How to bleach a synthetic t-shirt at home. How to bleach a white t-shirt at home

The main disadvantage of white clothing is that it quickly ceases to be white. Things turn gray or give off yellowness. This happens due to too frequent wear or improper care.

On such things, even slight pollution is sharply evident. And if you load white mixed with color into the machine, then the clothes are dyed. Normal washing does not always remove stains on light fabrics, and dry cleaning is not a cheap pleasure. Hence the need to bleach a white T-shirt at home.

How to bleach a white T-shirt at home - how to bleach. Instructions

That's all, all the most effective ways and methods of restoring the radiant purity of white things were described above. With such a huge arsenal in service, you will definitely cope with all the problems, and you will still be able to postpone the purchase of new clothes that was not included in the plans.

Some stains require special methods to remove them.

Such contaminants can be removed with mixtures based on ammonia:

  1. Ammonium chloride gasoline. Treat products in the armpit area sponge soaked in gasoline. After drying, wipe the same places with a cotton pad dipped in ammonia.
  2. Ammonia salt. Mix these two ingredients in equal proportions, dissolve in 0.2 liters of water. Treat with a soaked sponge deodorant stains.
  3. Medical and ammonia. Treat the required surface with components mixed in equal proportions.

After processing with the selected method, wash the product.

After washing with colored things, you may encounter stains. The same thing happens when you wash a white T-shirt with a pattern that, in contact with water, loses its colors and stains the product. If such contaminants are detected, immediately begin to remove them.

Prepare saline liquid, based on the proportions of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kitchen salt per 1 liter of water. Leave the item in the solution for half an hour. Wash again in the usual way.


Rust can be dealt with by ironing:

  1. Lay the T-shirt on a horizontal surface, preferably on an ironing board, straighten it out.
  2. Place a paper towel or piece of paper under the yellow spot.
  3. Use a generous amount of ripe lemon juice to treat the rusty mark.
  4. Cover the top with gauze folded two to three times.
  5. Iron the fabric.
  6. When the rust is imprinted on the backed paper, replace it with a new one and repeat the procedure.
  7. After the stain stops reprinting, wash your underwear.

Coffee and tea stains

Fresh coffee and tea marks can be removed with a normal wash. To remove an old, stubborn tea stain, use glycerin:

  1. Warm up a small amount of product in a steam bath.
  2. Treat the stained area.
  3. Leave to dry and wash.

To get rid of ink stains and traces of markers and felt-tip pens:

  1. Heat the milk and soak the contaminated area in it.
  2. Set aside for a couple of hours.
  3. After the allotted time, rub the stain with soap or dishwashing detergent.
  4. Wash with light movements, paying particular attention to the soiled area.

A white t-shirt is a popular and practical item in any wardrobe. Therefore, it is very unpleasant when spots appear on it or it loses its former appearance. The product requires careful care so that removing dirt and returning whiteness does not aggravate the situation even more. There are many different effective means to deal with this situation.

You can turn to folk methods or try out special tools. Shops offer a wide selection of bleaches. Folk recipes have been tested for many decades. Therefore, it is worth understanding each method in more detail.

Among the available tools can be noted:

  1. Soda. You can use it for a T-shirt when washing in a washing machine, by hand or if you are going to boil the product. The next steps depend on the option you choose. If you are using a washing machine, you should put a standard amount of detergent and ½ cup of baking soda in a special compartment. The mode is selected depending on the fabric. When soaking and hand washing, a solution is prepared from 5 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of peroxide and 2 tablespoons of soda. The item is left in the composition for 3 hours. When boiling, add 3 tablespoons of soda to the water and boil the product in the resulting solution.
  2. Lemon juice. This method will not help get rid of stains, but you can bleach the product. Fill a container with 10 liters of warm water. Add the fresh juice of 2 lemons to it. The T-shirt is dipped into the solution and left for a long time, preferably overnight. Be sure to rinse everything afterwards.

Medical preparations become excellent assistants for whitening. Among the popular:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. You should collect 2 liters of water and add a teaspoon of peroxide. A T-shirt is immersed in the container and left for half an hour. Stir the solution periodically for an even effect. A small amount of soda will help enhance the result.
  2. Potassium permanganate. Pour 10 liters of hot water into the container, add a few potassium permanganate crystals and 200 g of powder. Stir until the water turns pink. The T-shirt is placed in a container, then everything is covered with a film. You need to wait until the water has completely cooled down. The product is taken out, rinsed.
  3. Ammonia. It is dissolved in the amount of a tablespoon in 5 liters of water. To enhance the result, you can add a spoonful of salt and powder. In the resulting composition, the product is soaked for 30 minutes, then be sure to rinse.

There are special products for removing stains and returning things to their former whiteness. Among them:

  1. White. The remedy is radical. Can only be used for cotton and linen. You should make a soapy solution and add a few tablespoons of whiteness. The T-shirt is placed in the mixture for 30 minutes, then it is washed. It is important to carefully place the liquid in the container. If whiteness gets on a thing, it will leave faded spots.
  2. Bleaches and stain removers. There are many different means to get rid of stains of any complexity and return things to their former bright color. It is recommended that you follow the instructions on the product label exactly, otherwise the T-shirt can be damaged.

There are various methods for bleaching things. The main ones are soaking, boiling and intensive washing. Each of them has certain features.


It is necessary to draw a certain amount of water into the container and add any chosen agent, including soda, whiteness, lemon juice. The thing is placed inside for a while. Depending on the selected product, soaking lasts from 20 minutes to several hours. Sometimes the item is left overnight. After soaking, the product is erased.


Refers to radical methods. Water is poured into the container where the digestion will be carried out. For 1 kg of clothing, 10 liters of liquid are required. You can add some laundry soap. The container is placed on fire and brought to a boil. In the process of boiling, the clothes are mixed with water. After things are rinsed.

Reference! When bleaching, it is important to place the products in the container before placing it on the fire. Otherwise, stains and dullness may penetrate the fabric more strongly.

Intensive wash

The method is suitable if there is not enough time to use the previous methods. It is recommended to use for things of their cotton, linen and avoid delicate materials.

Powder, bleach is loaded into a special compartment of the washing machine. The T-shirt is placed in the drum, the mode with a minimum temperature of 70 degrees is selected.

