How to clean natural and artificial light fur from yellowness. How to clean fur from yellow spots

Beautiful natural arctic fox fur gives outerwear sophistication and elegance, making it more presentable and attractive. But the long pile of fur quickly becomes dirty, collecting dust and street dirt, which spoils its appearance. To keep the product in good condition, it should be cleaned periodically. How can you clean fur at home, how to get rid of yellowness and greasy stains?

Cleaning arctic fox fur requires a little effort and time, as well as following simple recommendations that will make the process easier and help restore the product to its original appearance:

  • Do not wet or wash the fur in the usual way.
  • Use natural and safe products for cleaning, and a soft bristle brush for combing.
  • Do not dry fur items on heating devices; they should dry naturally.
  • Make sure that when cleaning or drying the fur does not come into contact with colored items that may fade.

The method of cleaning fur depends on the type and degree of contamination.

If the source of fur contamination is street dust, you can knock it out with a small stick. To do this, prepare a sheet, wet it and twist it well. Lay the fur, nap side down, on a damp sheet and tap the product with a cane - the fabric will absorb all the dirt, and the Arctic fox will look like new.

Helps clean a fur collar lather. Prepare a solution - add shampoo to 500 ml of warm water and whisk thoroughly until a lush, stable foam forms. Using a cotton pad, apply foam to the product, making light stroking movements in the direction of the pile. Wipe the fur with a damp cloth to remove any remaining shampoo and dry thoroughly.

Do not dry fur items on heating devices; they should dry naturally

You can clean heavily soiled Arctic fox fur using wheat bran. In an oven preheated to 70°C, place a baking sheet on which the bran is scattered in an even layer and heat for 5 minutes. Sprinkle the heated remains of wheat onto the fox collar and rub it first in one direction, then in the other. Remove any remaining bran using a soft brush.

In a similar way, you can clean the fur using potato starch or semolina. Sprinkle the product with the chosen product, spray with water from a spray bottle and rub with light movements. The powder absorbs all dirt and dust, making the fur clean. After cleaning, shake off the adsorbent and comb the product with a soft brush.

From yellowness and greasy stains

How can you remove greasy stains from arctic fox fur? Take 250 ml of water, 10 g of salt and 5 ml of ammonia. Use a cotton swab dipped in the resulting liquid to wipe the stain, then dry and comb the fur with a soft bristle brush.

Gasoline can also cope with such pollution. Soak a cotton pad in the petroleum product and apply it to the stain. Then wipe the stained area with a damp cloth and dry the product.

A solution will help get rid of yellowness, the preparation of which will require 250 ml of water, 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 10 drops of ammonia. Moisten a napkin in the resulting liquid and wipe the fur along the fibers. After drying the product, the yellowness will disappear.

A napkin soaked in a vinegar solution (10 ml of vinegar per 250 ml of water) will help restore the shine to the fur. Wipe the arctic fox fur with light movements and dry thoroughly.

Cleaning white fur

To clean white fur, use hydrogen peroxide. Spray the product with it using a spray bottle and dry it in a warm room or in the fresh air.

Wheat flour will help restore the whiteness of the fur. Heat it in a dry frying pan and generously sprinkle the fur product. The flour will absorb dirt and lighten the fur.

Shampoo for pets will help clean the snow-white collar of the Arctic fox. Dilute the product with water in equal proportions and spray the resulting solution over the fur. Wipe the product with a damp cloth, dry it in fresh air and comb it.

Darina Kataeva

White fur is a sign of luxury, beauty and wealth! Clothes containing fur are immediately transformed, becoming more impressive and attractive. However, one can both envy and sympathize with the owners of such things, because caring for these clothes is extremely difficult! Cleaning fur at home is not so easy, so you should learn the rules for caring for a white fur coat made from natural or before purchasing.

Natural fur: rules for cleaning at home

Before cleaning, it is recommended to find out whether the fur needs to be washed. For this you will need a hairdryer. Blow on the fibers and notice if the fur flies easily and freely in different directions? If after this procedure it shines and looks like new, then this indicates its purity and impeccability. If the fur does not fly apart and has a yellowish tint, then it needs to be cleaned.

To check the degree of fur contamination, use only the cold air of a hair dryer so as not to ruin the clothes.

Methods for cleaning white fur:

Using 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Buy hydrogen peroxide at a pharmacy or store, which will be the best cleanser for white fur. Dilute peroxide with water 1:1, and then pour the resulting mixture into a special container with a spray bottle. Now spray all the fur with this mixture and wait until it dries completely. After this, comb it and shake it well. This is a simple but effective way to quickly clean white fur. Be extremely careful, especially in cases where white fur is only part of your fur coat. Be careful not to get peroxide on other areas, as this may damage the product.

