How to make Christmas decorations. Cardboard figurines. For salt dough you will need

What could be better than do-it-yourself Christmas toys, especially since you can easily make beautiful New Year's toys from improvised materials (junk, in some cases practically from garbage).

What exactly can you make an unusual toy from? - see below.

Unusual Christmas decorations from improvised materials with your own hands

I'll start with the option that lies on the surface (for those who have children or have their own toys). The idea is this: you need to screw a loop into an old toy in the form of some animal (for example: a lion, a horse, etc.) or a car, then paint or paste over the toy with sparkles. Thread the thread into the loop and that's it - a beautiful toy is ready.

Mosaic can also be attributed to the number of improvised materials and make a good New Year's toy out of it. You heard right from the details of the mosaic. Simply paint the jigsaw pieces in the colors you want: red and white to create candy and snowflake toys, or brown and white to make a deer face. True, you will additionally need to glue a string for hanging, a bell, eyes and a nose.

If you have large mosaic pieces, you can draw an angel or something else on them.

Love to eat ice cream on a stick? - do not throw away the sticks and you can make a beautiful Christmas tree toy out of them. For example, such a cute snowman as shown below.

Or such a toy girl-angel.

Speaking of sticks, you probably won't have a hard time finding twigs. Believe me, Christmas decorations from branches deserve attention. Just cut the branches to the desired size and glue them into the desired shape: a snowflake, a Christmas tree or a star. The finished toy can be left in this form, or it can be painted, pasted over with sparkles or artificial snow.

In addition, you can make a big star from the branches to decorate the top of the Christmas tree.

Feel sorry for destroying trees? - use tubes for cocktails. Even if you do not have them at home among improvised means, you can always buy them in the store (they are not expensive). From the tubes you can make a simple snowflake or something more complicated.

And here is an example for you to inspire a feat - a beautiful Christmas tree toy comes out of the tubes, it seems that it is difficult to do it with your own hands. But as you can see in the photo instructions, everything is very simple. So experiment!

One more ingenious idea to make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands deserves attention quickly and easily. Use cookie cutters. Tie beautiful threads or ribbons to them and hang them on the Christmas tree. By the way, after the new year you will be able to use them for their intended purpose.

And you can do a little magic on these molds: paint them white (or any other color of your choice) and paste over with beautiful electrical tape. Of course, such molds will not return to the kitchen, but your stock of unusual Christmas toys will be replenished.

A beautiful star can be made from ordinary wire, thread and paint. You can form a star out of wire with your hands (it is better to take a thick wire), or you can drive approximate carnations into some unnecessary plank and use them to make a star, which you then wrap with threads and cover with paint.

And you can string glass beads on a thin wire and make a star - you get an almost weightless Christmas tree toy.

Or wrap the wire base with a strip of sequins and threads. In addition to the star, you can make a Christmas tree in this way.

A beautiful star can also be made from cardboard: cut a star out of it and wrap it with thread or twine.

A crumpled sheet of paper plus leaves of some plant and you will get a beautiful snowflake.

I don't know about you, but I love snowflakes. In addition, a snowflake is perhaps one of the most logical Christmas decorations. In general, we are looking at another original way to make a Christmas tree toy in the form of a snowflake. You will need Styrofoam (dig through old tech boxes) wire or regular toothpicks. From the foam you need to make several balls of different sizes (depending on what kind of snowflake you want to make), the edges can be smoothed out simply by pressing with your fingers. In the center there will be the largest circle, into which we will stick a wire or toothpicks and string smaller balls. Smear the finished snowflake with glue and sprinkle generously with sparkles - you must admit that the snowflakes are simply gorgeous. Such a toy will perfectly fit into any decoration.

A beautiful Christmas tree toy in the form of a snowflake can be made from handles from plastic disposable forks, spoons and knives. Glue together several cut off handles and decorate the middle with a beautiful bead.

No less beautiful snowflake is obtained from cut corks from wine bottles. Paste them with sparkles, ribbons and you can admire the result.

Well, a classic of the genre: a snowflake made of clothespins. Many of you may have already seen such snowflakes (as well as others, in general), but I’ll post it anyway - it turns out to be a very attractive snowflake.