Intensive washing is similar to normal washing, except for the selected mode.

Cotton, which is part of knitwear, can withstand the effects of aggressive agents, so many methods are suitable for it. It is important to study the composition of the T-shirt material. It will be possible to preserve the shape and quality if the item is at least half made up of natural cotton fibers. You can use:

  1. Chlorine. Not in its pure form, but only the means in which it is present. Whiteness or other bleach is mixed with water. In the resulting composition, the T-shirt is soaked for 20 minutes, then it must be rinsed.
  2. Boiling. The product should be immersed in water and boiled.
  3. Ammonium chloride. It is mixed with water and the product is soaked in the resulting solution. Knitwear will withstand the described composition.

The pattern is applied to the product using thermal printing. This allows the paint to penetrate deep into the fibers and hold on for a long time. Therefore, it is important to choose the right method of whitening. Products with embroidery and bows should not be placed in hot water. For them, special bleaches are used and washed by hand. The following are suitable:

  1. Oxygen. It contains peroxide and soda. When combined with water, the product begins to release oxygen. It helps to remove foreign smell and dirt.
  2. Optic. The effect of whiteness is due to the reflective particles that cover the material. It will not be possible to restore the old look of an old T-shirt, but it is suitable for a slightly grayed product.

The worst methods include using chlorine bleach on delicate fabrics. It will not be possible to do without damaging the material. Aggressive bleaches adversely affect the structure of the fabric.

Therefore, if you decide to use such a tool, you should carefully adhere to the quantity norm and do not keep the T-shirt in the solution for a long time.

Whiteness and other means should be used only in extreme cases.

You can bleach a white T-shirt at home. For this, there are various folk methods and special professional preparations. It is important to choose a method depending on the fabric and the degree of contamination. You can try the method on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material to avoid negative consequences.

The issue of whitening things is of interest to many housewives.

We all love to wear white things, especially t-shirts, t-shirts, which, with repeated washing and prolonged wear, lose their former whiteness.

It is even worse when yellow sweat stains appear on them, on the stomach or under the armpits. To get rid of these unpleasant effects of prolonged use and washing of clothes, you can bleach them.

In this article, we will try to tell you in detail about how to bleach a T-shirt, T-shirt. We will consider the most popular bleaches and turn to folk remedies.

White things are always popular

Folk methods

For the sake of bleaching T-shirts, we will not go to a dry cleaner, and we may not find high-quality bleach. But on the other hand, we can use other substances that are also capable of returning our clothes to their former whiteness. To work at home, we can help: Whiteness, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, potassium permanganate, soda.


Professional bleaches

Using professional bleach is the easiest way to deal with any stains. But not all products are equally good and safe for tissues.

Chlorine-based bleaches do two things at once: removing stains and returning things to their original color. Such products can remove even stubborn dirt. But they are not safe - both for clothes and for the skin of women's hands. Use gloves to prevent chemical burns. In order not to damage the fabric, perform the processing strictly according to the instructions. Chlorine-containing products include ACE, Belizna, Bos.


Unlike chlorine-based products, optical ones do not harm even delicate fabrics. But their effectiveness is much lower. They are generally not designed to remove stains. Their task is to update the color. This happens due to the reflective particles in their composition. Therefore, if there is no contamination on the clothes, but you just need to bleach the T-shirt to the original white, then at home you can use this type of product. These include:

  • Vanish;
  • Suprim;
  • Heitman;
  • tricolor.


The action of these bleaches is based on the ability to decompose during washing into soda, water and oxygen. All these substances are safe and hypoallergenic. The spectrum of action of such products is not limited to bleaching and stain removal. They effectively soften water, which ensures the safety of things. Oxygen bleaches are used for printed T-shirts, children's clothing. With these products, boiling is not required, machine washing is sufficient.

Folk remedies

Not always professional tools justify their price. There are ways to bleach a white T-shirt "for a penny." The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Hydrogen peroxide

To make your favorite T-shirt white again, dilute a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide in two liters of water. Leave the item in the solution for 15-20 minutes. For greater effect, add a little soda. Stir constantly while soaking so that the bleaching is even. Thanks to this method, you can easily get rid of the gray tint.

Peroxide treatment is not suitable for knitwear with an admixture of synthetics (elastane, microfiber). But with natural fabrics, you need to be careful. Do not soak things in a peroxide solution too often.


Although "Whiteness" refers to professional bleaches, extraordinary ways of using it have transferred it to the category of folk. The agent shows the greatest efficiency in combination with the boiling method. To do this, you will need to mix 10 liters of water, 200 g of washing powder and two caps of "Whiteness". Then load things and put the container on a slow fire.

Boil should be at least an hour. In the process - stir. After completing the procedure, the clothes must be rinsed in clean water several times. For boiling, use aluminum or enameled dishes. The method is suitable for removing yellow spots under the armpits and removing old dirt.

Boric acid

Boric acid not only bleaches things, but also fights the fungus that has settled on clothes. For soaking, you will need 4 liters of warm water and two tablespoons of the product. After half an hour, the clothes can be washed by hand or use an express machine wash.

To prepare the solution, take 10 liters of water, 10 tablespoons of soda and 5 tablespoons of ammonia. If the stains are fresh or you need to update the color a little, then it will be enough just to soak the T-shirt in the detergent composition for 15-20 minutes. To remove complex contaminants, you will have to resort to half an hour of boiling.


Blue is not entirely suitable for bleaching, but some housewives use it to refresh the color of worn items. It is necessary to dilute the product in water so that it becomes a light blue hue. Soak the T-shirt, and after two hours wring out and hang to dry. Additional rinses and washings are not necessary.

For bleaching in this way, dissolve a bar of laundry soap in 10 liters of water. To make this easier to do, the detergent can be passed through a grater. Separately dilute potassium permanganate. It should color the water light pink. Then mix both solutions in one bowl and lay the clothes.


Whiten a white T-shirt quickly at home with ammonia. To remove stubborn yellowness, treat the item with gasoline. Then soak a sponge in ammonia and rub the dirty spots with force. After that, wash the item with powder.

T-shirts made of cotton and linen can be bleached with ammonia and table salt. To prepare a cleaning solution, take a teaspoon of both products in a glass of water and treat the dirt with this composition. This method is suitable for removing paint stains and blood from white things. Ammonia also works in combination with medical alcohol.


