Determine warm or cool skin tone. How to determine your color type of appearance. What is useful knowledge of the color type. Excursion into history

Do you know your color type?

If you correctly treat your color type, then you will harmoniously emphasize all the attractive aspects of your natural appearance.

So how do you decide on your color type?

  1. Define cold or warm skin tone
  2. Define light or dark appearance type
  3. From the results obtained, draw a conclusion
  4. What is useful knowledge of the color type. Excursion into history

1. Determine the type of appearance Cold or Warm

The first thing to deal with is the type of appearance.

Cold - This summer And winter,

Warmspring And autumn .


1. You will need two creams- one with a pink main shade, the other with a yellowish one.

All foundations are based on either blue / pink shades (cold) or yellow (warm).

2. Apply Foundation a blue/pink tint on one cheek and a yellowish tint on the other. Blend.

If your skin tone merges with a yellow tint, then your color type is warm.

If with bluish - cold .

Such a test is best done in winter, when there is no tan on the skin, and the tone is as close to natural as possible.


1. You will need two pieces of cloth or paper- silver and gold.

Carry out the test in natural light.

2. Place both pieces of fabric or paper on a neutral-colored surface and place your hands on them.

Your skin will be in harmony with either one or another shade.

It's simple:

silver - cold type,

gold - warm .

So, a small RESULT:

If you have a warm, yellowish-golden skin tone and the prominent veins on your wrists are greenish, then you are WARM color type (autumn or spring).

If your subcutaneous vein shades are bluish, and your skin is pink or blue, then you are COLD color type (winter or summer).

2. Determine the type of appearance Light or Dark

Everything is simple here:

Determined by eyes and hair dark or light you have a type of appearance.

Light -Eyes can be from light brown to light blue, light gray and light green, hair is closer to light.

Dark - The eyes can be either dark brown or dark blue and dark green. Hair is closer to dark.

3. Result. Determine Color Type

After we have defined:

  1. Cold or Warm skin tone
  2. Dark or Light appearance type

We draw the following conclusions:

you are WINTER if

Your subcutaneous tones are cold. The eyes and hair are dark.

Gray hair is a sign of a winter color type in people with a cold skin tone.

you are SPRING if

Subcutaneous tones are warm, greenish. The hair is blond, the eyes are exceptionally light.

Among the representatives of the spring type, there are both red-haired girls and owners of dark brown hair with reddish reflections.

you are SUMMER if

Subcutaneous tones are cold blue. Light eyes and hair.

you are AUTUMN if

Subcutaneous tones are warm greenish. The eyes and hair are dark.

The autumn type is characterized by a copper and reddish tint in the hair.

4. What is useful knowledge of the color type. Excursion into history

At one time, artists, psychologists, and photographers thought about this survey.

It all started with the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century, one talented Swiss artist and famous teacher named Johannes Itten came to the conclusion that his portraits looked more attractive when he used a specific palette for each individual skin tone or hair color. As a result, he created four palettes corresponding to four different skin tones of the face. These palettes helped his students paint really attractive portraits.

Susan Cagil, which in the middle of the 20th century was also engaged in the study of colors and the search for harmonious color combinations, continued Itten's research. In her theory, each person carries subtle information about his personality and style due to the “color” given by nature. Shades of our hair, eyes and skin are combined with different natural objects.

Well, the last in line, but not by any means, was Carol Jackson at the end of the 20th century. Being a psychologist by training, she published a wonderful book called "Color Me Beautiful" (literally "Colour Me Beautiful"). She was the very woman who proposed to conditionally divide the appearance of people into four seasonal color types, relieving the bulk of women from the eternal problem of choosing makeup, clothes and jewelry. Thanks to Carol Jackson and her theory, finding out your color type has become much easier.

“I have a great wardrobe. I know very well what suits me. Models, styles, colors - I select everything for myself. But individually, things look perfect, but as a set, everything seems to be combined, but everything is not right on me: faded, strange shades appear, and expensive things look cheap and tasteless. I can't figure out what's going on!"

Familiar? And the reason is that many of us do not know our own color type.

Color type. A certain type of appearance, under which ideally appropriate shades and colors are selected. This is the color given to everyone at birth by nature itself.

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Let's start our own discoveries

Now the test of the color type of appearance according to the seasons is very popular. Such an understandable theory of character gradation, as seasonal, very often gives erroneous results. Why is that?

The division of a person into a cold or warm color type is not entirely correct. There are a lot of people with a neutral type, which can easily fit into several seasonal color types at once.

The determination of the color type by the directional method (according to the theory of Alfred Mansel) is now confidently taking the first position. There is a differentiation of the human type into such characteristics as:

  • Depth(color saturation. Light-dark)
  • Undertone(temperature shades. Warm-cold)
  • Brightness(purity of color. Bright-muted)

Three characteristics are selected for each person. Among them, dominant, secondary, tertiary are revealed. This method allows you to determine your only, unique color combination. Find a real guiding star in the world of the color intended for you by nature.

Starting research

How to conduct a color type test at home. So, first of all, we need light. Not evening, artificial electric, but natural, scattering, daytime. The ideal place would be a window facing north. A large mirror and actually you. Without makeup, with thoroughly washed hair (the color of clean curls is lighter).

Step 1. Depth

Har-ka Leather Hair Eyes Adviсe
Dark olive, beige, with a yellowish tint black, dark chestnut, dark brown, red shades possible dark brown, hazel green, dark marsh beware of pastel, light shades, dark, plain clothes will do
Light light, beige, ivory ashen, golden, from light to medium blond. gray, gray-brown, gray-blue, blue, green-blue, green, light brown avoid dark colors closer to the face area, clothes of light solid colors will do

Representatives of the dark color type have matte, dark skin, color-saturated hair and eyes. The eyes are brighter, stand out against the background of the entire face. Bright representatives Penelope Cruz, Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman.

Light representatives have a soft, neutral appearance. Eyes of medium saturation, radiant. Vivid examples of this type are Diane Kruger, Sharon Stone, Gwyneth Paltrow.

Step 2. Undertone

Har-ka Leather Hair Eyes Adviсe
Cold any saturation, with bluish, pink undertones gamma from dark ash to dark blond blue, light blue, gray, green-blue, gray-blue, cold brown you do not need warm, golden hues, the ideal colors are bluish, cold
Warm golden beige, yellow, peach golden blond, brunette, reddish, golden chestnut, copper hazel, green, golden brown, hazel, dark yellow, dark blue, gray-blue move away from cold shades, pure white is especially contraindicated, warm, golden tones suit you

Cold ones do not have any hints of warmth in their appearance. Hair, skin, eyes are soaked in cool, gray and blue and undertones. They do not have copper, gold shades. Often their faces are pale. Outstanding representatives are Carmen Kass, Lauren Graham, Linda Carter.

Warm types have in appearance (eyes, skin, hair) warm undertones, without a hint of a cold shade. Outstanding representatives Julianne Moore, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Chastain.

Step 3 Brightness

Har-ka Leather Hair Eyes Adviсe
Bright "transparent", light, thin, "porcelain", beige, ivory black, warm chestnut, medium to dark shade green, turquoise, steel grey, light blue, green blue do not wear dull colors in clothes, avoid muted, dark solid colors, you need high contrast
Muted almost colorless, matte, often with freckles, gives off redness light grayish tones, ash, copper, golden chestnut light to dark brown, walnut, marsh avoid bright colors, a smooth, imperceptible transition is ideal for you, clothes are plain, light colors

A bright color type allows you to wear two bright contrasting colors in clothes. Outwardly, they differ precisely in contrast, brightness, radiance. Very often they have luminous light eyes with ice-blue or pure white proteins. And the skin can be of different shades (cold, warm). Bright representatives of Dita Von Teese, Courteney Cox, Megan Fox.

