Various ways to make a crown from leaves. Master class "Crown of the Queen of Autumn". Origami "Modules for autumn leaves

Recently, in preschool and school institutions, various events and matinees dedicated to the seasons are increasingly being held. For example, for autumn, children make different crafts and put on interesting numbers. And very often a crown is needed to complete the look. By the way! Such decorations are not only for girls, but also for boys. But it is not always possible to get beautiful leaves for an elegant headdress, then it can be made from cardboard and paper.

The principle of making a crown for an autumn ball

This craft is carried out in several stages, but the principle of its manufacture is very simple.

  1. A strip is cut out of cardboard or plain paper to fit the head of the person for whom the crown is being made. If the cardboard is light in color, then it is painted over or pasted over with colored or corrugated paper in autumn tones: yellow, golden, orange and red. If the strip is stained, then you can mix all these colors with a small addition of green or light green.
  2. On the strip we glue the leaves cut out of paper. You can choose ordinary colored or corrugated paper, but you can also use light paper, and then just paint over the cut out leaves. Details of leaves and branches can not only be glued, but also fixed with a stapler or double-sided or ordinary tape.
  3. This step is optional, but if you want the crown to have a gloss, then all the details can be wrapped with transparent tape, and then just cut off the excess.
  4. You can decorate the crown with rowan branches, cones and flowers or other autumn elements that are cut out like regular and voluminous applications.

Crown for the autumn ball of maple leaves

We will need:

Colored paper. You need to select not very thick paper, it is best to take corrugated paper for leaves.


Stapler or glue or thread with a needle.


The main rule is to choose bright colors of paper. Such as orange, red, yellow and some green. It is necessary to cut the foliage without stems, that is, only the leaves. When the required number of leaves is cut out, they should be sewn or glued together, but can also be fixed with a small stapler. To do this, bend the sheet on the side and fix it. We overlap the next leaf in such a way that the lower bend goes beyond the first leaf. The third sheet goes to the second and is fixed again, thus we fix all the leaves on the crown to the required length.

After connecting all the leaves to the desired length, we combine the first and last leaf with each other, forming a crown in the form of a circle.

paper crown

We will need:

Rigid cardboard.


Threads in tone.

PVA glue.

Sequins or sequins.


Transparent glue.


First, draw a leaf of any tree on a Whatman paper. Next, paint the cut out sheet in the appropriate tone. Now we need to draw the number of leaves, usually it takes about 11 sheets for the crown, and seven for the nursery.

Now we take cardboard and cut out a quadrangle from it, the length of which is equal to the size of the head of the one for whom the crown is made. We decorate the crown with paints. It will look very beautiful if you make overflows of autumn colors.

Now we give the rectangle the shape of a cylinder by gluing it on the sides. If desired, you can make notches on the top of the crown, or you can glue the leaves in a chaotic manner, closing the top line.

Once all the glue has dried and all the paper parts are glued, we begin to decorate the crown. To do this, we randomly apply transparent glue to the crown and apply sparkles on top of it with a brush. In some places, if desired, sequins can be glued. For example, for decoration, they can be glued along the bottom of the crown, thereby creating a shiny and even outline.

If the crown is made for a girl, then the decoration looks very original if you glue the leaves to their full height on the rim.

In general, autumn crowns can be made from almost any material. Crowns made of felt or foamiran look elegant. Moreover, if an elastic band is sewn into the felt crown, then its size can be adjusted.

Enjoy your creativity!

Video on the topic of the article

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  • Natalia Belogurova

    At Autumn golden crown ...

    At Autumn golden crown.

    In it, the sunbeams are naughty sparkling.

    She is made of maple leaves and decorated with mushrooms,

    The apples pressed against the leaves with ruddy sides.

    Nuts are also here and rowan berries

    And the threads of the web are silver.

    At Autumn golden crown,

    Until the staff hits Winter is gray.

    N. V. Belogurova

    Matinees dedicated to autumn. Often herself Autumn comes to visit the children for the holiday. A few years ago, a beautiful dress appeared in our kindergarten for Autumn - made to order, but o headdress did not immediately think. On the eve of matinees, we urgently had to solve this problem.

