How to behave on a first date: advice from psychologists on how to make a positive impression on a partner. How to behave on the first date to guarantee the second

According to statistics, the first dates become the last in more than half of the cases. The reason for this is that men and women go to a meeting with different expectations - that's why nothing fits together.

Date or not?

First, let's define the terminology. The first date is not a meeting of two people who have known each other for 10 years and decide that they are in love with each other. This happens: for example, a man and a woman work in the same office, work for a long time ... and suddenly a man, hiding a bouquet of forget-me-nots behind his back, casually says: “Lyudmila Petrovna, are you by any chance busy today after six?” No, the first date is a live meeting after meeting on the Internet, by phone, by correspondence, by looking at each other (on Skype) and the like. Nowadays, given the wild popularity of dating sites, first dates can take place 3-4 times a week. And for some desperate - every day. So, expectations. It’s good if both have decided that their first meeting is just an acquaintance and non-binding communication. This is a walk down the street or a trip to a cafe, nothing more. However, even in this case, a woman, as a rule, expects much more from such a meeting than a man. This is her first misconception. The word "date" seems to imply a love acquaintance, even if it is not pronounced aloud. A man, if he has not announced that he is inviting you on a date, is free to do whatever he wants, simply wanting to see a woman live and understand if he likes her, if she is sexually attractive, if she has a pleasant voice and manners. A woman most often expects courtship from the first meeting.

"Do not offer intimacy" and other misconceptions

The consequence of the first delusion is the belief that the man is calling her to a meeting, having serious intentions. Therefore, she hangs a sign “Do not offer intimacy” on her chest, despite the fact that she has already told about it twice on a dating site and wrote a letter three times. In 80 percent of cases, such a woman on a date finds out that the man, in fact, just wants to sleep with her, makes sure that he doesn’t care who he sleeps with, and sends his new acquaintance to hell. The second stereotype, or rather, the childish naivete of many women, is that a man must be honest from the very first seconds of Internet correspondence. This delusion has an antipode - absolutely honest men do not exist in nature! And all deceive for selfish purposes. Oddly enough, naive and incredulous ladies are about equally divided. The former fall for married men and then get lost in a love triangle, while the latter bring the percentage of unsuccessful first dates to 99. Well, or they find such a dodger who will deceive in a new way unknown to women's science. These are general trends. All other delusions are already of a personal nature, associated with the peculiarities of a girl's fantasy. Someone dreams of a simple Soviet worker in an oil apron, and a fashionable dandy in a hat and with a rose in his buttonhole comes to the meeting. Someone is waiting for a rich diplomat on the "behe", and an unshaven hipster arrives on a trolleybus.

How to behave on a first date?

But let's say that a woman liked a man in absentia, whoever he was. How should she behave with him on a first date, so as not to frighten him away? To do this, you just need to take the position of a man. And it turns out that everything is not so difficult.

1. Dress decently

This does not mean hanging around the wardrobe for 3 hours, trying on 33 dresses and, as a result, choosing jeans and a sweater. It means dressing differently than a woman dresses 7 days a week. In an effort to "be herself" or, conversely, to show off excesses, the lady will not succeed. If she fundamentally walks in torn sneakers or hides her hair under a hat even in summer, then at least for one evening you can move away from the stereotype, and tell the man about her “hops” later, when he falls in love. “Let him accept the way I am” is a true statement, but it is not necessary to abuse it.

This exciting and pleasant event - the first date - often becomes a cause of serious concern for a girl. What to wear, what to talk about, how to behave? And these are just a few of the long list of experiences. To avoid unnecessary worries, let's deal with one of the most important questions - how to behave on a first date.

What depends on the guy

In many ways, the behavior of a girl on a first date depends on who exactly she has to spend it with. Of course, there are recommendations that are relevant for any case, but the nuances depend on the situation. Here are a few possible options for the mentioned situations that are important for building a girl's line of behavior:

  • The guy with whom you have to go on a date is well known. Perhaps before you were connected by friendly relations or a simple acquaintance. In this case, he has a well-established opinion about the girl, you can find a lot of topics for conversation, in the company of such a guy, the girl feels freer.
  • Between a guy and a girl, communication continues for some time at a distance, for example, on the Internet. They know quite a lot about each other, but have never met in person. In this case, they have an idea about each other's views on life, about interests and dreams, even about appearance. But neither one nor the other could yet make a complete picture of his interlocutor.
  • The boy and girl don't know each other at all. For example, a date was organized by other people or it happened spontaneously. In this case, almost everything will depend on the first impression.
  • The date takes place at the initiative of the guy, the girl agreed to this after lengthy persuasion. At the same time, of course, both are at least familiar with each other, but there has never been a personal, especially romantic, communication between them.
  • The opposite situation - a date was achieved / provoked by a girl. The guy did not show any interest, or hid it, while the girl felt strong sympathy for him and in the end created the conditions under which a real romantic date took place.

Of course, in each individual case, the behavior of a girl can have significant differences. For example, in the last case, when the guy did not plan any dates and actually turned out to be the led party in this case, the girl must prepare very well in order to make the best impression. As soon as she took the initiative in organizing a date, she should think over not only her own image, but also the surroundings of the event and topics for conversation. However, such situations do not occur very often.

If a girl has to go on a date with a person who is only partially familiar to her, remotely, then a slightly different approach is required. We are talking about a personal acquaintance with a guy from the virtual space. Here it is important to pay maximum attention to two things - appearance (toilet, makeup, hair, etc.) and manners.

To make it easier to cope with this task and not go too far, you need to try to imagine yourself through his eyes. Remember what and how you talked, what phrases you used, what you said about yourself. After that, try to imagine what image in his mind has developed about you. This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, because your own subjective opinion about yourself will always interfere here, but you need to try to achieve the best effect. Presenting yourself through his eyes, as objectively as possible, try to bring your image into line with his ideas. Behave the way he expects you to.

