How to properly tie a scarf around a man's neck. How to tie a men's scarf. Knot double turn

Here you will learn everything you need to know about tying scarves.

How to tie a men's scarf

Hello fashion lover friend. If you decide to go into this topic, it is because often, on the streets, you could not help but pay attention to men in scarves. A scarf is not only a way to protect your neck from the wind, but also an attribute of a fashion-conscious man. Therefore, looking at a passing man in a scarf in warm weather, wait a minute to twist your finger at your temple. Most likely you do not know everything about scarves and OFFICEPLANKTON is ready to help with this.

What you need to know about wearing scarves:

1 Keep it simple and remember that the scarf is primarily worn for convenience, so tie the scarf in a way that makes you feel comfortable.

2 How to tie a scarf depends on the length and size of the scarf.

3 A scarf is not your tie. No need to tie it like a noose.

4 If you are not a show business star, then do not forget that the scarf primarily protects the throat from hypothermia, and fashion is in second place.

Method number 1-DRAPE

Drape is called tying a scarf without knots. The easiest way to wear a scarf, and it is also very easy to tie: you just put a scarf around your neck, and wear it without tying. That's all.

From such wearing, there is no benefit to the neck, except for aesthetic. Drape allows you to dilute your image with other colors. The main thing is not to overdo it. Drape goes under a coat, to a suit and to a sports jacket.

Method number 2 - ASCOT

Of all the ways to tie a scarf, ascot is the most beautiful. Like Drape, it is easy to tie, the main thing you need to decide in advance - are you going to wear the “bud” high or low? Ascot will not only cover your neck from the wind, but also give her a little freedom.

How to tie an ascot:

Put the scarf on your shoulders, take two ends, knit and adjust the knot. Make sure that the scarf does not press on the neck.

Method number 3 - ONE TURN

Stylish, and fulfills its main function - protects and warms the neck.

How to tie:

Tie the scarf around your neck so that the 2 ends hang freely in front (as shown in the image).

Method number 4 - TWO TURNS

A variation on the previous point. Suitable for especially cold days.

How to tie:

2 turns around the neck, leave 2 ends hanging in front.

Method number 5 - PARIS (FRENCH) KNOT

The French or Parisian knot is considered the most popular way to tie a scarf, and most importantly, it is easy to do. At the end of the knitting, a large and beautiful “bud” is obtained, which serves as an ornament and protects the neck from the wind.

How to tie:

Fold the scarf in half. Insert 2 ends into a loop.

Girls love accessories and jewelry more. They are able to make everything elegant. Most men are indifferent to the decor of their clothes. Therefore, they usually simply wrap the scarf around their neck and hide it under their clothes. But if you look at how to tie a scarf for a man in an original and beautiful way, you can create a stylish look that even an avid critic will like. Let's take a closer look at this topic.

So how to tie a scarf for a man without much difficulty? Stylists strongly recommend that the strong half of humanity refresh their appearance with this accessory. A scarf can decorate a jacket, and a raincoat, and a coat. Shop windows are full of similar products of any texture and color. Everyone will be able to choose something to their taste.

Warm and beautiful

Most people only wear a scarf to keep warm and prevent a sore throat. This is a huge misconception. Such a detail is a fashionable accessory that will emphasize individuality. Designers have come up with many ways to tie a scarf for a man. But not all of them are popular. Men have identified for themselves a few simple tricks and are happy to wear colored and calm tones scarves. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn into a glamorous, pompous turkey. Be careful with bright colors. Scarves with patterns, ornaments, logos of famous brands are the most popular. Monochromatic models are preferred only by the elderly.

Paris lights

The Parisian knot is the most popular technique. A scarf tied in this way looks great on a coat, a jacket, and a leather jacket. The technique is very simple: fold the product in half, then throw it over the neck and insert the ends of the second side into the loop formed on one side. The width and length of the scarf can be any. This is a very simple but elegant knot.


A false knot is a more difficult option, but also more interesting. Throw a scarf around your neck so that one end is twice as long as the other, and tie a knot on it. Thread the short end into it and tighten it tight. You will get an unusual knot that will look good on a sweater, shirt or jacket. It is better to use a long thin scarf.

Double punch

If you have not yet decided how to beautifully tie a scarf for a man, this option will definitely appeal to you. It is versatile and easy to perform. Wrap the scarf around your neck with a double ring, and tie the remaining ends in a loose knot or hide under outerwear. This is an excellent protection from the cold and a beautiful decoration for the neck.


This is the easiest way to highlight your style. The scarf is not tied at all, both ends just hang in free flight. This option looks good on outerwear. In the image there are notes of negligence and brutality.

Ostap Bender

The most striking feature of your character - adventurism and love of adventure? Then this option, how to tie a scarf for a man, is for you! We wrap the product around the neck twice, one end should remain longer than the other. Looks great with a jacket and shirt. On the street you will catch millions of enthusiastic female glances.