Are we talking about lids? Lids from plastic bottles, as well as from glass ones, are easy to turn into original Christmas tree decorations. You can make Santa Claus, a snowman, etc.

Lids from ordinary jars are also suitable. You can paste a photo or rhinestones inside the lid, and paint beautifully on the outside. Or cut out the middle and paste the embroidery.

And you can use the lid as an auxiliary material: with its help, carefully glue the nuts into an even circle.

A beautiful circle can be made from beads and wire.

And you can roll the wire from the binding of the notebook into a circle.

Another find is the rings from the rod in the bathroom: wrap them with different threads, decorate with some New Year's mini toy (if we are talking about how to make a Christmas tree toy from improvised materials: use an old fridge magnet) and admire the result.

Still using toilet paper with an insoluble core? - this is good luck, cut thin circles out of it, paint and paste some paper cut out inside.

Girls can donate old bracelets.

And from old beads and ordinary wire, you can twist a beautiful Christmas tree toy that is somewhat reminiscent of a nest.

Immediately, we will not immediately pass by such a thing as a ball of thread, made with a balloon of thread and glue. Still, despite the ease of implementation, the result is pleasing to the eye, and please note everything from improvised materials.

Everyone has spools of thread: so decorate the Christmas tree with them. In addition, you can stick a piece of paper with a romantic message / New Year's greetings to your loved one to the coil.

Not a shortage and egg packaging. Meanwhile, you can make original Christmas decorations from them. Show your imagination!

The following selection is more suitable for guys who like to drink beer from cans. But still, what if one of them decides to decorate the Christmas tree in the hostel in an unusual way, or you are a young couple having a party for friends. And in general, some toys made from tin cans are also suitable for decorating a “home” Christmas tree.

Such as a star, an angel or a snowflake.

Well, to cheer up your friends, you can make toys from cans without depriving them of the shape of the can.

You can even build Santa's sleigh with his faithful deer helpers.

I also want to draw your attention to one winter hero - a penguin. Of course, contrary to popular belief, he does not live at the North Pole, but since it has become so customary ... Moreover, you can make such beautiful Christmas decorations in the form of penguins, which is just ah. Use old light bulbs, plastic bottles, different paints, your imagination and you will definitely get a beautiful penguin.

The New Year is already very close, it's time to make holiday toys for the New Year tree. What could be better than handmade toys? After all, you put a piece of your soul into them! If you have a rich imagination and a great desire to decorate your house in an original way for the holiday, then these ideas are just for you!

Fill clear balloons with decorative sprinkles or beads.

You can make these hearts. These are made of polymer clay with the addition of cinnamon and apple flavors. So you can’t eat them, but they smell - what you need!

And this, already quite edible, gingerbread cookies

You can decorate transparent balls with fragments from an old disk. It will turn out a kind of Christmas disco ball.

Shiny mustaches are the hit of the season.

You can draw a reindeer with one thumbprint.

Yarn toys look very warm and cozy.

Also, with the help of yarn and cones, you can make such cute decorations.

Tangerines can decorate not only the festive table, but also a beautiful Christmas tree.

Tree branches can be turned into original and cozy Christmas decorations that look quite simple, but at the same time stylish.

A very original decoration in the form of an eco-friendly terrarium ball.

Toys can also be made from paper - just look for a suitable origami instruction.

And if you take, say, an old map instead of plain paper, you get more “global” toys.

From small beads you can make cute New Year's toys.

Make a New Year's pickle for the Christmas tree! Looks very refreshing.

From copper buttons and foam balls you can make unusual toys for the Christmas tree.

One of the cutest ideas for Christmas tree toys with our own hands, we consider painted acorn caps, inside which you can put a ball of bright fabric or a ball of felted wool.

Ball in decoupage technique

Christmas decorations made of wire and rope

You will need quite a bit of skill and a little imagination to turn ordinary wire and twine into elements of a festive decor or an original New Year's toy.

Make great decorations with salt dough and stamps.

Balls can even be made from old rugs.

From polymer clay, you can make such cute plates with bright stamped patterns.

Melt colored pencils inside the transparent balls to achieve this streak effect.

Does your child have a lot of plastic toys that he no longer needs? Color them and give them a second life as Christmas decorations.

Well, if this tiny sweater doesn't convince you that it's time to learn to knit, then nothing will.