Muted ones create a soft impression, they have no contrast between the color of hair, eyes and skin. Their appearance ranges from medium-dark to medium-light shades. They do not have radiant eyes (they are not very dark, deep, soft). They have mixed characteristics (dark hair + light eyes, cold skin + warm eyes). Outstanding representatives Drew Barrymore, Jessica Simpson, Ashley Olsen.

So, we have decided on the dominant characteristic of our color type. Now, let's conduct a test on how to determine the color type of appearance for cold-warmth. There are three such methods (veins, precious metals and handkerchiefs). Let's consider each separately.

Vein test

Carefully examine the hand from the inside (where it never tans). We need to understand the color of the veins in the elbow and wrist.

  • Veins are blue, with a greenish tint. Your type is warm or neutral warm.
  • The color of the veins is clearly cold, blue. Your type is cold or neutral cold.
  • Blue and with greenery (one on the elbow, others on the wrist). You are a neutral type.

This is not to say that this test is suitable for all people. In those who have dense, dark skin, it is difficult to see the color of the veins. You can try in a different way.

"Decoration" test

It can be done in two versions. Both will require a pair of gold and silver jewelry. You need to test in natural light.

  • Option 1. Without makeup, sit in front of a mirror and, in natural light, bring gold to your face, then silver. The metal that does not suit you will not fit into the whole picture of your appearance.
  • Option 2. Put gold and silver jewelry on your hand together and look at them against a neutral background. Which of the decorations looks more harmonious?

Gold suits you - you are a warm type

Silver suits you - cold

If it seems that none of the metals suits you, or vice versa, both are suitable - you are a neutral type.

Determination of the color type according to the "Handkerchiefs" test

The test for determining the color type of appearance with the help of scarves is one of the most simple. We need two handkerchiefs of warm pink and cold pink. Apply them to your face in turn. If the color does not suit you, a grayish shadow will appear on the skin of the face, all the flaws will appear, even a not quite healthy blush will visually glimpse.

Warm pink suits you - your type is warm or neutral warm.

Cold pink suits you - you are a cold or neutral-cold type

Draping (autumn-spring)

Draping is used by almost all image makers. We need to arm ourselves with multi-colored fabrics that we will apply to the face (again, not made up).

How to do it right:

  • Daylight
  • Sit in front of a light source
  • Behind should be a neutral background
  • If you have dyed hair, cover it with a white scarf.
  • Apply pieces of cloth to your face in turn and watch his reaction.

Approximate colors of the test for determining the color type of appearance

Depth: light-dark

Undertone: cool-warm

The beauty of a woman is unique. That is why the beautiful half of humanity has its own seasonal color type, which are divided into 12 styles and four groups. They are divided into a certain palette of shades of hair, eye color, facial skin and contrast between the iris and protein, hair and skin. All these factors will help you pass the test: how to determine your color type.

If you know your color of appearance, it will not be difficult for you to choose the necessary shades of a clothing wardrobe, accessories, and you can also easily experiment with your appearance.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.


This type, unlike the next three, is the most gentle and warm. Spring girls have clean and warm shades of hair, eyes and skin. Hair has a shade from warm blond to light chestnut. The eyes are exceptionally light shades. The skin is light, thin with a slight childish blush and a delicate pink tint of the lips. In the summer, freckles appear, and they also burn out quickly.


In the color scheme of appearance there is coldness and muffledness. Shades of hair color can be different, from light blond to dark with an admixture of ashes. Eye color also ranges from blue, gray-blue, gray-green to dark brown. The skin is best tolerated by the sun's rays, acquiring a hazel or bronze tan. Lips with a pale pink undertone.


Representatives of this seasonal type can be seen immediately. Their natural range is dominated by autumn warmth. Hair has all shades of red and gold, as well as skin that does not tolerate sunburn. Eyes with golden highlights, bright iris, from gray to golden brown or green.


A bright and contrasting appearance highlights the owners of a cold color with their porcelain skin, black or dark brown hair, blue, dark brown or green eyes.

We offer options for testing type definition

Through the veins

The fastest way, not the most efficient.

If the shade of the veins on the hands is visible well enough, you can use this method.

By fabric color

This technique is considered the oldest. To determine your season, you need to purchase four scarves. They represent a specific time of the year.

How does the method work?

You need to put your hair in a bun. Remove make-up from face. For girls with natural hair color, it is recommended to apply scarves alternately around the neck, with dyed hair, it is better to tie on the head. Carry out a type of this test in daylight.

And so, what factors should be taken into account when determining the color type by the color of the fabric:

  1. The color of the fabric should match the color of the skin.
  2. Eyes, with the right shade, become expressive.
  3. The face looks attractive, wrinkles, redness, bruising around the eyes, rashes become less noticeable.
  4. The first thing that catches your eye is your face, and not the beautiful color of the scarf.

There is a third method for determining the color type

Sampling method

The test is that each color has its own specific shades. You need to choose one of the proposed options.

Part one

(If the color type was determined using the second method, proceed to the second part of the test.) Correlate your natural color to a certain time of the year.

Spring girls are distinguished by the purity and warmth of shades of eyes, skin, hair and a gentle blush. In summer, freckles appear on the face.

Spring color type

In the appearance of the representatives of summer there are muted and cold tones with an admixture of gray.

Color type Summer

The autumn type is distinguished by the brightness of their hair, their skin quickly burns out in the sun.

Autumn color type

Winter girls have a bright appearance: eyes, hair in contrast with skin color.

Color type winter

Having determined the time of year, fix the result.

Part two

Definition of the dominant criterion.

In nature, there are six characteristics of appearance, they play an important role in determining the color type.

It is necessary to choose one of the proposed characteristics, which is closest to you.

  • Appearance contrast level

Soft - They are inherently muffled and smoky.

Bright - Have a strong contrast in appearance.

  • The temperature of natural colors

Cold - Cold shades appear in natural colors.

Warm - The manifestation of yellow, peach and gold tones.

  • The predominance of tones in appearance

Light - Almost no contrast between the skin of the face, eyes and hair.

Dark - High contrast.

Part three.

Four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) are divided into three colors - respectively, months.

The final answer in determining the color type will be one of them:


bright light warm


cold light soft


soft dark warm


bright cold dark

(If you get a combination that is not available in the selected season, ask your family or friends for help)

What is a contrasting color type?

In the terminology of color theory, there is no concept of a contrasting color type. Contrasting is called the appearance, located on the border of two adjacent colors. That is, it is a way of combining light and dark shades in clothes.

Reminder: Winter girls cannot be warm or light type, just like autumn girls cannot be light. Spring will never be dark or cold. The representatives of summer have the most muted shades, which means that they cannot be warm, bright and dark.

Video about 12 color types

Well, this character is definitely warm. But for many people it is not at all obvious, cold or warm colors of their appearance.

Let's try to understand this difficult issue, and also see what our temperature affects.

First of all, in order to understand the temperature of your own colors, you need to clearly understand what warm and cold colors are. .

What does warm and cold color type mean

If you remember, among the six leading characteristics in the rubric there are two: and. These are the people whose color temperature is obvious, it catches the eye first of all. Such people usually do not wonder what is warm and what is cold in me. They know about it, perhaps from birth.