For the winter cold, the same option is suitable, only tightly tightened under the very chin.

Evening out

Scarves, like all things, are divided into casual and elegant. An evening version of the scarf can be made of shiny fabric or with a bright print. To go out for dinner to a restaurant or a theater, cinema, or a visit, brilliance and gloss are very appropriate. You don't need to do anything with the knot. The scarf itself is already an ornament. And in tandem with a complex plot, you get an exaggeration. Tie the scarf in a simple loop and tuck it under your jacket.


For trendy young guys, a scarf, braided and hanging down in the middle, is suitable. Just wrap it around your neck and braid the ends. Get creative and attractive. Such an emphasis can be made on a bright sweater or body shirt. Looks very stylish and unusual.

Now simple scarves of complex weaving without patterns have come into fashion. Regular machine knit and soothing tones are the perfect accessory for all occasions. This is a must-have item in your wardrobe.

A wide long scarf is your best friend in winter. It can be wrapped around the neck several times and folded back. The next day, perform another combination: a loose loop around the neck, one end of the scarf forward, the other back. Change your look every day even with just one scarf. But if there are several of them, you have begun to turn into a fashionable object!


The name is noble, consonant. I really want to try this elegant knot for myself. For this reception you will need a small fabric scarf. Throw it over and adjust the ends to the same length. Now wrap one of them around the other and thread it through the loop formed. You will get a voluminous, but not tight knot. Feel free to pull on a shirt, jacket or jacket from above and rather go outside! All attention will be drawn to your person. This version of the knot has long been forgotten, so revive the fashion for this decorative scarf bandage!

If you are not going to take off your jacket in crowded places, you can try an interesting knot from childhood. We put on a shirt, throw a long wide scarf around the neck, make the ends the same length. We design a cross on the chest and start the ends behind the lower back, and tie it there. Putting on a jacket on top, you get an imitation of a vest, which is very unusual.

If it is not entirely clear how to tie a scarf for a man, the photo will help you understand the details.


One of the universal knots is the ends back. Suitable for any style of clothing, whether jeans and a sweater or a business suit. We make a double loop around the neck, and fold the ends back. The throat is completely closed from cold and wind, and the successful color of the scarf will emphasize the beauty of the face. You can also choose an accessory to match the color of your eyes. Now you know how fashionable to tie a scarf for a man.

Excellent purchase!

A stylish scarf is an attribute of a real, fashionable man. Protection from the cold is important, but a bright image that stands out from the crowd will not hurt. First you need to learn how to properly tie a scarf for a man. And then you can start your own experiments.

Having tried on an elegant image with a scarf at least once, men throw elongated tracksuits, washed T-shirts into the far corner and begin to dress elegantly. Give your loved one such a modest gift, explain to him how to properly tie a scarf for a man.

Changing the image directly affects the mood, state of mind. In a beautiful suit, shiny shoes and a fashion accessory around the neck, any man will feel confident and comfortable. And for people who know their own worth, life always develops wonderfully.

Do not be a gray, inconspicuous mass! Look closely at how to tie a scarf for a man. The diagram will help you understand complex nodes. Show a little imagination, complete your look with several accessories: a beautifully knitted scarf, a shoulder bag, a watch. And in the mirror you will see a completely different person!

Recently, men began to forget about such an important accessory as a scarf. But it performs a very important function, it protects the throat and chest during severe frosts or gusty winds, which will save you from many diseases, including pneumonia.

The scarf has not only a warming function, but also very stylishly emphasizes your image. A man with a scarf is of greater interest to the female, because it makes a woman understand that a man is taking care of himself. It is also an essential accessory for many businessmen and business people.

Scarves come in different lengths, widths and are made from a variety of materials. In our article, we will help you understand the categories of scarves and how to tie it.

Categories of scarves

There are many types of scarves, for example, "rafatka", "snood", bandanas, etc. The length can also be different, from 120 to 230 cm. Usually, scarves about 180 cm long are used, it is convenient to make different combinations from this length.

Method number 4. In two turns

This is a slightly more complicated version of the previous method. In this version, you need to make two turns instead of one. This method was invented for very cold days, however, it looks no worse. If desired, you can tie the ends together, which will give additional heating to the body, you can also tie it so that the ends fall to the back, or hide the ends of the scarf between levels.

I think you yourself guessed that you should not wear such a scarf in warm weather, it will just look ridiculous. It is desirable that the scarf was narrow and long. With so many manipulations, a thick scarf will look very unattractive.

Method number 5. Ascot

This type of knot looks very stylish and keeps the temperature well, while tying it is quite simple. The only nuance worth paying attention to is the end of the knot on the front side, it needs to be adjusted so that it looks organic.