Mini mittens in pursuit of a sweater.

You can make names out of wire and tie them with beautiful strings.

There is a special paint that, when dried, allows you to write on it with chalk, like on a blackboard. A great option for Christmas decorations, because you can write anything.

Love Harry Potter? Make yourself a Golden Snitch!

Or a LEGO Death Star toy if you're a Star Wars fan.

On polymer clay, you can also make these prints with a napkin. Very tender and airy toys will turn out.

Birds also love the New Year. Make a cute feeder for them.

And from felt you can make cute flat balls with a variety of patterns.

DIY Christmas decorations

There are already a lot of master classes on manufacturing on our website. Christmas decorations Let's take a look at the best of them.
Usually, DIY Christmas decorations are made to decorate the house, for competitions in schools and kindergartens, for the city Christmas tree, as well as as a gift to relatives and friends. How and from what can they be made?
Christmas decorations with your own hands can be made:
- from improvised materials,
- paper and cardboard
- from plastic bottles,
- from felt and foamiran,
- from fabric and satin ribbons,
- from salt dough and cold porcelain,
- from beads, beads and sequins,
- from cones, twigs, nuts and other natural material,
- thread and yarn
- from tinsel and "rain",
- from cotton,
- from sweets,
- and from everything else! 🙂
See our step-by-step instructions with photos:


More master classes from Anna on how to knit original and beautiful Christmas balls with knitting needles, two options: a spiral pattern and jacquard. Ball "spiral" For the Christmas tree, we often buy ready-made toys. But they can be made...

15. 12. 2018

What do you need

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • thread or thin rope;
  • wrapping;
  • thin decorative ribbon.

How to do

Using a ruler and a pencil, draw a grid of identical squares on a sheet of cardboard. The length of the sides can be any, it all depends on the desired size of the future Christmas decoration.

Cut out cardboard squares. Glue them into cubes. Before gluing the last segment, fasten a loop inside the cube. Let it dry and then attach the lid of the box.

Wrap the blank with paper and tie a ribbon on top.

2. Salt dough toys

What do you need

  • 1 glass of flour;
  • ¹⁄₂ glass of water;
  • ¹⁄₂ cup of salt;
  • baking paper;
  • cookie cutters or paper templates and a blade;
  • tube for a cocktail;
  • stamps or toothpicks;
  • baking sheet;
  • acrylic paints or gouache;
  • thin brush;
  • rope or thread.

How to do

Mix flour with water and salt and knead the dough. Divide it into several pieces and roll each one out on baking paper. Using cutters or templates and a blade, cut out the shapes you want.

Use a straw to make holes in the corners of the toys. You can stamp the pattern with stamps or a toothpick.

Put the blanks on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes at 130°C.

Color the finished decorations to your taste. With green needles, red and white are best combined.

When the paint dries, you can make loops.

What do you need

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • a set of push pins (at least 200 pieces);
  • multi-colored nail polish;
  • foam blanks in the form of eggs;
  • Super glue;
  • fasteners from unnecessary earrings or paper clips;
  • ribbon or thread for a loop.

How to do

Put cardboard on the table, stick push pins in rows and cover them with nail polish. Leave to dry overnight.

In the morning, you can decorate eggs from foam. Carefully stick the buttons into the workpiece. It is important that one row slightly covers the other.

Use superglue to attach a fastener or paperclip to the top of the toy. Attach a decorative ribbon or thread to it.

4. Thread stars

What do you need

  • star template;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • Super glue;
  • beads;
  • any yarn.

How to do

Attach the template to a sheet of cardboard and circle with a pencil. Cut out the star along the outline. Glue a bead to the tip of each beam.

Secure the tip of the yarn in any convenient place with superglue. Wrap the star with yarn. Tie the end of the thread with a loop to hang the toy.

5. Button Christmas trees

What do you need

  • multi-colored buttons;
  • wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • thread.

How to do

Sort the buttons by color. Line up each set by size. Bend the wire in half. Step back from the bend and throw one end of the wire over the other so that you get a loop. At the end, you can fasten a thread on it to hang a toy.

String on the smallest button. Add buttons of increasing size one by one. Important: push the wire through the two buttonholes each time. For buttons with four holes, use the holes diagonally. Then add a few dark buttons of the same small size: this will be the trunk of the tree.