Using shampoo.

This product can be purchased at a pet store. Its feature is good cleaning from both dirt and yellow tint. First, dilute the shampoo in warm water, then soak a rag in the mixture, and then work the fur in the direction of lint growth. Then gently wipe the fur coat with a paper towel, wait until it dries and shake the product well.

Dry your fur naturally, away from a fireplace, stove or heater.

Using alcohol.

A solution based on soda and alcohol, which are mixed in a ratio of 1:3, removes dust and dirt. When the composition is ready, soak a sponge in it, and then apply the composition to the villi. Move only in the direction of fur growth.

Using flour, starch or semolina.

Every housewife has the products used for this method in her home. In order for flour, semolina or starch to give a good result, preheat them in a clean and dried frying pan to 70 degrees. Then sprinkle flour over the fur product, gently rub it, and then shake the fur coat to get rid of the semolina.

Using sawdust.

Such hardwood sawdust is sold at pet stores. In this case, the best option would be pine needles. The sawdust must be filled with a small amount of gasoline. After this, wait until it is well absorbed. Then carefully distribute the sawdust throughout the product so that its composition is absorbed into the fibers. Then shake the fur to get rid of any remaining sawdust.

You can use different methods to clean your fur. Try it on a small area first, and then feel free to apply the mixture to the entire product. Thanks to this care, your fur coat will always be beautiful, clean and attractive!

Faux white fur: cleaning rules at home

Like natural, it is vulnerable to dirt, dust and the appearance of yellowness. It is important to constantly and carefully take care of it so that your clothes look beautiful and expensive. To do this, usually use soap as needed. Both solid and liquid soap are suitable. Dissolve it in water, foam the composition, then soak a sponge in it and apply the product to dirty areas. With a damp cloth, soap can be easily removed from the surface of the fur coat. Be sure to dry the fur and comb it with a brush.

Never use acetone or vinegar to clean fur, as this will ruin the product!

Is it possible to machine wash white fur?

Any product containing , is not allowed to be washed! It immediately loses its beautiful color, the fibers break and become stiffer. If you forget about the consequences and wash it, it may even change in size due to the shrinkage of the fur.

Faux white fur can be washed if indicated on the product itself. Use only delicate washing. It is desirable that the pile is cotton and not synthetic.

To dry, do not use a radiator, stove or fireplace, just smooth out the fur coat and wait for it to dry naturally. After this, be sure to comb the pile so that the fur lies evenly on the surface of the clothing.

Rules for storing clothes with natural fur

A fur coat will be attractive if you take good care of it. Remember that in the summer it is necessary to pack it. But first, dry it, comb it, and, if necessary, clean it from dirt and yellowness.

The shelf where the fur coat will be stored must be clean. It is important that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
There must be no heating devices in it!
The fur will be preserved if it “breathes”. Therefore, you should not pack things tightly near items with fur.
The closet should not be damp.
To store clothes with fur, use a paper bag or regular plastic.
To avoid loss of shape, insert thick fabric into the sleeves.
Don't forget about the danger of moths, so use aromatic products! Do not use mothballs, as the item will absorb an unpleasant odor. Geranium leaves or dried orange and lemon peels are better suited.

Using the rules for caring for white fur and cleaning features, you will make your fur coat, hat or boots beautiful and attractive. Even with constant wear, they will look like new! You should not allow severe contamination; it is better to immediately remove any dirt or yellowness that has just appeared on the product. At the same time, you do not have to resort to expensive dry cleaning services. Every housewife has such products in her home; the main thing is to know the rules and conditions for their use.

January 26, 2014, 11:20

Hello! It would be best to first show your fur coat to dry cleaning specialists so that they can see with their own eyes what means can be used to correct the situation. Perhaps they will take on the task of correcting yellowed areas, or advise you on the most effective and safe remedies that can be used at home.

I can give you tips on how to get rid of yellow spots on fur that I took from the Internet.

1. Products made from natural gray sheepskin can be lightened in yellowed areas by wiping with a cotton swab soaked in a solution of hydrogen peroxide - 1 teaspoon per glass of water with the addition of a few drops of ammonia. Followed by rinsing with clean water using a cotton swab.

2. First, the fur coat must be gently, but not too forcefully, knocked out, and then cleaned with a brush soaked in gasoline. To prevent white furs from turning yellow, wipe them with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Furs that have already turned yellow are cleaned with a more concentrated solution, but only along the top of the fur, so as not to damage the interior.

