The combination of fabrics in clothes table. Basic concepts and definitions. The combination of the color of the bag and clothes

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Color selection in clothes and the correct compilation of a stylistic ensemble is not an easy task, but extremely useful. Ability to successfully and stylishly match colors will save you from such questions as whether this scarf will fit my outfit, what jewelry to choose for this suit, whether my handbag matches new shoes and whether my favorite blouse will fit this skirt. These daily simple questions require you to decide and make the right choice. Without it, it is very difficult to fully master the art of dressing beautifully and looking stylish. In addition, the ability to combine colors and those colors and shades that suit you will make it easier for you. share with you the knowledge of how to learn to choose clothes by color.

Rules for choosing colors in clothes

There are several simple color combination rules within the framework of your wardrobe, which are easy to remember and apply in life. Even if you don't have a natural sense of style, color selection rules help you avoid common style mistakes when choosing clothes and everyday outfit. It will not be difficult for you to look stylish and new without making any special efforts. Well, let's get started?

Color combinations - what color suits you?

Each woman suits the color of the dress, which matches the color of her eyes or is very close to it. However, it is important to choose a shade here - if the eye color has a cold glow, use a cold tone, if it is warm, then choose suitable warm shades.

White color. White is neutral and versatile. A white blouse will help you out under any circumstances. Want to look good and don't have time to choose clothes? Feel free to wear a white blouse under a plain suit. Add a bright contrasting scarf to the outfit, and you are on top. No one will suspect you of lack of taste. After all, white is successfully combined with both bright colors and pastels. If your color type is Winter or Summer, a cold snow-white color suits you, if you are Autumn or Spring, wear warm cream, the color of baked milk and creamy.

Grey colour. This is a neutral shade of very high combinatoriality. That is, it is combined with everything and goes to absolutely all women, regardless of age, taste, complexion and figure. Gray goes very well with bright catchy shades: orange, crimson, red, turquoise, bright green, burgundy, black and white. Gray is the perfect backdrop for vibrant tones. It ennobles and adds elegance and style. You should not think for a long time about what to combine accessories of bright colors with, feel free to buy something "gray". Such an ensemble will create an image of a confident, calm and elegant woman with a refined taste.

Black color also suitable for almost all women, regardless of physique and figure. But avoid completely dressing up in just black. Black is good as a background, but it definitely needs to be shaded with contrasting shades: white, red, gray, cream.

Red color- This is the color of brunettes with matte skin. The red color of a sundress, dress or jacket goes well with a white, black or gray blouse. Combine red up with a black or gray skirt and trousers. From accessories - white / black gloves and a handbag to match.

Blue and cyan colors It is worth choosing blondes with fair skin. Blue shades harmonize well with pale yellow, white, gray, and sometimes black.

Yellow suitable for brunettes of the Winter color type. Yellow color is successfully combined with different shades of brown, coffee, green and blue. Blondes can also wear yellow, but you need to choose the right shade. Yellow color should match the lightest strand of your hair and be sure to be complemented by accessories or clothing in a contrasting color so that a girl with blond hair does not merge with her own outfit.

Green color It suits both blondes and brunettes. But distinguish between its cold and warm shades, which must also be combined with contrasting or neutral colors of warm or cold tones. Green harmonizes with yellow, beige, silver gray, ivory and almost all shades of brown. Green in combination with brown is more suitable for brunettes, brown-haired women and redheads.

How to combine fabrics and how to choose fabrics with a pattern?