Twist the wire again and cut off the rest. Tie a thread to the loop.

What do you need

  • cones;
  • Super glue;
  • a skein of thin rope;
  • colored tape.

How to do

Glue a string loop to the base of each cone. Tie as many bows as you need. Attach them to the cones with glue.

7. Snowmen from socks

What do you need

  • children's white socks;
  • foam balls-blanks of different sizes;
  • scissors;
  • white thread;
  • wide red ribbon;
  • thin red ribbon
  • a piece of colored felt;
  • pins;
  • black buttons.

How to do

Put two Styrofoam balls in a baby sock so that the bottom is large and the top is smaller. Drag the sock between the two balls with a white thread. Tie a wide red ribbon on top and cut its edges.

Tie a thread over the top segment of the snowman. Turn the rest of the sock inside out. Cut out a rectangular piece of felt and wrap it around the snowman's head to make a hat. Secure it with pins and fold in the brim.

Now tie a thin red ribbon around the top of the snowman's hat. Make a loop from the long ends of the ribbon.

Pin two black buttons to the snowman's bottom ball. Using small pins with multi-colored heads, make a nose and eyes for the snowman.

8. Rope balls

What do you need

  • Balloons;
  • Bowl;
  • PVA glue;
  • a skein of jute rope;
  • glue gun or superglue;
  • can of paint optional.

How to do

Blow up a small balloon. Pour PVA into a bowl and soak the rope in it. Tie the end of the rope around the tail of the ball and randomly wrap the future toy. As an option: you can first wrap the ball, and then dip it into a container with glue.

Let the toy dry. Then pierce the balloon and pull it out of the frozen toy frame. Don't forget the loop to hang the decoration.

Make several toys of different sizes according to this principle. Such rope balls look spectacular on a Christmas tree or under the ceiling. Especially if they are painted.

What do you need

  • Super glue;
  • broken light bulbs;
  • a skein of thread or ribbon;
  • gouache or glitter paints.

How to do

Glue loops of thread or tape to the bulbs. Dip the bulbs one by one in the colored paint. Let the toys dry.

10. Dried oranges

What do you need

  • oranges, lemons or limes;
  • sharp knife;
  • baking sheet;
  • baking paper;
  • thick needle;
  • wire or thread.

How to do

Carefully cut the citruses into thin circles. Lay them out on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake for two to three hours at 100°C.

Make a hole in the future toy with a needle. Pass a thread or plastic wire and fasten to make a pendant.

It is known that handmade products are valued much higher than things made in a production environment. If we talk about gifts made by hand, then it is always a pleasure to receive them, because a person spent not only money on him, but his own time.

Do-it-yourself New Year's toys are always beautiful and original products, they can decorate not only the symbol of the New Year - the Christmas tree, but also transform the interior of the house on holidays.

Making New Year's toys from fabric with your own hands at home (with video)

On the eve of the New Year, you decided to get creative, but you don’t know how to make New Year’s toys with your own hands to decorate your home and please your loved ones? The following simple, but at the same time quite original ideas for making Christmas toys with your own hands from improvised means will help you.

Balls are the best Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree with your own hands, which will decorate the green symbolic tree in your house all the holidays. Such Christmas decorations can be completely different sizes, colors and made from a variety of materials. You can extend the life and restore the attractiveness of New Year's toys in the form of balls with your own hands by wrapping them with a beautiful fabric and tying the top with a ribbon or thread.

You can make a ball for decorating a Christmas tree in a different way: create New Year's toys with your own hands from fabric, giving them a round shape. Inside a beautiful fabric, you can wrap crumpled paper or fabric, tying such a layout with threads on top so that it keeps its shape.

To decorate Christmas balls, you can use not only fabric, but also newspaper and magazine pages, music notebooks. They look beautiful and unusual, this idea is suitable for those who are already tired of traditional Christmas tree decorations. From above, such balls can be decorated with multi-colored ribbons.

If you want to enhance the festive mood, make it more solemn, decorate a New Year's toy with beads, rhinestones, sequins, beads, buttons and other decorative elements with your own hands at home. The New Year's ball of buttons looks beautiful, which can be glued to paper or sewn to fabric. Attach a small white bead to the center of each button.