3. Don't throw away potato peelings. Rinse them under running water, pass through a meat grinder with a thick mesh and add a little ammonia. This mixture can be used to clean old fur, carpet, and stale suede. Apply the mixture to the dirty area and wipe it with a brush, then rinse and wipe the item well. After cleaning, you need to dry it at room temperature, having leveled the item well.

4. If light fur is very dirty, clean it with starch and gasoline. Starch is mixed with purified gasoline (aviation gasoline, sold in hardware stores). They wipe the fur with this paste and let it dry. Then the fur product is shaken out. For safety reasons, work is carried out on the balcony.

5. The best friend for a white fur coat or hat is starch. We pour it, sparingly, directly into the fur, gently knead it and rub it until the powder collects the dirt. Then the fur coat must be shaken well and combed. If the starch from the fur spills out frankly gray, the procedure must be repeated.

To clean very dirty white sheepskin or sheepskin (usually on the sleeves and hem of a sheepskin coat), rub the same starch into the fur. Then use a spray bottle to generously spray the edge with a solution of washing powder and spread the resulting mass with your hands over the entire coat. When the “dough” has dried, brush it off, shake it well and comb it with a slicker brush.

6. You can clean dirty fur at home in the following way: first sprinkle the fur pile with an adsorbent that absorbs dirt. Rye or wheat bran and dry sifted sawdust (deciduous wood only) are suitable as adsorbents. If the fur is light, then you can use dry starch, potato flour or semolina. Fur sprinkled with adsorbent should be carefully rubbed between your palms so that the dirt transfers to the adsorbent, then shake off the adsorbent and carefully clean the fur with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner.

Unfortunately, I cannot say which of the above methods of cleaning fur is the best. But, in any case, I wish you good luck!

Fur items always look impressive. In such clothes a person feels at his best. In addition, fur warms well in harsh weather conditions. Of course, such things require proper care. If you approach this issue incorrectly, your clothes can simply be ruined.

Finding a dry cleaner and asking for help is not difficult, but knowing how to clean rabbit fur at home can save you time and money. In addition, you don’t have to wait several days (or sometimes even weeks) for your favorite fur coat.

The following will help you cope with the task:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Talc.
  3. Bran.
  4. Vinegar.
  5. Semolina.
  6. Petrol.
  7. Starch.
  8. Ammonia.
  9. Soft brush.

Semolina, bran, and starch are pretty good sorbents with a natural base. Having absorbent properties, they do not have a chemical effect on fur products and can be useful at home to remove dirty and greasy stains.

Talc is an inorganic element, but it also absorbs organic matter very well. He will be able to solve the problem without ruining his clothes. All these products will come in handy if you decide to clean rabbit fur at home. The principle of working with all substances is identical:

  1. We take the product and apply it to clothes.
  2. Effortlessly rub the sorbent into the fur product.
  3. Next, you need to wait a little while the product does its job. Usually fifteen minutes to half an hour is enough.
  4. After shaking the clothes, use a brush to comb out what remains from the fur.

You can combine bran or semolina with starch and talcum powder. In this case, take a whole part of bran or semolina, half of starch or talc - 2:1. When you remove the remaining sorbent, you need to carefully comb it from the fur in the direction of the pile. The fur coat of rabbits is quite delicate and its fibers are thin. If you use a very hard brush and apply force, your clothes may become unusable.

After the reaction from the interaction of the sorbent and dirt has occurred, the absorbent material changes its color. It is necessary to clean things until the talc or starch remains white after cleaning.

Ancient recipes

Back then, when there were no cars and industrial waste, which in our time affect the purity of snow, dirt was removed from fur items at sub-zero temperatures outside. Having laid the clothes on the snow, they knocked them out and the dirt remained on the snow, and the fur product again acquired its original pristine appearance.

At this time, you can resort to this method only if you live somewhere on the outskirts or in a clean, unpolluted region. However, there is an alternative. Instead of snow, you can take a wet white cloth. After hanging the clothes and wrapping them in a damp cloth, you need to knock out the fur product.

According to the principle described above, we change the fabric as many times as necessary. Having eliminated the dust, we move on to organic pollution.

Removing stains

If you were unable to protect your favorite fur coat from greasy stains, do not rush to turn to serious stain removers. It is quite possible that simple water and vinegar will help solve the problem. These two ingredients must be combined in equal quantities.

You can also use the following composition:

  1. Water - 200 ml.
  2. Ammonia - half a tablespoon.
  3. Salt – 1.5 tablespoons.

After you have applied the composition to the problem area, you need to wait thirty minutes and then wipe the contaminated area with a damp cloth. Finally, wipe the fur with a dry cotton or linen cloth.