Combine patterned fabrics harder than pure solid colors. It is worth adhering to the following rule: a drawing that is made horizontally visually fills the figure, and vertically makes the figure more slender. Depending on your build, choose clothes with a pattern that suits you.
If bright printed fabric, then the complex style, decorative lines and trim, additional details on dresses and suits made of such fabrics will not stand out - they will be lost against a bright background or destroy its design. In such cases, it is better to focus on styles that emphasize the silhouette and lines of the figure. And decor, finishing lines, various decorations and complex elements should be reserved for clothes made of plain fabrics.
Woven fabrics- A good choice for elegant dresses and suits with strict, clear lines.
Light bright fabrics with colorful patterns good for summer flowing graceful dresses and sundresses.
Choose home dresses, suits, bathrobes from fabrics of calm, pastel colors and soft colors.
Fabrics with small infrequent patterns, ornament, striped, plaid are suitable for blouses and shirts and can be worn under an office skirt, trousers, suit, etc. Avoid combining colorful patterns of different items of clothing. If you put on a colorful blouse, then the bottom and jacket should be plain or vice versa. For a summer suit and dress, a light, pleasant pattern is quite appropriate, but then choose a plain top or blouse. It is impossible to combine a plaid blouse with a polka-dot skirt, a striped sundress and a shirt with a bright ornament in one ensemble.

How to choose accessories?

In the choice of details, the outfit also needs to be treated carefully, observing a sense of proportion and taste. So, if the dress is decorated with beads, sequins, brilliant embroidery, then jewelry in such an ensemble will be clearly superfluous.
How to choose shoes? In a nutshell, then you should have a minimum set: comfortable simple shoes with medium or low heels for daily wear, open and light in summer, warm and heavier in winter; For the weekend, you need an elegant pair of heeled shoes.

Is it possible to combine bright colors?

To some, a set of two neutral bases and one bright color may seem like a boring classic outfit that cannot fully express your personality. In fact, bright and eye-catching color combinations in clothes often found in the wardrobe of self-confident people of creative professions. Combine bright colors, of course, you can, but also subject to certain rules of style and good taste. In order not to be mistaken combine the so-called color pairs: green and red, yellow and purple, blue and orange. These colors are opposites in the color wheel, they naturally harmonize with each other, help to stand out and attract attention, but not with the absurdity and loudness of the outfit, but with good taste and style. However, when combining colors, it should be remembered that colors that match in terms of brightness and intensity of color, as well as warm and cold colors will look best. That is, bright warm colors should be combined with bright cold ones, and, for example, warm pastels with warm pastel shades.

Choosing a bright outfit don't wear colored pants. Bright trousers are bad manners. It is better to refuse them immediately than to try to experiment. The fact is that the lower part of the outfit is its base and foundation, and here it is better not to break the rules and not cross the line of good taste. Therefore, apply a simple rule: the bottom of the ensemble should not be brighter than the top. Opt for trousers in soft basic shades, and you will always look elegant.

We have presented to you basic rules for combining colors in clothes. Do not follow them strictly and literally. Leave yourself room for experimentation, creating your own, unique style and image that emphasizes only your individuality. If experiments are not for you, then basic outfit combinations will greatly facilitate your choice and daily selection of a stylish and elegant outfit. Find out also, And be stylish and attractive!














Every autumn, in anticipation of the winter blues, I dress in black and gray, but by the end of February I want to immediately burn it all and make a completely new wardrobe in bright and cheerful colors. Probably, I am not alone in my aspirations, otherwise how else to explain that the autumn-winter collections of most brands are made in darker and deeper colors, and the spring-summer ones offer us different variations of light and bright ones. Along with the desire to buy all this yellow-pink-blue-orange fears usually come: what to wear it with? These fears often lead us to steer clear of colors we know nothing about and stick to a few traditional patterns we learned a long time ago.

We choose the appropriate color. For example, rich yellow. We click on the combination scheme (or better - on everything in turn) and we get 6 ready-made palettes.

We make screenshots on the phone and go to the store with them.

What else?

There are several sites that create photo-based color palettes with vibrant color schemes. You should go to them to be inspired, or to choose specific combinations for the desired color. For example:

in color balance (this is a site for designer, colorist and photographer Alex Romanuke who creates palettes by hand)

You can go the third way: take a picture of the combination you like and decompose it into colors by uploading the picture to sites like or (this Adobe application compiles palettes according to schemes, like colorscheme, and lays out the uploaded photo on the scheme).

