How to decorate a small white Christmas tree. How to decorate a Christmas tree (40 photos): unusual and traditional design. White Metal Rat Toys

With the approach of the new year, many are trying to decorate their homes. This helps to fill the premises with a festive atmosphere, adding even more comfort. Important decorate the Christmas tree for the new year in 2018 year harmoniously. Therefore, you should use the recommendations so that the symbol of the holiday is decorated correctly and beautifully.

The eve of such a holiday as the New Year always turns into the most wonderful time, because it at least briefly returns adults to childhood, and gives children the opportunity to experience the feeling of a fairy tale.

The coming year will be held under the sign of the Dog, when decorating the New Year tree in 2018, this should be taken into account.

How to hang toys on the Christmas tree 2018 new year - photos, ideas

You should start with large toys. They can be placed at the bottom of the Christmas tree or evenly around its entire perimeter. The final choice is up to you, based on your own taste. You can create the effect that the toys, like in a pyramid, increase in size closer to the crown. Or they will hang in a checkerboard pattern. Do not place nearby products that match in shade, size or shape.

Jewelry colors should be bright and catchy.

2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, so the shades of this element should prevail in the Christmas tree attire.

How to decorate a Christmas tree for the new year

The symbol of the coming year is of key importance. This time it's the Yellow Dog. Keep in mind that she prefers naturalness, is distinguished by friendliness and modesty. The color scheme may include golden, yellow, shades of beige or brown. Suitable for the Christmas tree is white or a natural palette of green. The Christmas tree should be distinguished by restraint, no frills. Give up or reduce the amount of tinsel.

Give preference to natural decorations like cones, fruits, nuts.

In what style to decorate a Christmas tree for 2018 - photos, fashion options, ideas

It is important to decide in advance on the style of the Christmas tree. It must be fully combined with the overall design of the room. Therefore, it is worth relying on your own preferences and the organicity of the chosen style entering the overall picture of the house. There are many design options. It is important to consider each in order to choose the most suitable. Most often they stop at the classics, but there are other decor options.

When decorating a festive interior, you need to use as many shiny objects, tinsel, sparkling New Year's garlands as possible.

Please the mistress of the year, and she will give you good luck and success in various areas of life.

Christmas tree in European style-2018 (photos, options, modern ideas)

It has a luxurious look and is popular. The key features are the elegance of the created image and its restraint. Bows, angels and balls are suitable for decoration. Be sure to have a consistent color palette. More often you can find elements that have the same shape. Do not combine more than three tones in one composition. Bows are often used in red. Elements of blue, silver or golden hue can be added to them.

In order for your green beauty to look as stylish and bright as possible, you can use the basic algorithms for decorating her.

Christmas tree in a marine style-2018 (photos, options, fashion ideas)

If you want to surprise guests and add originality to the overall design, you should choose a marine style. Such a tree will look very unusual. Toys and decor elements can be made with your own hands. To do this, you will need shells, pebbles from the sea, figures and pictures of the inhabitants of the sea. Everything related to the marine theme can be used. The composition will look unusual, original and beautiful.

Most often, Christmas balls are hung in a chaotic, random order, garlands are wound around, and the tree seems to be ready.

Christmas tree decoration in the style of Provence-2018 (photo)

It features a combination of pastel colors with natural materials. Looks very gentle. For jewelry, light colors, such as blue or lavender, are suitable. The decor consists of balls, bows, snowflakes. You can add small snowmen and Christmas trees.

There are several rules that can turn a Christmas tree into a real work of art.

Handmade jewelry looks great. It is important to observe the measure. There should not be a flashy composition. The Christmas tree should exude tenderness and tranquility, filling the house with a soft, cozy atmosphere.

Do not forget about the competent selection of shades of jewelry, dressing up a festive tree.

Feng Shui Christmas tree decoration in 2018 (photos, examples, options)

If you want to do everything according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is recommended to start by choosing the right place to install the Christmas tree. If you want to increase the financial condition of the family, you should choose the area in the southeast of the room. The decor should be in red, silver and gold.

In 2018, the coniferous beauty should shine and sparkle as much as possible, but this does not mean that you need to hang toys of all the colors of the rainbow on it.

Be sure to place rain, a garland of bright flowers on the forest beauty. From this, it will turn into a money tree. It doesn't matter if you put a real spruce or an artificial one. If you prefer to choose a different design and colors for the composition, it is recommended to install it in the northwest of the room. If you need to strengthen, improve relations in the family, choose the eastern region.

In modern times, handicraft style in decorating a festive tree is becoming increasingly popular.

For the symbol of the coming year, it is important to place coins, money or gold jewelry on the beauty. It is recommended that the balloons hang on red strings. Remember that the place where you put the Christmas tree and the decorative elements located on it are a kind of "order" from you to the universe. Therefore, you should carefully think about what you want to get, adjust and place the right jewelry on the beauty.

The Christmas tree greatly contributes to creating the right atmosphere in the house.