With the same principle of influence, you can use a combination of “White spirit” and ammonia, combined in the same amount. After treating the contaminated area, wipe the fur with a damp cloth.

You can also use well-heated bran. This method can be used in difficult situations when other means have proven ineffective. Heat the bran in a frying pan to fifty degrees. They will be warm enough when you touch them and you will feel hot. Next, rub the product into the contaminated area until it is free of dirt.

What to do with white fur?

Such products may change color after some time. In order to remove yellowness from rabbit fur, prepare the following composition:

  1. Ammonia - one teaspoon.
  2. Peroxide - two teaspoons.
  3. Plain water – 400ml.

After soaking the fabric in the prepared product, treat the clothes in problem areas and leave to dry. You can also clean white rabbit fur using burnt magnesia porridge in combination with purified gasoline. We rub this composition into the item and, after waiting a little, carefully comb it out.

Clothes must dry without assistance. The downside of this method is, naturally, the rich smell of gasoline. If you have chosen this method, in order to clean the yellowness of rabbit fur, water and vinegar will help to cope with the specific smell. You can do without this method. If you can wait, literally a week will be enough for the smell to disappear.

If you need clothes for the next few days, after cleaning white rabbit fur from yellowness, you need to mix vinegar and water in equal quantities and go over the cleaned areas with a sponge after the fur has dried.

It should be remembered

Fur products are quite problematic clothes that need to be properly maintained. Otherwise the item may be damaged. To avoid complicating the situation when cleaning, you need to take into account several rules:

  1. Fur products are not washable.
  2. When removing stains, you should avoid using strong ingredients.
  3. The comb should be larger; teeth with a small gap are not suitable.

If you manage to follow these rules, your dear fur coat will warm and delight you for many years to come.

Many fashionistas and fur lovers have white fur items in their wardrobe. Whether it's faux fur or luxurious natural fur, it will still turn yellow as you wear it. If your fur coat has turned yellow, don’t worry, we will tell you how to properly clean white fur.

Washing features

How to clean white fur at home, and can it be washed? There is only one answer: you can wash artificial fur, but you need to be more careful when washing natural fur. Most often you have to wash the fur on your shoes. Cuffs and collars often get dirty.
Read the label carefully before cleaning the product. Manufacturers usually indicate how the product can be cleaned. If you decide to wash artificial clothing, then you need to adhere to the following rules.
Fur on boots or other items must first be combed to remove dust. Then the edge begins to be washed in soapy water with gel or wool powder. You can even use baby shampoo.
If you need to wash a sheepskin coat, you can put it in the washing machine and wash it on a delicate cycle. The washing temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees. After washing, the pile is carefully combed and the product is laid out to dry.
But unfortunately, natural products cannot be washed - they are only allowed to be cleaned. How to bleach white pile by dry cleaning?


The edges on boots or a white fur collar can be easily cleaned and bleached with peroxide. First, dilute the peroxide with water at a ratio of 1:1. Then spray the solution onto the pile using a spray bottle and bleach it. After this procedure, the product should dry completely. When the pile is dry, comb it carefully.
It is very important to carefully spray the peroxide solution onto the pile, since the material or leather can easily be damaged by it. Cover the item with a cloth and clean only the lint.

Potato starch

A great way to whiten yellowed fur is to treat it with potato starch or even semolina. The product is laid out and then thickly sprinkled with semolina or starch. Then the powder is carefully rubbed into the pile with gentle movements. After this, the clothes are vacuumed with a soft nozzle at low power and knocked out with a stick.


A good way to clean fur from yellowness is to treat it with blue. Blue is diluted in warm water so that the water is barely bluish. Then a sponge is moistened in the solution and the fur is wiped with it.

Gasoline + starch

A great way to clean white fur from yellowness is to treat it with an explosive mixture of purified gasoline and potato starch. You need to prepare a bleaching paste by diluting the starch with purified household gasoline. This paste is then applied with a sponge against the growth of the villi and allowed to dry. The resulting powder is vacuumed or brushed off, and the clothes are combed.

It is worth considering what kind of skin your clothes are made from. For example, peroxide is most often used to clean up white mink. If you need to bleach the Arctic fox, then you should increase the concentration of peroxide in the solution. You can also refresh silver fox with peroxide.
The white rabbit is very demanding to care for, so it is better to clean it with salt, preparing a solution of 200 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. salt. This solution cleans the product along the pile.
As you can see, there are various ways to restore snow-white fur. Choose the product that you have on hand and tidy up your fur coat or hat so that it is perfectly clean and sparkling with freshness.