Below you can see photos of such obviously "cold" women. All their colors radiate coldness. There are no golden or reddish shades there and cannot be. It is even scary to imagine such a woman dressed in orange or bright yellow warm colors.

And in these photographs (below) there are frankly “warm” people. Their paints radiate warmth, immediately there is an association with sunlight or with natural "earthly" colors (the color of the soil, greenery, etc.).

It is these people that can be attributed to the Cold or Warm color type, since their temperature is their key feature. They categorically do not go even hints of someone else's temperature in the colors of clothes near the face.

But they also have other characteristics that must be considered when choosing the colors of clothing and accessories: clean, bright or muted, deep or light. It's just that if, for example, a rather fair representative puts on something dark, it will be less deadly for her than something warm, since her temperature is very obvious, and it is a key feature.

Very often this indicator color is a warm shade of yellow. On the face of the owners of cold colors, yellow often casts a yellowish shadow, and the face takes on a yellow tint (Anne Hathaway, owner of cold colors, below).
And this is what Anya's face looks like in a dress of a cold red shade (second photo below) - we do not observe any icteric effect. On the contrary, her skin is radiant. Both photos are not studio and not retouched.

This does not happen with the owners of warm skin, since their skin contains more yellow pigment (carotene), and this color looks quite harmonious on them. It will suit someone more, someone less, but there will be no “yellow face effect”.
Below, the face of the "warm" Julianne Moore looks quite pink next to such a yellow dress.

Also, cold shades of pink (fuchsia, for example) and red (crimson) can also be indicator colors - next to clothes of such colors, people's faces with warm colors often acquire a reddish tint, and a stunning “red nose” effect can happen.

If you find it difficult to determine your appearance temperature, try applying one of these colors to your face: warm bright yellow or cold fuchsia or raspberry. If you can observe one of the above effects, then perhaps this test will help you determine your temperature.

What to do if I am not a warm and not a cold color type or I do not understand anything at all

Not all people have such a pronounced temperature. Sometimes it's really hard to say whether the colors of the exterior are cold or warm. The fact is that often the color of the eyes, skin or hair is on the verge between cold and warm, the so-called neutral color. Blue eyes, for example, are sometimes quite close to both warm and cold shades. Hair is also often dyed a color other than natural. Yes, and the color of natural hair is sometimes difficult to attribute to warm or cold (neutral again!).

If this is your case, then temperature is NOT your leading stat. As a rule, in this case, it is more important for a person to focus on other parameters: depth (it is dark or light), as well as the brightness, purity or mutedness of its colors.
Often such people, when choosing colors that correspond to these characteristics, can wear some warm and some cold colors.

For example, Elizabeth Hurley's eyes seem cold, her skin color has a yellowish tint, which is the case with warm skin, and her hair (she is dark brown) has golden strands (highlights), which also gives warmth to the hair. It's hard to tell if it's warm or cold.

Let's see how clothes of colors of different temperatures behave.
In cold fuchsia, Liz looks organic, despite the warm reflections in her hair and warm skin tone. The face has not acquired a reddish tint. Liz is cold?

But the same can be said about the warm coral dress - again Liz is good.

And in a yellow dress, she does not have a “icteric effect”, which is also not bad. Liz is warm?

Hard to say.

She has bright eyes, bright colors suit her, so all three dresses look good on her, as their colors are quite bright, not muted.
Perhaps you will like Liz more in one of these outfits, but, in any case, you will agree that none of them looks catastrophic on her.

For those who find it rather difficult to determine whether their exterior colors are cold or warm, it is still better to know that we most often tend to one or the other anyway. That is, you can look good in some color from a cold palette, in some of a warm one, but if you apply the entire palette of warm colors that suit you in other parameters (brightness, saturation, etc.), and then the whole palette of the same cold shades, then you will see that one of them will suit you more. Therefore, it is still desirable to determine whether your color scheme is colder or warmer. How to do this, read below.

The main disadvantage of color typing according to the Winter-Summer system, etc. in that people are offered either frankly warm or frankly cold colors. But for those whose appearance temperature is not obvious, or it is closer to neutral (and there are many such people), colors close to the warm-cold border are more suitable.

If you are a really neutral type, that is, the colors of your appearance are close in temperature to neutral, to the border of warm and cold, then some colors will suit you more either from a warm palette or from a cold one, but rather not frankly warm and cold, and close to the border of heat-cold. In this case, it is important to pay attention to other characteristics of your paints (this is described above).

Tone and undertone - why warm skin can seem cold

… and vice versa. In general, a lot depends on the skin, and its color can sometimes be difficult to determine. The fact is that our eye catches the skin tone, but the undertone is not always obvious.

For example, if the same Julianne Moore was not naturally red-haired, and even if she didn’t have such a cosmic number of freckles, then, looking ONLY at her skin, it would be difficult to immediately determine her warmth - Julianne’s is very pale and reddish, which is often testifies just in favor of the "coldness" of her tone.
Could you tell that this skin belongs to such a "warm" person?

Let's change the scale of the image. And here is the owner herself.

So, sometimes we are even deceived by our own eyes.
Imagine that Julianna has no freckles and she is a brown-haired woman. In this case, it would be problematic to determine its temperature correctly with such skin.

As you can see, determining the temperature in various "non-obvious" cases can be really difficult. So what to do? After all, to find those colors that will make the eyes shine, and everyone would like to shine the skin!

Let's try to go by experience.

We determine warm and cold colors by comparing

First of all, I will share with you a few observations that may help determine the temperature. As you will now see, everything is so individual that there are exceptions to the general rules, but still they can help someone determine whether his appearance is warm or cold.


Warm: usually such hair contains golden or reddish hues. It can be hair of any color (from blond to brunette), but warm shades are present in such hair. We are talking about natural hair color, of course.
BUT: it's hard to believe, but there are also red-haired people with cold colors, who really suit cold shades - as a rule, they have cold-colored eyes (gray, cold blue) and fair skin.

Cold: usually those that do not contain any shades of red or golden. Often black or dark brown (brunettes), ash brown or cool brown hair (brown hair), ash blonde, light ash and ash blonde.
BUT: there are also “warm” people who have ash in their hair color, their hair can even be ash-blond - as a rule, such people have warm but muted colors.
So it's not so obvious here, but still...


It is absolutely impossible to tell by color (that is, by tone - see above) - blue, gray, green, brown and even yellow eyes can be both warm and cold. Well, except that such chic amber eyes of a red-haired character, as in the preview photo at the beginning of the article, can always be regarded as warm. :)

Obviously warm eyes come in grass green, amber, olive, golden, and light brown.
Obviously cold- steel gray, ice blue, deep bright blue, hazel and dark brown without any golden streaks, rays, blotches.

It is often possible to find that a person has warm colors if the eyes contain blue-green / green-blue shades (aqua). That is, it is impossible to say for sure whether it is blue or green eyes. Often this is a sign of "warmth". But again, not always.
Also, chameleon eyes are usually a sign of warm temperatures - this is when the eyes change color depending on the lighting and/or clothing. But even here there are exceptions.
The owners of cold colors, as a rule, their eyes do not change color.. If gray, then always gray, if blue, then always blue, etc.

Yellow and golden rays can also indicate “warmth” ( important: rays, as in the photo, not specks! specks are melanin, it does not affect the temperature) on the iris. Partial heterochromia in the form of orange and yellow-brown spots also indicates this.


