Skirt made of tulle in two layers. DIY tulle skirt for a girl: how to cut and sew a fluffy outfit? What you need for work

Many girls and very little girls dream of having such a thing as a fluffy tulle skirt in their wardrobe. “How to sew such beauty?” - this is the most common question, because it is not found in stores so often, and it can be too expensive. Nevertheless, at the moment there are many simple ways by which you can quickly and effortlessly make this lovely little thing for yourself.

Lush - how to sew?

Everyone knows that sewing something is much cheaper than buying it. In addition, hand-made clothes have a unique appeal. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that only items that are sewn to individual measurements will fit perfectly.

One of the simplest and most effective wardrobe items that you can make yourself is a full tulle skirt. How to sew? Nothing could be easier! Before you start making it, you need to decide on the style. Mentally imagine the color, length of the skirt, as well as the accessories that will decorate it. An important point is how lush you want to make it. This will determine not only the amount of material you use, but also the way you design the pattern.

What you need for work

A full tulle skirt requires a fairly small amount of materials to make. How to sew it, what materials are needed - all these questions you have to study. To get started, head to a sewing store to purchase the following items:

  • tulle of the color and texture you like;
  • threads to match the fabric;
  • an elastic band that will serve as the basis for your design (can be wide or thin;
  • bobby pins, with which you can model the style of the product before fastening the fabric;
  • all kinds of decor: ribbons, buttons, rhinestones - everything is at your discretion.

How much tulle do you need for a full skirt?

Before you start sewing a skirt, it is very important to correctly determine the amount of material. If you buy too little of it, then there simply may not be enough to realize your idea. Otherwise, there will be too much unused waste, which can be considered a waste of money.

When answering the question of how much tulle you need for a full skirt, you need to decide how full you want your product to be. The number of layers and, accordingly, the length of the cut will depend on this. In addition, how rigid the material is also plays an important role. The coarser the tulle, the more magnificent the skirt will be. This fabric is more suitable for festive costumes, because it is not very pleasant to the body.

You also need to decide on a pattern. If you sew a circle skirt, then you need to multiply the diameter of the circle by the number of layers. If you start sewing traditionally, using an elastic band, then you need to multiply the circumference of your hips with a small margin for folds.

How to cut a skirt

The pattern of a fluffy tulle skirt can be of several types. Traditionally, the so-called sun is used for these products. In this case, you need to construct a circle whose diameter will be equal to the sum of the length and half the waist circumference. After the workpiece is completed, fold it, as well as a sheet of fabric, in four and cut out the parts. By the way, in order not to repeat this action many times, you can cut out several layers of the future skirt at a time. If you consider yourself a sewing expert, you can experiment and make

Rectangle skirt

The second option is to cut rectangles from fabric. In the future, an elastic band will be pulled through them. The height of the rectangle is equal to the expected length of the product, but the width depends not only on the circumference of your waist, but also on the number of folds that will add fullness to the skirt. This way, a fluffy tulle skirt with your own hands will be cut out much faster, and the process of sewing it is much simpler.

The working process

If you decide to sew a product such as a fluffy tulle skirt with your own hands, then you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • first, purchase and prepare all the necessary materials and tools;
  • take the necessary measurements of your figure and write them down in legible handwriting;
  • start building a pattern on a large sheet of paper;
  • transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out the blanks;
  • then, using bobby pins, form folds (if necessary), and also make an opening for an elastic band or attach the fabric to a wide decorative belt;
  • baste the fabric;
  • machine stitch along the basting;
  • stretch and secure the elastic band;
  • decorate the skirt with decorative elements, if necessary.

One of the undeniable advantages of tulle skirts is that their edges do not need to be processed. The fabric is quite rigid and will not fray from below. The main thing is to cut it carefully and evenly with sharp scissors.

Another point that is worth considering when sewing a skirt is the transparency of the tulle material. If the fabric is visible even through several layers, then take care to sew a lining under the bottom layer. For this purpose, a thin opaque material is suitable, which will be pleasant to the body and also matches the color of tulle.

An easy way to sew a skirt

Despite the simplicity of execution, not everyone can sew such a product as a fluffy tulle skirt. The master class posted in the article will help you create a cute product without much effort, without using threads or needles, or a sewing machine. This method is perfect for making children's holiday costumes. Also, this method should be of interest to those who absolutely do not know how to sew.

