they will tell you which New Year’s decor will suit your home best.

Most often in New Year's interiors you will find the colors of a winter forest - white, green, brown. We associate them with the real Russian winter - a lot of snow, a beautiful Christmas tree that fills our house with a fresh forest aroma... Fir cones, cinnamon, chocolates on the Christmas tree - what would we do without them?

And add bright shades to these three colors - for example, lilac, violet, blue! For example, a Christmas wreath on your front door with bright blue-green elements will look bright and impressive. Already at the entrance, it will set your guests in the New Year mood and set a special festive mood. When entering the house, seeing the wreath, your guests will be anticipating - what will they see behind the door of this house? What fairy tale will they fall into?

If you love the color red (and according to the Chinese calendar it symbolizes the upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster), feel free to use it as bright accents in New Year’s compositions!

What can you make Christmas compositions from?

It is generally customary to create New Year's compositions from live or artificial needles. That is, first a base of pine needles is created, and only then decorative materials are added. Various natural materials can serve as a supplement - pine cones, cinnamon sticks, anise stars, hand-snowed tree branches, moss balls, driftwood and wood cuts, bark.

The choice of decorative materials that you can put into a New Year's composition is simply huge! Christmas decorations, decorative branches with berries, snowflakes made of foam and plastic, textile flowers with sparkles, ribbons! And of course, candles! What's New Year's Eve without candles?!

Yes, and don’t forget about fresh flowers! They look very cool in New Year's compositions and will refresh the New Year's interior.

New Year's compositions: ideas for inspiration

And of course, on the Internet you can find a lot of interesting ideas for creating New Year’s compositions and decorating New Year’s interiors. For inspiration, here are some of the best ideas, in our opinion)))

If for you a New Year's wreath is something banal and you want originality in your New Year's decor, decorate your front door or one of the walls of your country house with a pair of cute stylish boots or winter skates with a winter "snow-covered" composition. Your guests will appreciate your taste and extraordinary approach to home decoration.

These winter powdered compositions and “chill” wreaths will help you highlight the Scandinavian style in your New Year’s interior. And at the same moment there is something very tender and magical about them... it is impossible to take your eyes off these winter masterpieces!