Actually, color combinations are not limited to 6 schemes, because we take them from nature, which is beautiful and diverse. For good work with color, it is worth focusing on natural combinations, on the works of great artists, designers, architects and photographers. Of course, this does not mean that we will be able to repeat the same complex color combination right away or come up with something of our own, just as ingenious, but the same rule works here as with “innate” literacy and style in the language: in order to write well, you need to read a lot of good literature.

Good work with color and more brightness in life!

Learning to combine colors is not difficult. This requires certain knowledge and the ability to combine cold and warm shades.

To be able to arrange the colors in your wardrobe is a rule of good form. First of all, you need to choose a color for yourself, and then choose the best combinations for it. Clothes need to be selected, taking into account all the features of their appearance, even manicure and hair color.

A beautiful image of a woman is almost 99% dependent on the right color scheme in clothes.

By the way, if the color scheme of clothes is chosen incorrectly, it is immediately noticeable and causes a lot of confusion among others. And all this is not because you are not confident in your appearance, but because color perception has played a role.

A color scheme

Of course, there are several "winning" ones that go well with any shade, such as black and white. But every time you combine them with others, you need to have an idea about cold and warm colors in the palette.

The right combination of colors, first of all, speaks of you as a person with taste. Unfortunately, not everyone is given such an artistic understanding from birth, but you can always manage to acquire it over time.

Video: “Color harmonies. Principles of harmonious color combinations»

What is the rule of combining three colors in clothes?

There are certain rules that recommend choosing the right clothes. By following them, you can achieve a good and attractive appearance. So, for example, if you prefer one color, you should dilute it with something. It can be a bright accessory or a scarf. Try to move away from too gloomy and tragic look.

black color combination

White, on the other hand, looks spectacular, but it is unlikely to suit absolutely everyone, and too bright colors always attract too much attention and sometimes even annoy.

The rule of three colors says that you can't combine more than three colors in clothes. For example, one main and two complementary. It is believed that if there are more than three colors in the wardrobe, then the perception of the image can be overloaded.

Modern fashion, of course, has gone far from this rule and you can see a lot of bright, colorful solutions, spectacular prints and “combining the incompatible”. However, experienced stylists were able to come up with tables in which they conveyed a list of harmonizing shades.

The right combination of colors in clothes: the color wheel

All color combinations in clothes should be chosen based on the "color wheel" - a special device that helps you choose the right shades for each other.

color wheel how to read it

Important: By drawing a straight line through the center of the circle, you can determine the most compatible colors. This simple fixture helps you pick up perfectly contrasting colors.

A competent designer always uses the color wheel, taking into account all the patterns: the shape of clothing, its size and style. So, you should always understand that there are solid colors, belonging to the same shade and having different saturation. polar colors - completely opposite tones.

Video: “Color wheel. Instructions for use»

Combination of hair and clothes color

You should choose clothes not only following your preferences, but also focusing on skin tone and especially hair color. It is this detail of the image that is the permanent label of your color type of the entire wardrobe.

wardrobe colors perfect for blondes

It can be noted that blond hair adds lightness to its owner. Blondes are great at bright colors, the main thing is to try not to “close” or “suppress” your own palette.

perfect wardrobe colors for dark haired girls

Brunettes are ideal for wearing bright and contrasting clothes. Depending on the shade of hair: warm chestnut or cold black, you need to choose beige or gray outfits for yourself.

the perfect colors to match a redhead girl's wardrobe

Red and gold are warm colors, so it is extremely difficult to combine with other rich shades. This hair color is quite discreet. Completely opposite hair shades will help to attract attention.

colors matching gray-haired women's wardrobes

Gray-haired women need to choose such a wardrobe that is in harmony with the silver color and tints.

The combination of the color of the bag and clothes

A bag is the perfect and key decoration for any look. This is the most favorite women's accessory that can be worn with jeans or a dress. It’s safe to say that the right bag is everything that decides the whole impression of you.

