What to wear with wide leg trousers. Features of sewing pajama pants. What to wear with chinos

Wide trousers that suit all girls have again come into fashion: both thin and full, both young and respectable young ladies. If you know what to wear with wide leg pants, there will be no problems with drawing up a wardrobe for all occasions. About what bows can be made, and will be discussed in this article.

  1. When creating images, do not forget that wide trousers are already a noticeable accent in a suit. That is why you should not pay much attention to the top - tops, blouses, jackets, jumpers, turtlenecks should be classic, without ruffles, an abundance of patterns and decor.
  2. Platform and wide heels are suitable as shoes for wide trousers. It is not recommended to wear high-heeled shoes, in any case, it is unlikely that anyone will notice them.
  3. As for accessories, you should give preference to graceful feminine models with thin lines and curves. It is necessary to abandon massive jewelry. The best option is a modest pendant on a thin chain, gold hoop earrings, a narrow metal bracelet.

Wide trousers, tops and jackets

Satin, velvet and silk, fitted jackets, simple plain turtlenecks, tops in openwork knitting allow you to create many bows with wide trousers for every day.

  • Loose-colored trousers, a gray top, a jacket two tones lighter than the top, light brown high-heeled shoes, a black leather bag. This bow is well suited for the everyday life of an urban fashionista.
  • Cognac-colored gingham trousers, white top, golden pendant on a red strap, black jacket, copper-colored bag.
  • Black trousers, gray noodle sweater, black coat, black bag and shoes. The image is suitable for everyday gray everyday life and cold rainy weather. If you want to make the image more positive, put on a bright coat of blue, red, orange or any other color, or put on a stole.
  • Graphite pants, a cream blouse with a bow-tie collar, a beige jacket, a dark brown crocodile bag, and brown shoes. A perfect image for brunettes, and all fans of business style.
  • Wide leg white trousers, white pumps, a gray print or silhouette top, a white jacket with cropped sleeves. Such a tandem looks very interesting, and businesslike, and slightly relaxed due to the top with a print.

When choosing the upper details of the suit, you need to pay attention to the fabrics, their texture and thickness. Do not forget that you should not make the image excessively voluminous, otherwise it will break the harmony. Pay attention to the following bows:

  • Purple trousers, black top with white polka dots, black leather jacket. It remains to decide on the shoes, handbag and pendant and the image is finished!
  • White wide trousers with a small black pattern, a gray knitted top, a black summer coat or jumper. A capacious black leather bag and a silver chain with a pendant will complement the outfit.
  • Light blue trousers, a light-colored tank top, a velvety navy blue jumper or vest. This outfit will look original in combination with a bag with a leopard print.

Wide trousers and accessories

The choice of accessories plays a decisive role. You can either save the bow, or completely "drown" it.

As for bags and wide trousers, preference should be given to small handbags and small bags. Don't break this rule, as big bags paired with wide leg pants look rough, and in some cases, downright ridiculous.

A wide red belt will make the waist expressive. In some cases, you can use a chiffon scarf. Earrings with stones, a necklace or a necklace will allow you to create an evening look and add elegance. If you wear a blouse with short sleeves, gloves may become relevant for the evening.

High heels and high-heeled shoes, as we noted earlier, will fit into an image filled with romance with wide trousers. The bottom of the trousers will cover the shoes well enough, so they will be only slightly noticeable to others, as required by the style you choose. Make sure that the trousers do not drag, otherwise fold them, if appropriate. Here are some interesting bows we can recommend:

  • Pastel-colored trousers, cream-colored pumps with a wide stable heel in large black polka dots, a loose-fitting lemon-colored sweater. From accessories: a brown felt hat, a sulfur pendant on a golden chain, a golden bracelet, a tiny bag in the color of trousers, sunglasses.
  • Black pants with Chinese-style gold patterns, brown or blood red flat sandals, animal print (such as leopard) t-shirt, leopard cap or headscarf, gold accessories, light brown suede bag, sunglasses.
  • White cinnamon-colored platform sandals, milk caramel-colored trousers, a light translucent cognac-colored blouse with large white polka dots with a bow collar, a gold watch and a brooch, earrings with red stones, a small white leather suitcase with a red element, sunglasses.
  • Black leather wedge sandals, black colored trousers, faded brown top, black leather jacket with chiffon scarf, brown suede or leather bag, brown hat, gold earrings.