Dissolve mustard powder in water and soak clothes in the solution for two to three hours. Then rinse without additional detergents. Mustard restores the snow-white color and washes stains from wine and grass.

Dissolve five aspirins in warm water, then soak your whites in it. It is better to soak all night, and in the morning wash clothes by hand. Acetylsalicylic acid copes well with the elimination of yellowness and grayness. Also, after soaking in an aspirin solution, grease and oil stains easily leave during washing.

There are so many offers in stores that you can just get confused when choosing what you need. There are a lot of products for bleaching fabrics. They are divided into the following categories:

  • oxygen;
  • optical;
  • containing chlorine.

Each type has both advantages and disadvantages.

The basis of such funds is sodium hypochlorite. It quickly and effectively whitens cotton and linen items. For synthetics, it is forbidden to use it. Although other fabrics do not withstand its effects with frequent use. The fibers are destroyed, the threads become thin and brittle.

The most famous representative of this category of bleaches is "Whiteness". The product is sold in liquid and powder form. Increasingly, given the aggressiveness of "Whiteness", it is supplemented with optical brighteners. Such household chemicals are many times more expensive, but they do not destroy the fabric so much and quickly.

Despite all the shortcomings, chlorine-containing bleaches continue to be used. This is largely due to more than affordable price, quick results, ease of use, increased disinfection.

The secret of such household chemicals is in special particles that create an optical effect. After washing, they remain on the fabric and reflect light. It is because of this that the product becomes visually several tones lighter than it actually is. Optical brighteners can be used for all types of fabrics, including synthetic ones.

These agents are rarely found in their pure form. More often they supplement oxygen and chlorine-containing bleaches.

The main disadvantage is an allergy to light-reflecting particles. They are categorically not recommended for clothing of small children and people with sensitive skin.

Best used on fabrics that do not come into contact with the skin. For example, for tulle, curtains, tablecloths, etc.

These products are ideal for synthetics. The main active ingredient is sodium carbonate. In water, it decomposes into soda and hydrogen peroxide, which releases active oxygen. It is under the influence of its tissue that oxidizes, and the spots, along with a gray tint, yellowness and various unpleasant odors, disappear.

These products are used not only for bleaching, but also for disinfection. Sold as a powder, granules or liquid. The work of oxygen bleaches begins already at 40 degrees, but you should not overheat the water. Temperatures above 80 kill their abilities.

The advantages of oxygen bleaches are many. They treat the fabric very carefully, do not destroy the structure of the threads and fibers, but rather make them stronger. They are so safe that they can even be used for baby clothes. Only here the high cost repels many.

Any household chemical product has instructions for use on the package. Follow it clearly to achieve the desired result.

Often, the experience of using store-bought whitening products becomes negative. Then you can try folk methods. They are always at hand, cost mere pennies and are almost always safe.

Hydrogen peroxide

This tool is in every home. It is used to treat wounds and disinfect various surfaces. It will help and return the original appearance of your favorite thing. Peroxide works on the principle of oxygen-containing agents, releasing active oxygen upon contact with water.

If attention is required for the whole thing, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of peroxide in 2 liters of water and soak the product in it for half an hour, and then wash it as usual. If you need to remove a stain or bleach a certain place, the thing should be soaked for half an hour in hot water, and then treat the problem area with peroxide, leave it for a while, and then wash it.

Boric acid

Boric acid is also found in every home. Most often it is used to treat otitis media and inflammatory processes of the auditory apparatus. But if you need to bleach a thing, it can also be used quite successfully.

Beforehand, the thing must be washed, only preferably with gentle powders or without them at all, but simply in warm water.

After that, a teaspoon of boric acid must be dissolved in a liter of water. Soak the item in the resulting solution for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly. Boric acid helps restore the white color of clothes, and besides, it perfectly disinfects things. Fungi are especially afraid of its composition, so those suffering from these diseases cannot find a better remedy.

Baking soda is one of the most time-tested ways to whiten. It can be used in many ways:

  • in the washing machine. Half a glass of soda should be poured into the compartment along with washing powder and wash the item by selecting the desired mode;
  • pre-soak. It is necessary to make a solution of 5 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of soda and 5 tablespoons of peroxide. Leave the item for 2-3 hours;
  • boiling. In 5 liters of water it is necessary to dissolve 3 table. l. soda, bring to a boil, lower the thing into a boiling solution and “boil” for 5-15 minutes.

Be sure to rinse your clothes thoroughly.


One of the most accessible and effective means. It consists of a dye and starch, sold in liquid and powder form. The quality depends on the dye. If it is soluble, then it is used for dyeing fabrics, if not, then only for refreshment.

Pour a little blue into clean, preferably pre-settled water. The water should turn a light blue color. Wash the product, wring it out, and then lower it into the prepared solution for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse.

If the blue is in the form of a powder, then it must first be poured into a bag of gauze wound in several layers and lowered into a basin of water. This will help prevent insoluble particles from entering the water and subsequently staining the item.

How to bleach a T-shirt at home: working methods

To whiten white T-shirts at home, it is not at all necessary to run to the store and buy the most expensive product. You can also use the helpers that you definitely have available.

Hydrogen peroxide

This method will help you quickly fix the problem of losing the whiteness of a T-shirt:

  1. Dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide in water. Using the proportion: 1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water.
  2. Immerse the grayed thing in the resulting solution and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Potassium permanganate

You can return the former purity to things with the help of potassium permanganate:

  1. Dial a 10-liter container of hot water.
  2. Add a small amount of potassium permanganate and 200 grams of washing powder there.
  3. After you have added potassium permanganate, the water should turn light pink.
  4. Dip the washed things into the resulting solution, cover the container with polyethylene.
  5. After the water has cooled completely, rinse your clothes thoroughly.

Alcohol ammonia

This method is more suitable for those who want to restore the purity of things made from linen or cotton:

  1. Add some alcohol to the water - 5-7 tablespoons per 10 liters of water will be enough.
  2. Dip clothes in the resulting solution, leave for several hours.
  3. Rinse thoroughly under cool running water before drying.

