Casual wear for men. Jeans and trousers. Hats and other headwear

Talking about men's fashion in the circles of real men seems to be not accepted. Real men, I mean those whose interests are mainly based on work, career, cars, sports, travel, hobbies, hobbies ... in general, those whom we, women, prefer to marry. Usually they don’t rack their brains over what to wear in the morning, they hate shopping (if it’s not a hunter and fisherman’s store), they think about their wardrobe when they run out of clean shirts and T-shirts, they can walk in jeans alone, they buy new shoes only if the old one is worn out, and pockets are used instead of bags and briefcases. It’s good when you have a wife or a girl who knows everything about fashion, is aware of the latest trends and not only women’s, is subscribed to the coolest fashionistas in the world on Instagram and will help you choose the right things. Or better yet, have your own stylist who knows which store, what exactly and when to buy.

But we, women, are well aware of how important it is to make a first impression on an employer/partner, to look appropriate for the situation, status, and ourselves, being connoisseurs of beauty, will quickly pay attention to a well-dressed man. By the way, I met one of my gentlemen precisely because he was dressed in a classic electric blue coat. But he really was a foreigner. And one of my friends, after another post about men from street style fashion shows in Italy, said: “Anechka, everything, of course, is very beautiful ... but where is street style, and where are we, Russian men!”

So, my hero is a young Russian man from 30 to 40 years old who spends a lot of time in his study or office without a strict dress code, whose working day consists of meetings / negotiations with partners, who knows the value of time and himself, earns enough, grew out of stretched T-shirts and boring blacks. Such a man, on a trip abroad, will definitely run into a couple of boutiques for shopping, he wants to look appropriate for his position, respectably, feel comfortable and confident, dress stylishly, interesting, but not pretentious, like women. Such requests come to me from male clients. And it's not very difficult to assemble a basic men's wardrobe. Let's get started!

1. Buy a good expensive coat

The coat is a win-win. A man in a coat always looks elegant. It should be the ideal silhouette for you, repeat the lines of the figure, be of excellent quality, be sure to overlap your jackets along the length, be comfortable so that in cold weather you can put on a sweater or a down vest under it and drive safely.

Now it is worn not only with suits, but also with jeans, sneakers or sneakers.

2. You must have at least 1 suit

It can be blue, gray, checkered - leave black for the holidays. I mean a suit for everyday wear: we have long called casual, under it you can wear not only a shirt with a tie, but also a turtleneck, a thin sweater or pullover, and suits are now fashionable and can be worn with polo and sneakers.

The suit should be woolen or tweed, have 100% wool or a mixture of wool with silk / cashmere, for summer - with cotton and linen (wool should be more than half), the lining should also be made of natural silk or viscose so that the body is comfortable.

By the way, dark brown shoes have long been replaced by black ones, and with a blue suit you can put on brown shoes of a natural red color. As for the belt, it does not have to match the tone of the shoes, but if you have brown shoes, then the belt can be a little lighter or darker than the color of the shoes, but not black.

3. Shirts

If you are a fan of shirts, then there should be at least 7 of them in your wardrobe, not including white ones. It is better to buy blue or white as the main one, but with a small pattern, a thin stripe or a colored check.

Dark blue and burgundy shirts will look great under a gray suit. I name those colors that suit almost everyone - blondes, brunettes, and fair-haired, which we have in Russia the majority.

White shirts are also a must, but you can save them for special occasions, as well as shirts with cufflinks. If you wear pants without a jacket, buy yourself a couple of patterned shirts that reflect your hobby or passion, so to speak, a shirt with meaning.

They do not fit under a suit, but with trousers, a pullover or a cardigan it will be fine. Now a denim shirt is also in use as the main one - it is worn with a tie, and with a suit, and under a blazer. But not with denim pants!

And one more thing: plaid shirts from Timberland”- still sports, it is better to leave them for the weekend!

4. Polo

In addition to shirts, it is good to have a polo: in summer - with a short sleeve, at other times - with a long one.

Choose interesting, rich colors and wear them under blazers and classic wool trousers with pleats for a more presentable look than with jeans.

Shoes can be both sports and classic.

A polo with jeans is a good option for the weekend.

5. Stylish jacket

It seems to me that the search for a stylish jacket or blazer, as they say now, takes the most time. You must have a blazer!

Such a jacket can be made of wool, tweed, plain, plaid or thick knitwear. Better yet, buy all three at once!