Suits with wide trousers

There is no more perfect outfit suitable for a business lady like a suit. It is worth choosing a suitable jacket for wide trousers, and you can safely send it to a business meeting, because success is guaranteed! When creating a set, make sure that the fabric is not rough and sits well on you.

  • White trousers with black and gold vertical stripes, masculine cut jacket in the same color. Under the jacket, you can wear a classic white shirt, a pale pink tie. White pumps and chain earrings complete the look.
  • Sand trousers, sand-colored elongated blouse.
  • Gray pants with a slightly high waist, violet-colored blouse, jacket with short sleeves, shoes or sandals with heels.

Create a romantic and feminine look with wide leg pants. Add details, draw attention with bright ornaments and patterns. It is in your power to be charming and irresistible!

Pants in the modern world have firmly occupied one of the first places in a woman's wardrobe, because they are versatile, very comfortable and stylish clothing, with which you can create new original images every day. In this fashion review, you will learn what to wear with trousers: classic, wide and flared.

How to wear classic black trousers

Classic black pants can be found in every woman's wardrobe, and it's no wonder they are one of the most versatile pieces of clothing that suits everyone without exception. In addition, black trousers have a magical property to make a woman visually slimmer and more elegant.

For formal business attire, classic black trousers made of suit, woolen or cotton fabrics can be worn with both black and white fitted shirts, as well as plain shirts in delicate pastel shades. The office version of black trousers can also be complemented by a medium-length jacket, an elegant knitted cardigan or coat. From shoes, it is best to prefer black leather shoes or boots with a slightly pointed toe on an elegant medium-length heel without any decorative ornaments and leather inserts of a different color. It is desirable that the shoes are combined with a leather bag, which should be of the correct shape with medium-length handles.

Classic trousers made of satin and lace fabrics are ideal for formal evening events and will successfully replace a beautiful skirt or dress. With such trousers, it is best to wear transparent black chiffon blouses, elegant silk blouses in bright juicy shades, open tops of an unusual cut with spectacular prints or appliqués, as well as seductive corsets. A tandem of satin classic trousers with a satin fitted jacket or jacket will allow you to create a discreet elegant look, to give it a piquant zest, you can only wear a designer bra decorated with rhinestones, sequins or stones under the jacket. The finishing touch to the evening look based on satin dress pants is elegant high-heeled shoes and a small clutch bag.

What to wear with wide leg pants

Wide trousers are suitable for women of any physique, the main thing is to choose the right other items of clothing, shoes and accessories for them.

With wide trousers, only shoes with heels with a slightly rounded toe should be worn. In this case, the heel should be of such a height that the heel of the shoes is completely covered with fabric, and the length of the trousers reaches half the height of the heel, but in no case touches the floor. As a result, only the toes of the shoes and the lower part of the heel should look out from under the trousers. Such a tandem will make the legs visually more slender and long.

In wide trousers with a classic waist level, you should emphasize it with a thin belt, however, it is best to choose wide trousers with a high waist, as this visually makes the legs incredibly long and the overall silhouette more elegant. The high waistline in wide trousers should also be emphasized with thin leather belts or belts in the form of a chain with small links.

To balance the width of your pants, opt for a thin, form-fitting top and tuck it into your pants. An elastic T-shirt, a turtleneck, a thin cashmere sweater with a neckline, or a narrow fitted shirt are suitable as tops. From above, you can wear a short fitted jacket or leather jacket, which should be just below the waistband of the trousers in length.

With the help of bags of various shapes, you can create complete images. For example, by combining a large volume bag made of soft leather with wide trousers, you can create a relaxed look for walking and relaxing, and with the help of a strict dense leather bag of the correct shape, you can create an image of a modern business woman.