The perfect taste will allow you to determine the most suitable handbag for your clothes. Modern stores offer a huge selection of modern accessories of various shapes, made of various materials and in a variety of colors.

bag is a favorite accessory

The bag is the only part of the whole image that can be very different from the whole style. To date, there is a special pattern of choosing a bag. So, classic options are easily combined with casuel clothes, and a strict look is diluted with sports accessories.

The color of the bag also plays a big role. For example, the red version will be a good addition to the "boring" gray or beige color.

The universal color of the bag is black. He is always chosen when they do not want and are afraid to spoil the image. The same can be said about the white color of the accessory. The rule that fashionistas adhere to is: “choose warm shades to warm and cold to cold.” This suggests that the same red handbag cannot be compatible with a red dress and vice versa.

The combination of colors in clothes and accessories

Accessories exist to completely change the perception of an existing look. They are bright and calm, restrained and defiant, inconspicuous and attractive. In any case, they should emphasize femininity and influence your understanding of your style.

accessories in the image

Depending on what goal you are pursuing, you can choose an accessory to match your clothes or vice versa, focus on the opposite shade.

Professionals identify several combinations of colors (rules) that should be followed in creating an image:

  • Monochrome combination - pursuit of shades of the same color
  • Anochrome combination - pursuit of classic colors: white, black and gray
  • Complimentary - game of contrasts and combinations of bright colors

Whatever the accessory, try to choose not a cheap and high-quality thing that will look good on you and give status. It is better to buy one expensive piece of jewelry than ten "meaningless" items.

The combination of colors and types of clothing

When purchasing a new item, each fashionista evaluates in advance its combination with other elements of the wardrobe. You can try to combine different things of various styles and only one rule must be observed - “do not interfere” with warm shades with cold ones. The human vision is so arranged that such “blunders” can cause dissonance in contemplation.

combination of three colors - triad

The only accent in the "combination of the incongruous" may be the shade of clothing. Modern palettes offer many cool and warm tones of the same color. So, for example, vanilla is a little more muted than lemon and can be successfully combined with a warm purple color.

The cut of clothes is absolutely not important if you stick to one of the styles. An important rule only warns you not to overload the image with a variety of textures and materials.

The combination of blue in women's clothing with other colors

Blue color is one of those that is ideal for all color types. He is quite catchy and always noticeable, he does not cause strong dissonance in the eyes and has "soothing" qualities. Blue is considered both a festive color and an everyday one. Blue color can be successfully combined with other bright colors and even sonorous colors.

Having rich blue clothes is currently very fashionable and it doesn’t matter how you wear it: keep it monochrome or, on the contrary, play in contrasts with accessories.

blue in wardrobe

The combination of green in women's clothing with other colors

Green is a calm color. It happens that it does not catch the eye at all, but if you are noticed in green, be sure that it will be difficult to take your eyes off you. Green color has a lot of "beneficial" combinations and it is able to "refresh" any appearance.

Recently, green color is becoming more and more popular and in demand by stylists. It goes well with both warm and cold color palettes.

green in wardrobe

The combination of red in women's clothing with other colors

There are many shades of red: there are muted reds, and there are bright and “screaming” about themselves from afar. You can learn how to combine red with others. To do this, you should definitely use the recommended palette and remember that being one of the main ones, red does not always require any addition.

red in wardrobe

The combination of gray in women's clothing with other colors

Gray is a classic color that can be successfully worn to work and on weekends. Combines gray with many other bright colors. Gray is one of the few in the palette that needs to be complemented with bright accessories. Gray has romance, lightness and wisdom at the same time. It can always be combined in casual wear with jeans and in business, shading with contrasting parts of the wardrobe.

gray wardrobe

The combination of yellow in women's clothing with other colors

Yellow is a pleasant color, especially if you stick to not a bright flashy, but a calm shade, for example, vanilla or the color of the “winter dawn”. Yellow can be successfully combined with bright and calm tones. He always gives joy, fun and symbolizes spring.

yellow in wardrobe

The combination of beige in women's clothing with other colors

Beige is one of the most "feminine" colors, perfectly emphasizing the beauty and attracting men. There are a lot of shades of beige and all of them are successfully combined with both cold and warm colors. When dressing in beige, you should take into account your hair and skin color type, because if it is brighter than beige, you can get an unhealthy reddish look.

