What to wear on a date with a man in winter. Very deep neckline. And don't wear this

The first date can easily become the last, you don't want that if you really like a man, do you? Then you need to take care of your appearance. We have prepared for you a lot of tips on what to wear depending on the chosen place. You will learn how to dress up for cultural events, cafes, restaurants, nature, cinema. You can choose the right bottom, top, shoes, accessories and look perfect. Believe me, the guy will certainly appreciate it!

When going on a first date, check with your boyfriend where it will take place. Feel free to find out, you will agree that it would be absurd to appear at a picnic in evening dress or in a museum in a tracksuit, even in the most fashionable one. Relevance and seasonality are the two main rules for choosing an outfit.

Cultural event

To attend an art exhibition, a theatrical performance or an organ concert, you can wear a skirt below the knee and a spectacular blouse or an elegant black dress-midi. Heels - slightly above average or high, jewelry - not voluminous, but eye-catching, hair can be raised with a hairpin or slightly curled and loosened.

Black sheath dress

Date in a cafe or restaurant

Dinner at an upmarket restaurant has a strict dress code. Jeans are strictly prohibited sportswear. Necessary Evening Dress, long or short. A stylish blazer and some jewelry (a small necklace, gold-plated earrings with a stone) will emphasize your status. The heel can be high, it visually lengthens the figure. By the way, we somehow understood that. Take a look at this article, which talks about Greek models, "on the floor" and many others.

You can come to the cafe in jeans, but elegant and combined with heels. No "boyfriends" and moccasins! A great addition is a mid-thigh tunic or a soft, stylish pullover. A win-win move is a dress. Accessories are also needed (pendant, small earrings, wrist bracelet) and a jacket in the cold season.

Casual clothing

Hair should be styled in waves or picked up. Don't forget about convenience. Curls falling into a plate will not produce good impression to your chosen one.

A walk to the movies

Dress a little more smartly than usual. TO casual clothes add small touches. A bright scarf and a beret instead of a sports cap, a coat instead of a down jacket or boots on a small wedge will help transform appearance.

Jeans under a coat with a scarf

Party in a nightclub

Avoid calling and revealing clothes. Mystery and intrigue are allowed, but not vulgarity. No transparent blouses, skirts-belts! You can also look stylish in tight-fitting trousers with a tunic or top, in a cropped pullover with three-quarter sleeves and a tight mid-length skirt. Add to this large earrings or voluminous beads and a bracelet.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You'll get step by step plan of 12 steps to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for long years.

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A beautiful hairpin will not be comfortable, after a couple of hours such shoes will begin to rub, and your legs will hurt from it. Choose roomy shoes on average, not thin heels and relax in comfort.

Hairstyle - at your discretion, just do not allow complex, bulky designs. Take a hair clip or a suitable hair band with you to collect your hair while relaxing after the fiery dances.

Skinny jeans and white top

Trip to nature, picnic

The best clothes are in sports style: jeans, leggings, loose-fitting trousers, a zip-up jacket, comfortable flat shoes, but not sneakers. Don't forget a hat for the season, a backpack, or handy bag over shoulder. Take water with you wet wipes and paper handkerchiefs. Hairstyle everyday, no shiny varnishes and rhinestones. Everything should be comfortable!

Stylish sports suit

A few more tips about . You will learn what should be included in the wardrobe, and what should be thrown into the trash a long time ago. Our article about that will help to put everything on the shelves. Here you will find several effective methods and general helpful tips.

To conquer a man, you should also. Read here how to take care of your hair, hands, face and body skin.

Strike a man on the spot with your sociability, take note of our list of the best.

If you feel no more than 25, look at what the girl in this video offers, she has prepared specific bows:

Features of choice depending on the season

Dress appropriately for the weather and season. Do not be lazy, look at the weather forecast before choosing an outfit. It should be suitable not only for the date, but also for the time of year.

  • in winter when going to a restaurant, don't choose too much thin fabrics and sandals. Half boots and a dress under a fur coat would be more appropriate.
  • Spring and autumn don't forget to take it with you light coat or jacket, umbrella. It will look nice chiffon scarf on the neck.
  • In summer you should not wear a T-shirt and shorts, of course, if you have not agreed to meet on the beach. Light dress, thin loose trousers and blouse, sandals on small heels more suitable for a date in hot weather. Actual clean and collected at the top of the hair.

Choose comfortable and suitable clothes, but do not radically change your style so as not to lose confidence in yourself.

Also keep in mind that on the first date you need to come dressed to the nines, because in any case they are met by clothes.