In order to tie the Ascot knot, you need to throw a scarf over your neck, then cross both ends of your scarf, the one that turned out to be bent at the top, then you need to pass it through the bottom from the bottom to the top and, the final stage, pass this end through the resulting loop. Tighten the knot, but only so that you feel comfortable wearing it, adjust the ends so that they are approximately the same length.

Basically, this type of scarf is worn under clothing, you can wear a shirt or sweater on top. The scarf looks a bit like a tie, so it is preferable to wear it to work or to business meetings with partners. Recently, men began to forget about this method of tying a scarf, because there are easier ones, but if you suddenly choose this particular method, you will definitely stand out from the crowd.

Method number 6. Like an artist

The next type of tying a scarf is very fond of creative personalities, it helps to give their image a certain mystery and romanticism. In order to tie a scarf, like an artist, you should throw a scarf over your shoulders, then simply throw one end behind your back. Everything is painfully simple, but no less stylish than in previous versions.

This method is not very suitable for business meetings, but it will perfectly fit into the format of a party or friendly gatherings. Also, this scarf should not be worn in cold weather because of its negligence, at any moment one of the ends can fall and expose your neck, which is very dangerous if it is cold outside.

Method number 7. Lumbar knot

This knot is suitable for especially cold weather, as it protects the lower back and chest from freezing. For this look, you need to take the longest possible scarf.

To tie a lumbar knot, you need to throw a scarf around your neck, evenly distributing the ends along the length, then cross them on your chest and put the remaining length behind your back in the lumbar region and tie, or simply fold over each other and put on a jacket or coat so that they do not broke up. If the length of the scarf allows, you can further insulate by making an extra wrap around the neck at the very beginning.

This option is suitable for any conditions, wherever you go.

Method number 8. Complex knot

This method is really complicated, but that makes it rarer and more elegant. You need to fold your scarf in half, throw it over your neck, then take one end and thread it into the resulting loop, lift the end that you threaded a little and leave some space in the loop. Then twist once the piece of fabric that remains in the loop and thread the second end. Pull the ends evenly and tighten so that it does not cause you discomfort.

This method can be worn on events that are especially important to you, this accessory will help you look unsurpassed and produce the appropriate effect.

Method number 9. Insulated knot

The latter method is perfect for a period of severe cold and wind. In order to warm up as much as possible and at the same time look very fashionable, it is necessary to throw the scarf over the neck, leaving one end as long as the other, then make one turn around the neck, pass the remaining end at eye level, through the already formed turn. Do the same with the second end, only respectively at the level of the second eye.

This option will look good with both a jacket and a co-strict coat. But this option should also be excluded in the warm season and not use a scarf that is too voluminous.


In conclusion, I would like to remind men that any kind of accessories, be it an umbrella, a scarf or a hat, has a positive effect on others. A man who takes care of himself evokes respect and a desire to get to know him better.

In the article, we told you about many ways to make your scarf unusual, attracting everyone's attention. We hope that one of the methods, or even several, will help you and you will be able to choose the option that will be most convenient for you.

Until now, many men consider the scarf an attribute of an exclusively female wardrobe. But if you delve into history, you can be sure of the truly masculine origin of this. Decades ago, archaeologists found that The scarf was first invented in ancient China., of course, it was called something else, but the fact that Chinese warriors wore a piece of fabric 70 cm long and about 10 cm wide around their necks has been proven. Later, the scarf was actively used in the army around the world as an effective and convenient means of protection from wind and unexpected frosts. In the Russian Empire, the scarf also served as a distinctive feature of officers in the army and was part of the military uniform.

Like many other things from military uniforms, the scarf migrated to the everyday men's wardrobe, and became widely applicable not only in winter, but also in summer. Modern designers have expanded its styles, diversified the color palette, dimensions and made this thing a fashion accessory used not only to protect against the weather, but also to create a modern, stylish appearance.

Why should a man wear a scarf?

Most of us are practical people, therefore, be that as it may, first of all, the scarf is protective. Therefore, its relevance increases in the autumn-winter period, with the onset of cold weather and frost, when our neck especially needs additional protection. A warm knit, cashmere or wool scarf will keep you warm in cold weather. But choosing a scarf according to fabric and color to your coat, jacket or jacket, you will kill two birds with one stone - you will be warm and demonstrate your impeccable sense of style to others. If you are a creative person and want to stand out, light silk scarves, neckerchiefs or cravats will help emphasize your individuality. In addition, by opting for its lightweight models, you are freed from the need to remove it indoors, since such a scarf does not apply to outerwear. Many popular personalities (artists, singers, fashion designers) prefer scarves to ties, thus emphasizing their creative and unique nature. Of course, you will not impress anyone by tying a scarf around your neck, because the most important thing is to make the right knot, as well as choose the color and material. How to do this correctly, we will tell a little lower.