A do-it-yourself tulle skirt is made in several stages:

  • first, you will need to measure the circumference of your waist and prepare an elastic band of the appropriate diameter in advance;
  • Next, decide how long you would like the skirt to be;
  • take the fabric and cut it into strips approximately 15-20 centimeters wide;
  • the length of each strip should be twice the expected length of the skirt itself;
  • now return to the previously prepared elastic band and begin tying the scraps of fabric you cut out to it so that their ends are the same;
  • the number and thickness of the patches depend on how full you want the skirt to be.

The advantage of this method is not only its simplicity, but also the fact that you have the opportunity to use fabric in different colors. This way your skirt can sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow.

Where to wear

It is very gentle, feminine and beautiful. But for some reason this thing may seem too extravagant to many. Nevertheless, she will perfectly complement the image of both the most notorious fashionista and the quiet modest one. If the skirt is short and fluffy, like a ballerina's, then it will become an excellent wardrobe item for a party. A long, lined piece can perfectly complement your everyday ensemble.

Made from tulle for a girl, it will be an excellent basis for a festive costume. With such an accessory at the matinee, the baby will look like a real princess or fairy. The main thing is that sewing such a thing is quite simple and not expensive, and therefore in the arsenal of a young fashionista there may be several tulle skirts of different colors and styles.

Let's start in order and try to structure everything.

Let's immediately agree that eurofatin stretches best along the width of the fabric (it is 3 meters), as well as along the weft threads - along the bias.

By share, i.e. along the edge of the fabric (cut length), tulle practically does not stretch.

As with any fabric, cutting on the bias can cause the material to begin to sag or fray under certain influences. This will result in a lot of work for the technician to level the bottom. And also problems for the client if, for example, he irons a finished item.
Let's immediately clarify the following nuances:
1. If your skirt is cut by the sun, explain to the client that such a product should not be ironed (with or without steam, at low temperatures or, God forbid, at high temperatures). Eurofatin may “leak” when exposed to heat. What does it mean? It will stretch out more in places where it is stretched, giving unnecessary folds and, as a result, an uneven edge.

This can be avoided with a simple warning, or even, I would say, instructions for use. Products made from eurofatin cannot be ironed; you need to hang it in a bathtub with steam (heat the bathtub, including hot water). Let the skirt hang to dry on its own. Unnecessary small folds will disappear.

Or iron in a suspended state, lightly dousing the skirt with steam

3. Dry the product only in a straightened form on a horizontal surface.

Many craftsmen refuse to cut tulle with half-sun and sun precisely because of these problems, but forewarned is forearmed. If you follow all the rules that the master warned about, the product will last a long time.

How to sew a tulle skirt, then what is the best way to cut it? The answer, I think, suggests itself - using rectangles, laying out the required length of the product along the length of the fabric. With this cut, we minimize the risk that the product, after improper care (washing, ironing), will give bevels or folds along the bottom of the skirt.

Is this clear? If you have any questions, write in the comments and I will add clarifications.
But there are still a number of popular questions about sewing from rectangles; I want to give answers right away.

How to achieve less volume at the waist, since you have to gather from 3 meters (the width of eurotulle)?

Because We cut our product not with the sun, where we can cut out the waist circumference exactly as much as necessary and not gather anything; when cutting it with a rectangle, we will have to remove quite a lot of extra centimeters. The solution here would be to remove excess length by placing eurofatin in folds, like a tatyanka. You can fold the folds manually, but in my opinion this is very time-consuming.

To save time, I do the assembly directly on the machine, use a needle, and make a step depending on how much length needs to be removed.

The remaining excess length can be removed with a stitch by setting the machine to the largest step and tightening the thread a little. These manipulations will not give us much volume. Plus, I recommend slightly pressing the folds at the waist with an iron.

What if you need a fairly large volume at the bottom of the product, but don’t need extra volume at the waist?

Firstly, we will have to join several rectangles together, 2 or 3 - which will give us the same length at the bottom as when cutting with the sun (about 9 meters). I recommend sewing together with monofilament (very thin fishing line).

Using it, your lines will not be noticeable. When assembling, you will have difficulty finding them yourself. A couple of points that I want to draw your attention to. First, be sure to pull the eurofatin under the machine, because... Machine stitching may gather it up a little.

I pull the thread itself and pull the fabric.

This photo clearly shows that at first I pulled the fabric, but as soon as I stopped doing this, the tulle began to fray.