In order to bleach a product made of natural wool or cotton, make the following solution:

  1. Take a 10 liter container of warm water, approximately 40°C.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon ammonia, 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, a small handful of table salt and a little washing powder.
  3. After you dilute the solution, dip your T-shirts and T-shirts in a basin for 20 minutes.
  4. After 20 minutes, rinse your items under cold water.

Laundry soap

The method that our grandmothers used was easy to do:

  1. Generously rub laundry soap on clothes - use the one that says 72%.
  2. Soak the item in water for several hours, then wash as usual.


Use this method only when you need to remove very stubborn and old stains:

  1. Prepare for washing 3 liters of water containing detergent - any powder or liquid detergent, soap will do.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of bleach to the composition.
  3. Soak the T-shirt for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, rinse with plenty of cool water.

The second option for similar cleaning:

  1. Pour 10 liters of water, 200 grams of washing powder and 2 caps of “Whiteness” into the container in which you will perform the digestion.
  2. It is necessary to take a container for soaking, not copper or iron, in order to avoid an oxidation reaction. Enamelware is perfect.
  3. Boil clothes for 1-1.5 hours, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.
  4. After boiling, rinse things with warm, and then with cold water.

There are three main methods for returning light-colored T-shirts to their natural whiteness: soaking, boiling down, and intensive washing. Each of them requires compliance with its own rules and is suitable for a certain type of fabric and pollution.


Soaking is considered a relatively gentle method for the fabric. But they shouldn't get carried away. If you are immersing your item in chlorine bleach, follow the directions on the packaging carefully. If you overexpose the T-shirt in such a solution, the consequences for the material will be catastrophic. With any folk remedies, too, should be handled carefully.


It is worth boiling light-colored T-shirts if no other method has helped. Digestion is the most effective bleaching method, but it is also the most harsh on the fabric. You should not resort to it more than once every two months, otherwise things will quickly become worthless. For 1 kg of clothing, 10 liters of the prepared solution are needed. Boil things with the addition of all the same folk remedies.

Intensive wash

Intensive washing will save you a lot of time and effort, but it is unlikely to help get rid of stubborn stains. It works mainly with fresh pollution. Powder and bleach are loaded into the detergent compartment. The temperature regime should be chosen not lower than 70 °C.

What is good for cotton is death for silk. Therefore, products with chlorine should never be used to bleach delicate fabrics. Various acids should also be used carefully, as their action can be fatal even for natural things.


A white T-shirt is an indispensable thing in the wardrobe, it is in harmony with all colors and shades, it is the basis of most looks. But every owner of white linen was faced with the need to remove dullness or yellowness, which eventually appear on clothes. There are several ways to clean a white T-shirt at home and return it to its former whiteness:


In a certain volume of water, depending on the amount of laundry, dissolve the selected detergent. This can be a ready-made synthetic composition, improvised means or purchased pharmaceutical preparations.

Soak the soiled item for a while. Determine the amount of time based on the degree of soiling and the age of the stains. Soak clothes with fresh, slight marks for 20-30 minutes. Stubborn, old stains should lie in a soapy solution for several hours. After the allotted time, wash the product in the usual way.

This is a relatively gentle way of handling white material. Do not keep delicate fabrics in water for a long time.


This method is highly effective and simple (no need to buy additional detergents). But there is a chance of getting burned during the process. In addition, boiling is only suitable for products made from natural cotton and linen.

  1. Pour water into a large enameled pan, based on the calculation of 5 liters per 0.5 kg of laundry.
  2. It is allowed to add a small amount of washing soap or soap shavings.
  3. Put the clothes in a container, put on fire.
  4. Stir the laundry constantly. Bring the water to a boil.
  5. Boil for a few minutes, remove from oven.
  6. Rinse your clothes.

Important! It is forbidden to boil woolen clothes and T-shirts made of synthetic materials.

Intensive wash

Pour powder and bleach into the cells of the washing machine. Set the temperature to 60-70°C. Set the program "Intensive wash". The spin speed should not exceed 500. You can use the "Extra Rinse" function.

Delicate fabrics, products with rhinestones and low-quality prints cannot be processed in this way, the colors of which can shed from exposure to high temperatures and irretrievably ruin the thing.

The effectiveness of the method is not very high, since machine cleaning may not be able to cope with all types of contaminants. The advantage is that this type of whitening does not require much effort and time.

T-shirts do not need bleaching for a long time, they are washed separately from other things. After rinsing, the procedure is repeated. Adding two caps of bleach with every wash, along with a bluing rinse, will keep you fresh longer.

To wash a white T-shirt, you do not need to go to a dry cleaner. At home, they use folk methods.

Fast way

Wash white T-shirts with household chemicals. The industry offers a huge selection of funds. Efficiency is evaluated by positive feedback. Often good quality is accompanied by a high price.

Each composition is designed for a certain type of pollution, as reported in the description of the product. In order not to spoil your favorite T-shirt, you should definitely study the instructions for using bleach. There are such types:

  1. Oxygen bleaches- the safest. They are great for hand and machine wash. They do not cause allergies, but whiten things in them of any color - snow-white, colored and T-shirts with a pattern. In all cases, they get a dazzling effect.
  2. Optical whitening agents contain reflective particles. The action is based on the reflective effect. The gray material after bleaching really looks fresh, but this is just an optical focus. It can only be used on white clothes.
  3. Bleaches containing chlorine have a strong disinfectant effect. But individual fibers of the fabric under the influence of chlorine can collapse. Harmful effects in the form of an allergic reaction can also befall a person.

Folk methods

The return of whiteness is a difficult task. But human ingenuity allows us to find new, non-standard solutions for whitening with the help of improvised means:

  • ammonia (ammonium hydroxide);
  • potassium permanganate;
  • soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • perhydrol (or hydrogen peroxide).

Pollution control

Sometimes even after bleaching a thing with a potent agent, stains still remain on it. Special methods will help to cope with pollution.

You can get rid of sweat stains and deodorant with lemon. Mix equal parts of its juice and water, and then rub the resulting solution into the dirt. Let the lemon remedy work for an hour. For greater effectiveness, you can leave the shirt in the sun. After the time has passed, wash the item with the powder by hand.

To solve this problem, folk methods with ammonia, soda and aspirin are also suitable.

A universal way to solve the problem of white things that accidentally stained during washing is to use chlorine-based bleach. Soak the T-shirt for a few hours and then rinse.

From rust

It is good to wash a white t-shirt from rust with an agent of oxalic acid and soda.

Before you start processing the fabric, make sure that the product will not harm the product. To do this, test the prepared cleaning solution on the inside seam of the T-shirt. Work with acid can be strictly in gloves. When handling clothing, try not to inhale the fumes of the cleaning mixture.

Dissolve a teaspoon of acid in a glass of water. After that, heat the mixture and lower the place of contamination into it for 10 minutes. Then take out the T-shirt and sprinkle baking soda on the "rusty" area to neutralize the acid. Finally, wash in any way.

From tea and coffee

Blot a fresh tea or coffee stain with a tissue to remove excess liquid. Then pour some peroxide on the affected area. After a few minutes, rub the fabric as you would during a wash. Then rinse everything off with water. If you have to deal with old stains, then leave the peroxide on the T-shirt for at least an hour.

From pens and markers

Chlorine-containing bleaches, as well as folk methods using ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, will cope with this type of pollution. Soaking in sour milk, which must first be heated, will help remove ink stains. If the marker was alcohol-based, then the “wedge by wedge” principle works here. To remove such a stain, pour medical ethanol on it. Marks from the paint and varnish felt-tip pen can be easily cleaned with a solvent.

To begin with, let's figure out what needs to be done so that things deteriorate as little as possible.

Choose your temperature carefully. This advice applies to both washing and ironing. Too hot water, especially in combination with bleaches or washing powders that are not suitable for this type of fabric, an overheated iron - all this will definitely leave yellowness on your clothes with ease.

Be vigilant about the cleanliness of household appliances. The iron can also leave stains if the water that was in it during ironing was stagnant.

Fabrics of natural origin may be dried outdoors in direct sunlight. For products made of synthetic materials, such a procedure is strictly prohibited, because they can darken or turn yellow from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Although, for example, flax after such a procedure will definitely give yellowness for the third or fourth time. Therefore, you should not experiment with ultraviolet if you are not sure about the composition of the canvas.

Place your clothes in the closet completely dry. And the piece of furniture itself should not have increased dampness and moisture inside. Otherwise, there will be not only dullness and yellow spots, but mold will also appear, especially on those clothes that will lie idle for a long time.

Take measures to reduce sweating, especially in the summer:

  • Maintain personal hygiene and remove hair from under the armpits.
  • Do not use deodorants containing aluminum. Due to the interaction of sweat and aluminum, those same yellow spots appear. Choose from our rating non-staining deodorant.

Be careful when choosing bleach. It is necessary that it fits specifically to your type of fabric, otherwise you cannot avoid yellowing.

Use products that soften water. If you do not trust industrial professional products, you can use vinegar or lemon juice.

Here we add a couple more useful tips:

  1. Never wash whites and clothes together with colored ones.
  2. Cotton white items can only be washed with linen items. Do not wash with wool and synthetics.

We proceed directly to the procedure for removing stains and cleaning your favorite things.

The main mistake of the housewives who decide to resort to this method is the use of the wrong dishes. You can boil things only in enameled dishes. While in an iron container, you are threatened with an oxidation reaction. Traditional digestion is calculated on 10 liters of water, to which 200 g of powder and two caps of bleach are added.

First, don't neglect to read the labels on your clothes. They contain all the necessary instructions. With proper care, your T-shirts will not turn yellow or fade.

Secondly, the problem with yellow spots in the armpits can be solved with the right deodorant. Almost all brands of these products have lines with a “leaves no trace” mark.

Thirdly, take care of the proper drying and ironing process. Do not put wet clothes in the closet, otherwise you will get fungus. Dry things outdoors. And to prevent new stains from appearing on white T-shirts, check the surface of the iron for cleanliness each time before ironing.

Fourth, always wash light-colored things separately from colored ones. Then they can't paint.

Last but not least, soften the water. It contains salts, which, during washing, give yellowness to snow-white T-shirts. A teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice will neutralize these substances.

In order for the clothes to please with whiteness and the appearance is not in doubt, remember the following recommendations:

  • dry white clothes only outdoors and in the shade. Only synthetics can be good at home, and even then not always;
  • regularly check the cleanliness of the iron, change the water inside it;
  • store clothes only in a dry closet;
  • sort clothes not only by color, but also by type of fabric. So, if, for example, cotton is stored next to synthetics, it will turn gray;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • wash in warm water and follow the instructions on the label.

As you can see, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. Now you will forget what it is like to regularly buy new white things.

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In order not to often resort to bleaching T-shirts and T-shirts, as this will quickly make things unusable, it is recommended that you learn how to properly care for them.

You should know that white fabric does not like high temperatures, yellow spots appear on it. During washing and ironing, you need to choose the temperature that is indicated on the label of the T-shirt.

Not all natural fabrics can be dried in direct sunlight, although the peroxide bleaching method recommends doing so. Before drying outdoors under the rays of the scorching sun, you need to make sure that the fibers of the fabric can be exposed to high temperatures.

When choosing an antiperspirant, preference should be given to an agent that does not contain aluminum, which contributes to the formation of yellow spots.

If it was decided to purchase a special chemical bleach, you must strictly adhere to the dosage and other instructions from the instructions for use. If you do something wrong, you can get the opposite result - things turn yellow. In addition, if harsh chemicals are used incorrectly, holes may appear on the T-shirt.

After drying and ironing, clothes should be stored in a dry closet or dressing room. The presence of moisture will cause mold to appear on things, which not only spoils clothes, but is also harmful to health.

That is why the question of how to whiten white things is always relevant. You can also bleach a T-shirt with potassium permanganate. You can bleach a white thing made of natural fabric like this: put it in water with ammonia before washing. Has your white t-shirt turned greyish after washing? How to whiten a damn?! To bleach white things, throw them into a bucket of hot water, after adding potassium permanganate (the water should turn a little pinkish) and washing powder.

Whites should always be washed separately from everything else. Wash things in a timely manner and add emollients to the water. First, things are washed in the usual way, and then soaked for an hour in a solution of whiteness, after which they are rinsed very thoroughly.