The combination of brown in women's clothing with other colors

Brown is a classic color that suits all color types and always carries confidence. Brown can be worn to work and diluted with casual clothes. The advantage of brown is that it can be successfully combined with a different palette of shades.

brown in wardrobe

The combination of pink in women's clothing with other colors

Pink color speaks of femininity and tenderness. It is customary to combine it with not quite bright elements and shades. Pink is perfect for dark and fair skin and easily contrasts with opposing cool tones. Pink loves light accessories and the warm season.

pink in wardrobe

What should be the ideal combination of colors in clothes?

Combining colors, even contrasting and completely different ones, is not difficult. To do this, it is enough to have a desire to look good, carefully select clothes and try to imagine your wardrobe in advance when buying a new item. The palette of colors has many cold and warm shades that can successfully emphasize your skin and hair color type.

If you're not too sure of your perfect look, try adding bold pieces and stylish accessories. The ideal color of clothing is the one that suits you. Combine every color you can find and use modern style tips.

Video: “How to combine colors in clothes. What colors match?

The combination of color in clothes is a technique developed over the years, understanding which you can always always be on top. Selection of wardrobe, photo

It is no secret that color can qualitatively improve our appearance. However, any tone is either combined with our appearance, or not. The criteria and laws for selecting him to face lie in. But that's not the problem, having a set of suitable tones, they need to be combined in the wardrobe. How are combinations in clothes built: in harmony with the face, figure, emphasizing each other favorably?
Let me tell you right now, this is not an easy task. And here are two options: understanding with the knowledge of the intricacies of color theory to build a combination, or working according to a template. For your pleasure, in this article I will provide both methods: you will find a detailed description of the construction, as well as a huge number of examples.
And so let's start with the part that comes from color types.
Any appearance has its own contrast. This is not only the difference between the shade of the hair and skin tone, but also the admixture of gray that is contained in the skin tone: the less differences between hair and skin, the more gray in them, the less contrast the appearance will be. Therefore, combinations should be chosen with appropriate contrast, both for people with high and medium expressive appearance.
in clothes - this is attractiveness, harmony. His absence is monochromatic clothing.
Contrasts are needed to enhance color expression, moreover, this concept is almost synonymous with combination.

Combinations in clothes by type of contrast

There are 7 types of combination contrast, however, in practice, one combination usually includes not one, but several (in some cases, there may even be all) types of contrast.

Dark is combined with light, forming a contrast in lightness.

Combination in clothes by temperature:

Cold shades combined with warm ones create an expressive contrast, which can be intense: if the colors are extreme or be soft, where the temperature difference is less pronounced.

Additional are shades, the rays of which (spectral manifestation of colors) when mixed give gray. What are these tones I will tell below in the information about contrasts.

This is the contrast of gray with any shade of the spectrum, when our eye completes an additional tone against the background of gray to match. This effect is barely perceptible over large areas and almost negates, especially with not bright complex shades.

The combination of clothes by saturation

This is a combination of pronounced shades with neutral, complex or muted. Such combinations can also be of different severity.

The combination of clothes according to the size of the color "spot"

And so the main task of this technique was to clearly show that the same principle can be decomposed into different contrasts.

Now about how to combine colors.

Combinations in clothes on the color wheel

The color wheel consists of the basic tones folded in a certain order. In a deeper understanding of the circle, one must have the idea that all colors have sub-hues. So before I provide combination schemes, I will introduce you to the shades.