    I really love autumn and immediately wanted to do crown but from what and how? The fabric was impregnated with PVA glue, laid out on an oilcloth, smoothed and allowed to dry. Maples grow on the territory of our garden, walking to one of them, I found some beautiful leaves. I circled them and cut out templates from cardboard. When the fabric was dry, I cut out the leaves from the fabric using templates. The leaves were painted with artistic gouache and allowed to dry again. The fabric leaves were carefully ironed through the paper with an iron. And then she made veins. Since I don’t have special tools for flower making, such as bulbs, curling hooks, cutters and other things, I’m used to doing what I have at hand - spoons, screwdrivers, stacks, scissors, which is enough for fantasy. I also made veins with a screwdriver, heating it over a candle and an iron nose - this is so that they keep their shape. I wrapped a thin wire with corrugated paper, smeared it with PVA glue (thick) and put it in the main vein, which divides the sheet in half. For the base, I made a ring out of thick wire and wrapped it with nylon ribbons. They also walked again, fixing the wire legs of the leaves.

    Using a glue gun, I fixed large leaves between themselves and added small ones, glued apples, a mushroom, golden decorative "brushes", there were real nuts, they also became a decorative element. She made a mountain ash from red paper napkins - she rolled dense berries, processed PVA, made the middle with a Phillips screwdriver and drew them in black felt-tip pen, and then picked berries on black "iris" (Knitting) and formed a bunch. I also had gold gel glue (glitter) and I walked through the leaves with them - autumn is golden!

    This is how it turned out crown for our beloved guest Autumn. Although crown has been actively used on matinees for several years now, keeps its shape perfectly and has not lost its original appearance. Similar crowns from viburnum leaves for dancing "At Kalinushka", we did together with the teachers and children of the preparatory group. Children with pleasure and great diligence painted the prepared leaves.

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    Do-it-yourself crown for the autumn ball with photos and videos in photos.

    Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. Despite the dank weather and rain, autumn is filled with a wonderful atmosphere, a huge abundance of colors and tart smells. The multi-colored forest and frosty air stir our soul. With bated breath we meet and see off every sunny day. This is the time of quiet family evenings, comfort and warm hugs. And we associate this time with the autumn ball. This is one of the most anticipated holidays for schoolchildren. It provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their talents and beautiful outfits, welcome autumn in kindergartens, holding matinees. For our little fidgets, this is the beginning of a creative journey. They are diligently preparing: they learn poems and songs, act out skits, thereby trying on various images for themselves. And parents are responsible for creating a suitable costume and selecting the right accessories. The crown for the autumn ball will be a great addition to any look for both a girl and a boy.

    Parsing the stages

    Before starting work, decide what material you will be doing it from. A paper crown is made very easily and quickly. You will need to print a suitable template from the Internet and, after choosing the color of the product, cut out the sketch. Glue the edges, decorate with various things, and you're done.

    But these are children, they are in a constant rhythm. One awkward move and your work will be irreparably damaged. Paper is good, but its main drawback is that it is easily wrinkled, quickly torn.

    Another thing is cardboard, because it is dense and reliable. You can already be calm for your creation. And another plus of a cardboard crown is that it will not bend under an abundance of jewelry. So do not be stingy and boldly create.

    Real autumn leaves will serve as an excellent decoration. For a girl, you can fill the leaves with glitter hairspray.

    One important tip: involve your child in the craft and do it together. This will help develop accuracy and frugality in things. And it's just fun and interesting, and this day will remain in children's memory for a long time.

    leaf decoration

    To make this product, take your baby and go for a walk in the park. Well, in front of you is a rich multi-colored carpet of leaves, but we only need maple ones. Try to collect the brightest and most beautiful ones. Optionally, you can add a couple of green leaves, it will turn out very original.

    So, you came home with a colorful bouquet. Put it on the table, taking one leaf at a time, start weaving the crown. We think many of you wove wreaths of flowers in childhood, or at least have an idea about it, here is almost the same principle.

    First remove the bulge on the stems, then gently bend a small part of the leaf and pierce it in two places with the adjacent stem. It feels like you are sewing, only instead of a needle you have stalks. When doing these actions, rely on this photo.