How not to dress for a first date with a guy

When dressing for a first date, avoid:

  • Candid cutouts in clothes. Vulgarity attracts attention temporarily, and mystery causes more serious interest. Open up a little, but do not put all your virtues on display. If you really like transparent blouse, put it on, but always over a tight T-shirt or turtleneck.
  • Short shorts and skirts. In them, a woman looks more frivolous, and even quoting Lermontov by heart will not be able to smooth the impression.
  • An abundance of jewelry. Do not take the meaning of the word "shine" literally. The presence of rings on each finger in especially impressionable men can cause a stable image of a gypsy fortune teller. Choose one accent: earrings, beads, a ring or a bracelet that matches the style of the outfit.

Neat clothes, clean shoes and a neat hairstyle will always help you to be on top, even if you didn’t guess with the style of clothes for the first date.

And this video with a selection of 5 things that you should not choose for a first date:

Don't push your luck - take your first date outfit seriously! Suddenly, your soul mate is waiting for you on it, which you can simply scare away with an ugly appearance?

Every girl dreams of meeting the one and only, who will love her more than anyone in the world and decorate her life with bright colors. When you receive an invitation from young man on a date, you should not hesitate, hesitate and think for a long time, because the handsome prince can invite another girl he likes at any moment. In order not to torment yourself and the young man, you should know how to dress for a first date. This will be discussed in our article.

They say that the first impression is the most correct, therefore, on the first date with a man, you cannot “screw up”, because it is possible that he can become your destiny and the person with whom you will be able to live for a long time. happy years. We have prepared a few for you. elementary rules, which should be observed when forming an image for a first date.

  • Clothing should be comfortable. Nothing should hamper your movements, otherwise you will look awkward and feel awkward, and in the eyes of a man, such a woman looks unsure of herself. If you were invited to romantic walk, you need to give up heels. If the date is in winter time year, and the weather is snowy or frosty, you need to dress warmly and be sure to wear a hat. Comfortable clothes and shoes will prolong the date and allow you to get to know each other better.
  • Clothing should be appropriate for the season. We have already started talking about this in the previous paragraph. We add that the fabric of the outfits should be matched to the weather. It is not appropriate to wear lungs summer dresses in winter, just like Fur vests and capes in the summer. If it is spring or autumn outside, then the jackets should be demi-season, but not too light or heavy. If no one wears fur anymore, and you should not stand out from the crowd.
  • The outfit should be intriguing. You should not open all the spicy places in order to draw attention to these areas, because a young man on a first date should appreciate not only your stunning forms, but also your eyes, gait, manner of speaking and ability to keep up the conversation. This means that the neckline should be moderately open, but not completely show off the shoulders and chest, the fabrics should not be transparent, and the silhouette should be too tight. Your goal is to arouse interest in the guy, to become a mystery for him, which it will be difficult for him to solve for a long time.
  • Accuracy and courtesy. Your outfit must be clean the smallest details, clothes are ironed, hair, makeup and manicure are flawless.
  • Jewelry and accessories. They must be present in the outfit to create a complete image. Accessories should be color-matched, and jewelry should not cause you discomfort. For example, you should not wear heavy massive earrings in which your hair gets tangled or your ears become hard.
  • Maintain a sense of proportion. These words should be taken literally. This applies to absolutely all aspects of the image - and clothes, and accessories, and jewelry, and conversations. You should not look like a vulgar woman, but at the same time not be a simpleton.

When composing an image for a first date with a man, do not forget that men perceive a woman completely, unlike women, whose image is formed from details. In a woman, everything must be in harmony in order to capture the heart of a man. To make your first date a success, arm yourself with the following recommendations:

  • Makeup. Most men prefer natural makeup, which involves not too thick coloring of the eyelashes and applying a transparent gloss or lipstick to the lips delicate color. The presence of arrows is acceptable, but they must be neat and even so that the eyes really seem larger and beckon into their arms. If you feel the need to even out your complexion, use foundation or powder, but in no case apply it in several layers. Understand correctly, a man should want to kiss you and he will not experience pleasure if he licks several layers of powder and cream from his skin.
  • Perfume. They serve as a continuation of the outfit, and therefore should not have a sharp aroma and "eat" into the sense of your interlocutor. Light classic fragrances are preferred and should be worn on sensitive areas- Elbows, wrists, earlobes.
  • Hairstyle. Men just go crazy with the owners of luxurious long hair. They want to run their hands through their hair, so don't wear your hair too much and put it in a cocoon-like hairstyle. Owners short hair should be well trimmed. Dyed hair if necessary, touch up at the roots.
  • Cloth. No need to create trendy layered images. The bows should be dominated by coquetry and lightness, relevant average length dresses or skirts (slightly above or below the knee), trousers must favorably emphasize the figure, the waist line is pronounced. Black tights are not allowed, which will allow you to be described as accessible woman because they are a sign of vulgarity and " selling love". If you prefer stockings, they should not be visible from under your clothes. Actual little black dress and outfits pastel colors. Certainly, if we are talking O themed date e.g. about horseback riding or quad biking, clothing must be appropriate.
  • Shoes. Heeled shoes are preferred, which will allow you to make female leg graceful and graceful. If you are the owner short stature, put on high heels - it can be sandals, shoes, ankle boots or boots.
  • Manicure. Men are afraid of women with long sharp claws, and they can not stand girls with unkempt hands. In order not to frighten off the man of your dreams, make a classic French manicure or make up neat smooth nails transparent gel or pastel colors.

Men like feminine outfits and they dream of seeing them not only on the first date, but also on subsequent meetings. We will tell you about what clothes they might like.

  • Skirts. The optimal length is just above or below the knees. You don't need to wear a mini on a first date. Let it be better after several meetings, the man himself will ask you to put on a seductive skirt. midi skirts intrigue the representatives of the opposite sex, forcing them to think about which legs are hiding under this skirt.
  • Dresses. For summer, light chiffon flowing outfits are suitable. For the cooler season, simple tight-fitting dresses decorated with a bright belt are relevant. welcome simple outfits, floral prints, simple silhouettes. Universal option should be considered a little black dress, but a dress with leopard print wearing on a first date is not recommended, so as not to seem vulgar.
  • Lace blouses. It can be a white blouse decorated with lace or pastel-colored blouses.
  • Light colored shirts. They should not contain defiant inscriptions and drawings. A simple T-shirt can be supplemented classic trousers from denim, which would fit perfectly on the figure. As an accessory to such a bow, you should choose a strap to match a T-shirt or shoes.
  • A coat of medium length. A coat can be considered a universal solution for cool weather. summer coat will help you keep warm on a cool evening, and winter and demi-season options will look more profitable than natural or faux fur. Agree, it is much more pleasant if a man himself wants to give you a beautiful fur coat.
  • Medium heel shoes. Of course, high heels look sexy and seductive, but these shoes are not very comfortable to walk on, and besides, not every girl knows how to wear high-heeled shoes. A man may not like you toddling next to him, but even if you keep perfectly at such a height, he may have the assumption that you will inadvertently twist your leg.
  • Single style. You can not wear a sports jacket, high heels and jeans in one look. The ensemble should be sustained in a single style, and things should complement each other and harmonize perfectly.

What is wrong to wear on a first date?

We will announce a list of things and images that can push a man away from you.

  • Huge earrings. We have already said that massive decorations in gypsy style not appropriate. Even if such decorations are matched to the outfit and complement it, you should still get rid of heaviness.
  • Shoes on a high platform. Along with high stilettos and heels, the platform is not appropriate either. Moreover, the platform should be abandoned altogether, since feminine shoes require at least a small heel.
  • Fur collars, boas, boas and other attributes of a vamp woman. Such women are self-confident, have a strong character and have their own beliefs. Therefore, men are afraid of them and only a few are able to become interested in such ladies who look very defiant and vulgar. Men prefer to carry girls in their arms, protect them, take care of them. A vamp woman is so strong that she doesn't need it.
  • Miniskirt and high boots. Such a bow often complements bright makeup, red lipstick, arrows on the eyes, complemented by false eyelashes. Such an image is effective and good in its own way, but it is absolutely not suitable for producing positive impression on a man. Even when he first saw you, you were dressed in a similar way, you should choose a more modest look, such as a dark pencil dress, ankle boots and a light coat.
  • Pink and bright outfits. Shouldn't be glamorous girl copying the cover fashion magazine if you are not really like that. men appreciate natural beauty combined with natural intelligence, and pink dresses, white boots, bleached hair and pouting lips - this is the image of a doll with which there is not even anything to talk about.
  • Colored stockings, tights, bows, etc. Of course, if you are in adolescence and your chosen one adheres to a similar style, then such childish things in the image are acceptable. If you are planning to find a man for Serious relationships that will last for many years, infantile images should be abandoned. Such a bow will only tell you that you are not serious about life and are still in the clouds.
  • Expensive jewelry, clothes, accessories. If you go to a meeting with an influential man who prefers dear women in expensive clothes, then your bow cannot be cheap, however, even branded clothes should be tastefully selected and have a simple style without any shocking. Hanging yourself with all the gold that you have, putting on an expensive necklace, even if you can afford it, is not worth it. Firstly, such outfits and jewelry are suitable for evening wear. solemn events, ceremonies, etc. Secondly, the image of a "Christmas tree" can scare away a man who will think that you are ready for anything just to become his chosen one. gold chain with a pendant, a bracelet peeking out from under the cuff of a blouse, a ring on a finger - this will be quite enough.

Summing up all of the above, we note that on the first date you need to be feminine, natural and choose simple, non-provocative outfits. Perhaps, once you give up the best and most spectacular things from your wardrobe, you can find the best man in the world!

A date should be easy and relaxed, and for this it is important not only to dress beautifully, but also to be comfortable. No need to exhaust yourself fashionable shoes on high heels and uncomfortable clothing. Today we will tell you what to wear on a date to look stylish and at the same time feel comfortable.

What to wear on a date?

1. Don't wear high heels.

Of course, the stiletto heel always looks very beautiful on the leg, but it is better to put this version of the shoe aside. Pick up more comfortable shoes yet stylish.

2. Don't go overboard with accessories.

We all like chandelier earrings, glamorous necklaces, but try to keep moderation when choosing jewelry. A smile has always been the most appropriate decoration for any woman.

3. Don't be afraid to wear jeans on a date.

There's nothing wrong with wearing jeans on a date. Just complete them with silk fashionable top, sandals, monochrome patent leather shoes or suede boots.

4. No need to wear trendy items of clothing.

A date is not a fashion show or showing off the latest clothes, just put on your favorite dress. Wearing which you always received a lot of compliments

5. Choose the color of clothes that best suits your color type.

Leave a lasting impression in the mind of a young person, choose the maximum suitable color dresses for your skin tone.

6. Don't be afraid to experiment with your look.

You can easily dress up for a date lace skirt, sandals and complete the look with a cashmere sweater and clutch.

7. Hide flaws and highlight your strengths.

If you are shy about some part of your body, then it is better to hide it under clothes, but it is better to emphasize flattering curves.

Video materials: What to wear on a first date.

We recommend watching the video recommendations from the guest fashionable sentence psychologist Anetta Orlova: "What to wear on a first date." After watching this video, it will not be difficult to properly build your date and impress a guy or a man so much that your chosen one will rave about you.

How to behave? Conquer his heart.

Almost every woman sooner or later asks herself: what to wear on a first date with a guy? often take correct solution difficult, but you want not only to conquer him with your appearance, but also to look seductive, smart and kind, while not seeming vulgar and boring.

The first date makes every detail important. Clothes, shoes and accessories will be primarily good example how a girl knows how to combine different things and colors into one harmonious and complete silhouette. Correct selection elements of clothing will bring some zest to the image, which will emphasize the individuality, dignity and sense of style of every woman.

It is known that the first impression is imprinted in the memory of a man for a long time, which is why it is very important to prepare for a date and think over not only your appearance, but also possible topics for conversation. The ability to correctly demonstrate one's femininity, attractiveness, sexuality and intelligence is a talent owned by the beautiful half of humanity.

1. Outfit for the season

Depending on the current time of the year, the choice of an image for a date may vary, but do not forget about the bad tone in the style of clothing, things should be in harmony with each other and be close in style and color.

In spring and summer, the best solution when choosing clothes will be a romantic blouse and a tight skirt or a flowing dress in juicy shades. Do not forget to bring a denim or leather jacket with you in case abrupt change weather. Alternatively, you can accidentally forget outerwear at home in order to check the gentlemanly qualities of your companion.

IN warm time years for girls magnificent forms better fit image with correctly placed accents. The top must be light colors- pale pink, lilac, vanilla, lemon, pastel shades almost all shades, the bottom is contrasting, but not necessarily black, it can be dark tones blue, purple, green, etc. As an option, choose a midi-length dress in a dark shade, with an emphasis on the waist in the form of a bright wide belt. Stylish on curvaceous figure a dress or a sundress with small patterns will look great, large prints, a loose fit of clothes, horizontal accents should be avoided, they visually add weight.

In the cold season, it is best to give preference to a tight-fitting dress made of delicate knitwear, stylish elongated sweater with a bare shoulder or skinny jeans with an elegant cardigan. Outerwear can be represented by a fitted raincoat or stylish coat It all depends on the outside temperature. Full girls not recommended to wear warm clothes coarse knit, ideal solution will dress in layers, but so that there is something bright or dark inside, and clothes on top light shades. Thus, it will be possible to blur the boundaries of the silhouette, optical illusion help you look leaner.

2. Place for a date

The most common place for romantic meetings is cafes and restaurants. In such places you can be alone and truly enjoy communicating with each other. The choice of clothing for this type of establishment can be varied. On beautiful figure a shirt or blouse combined with trousers, a midi dress, skinny jeans with an elegant jacket or jacket will look good. Well Golden Rule- if the legs are bare, then in no case should you wear clothes with a deep neckline.

If the date will take place at a discotheque, then it makes sense to wear something shiny and bright, but no frills, it is easy to sprinkle yourself with sparkles from head to toe, but it will look like a Christmas tree. A dress with sequins, a neat clutch, bright shoes to match the tone of the clothes will perfectly fit into the atmosphere of a disco.

For a date in the cinema, there is no need to dress too smartly, the owners different type jeans, a beautiful feminine top, a jacket and high-heeled shoes are suitable for the figure.

Whether the choice of outfit was successful on a date with the girl depends largely on the style of her chosen one. Images of a couple who gathered for romantic date must be in harmony with each other. After all, if a young man is an amateur classical style, will come on a date in a suit with a tie and shoes polished to a shine, and the girl will dress up in leggings with an elongated shirt, then both will experience a certain awkwardness.

Going through your wardrobe, in search of an outfit for a first date, it is better to give up mini-skirts, transparent blouses, dresses with open back or deep cleavage. Give the man the opportunity to turn on his imagination and fantasize about what is not yet available to him.

3. Color range

On the first date, it is best to avoid red, provocative outfits can scare a man, things in pink and yellow are also unlikely to give the impression of a serious person, the best option for the first romantic meeting, impractical white is recognized. It is this color that men on a subconscious level associate with true femininity.

4. Choose underwear

Be sure to wear the most beautiful and expensive set on a first date. underwear, even if you do not plan to continue the evening with your companion. First of all, new underwear will create comfort and self-confidence, which is not superfluous at the first time. close acquaintance. Psychological aspect also plays an important role here, to feel relaxed and 100% irresistible will help knowing what a seductive look you have in this set under your clothes.

If the girl’s figure is not perfect, then you should not be upset, the way out of the situation will be oversized panties or corrective underwear, it will easily hide all the flaws and perfectly emphasize the advantages of your waist.

5. Accessories

When choosing accessories, remember that a man should not focus on the accents, but on you - on your eyes, lips and face. Jewelry and accessories should harmoniously complement the created image, add a touch of style to it and switch attention to the dignity of your body. The main thing is not to overdo it, choose jewelry that is close to you and matches the style with your image for today. Shoes must be matched to a handbag or clutch, this is an unspoken rule of the fashion world, accessories that do not match in color and style will make the image ridiculous.

In any case, be sure to take a bag or clutch with you. Empty hands are a hint for a man that the girl has no money with her, and he pays for everything. Most of the time, guys don't mind paying, but it should look like a "noble" gesture, not an obligation.

The first date is a time for coquetry and tenderness, a deeper acquaintance of two people who like each other, therefore it is important not to burden yourself with heavy bags, very catchy beads, earrings and bracelets. Being gentle and sweet, with neat and concise accessories, you are much more likely to hit a man right in the heart, because the strong and courageous of this world love smart, but at the same time sensual and affectionate women.

Curvy girls are best to wear accessories that draw their eyes to the face, it can be beads, bright scarves, earrings and other accessories. Too small jewelry will visually enlarge the figure, The best decision maxi size accessories, wide bracelets and belts, large bags correct tone matched to the style of the image.

A few words about jewelry. In etiquette, there is a “Three Jewelry” rule - only 3 of the 4 main jewelry (rings, earrings, chain, bracelet) are allowed to be worn at the same time. If you don't want to look like a gypsy selling gold, follow this simple rule.

6. Choice of shoes

When choosing shoes, the rule of two "K" is triggered - beautiful and high-quality. Remember that your outfit and shoes should create a coherent whole. Feminine dress dressed under sneakers is bad manners. The principle of compatibility says - things different styles do not dress at the same time.

Shoes should be clean, neat and free from flaws, of course, these rules are important not only for the first date, but also in the future. For the first romantic meeting, it is best not to wear new shoes; rubbed feet will make themselves felt half an hour after the start of the date. Shoes should be comfortable, so it is better to wear shoes that have not been worn for a long time, taking care of their beautiful appearance in advance.

For curvy girls it is important to avoid shoes with stilettos and ankle straps, in the first case it will be uncomfortable, in the second it will visually increase the fullness of the legs.

It is also important to wear shoes that will be appropriate for a date, so it is better to know the place for a meeting in advance. Shoes don't fit active rest for a walk in the park, and sneakers are unlikely to look out of place in a restaurant.

First date… Just the thought of him makes my heart beat twice as fast. The choice of clothes is one of the most big problems that a guy or girl encounters when going on a date. By planning ahead and allowing enough time to prepare, you will be able to dress appropriately for your first date. After reading this article, you will get some universal advice that will help you look great on a first date and produce pleasant impression to your companion.


Part 1


    Find out the details related to the date. Regardless of who initiates the date, you or the person you plan to spend time with, figure out where your first date will be. Knowing this, it will be easier for you to choose your outfit. So figure out where your first date will be. Thanks to this, you can easily find the right clothes.

    • If you are going out to dinner or to a movie together, wear nice and trendy pieces of clothing. Don't forget to discuss where your date will be. Thanks to this, you will be able to look decent.
    • If you are planning a walking tour together, casual jeans and a T-shirt or tracksuit - great option for this date!
  1. Go shopping. There's nothing wrong with updating your first date wardrobe, especially if you're planning on doing something out of the ordinary and don't have the right pieces of clothing for it.

    • Although it is not at all necessary to change your wardrobe, nevertheless, putting on new item clothes for a date, you will show that you have put extra effort into getting ready for it.
  2. Consider several options. Before deciding what to wear on a date, consider a few options. It is possible that when you put on the selected items of clothing, you will find that they do not fit well with each other. Therefore, you should have an alternative option ready.

    • If you're going to be moving around a lot during your first date - perhaps you'll be dancing or riding horses - make sure you're able to move around freely and comfortably in your chosen attire.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing. As a rule, the first date is always associated with a large number of experiences. So, if you don't want to add to your anxiety even more, don't choose uncomfortable, tight-fitting, see-through garments. Also refrain from clothing with a large neckline.

  4. Choose clothes that express your personality. Everyone wants to look perfect on the first date. If you are not planning to attend a Halloween party, make sure that your outfit does not match the image of someone present. Choose items of clothing that emphasize your personality.

    • You will feel more relaxed, and the person who accompanies you will enjoy communicating with you.
  5. Make sure your clothes are clean. You don't have to wear absolutely new outfit or expensive clothes to impress the person you like. First of all, your clothes should be clean, neat and ironed. Get your clothes in order beforehand.

    • If you are going to wear new clothes date, be sure to remove the price tag and similar items. It is unlikely that you want the person who invited you on a date to find such a find on your piece of clothing.
    • To keep your clothes clean and tidy long time, store it, as well as its accessories, in your closet in a bag for clothes.
  6. Decide on a hairstyle and practice doing it in advance. Depending on where you are going to spend your first date, choose the appropriate hairstyle. A few days before the expected date of the date, practice doing the chosen styling. Thanks to this, you will be able to see if your hairstyle matches your clothes. You hardly want to fuss with a hairstyle in last minutes before a date.

    • If you're planning on doing makeup, be sure to try it out a few days before your date. You need to be clear about what you want and how your makeup will go with your overall look.
  7. Shave before your date. If you are a young man, your date should see your freshly shaved face on a date. If you are a girl, wax your eyebrows a few days before your date so that the young man does not see the inflamed eyebrow area. This will make you look flawless.

    • Although self-care procedures are very important, you should not expose yourself to dangerous procedures for a date. If it seems to you that your appearance is all that can affect a person, believe me, it does not suit you. You deserve to be loved the way you are!
  8. Prepare and pack a change of casual clothes. Even if you plan to dine at a posh hotel or visit the theater, be prepared for the fact that plans can change. For example, you will have so much fun that you will want to take a walk and eat ice cream or watch good old movies all night long.

    • Take something comfortable so you can enjoy your time together in peace!
  9. Double check that you have everything you need. Make sure you have everything you need. It could be a wallet, a bottle of water, or something similar.

    • Make sure your mobile phone has sufficient charge in case of an emergency.
    • Be sure to take some extra money in case your date doesn't end the way you'd like and you have to drive home on your own, or if your date doesn't want to pay for your extra dessert.