1 Yellow. It includes various shades of yellow, warm beige, gold, mustard.
2 Yellow-green (or light green). These are chartese, shades of lime, olive, protective, swamp colors, khaki.
3 Intense medium green (green). These are bright shades of Kelly, green peas, tea, rich dark green shades, pale green tones.
4 Blue-green. These include cold shades of green, turquoise, aqua shades of blue, green, thrush egg color, mint, menthol, jade, emerald, wormwood tone.
5 Royal blue. Shades of blue, sky blue; dark blue, Prussian blue, denim tones.
6 Purple. This is lavender, violet, lilac. Dark purple, violet ultramarine, gray-violet tones.
7 Amethyst (light red-violet). In this sector there are lilac tones, orchids, dark red-violet, purple-violet.
8 Purple. These are pink, lilac tones, magenta, grape, eggplant, plum.
9 Red. These are scarlet, pomegranate, burgundy, cherry tones. This also includes warm pink and red-brown shades.
10 Red-orange. This includes shades of coral, beige, rich brown.
11 Orange. These are autumn tones of orange, peach, soft beige, flesh, medium brown and dark beige.
12 Orange yellow. These are sunny yellow colors, shades of apricot, soft beige, yellow and golden brown, dark beige.

(1) Pair combination of complementary colors: the tones are opposite each other on the Itten circle. In vivid terms, this is a dramatic, expressive pair, if you reduce the contrast (as we did above), then the combination will be softer.
(2) Combination by likeness. A combination of related shades that deepens the colors: the eye completes the intermediate tones, due to which the effect of a color-shadow play is obtained.

(3) and (4) Combination triad. On the color wheel in the form of an equilateral and acute triangle. By connecting the lines in this way, you find the best pairs, while it is not necessary to use three tones, each of them is combined with each other and may well exist independently.

(5) and (6) Tetrad combination. It consists of two shapes: a rectangle and a square. This combination consists of two pairs of complementary colors. They may well exist without one of the colors, but no more.

Another way is to choose from the collections of combinations in clothes that have already been invented by someone. It consists in the fact that you view, memorize or save your favorite option and create it in your wardrobe.

Let's look at the main color combinations.

The combination of white in clothes

White, like gray, beige, brown, refers to. It goes well with almost all shades, can create both bright, contrasting combinations and gentle, soft ones. It is a great addition to any color scheme. Shades of ivory (ivory) are often referred to white (see),.

The combination of gray in clothes

The combination of cold green in clothes

These are the tones of menthol, kelly, emerald. White, light gray, beige, pale yellow, lilac, coral pink tones are suitable for menthol shades. The same color can form bright pairs with orange, red, dark blue.
Kelly is a rich tone of green that is on the verge of cold-warm. It is combined with coral, peach, blue, beige, warm, cold brown.
Shades of patina and with white, black, beige, brown, dark blue, burgundy. Harmoniously combined with pale pink, peach, yellow, gold ocher.

The combination of yellow in clothes

Yellow tones can be light, soft or bright, or they can border on brown, orange, like shades of mustard. They are also very specific. The combination with yellow can be pastel or flashy, such as black with yellow, yellow with red, etc.

The combination of orange in clothes

Orange can create many very attractive combinations. This color refers to,. The most attractive, in my opinion, will be combinations of orange with white, beige, denim, turquoise, red-violet, fuchsia, blue, green, brown and blue.

The combination of red in clothes

Red in clothes supports classic scales: with white, black, gray and beige. It can be combined with brown, blue and turquoise, mint and shades of purple.

The combination of pink in clothes

Various shades of pink create different pairs: cold lilac tones go well with gray, white, peach, cold light gold, beige-brown, denim blue.
Delicate warm shades, closer to coral (see) go well with lilac, amethyst, mint, blue, denim, warm and cold shades of green.
Vibrant tones of pink are favored by richer hues like oranges, teals, yellows, deep browns, blues and blacks.

The combination of purple in clothes

Soft lilac shades are attractively combined with cool green hues, orange and red colors, warm yellow-green and pale yellow, aqua blue and blue tones. (See) Purple colors with red, lime, vanilla, menthol and blue hues.
Dark purple prefers dull pairs with pastel pinks, greys, blacks, beiges and dark fuchsias.
Eggplant is closer to gold and warm green, as well as pink, blue and brown.