What are scarves

Men's range of scarves is more scarce than women's, and includes scarves of the same shape, but different in size and materials, designed for different seasons. So, for example, silk is suitable for summer, cashmere and linen will be appropriate for spring weather, while a woolen or knitted scarf will warm in winter. Scarves are made from angora, cotton, linen and synthetic materials like fleece, from which scarves-collars. It should be taken into account that the type of knot into which you intend to tie it directly depends on the material from which the scarf is made.

Types of knots or how to tie a scarf for a man

First of all, we note that the main thing is the comfort and warmth that a scarf should provide you with. Therefore, whatever knot you tie it into, make sure that you are comfortable and comfortable, because, after all, you wear a scarf for yourself, and not for others. Don't pull it too tight, a scarf is not a tie and shouldn't choke you. Otherwise, your neck will quickly begin to sweat, and if the scarf is wool, then the likelihood of skin irritation increases. Try to wear the scarf casually, as if it is slightly wrapping around your throat, and not pulling it like a string around a sausage.

So, let's get acquainted with the most common types of tying a men's scarf:

European Knot (aka French/Parisian):

Thick knit or mohair scarves are best suited for this knot, as the knot is simple in design and does not require layering.

How to tie a scarf: Fold it in half, and wrap it around your neck so that both ends are in front. Then, in the loop formed from one half, thread the other and tighten slightly to achieve a comfortable fit. A scarf tied this way is best paired with a wool coat, down jacket or parka and is comfortable to wear over outerwear. A scarf with such a knot harmonizes well with the casual style, the only requirement is the length of the scarf, which should be as large as possible. It is worth noting that this type of tying is quite common, so it is easily applicable to models from lighter fabrics.

Ascot knot:

The creation of this knot will not cause difficulties, and will look elegant with a business style. Use this technique with a jacket, pea jacket, coat or blazer. The fabric of the scarf should be dense and heavy; a material such as is best suited.

How to tie a scarf: throw the scarf behind your neck and place it in equal two parts on your chest, then make a knot and, without tightening it, straighten one half, which turned out to be on top of the other. Shape it like a tie and tuck it inside your jacket or coat.

Classic way

Probably one of the easiest and most comfortable ways to tie a scarf. It is suitable for any neckerchief or scarf made of any fabric. The only important condition: the scarf must be long enough. If you neglect this recommendation, your image will look as ridiculous as a short-length tie worn complete with.

How to tie a scarf: Simply wrap the scarf around your neck once so that both ends hang down evenly in front.


Also a simple and effective way to emphasize an elegant look, great to wear in combination with a jacket, cashmere coat, raincoat, cardigan (required with a V-neck) and with any classic suit.

How to tie a scarf: wrap it lightly around your neck and throw the ends over each other, then hide them inside the jacket / coat.

creative way

The favorite way of wearing a scarf by artists and all creative personalities (probably, hence the name of the method), will also suit ordinary men who are far from art, but have a sense of style.

It pairs perfectly with jackets and coats, as well as pullovers and heavy knit sweaters. If you are a fan of casual or sport-casual style, the “creative way” is for you.

How to tie a scarf: Carefully place it on your shoulders so that one end is longer than the other. Then throw it over the opposite shoulder behind your back.

double wrap

A very good way to protect your neck from biting wind and drizzling snow. It is effective in that the scarf envelops the neck in a double layer, leaving no chance for the cold to cause you inconvenience. However, the length of the scarf must be at least 160 cm.

How to tie a scarf: wrap it extremely tightly around your neck once, after which, do it again with only one end of it. After that, set its ends between layers to fix and strengthen the multi-layer protection.

Figure eight wrap

For this method, you will need a collar scarf, which differs from a regular scarf in that both ends are sewn together. As a rule, such models are made of soft fabrics suitable for wearing in warm weather. scarf collar pairs perfectly with a linen jacket and a shirt (preferably plaid or geometric print) tucked into trousers with the top button undone.

How to tie a scarf: Roll it into a figure-eight shape and thread it over your head, positioning it as you like. There is another alternative way to tie this unique model: just as in the previous method, assemble it in the shape of a figure of eight and pass one ring formed over the head, while you can put the other on the top of the head, thus forming a headdress ideal for protection. from sun and wind.

How to tie a men's scarf video:

Various combinations of clothes along with a men's scarf:

Combination #1: Brown parka + knitted scarf + chunky knit warm sweater + dark jeans + black brogue boots.

Combination #2: Black Coat + Wool Turtleneck + Gray Patterned Armani Scarf + Wool Gray Pants + Black Chelsea Boots.

Combination No. 3: red down jacket + scarf + knitted sweater with an ornament + dark jeans + dark brown brogue boots.