With the help of this video, it will be easy and simple to make a New Year's toy with your own hands:

DIY Christmas toys made of paper: a master class with a photo

If you wish, you can make a New Year's toy out of paper with your own hands, for this you can use many ideas. Paper is an excellent material for this type of creativity. Such crafts for the New Year can be done with children.

Paper colorful garland

The easiest way to create paper decorations for the Christmas tree is a multi-colored chain of rings.

To do this, you need bright colored paper, a ruler, scissors and glue.

From paper, cut multi-colored stripes 1 cm wide and 6-7 cm long.

Connect one strip into a ring, glue its ends, thread a paper strip of a different color into the ring and do so until you get a garland of the desired length.

It is best to use smooth double-sided colored paper for such a homemade decoration.

Paper squares with photos

Original toys with photographs of all family members, which depict the most pleasant and important events of the year, will be a good decoration for the symbol of the New Year.

To create such a masterpiece, cut out six identical circles from paper, bend them so that a square is formed in the center of each element.

Connect all the details with glue, stick photos of all family members on the sides of the square.

Such beautiful New Year's toys made of paper in the photo below:

You can use these ideas on the eve of the New Year, preparing your home for the holiday.

Do-it-yourself Christmas ball toy from improvised material

To make a Christmas tree ball with your own hands, you will need the following materials at hand:

  • thick paper with any beautiful pattern;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • a compass or any round object that can be circled to cut a circle.

The process of creating a paper ball:

On paper, draw 21 circles of the same size and cut them out with scissors. Bend each circle twice in half to determine the center of the craft element.

Then straighten the circle and bend one of its sides so that it is exactly in the center.

Bend two more sides of the circle so that you get a triangle with equal sides. Cut out this triangle from paper, it will serve as a model for the rest of the elements.

Apply the resulting triangle to other circles, circle it with a pencil, and bend their edges outward along these lines.

Connect ten circles in such a way that you get a wide strip: 5 at the bottom and 5 at the top, connect them into a ring. This will be the basis for the paper Christmas ball.

Divide the ten remaining parts into 2 parts: glue 5 on one side of the ball, five on the other.

Cut the ribbon to the desired length and glue the loop to the top of the balloon.

How to make DIY Christmas toys from felt

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys made of felt are always a relevant idea, because they look great on the Christmas tree. Felt is a very interesting material, it is ideal for making your own Christmas decorations. Felt has a different density and a variety of colors, it is well glued and sewn.

If you do not have time to make DIY Christmas toys according to complex patterns, the following very simple idea will help you. You will need felt of several colors, one of which must be red. The combination of white, blue and red looks beautiful. From red felt, cut a circle with a diameter of about 8 cm, blue - smaller, and white - the smallest, but not less than 5 cm. Next, cut a heart out of red felt so that it is slightly smaller than the white circle. Now fold all the elements: red, blue and white circles, and a heart on top, sew or glue all layers, attach a braid at the top to hang the craft on the Christmas tree. There are many ideas for creating DIY Christmas toys from materials such as felt.

You can make stars and hearts in exactly the same way: you only need two colors of felt, make one element larger, the other smaller, connect them.

Here in the photo do-it-yourself Christmas toys made of felt in a wide variety of versions:

New Year's penguin toys from light bulbs with their own hands

Even a child can make Christmas toys from light bulbs with their own hands. Light bulb penguins are a good option.

To make them, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • old light bulbs;
  • acrylic paint or gouache;
  • brushes;
  • small hats - you can knit them or find unnecessary ones from dolls.

Master class of New Year's toys with your own hands - penguins from sweethearts:

Paint one side of the bulb with white acrylic paint and the other with black.

In front, on a white background, draw the wings of a penguin in black.

From plasticine make a beak and eyes.

Put on a cap and a scarf for the penguin, small knitwear looks beautiful.

Attach a rope to the top of the hat and hang the craft on the Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas toys made of beads

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys made of beads will make your Christmas tree brighter and more elegant. Using small beads, you can make pretty pretty jewelry. If you are looking for the easiest ways to make a Christmas tree decoration with your own hands, using beads for this, the following idea will come in handy.

To work, you will need red beads, thin wire and a ribbon.

String beads onto the wire.

Form figures from it in the shape of a star, heart, Christmas tree.