Second, do not forget to trim the allowance, leaving 0.4-0.5 mm, this is enough.

Well, at the waist you proceed in the same way as I described in the answer to the first question, lay the folds deeper, gather them a little and plus press the folds with an iron. This method will give you the least volume at your waist.

Fabric consumption?

Let's do the math using a simple example. Let's take a length of 115 cm. Usually we use 3 m of tulle for a circle skirt. When cutting into rectangles, we will take two lengths plus 2 cm for allowances. In total, we will get 2.32 m. And also you will not have scraps of material, because with this cut, triangles-tails remain.

For some craftswomen, this, by the way, does not matter, because... they successfully give life to these leftovers, using them for bows, children's dresses, tu-tu skirts, and draperies. There are just a lot of areas of application.

But what if you still need sun exposure?

If a rectangle cut is absolutely not suitable for you, and you can’t do without a sun cut, then here are some recommendations for you:
- do not iron the eurofatin, as this may damage the structure of the mesh. If there are still wrinkled areas, steam over them without touching the fabric itself.
If the crease has not gone away, iron the tulle, only along the grain, i.e. top down. This will not stretch the material.

Apply in several layers at once. You can immediately pin together an already cut skirt along the waistline with needles, and sew it right away (if you have several layers). The bottom of the item will remain even across all layers.

But there are times when we need to assemble all the layers separately or during the sewing process we had to disassemble the layers, but you never know for other reasons. If the layers become confused or stretched out during stitching, put the skirt on the mannequin, place it on the table and straighten the bottom. Not only our pens will come to our aid, but also a meter, needles or a laser level (I haven’t used it myself, but I’ve heard from masters that it helps a lot to achieve a perfectly even bottom).

I hope my little master class shed some light on the question of how to sew a tulle skirt. If you still have unclear points or something is not clear, ask in the comments. And also leave your opinion and vision on this issue. I will be glad to discuss with you.

The first multi-layered, full skirts - tutus - were invented and sewn for Italian ballerinas back in 1839. Light as a cloud, they created a sensation and became a necessary wardrobe item for women of all ages. Elegant and airy, a tulle skirt will help a little girl turn into a magical princess, and an adult, fully formed girl will favorably emphasize the dignity of her figure and will not allow her to be ignored, because she will make it with her own hands.

We sew an American tulle skirt with our own hands in a step-by-step master class

Tulle is a polyester mesh, light and elastic. This is an amazing material that colors gray everyday life with all the colors of the rainbow. It is indispensable in outfits for women for any occasion: New Year's party, birthday, corporate party and even wedding. Original wardrobe items made from this material are in demand among adult ladies and little princesses.


  • Fits perfectly into voluminous folds and flounces;
  • Looks good in products with an even cut;
  • Keeps its shape perfectly;
  • Practically does not get dirty;
  • Bright and effective.


  • Doesn't let air through at all.
  • May cause discomfort upon contact with the skin (prickling).

Let's understand for what things this material is most popular and step by step get acquainted with a practical guide to making tulle skirts.

The American skirt differs from the similar tutu skirt in the accumulation of multi-layered tiers, flounces and frills. It doesn’t require a lot of money, it’s very easy to make.

Materials for work:

  • Fatin;
  • Satin or any fabric with similar properties for a yoke (belt);
  • Threads;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Elastic band for belt;
  • Satin tape.

To sew an American skirt, you don’t need a pattern.


For sewing, we will choose tulle of medium hardness. If desired, it can easily be replaced with chiffon. We will assemble the skirt from four tiers, plus an elastic band - a belt. We will cut the frame from satin fabric. It is ideal for the top layer of a skirt.

  • We measure the waist size and the length of the skirt. The length is selected at the request of the customer.
  • Cut out a yoke from satin fabric:

This is a rectangle: width – 20 cm; length = waist size? 2.

  • We perform the first tier:

This is a rectangle: width – 11 cm; length = waist size? 9.

  • We perform the second tier:

This is a rectangle: width – 11 cm; length = waist size? 12.

  • Cut out ruffles from leftover fabric:

We cut the tulle into strips 7 cm wide. We sew them manually or on a machine in the middle and along the entire length, and pull them together into ruffles. Length of ruffles = length of rectangle.

  • We retreat 2 cm from the edge and sew the shuttlecock to the rectangle from the front side. We design the second rectangle in a similar way.
  • We sew the side seam of the satin yoke and tuck the edges. Don't forget to leave room for an elastic band on the waistband.
  • We sew the first tier of tulle to the satin rectangular yoke, evenly distributing the gathering.
  • Sew the second tier of flounces to the bottom edge of the yoke.
  • The edges of the satin base must be carefully joined and sewn to the wrong side of the work.
  • We insert a wide elastic band into the belt.
  • We decorate the seams with a thin satin ribbon. You can sew a bow to the satin belt of the skirt.

This is the playful product we came up with:

We study a master class on making a tutu skirt without sewing with detailed photos

Tutu skirt is another version of a fluffy skirt made of light mesh material with an elastic band and a belt. You can make it without sewing, simply by tying mesh ribbons to the base belt.

Advantages of making a skirt with your own hands:

  • You can choose the length of the product to your taste;
  • It is interesting to combine the most incredible shades of material and make a truly exclusive item;
  • Enjoy your work and feel proud of your ability to create such beauty.

Materials for work:

  • Tulle is a fabric for a tutu skirt;
  • Satin is the basis for the lining;
  • Elastic waistband, width 2 – 3 cm;
  • Scissors;
  • Pins;
  • Centimeter.


We fold a piece of tulle into 12 - 15 layers, cut 70 - 80 strips from the mesh:

  • Length – 50 cm;
  • Width – 20 cm.

The material can be monochromatic or multi-colored, it depends on the imagination and desire of the customer.

We measure the waist size. Length of elastic band = waist size minus 4 cm.

We sew the elastic band together or tie it in a knot and pull it onto a mannequin or the back of a chair.

Let's start assembling the tutu skirt. We tie the tulle ribbon with an elastic band into two knots. It is important not to overtighten the knots so that the elastic does not become deformed.

When the base of the skirt is formed, it is the turn of the satin ribbon. We take it and pass it through all the knots of the tulle strips, carefully laying it along the elastic band. A bow formed from the ends of a ribbon will perfectly decorate the belt of the product.

We gather the hem of the skirt into a fist and trim it using sharp scissors.

Such an original thing will look great on an adult young lady. But it is especially interesting to weave it for a newborn girl. Nowadays it is fashionable to organize photo sessions for children. The baby will be irresistible in a bright tutu skirt, especially if you complement the outfit with a lush bow on her head to match the skirt.

Do you want to look amazing and dress your children with style? Don’t be shy – create masterpieces with your own hands, amaze everyone with your originality and impeccable image.

Video on the topic of the article

Craftswomen who have daughters have an excellent opportunity to pamper their little ones with products of their own production. It's both interesting and economical.

Making children's things is also attractive because it does not take much time and allows you to use bright, cheerful materials (for example, bright purple or pink colors, which are not always suitable for adults). belongs to the category of such funny products. It can be used for everyday use or as part of a festive costume.

What you need to create a tulle skirt

Such lush tutus are suitable for little girls, teenagers, and adult girls. Depending on the age of the girl, as well as the length and purpose of the product, you will need a certain amount of tulle (or mesh), a wide elastic band for the belt and sharp scissors. A needle and thread are also useful for sewing elastic and attaching decor.

There are several options for making tulle. This article will describe the simplest method, which does not require special sewing experience or special devices.

Material selection

Experienced craftswomen recommend using American nylon, which is soft and at the same time perfectly retains its shape. This material can be found in spools or rolls. Its width is usually about 20 cm. However, many craftswomen note that it is not sold in all cities. Therefore, a tulle tutu skirt can be made from the material that is available.

Most stores offer several types of tulle. Too soft will not hold its shape, and the hardest one can scratch the child. So a material of medium hardness can be considered optimal.

A DIY tulle tutu skirt can be made from a large number of ribbons attached to an elastic belt. The length of the elastic should be equal to the child’s waist circumference. You will have to sew it overlapping, so it will become a little shorter and will hold tight.

Bows, which are attached to the belt, are most often used as decoration for a tutu. Beads or seed beads are also sewn onto some ribbons.

Material calculation

To make a tulle tutu skirt for the smallest children, you will need from 40 to 60 strips of tulle 15 cm wide and 50 cm long (for a product 24 cm long).

If you use material 160 cm wide, then one linear meter will yield 20 strips. Consequently, to cut out 60 strips you will need at least three meters of tulle.

  • Determine the length of the skirt.
  • Add 5-6 cm, which are necessary to form a knot.
  • Decide how fluffy the tutu will be. On average, an adult requires at least 60-80 stripes. If you need a very full tulle tutu skirt, it can take up to 120 stripes.

Open the tulle

Most types of tulle are easy to cut, even if they are folded in several layers. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid of the formation of uneven stripes and the scissors moving out, but feel free to cut 3-5 canvases at once.

When marking material, it is better to determine the start and end points of cutting, as well as several points in between. The best way to cut out a perfectly straight strip is to carefully draw the cut line with chalk or a piece of soap. Otherwise, you may end up with a stripe that is narrower or wider at the end than at the beginning. It is also possible for an uneven cut line to form.

After the required number of strips is ready, you should measure and cut the elastic for the belt. Its edges need to be placed on top of each other and sewn very tightly. If you have a sewing machine, you can use that, but you can also make a pretty secure seam by hand.

How to make a tutu skirt from tulle

To secure the first strip to the waistband, the elastic needs to be stretched a little. Craftswomen use the legs of an inverted chair or their own knee for this. There are two ways to tie a knot:

An important point: the ribbons should be tied so that they do not tighten the elastic band, but can also move freely along it. To maintain this golden mean, you can place a ruler or thick cardboard of the same width as the belt. After several knots are ready, the lining can be pulled out.

Using the described method, you need to tie all the strips, placing them very tightly to each other.

The rubber band should not be visible.


In fact, the product is ready. If necessary, the bottom edge can be trimmed with scissors to create a neat tulle tutu skirt. The master class describes how to make a base that can be decorated as you wish.

As a decoration option, you can consider cutting out sharp corners at the ends of each strip. True, the skirt will lose a little fluffiness.

Products that are made using strips of material of different colors also look interesting. They can be placed on the elastic band in a chaotic order or alternated according to some system.

Tutu skirts simply captivated all women. Initially, they showed off on young ladies, then on young girls, and now identical tutu skirts are in fashion for mothers and their little daughters. Every woman can sew a tutu skirt on her own. even without special sewing skills. And the step-by-step instructions and practical tips below will help you cope with this task quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

The main thing in the article

How much tulle does it take to sew a tutu skirt?

On average, a beautiful “stuffed” tutu requires 5–7 layers of tulle.

To find out how much tulle is needed for sewing, you should take the following measurements and make a simple calculation.

  • For determining length of material for sewing you must add 5 cm to the selected length of the planned product.
  • For determining waist radius you need to measure your waist, divide the resulting figure by 3.14 and multiply the resulting number by 2.

Now we make the calculation. We add the two values ​​we got. If the amount is more than 27, then for a midi skirt you need 10-12 m of fabric with a width of 1.7 m. In cases where the value is less than 27, then 6 m will be enough.

How to sew a fluffy tulle midi tutu skirt for a girl: diagrams and patterns

Before you start working on creating a midi pack, you need to take only two measurements:

  • desired midi length;
  • waist circumference

Now we prepare the material for work:

  • Fabric for lining (if the tutu skirt has a few layers of tulle);
  • Fatin;
  • Rubber.

We take as a basis the pattern for

  1. We fold the tulle into four layers and measure out the required dimensions.
  2. Depending on the splendor of the planned tutu skirt, we prepare 5–8 “suns”.
  3. If the skirt requires a lining, we cut it according to the pattern, making it 5–10 cm shorter than the main size.
  4. It is advisable to take a wide elastic band. We sew it into a circle and attach layers of tulle and lining to it.

This sewing principle is suitable not only for a midi skirt, but also for any other length.

Tip: Keep in mind that layered tutu skirts look beautiful on thin girls. On plump beauties, such options may look ridiculous.

How to sew a floor-length tutu skirt from tulle: step-by-step instructions

Let's look at how to sew a floor-length tutu skirt step by step. To make such a skirt, you need tulle 80–100 cm long. In our example, we are sewing a bright blue tutu skirt that will have a play of tones.

How to sew a fashionable short tulle tutu skirt with elastic for a teenage girl?

The basis for creating a short tulle tutu skirt for a teenage girl is the master class described above, with a difference in the length of the fabric. The tulle is cut into pieces of the required length and attached to a wide elastic band.

It should be taken into account that when choosing a hard tulle, a short skirt will stick out to the sides like a ballerina’s, and if you choose a soft material, you will get a tutu skirt in the style of a bell.

How to sew a beautiful evening tutu skirt with a train: photo instructions

If you want to sew an evening tutu skirt with a train that lies beautifully and does not stick out like a “peacock’s tail,” then consider the following nuances in choosing fabric:

  • For the main skirt you need to take hard tulle. It will look voluminous.
  • For the cable It is better to give preference to soft tulle. It will fall beautifully in soft air waves.

Now the process of making such a model itself.

  1. The tutu skirt can be sewn using any method. In this article you will find different sewing options.
  2. The train must be made separately. A series of long strips of tulle are initially sewn onto a satin ribbon, followed by shorter strips on top, and so on until the shortest.
  3. A separately sewn train is tied over the main tutu skirt and secured with braid or satin ribbon.

Tulle tutu skirt for newborn babies

To create a tiny tutu skirt for a newly born princess, you don't need a sewing machine. It is enough to get:

  • Tulle in two shades: main color – 1 m, tint – 0.5 m.
  • Narrow elastic band.
  • Scissors.
  • A needle and thread.

Now a step-by-step description.

  1. Measure the circumference of the newborn's belly, add 1 cm, and cut off the elastic.
  2. Sew the edges of the elastic.
  3. Cut the tulle into strips 25 cm wide and 0.5 m long.
  4. Stretch the elastic band to work. This can be done by placing it on the back of a chair or on the legs of an inverted stool.
  5. Throw a strip of tulle over the elastic band, align the halves, they should be equal in length. Sew the fabric under the elastic without catching it.
  6. Carry out similar actions with the remaining cuts.
  7. The strips are sewn and pulled together quite tightly to each other. The more stripes you tie, the more magnificent the end result will be.

Children's tutu skirt for a one-year-old girl made of organza

Organza fabric, unlike tulle, is softer. Therefore, it will not work to sew a tutu skirt from it using the method described above (for a newborn).

For sewing a tutu it is better to take a used one the flattering look of organza. It is considered the densest, and will flow beautifully in the finished product.

Preparing materials:

  • Organza – 5 m, 50 cm wide.
  • Wide elastic band.
  1. Initially, we take measurements from the baby: waist size and desired skirt length.
  2. We divide the fabric into meter-long pieces, from which we need to cut out “suns”.
  3. We stitch the blanks from below or scorch them with a candle.
  4. We attach the inside of the folded 5 “suns” to the elastic band and you can try on the organza tutu.

How to sew a tutu skirt for a doll?

The fashion for tutu skirts has not bypassed the doll world either. Girls very often ask their mothers to sew such a skirt for a doll. But how to do this? To help mothers master class on sewing a tulle tutu for my daughter’s “pupils”. To work you will need:

  • Tulle (you can also take organza).
  • Needle with thread.
  • Scissors.
  • Braid (you can use tape).

We sew a tutu skirt for the New Year: patterns and photos

But the New Year tutu skirt will be an excellent addition to the “Christmas tree” or “Snowflake” look at a children’s party or in the atmosphere of a home party. You can use any of the above methods for sewing a tutu skirt, using this pattern as a basis.

How to make a multi-colored tutu skirt from stripes without sewing with your own hands?

We prepare tulle of different colors and elastic. Let's get to work.

First we take measurements:

  • waist circumference– this indicator is needed for cutting the elastic. You need to add 3 cm to the results obtained;
  • skirt length– it can be arbitrary. This indicator is multiplied by 2. The strips of material must be this long to work with.

Cut the tulle into strips 20–30 cm wide. Sew the elastic and stretch it on the legs of an inverted stool. Throw a strip of tulle over an elastic band, compare the resulting halves (they should be equal in length) and tie the strip without tightening the elastic too much.

Stripes of tulle by color are taken in any form. When the elastic band is completely tied, the multi-colored pack is ready. You can decorate it with a satin ribbon or

Tutu skirt with flowers: master class

Tutu skirt with ribbons: photo

How to sew a casual tutu skirt?

A tutu skirt for everyday wear can be sewn using any of the methods described above, but it is worth considering that the wide protruding hem of a tutu skirt is inconvenient, so the choice should be made in favor of hanging midi-length models. Most often on the streets you can see girls in tutu skirts with lining and one or two layers of tulle. They look organic, discreet and fit a variety of looks.

Fashionable images with a tutu skirt: photos

How to sew a tutu skirt TUTU: video master class

We advise you to look at the latest fashion trends for skirts in 2018 in our article. Get inspired and sew stylish tutu skirts that will make you irresistible.