To whiten well, run the prewash and extra rinse cycles. White socks can be washed well if they are pre-soaked in water with boric acid. Any fabric can be bleached in a gentle way using soda, as well as essential ammonia. White silks and wools become slightly yellowish over time.

To bleach flax well, use soda ash. The product is washed in hot water (up to 70 °), pouring soda into the washing machine. If you regularly add it when washing, then the linen product will become noticeably whiter. You can apply a long 12-hour soaking of a very gray fabric in a solution of persalt and washing powder. It is important that the garment be dried in direct sunlight, as the sun can bleach better than any other medium.

Help!!! How to bleach a white t-shirt

But white T-shirts need special care. And sometimes there are situations when expensive bleaches and powders with stains on white things can not cope. Or a snow-white T-shirt turned yellow or turned grayish, while losing its former dazzling whiteness. These products must be suitable for use in an automatic washing machine and for washing whites. If you are afraid to use bleach, remember how they dealt with the problem of bleaching a white thing a few decades ago. At that time, boiling with whiteness was very popular.

The color of T-shirts has changed: bleach whites with bleach?

Boil the T-shirt in this solution for at least two hours. But be aware that this bleaching method leads to a rapid failure of the fabric. And there are safer ways. Then lower the already washed item into the bucket, cover with polyethylene on top and wait until the water has cooled. Rinse the T-shirt thoroughly after this procedure.

Remember that a white thing can lose its color not only due to pollution, but also due to prolonged storage. Girls! Now I began to wash white things and put a gray cotton T-shirt with them! But she's a bitch with a red edging! My husband will just kill me for his Bosco T-shirt!!!

T-shirt whitening

There are many ways to bleach, but you need to know what type of fabric and soil they are suitable for. Make sure that the drain in the washing machine is not clogged. This happens if colored clothes accidentally get into the wash, or you forget to take a ticket, candy wrapper, etc. out of your pocket.

The best way to remove stains with whiteness is to dissolve it in cool water. Choose the concentration of the solution according to the information on the label. Another method for cotton is boiling in water with laundry soap. Soap shavings are thrown into the water and brought to a boil. Pour 2 tablespoons of the main ingredients into the water. Soak the fabric in the resulting solution for half an hour. Wash things as usual.

Grayed cotton and linen linen is well bleached at home with whiteness or other special means during washing in an automatic machine. A tablespoon of boric acid is diluted in water and socks are left in it for 2 hours. This solution works just as well as bleach.

Great for bleaching linen persol. It is almost impossible to fight yellow sweat stains, but they are most noticeable on white clothes. If they do appear, then you can apply a very simple method at home. Let's summarize and analyze what products are suitable for home whitening.

For less short-term boiling, use a solution with the addition of 2-3 tablets of dry bleach and 20 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. In order to use this method, you need to prepare a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate from hot water and add 200 grams of ordinary washing powder for hand washing to it.

This method will only work for you if your T-shirt is cotton. T-shirts are versatile clothing in both the summer heat and cool weather.

Before bleaching a T-shirt at home, it should be borne in mind that the incorrect use of one or another method can ruin the thing. Therefore, if in doubt, it is best to entrust the cleaning and bleaching of things to specialized institutions (dry cleaners).


Often, lovers of white T-shirts or T-shirts, when faced with washing, often take a radical decision - they throw the thing away, since it is not possible to return the old whiteness by conventional methods.

There are a fairly large number of ways, thanks to which you can return the original whiteness of even an old thing. It should be borne in mind that some bleaching methods are quite aggressive, and therefore damage the fibers of the fabric. The service life of the T-shirt is reduced after each bleaching.

Whitening a white shirt

Most home whitening methods have been known to people since ancient times. As a rule, to give the fabric a snow-white look, you can use the tools at hand that are available in every home.

A T-shirt or T-shirt that has lost its original appearance will become whiter using the following methods:

  1. Boiling. To prepare a bleach solution, you will need water, baking soda and some bleach. After mixing all the ingredients, things should be soaked in a basin or saucepan for about 40 minutes, then you should put the saucepan on the fire, wait for it to boil and boil for about 2 hours. The final step is to rinse the clothes in the usual way.
  2. Whitening with manganese. To prepare the composition, you will need to dissolve manganese in hot water to get a pale pink color. You need to make sure that all the crystals have melted, and only after that add washing powder to the water. After lowering white clothes into the resulting solution, the container for soaking things must be covered and left until the water has completely cooled. The final step is the usual rinse.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. A solution of hydrogen peroxide diluted in water works well to cope with yellow spots, which is not uncommon for white things. If the water is hard, additional baking soda can be added. In the resulting composition, things are kept for about half an hour. Finally, rinse and dry. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to dry things in the sun. Hydroperit has the same properties. It can be used instead of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Laundry soap. This tool not only makes it possible to give things a snow-white look, but also allows you to remove sweat stains that are clearly visible on white things. Before washing, you need to soak and treat all problem areas with soap, let the T-shirt or T-shirt lie down for about 15 minutes. After that, all things must be soaked in a solution of laundry soap for another 1.5-2 hours, and then washed in the usual way.
  5. Boric acid. Soaking things in an aqueous solution of boric acid not only allows you to get rid of unwanted yellowness. This tool is a good helper in the fight against fungal diseases.
  6. Blue. The product must be diluted in water so that a pale blue tint is obtained. The already washed item should be soaked for several minutes in the resulting solution, and then dried. Additional rinsing is not necessary. This tool does not bleach things, but due to the blue color, things will appear snow-white.

Nowadays, there are many different chemicals that are specifically designed to remove stains on white things. The effectiveness of such funds is quite high. But before bleaching a white T-shirt at home, you should carefully read the instructions for use. It is recommended to refuse highly toxic products, especially when it comes to children's things. In addition, when washing with various chemicals, safety precautions must be followed so as not to damage the eyes, hands, respiratory tract and not get poisoned.


In order not to often resort to bleaching T-shirts and T-shirts, as this will quickly make things unusable, it is recommended that you learn how to properly care for them.

You should know that white fabric does not like high temperatures, yellow spots appear on it. During washing and ironing, you need to choose the temperature that is indicated on the label of the T-shirt.

Washing white clothes

Not all natural fabrics can be dried in direct sunlight, although the peroxide bleaching method recommends doing so. Before drying outdoors under the rays of the scorching sun, you need to make sure that the fibers of the fabric can be exposed to high temperatures.

To prevent yellow sweat stains under the armpits, it is recommended to observe the rules of body hygiene and use appropriate deodorant products.

When choosing an antiperspirant, preference should be given to an agent that does not contain aluminum, which contributes to the formation of yellow spots.

If it was decided to purchase a special chemical bleach, you must strictly adhere to the dosage and other instructions from the instructions for use. If you do something wrong, you can get the opposite result - things turn yellow. In addition, if harsh chemicals are used incorrectly, holes may appear on the T-shirt.

After drying and ironing, clothes should be stored in a dry closet or dressing room. The presence of moisture will cause mold to appear on things, which not only spoils clothes, but is also harmful to health.

Each of us faced the problem of bleaching white clothes. Such things, especially T-shirts and T-shirts, wear out quickly and are easily “washed out”, losing their original appearance. The impression is made by yellow stains from sweat, which will scare away every person from you. What to do, how to whiten white T-shirts at home so that you do not have to buy new ones every month? This will be discussed in this article.

To begin with, let's figure out what needs to be done so that things deteriorate as little as possible.

Choose your temperature carefully. This advice applies to both washing and ironing. Too hot water, especially in combination with bleaches or detergents that are not suitable for this type of fabric, an overheated iron - all this will definitely leave yellowness on your clothes with ease.

Important! To avoid mistakes, read our instructions for the care of different materials:

Be vigilant about the cleanliness of household appliances. The iron can also leave stains if the water that was in it during ironing was stagnant.

Important! It is advisable to pour out the residue after each ironing and check its effect on the lining fabric before using the appliance. If traces of rust or scorch remain, use one of the methods to.

Fabrics of natural origin may be dried outdoors in direct sunlight. For products made of synthetic materials, such a procedure is strictly prohibited, because they can darken or turn yellow from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Although, for example, flax after such a procedure will definitely give yellowness for the third or fourth time. Therefore, you should not experiment with ultraviolet if you are not sure about the composition of the canvas.

Important! If you still want things to be always fresh and do it outside, hang clothes in dark places where direct sunlight will fall less. By following this rule, you will not have to look for an answer to the question of how to bleach a T-shirt if it cannot be bleached.

Place your clothes in the closet completely dry. And the piece of furniture itself should not have increased dampness and moisture inside. Otherwise, there will be not only dullness and yellow spots, but mold will also appear, especially on those clothes that will lie idle for a long time.

Important! So that neither mold, nor musty smell, nor yellow stains of stale clothes bother you, and you can easily find the right wardrobe items, use our tips to.

Take measures to reduce sweating, especially in the summer:

  • Maintain personal hygiene and remove hair from under the armpits.
  • Do not use deodorants containing aluminum. Due to the interaction of sweat and aluminum, those same yellow spots appear. Choose from our rating.

Important! In the summer heat, try not to eat excessively spicy and hot food - it contributes to increased sweating and the formation of persistent stains on clothes. As a result, you are thinking about how to whiten white t-shirts at home.

Be careful when choosing bleach. It is necessary that it fits specifically to your type of fabric, otherwise you cannot avoid yellowing.

Use products that soften water. If you do not trust industrial professional products, you can use vinegar or lemon juice.

Important! The salts found in hard water react with the laundry detergent and as a result can ruin your favorite fabric with yellowness.

Here we add a couple more useful tips:

  1. Never wash whites and clothes together with colored ones.
  2. Cotton white items can only be washed with linen items. Do not wash with wool and synthetics.

We proceed directly to the procedure for removing stains and cleaning your favorite things.


To whiten white T-shirts at home, it is not at all necessary to run to the store and buy the most expensive product. You can also use the helpers that you definitely have available.

Hydrogen peroxide

This method will help you quickly fix the problem of losing the whiteness of a T-shirt:

  1. Dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide in water. Using the proportion: 1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water.
  2. Immerse the grayed thing in the resulting solution and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Important! Stir the clothes every 5 minutes to get an even whitening. And for a more effective result, you can add a small amount of soda to the composition of the solution.

Potassium permanganate

You can return the former purity to things with the help of potassium permanganate:

  1. Dial a 10-liter container of hot water.
  2. Add a small amount of potassium permanganate and 200 grams of washing powder there.
  3. After you have added potassium permanganate, the water should turn light pink.
  4. Dip the washed things into the resulting solution, cover the container with polyethylene.
  5. After the water has cooled completely, rinse your clothes thoroughly.

Important! If you think that your things will be painted - it is not so, do not worry.

Alcohol ammonia

This method is more suitable for those who want to restore the purity of things made from linen or cotton:

  1. Add some alcohol to the water - 5-7 tablespoons per 10 liters of water will be enough.
  2. Dip clothes in the resulting solution, leave for several hours.
  3. Rinse thoroughly under cool running water before drying.

Salt, peroxide, alcohol and powder

In order to bleach a product made of natural wool or cotton, make the following solution:

  1. Take a 10 liter container of warm water, approximately 40°C.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, a small handful of table salt, and some laundry detergent.
  3. After you dilute the solution, dip your T-shirts and T-shirts in a basin for 20 minutes.
  4. After 20 minutes, rinse your items under cold water.

Laundry soap

The method that our grandmothers used was easy to do:

  1. Generously rub laundry soap on clothes - use the product that says 72%.
  2. Soak the item in water for several hours, then wash as usual.

Important! For clothes made from cotton, use only warm water, approximately 40-50°C.


Use this method only when you need to remove very stubborn and old stains:

  1. Prepare for washing 3 liters of water containing detergent - any powder or liquid detergent, soap will do.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of bleach to the composition.
  3. Soak the T-shirt for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, rinse with plenty of cool water.

The second version of a similar cleaning.

White t-shirts will probably never go out of style. After all, this color goes well with any other color. But even here everything will not go without problems, because it is white things that are easier to get dirty. And then everyone begins to have questions about how to whiten a white T-shirt at home and how to restore its original beauty. If you are reading this article, it means that you have encountered such a problem. We will try to provide you with enough information so that you can resolve your issue.

How to whiten a T-shirt yourself?

And so, let's begin our research to find the answer to the question of how to whiten a T-shirt at home. At home, we will usually do it ourselves, with the means that are available to us in everyday life and will not be too expensive. Experienced housewives know that substances that cause a chemical reaction bring the best results.

Below we will offer you options for effective bleaches that are most often used by people who have encountered such a problem. And we advise you to familiarize yourself with all of them and choose useful tips for yourself, or you can try each option in turn and stop at what you like the most.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best products out there and it can help you whiten whites. Its use is quite simple. For two liters of well-hot water, add 1 teaspoon of peroxide and soda. We stir the mixture well, and put the white thing in there for 30 minutes, stirring from time to time to ensure that the chemical reaction in each particle of the T-shirt is fully accessible. After bleaching, the usual washing is carried out with the usual means, and it is recommended to dry it in the sun to increase the effectiveness of bleaching.

Potassium permanganate

Although potassium permanganate has a pink tint, don't let that scare you. She does an excellent job of bleaching T-shirts. Preparing a solution is also quite simple: the proportions are indicated for a volume of 10 liters of water, if you have a lot of this amount, calculate the amount for yourself, keeping the ratio. So, the rules are simple: in 10 l. very hot water (not boiling water) dissolve a small amount (several crystals) of potassium permanganate, until a pale pink shade of water is formed. And add 200 grams of washing powder. Stir the mixture well and place white t-shirts and shirts in the solution until the water has cooled completely, do not forget to carefully cover the vessel so that the cooling time lasts as long as possible. After all, we carry out the usual washing and rinse in warm water, dry.


Ammonia softens the structure of the water, thus making it easier to remove any stains from clothes. This method is especially recommended for natural-based garments such as linen and cotton. We prepare the solution: for 10 liters. We give 5-7 tablespoons of bleach (ammonia) in hot water, dissolve and soak T-shirts and other things overnight, before mixing the clothes several times. In the morning, wash in the usual way and rinse in cool water. The procedure is best carried out on the street or on the balcony so that ammonia vapors do not fill your home.

A mixture of salt, peroxide, alcohol and powder

Sometimes the question arises, how to whiten for maximum effect? In such cases, a mixture of many bleaches is usually used, which in total simply cannot leave without a result. In our case, such a mixture is prepared from salt, hydrogen peroxide, washing powder and alcohol (ammonia, in extreme cases, medicinal, or a mixture of them in a ratio of 1: 1) Per 10 liters. well warm water give 3 tbsp. l peroxide, 1 tbsp. l ammonia, 1 teaspoon of salt and a little washing powder. We soak, stirring from time to time and washing a little by hand. We continue the procedure until the result is obtained.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap was bought for washing even by our grandmothers, and it perfectly coped with its functions. That is why it appeared in our list of whitening products. Its use, I think, does not need to be described in detail, because everything is very simple and everyone knows. Just generously rub the white parts of your wardrobe with soap, let it brew for a while, at least 30-40 minutes, and then complete the wash. It is recommended to use concentrated soap, on the packaging of which 72% will be written. Laundry, of course, we do by hand.

Boric acid soak

Another wonderful and effective bleach is boric acid, so that it does not have to make a lot of effort to bleach. You just need to soak the clothes in water with a solution of boric acid. For 4 liters of well-warm water, add about 2 tablespoons of bleach solution. We let it brew, after which we carry out and complete the wash.

The boric acid method is also effective in the fight against fungal diseases, as well as in removing the fungus from clothes.

See also the video: bleaching clothes with boric acid.

The use of blue

Sometimes specialists enter information about the use of blue for whitening in the whitening section. But in fact, this method, although effective, does not quite meet our expectations. When we are interested in how to bleach clothes, we expect to get underwear as a result, but the blue method gives us a gentle bluish tint. In principle, it resembles white, because it will definitely look better than gray and worn color, but still the result is not quite expected. If you still decide to use this particular method, then you need to make a solution of water with the addition of blue to a pale bluish color, soak the clothes for 2 hours in a vessel with a solution, then squeeze out and dry without rinsing.

Professional bleaches

Professional bleaches are chemicals that are ready to use and are sold in stores. In most cases, these are solutions of liquids or powders. In any case, their use is quite simple. To the amount of water required for washing, add a bleaching agent, then let it brew and carry out a normal wash. We will not list the names, but by going to any household chemicals store, the consultant will provide you with all the necessary information about these products.


Chlorine products are considered one of the most aggressive products, so they are recommended to be used infrequently. Also, their ability to cause allergies gives reason not to use them for bleaching children's clothes. But many people still turn to these methods, since not all means can cope with the yellowness that needs to be removed. In order not to damage the skin of the hands, it is imperative to use rubber gloves when using these products. In order not to harm your clothes, you need to clearly follow the recommendations for use, which are indicated on the package. Its use is the same as in other products, dilute in plenty of water and soak clothes for a while, then wash. When using such products, special attention should be given to colored things so that not a drop of bleach gets on the product, since you will never remove a stain from an oxidizing agent.


Oxygen bleaches are ready-made products that are often added to the composition of the washing powder. They are considered one of the safest and most permitted. After all, they do not cause allergies, so they are allowed to be used for children's clothing. Also, if it gets on the colored part of the clothes, it will not harm things.


The method of boiling or otherwise digestion is also one of the most difficult. Since with the frequent use of this particular method, the structure of the tissue is damaged, after which it can tear. And yet sometimes they use it. For the best result, salt or vinegar is added to the water preparation to further enhance the effect. First, water is prepared with the above-mentioned additives, it is heated, after which the clothes are placed in a vessel. When everything is heated, you need to boil, depending on the soiling of the clothes. If it is very heavily soiled and the clothes are yellow or gray, then digestion is allowed up to 1-1.5 hours. In case of less soiling, 15-20 minutes will be enough.

T-shirt with colored inserts

Many people have white t-shirts with colored parts. And what about the owners of such clothes. They have to ask themselves the question, how to bleach a printed T-shirt? T-shirt designs can usually be different, but if aggressive bleach gets on them, then it will have to be thrown away. Therefore, we want to separately note the products that can be used by wearers of white clothes, but with colored particles. In this case, the bleaching methods described above with potassium permanganate, household soap, as well as oxygen bleaches, will be useful to you. These remedies are safe for you to use. Good luck to you!

Whitening at home: video