    Whatman variant

    To make such a headdress with your own hands, follow these steps:

    Even an adult can try on such a crown, it will look relevant and will last for several years. If desired, you can replace one large sheet with three small ones. The principle of operation is the same, only the stencil is different.

    Parsing the stages

    • cut a rectangle of the desired width according to the volume of your child's head. If you do not have the desired color of cardboard, then you can paste over it with paper of the desired shade;
    • we attach the leaves in any order, in any way that suits you;
    • so that the leaves do not shrink, after they dry, cover them with a large transparent tape.

    Don't get frustrated if you don't have what you need at hand. They can be cut out of colored paper, and they will be no worse than real ones. Look at the pictures for more details.

    leaf decoration

    Whatman variant

    • take a drawing paper and draw a maple leaf on it;
    • cut out the sketch and the same from the fabric. The fabric should be shades of autumn;
    • then cut out a rectangle from these two materials, which will correspond to the volume of the head;
    • connect the two main parts with fabric cutouts;
    • it remains only to decorate. To do this, you can use sparkles and golden braid.

    From felt

    Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. Despite the dank weather and rain, autumn is filled with a wonderful atmosphere, a huge abundance of colors and tart smells. The multi-colored forest and frosty air stir our soul. With bated breath we meet and see off every sunny day. This is the time of quiet family evenings, comfort and warm hugs. And we associate this time with the autumn ball. This is one of the most anticipated holidays for schoolchildren. It provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their talents and beautiful outfits, welcome autumn in kindergartens, holding matinees. For our little fidgets, this is the beginning of a creative journey. They are diligently preparing: they learn poems and songs, act out skits, thereby trying on various images for themselves. And parents are responsible for creating a suitable costume and selecting the right accessories. The crown for the autumn ball will be a great addition to any look for both a girl and a boy.

    Parsing the stages

    Before starting work, decide what material you will be doing it from. A paper crown is made very easily and quickly. You will need to print a suitable template from the Internet and, after choosing the color of the product, cut out the sketch. Glue the edges, decorate with various things, and you're done.

    But these are children, they are in a constant rhythm. One awkward move and your work will be irreparably damaged. Paper is good, but its main drawback is that it is easily wrinkled, quickly torn.

    Another thing is cardboard, because it is dense and reliable. You can already be calm for your creation. And another plus of a cardboard crown is that it will not bend under an abundance of jewelry. So do not be stingy and boldly create.

    Real autumn leaves will serve as an excellent decoration. For a girl, you can fill the leaves with glitter hairspray.

    One important tip: involve your child in the craft and do it together. This will help develop accuracy and frugality in things. And it's just fun and interesting, and this day will remain in children's memory for a long time.

    leaf decoration

    To make this product, take your baby and go for a walk in the park. Well, in front of you is a rich multi-colored carpet of leaves, but we only need maple ones. Try to collect the brightest and most beautiful ones. Optionally, you can add a couple of green leaves, it will turn out very original.

    So, you came home with a colorful bouquet. Put it on the table, taking one leaf at a time, start weaving the crown. We think many of you wove wreaths of flowers in childhood, or at least have an idea about it, here is almost the same principle.

    First remove the bulge on the stems, then gently bend a small part of the leaf and pierce it in two places with the adjacent stem. It feels like you are sewing, only instead of a needle you have stalks. When doing these actions, rely on this photo.

    Whatman variant

    To make such a headdress with your own hands, follow these steps:

    Even an adult can try on such a crown, it will look relevant and will last for several years. If desired, you can replace one large sheet with three small ones. The principle of operation is the same, only the stencil is different.

    Another simple and quick way is a felt crown. Felt is an indispensable material in creativity. It is easy to work with him, he is not whimsical and the same from all sides. Your product will look original and luxurious. Another plus is that you can insert an elastic band or ribbon here. This will allow you to conveniently fix the crown on the head of the child.

    All decorations will also be made of felt. And to make your leaves look natural, sew their outline and veins with threads.

    Video on the topic of the article

    Here are videos that will be of interest to study this topic:

    Rowan Crown

    It is not difficult to build such a headdress. We will need a headband, a glue gun, flowers, rowan and dry leaves. If you are preparing the autumn crown in advance and want it to last for a long time, then you will have to pre-prepare the leaves. They need to be ironed and allowed to dry thoroughly, preferably under pressure.

    Let's start making the hat. First of all, glue the rowan branches. They are heavy and bulky. Under them it will be easy to hide the rest of the flowers and leaves. Now we place the main accents. We will make them with the help of large asters. They can be easily replaced with chrysanthemums or other flowers that grow in your country house or garden. When the accents are placed, we begin to glue the leaves. The main thing here is not to overdo it. 3-4 large sheets and 3 small ones will be enough. The final action is gluing small dried flowers. Autumn crown is ready.

    Small flower head decoration

    Such a simple and elegant decoration can serve as a crown at the autumn ball. It is quite simple to create such an accessory with your own hands. We again need a bezel, but this time - thin, wire. Our crown will be made of orchid flowers, barberry berries and willow branches. The picture shows a sample made from artificial flowers. You can design your headdress in the same way or decorate it with live plants. We select flowers and berries in the same color scheme. If you are making crafts from artificial material, then it will be quite easy to paint it.

    Let's start manufacturing. Glue flowers on the headband. Large in the center and small on the sides. The remaining space must be filled with willow branches, to the ends of which we will tie berries with wire. Weave can be chaotic and asymmetrical. The main thing is that in the end the flowers and berries are evenly distributed.

    maple leaf crown

    This is a rather non-trivial way to make a headdress. Our autumn crown will consist of a cardboard rim, maple leaves and gold beads. The first step is to prepare the material. We dry the leaves and make a cardboard rim 4 cm wide. First we glue the front row of leaves. We go around the rim and fasten them with a glue gun. Thus, the cardboard strip on both sides turned out to be surrounded by leaves. Next, glue the second row. Now we fix the leaves on the back side of the rim. Thus, we make the “inside out” beautiful. The final touch is gluing gold beads. It is advisable not to mount them around the entire perimeter of the crown, it is better to make such an emphasis on the front.

    crown cap

    This headdress is simply adored by children. He replaces them with summer wreaths. Even a child can make a crown for the autumn ball from maple leaves. We will describe two methods for its manufacture. The first method is similar to weaving dandelion wreaths. Only here, instead of flower legs, we will bend and add leaf sprigs.

    The second way is more time consuming. For such a crown, you will have to make a cardboard base in the form of a circle. We will tie ribbons to its ends, which will make it easy to remove and put on a hat. Maple leaves will need to be pre-ironed and dried. And then, using a glue gun, fix it on a paper rim. It is desirable to make the crown magnificent. Therefore, it is necessary to glue the leaves not in one, but at least in two rows.

    gothic crown

    This headdress looks pretty intimidating. But some girls achieve just such an effect. It is very easy to make an autumn crown with your own hands in this style. We need thick wire, branches, electrical tape, paint, chains, beads and autumn leaves. Let's start manufacturing. First, we twist the bezel from the wire. Then we wrap it with a branch. For this purpose, you can use soft and pliable willow twigs. Now, with the help of electrical tape, we attach branches to the crown. It can be branched branches of an apple tree or mountain ash. When everything is ready, paint our headdress black. It is advisable to use paint in a spray can for this purpose. This will evenly distribute the color pigment. After the crown dries, we attach chains and beads to it. You can repeat the version from our sample, where one bead is in the middle, above the forehead, and the other two are located in the area of ​​​​the ears, or you can come up with your own version of the decor. The final action is the stringing of dried leaves on the crown.

    Crown of flowers, butterfly leaves and ribbons

    Such a headdress resembles the one we talked about in the first paragraph. But only this version of the crown is more complex. Here we will use both living and artificial materials. How to make an autumn crown in this way? Let's get started. To begin with, take a wide plastic bezel, it will serve as the basis. We glue asters and chrysanthemums to it with hot glue. We will complement the crown with both dried golden leaves and greenery of indoor plants. Branches of grapes will play a special role in our headdress. We glue them at the back so that they fall beautifully on the back of the head. They need to weave beads and real berries. You need to decorate the finished crown with butterflies, dragonflies and colored ribbons. And remember that such a headdress requires catchy makeup.