This is the most difficult, for the reason described above (see about Julianne Moore).

However, general signs of warm skin the following (although this does not always work):

  • the presence of reddish or yellowish freckles,
  • peach colour,
  • yellowish tint (in the absence of liver problems)
cold skin symptoms:
  • pinkish color (on the example of Julianne Moore above, you can see that this, unfortunately, does not always work),
  • lilac skin color or blush,
  • bluish color,
  • olive color (this definitely indicates a cold temperature).
About the latter, we can say this: the olive itself, of course, as a color is completely warm. But NOT when it comes to olive skin.
The fact is that initially the skin has a yellowish tint, since it contains carotene, which is either visible (with warm colors) or not (cold carotene is less in the skin).
What makes a color warmer? Adding yellow pigment to it.
What makes a color cooler? Adding blue pigment to it.

Now, if you imagine that blue was added to the initially yellowish skin, then what color will you end up with? That's right, greenish. Skin with a greenish tint is called olive. Therefore, it happens to the owners.

We can say that olive skin looks warm (we know that olive is a warm color). It's skin tone. But her undertone is blue (it is he who turns yellow skin into greenish), and blue is a cold color. Therefore, such skin is cold.

By the way, if you know exactly what Pure white really suits you, then this, most likely, testifies in favor of cold coloring. If you know that cream suits you more than white, then warm.

We determine warm and cold colors empirically

If this description did not help you much, then it remains only to go empirically.
Here I can offer several options, you can try them all.

First you need to decide on other characteristics:

  • you have dark colors (hair / hair and eyes / hair, eyes and skin) - light - medium saturation
  • you have clean colors - clean and bright - muted
To pass tests for determining warm or cold colors, it is best to remove hair (especially if it is dyed), you can tie some neutral fabric (white, beige, gray) on your head or put on a neutral shower cap. Neutral! Not in a flower! :))
You need to pass such tests without makeup and without jewelry, in good lighting, best of all, daylight, and also without clothes, or in a top with a neutral low neckline (preferably white, cream, gray).

Test 1. Lipstick

You will need lipsticks of different shades: a warm shade of red or pink (tomato, coral, peach, etc.), as well as a cold one (red, fading into lilac, berry, hot pink, etc.). It is better if the colors of these lipsticks match your characteristics (dark, medium saturation or light, muted or bright).
See which shade, cold or warm, looks best on you.

If you do not have such different shades, you can purchase some cheap option to conduct such a test. It is actually very effective, as the lipstick immediately reveals whether you are leaning towards warmer or colder temperatures.

By the way, you can test lipstick not only on the lips, but also on the inside of the hand (see photo above). So you can also see how well its shade will "fall" on the color of your skin.

If both cold and warm shades of “your” color depth and brightness suit you, then most likely you have a mixed temperature, that is, you are a neutral type. It has been written about above.

Test 2. Veins

Look at the veins on the wrist in daylight: if they have a greenish, greenish-blue color, then this indicates a warm color, and if they are bluish-lilac or blue, they are cold.
You can compare the color of your veins with someone you know, whose color you can easily determine (clearly warm or cold type).

Test 3. White and yellow metal

With your hair tied up (see above), sit in front of a mirror and put on a necklace made of white metal (silver, steel, etc.), and then yellow (gold, brass, copper, etc.).
If you like silver on yourself more, it looks more organic, then most likely you have a cold color scheme, but if gold suits you more, warm.

The same test can be done with silver and gold colored metallic cloth.

By the way, a metal jewelry can be put on your hand, and see which metal will look more harmonious on your skin, it is better to match it in color.

If both metals go (or both do not go :))), then most likely you have a mixed temperature, or you are a neutral type. By the way, rose gold is often very suitable in this case.

Test 4. Fabric

Do the same with a piece of cloth or clothing (and you can use sheets of paper), putting it close to your face in the neck area. Choose to compare several frankly warm and cold shades of the same color (for example, cool pink and warm coral/peach). Do not forget that for objectivity it is best to adhere to your other characteristics that you have already identified, that is, if you have light colors, then the fabric should be chosen light, if deep - then deep colors, if bright - then bright, if muted - the muted shades.

It is best not to wear clothes of these colors, but to apply them. First, apply, for example, a fabric with a cold shade, and on top of it - with a warm one. Look at yourself carefully. And then quickly remove the outer fabric (or clothing), now you will see yourself in a fabric with a cold undertone. Usually, exactly at this moment of changing shades you can see most clearly how the color behaves next to your face.

Need to look at eye area: Does a shadow appear under the eyes, do circles / bags become more visible? Or, on the contrary, does this color mask them, as it were?

Look at area around the mouth and chin: did not a shadow appear there, resembling male stubble? :) It sounds scary, but sometimes colors that don't match our temperature can cast a greenish shadow on the chin.

Look at whole face: Does your skin look smoother, fresher and your face rested? Or are all your features “erased”, blurred, skin roughness manifested itself more strongly?

You can also test with yellow and fuchsia(it is described at the beginning of the article). If the face becomes yellowish next to yellow, then this indicates in favor of cold colors, and if you blush from the neighborhood with cold pink or red, then, on the contrary, your colors are warm.

Also, it helps to determine the temperature well. White color: if pure white suits you, the skin looks healthier, and in cream it becomes yellowish, then you have a cold color scheme. If cream suits you more than white, the face becomes fresher, and white, as it were, “erases” it, then you have warm exterior colors.

In the photo below, you can clearly see how color affects our appearance.
Below: the top two photos are warm shades of pink, the bottom two are cool pink and fuchsia.
It is noticeable that in warm shades the face of this girl becomes yellowish, and in cold shades it looks more fresh.

Let's take deeper shades that suit her color scheme ().
Below: the top two photos are warm shades of red, the bottom two are cold.
It is also noticeable here that the face looks yellow in warm tones in the top two photos, but the cool tones in the bottom two photos do not leave their red mark on the face of this girl, the skin looks healthy.
All this testifies in favor of the fact that she has a cold temperature of appearance.

Below: the top two photos are warm shades of yellow, the bottom two are cold.
With the yellow indicator color, everything became quite obvious - in warm shades, the girl's face approached the color of the fabric.
By the way, note that even the coldish shade of yellow-orange (second photo in the second row) casts a yellow shadow on the face, in fact, there is no cold orange - the shade becomes colder when red is added, but it is still warm. Apparently, she should stick to very frankly cold shades.

Test 5. Love

Exactly. :) Your love for a certain group of colors can also indicate your possible temperature.

Johannes Itten, a Swiss painter and color researcher and lecturer in the famous Bauhaus school of building and design in Germany last century, found that his students, given the same assignment, used either warm or cool colors in their work. In 1947, he began to investigate this issue, and found a relationship: warm shades were chosen by students with golden skin and warm-colored eyes, and cold ones were preferred by students with pinkish or lilac skin, ashy hair and cold-colored eyes.

Itten concluded that people are naturally attracted to a color palette that is similar to their natural colors.

Look at the photo above what colors the red-haired baby chooses.

So, wear what you like and be happy!

I hope this difficult question determination of warm or cold exterior temperature you will be able to successfully resolve, which will allow you to choose the most advantageous colors for you, which will only decorate and delight you!

Dear readers! Read about how changing hair color can affect our coloring in the next article, leave feedback and your wishes, ask questions, I will be happy to answer them, write what else you would like to read about and subscribe to the news.

I'm starting to write how to determine my color type.

I would advise you to start with the definition of a semitone - this will somewhat simplify the further search.

Warm or cold?

In order to determine whether you have a cold or warm appearance, there are four ways.

1) Look at your veins
2) Compare gold and silver

4) Carry out a test with a fabric of warm or cold halftones (colored paper will also do if you find such complex shades)

1. Vein Test . They offer the most often, while it is the most incomprehensible. You need to look at the inside of the arm, which almost never tans, and examine the color of the veins behind the wrist and on the crook of the elbow from the inside. They write that warm types of veins will be ... green. Here it is necessary to clarify - they, of course, will not be grassy green, they will be warm blue, i.e. blue with a greenish tint. If the skin is dense and not very light, it will generally be difficult to recognize whether they are greenish or not, except perhaps in comparison with someone. But anyway, I will give this test here, because sometimes even the smallest details are important.
So, if you have greenish veins on both your wrist and elbow- you are a warm type or neutral warm.
If you and and the wrist and elbow veins are clearly cold blue- you are a cold or neutral-cold type.
If your veins are both green and blue (e.g. blue at the wrist, green at the elbow)- you are a neutral type, neutral warm or neutral cold, without extremes.

Personally, this test did little for me. My elbow veins are greenish. I found 4 veins on my wrist. 2 green and 2 dark blue. So I am a neutral type, combining warm and cold undertones. Which means I can't be pure warm and pure cold.

2. Test with gold and silver . There are two versions.
I both need good natural lighting and two pieces of jewelry - gold and silver.
1 option- in natural light (not in bright sun - it also changes colors), without makeup, sit in front of a mirror so that the light falls on your face. Bring silver to your face first, then gold, see what harmonizes better. Forget for a while about personal preferences such as "I love silver, but I don't like gold", here it's not a preference, but a look. Usually "not your" metal does not fit into the overall picture of appearance.
Option 2- in natural light against a neutral background, put gold and silver jewelry on your hand together, see what looks more harmonious.

After these two tests, options:
1 ) Gold suits you and silver does not suit you - you are a warm type.

3) You can't choose - sometimes both seem to go, sometimes it seems that both don't go - you are a neutral type.

I am a neutral type, I can wear both gold and silver. Although gold is still slightly better, since I am a neutral warm. In life, the difference is more noticeable, since the photo is with a flash, but it conveys the main idea - you can’t definitely choose.

3) Lipstick test . More accurate, since you can type a lot of lipsticks, and there you can more clearly see whether it works or not. Again, we need natural lighting, a neutral background, a bunch of different lipsticks (take samples, ask your friends and relatives). Lipsticks should be divided into halftones - those in which a bluish halftone predominates are cold, those in which a yellow or red halftone predominates are warm.

cold lipsticks

Warm lipsticks

Usually some will look better. In my case, warm.

So, if cold lipstick suits you
If warm lipstick suits you Are you a warm or neutral warm type?

4. And the last - the most important and revealing - tissue test .
The usual classic version - compare warm pink And cold pink.

If the color is yours, the skin is evened out, imperfections are smoothed out. If the color is not yours, a grayish shadow appears on your face, all imperfections become noticeable, an unhealthy blush may appear.

If warm pink suits you Are you a warm or neutral warm type?
If cool pink suits you - you are a cold or neutral-cold type.

If you don’t like pink or can’t find it on hand, you can try on other colors. however, do not take too bright or too dark shades.

I like the table at
Although I do not agree with half of her explanation about color types, but her table is good =)

However I would anyway in the first place recommended would pink test, because among the rest, it may be that both will go or both will not go, unless you are a purely warm and not a purely cold type. This is usually not the case with pink.

Now results:

1) Warm type

If, according to the test results, it turned out that you are clearly a warm type, and cold undertones absolutely do not suit you, then you are most likely Warm Autumn or Warm Spring .

2) Cold type

If, according to the test results, it turned out that cold colors suit you, and warm undertones categorically do not suit you, then you are most likely Cold Winter or Cold Summer .

3) Neutral type

If both warm and cold undertones suit you, even if in different proportions, then you are a neutral type and cannot be a purely warm or purely cold season. If, nevertheless, warm undertones suit you more, you neutral warm type (Bright Spring, Bright Spring, Soft Autumn, Deep Autumn ). If cold semitones suit you more, you - neutral cold type (Bright Winter, Bright Summer, Mild Summer, Dark Winter) .

jewelry test

What do you think: gold or silver jewelry suits you better (the question is not what you like more, but what actually gives your skin a glow, with which jewelry it looks fresher and healthier). Usually, girls with a cold skin tone go with jewelry made of silver and platinum, while warm skin harmonizes better with gold.

Check your veins

Roll up your sleeves and look at the veins on the inside of your wrist. If their color is closer to blue, then most likely your skin has a cool undertone. If the veins appear greenish, you are a "warm-skinned" creature. In fact, of course, veins can't be green - they appear so because you look at them through yellowish skin (yellow + blue = green).

Neutral test

Think about what neutral colors enhance your beauty. Does your skin, eyes, and overall face look better with pure white and black, or with ivory, off-white and brown? If the first statement is true, then you most likely have a cold undertone, and in the second case - a warm one.

Eye and hair color

Your natural hair and eye color can help you determine your color type.

Usually people with a cool skin tone have blue, gray or green eyes, and blond, blond or black hair has a bluish, silvery, purple or ashy tint.

And vice versa: warm-skinned women usually boast amber, brown or hazel eyes, and their hair has a golden, reddish, reddish, or yellowish tint (wheat blondes, owners of copper and chestnut manes and black with a reddish tint are specifically warm type).

Trial by the sun

Does your skin turn golden brown when exposed to sunlight, or does it immediately burn and turn pink? In the first case, you are a warm type, and skin of cold shades usually burns (light-skinned girls just burn out in the sun, and not too light skin of cold shades first burns and then tans).

Find "your" celebrity

Famous owners of a cold skin tone: January Jones, Scarlett Johansson, Anne Hathaway, Lucy Liu, Cara Delevingne, Cameron Diaz.

Celebrities with warm skin tones: Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba, Rachel Bilson, Jennifer Aniston, Beyoncé.

Decide what colors suit you

Regardless of skin tone, certain colors suit each person more.

Warm-skinned girls usually go for different shades of yellow, orange, brown, yellow-green, ivory and warm red tones.

Girls with a cool undertone should pay attention to all shades of blue, green, pink, lilac, blue-green, purple and real red "on a blue base".

In order to get a better idea, we suggest you check the color chart above!

Quote from Ellyn How to determine the undertone of the skin - warm, cool or neutral

As is known, Any color can be described by three characteristicslightness, brightness and hue . Closely related to the concept of color tone "color temperature". What is it? I think you have often heard phrases like: “She suits cold red, but warm doesn’t.” Let's figure out what the color temperature characteristic means.

Psychologically, people divide the color wheel into warm And cold colors . Colors with a predominance of yellow and red are warm because they are associated with the sun and fire, and colors with a predominance of blue are cold because blue reminds us of water and ice.

However, not every red is a warm color and not every blue is a cool color. This happens because any color can be decomposed into two components - tone ( overtone) And undertone ( undertone) . Hue is the base color - i.e. green, yellow, purple and so on, and the undertone is the color "additive". For example, green with a touch of yellow is a warm shade of green, and green with a touch of blue is a cool shade of green. All chromatic colors except orange have warm and cool variants. Orange has only warm undertones.

Compare cold and warm shades of the same color

Usually, each individual person goes with either colors with a warm undertone, or colors with a cold undertone, or neutral colors that are close to the warm-cold border. The choice of clothing colors, hair color and makeup depends on this color characteristic.

To determine what colors - warm, cold or neutral are right for you, there are 4 ways:

I will rank them in ascending order of importance.

1) Look at your veins
2) Compare gold and silver
3) Try lipsticks in warm and cold shades on your skin
4) Carry out a test with a fabric of warm or cold halftones

1. Vein Test

Look at your veins in your wrist and in the crook of your elbow. If their color is bluish-green, then most likely you have a warm type. If their color is bluish-lilac, then most likely you have a cold type. If both greenish and bluish veins are present, then you are a neutral type, with a slight predominance of warm or cold shades.

2. Test with gold and silver

There are two options for this test. Both require natural good lighting and two decorations - gold and silver. Instead, any silver or gold metal is also suitable.
Option 1 - in natural light (not in bright sun - it also changes colors), without makeup, sit in front of a mirror so that the light falls on your face. Bring silver to your face first, then gold, see what harmonizes better. Forget for a while about personal preferences "I love silver, but I don't like gold", here the point is not in preference, but in appearance. Usually "not your" metal does not fit into the overall picture of appearance.
Option 2 - in natural light against a neutral background, put gold and silver jewelry on your hand together, see what looks more harmonious.

After these two tests, the following options are possible:
1) Gold suits you and silver does not suit you - you are a warm type.
2) Silver suits you and gold does not suit you - you are a cold type.
3) You can't choose - sometimes both seem to go, sometimes it seems that both don't go - you are a neutral type. Neutral types go for rose gold.

The lipstick test. More accurate, since you can choose a lot of shades of lipsticks, and with them you can more clearly see which shades harmonize better with the skin. Again, we need natural lighting, a neutral background and a lot of different lipsticks (take samples, ask your friends and relatives). Lipsticks should be divided into halftones - those in which a bluish halftone predominates are cold, those in which a yellow or red halftone predominates are warm.

In turn, draw stripes on the inside of the arm, first with cold lipsticks, and then with warm ones. See which are more in harmony with the skin.

In the photo, a neutral-warm type is testing cold and warm lipsticks. Warm lipsticks look more harmonious.

So, if cold lipstick suits you, you are a cold or neutral cold type.
If warm lipstick suits you, you are a warm or neutral-warm type.

And the last - the most important and revealing - tissue test.

The usual classic option is to compare warm pink and cold pink.

The tissue test should be performed in front of a mirror in natural light and without makeup. If the hair is dyed, it is better to cover it with a neutral gray cloth. After that, you throw the fabric of the desired shades on your shoulders or bring it to your face and look at the reaction of your skin. If the color is yours, the skin color is evened out, imperfections are smoothed out. If the color is not yours, a grayish shadow appears on your face, all imperfections become noticeable, an unhealthy blush may appear.

If for some reason you do not like pink, or it is not indicative for you, you can try to compare warm and cold shades of other colors (see illustration above)

If you cold type- colors with a blue undertone suit you if you warm type- then colors with a golden or reddish undertone are suitable for you. Neutral types suit colors from both categories, usually with a predominance of one. Neutral warm types have warm colors, and neutral cold types have cold colors. Depending on the brightness or softening of the colors of your appearance determines the choice of shades within each category that you can wear.

As for hair color and makeup, golden, copper and reddish shades of hair are suitable for warm types, and ash and cold reds are suitable for cold types. Warm types are suitable for golden undertones of the tonal foundation, and cold types are pinkish.


How to understand what type of facial skin: test

We note right away that skin type can be determined by visual signs, and no complex research is needed for this. A simple mirror test, which will be given below, will suffice.

In addition, there are some indirect signs that help you make the right choice:

  • Most women aged 25 to 45 have combination skin. There is no severe peeling or acne breakouts. There are a small amount of black dots on the nose and cheeks, in these areas a greasy sheen appears a few hours after washing
  • Normal skin with a healthy pink blush and no visible blemishes is usually found only in children under 10 years old, if you have such skin as an adult, you are in luck.
  • In adolescence, 80% of boys and girls have oily skin and are prone to acne.
  • After 40 years, without exception, the skin becomes drier for everyone and therefore it needs more nutrients.
  • In addition to genetic predisposition, the condition of the skin is also affected by the impact of the external environment: in winter, due to frost, it is drier than in summer. The same can be said about trips to the sea: if you are sunburned and your skin is peeling, then you need to take care of it, definitely like dry, regardless of what type of skin you have by nature.

Test 1: With a mirror or napkin

To carry out this test, you need to wash yourself with water and a special foam or gel for washing. After that, we do not apply any cosmetics to the skin and wait three hours. After this time, we conduct a test: we take a clean mirror and apply it to different parts of the face.

If any visible trace remains on the mirror, then the skin in this area is oily, if not, then it is normal or dry. Instead of a mirror, you can also use napkins if there are stains on the paper - the skin is oily.

Test 2: We determine the type of skin by visual signs

Are there enlarged pores on the skin?

  1. Yes, they are visible to the naked eye in all parts of the face
  2. Yes, but only on the nose and a little on the cheeks near the wings of the nose
  3. Without a magnifying mirror, you can't see the pores on my face.

What does your skin feel like?

  1. It seems thick and uneven, reminiscent of an orange peel.
  2. It is slightly rough on the nose, where there are black dots
  3. The skin is absolutely smooth and seems very thin

If you didn't put on makeup at night, how do you feel in the morning?

  1. I want to wash to wash off the accumulated dirt
  2. Normal feeling, I don't feel anything special
  3. I want to quickly apply some cream

How well does loose powder hold on your skin?

  1. Oily sheen appears again after an hour
  2. An hour after application, I need to "powder the nose"
  3. Loose powder will last well for at least half a day.

How fast do you "burn out" in the sun?

  1. I tolerate sun exposure better than anyone else.
  2. About as fast as other people
  3. My skin instantly turns red and starts to peel off the very next day.

Do you have patches of dry, flaky skin on your body?

  1. I sometimes have flaky skin on my elbows and feet
  2. I constantly feel peeling in some problem areas, sometimes there is an acute desire to apply the cream all over the body

If option 1 suits you as an answer to most questions, then you have oily skin; if option 2 is more common, then combined; if option 3 dominates in your answers, then your skin is dry.

Combination or mixed facial skin type

On the nose and near it there are enlarged pores prone to inflammation, and on the forehead and cheekbones the skin is dry, this type is called mixed or combined. Facial care in such cases is a little problematic, since different areas need to be cared for in different ways, while applying products for both oily and dry skin.

If you buy cosmetics for normal skin, then most likely it will not give a good result in any of the areas, especially since good cosmetic brands have very few such universal products. So, what should be in the cosmetic bag of the owner of a combination skin type?

  1. Gentle cleansing foam that does not dry out the skin
  2. Lotion, tonic or any other remedy for blackheads, which after washing should be applied only to problem areas
  3. A lightweight moisturizer that can be applied all over the face
  4. Sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 25. If you have a moisturizer with such filters, then you can not buy a separate sunscreen
  5. Nourishing night cream, which is applied to those areas of the face where the skin is dry. For areas with oily skin, a lighter moisturizer can be applied at night.
  6. Eye cream

A regular cream is also suitable for the area around the eyes, provided that you use it very, very carefully. Conversely, an eye cream can, in principle, be used on the entire face.

Normal skin type

Normal facial skin differs from combination skin only in that there is no pronounced contrast between oily and dry areas. Such skin looks great, has a uniform blush and a healthy glow. However, good skin also needs to be taken care of. First of all, it needs hydration.

IMPORTANT: Moisturizing cream should be applied immediately after washing, only lightly blotting your face with a towel.

The fact is that moisturizers themselves contain little moisture. But after washing, a layer of water molecules remains on the skin, and the cream is able to create a greasy film that will help retain this water.

Oily skin type

Owners of oily skin upset her greasy shine, enlarged pores and a tendency to acne. However, oily skin has a huge plus - wrinkles and other age-related changes appear on it later, so if you have it naturally, then you have many chances to look young and attractive for a long time.

Oily skin needs cleansing, but the measure is very important. After all, if you choose too aggressive products that dry the skin, you can achieve the opposite effect: the body will react to the fact that the skin is dry and damaged, and the sebaceous glands will work even more actively.

  • Even if you have oily skin, you should not wash your face with ordinary soap, which dries it out a lot. It is better to take a special gel or foam
  • You should also not use products that contain alcohol and rub your face with wet wipes with alcohol.
  • If you have acne, and you use special products for them, it is better to apply them pointwise, you do not need to try to apply them all over your face for prevention

Oily skin, more than any other, needs scrubs and peels. Old keratinized cells are mixed with the secret secreted by the sebaceous glands, and a dense oily film is obtained on the surface. As a result, the ducts become clogged and pimples and blackheads appear. To prevent this from happening, at home you can use a scrub bought in a store or a homemade scrub from coffee grounds twice a week.

  • Coffee grounds can be used in pure form or mixed with honey, it is simply applied to the face and rubbed on the skin with massage movements, after which the gruel is washed off with plenty of water.
  • To make enlarged pores less noticeable, masks that contain white clay are perfect.
  • Oily skin, like any other, needs moisture. Therefore, after washing in the morning, it is also necessary to apply a day cream on it, albeit a very light one, designed specifically for this type of skin.
  • Sun protection is also a must. But for oily skin, you can choose products with a lower level of protection. Those that say SPF 15 or SPF 20 usually do the job quite well.

Dry type of facial skin characteristic

On dry skin, pores are not noticeable, it seems very thin, capillaries are often visible through it. To the touch, it seems smooth or slightly rough due to flaky areas.

Dry skin, unfortunately, is very sensitive to environmental influences, and if it is not properly cared for, mimic wrinkles may appear on it early. Therefore, it is very important to take care that dry skin gets enough nutrients, use a thick frost protection cream in winter and good sun protection in summer.

Ultraviolet is the main enemy of any skin, especially dry. It is better for owners of this type of skin not to go out at all without sunscreen, in summer the SPF in it should be at least 30.

UV is the number one enemy for dry skin.

How to determine the type of skin cold or warm: test

Girls who belong to the cold color type are wearing clothes and cosmetics of cold shades, those who have a warm color type, on the contrary, warm colors are suitable. There are several ways to help determine which color type you have.

1. Test with color: pink or peach

You will need two sheets of colored paper: one in a cool pink shade, the second in a warm peach shade. Bring them one by one to your face and evaluate which of them sets off your appearance more favorably. If pink - you have a cold color type, if peach - warm.

2. Test with different shades of white

Find two things in your wardrobe: one is dazzling white, the second is also white, but a little pastel with a milky or yellowish tint. What color suits you best? If pastel, then you have a warm skin type.

skin type cold warm

If your skin type is closer to cold, then light-colored tonal products are suitable for you. Most likely, you naturally have a soft pink blush on your cheeks, and it can be emphasized with cold pink decorative cosmetics.

Warm cold skin type

If your skin tone is warm, choose peach-colored foundations and powders. Blush should also be warm golden tones. Girls with this type of skin will suit fashionable makeup in bronze tones.

You probably noticed that some colors can make your face look fresher and younger. At the same time, other shades, on the contrary, give the face a tired, sickly look, the skin acquires a gray-yellow hue. Many women spend long hours in the fitting rooms of stores to buy exactly the thing that will turn out to be their face, and they are often mistaken. Is it possible to simplify the procedure for choosing the right color?

There are millions of different shades of paint, and in order to choose the right ones for yourself, you need to have some knowledge. Today, there is a well-known systematic, with the help of which it is enough just to choose the ideal shades for yourself. This is the theory of the seasons. It is based on the observation that the ratio of warm and cold colors in nature characteristically changes from one season to another: warm (spring) - cold (summer) - warm (autumn) - cold (winter). Temperature has nothing to do with this theory, everything is based only on the color palette of nature.

Warm tones are color combinations that are dominated by red and yellow undertones. This includes spring (when there are a lot of yellow colors) and autumn (earthy-warm tones dominate).

Combinations with a blue undertone are perceived as "cold". These include summer (a lot of blue, even faded from the heat) and winter (cold, this time in clear, distinct nuances).

All people can also be divided into four color types according to the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The color type is determined by our pigments, depending on the predominance of yellow or blue shades in the color of the eyes, hair and skin. They harmonize perfectly with each other in their natural form. Therefore, if we want to create a harmonious combination of colors in our image, when choosing clothes, cosmetics or hair dye, we should learn from nature.

Color combination rules

In nature, there are only three basic "color" colors - yellow, red, blue. There are also three achromatic colors (not colored) - black, white, gray. All other colors are just combinations of these primary colors.

Each person can wear all these colors (with rare exceptions) - but only in those combinations that correspond to his color type. For example, for spring and autumn, yellow or red undertones should prevail, and for winter and summer - blue.

All color combinations of the same season are in harmony with each other. From this simple rule, an amazing color harmony is formed, which nature shows us in every season.
How to determine your color type?

The most difficult thing is to correctly determine your color type. What season do you belong to: autumn, summer, winter or spring?

First of all, you need to establish whether a warm or cold undertone prevails in the natural colors of your body. Then you have to determine if brightly colored or subtle shades are more suitable for your individual coloring.

Cold or warm?

Take a closer look, does your skin have a warm, reddish yellow undertone or a cool, bluish pink? Difficult to define? Indeed, without an experienced stylist, it is very difficult to come to a final conclusion. But there is one tricky way of testing, which can even establish for a layman whether you belong to a warm (spring / autumn) or cold (summer / winter) color type.

To do this, you need to pick up two scarves - one bluish-pink (cold), the other yellowish-salmon-pink (warm). You will not find suitable scarves, use colored paper of similar shades. Apply each color in turn to the face and hands (in daylight).

- You belong to the spring or autumn color type of appearance, if a scarf of a cold bluish tint will make your skin on your face pale and your lips will acquire a painful blue tint. On the contrary, in a scarf of a warm shade of salmon, the skin will appear fresh and healthy, and its golden hue will become clear.

- If you belong to the winter or summer color type of appearance, then your skin, in contrast to the bluish-pink handkerchief, will seem fresh, while the warm yellowish tone of the salmon will make your face tired, and the veins and circles under the eyes will immediately become more noticeable.

Determining the contrast

After you have established what tones your skin is in harmony with, you need to find out whether more contrasting, saturated colors or, conversely, muted ones are suitable for you. After that, you will finally be able to attribute yourself to a certain color type - to spring or autumn, or, respectively, to winter or summer.

The difference between two warm tones:

- The dominant tone of spring shades is yellow, respectively, the colors of this type are light, cheerful and bright.

- The basis of autumn shades is red, respectively, the colors will be more contrasting, heavier, earthier, compared to the gentle spring.

The difference between two cold tones:

- Summer shades have a blue undertone, however, compared to winter nuances, they are more muted, light, blurry on the same blue base.

- Winter colors are also based on blue, but they are more defined and vibrant than their related summer shades.

We select hair color according to the color type of appearance

The art of mixing warm and cold colors.

All colors that belong to the palette of one season are combined with each other and allow any combination with each other.

Remember: a shade with a blue undertone is a cold color; red and yellow undertones are warm colors.

Does this mean that red and yellow should only be present in the spring and autumn palettes, while green and blue colors are suitable only for the winter palette? This is far from true! Each color type can wear all colors - you just need to choose the right shades. For example, a blue color can be warm if it has a yellow or red undertone, and representatives of warm color types can safely wear it. And vice versa, if there is a blue or blue subtone in the red primary color, it will look harmoniously on the representatives of the cold color type.

Is there a mixed color type?

If you have difficulty determining your color type, it may seem to you that you belong to a mixed type. However, there are no mixed color types. Each type may have more delicate, lighter variants and more pronounced, darker ones. Each color type may have nuances that allow you to approach the selection of a personal color palette more frivolously.

For example, if you are a spring type with dark, pronounced golden tones in your skin and hair, you can safely use the light shades of the autumn palette in clothes and cosmetics.

A gentle, light-skinned autumn type can be suited to many of the soft, muted tones of the spring palette.

The summer type with darker shades can harmoniously match the delicate shades of the winter palette.

A strong winter type with a very bright, strong contrast between skin, hair and eye color, you can soften the contrasts with the help of delicate and fresh shades of the spring palette.

We will be glad to see you in our group in contact ◄╝

Skin tone is divided into three classifications, among which: warm, cold and neutral. Here are a few simple steps to help you determine your skin tone.

Test vein - all you need is natural light, look at the inside of your wrist. If your veins have a greenish tint, this indicates a yellow tint to your skin, which in turn indicates a warm skin tone. If the veins are bluish, this indicates a cold skin tone.

Horsetail test - pull your hair back away from your face and make a ponytail, the main task is to clean your face thoroughly. Take a white towel or cloth and wrap it around your neck and shoulders. If your face is more yellow, then you have a warm skin tone, while a bluish tint means a cool tone.

Silver and Gold Trial - If you think gold suits you, then you have a warm skin tone. People with cool skin tones tend to prefer silver. Alternatively, you can apply gold and silver fabrics for this test. Lay a gold-plated fabric under your chin, it will either give a healthy tone to the face or not. Try the same with a silver plated cloth, what do you see? Yellow or blue tint?

One of the natural methods, eye and hair color - Generally, people with blue, green and gray eyes, black and brown hair have a cool skin tone. In addition, in its natural form, cool-toned skin has a pinkish tint. People with brown, black, hazel eyes and black, blond, and red hair tend to have warm skin tones. The natural tones of this skin are gold and apricot. However, there are always exceptions to the rule, be careful with this method.

If you've done all of the above and still haven't determined your skin tone, it's possible that you have a neutral skin tone. Neutral skin can go great with any color, but can also lean towards warm or cool tones. For example, a neutral skin tone can look great in warm skin colors or vice versa.

So, the best colors for your skin tone. The following is a short list, but remember, there are always exceptions to the rules.

Cool skin tone - includes rich pure colors: red, pink, raspberry, deep emerald green, mixed or pure black. In general, cool colors are preferred over pastels or light colors. Cool skin tone should avoid beige, orange and gold colors.

Warm skin tone takes on earthy and muted tones. As a rule, warm skin tones are great for sage green, gold and bronze colors. Among the soft colors, peach, apricot and yellow are recommended.

Neutral skin tone - accepts all colors to your satisfaction. However, as mentioned above, a neutral tone tends to lean towards warm or cool tone preferences, this does not mean that the colors of one or the other tone will look bad, but the effect will be variable.

What is a color type

The concept of a color type is a combination of skin tone, hair shade, color of lips, eyes and eyelashes. There are four main types of seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

  1. Winter women have a bright, icy beauty - their appearance is exquisitely contrasted. Makeup for the Winter color type should also play on contrasts, what is suitable here is that on girls of other color types it will look too bright and even vulgar.
  2. Girls spring color type fragilely charming, graceful and light. Delicate skin, illuminated from the inside, is their main decoration, so makeup should not be too plentiful and overloaded.
  3. Appearance of a girl color type Summer modest, feminine, calm and non-contrasting. By choosing the right makeup palette, you can turn the Summer Lady into a shining diamond.
  4. Sensual representatives color type Autumn radiate a special magnetism and natural charm. Warm, natural colors in their makeup will emphasize the depth of the image.


Each of the four appearance color types is divided into three subtypes according to the following criteria: cold - warm, soft - clean, dark - light.

Criteria "cold - warm"

Cold color types are Winter and Summer, and warm ones are Spring and Autumn.

Main features cold colors :

warm colors are characterized by:

Criteria "soft - clean"

Summer and Autumn are considered soft, non-contrasting types of appearance, and Winter and Spring are considered clean.

For soft types are characterized by the following features:

Character traits pure types :

Criterion "dark - light"

The dark types of appearance include Winter and Autumn, the light ones - Spring and Summer.

The main nuances of appearance for dark colors :

Light color types have the following characteristics:

So, we get twelve types of appearance, each of which has its own characteristic features:

Determine your appearance color type

You can find out which of the above types of appearance you belong to yourself at home with the help of a couple of tests for which you need to carefully prepare:

Several ways to determine cold and warm colors:

  1. The first method is simple and does not require any auxiliary tools. Look at the inside of your wrist. If the veins on the wrist are cold blue, then you have a cold color type (you are Winter or Summer), if they are greenish, then your subtype is warm (you are Spring or Autumn).
  2. For the next test, you will need a white sheet of paper. Bring the paper to your face. If against the background of a white sheet your skin seems pinkish, bluish, pale pink, then you belong to the cold color of your appearance. If the skin seems yellowish, brownish with a golden hue, peach, then you can safely classify yourself as warm.
  3. This time you will need gold and silver jewelry. Take turns bringing the jewelry to your face. If next to a gold product your skin looks fresh, and with a silver one it looks dull and gray, then you belong to a warm color type, if vice versa, then to a cold one.
  4. The most "delicious" way for which you need an orange. Bring it to your face: the complexion has become brighter and lighter, and the bruises under the eyes have become less noticeable? So your coloring is warm. If skin defects have become even more pronounced, and the skin has acquired a grayish tint, then your coloring is cold.
  5. For this method, you will need fabric scraps of different colors. First, a fabric of warm pale salmon color and cold fuchsia color is brought to the face in turn. In which case does your face look fresher, your eyes begin to shine and minor appearance flaws are hidden? And in what case do you look tired, your face fades and turns gray, your features seem to blur? If the salmon color emphasizes your assets, you are a warm subtype. If fuchsia has given you a radiant, rested look, you are a cool subtype.

After it becomes clear to you whether your coloring is cold or warm, you can determine what your color type is: if your coloring is cold, then who are you - Winter or is it Summer? And if the color is warm, are you Spring or maybe Autumn?

Below is a video that will help you expand the knowledge you have already gained about appearance color types.