This is the most common type of casual jacket that you can wear with dress pants, cotton pants (sellers in men's stores like to call them chinos), and jeans.

By the way, knitted jackets sit well even on those who do not suit classic jackets: they look more relaxed, of course, but fashionable.

Just don't confuse it with a classic suit jacket: blazers are sold separately.

6. Pants

Pants in your wardrobe should be at least 3 pairs, not counting those from the suit.

Some are classic with arrows, blue or gray, the second - chinos (I call them pants) - light: they are of the same style and cut as jeans, only made of cotton. White ones are not suitable for our winter, but beige or light brown (cocoa color, forgive me, not artists) - that's it. And the look will not be very formal, because light trousers are usually worn on vacation, and with a jacket it looks stylish.

And let the third pair of trousers be an unusual color - bright blue, mustard, red, green, wine-colored (or Marsala color is now fashionable, some of my male clients are already familiar with this color). Don't be afraid to experiment!

Yes, I didn’t count jeans, meaning that they are definitely in your wardrobe, and not alone.

7. Knitwear - sweater, pullover, cardigan

Be sure to have high-quality knitted items made of fine wool, cotton, cashmere.

Always look at the composition on the label: if you see the inscription "polyester 100%", immediately put it back - in things made of artificial fabric, the body will be uncomfortable, and some even have an allergy.

These sweaters look spectacular with classic trousers, and they can be worn under a jacket in the cold season.

Pay attention to the fact that these things fit well, fit the figure correctly, do not fit the stomach, do not pull under the arms, and there would be a little room in the sleeve for a shirt if you plan to wear it under knitwear.

Crew neck sweaters can be worn on their own, with a V-neck - on a shirt, cardigans (this is a button-down sweater) are worn on both shirts and T-shirts.

Choose tight machine knitting: such sweaters look more neat and presentable, and knitted with large pigtails and with a big neck and deer, let your mothers and beloved girls give you for Christmas (or if the stylist advises this, knowing exactly what it suits you !).

You see how simple everything is: just 7 wardrobe items, and you look elegant, stylish and respectable. If suddenly you find that you are missing something, immediately run to the store! Because further I will talk about accessories - shoes, briefcases, bags, watches - they must be of high quality and expensive, and this is a separate expense item and a separate shopping trip. I’m not saying yet that there are necessarily fashionable bombers, sweatshirts, down vests and jackets, cardigans with soft collars, wide trousers fashionable this season, as in the 30s, leather jackets, etc. But this is a completely different story, but for now we are collecting a high-quality basic wardrobe!

Effective wardrobe. Basic wardrobe for men. Part 1 norub wrote on April 19th, 2012

We come to the most interesting topic in my opinion. What should be included in a men's basic wardrobe.

This is a question, answering which you can argue for hours, because someone will never wear one thing, someone else. I deliberately do not include hoodies, ski suits, etc. in the list. Those who need it already have everything they need.

This is the wardrobe of a spherical horse in the vacuum of a working man. Depending on how strict the dress code is in the company and how much time is spent outside of work, one or another proportion of clothes for work / clothes for leisure will be maintained.

Now about age. Perhaps the biggest limitation that age imposes is that a respectable man cannot afford to wear low-quality items. What is excusable for a student is unforgivable for an adult.

About the figure. My experience shows that it is possible to pick up clothes for a large man. But if she still does not sit, it is better to contact the studio for help. When we get to the topic of choosing a business suit, we will discuss styles in this light.

Donna Karan in one of her interviews said: “A man should not have a lot of clothes. A leather jacket, a black coat, a nice suit, a few fresh shirts, a cool belt, and a few old T-shirts will suffice."

We will approach the issue a little wider, but do not forget - if your man does not wear any of the above, you can safely not buy it. In the explanations, I will write the basic rules of what to wear.


What can be difficult? Everyone has them! If you look closely, you will find that they do not fit well on someone, they look deliberately cheap on someone .. The right jeans and t-shirt can look sexier than an expensive suit.

To get started, you can look into the store of any denim brand (or multi-brand store) and seek help from a consultant.

In the basic wardrobe, it is desirable to have classic dark blue or black jeans.

Armani Collezioni


The second very important element in the wardrobe is shoes. High-quality shoes and look great, besides, they should be light and comfortable.

The most versatile options are comfortable brown shoes. For walks around the city, you can choose light moccasins


Even if a man does not wear suits and tuxedos, there should still be a few shirts in the wardrobe. It is very important that the shirt fits well.

In menswear stores, the size of the shirt is selected according to the ratio of neck circumference and arm length.

For a basic wardrobe, it is better to choose shirts in neutral colors.

Sports jacket, blazer

It can be worn both in the office and at a meeting with friends. Such a jacket can be worn with trousers, and with jeans, and with a polo, and with a shirt.


Comfortable and stylish trousers, as well as a sporty cut jacket, are suitable for various life occasions. It is better to give preference to corduroy trousers, woolen or cargo trousers. Linen and thin cotton trousers are very wrinkled, and if the task is not to look deliberately sloppy, it is better to exclude them from the basic wardrobe.

V-neck sweater

A wool or cashmere sweater can be worn over a shirt with a tie and over a T-shirt.


Classic polo shirts - on the one hand, a compromise between a T-shirt and a shirt, on the other hand, a lifesaver when you don't want to look too strict.


T-shirts may be old, but they should not be stretched or dirty. Therefore, for a basic wardrobe, it is worth picking up a few high-quality T-shirts.

It is permissible to wear a T-shirt under a jacket only in one color and Not along with suit pants.


Turtleneck in informal occasions can be worn under a jacket or jumper instead of a shirt.

Colors - any suitable for trousers, a jacket or a jumper, but unlike a men's shirt, turtleneck sleeves should not peek out from under the jacket sleeves.


The belt is an important accessory. That is why we recommend choosing at least two belts - made of brown and black genuine leather, with a neat buckle and without unnecessary details.

Watch and tie

A watch, like a tie, says more about your status. Therefore, if you plan to wear them, they must be of good quality.

The tie should not only reach the buckle of the trouser belt, it combines the suit and shirt into a single ensemble. The knot should be even and neat.

Patterned ties are worn with plain shirts. To shirts and a strip or in a cage - plain ties are preferable. The width of the tie depends on the fashion and on the width of the lapels of the jacket. The wider they are, the wider the tie.


Of course, those who have a strict dress code in the office will put the suit on the first line. In all other cases, a suit may not be a daily necessity.

In addition, his choice must be approached with special care. That is why I would not recommend starting to collect a basic wardrobe from him. The main requirements for a suit (or suits, if the dress code is still strict) - it should sit perfectly on you. The classics include all shades of gray, blue and beige.


Coarse knit sweaters are perfect for informal communication with jeans, corduroy or twill trousers.

Socks and underwear

Underwear should not be visible, and socks should match the color of the trousers. They should be long enough so that when you cross your legs, you cannot see where they end.



Leather, jeans, suede, down jacket. The jacket is informal clothing, so the colors can be richer and brighter.

If you wear business attire, we strongly recommend that you do not limit yourself to jackets, but be sure to get a demi-season coat.

It should be fitted, simple cut without unnecessary details.


If you are hiking and exercising, you will need a sports uniform.

In summer, the suit and trousers will have to be replaced with summer ones, and the shirt will have to be short-sleeved. Yes, and shorts are more suitable for walking outside the city.

But, starting with the basics, it will be easier to supplement the wardrobe with everything you need. The main thing is to learn to pay attention to the quality, cut and condition of clothes. After all, a favorable impression of the appearance lies on these three whales.

If you are no different from most men, then you have favorite things that you wear without taking off, and you only think about buying a new thing when you see a hole in the old one. But that doesn't mean the basic wardrobe theme isn't for you.

What is a good basic wardrobe idea?

  • You buy clothes that match your lifestyle;
  • You buy things that match perfectly with each other and you. This means you can look great without putting in extra effort;
  • You buy things that won't go out of fashion which means they will serve you for a very long time.

The basic men's wardrobe is built on the same principles as the women's wardrobe (which we wrote about in the article " ”): that is, it includes good quality items of discreet colors with a minimum of decorative elements. This does not mean that you will now always wear a strict gray shirt instead of your favorite Nirvana T-shirt. This means that for an important meeting, interview, romantic date or business negotiation you will always have something to wear (except for that Nirvana T-shirt).

Before you shop, evaluate your lifestyle. You'll need at least 7-10 good quality basic shirts if you work in an office with a tight dress code - and only 1-2 if you're a freelancer and only wear shirts on big holidays. The basic wardrobe is a rather individual thing, although it includes common elements that will come in handy in any case. Here we'll talk about them.

Must have men's wardrobe

The collage shows tom ford suit, Dries van Noten shirt, Bikkembergs shirt, Brioni coat, Alexander McQueen boots .

  1. Costume.Necessarily expensive, from quality matte material (shiny prom suit away) neutral color(preferably gray or dark blue). Strict, without bright details.

Needless to say, the last time you wore a suit was at your own wedding or when you were a witness at a friend's (and yes, that same "wedding" suit is unlikely to become your base one). The suit goes to all men without exception (it is important to choose the right cut), its elements can be worn separately (for example, strict trousers with a T-shirt or a jacket with jeans are now fashionable), and men in suits delight women. So if you care what impression your appearance makes on women, we advise you to invest in buying a quality suit.

It is absolutely not necessary to wear it to the office. Complement a gray woolen or dark brown suit with a burgundy shirt, put on sneakers instead of boots - and you get a very stylish and fashionable, and most importantly, an informal look.

  1. Jeans.As a base, choose dark blue or black straight lines (not narrowed and without excessive fitting). Jeans should fit perfectly in length so as not to gather at the bottom into ugly folds. Moreover, basic jeans should not be too short. Bare ankles are no longer in fashion..

The collage shows Gucci T-shirt, Brioni polo, Marina Yachting jeans, Hogan sneakers, Hugo Boss jumper, Marina Yachting jacket.

  1. Single color shirt.Best of all blue, blue, gray or black (these colors, as a rule, go to all color types). Plus a white one (for special occasions), plus a gingham shirt. Checkered American lumberjack style shirts are also in fashion now, but they are not included in the basic wardrobe, as they are not combined with everything.

By the way, today many people use denim shirt(from light jeans, without scuffs and holes). True, this option is possible if you are not bound by a strict dress code.

  1. Single color t-shirts.Well fitting on you. Black, white, gray, blue - discreet colors. You can wear them both with a jacket for informal outings, and with a shirt, with a cardigan - in all combinations, the T-shirt will look modern and appropriate if you pick up a thing from quality fabric with a straight cut Not too loose, but not tight either.
  2. Sweater.Perfectly matched in color with most of your shirts, V-neck, no embellishments, and made from a fairly thick fabric (cotton, wool, or cashmere) so that the shirt doesn't show through. Not too tight, but not oversized either.

We emphasize that a large-knit sweater (which has become fashionable this season) can certainly become an adornment of your wardrobe, but it is still not included in the base.

  1. Coat.Also plain, medium length (reaching to the middle of the thigh), straight cut, perfect for you in size. Gray, beige or dark brown, depending on the colors of your wardrobe.
  2. Jacket.Quite warm, comfortable and well-fitting. It is by no means a substitute for a coat (and vice versa). The jacket can be either short or medium length, sporty or more strict - depending on your lifestyle.
  3. Strict leather belt.Without decorations, black or dark brown. As expensive as you can afford. And in no case do not wear an old belt if it shows scuffs and creases. This is a surefire way to completely ruin an otherwise flawless look.
  4. Boots.If you are unsure of your ability to combine colors, choose black, classic ones that will go with most things in your wardrobe.
  5. Sport shoes.Sneakers, preferably black, with a minimum of details that will be successfully combined not only with jeans, but also with trousers.

A few last tips:

  • before going to the store, spend revision of things that you already have in your closet. It is worth throwing away those things that no longer decorate you (t-shirts and sweaters covered with pilling, jeans with indelible stains, pullovers with deformed sleeves, stretched sweaters, things that do not fit, etc.);
  • make up list of those things that you need;
  • don't save on basic wardrobe . These things will serve you faithfully for more than one season, so consider spending as reasonable. investments to the future;
  • in any thing that you buy, you should be comfortable moving and being. Ditch the jacket, no matter how good it looks, if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Choose a different size or style.

The secret to the perfect look: dilute the basic elements 1-2 with bright details. You can get ideas for them among the trends of this season (their overview can be found in the article " "). Such a bright detail may well be a scarf, a wide belt or even beautifully framed glasses.

Today we will talk not so much about how to create a basic wardrobe for a man, but about how to make it universal. How to learn how to shop in such a way that things fit together as best as possible. In other words, our task is to make a multifunctional, interchangeable set of things in the wardrobe.

Building a house starts with the foundation. You also need to build your style based on a certain base - a certain set of those items of clothing that will be easily combined with many others, and give an infinite number of different variations for all occasions.

A minimum of things - a maximum of combinations. Achieving this goal will give you the opportunity to save both time and money.

Since we are talking about money, it is appropriate to recall the expression "we are not rich enough to buy cheap things." In the depths of their hearts, everyone understands that a cheap acquisition is ultimately unprofitable. I mean not only that the race for cheapness forces every year or six months to throw out and buy a new one because clothes or shoes simply deteriorated. I'm also talking about how they just don't look good and are uncomfortable. We are accustomed to exist among the sea of ​​one-time purchases and almost resigned. However, I encourage you to love yourself and follow your natural desires for satisfaction and comfort.

Look at your wardrobe as an investment which will bring us dividends in the future. I mean self-confidence, conformity with our aesthetic ideas and the impact that we can have on others, having a good arsenal in the form of a well-chosen men's wardrobe.

When it comes to investing in clothing, I put quality first. High-quality shoes, a suit, shirts - the reward will be not only the very possession, not only convenience, but the banal benefit from the fact that you will not throw away money due to the long service life of a quality-made product.

What makes a man's basic wardrobe versatile?

A multifunctional wardrobe means as many pieces of clothing as possible that would be combined with the maximum number of other items in the closet.

What does it mean? For example, a blue shirt that goes with four out of six trousers is a versatile shirt. The red one, which can only be matched with one pair of pants, is obviously not. A gray suit that goes well with eight shirts out of ten, as you understand, has a greater efficiency than a burgundy suit that barely harmonizes with two.

Try to have at least 60 percent of your wardrobe interchangeable. A higher percentage of compatibility is, of course, even better. Look at the following math example.

We made three hundred combinations of twenty items. And this despite the fact that they did not take into account accessories: a pocket square, a scarf, a tie and others!

The advantages of a universal basic wardrobe for a man.

Less clothes in the house. Imagine that instead of today's 15 shirts, of which you only wear 4, you will have 8, but you will wear them all. Agree, this is a much more efficient use of money and free space in your closet. Less stuff, less mess, more options!

Less money spent. The key to saving money is to only buy what you will wear. There is nothing more valuable than what you will never use. I'll give you an example. What do you think you paid a higher price for: a polyester jacket for 500 rubles that you feel uncomfortable to wear, or for 5000 rubles, but high-quality and stylish and giving you confidence, when you come to work in which you will be honored compliments from girls? A rhetorical question.

Less wasted time. A sensible approach to creating a men's wardrobe will leave you plenty of time in the morning when you are preparing to leave the house. Instead of wasting precious minutes that could be used for sleep, in a few seconds you find a ready-made kit.

How to create a universal basic men's wardrobe?

First, review. By and large, all that a modern man needs is two pairs of shoes, a few shirts, two or three trousers, 5-6 ties and 1-2 suits (for a formal dress code). For a casual look, you'll need two to three pairs of jeans, a few t-shirts, and athletic-style shoes. This I mean that you will not be lost if you get rid of unnecessary items in your wardrobe. By unnecessary, I mean that which is not your size and cannot be fitted to the figure with the help of a tailor; something that is hopelessly outdated and cannot be used as a vintage element.

Why do I recommend first throwing out the excess, and then start replenishing your wardrobe with more successful purchases - in that order? This is psychology: only by getting rid of the unnecessary in our lives and freeing up space, we have a real desire to bring something new, which gives a tangible result. And this applies not only to clothes.

The second step is the creation of the core of the men's wardrobe

Once you've cleared shelf space, you'll be motivated to buy a new set. What factors should be taken into account? Quality, material, style, size and price. I would not recommend the last one to be decisive. Otherwise, the situation with clutter will repeat again and again.

Classical basic wardrobe for men depends on physique, profession, resources and personal preferences.

However, there is a base that will be appropriate in the wardrobe of almost any man:

dark suit

Gray trousers made of wool (possibly without arrows)

Straight dark Levays

If you want to learn more about the components, read the corresponding article.

Color base

The third step is to expand and complement the base of your style.

Once you make your wardrobe interchangeable, you can switch from the word "must" to the word "want." And buy clothes that would make you stand out from the crowd:

Plaid suit:

With horizontal striped wool tie:

Even more interesting materials in our groups.

Surely, you have noticed how many articles have been written about women's universal wardrobes? And how rare is it to find useful information about men's wardrobes: business or casual, comfortable and beautiful?

List of things for men's wardrobe in summer

In summer, all thoughts are about relaxation, so I propose to talk about a stylish summer men's wardrobe!

So, in order to look your best in the hot season, your man will need


Universal color - beige! But white, grey, light blue, blue, etc. - fit too!

Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the fabric, the material must be natural, cotton, linen with cotton or cotton with silk. This composition guarantees comfort and convenience in any weather.

These trousers go well with T-shirts, T-shirts, shirts and polo shirts. Also, any cardigan, sweater, denim jacket or blazer jacket will suit them.


Necessarily! Only for a basic wardrobe, give preference to models made from thin denim. Feel free to choose ripped jeans or jeans in an unusual color. Summer yet!


It is impossible to imagine a men's summer wardrobe without a few pairs of shorts!

Jeans and simple cotton shorts will definitely come in handy for you! Universal beige, white, blue or red!

You can choose shorts with a funny print. Be careful with the cell, not every cell is useful. Shorts with this pattern often resemble an outdated, but well-known piece of men's wardrobe.


T-shirts will be useful to owners of wide shoulders and a pumped-over press. Everyone else will be fine with t-shirts. Depending on your mood and character, you can choose both plain t-shirts and printed t-shirts.

Crew neck t-shirts suit everyone, V-neck t-shirts suit those with pointed faces.

Length - up to you!

If, while on vacation, you want to look solid, stylish and successful even in " T-shirt and shorts”, then opt for polo shirts.

Please note that these T-shirts always have a collar, they are made of high-quality cotton, quite dense and non-translucent.

Owners of the perfect press, if desired, can wear a polo tucked into trousers or shorts. But the most correct decision would be, of course, to wear this piece of clothing outside.

A long sleeve polo is a great option for a cool summer evening.


Of course, you know that even in summer it is unacceptable to wear a short-sleeved shirt under a jacket. And using it without a jacket in the office is also wrong.

Short-sleeve shirts are designed for leisure, so they are simply indispensable in the summer men's wardrobe. You can wear such shirts as an alternative to T-shirts, T-shirts or polos - with jeans, summer trousers or shorts.

Color - brighter! Print is more fun! By the way, it's time for a cage!

You can use a long-sleeve shirt and roll up the sleeves - it will turn out very stylish and moderately casual!


It will make an excellent company for your T-shirts and shirts.

It can get chilly in the summer, so a cardigan or sweatshirt will come in handy too!


Always in trend!


A jacket that is wearable for leisure or informal gatherings and goes perfectly with trousers, jeans and even shorts, as well as all t-shirts - from casual to polo - and sweaters!


Depending on the situation and weather in the summer wardrobe, men can be: sandals, slippers, sneakers, moccasins.

Let me remind you, just in case, that socks are not worn with sandals; it is also absolutely not necessary to use them with moccasins and loafers. In extreme cases, you can use low, inconspicuous socks.


It's time to get a bright colored belt made of leather, suede or textile.


Hats, panamas, baseball caps will not only protect from the sun, but will also add a stylish finish to your summer look!


For a summer non-working wardrobe, you can choose bags and backpacks not only from leather, but also from textiles.


The main thing is that they fit not only the facial features, but also the character and mood of the summer look "a. Glasses are a stylish accessory! Therefore, choose an interesting frame, colored lenses, fool around, in the end :-)!

It must be admitted that, on the one hand, creating a men's wardrobe is easier than a women's one. However, often men's wardrobes look incredibly boring, faceless, do not reflect their status and personal style and character.

They are greeted by clothes, remember? This is an immutable rule of any effective communication. Both in business and in personal life. Those who look bad and unpresentable are ignored. The ability to dress well and appropriately is not only a sign of good taste and upbringing, but also a valuable resource in all areas of life, guaranteeing self-confidence and comfortable communication.

If you want your man, dad, brother or son to be able to look 100% in any life circumstances, register for my new online lesson "Stylish men's wardrobe".

As usual, I took everything apart! I will guide you through the most understandable path from simple to complex, systematize and put in your head every piece of this puzzle called "stylish men's wardrobe" and I promise, after 2.5 hours, which lasts this lesson full of useful information and professional secrets, you will find yourself in your own wardrobe, auditing and compiling the right shopping list!

No water, just specifics, working tools and clear, understandable instructions that will help you create the perfect wardrobe for a modern and successful man!