Snowmen to decorate the Christmas tree, photo

A similar decoration is sold in the store. But it is more interesting and exciting to make snowmen yourself. You can enlist the help of children. Fabric, cardboard, felt and even chocolate are suitable for manufacturing. If you have everything you need and skill, you can make a snowman out of wool. It will look very unusual and beautiful. Not only hung on the Christmas tree, but also presented to guests as a gift.

A beautifully decorated Christmas tree will create a festive atmosphere in the house and become the center of the New Year's interior.

New Year's preparations are a great opportunity to spend time with family and children, to captivate them with the process of creating New Year's toys with their own hands.

Christmas tree in country style 2018 (photo)

A key feature is the maximum use of handmade jewelry. Therefore, you will have to show all the talent and imagination to create the decor with your own hands. You can connect all family members to the process and have a good time.

A luminous garland is an integral part of the New Year's decor.

Toys can be knitted, made from paper or cardboard, sewn. Make garlands and beads. Country reflects the rustic style, where natural materials and elements made by yourself are in priority.

Longitudinal arrangement of toys on the Christmas tree

Toys on the Christmas tree can be arranged in various ways. One option is longitudinal. According to this principle, a garland is also placed, fixed at the top and stretched along the branches to the base of the beauty.

You can hang garlands on a Christmas tree in three ways: vertically, horizontally (floor) and in a spiral.

If you don’t want to arrange all the decorative elements in this way, you can tie the tinsel with a bow and place it between the passing lines. Looks original and beautiful.

The original idea of ​​decorating with balloons is in the order of rainbow colors.

How to decorate the Christmas tree in 2018?

The order of decorating the Christmas tree is shown in the table. It is recommended to stick to it so as not to forget anything and arrange everything correctly.

Beautiful, shiny, elegant glass balls are the main element of a beautiful Christmas tree "outfit".

Stages Description
Stage #1 Start by fixing the beauty. This is especially true if there is a small child or animals that can knock down the Christmas tree. Therefore, it is important to take care of reliability. A heavy metal stand will do. You can hide it from the eyes with tinsel.
Stage #2 Then move on to the garland. Make sure it is correct first. It should be wrapped around the structure so that you can conveniently reach the outlet and turn it on.
Stage 3 Proceed to the main design, using decorative elements prepared in advance. Toys must be placed evenly so that there are no gaps in the composition. But it's not worth covering everything completely. Otherwise, the tree itself simply will not be visible.
Stage 4 The final action is the design of the crown. It all depends on the chosen style. You can place a star, pike or a beautiful, large bow.

Thanks to the different colors of the balls, you can create completely unexpected Christmas-tree "outfits".

A fashionable trend for decorating a festive spruce is beads.

Christmas tree in eco-style-2018 (photo)

A feature of this design is moderation and maximum simplicity. The minimum number of colors, a variety of materials. The ideal option is not a purchased Christmas tree, but one made by you personally from improvised means.

Do not use an excessive amount of toys - everything should be in moderation.

Forest beauty should look beautiful, but modest. Without pomp and pomposity. This decor is perfect for families with children. After all, you can make a Christmas tree and decorations for it with your own hands.

To create a unique decoration, you are not limited in your fantasies.

VIDEO: How to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2018.

50 original Christmas tree decor options for the New Year 2018:

A beautiful Christmas tree is a constant symbol of a great holiday that marks the transition from one year to the next. At the same time, it not only decorates this transition, but is also considered to some extent a guarantee of how successful it will be. Therefore, the decoration of the green beauty must be approached responsibly, although there is also a place for creativity here. We will tell you the main points from which you need to build on when dressing up the New Year's beauty.

The first thing to do before buying a Christmas tree is an inventory of existing toys and garlands. That is, we take out all the decorations for the New Year's green beauty from the bins and determine what condition they are in, which ones we will use this year and whether we need to replenish their number with new copies. After that, you can go for the Christmas tree itself or get it from the same bins. The second step in preparing an indispensable attribute of the New Year will be its installation. At the same time, we remember such basic points as the ratio of space and the tree itself and safety rules. In the first case, a large lush Christmas tree in a small room or, conversely, a miniature Christmas tree in a large room will look absolutely ridiculous. Therefore, we choose the best option according to our spatial capabilities. With regard to the safety rules for installing a Christmas tree, we first of all take into account such points as the distance from heating appliances and the presence of small children or pets in the house, for whom a decorated Christmas tree becomes an extremely attractive object. In both the first and second cases, install the tree away.

When the Christmas tree is installed, toys and garlands are prepared, we proceed to the third stage - decorating with an electric garland. It is from her that you need to start dressing up the green beauty. To do this, carefully wrap the tree from the top, gradually descending in a spiral to the lower branches. It will be especially advantageous to look at the option with double wrapping with a garland, where one of the garlands is wrapped around the trunk of the Christmas tree, and the other (others) - branches. At the same time, remember that you need to use high-quality electric garlands and candles, since cheap or home-made fire hazards, especially live candles.

Now you can do the most "large-scale" stage of decorating the Christmas tree - hanging toys. Stylistically, you can approach it in different ways: choose the same type of toys of the same or different sizes, combine decorations of different shapes, but of the same style in the composition, or do not limit yourself to any limits. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that you need to start hanging from the largest specimens, gradually moving to the smallest ones. Here you can choose a checkerboard order, placing them in a spiral or in a circle, or even move away from geometric canons. You can hang toys on strings, unfolded paper clips or ribbons. In terms of colors, the most advantageous version of Christmas decorations is in one color, but of a different texture, or in a combination of two bright and contrasting colors (blue-silver, golden-silver, red-gold, green-red). Do not forget about the top, where you can "settle" a star or a spire familiar to us since childhood, or more creative options in the form of an angel or a bow. We complete the sacrament of decorating the Christmas tree to your liking. Suitable for this: shiny tinsel, beads, rain, serpentine, artificial snow, spray frost, sparkles. Don't forget to cover the tripod with rain or a special cover. We lay out packages with gifts under the Christmas tree, ideally in wrappers designed in the style of the Christmas tree itself.

Do not forget about the talismans that can attract what you want to your house, regardless of who will reign in the coming year. So, luck and prosperity will be attracted by bells, coins, nuts or sweets in gold wrappers, health - silver garlands, success in personal affairs - red balls and hearts, the birth of a child - children's toys, bows.

The secret to a beautifully decorated Christmas tree is to decorate it in layers. Read tips and simple instructions from experts and you will know how to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree.

During the Christmas and New Year holidays, it is so wonderful to see decorated Christmas trees, festive lights, garlands and decorations in the windows of houses.

And it seems that there is nothing complicated in decorating a Christmas tree, but if you know some secrets, you will be able to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree.

Joint decoration of the Christmas tree is a tradition for many families. As we know, before Christmas decorations were made by hand, the whole family prepared for the holidays in advance, inventing decorations for the Christmas tree with their own hands.

Modern Christmas tree decorations have become so versatile that they are made from almost any material. Especially if it's Christmas decorations with their own hands. Absolutely any detail and trifle will do here.

Here, take, for example, and cut off a small rectangular piece of packaging bright polyethylene, drag it in the middle with a thread and you will get a wonderful bow for the Christmas tree. Do-it-yourself Christmas tree toys are always a pleasure to make, they turn out to be non-standard and colorful.

And of course, the main modern attribute of any Christmas tree is flickering lights, there is such a huge selection of them now that sometimes you can even overdo it. In order not to pile up the Christmas tree with all the available lights, decorate a room with one of the garlands.

How are you planning to decorate your Christmas tree? Read three simple tips and you will know how to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree.

Step 1. Decorate the Christmas tree with Christmas lanterns (electric garland)

The first step in decorating a Christmas tree is adding lights to it. As a rule, Christmas trees come in green or white, it is worth choosing a garland in color, then the wires will be visually hidden in the thick of the Christmas tree branches. Lighting the Christmas tree lights from the inside will give the most dynamic look to the festive tree. Start at the base of the trunk and work your way up. Wrap the lights around each large branch, moving from the trunk to the tip and back.

You also need to know some nuances when choosing a garland. There are traditional light bulbs, they come in different sizes and colors. They get a little warm, if you have a live Christmas tree, then the heat in the room will have a pleasant aroma of pine or spruce. For safety reasons, such a garland should not be left on at night when everyone is sleeping.

And there are LED flashlights, these are garlands of a newer generation. They do not heat up, which makes them fireproof. You can without worrying to lay a garland on the branches of a Christmas tree and leave the lights on for the night.

Experiment with different lighting schemes and arrangements of lights on your holiday tree until you find what is most pleasing to your eye. You can mix and match different shapes. For example, transparent or white lights will look beautiful in the thick of the Christmas tree, and multi-colored ones will beautifully emphasize its outer parts of the branches.

Tip: do not save on buying lights for the Christmas tree, it is the flickering lights that give the holiday the right atmosphere.

Step 2: Decorate the Christmas Tree with Christmas Garlands

Provence style- more refined and refined. It differs from other styles with a mixture of luxury, tenderness and French charm. Various laces and cute things from them, garlands in the form of ruffles made of satin, chiffon or hard taffeta, various silk ornaments, openwork knitted or woven elements in the style of richelieu are used as decorations. Beautiful long glass or natural stone beads with which you can encircle the Christmas tree in a spiral. New Year's bows must be made of satin or brocade. The Provence style is dominated by a bright golden color, a symbol of wealth and French chic.

How to correctly and harmoniously combine colors on the Christmas tree?

First you need to decide on the style in which the forest guest will be decorated. Select all toys and decorations by color, texture and combination with each other. Taking into account the laws of harmony and aesthetics. Each style implies a specific color set of jewelry, which greatly simplifies the choice. When choosing a color palette, you can use the laws of professional color design, known as the natural color wheel. This is when another color harmoniously follows from one color.

The Christmas tree will be harmoniously decorated:

  • shades of the same color from bright to pastel, three or four colors close on the color wheel;
  • toys are best arranged in order of increasing or decreasing colors of the same color;
  • you can create a color contrast and place toys next to or opposite each other in yellow and purple, blue and red, yellow and green, gold and silver. This technique will create the illusion of a bright holiday, it will look unusual and please the eye.

How to correctly arrange the decorations on the Christmas tree?

When the choice with the color of decorations, toys and tinsel is made, you have to decide how to place all this on the Christmas tree. There are only three location options:

  • a helical or spiral arrangement of toys, it starts from the top and a smooth wave around the tree itself descends down to the lower branches of the tree;
  • the vertical arrangement of decorations starts from the top of the spruce and smoothly descends along the longitudinal lines;
  • you can place toys horizontally, in the form of rings, along the entire Christmas tree. From above, in their width, the rings are small, towards the bottom they are wider.

There are many options for arranging toys on the Christmas tree, and which one to use is up to you.

How to decorate the top of the Christmas tree?

When the forest guest is fully dressed, it remains to make one more very important final touch - to decorate the top of the spruce. Traditionally, the top of the spruce is decorated with a bright star, but you can go your own way and crown the beauty:

  • a large bright bow made of beautiful fabric;
  • Santa's Christmas hat
  • Christmas boots or mittens;
  • you can put a beautiful bird on the top of your head, and next to it is a squirrel or a bunny, any animal from soft toys;

On the top of your head you can put everything that you find interesting, bright, funny, New Year's!

Now let's sum up and decide what needs to be done to beautifully decorate the Christmas tree for the new year:

  • determine the theme and style of decorating the Christmas tree;
  • choose the colors in which it will look best;
  • choose toys and decorations for this choice;
  • determine the lines for the location of toys and garlands and hang them in accordance with them;
  • fulfill what is intended.

There are many options for decorating a Christmas tree, you can go the traditional way, or you can show creativity and dress up a beauty, relying on your imagination and sense of beauty. After all, it is up to you to decide how to beautifully decorate the Christmas tree in your family for the new year, taking into account your preferences. Let the forest guest in your house turn into a New Year's beauty, bright, festive, perky and bring a lot of pleasant feelings and emotions! And fulfill all your most cherished desires in the new year!

Decorating a Christmas tree is always a pleasure, but the result is sometimes disappointing.

Few people know that decorating a Christmas tree is not only fun, but also not so easy.

Hanging a lot of Christmas decorations, garlands and tinsel does not mean making the Christmas tree beautiful.

To make the tree look like you saw in the movies and in beautiful pictures, you need to follow simple rules, which we will consider.

Where to put a Christmas tree

Before decorating a Christmas tree, you must first install it correctly.

You should choose the most spacious room. After all, a bunch of gifts and photographs require sufficient space.

If you do not have large rooms and you live in a communal apartment, then install the Christmas tree so that it is not blocked by furniture or other interior elements.

The Christmas tree should be in sight, conspicuous and be the main thing.

It doesn’t matter if you have an artificial Christmas tree or a natural one, you need to install it away from heaters, sockets and electricity.

Festive candles are also better to set aside.

According to Eastern tradition and Feng Shui, it is better to put a fir tree in the far right corner of the room. It is believed that such an installation will attract love, replenishment and financial well-being to the house.

If there are animals or small children in the house, secure the tree firmly.

Christmas tree decoration with toys

Before you start decorating the Christmas tree, even if you haven't bought it yet, take out the toys a couple of days in advance.

Perhaps some of them were broken or damaged. To avoid an unpleasant surprise, evaluate their condition, and most importantly, think about whether you have enough flowers.

What toys are best used to decorate the Christmas tree:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • golden or silver, covered with layers of glitter;
  • matte photo toys.

If you plan to decorate the Christmas tree with a garland based on the same tone, that is, all its lamps will glow with golden light, then you can not use toys at all, but include one or even two garlands densely placed on the branches.

If you have one, it is perfectly acceptable to buy green or blue medium-sized toys that are not heavy. It's better if they are the same.

Advice: do not use when decorating a Christmas tree, too different in size. Take a look at the images of beautifully decorated Christmas trees - it is rare to find a variety of formats within one beautiful Christmas tree.

Decorating a Christmas tree should not involve too many different elements.

No need to hang everything that you have accumulated over the years on a green girlfriend.

Tinsel, multi-colored foil, homemade products - all this mixed with multi-colored toys can disappoint.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree with a garland

The main rule when decorating a Christmas tree with a garland is an even distribution of lamps. Otherwise, you have three options:

  • place the garland on the edges of the twigs after decorating with toys. It is not recommended to do this, but if the garland is long and plays with different colors, it is perfectly acceptable to try. However, the main condition is the use of a small number of plain ball toys. But all sorts of red gifts, figurines of New Year's characters and other delights are quite acceptable, but, again, in moderation. dolls that you have in your house will also work;
  • decorate the Christmas tree with a garland before decorating with toys. This is easier to do, and small irregularities in its location will hide the toys. As for toys, there can be quite a lot of them, but it is recommended to use two colors. The main thing is that they should not be transparent, it is better if the surface is matte;
  • wrap a garland around the tree trunk. Of course, this option is not suitable for those whose Christmas tree is not too lush. Otherwise, the branches will touch and be completely scarce. But for dense forest beauties of large size, this is suitable.

It is important to evenly distribute the lamps, and wrap the tree round by round. At the same time, taking into account safety precautions is the main thing, because you can not leave the garland turned on during the absence or sleep of the residents of the house.

If done, it is decorated with garlands depending on the size.

Artificial fir trees do not always look good with glowing lamps, as they give away the unnaturalness of the tree.

This also applies to those who bought an artificial Christmas tree in the store.

Christmas tree decoration with different toys

If you have a lot of beautiful but different toys, including shiny figures, bright balls, and large matte products, they can be combined.

At the same time, in the case of decorating a Christmas tree with multi-colored toys of different sizes, it is not recommended to use a multi-colored garland, and sometimes even a single-color one will not be entirely appropriate.

So, first we distribute the toys by size.

Colors do not play a role for us, because they are all too different, and you can’t get much from shades - they will still look different on the Christmas tree.

It is better to decorate the Christmas tree with the largest toys, starting from the bottom, but for the New Year they are distributed evenly.

Medium in the center and small at the top. Moreover, most of the toys should be in the lower part, but in the upper part, their number should be reduced, and gradually.

The perfect decoration for a Christmas tree is to place a star on the top of your head. It can be white or shiny, in extreme cases, in a color that will match most toys.

How beautiful to decorate the top of the Christmas tree

It is worth dwelling in detail on the decoration of the Christmas tree top.

Gone are the days when you had to buy a top-mounted star.

Today it is not at all necessary to buy a special one; a large bow tied with one's own hands or a twisted garland with one's own hands will fit quite well.

For him, you can buy a wide white ribbon, possibly transparent, and then tie it around the top or in the same way, make a star out of beads.

An interesting solution is to first make a bow, then sprinkle it with gelatin, and then iron it well.

New Year's toys from soft fabrics can be made according to the same principle.

For the New Year holidays, families decorate their homes with tinsel and garlands, decorate windows, mirrors and cook delicious dishes. And the choice and design of the festive tree occupy the most important place in the list of New Year's things. Therefore, we decided to prepare for you the most unusual options for decorating the main attribute of the New Year.

The main thing in the article

Germany is considered to be the progenitor of the forest beauty. It was there that on Christmas Eve the tables were decorated with small decorated trees. And during the reign of Peter I, this unusual fashion moved to us in Russia. Since then, with short-term bans and renewals, the Christmas tree has been decorated every New Year.

In each century, the Christmas tree was decorated according to the era:

  • At first it was candles and a star decorating the top of a coniferous tree.
  • Later, they began to decorate the spruce with wax toys, cotton, paper, and then they were replaced by glass decorations.
  • There was also a tradition to decorate the tree with sweets and caramel apples.
  • During the war, toys were in the form of pistols, orderlies, paratroopers, tanks.
  • During the years of the USSR - cars, airships, tractors, and then the heroes of children's fairy tales.

In the 21st century, it has become relevant to modernize old traditions. Therefore, now the Christmas tree is decorated to the will of their imagination and creativity. On the New Year's tree there are not only toys, but also garlands, and tinsel, and beads with ribbons.

In what style to decorate the Christmas tree for 2018 of the Yellow Dog: options with a photo

2018 New Year is just around the corner, and to be fully equipped, check out the best design options for the main character of the holiday - the New Year tree. Based on the fact that the symbol of 2018 is the Yellow Dog, then it is necessary to decorate the house in yellow colors, this can be:

  • color saffron,
  • mustard,
  • brown,
  • sand,
  • gold,
  • orange and other shades.

The Christmas tree should also be dressed up in yellow colors. It is important that its design is divided into different styles:

Decorating the top of the Christmas tree 2018

Since the time of Martin Luther, the top of the Christmas tree has traditionally been decorated with a star that symbolizes Bethlehem. This ancient custom reminds us that it was the Star of Bethlehem that showed the Magi the way to the cave where Jesus was born. But this is not the only decoration that is erected on top of a tree. Coniferous tree is decorated with:

The choice of toys largely depends on the presence of small children in the house. If on holidays or in general there are small children in your apartment, then little curious explorers should be protected from glass and other breaking toys. Because if the tree is large or in a conspicuous place, the little ones will not mind looking closer and studying these unusual objects.

  • Choose soft toys or plastic ones, preferably without sparkles that crumble.
  • If the children are adults and already know that toys should not be disturbed, then fragile decorations can also be hung.
  • You can decorate the New Year's beauty with paper toys made using the origami technique.
  • If you want to make the Christmas tree more fashionable and glamorous, try hanging your jewelry on it: earrings, rings on a chain, beads, bracelets.
  • In the store before the holidays, you can buy toys for every taste, if you don’t want to rack your brains, then you can just buy a set of toys.
  • Wrap the tree with a garland. Take colorful ribbons and make bows, attach them to the branches of the Christmas tree. It will look great both at night, illuminating the room, and in the daytime, delighting you with its simple beauty.
  • You can decorate a Christmas tree for children by hanging sweets and small chocolates on it. You can also hang small tangerines, which will not only look creative, but also refresh the room with a wonderful smell.

Options for the location of toys on the Christmas tree

Each family decorates the Christmas tree in its own way, in a certain seasoned style, or simply hang toys randomly. Some prefer minimalism, while others prefer a certain symmetry. Therefore, let's analyze clearly what are the options for arranging toys on the Christmas tree.

DIY garlands for the Christmas tree 2018 with a photo

A garland is the brightest attribute of decorating both a house and a coniferous tree. At a time when the Christmas tree was just beginning to become a custom, it was decorated with candles. With the advent of light bulbs, candles were replaced by electric garlands.

With each new century, the garland took on various forms and modernized. LED lamps are now replacing electric lamps, which have advantages. Firstly, they are more durable than their ancestors, and secondly, if one lamp burns out, the rest of the circuit will continue to burn and delight the household.

There is also an option to make a garland with your own hands, for this you will need:

Serpentine and tinsel for the Christmas tree 2018

Tinsel and serpentine have long entered our homes and conquered us with their brightness and brilliance. New Year's wouldn't be New Year's without these glittering trappings. In Soviet times, Christmas trees were simply hung with tinsel and serpentine. Sometimes under this "tinsel" one could not even see a Christmas tree or toys. Now families decorate their trees in different ways, some do not use tinsel at all.

Tinsel, like serpentine, come in different colors and sizes. There are even ones with imitation snow on the tips, with stars and circles, cones and snowflakes.

Recently, it has become fashionable to decorate spruces with handicrafts, improvised materials and decorative elements. And more and more tinsel and serpentine, walls, cabinets, cabinets and mirrors.

DIY accessories for decorating the Christmas tree 2018 with photo ideas

Since it has been gaining popularity lately, not a single holiday is complete without something unusual, made by oneself. And of course, the New Year is also not to be ignored. For this holiday, there are a lot of ideas on how to make DIY accessories to decorate the Christmas tree.

How to combine colors on the Christmas tree in 2018?

  • Color plays an important role in decorating the house and the Christmas tree itself. It sets not only the beauty and comfort in the house, but also the mood of the household and guests. Therefore, it is necessary to combine colors on the Christmas tree in 2018 with the presence of any shade of yellow.
  • Since the Yellow Dog will be the symbol of 2018, in the design of the New Year's beauty, golden colors, brown, bright saffron color. These colors will go well with green coniferous branches.
  • Also in the decoration of spruce, you can use decorations of red flowers - matte and lacquered, with and without sparkles. Decorate the Christmas tree in warm colors of grapefruit and orange. This color scheme will fill your home with light and comfort.

Since people began to travel to other countries and get acquainted with foreign cultures, they began to use them in their homeland. This did not bypass Feng Shui, which came to us from China. The practice of Feng Shui teaches you how to properly organize your space so that all the good things come to you. And to make 2018 a prosperous year for you, use the tips.

To attractlove put the tree in the southwest side and decorate in yellow and red colors. Complete with paired figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, doves or other toys. For more passionate love, you can hang toys that symbolize or depict fire.

Behind attraction of finance the southeast sector of the house is responsible, so the tree should be placed there. Decorate your Christmas tree with golden flowers that symbolize wealth. You can also decorate the tree with your jewelry or.

To attract happiness and health New Year's beauty must be placed on the south side of the room. To make you feel happy all year long and be healthy both in body and spirit, decorate the Christmas tree in beige, calm and warm colors.

To attract a successful career put a fir tree in the northern part of your house and decorate in a red color scheme. And so that your studies brought the desired fruits, put a coniferous tree in the northeastern part of the house and do not forget to put the main symbol of knowledge next to it -.

If you put a live Christmas tree, then you need to put a bowl with water or earth next to it. This is necessary so that the tree does not lose its energy.

Christmas tree decoration in shabby style

Shabby style came to us from the not very distant 1980s. This style represents the vintage sophistication of the Victorian era. combines:

Christmas tree decoration in kanzashi style

An unusual and stylish decoration will serve as a style - tape craftsmanship. With the help of colored ribbons, you can not only make beautiful bows, but also flowers. Decorate the Christmas tree with beautiful decorations in this style and your beauty will win the hearts of the guests.

Trimming the Christmas tree and decorating it in Japanese style

To decorate a Japanese-style spruce, you will need paper and threads in red and yellow shades. Form a variety of animals and fish from paper, and other designs. Attach strings to them and hang them on a tree. Also make a garland using paper in the form of flags, circles or kites.

In Japan, on New Year's Eve, branches of willow or other trees are usually decorated with balls that are formed from glutinous rice varieties. They are painted in different colors and with such branches - - decorate the room.

Also in the land of the rising sun there is another decoration - kadomatsu. It consists of pine, bamboo and fern branches tied with straw rope.

To keep your living Christmas tree from pricking you with its needles, you can cut it in the Japanese style of a bonsai tree.

Christmas tree decoration in rustic style

If you are a fan of fairy tales and magic, then a rustic Christmas tree decoration is just right for you. This fabulous style will remind us that magic is always with us, you just have to want it. This style combines cosiness and comfort, originality and simplicity, and ecological materials are used.

There are many options for decorating the New Year's beauty in 2018, and we have prepared for you a photo selection of creating impromptu Christmas trees that will decorate the interior of her worse than real ones.

For creative individuals, there is more coniferous decoration. Do-it-yourself lovers will love creative approaches to decorating a Christmas tree.

Decorate the Christmas tree with your family in any style you like best. Do not be afraid to experiment and create something new and your own. Meet the New Year 2018 cheerfully and with comfort, so that only love, happiness, health and good luck in all matters accompany you all year long.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig is coming soon. New Year's Eve is not complete without a Christmas tree. Consider what colors you need to choose in order to properly decorate the Christmas tree for the 2019 meeting of the Pig.

Colors of the New Year 2019

The pig loves luxury and chic, so the New Year tree should be richly decorated. The main color is yellow, because it is the color of the hostess of the holiday. The Earth Pig patronizes the harvest, therefore, of those colors to decorate the Christmas tree, one can also name brown and green - the colors of nature. These color combinations on the Christmas tree should be in the coming 2019.

How to decorate a Christmas tree with balls for the New Year 2019: 7 decor ideas

There is no single option on how to properly dress up a Christmas tree. It all depends on the tastes and preferences of the owners. However, there are several Christmas tree decorating trends. In 2019, it is fashionable to decorate the Christmas tree in one of the following styles:

  • Classics of the genre. Without going out of fashion balloons 1-2 colors. In the year of the Pig, they should be golden, brown, green or yellow. Gold color in Christmas decorations has not gone out of fashion for several years. It looks great in any interior and goes well with popular decorations such as bows, candy sticks, paper angels.

  • Retro style. Lovers of antiquity should stock up for the New Year with tangerines, oranges, round sweets in bright wrappers. Such unusual balls can be supplemented with antique products made of paper, wire or papier-mâché. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree in the style of "Soviet vintage" will be loved by middle-aged people. This decor does not require any effort and preparation. It is enough to look in the attic for glass balls that evoke intimate childhood memories of those who grew up in the USSR.

  • With my own hands. The Yellow Earth Pig loves chic. Therefore, this year, shiny and elegant balls are the main Christmas dress. If it is not possible to purchase expensive decorations for the Christmas tree, you can make the original New Year's decoration with your own hands. Simple balls will turn into exquisite decorations if you decorate them with sequins, tinsel, lace, fabric, beads, buttons, sequins, etc. And if you choose the decor of the same color, but in different shades, you will get unusually beautiful decorations.
  • Eco style. In 2019, it will be fashionable to decorate a Christmas tree in an unusual eco-style, which includes everything made from natural materials. The Christmas tree is decorated with balls made of wood, paper, dried fruits. You can decorate such toys with cones, twigs, dried flowers, salt dough figures, etc. Eco-style You can prepare for decorating the main New Year's symbol with your children: in the summer, collect shells on the sea or acorns in the forest, dry unusual plants.

  • Country style. Do-it-yourself Christmas decorations are appreciated. Rustic balls can be made from socks, pieces of fabric, etc. Knitted products look beautiful. Each ball can be made solid or knitted from threads of different colors corresponding to the symbol of 2019.
  • Rainbow decor. Balloons are hung in tiers in the order of the colors of the rainbow. In such decoration there will be yellow and green colors beloved by the Earth Pig.

  • Pompoms. Replacing glass balls with pompoms is the trend of recent seasons. The advantage of such jewelry is that they are inexpensive and have an original appearance. Soft balls are easy to make yourself, you just need to buy a skein of thread in the store and show your imagination.

There are many options for decorating a Christmas tree. Children should be involved in creating a festive atmosphere in the house in order to develop their sense of beauty and creativity.

Where to put and how to decorate a feng shui Christmas tree

The main rule for installing a New Year's beauty in Feng Shui in 2019 is its purpose: a Christmas tree should bring happiness and joy.

A large tree should not be placed in a small room. It will impress the family, delight the children, but the atmosphere in the house will worsen due to crowding. For a holiday, a small tree is enough, placed in the corner of the room or on the table. Spruce can be replaced with coniferous branches in a vase.

In a large room for the New Year, the coniferous beauty should occupy the main place. The tree is placed in the center of the room, because positive energy is concentrated there. This will help the family not only feel the atmosphere of the holiday, but also solve the problems that have accumulated over the year. If you install the main attribute of the holiday in the western room, then it will attract good luck and prosperity to the house, and it will bring replenishment to the married couple. The Christmas tree in the western part of the house favors “piglets”, “pigs”, “hogs” - everyone whose year is coming.

The New Year's tree in the east side helps to improve the well-being of the home, and in the north room it brings success in professional activities. You should not place a coniferous beauty in the southern rooms, as negative energy accumulates in this part of the house.

A dry tree in any room will create an unfavorable atmosphere. An artificial Christmas tree is also useless for activating positive energy. It is best to choose a live pine tree for the holiday, which is also a symbol of longevity.

It is important not only to choose and install a Christmas tree for the New Year, but also to decorate it correctly. Toys that attract health include figurines of cranes or deer, lotus flowers, walnuts. If you decorate a coniferous beauty with banknotes, goldfish or brilliant rain, then the financial condition of the family will improve. Love will help to attract hearts or paired figurines of pigeons, swans, cupids. And for family happiness and the birth of children, it is worth hanging a miniature swallow's nest on the Christmas tree.

Preparing for the New Year holiday is an exciting activity that unites all family members. The Yellow Earth Pig does not tolerate lazy people who do everything carelessly. She loves creative, funny and unpredictable people. Therefore, the design of the Christmas tree for 2019 should be unusual and bright.

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

A catalog with some examples of work is presented below.

It is with this line that the main New Year's song begins. Today, no one can even remember how the so-called big Christmas tree story began and who exactly decided to dress up the forest beauty on the eve of the New Year. The presence of a Christmas tree in the house gives an unforgettable feeling of a holiday - an indisputable fact that cannot be doubted.

But how do you get the darling of the old forest to take off her forest blankets and dress up in bright outfits? How to turn her from a guest of the forest into an inhabitant of the house? Where to look for those colors and lights, with the help of which an ordinary Christmas tree will turn from Cinderella into an unwritten beauty? Inspiration is the source of that miraculous transformation, without which not a single New Year has taken place. Adding a little imagination to it, complemented by the right dose of creativity, you can turn an ordinary green tree into a masterpiece worthy of admiration.

Ordinary Christmas miracle

In order for an ordinary Christmas tree miracle not to keep you waiting, we suggest you stock up on time, patience and creativity. Decorating the Christmas tree, which has become a good tradition in many families, should be started from a good mood. There is no mood, no ideas, no result - such a development of pre-holiday events cannot be avoided in the absence of inner harmony. It is she who is the source of brilliant solutions and creative ideas. Of course, you can treat the process of decorating the Christmas tree as a routine and do it in 20 minutes. But this should not be done, if only because the New Year happens, as the song says, only once a year. Therefore, consider decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year as an important ritual.

Master class on creating an unusual Christmas tree image

  1. European style. This type of design will be preferred by people who value classics, restraint and conciseness. In the design of the Christmas tree, made in the best European traditions, as a rule, one color scheme prevails. It can be one-color balls, ribbons, bows (most often red) or angels. In any case, the color palette of a European Christmas tree should not have more than 2-3 colors.
  2. Russian style. The more the better - this principle prevails in the design of the Christmas tree according to the Russian model. A lot of home-made and factory-made toys, different in shape, material and color, garlands, snowflakes, rains decorate the branches of the Christmas tree. Giving preference to this type of design, you can safely experiment without fear of overdoing it.
  3. Floral style. By relying on the floral type of decoration, you kill two birds with one stone - such a Christmas tree will create not only a festive, but also a romantic atmosphere in your home. But, of course, in this case, it is worth giving preference to colors that retain their original appearance for a long time. In this regard, it is also worth mentioning the design of the Christmas tree with the help of scented candles.
  4. Minimalism. A Christmas tree decorated in the best traditions of minimalism will look good in a restrained design. Its decoration is dominated by one color scheme and a limited number of toys of the same shape.
  5. High tech . A Christmas tree decorated in the best traditions of hi-tech will feel comfortable in a studio apartment or room with the same design. Cordless toys, metal, water and plastic are the basis of such a modern Christmas tree.
  6. fruit decoration. Preferring this type of decoration, decorate the Christmas tree with toys in the form of fruits.
  7. Hand-made decoration. A hand-made Christmas tree should be decorated with improvised materials. It can be an old newspaper, feathers, balloons or some kind of knitwear.
  8. Marine theme. Giving preference to the marine type of decoration, decorate the Christmas tree with marine accessories - shells, pebbles, toys in the form of fish. In terms of color palette, also give preference to the marine theme. The predominance of green, turquoise and blue colors will be very appropriate.
  9. Retro style. The retro Christmas tree is always decorated with glass toys, rain and cotton wool. Most often, these are the toys that we got from our grandmother, therefore they serve as a good reminder of the past.
  10. Color theme. Christmas trees decorated in the same color scheme look quite elegant and rich. It can be silver, chocolate cream or lilac, with bows, angels and deer as a bright addition.

Whatever theme you prefer, remember that decorating Christmas trees is a creative process. And in order for an ordinary Christmas tree miracle to be born in your house, it should be seasoned with the right dose of inspiration. And inspiration begins with harmony and love.

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