What to wear with flared trousers

In the past few years, flared trousers have lost their former popularity, giving way to skinny trousers, but in vain! With the help of these trousers, you can very successfully adjust the figure with wide hips and narrow shoulders, because flared trousers even out the proportions of the body and make the figure incredibly attractive. True, too thin women and those who do not have a clearly defined waist are contraindicated in wearing such flared trousers.

Flared trousers are best paired with high-heeled leather shoes with a slightly pointed toe. To create a more casual style, you can also wear shoes with a small platform or rough boots in men's style with wide flat heels.

To balance the width of flared trousers, you need to wear fitted shirts and blouses with clearly defined shoulders, a wide voluminous sleeve that is held on a narrow cuff, or a lantern sleeve with a thin elastic band. Blouses and shirts are best tucked inside flared trousers, but can also be left loose if their length reaches the upper thigh line, but in no case below. Another option that is ideal for flared trousers are corsets or strapless off-the-shoulder skinny tops.

A bag for flared trousers should be selected depending on the material from which they are made and the overall image.

Suede flared trousers are a great base piece for an alluring cowboy look. To do this, they should be supplemented with cowboy-style boots, a wide belt with many studs, a wide silk or cotton blouse, a fitted suede vest or jacket with metal or wooden buttons, and, of course, a hat of the appropriate shape. If at the same time the trousers and vest are decorated with fringe, then the image will become even more colorful and brighter.

Having picked up several options for perfectly matching trousers, you can create a modern, comfortable and incredibly stylish wardrobe based on them.

Wide trousers have one interesting feature: they are suitable for absolutely everyone, helping to correct the figure and hide the existing shortcomings of the lower body. Such a model of pants appeared back in the 30s thanks to the film stars of those years. And it is worth saying that loose trousers did not immediately find their admirers among ordinary women, who considered them the prerogative of the male wardrobe.

Over time, when their style underwent minor adjustments and went through some changes, these pants began to gain their popularity. And now the moment has come when the wide model slowly began to displace tight, narrowed down and tight-fitting silhouettes, opening up for women a feeling of complete freedom and looseness. So the fashion season of 2017 will not do without these trousers, which, by the way, you still need to be able to wear correctly.

Varieties of models

The versatility and practicality of wide trousers is that thanks to the material from which they are sewn, such a thing becomes suitable at any time of the year:

  • chiffon and linen will look great in summer;
  • silk and light cotton can be used in late spring and early autumn;
  • denim and suit fabrics are made for cooler weather;
  • fine wool and tweed are the best options in winter.

This wardrobe item, in addition to its usual and classic style, is also presented in several other models, thereby allowing you to create many interesting and unhackneyed looks:

  1. High-waisted trousers with a design inspired by the style of the 80s.
  2. A product with very wide pants that visually imitate a skirt.
  3. Model with a low waistline, the belt of which lies directly on the hips.
  4. Flared style in youth style.
  5. Loose trousers, the legs of which tightly wrap around the ankle at the bottom, thus creating oriental motifs.
  6. Cropped wide gaucho pants with and without pronounced creases.

And that is not all. Such a wardrobe item can have quite deep inside pockets, which gives it the necessary functionality.

Also on top of the trousers can be equipped with an elastic band, a zipper or a belt. Some models are decorated with special vertical pleats just below the waist, creating a feeling of airiness and lightness. So any fashionista will be able to choose exactly the style of women's loose pants, which will decorate her and bring a peculiar zest to the image.

Now you can proceed to the next step, which will help you figure out what you can wear wide trousers with, and what will make them frankly bad company.

Classic and business options

With these pants, you can easily and simply create a stylish office outfit. To do this, the emphasis should be on the classic top: a strict white blouse, a men's cut shirt with large cuffs and a thin triangular neckline, a straight or fitted jacket, a cropped jacket, a plain turtleneck without unnecessary details. All of these things (besides the jacket and blazer) go well with wide leg trousers, but only if they are all tucked into them. This is a rule that must be strictly followed if a girl wants to be known as the owner of good taste.

The following options can be illustrative examples of the created full-fledged images:

  • A blouse with flowing sleeves in a baked milk color, gray high-waisted wide trousers made of dense material, dark shoes with a pointed toe and medium heels. To enhance the business look, a vest with a V-neck to match the pants will help.

A summer office option will be light green linen loose trousers sitting on the hips, a plain sleeveless top and a sand-colored linen double-breasted jacket.

You can wear light-colored pumps without a heel on your feet.

  • An extravagant business option for late fall is an outfit consisting of black extra wide trousers, a red cotton shirt and a black lined satin fitted blazer. A thin dark tie and maroon patent leather shoes can complement the outfit.
  • Light gray wide-leg cropped trousers, a lemon-colored chiffon blouse with a square collar, and a thin yellow crew-neck sweater on top. As shoes, you can choose black open sandals with a stable heel or light fabric platform shoes.

Choosing one of the proposed options, it will be possible not only to create the image of a business and successful woman, but at the same time to do it with taste.

Unusual combinations

Loose trousers made of light and flowing fabrics are the best option for an immediate and original outfit.

Shoes and cropped loose pants

Wearing wide cropped trousers, many girls are faced with the problem of choosing suitable shoes for them. In this case, stylists recommend paying attention to sandals and shoes with a strap, which are tied around the lower leg, resembling the Roman version.

Also with these pants, you can try to combine suede ballet flats with a pointed toe, which open the leg as much as possible. Not bad in such a duet look sandals with a triangular heel, consisting of two thin leather strips.

The following shoes are completely incompatible with cropped wide trousers:

  • wooden clogs;
  • high rough boots;
  • sneakers and sneakers;
  • oxford shoes;
  • half boots.

Such shoes will look inharmonious with such pants, completely interrupting the silhouette and violating its proportions.

As for the rest of the models of this wardrobe item, they get along well with almost any shoe. The exception is too narrow and elongated models of shoes or boots, which under such pants will simply be lost. Stylists recommend choosing this option for those women who naturally have a large large foot.

When loose denim trousers act as such a wardrobe detail, you can afford to wear sneakers and non-rough sneakers, and you can even use thick-soled slippers under a linen model.

Outerwear and wide trousers

If we are talking about loose pants made of warm dense materials, then you can easily add outerwear to them, creating a finished laconic look. These most appropriate things from the upper wardrobe include.

At the peak of popularity this year were wide trousers: palazzo and culottes, which simply captivated women's hearts. As before, trousers of a classic or narrowed cut are relevant, but in order to feel stylish and at the same time comfortable, it is still worth trying to wear wide ones.

What to wear with wide leg pants

When purchasing this or that thing, a woman mentally imagines what it can be combined with. And if there are no special dilemmas with standard jeans, then unusual culottes make many think. Sometimes an indecisive fashionista even refuses a new thing, not knowing what things she can wear with. Meanwhile, there are a lot of layout options for wide trousers with other elements of the wardrobe. Don't believe? See for yourself!

With crop tops

Perhaps the most fashionable summer look is palazzo trousers and a crop top. In this outfit, a thin girl looks very impressive. A petite top helps to balance the set, the lower part of which is quite voluminous. In addition, against the background of wide trousers, the girl's waist looks especially slender and beautiful. True, only girls with a perfect tummy can afford such a bow. Suitable shoes are wedge sandals or heels.

Another must-have of the season is a vest that pairs flawlessly with wide-leg trousers. Depending on the selected shoes and accessories, you can get a stylish set for a simple walk around the city, as well as for visiting modern exhibitions and other cultural events.

Sport style

Designers have long proven that sportswear can look elegant and beautiful. Therefore, you can combine the most daring decisions and dilute them with bright accents. In order to make a sporty look especially spectacular, you can abandon dark colors and give preference to the most incredible tones.

Wide trousers and loose T-shirts or T-shirts are a great sports option, absolutely any shoes fit here. You can complete this look with blazers or leather jackets.

Blouses and shirts

Laconic culottes in combination with a classic-cut shirt or blouse can be an excellent set for work in the office. Culottes in this case will replace the boring skirt, and the upper part of the ensemble will add rigor. Mandatory addition - pumps with high heels.

Another option is a spacious blouse with a neckline or bare shoulders in a duet with wide trousers made of light flowing fabric. This outfit will fit perfectly into the wardrobe, designed for a trip to rest. Shoes can be as comfortable as possible - platform slip-ons or low-speed sandals.

With jumpers and turtlenecks

Turtlenecks, like shirts, can blend harmoniously into a business dress code. But jumpers are suitable for a more relaxed style. A cozy jumper and wide leg pants are the perfect solution for cool spring and autumn weather.

Victorian style

Things in this style are a combination of eras, just such a duet looks unique, bright. Images balance on the verge of modernity and the ancient era. An interesting lace blouse should be combined with something incredibly fashionable and stylish. This can include not only wide trousers, but also cropped jeans, vinyl mini-skirts. For cold spring weather, you can add a stylish leather jacket and boots with heels, which are now also in great honor, to this look.

Volumetric top

This year, in addition to palazzo trousers and culottes, T-shirts, blouses and shirts with wide shoulders are also popular. These things belong to the oversized style ( oversize- very large), they look good with tight skirts, cropped trousers and jeans. By all stylistic rules, if there is a voluminous thing in the image, for example, an oversized sweater, then the balance is maintained thanks to a miniature thing, say with the help of skinny jeans. But stylists still recommend trying to combine wide trousers with a voluminous top. It is better to choose shoes with heels, but brave fashionistas can also try on bright sneakers.


Military style has been in fashion for a long time, the greatest bursts of its activity appear in the off-season or in the warm season. So, wide trousers with military echoes look great with any outfit, be it a simple T-shirt, a stylish shirt or a sweater. Safari-style clothing will be a great addition to such an outfit. It is better to choose shoes that are not too flashy, for example, beige high-heeled shoes.

Wide trousers are a fashion trend that periodically comes back into fashion, you should not ignore it, these things look incredibly beautiful in spring and summer. Pampering yourself with such a new thing is another reason to find another favorite model of trousers. In addition, designers offer a huge range, which allows you to make the right choice.

Jay Lo is an admirer of wide trousers

Wide trousers belong to the category of universal items of women's wardrobe. The thing is that they allow you to perfectly mask such figure flaws as narrow hips and a wide waist, as well as overly full calves, which cause a lot of problems for many of the fairer sex when choosing clothes. In addition, wide-leg pants allow you to move freely, allowing you to achieve amazing smoothness in your gait. In a word, this piece of clothing is a real find for many women. True, provided that other details of the wardrobe will ideally match wide trousers.

The rule "narrow top - wide bottom" works 100% in this regard.. In order to look really stylish and attractive in such trousers, you will have to once and for all abandon baggy sweaters, loose ones, blouses, T-shirts and shirts. Outerwear in this case should be fitted and, moreover, as short as possible. For example, wide trousers will look very elegant with a top or golf, or tucked in. The combination of wide trousers and a cropped fitted jacket looks no less attractive. As for shirts, in some cases it is permissible to wear them loose, but they must fit the figure perfectly and reach no lower than mid-thigh. This option is suitable for those women who cannot boast of a wasp waist and seek to hide this feature of the figure. For those who do not experience complexes about their own physique, you can safely wear wide trousers with a shirt and a stylish short vest, or complement your wardrobe with an elegant one that will give the image a special sexuality and romance.

The choice of outerwear should be approached, guided by the same principles.. It's no secret that wide trousers can be worn with both a jacket and a fur coat. However, all things should be as narrow and short as possible. Fashionable fitted down jackets are good in this regard, but “inflated” jackets with elastic at the waist should be chosen only by those women who are quite tall. Such a duet can even turn a miniature person into Thumbelina, moreover, quite clumsy. Look good with wide trousers cropped and short coats. And, of course, in winter you should not deny yourself the pleasure of dressing up in an elegant fitted with a belt.

Choice of shoes for wide trousers- a "sore" question for many representatives of the weaker sex. The thing is that narrow model shoes or boots in this case are immediately “lost”. They can only be worn by those women who by nature have wide and inelegant feet. For all other ladies, it is better to look for fairly massive shoes in your wardrobe. At the same time, tall women should not abuse heels and platforms, it will be enough to confine themselves to flat shoes. Those who want to look taller and slimmer can add wide trousers.