Cut the wire, fix it on top so that the beads do not bloom, and decorate the top with a beautiful ribbon.

To create a New Year's mood in your home, it is enough to hang such funny crafts in it.

DIY Christmas toys from salt dough: crafts for children

A do-it-yourself Christmas toy made of dough is a favorite Christmas tree decoration for many children. Kids love it when not only glass balls hang on the Christmas tree, but also edible decorations - sweets and gingerbread.

When decorating a Christmas tree, you should remember that such gingerbread cookies can decorate an evergreen tree for no more than two weeks if you plan to treat children with sweets later. In the case when crafts made from dough have one purpose - decorative, it is better to refuse baking, preferring the next option for creating jewelry.

A child can also make Christmas toys from salt dough with his own hands. At the same time, such a creative process will bring a lot of pleasant emotions to the baby.

Prepare salt dough using the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • a glass of salt;
  • 250 g of water.

Mix flour and salt, add water and knead the dough. Check the readiness of the dough to create crafts like this: roll a ball out of the whole mass and pierce it with your fingers, if the dough holds its shape, it is suitable for use. In the process of kneading the dough, add a little vegetable oil to it, so the mass will become plastic, will not crust and stick to your hands.

To make Christmas toys out of dough, use cookie cutters. A variety of figures from the dough can be easily cut even by a child. After the figures are cut out, a hole needs to be made in the upper part, for this you can use a tube.

After that, the figures should be left for a while so that they are completely dry and hardened. Now you can start decorating them, for this use paints. In order not to paint the figures with paints, gouache of any color can be added to it at the stage of preparing salt dough.

There is another original idea for creating Christmas tree decorations from dough. Take a heart-shaped figurine, attach it to the dough and cut it out. Then make holes with a tube over the entire surface of the heart, you should get an openwork figure. Having made a lot of such openwork hearts, thread them on a string, and you get a beautiful New Year's garland.

Christmas toys-angels from cold porcelain

Do-it-yourself cold porcelain for New Year's toys is another material that allows you to create beautiful Christmas tree decorations.

To make a porcelain angel, prepare the following materials:

  • cold porcelain;
  • gouache;
  • foil;
  • rolling pin;
  • patterned durable napkin;
  • toothpicks.

Decoration process:

From foil and cold beige porcelain, roll one ball of the same size.

Roll the foil into porcelain, do not forget to blow out the air. From porcelain with foil inside, form a perfectly round ball.

Now with a thin stick form holes - eyes. Make a spout out of a small piece of porcelain. Take more foil and roll an oval out of it, which will be the body for the angel. Again, take a piece of unpainted porcelain and roll the foil into it, forming an oval.

Take another piece of unpainted porcelain and roll it with a rolling pin to make a layer of medium thickness. Attach a patterned napkin to the surface and go over the rolling pin again. Wrap the body of an angel with this canvas, you should get a patterned dress.

In the same way, make a patterned collar, but for this, take a smaller piece of porcelain. Attach it to the top of your body. Trim the edges of the dress and collar. Start assembling the angel: insert a toothpick from above into the torso, put your head on it.

From white porcelain, roll up the sleeves of the dress, from beige - two small balls, and insert them into the sleeves, these will be the arms of an angel. Roll out the layer from the brown mass, cut it into thin strips and roll up a roller from each, attach such hair to the angel's head. Attach the wire in the center.

Cut wings out of white porcelain and attach with glue to the back. From the colored porcelain mass, form a bow and decorate the angel's hairstyle. Now take the paints and lightly paint the face: make the lips more expressive, draw the eyes with black or blue paints.

The angel will dry and become durable, after which it can be hung on a Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas pasta toys (with photo)

Fans of unusual decorations will appreciate snowflakes and garlands made from pasta. To connect small elements together, glue should be used.

In the photo, do-it-yourself New Year's pasta toys look unusual and very beautiful:

In the process of creating Christmas toys, a wide variety of types and shapes of pasta are used, rings, flowers, spirals, shells, bows and tubes are suitable. If desired, such home-made toys can be painted with paints, but you can leave it like that.

Most of all, children like New Year's toys with their own hands, so on the eve of the New Year, organize a creative process at home and please your kids.

The most diverse options for DIY Christmas toys in this video: