Do-it-yourself tulle snowflake dress. How to decorate a snowflake dress: we make outfits for a New Year's party

Sew a girl a New Year's dress with snowflakes with her own hands, a dress pattern and sewing instructions

Sew a girl a New Year's dress with snowflakes with her own hands, a dress pattern and sewing instructions

New Year's holidays require special handling with appearance especially for the holidays. Therefore, many people try to buy suits, sew beautiful dresses or just decorate themselves for the next, new year event.
Many mothers of our country during the New Year holidays are trying to find for their children the most unique and interesting options clothes. A snowflake dress can be exactly what your little one will look like. The dress is not difficult to sew, there are many different patterns. This manual is designed to work with one of these patterns. A simple and comfortable snowflake dress is perfect for celebrating New Year's parties or just for visiting Christmas events. So, for work we need organza materials. The dress will consist of skirt and bodice items, based on these materials. In order to receive finery, it is also necessary to prepare materials for petticoat. In such a set, it is also worth using white tights that will improve the style, as well as using Czech shoes or shoes with white flowers. A beautiful crown will fit on the head.

Material selection

So, let's start the preparation is easy and comfortable dress with your own hands. To begin with, we have to buy tulle. It is advisable to choose a material with a proportion of an average level of rigidity. The length of the piece will depend on the parameters of your baby. For example, for a standard skirt it takes at least 50 pieces of tulle material, all of them have rectangular shapes. The width of such a segment should have a parameter of 20 centimeters, and the length of the rectangle should be done when first measuring the height of the child. The fabric is very easy to work with, as it is easy to cut, therefore, it is quite convenient to fold in layers and cut in the size of several pieces.

Elastic band for belt

Next, we take elastic as the main solution for the belt. The elastic parameter should be 2 centimeters in the width option. The length is calculated based on your child's waist circumference. It should be less than 5 centimeters than the circle itself. It is very important to take a dense gum material, preferably high-quality. Next, you need to tie the elastic in a knot, you can use the services of a mock-up or a chair.

Tulle strips

We work with Fatin. To do this, you need to take one strip of tulle, then fold it into two parts and then tighten the knots that help create a loop inside the belt, its elastic bands. The strength of the knot should be tight, but at the same time, the fabric should not press down on the properties of the elastic and prevent it from performing its working functions. Otherwise, the elastic will lose its properties and stretch, which means that it will be difficult to work with waist fit adjustments in the future. The process continues further, putting strips of tulle on the belt along the entire length of the elastic band. The skirt will be fluffy only if it is a large number of strips of tulle. Then, you can process the loops with a satin ribbon, which is tied at the end with a bow.

skirt pattern

Now we need to complete the skirt itself. Such a skirt should be made in the “sun-flared” format. For those who do not know, this is a circle where there is a hole for the waist. Next, you need to carve out the very sun - an element of the skirt. To do this, the fabric must be folded four times. The length for the fabric should be equal to a value of 20 centimeters, and also have a reserve of 2 centimeters for the hem at the bottom, as well as for the sewing process under the belt. After, we work with cutting tulle.

Connecting strips

So, we get full-fledged 3 pieces of tulle material:

  • 22 centimeters long and 4 meters wide.
  • 20 centimeters long and 4 meters wide.
  • 18 centimeters long and 4 meters wide.
  • The two-meter tulle must be folded again, four times. After that, we mark the length for the bottom element of the layer. In our case, it turns out 20 centimeters, adding two more. Then, two strips are cut off and sewn together. As a result, we get a rectangle with a length of 22 centimeters and a width of 4 centimeters. Repeat the steps for the remaining two layers with dimensions of 20 centimeters and 18 centimeters.

    Connect elements

    Next, you need to connect and collect the material. To do this, you need to pick up the rectangles using the long side. In this case, a sewing machine and a foot for this are perfect. It is necessary to determine the large stitch and set highest score tension on the thread. The dress is ready, now it remains only to try it on your daughter and feel the quality of the work done. If there are any details, correct for the figure or improve the shape. This dress is perfect for impressing everyone at the Christmas ball!


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    Photo gallery: Winter beauty: do-it-yourself New Year's snowflake costume for a girl

    Delicate, airy and incredibly cute snowflake - traditional New Year's image, without which almost no matinee can do. The image is popular and therefore often repeated. To make your little snowflake stand out qualitatively against the general “snowy” background, we suggest sewing a suit for her with your own hands. Firstly, he will ideally sit on the figure of the baby and will not cause discomfort to the child. And, secondly, the author's costume always guarantees its originality and uniqueness.

    Ideas for a New Year's snowflake costume for a girl

    To begin with, there are a lot of options for embodying this popular image. But almost all of them are based on basic clothing white or blue tint: dress, suit, skirt and t-shirt (bodysuit). The base is decorated with sequins, beads, New Year's tinsel, lace. The main motif of the decor is, of course, snowflakes of all sizes and patterns. Completes the image, as a rule, thematic headdress. It can be a white hoop, headband, diadem.

    On a note! To make the snowflake costume light and airy, use white and blue feathers when decorating it. different sizes. But be sure to lay out the feathers in the form of snowflakes, otherwise you risk getting a costume of an outlandish bird.

    Do-it-yourself snowflake costume for a girl - step by step instructions

    If you are not strong in improvisation, you can use ready master class to create a snowflake outfit. This option is very simple to perform and requires a minimum of effort and investment.

    Necessary materials:

    Main stages:

    How to make a snowflake headdress - step by step instructions

    The final step will be the creation of a suitable headdress. The easiest option is a bezel, which we suggest you make with your own hands from ordinary gum.

    Necessary materials:

    • rubber
    • ribbon roses
    • rhinestones, pearls, beads
    • hot glue
    • paper

    Main stages:

    Sew New Year's costume for a girl you can do it yourself. Even today, when there are a huge number of stores beautiful dresses snowflakes And carnival costumes for the celebration of the new year, independent sewing is relevant.

    I went shopping, looking for an outfit for a three-year-old baby. Maybe it's too early, or maybe that's the trend. But I really liked the white fluffy snowflake dress, and it costs 1500 r. Almost bought, but stopped a few "But".

    - But, this New Year's dress, which will create a delightful image of a small snowflake, will have to be worn for a couple of hours and will it fit next year- question. After all, kids grow up so fast!

    - But, not all parents will be able to buy outfits at such a price and your child will be very richly dressed against the background of the rest. And this is not good. Let at 3 years old the baby does not understand what they put on him. And the habit of standing out in this way can be preserved both in parents and in a grown child. That's social conflict for you.

    - But, money is not so easy for us, adults, and not in such quantities to buy a dress for 2 hours new year holiday and once in a lifetime. And for growth - these are relics of the past.

    That's how it stopped. Then I remembered that I know how to sew and I even want to open online courses on cutting and sewing. And that wonderful dress is right in front of your eyes!

    And I'll sew snowflake christmas costume do it yourself for my blue-eyed girl.

    There are two ways here: go to the store and buy fabric, for example, white tulle for a skirt, and you can use a white T-shirt at the top.

    And you can rummage through your and your grandmother's "chest" and look for old, but little-worn white, blue blouses and dresses suitable for New Year's snowflakes. Especially shiny things that have long gone out of fashion, but have not lost their sparkle.

    Pattern New Year's costume for girl very simple, you do not need any special knowledge of the cutter and dressmaker.

    Let's imagine the image of a snowflake and choose a fabric for New Year's dress. So, White dressperfect solution, but blue is also possible, because ice and water have shades of blue and white. The costume can be sewn as a dress or a skirt with a blouse or T-shirt can be used.

    Fabric - organza or similar quality, tulle for a skirt - medium stiffness.

    Cutting and sewing a skirt for an organza snowflake costume

    The first model of a skirt.

    The skirt should be cut with a minimum possible number seams. This can be a simple skirt length and width 3 times, at least more than the waist size. There will be one seam on the side or back, on the waistline we gather it with an elastic band.

    Second model.

    Skirt sun. Without seams and with a large margin at the waistline - this is in order to additionally pick up at the waistline. Thus, the skirt will be more magnificent.

    Under an organza skirt for more splendor, you can wear an underskirt.

    Cutting and tailoring snowflake skirts made of stiff fabrics

    The fabric is white tulle, the stiffness is better than average. We cut 50 pieces of this fabric 20 cm wide, length - the length of the product.

    The belt is a dense elastic band 2 cm wide. The length of the belt will be four cm less than the waist.

    These pieces need to be folded in half and tied with knots in turn to the belt. Make the knots arbitrary and strong. At the same time, do not overtighten the elastic band, it should remain elastic. It turns out fluffy skirt. The edges of the hem can be trimmed with scissors.

    In the loops formed by tying pieces of tulle, you can thread a satin ribbon and tie a bow.

    Decorate a costume for girls New Year's tinsel or beads cute option snowflake additions are artificial fur or white fleece. We do the same with shoes.

    Let me remind you that for an elegant dress you need to choose shoes and tights of the same color. A various crowns for the new year are sold in stores.

    Makeup for a snowflake girl

    For the expressiveness of the eyes. Delicate blue mother-of-pearl shadows - we put them on the eyelids and under the eyebrows.

    For lips. Pale pink lipstick with glitter or mother-of-pearl. Or lip gloss with a pink tint.

    You can also add glitter to your make-up.

    Look at the models of the New Year's snowflake costume, which I collected from free access.

    More interesting pattern from the series we sew in 5 minutes in my new article

    Happy New Year! What will you hide under the Christmas tree? I advise a super book where your child is in the lead role. You can order online, there is a trial free option. Book binding soft and hard High Quality. It's great that children can read fairy tales to themselves!

    How to sew original costume"SNOWFLAKES" to a child kindergarten?

      Following the tips from this type of master class, you can sew a snowflake costume for a child in a kindergarten.

      Most of the elements of the Snowflake costume can be made from what is in the chests of many housewives, and bringing in your own ideas and materials will only give it personality.

      Every year we had snowflakes in our kindergarten. The requirements for the girls' costume were minimal, it was enough smart dress. But I wanted that once a snowflake, then a snowflake.

      I didn't sew the whole suit. The dresses were ready-made.

      I bought tinsel, snowflake decorations, and beads in the store.

      The dress was sheathed with these decorations. Moreover, my snowflakes were not always pure white. If the dress had a shade or trim in a different color, then the decorations were selected to match.

      A snowflake was made on her head. It was either a crown or a headband.

      Such a seemingly simple costume was always very profitable, looked original and elegant and was noted by educators. Every year I made a new decoration, did not repeat.

      kate, wonderful question! We ran into him last year. We sewed a set for our Snowflake. I'll tell you my way. I must say right away that it is simple, but you will like the results.

      Let's start from the very beginning.

      • choose fabric - I took the usual white cloth velor (fluffy in moderation, very soft and warm). And you can also take stretch satin, crepe satin (but it is already heavier).
      • decide on the style. I liked the idea of ​​creating a costume. sewed skirt and top/t-shirt/shirt.
      • let's get started.

      To begin with, we take a child's T-shirt, which fits well on it.

      Now we take a white cloth. My fabric stretches well, so I just pre-washed it and dried it.

      Now we lay out a T-shirt well on the fabric and circle everything with small pieces. You can take a T-shirt).

      You can take colored soap to make the outline clearer.

      Cut out. Do not forget that you need to add a little to the allowances.

      We process the product on the bottom, sleeves, neck. You can just hem it neatly.

      This fabric is soft and the child will be very comfortable in it.

      Now we sew a skirt.

      Skirt- it's just a circle from a square of fabric.

      Here it is in this way:

      Since this suit is not for every day, the belt can be very simple.

      In the same way it is possible to make a dress. This is the second option.

      You can take as a basis regular pattern dresses, or a simple dress that you will need to fold in half and transfer the drawing to the fabric in the same way. Please note that there are no complicated lines here, everything is simple. But the dress will be very beautiful.

      We sew just as simply - sewing together only two parts on a typewriter. And we decorate again. You can customize the dress to your liking.

      And of course, let's make a crown for our snowflake.

      If you are interested, I invite you to watch a video on our topic:

      I think that in any case, the costume will turn out wonderful. Good luck!

      For the New Year's costume Snowflakes on children's party for a girl of any age, a tulle skirt is great for kindergarten. The best part is that you don't need to sew anything. It is enough to cut the tulle into ribbons and tie it on a wide elastic band, corresponding to the size of the daughter's waist.

      The only thing you have to buy in the finished version is a T-shirt in the color of a tulle skirt. On the T-shirt itself, you can draw special paints several snowflakes on the fabric and decorate with sequins or rhinestones, beads.

      Now the crown. We will make it from ordinary plastic bottle and rhinestone. Here detailed video Master Class.

      Pattern for short baby dress perfect for a snowflake costume. Sew an organza skirt and a crepe satin bodice. In addition, sew a petticoat, a sun skirt and flounces on the bottom, then the skirt of the dress will be fluffy. And put on white leggings, then the translucent organza will only emphasize long legs girls. Sheathe the edges with carved snowflakes or tinsel. And the Snowflake costume will turn out like this

      To make the Snowflake costume original, I propose to make a skirt from Fain without sewing! On white wide belt identical pieces of white or blue tulle are tied. The skirt is ready. Any white blouse, embroidered with rain, sparkles and snowflakes. We prepare a hoop on the head, wrapping it with rain or white fur. Czech shoes or white shoes can be decorated fur pompom Or again, brilliant rain.

      We supplement the image with aquagrim at will.

    In continuation of the preparations for the meeting of the New Year 2019, I propose to make a Snowflake costume for my daughter for a matinee. All little fashionistas, without exception, love to dress up in such an outfit, because a snowflake is associated with something graceful, magical and festive.
    There are several various ways with which you can easily make a baby costume. Moreover, it is not necessary to have any sewing skills. We will consider not complex options, but in the end we get a spectacular and elegant Snowflake costume.

    Snowflake costume for girls for the new year 2019. How to sew with your own hands for a matinee

    Finished dress outfit

    So, if there is a white or blue dress at home, we will create a New Year's image from it. In this case, we need silver sequins or blue beads.

    With the help of these accessories we embroider patterns in the form of snowflakes on the dress. If there are frills on the dress, we sew them with white tinsel. We sheathe the bottom light fur, we form the same fur inserts on the sleeves.

    Create a new outfit without using a sewing machine

    If the dress available at home does not quite fit the intended image, we will make the baby a costume from scratch.

    For it, we need euro tulle, which is three meters wide, satin ribbons, hot glue and brocade ribbons.

    Now let's move on to the manufacturing process. First, we cut the fabric into strips, the width of which should be 25 centimeters.

    We calculate the length based on the desired size of the dress, it is advisable to make the product just above the knee. After calculation optimal length, add another two centimeters and get the desired figure.

    Then we will prepare the elastic band on which the strips of tulle will be attached. The width of the elastic band should be two centimeters.

    To calculate the length, we measure the chest circumference of the little princess and subtract 6 centimeters from this value. Sew the ends of the elastic.

    Well, now we collect our work of art. We take pieces of tulle and tie one at a time on an elastic band with a regular knot.

    It is not necessary to tighten the flaps too much, as this may deform the elastic. So we do with all the prepared pieces of matter. The result is an airy and very lush dress. More precisely, something similar to it.

    Now let's make straps - take a satin ribbon and tie it with an elastic band. The tape should be located exactly in the middle of the gum, on the front of the product.

    second part satin ribbon fasten at the back, in exactly the same way. Only on the back side we fasten the ribbon not in the center, but on the side.

    We make the second strap in the same way. Alternatively, you can make straps crosswise.

    We take another satin ribbon and tighten the belt at the waist. Behind or in front we form a bow.

    There are many options for decorating such a costume. For example, looks great blue or silver rain, attached to inside attire, in the chest area.

    You can also arrange snowflakes made of tinsel throughout the costume, which are sewn to the dress with threads. And yet, the outfit can be decorated with store-bought plastic snowflakes.

    home jersey outfit

    This the way is fine those who have a snow-white T-shirt or T-shirt with short sleeve. Then it remains to make a suitable fluffy skirt and decorate the costume with New Year's accessories.
    To sew a skirt, we need to purchase a piece of white matter equal to one meter in length and width. Stretch satin, velor or crepe satin is well suited for this look. We will make a pattern from two circles, necessary measurements can be found in the figure below.

    We cut out the product, carefully sew it together and get a part of the future costume for the matinee.
    Then we sew fluffy tinsel along the bottom of the product.

    We decorate the skirt itself with rain or embroider patterns on it in the form of snowflakes. To do this, use blue or blue floss threads.

    We put on a daughter a white T-shirt and a made skirt. At the waist with a wide satin ribbon tie a belt and form a bow.

    If there is no T-shirt suitable for the image, I suggest sewing it yourself.

    An easy way to make a top for a suit

    Take a piece of satin or velor. With the help of any thing that is at home and sits well on the child, we will draw a pattern according to the right size. Detailed information about creating a pattern can be found in the figure below.

    We add a few centimeters for allowances, cut out the fabric and sew the two parts together. Next, decorate the blouse matching accessories, put on a skirt and tie a bright satin belt at the waist.

    An easy way to sew a dress for the image of a Snowflake

    In case you don’t want to use a T-shirt and a skirt in an outfit, you can easily design a dress.

    Similarly to the method of sewing a T-shirt, we cut out a dress from an existing house. Material and color does not matter.

    We apply a pattern on a white flap of matter, as indicated below.

    We sew both parts on a typewriter and decorate to taste.

    Well, now that the costume is almost ready, let's think about the headdress.

    How to make a hat for the Snowflake outfit

    Without jewelry on the hair, the image will turn out to be incomplete. If you put a little more effort and make such an accessory, the outfit will be excellent.

    One of the options for decorating hair is making a crown. To do this, take a piece thick cardboard and form a cylinder out of it, equal in diameter to the volume of the child's head.

    Then we cut off the extra pieces of cardboard from under the lace. Or you can do otherwise - measure the lace according to the diameter of the head, sew it in the form of a hat, which can be easily put on the head.

    And then the lace needs to be starched.

    After making the lace crown, it's time to color it. You can use paint from a spray can of silver or golden color. Or decorate the crown with tinsel or rain.

    The second option is to make a crown with an elastic band. Take a wide elastic band and trim it with a white cloth.

    Then we will purchase ready-made plastic snowflakes in the store and attach them to the prepared elastic band with glue. Thus, we get a spectacular crown for the matinee.

    A purchased ready-made crown made of plastic is also suitable. It will need to be decorated with tinsel in the color of the dress. If you couldn’t get a crown, a regular hair band will do. It must be wrapped with a white cloth and glued abundantly with fluffy tinsel.

    And yet, you can make a headdress from pieces of tulle and a rim. To make an accessory for the Snowflake, take a piece of tulle and cut sixty strips out of it. The size of such strips should be 11 centimeters in length and three in width.

    We tie the prepared strips one by one to the rim, fixing them on double knot. We do this with all pieces of fabric. If the edges of the fabric are too sharp, you can smooth them out by rounding the ends of the fabric with scissors.

    The perfect addition to the costume will be long gloves from fine fabric. You can make them yourself, for example from tulle. And so that the gloves do not fall off, you need to sew a thin elastic band.

    Do not forget about Snowflake's shoes. Regardless of what the baby will perform at the matinee, the shoes should be suitable for the image.

    For example, if a daughter wears Czechs, they need to be decorated with rhinestones or fur. Or glue purchased silver snowflakes on shoes.

    It is also desirable to glue rhinestones on tights, forming a pattern in the form of a snowflake. Instead, you can use beads designed to decorate the Christmas tree.

    In this case, we place the beads on the shoes, carefully gluing them with transparent glue. We cut off the excess parts of the beads with scissors.

    If the child will go for a holiday in socks, draw a pattern in the form of a snowflake on them with the help of dense blue threads.

    Attach a bead or beads in the center of such embroidered patterns. If there is no time to embroider socks, decorate them with tinsel sewn in the ankle area.

    Well let's get ready main accessory Snowflakes are a magic wand. Take a wire about 60 centimeters long.

    Fold it in half and wrap it tightly with a cloth white color or tinsel. For the tip of the wire, we will build a star and also wrap it with tinsel.

    Now we connect both parts, tightly fastening them with threads or the remaining wire. Magic wand ready for the Snowflake!

    If you make a costume using the described methods, it will take quite a bit of time, and the result will be great!

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