If you and a young man do not know each other at all, then there are pluses and minuses. A plus can be considered the opportunity to present yourself as anyone, choose the most unexpected line of behavior, surprise, fall in love with a guy, in the most extreme case, be remembered for a long time. The disadvantages include the lack of information about the young man, the likelihood of awkward silence, stiffness, embarrassment. But it must be borne in mind that he is in the same conditions and is probably also worried or embarrassed.

When a girl and a guy have known each other for a long time, albeit not very closely, everything usually turns out much easier. First of all, because in such cases the first date is appointed consciously, thought out in advance, and occurs because of mutual sympathy. A girl at such an event feels more free, although even here you can get into an awkward situation if you do not take into account a few rules that are relevant for any first date. These rules will be discussed a little later.

But even if the date takes place at the initiative of the guy, if the girl agreed to it far from immediately, and she doesn’t have a special desire to go to this meeting, this does not mean at all that you can behave as you like. It must be understood that the girl's manners have consequences only for herself. And, quite logically, good manners have good consequences, while bad manners do the opposite. Therefore, it is necessary to show as much tact as possible so as not to put the young man in an awkward situation.

General rules for first dates

There are several rules, following which you can adequately behave on a first date with any guy, both well known and met for the first time. To better remember them, try to try each of them on yourself in advance. So:

  • Be natural. If you are embarrassed - be embarrassed, if you find it funny - laugh, if you do not know something - say so. This will help you avoid stupid situations. For example, you can tell the guy directly with a slight smile: “Forgive me for my awkwardness, I’m just really embarrassed a little - after all, this is a real first date.” And it will immediately become easier, because there will be no need to pretend, the guy will immediately feel the need to protect you. If you do not understand the topic that he raised, say sincerely: "I do not understand this at all, to be honest, tell me please."
  • Have a sense of tact. This is a very valuable quality, indicating a good upbringing. If the guy is in an awkward situation, pretend not to notice it (as far as possible), try to move the conversation to another topic or distract him when you feel that he is uncomfortable. Do not ask him for something that may be beyond his strength or beyond his means.
  • Don't be vulgar. In trying to be natural, it is necessary to respect the boundaries of reason. Laughing does not mean laughing out loud, being relaxed does not mean being cheeky. The same applies to appearance. Of course, when going on a date, the girl tries to improve her appearance, but this must be done in such a way that the degree of effort is not evident.
  • Show generosity. If the guy is worried, support him, smile, say something nice. When he jokes, even if not very well, smile at his joke, show interest in his story, let him court you. Understand that he is trying and, most likely, is also very worried.

When the date comes to an end, thank him for a pleasant time, wish him good night, offer to call / meet tomorrow or in the near future. In other words, this should be the end of today. It is better to refuse jokes from the series “maybe you will look for a cup of tea”, “to you or to me”, “what kind of coffee do you prefer for breakfast”. Of course, it depends on the purpose of your date. If you want a serious relationship with this young man, then it is better to avoid such conversations.

It is necessary to form a complete feeling that your first date was intended to get to know the guy as a person, a possible loved one, a soulmate. He must understand that you are primarily interested in his human qualities, that you are serious about choosing your chosen one, that he has yet to earn close relationships and trust.

This does not mean that he should be offended or humiliated by his arrogance. If you did everything right this evening, he himself will not allow himself ambiguous jokes or hints. If he nevertheless admits this, it is not necessary to exclaim indignantly, with a feeling of “insulted dignity”, something like “What do you allow yourself to do ?!” or “Who do you take me for?!” It’s better to say with a calm smile: “Please don’t spoil such a wonderful evening, I feel so good now in my soul, let it be so.”

It is quite appropriate after the first date to exchange messages, for example, with the same good night wish. It’s better not to bother the guy with frequent reminders of yourself, don’t bombard him with messages, don’t call every now and then after the first date. But when he calls or texts, let him know that you are happy about it. As a rule, after a successful first date, the second and the third very soon come.

If something went wrong

Unfortunately, not all dates go according to a predetermined plan. Not all of them are successful, not everyone wants to remember later. In order not to be in a difficult and unpleasant situation, the girl also needs to prepare. This is especially true in those cases when there is a date with an unfamiliar guy. Although the tips below are quite applicable to many life situations. Here are a few rules to keep in mind when going on a first date:

  • Count only on yourself. Wherever and with whomever you go, always foresee such a scenario in which your companion will leave you alone. Perhaps you yourself want to leave the date, and no complications should arise here.
  • Don't make yourself completely dependent. From any situation, you must have a way out at the second when you wish. Accordingly, do not go on a first date to places where you cannot get out on your own (outside the city, to unfamiliar places with limited access).
  • Do not tolerate if the situation takes an undesirable turn for you. If the guy did not live up to expectations, turned out to be rude, etc., say that you want to go home, your mood has deteriorated, you do not intend to continue a date that does not bring you pleasure.

Even if you're going on a date with someone you know, it's best to keep the above rules in mind. In addition, you should always inform one of your friends or relatives about where and with whom you are going. And this is far from an empty precaution. You may never find yourself in an unpleasant situation, but it is better to be prepared for it and not get into it than to be in a stalemate. Remember, sympathy may arise spontaneously, but trust is the result of consistent actions.

Surely every girl at least once in her life experienced fear of an important event. Dating a man is one of those. Before the long-awaited meeting, beautiful ladies preen in every possible way, pick up an outfit, and conduct alleged dialogues in their heads. This inadvertently raises the question of how to behave on a first date. What to talk about, whether to lay out your "insiders" and so on. Let's go through the main details one by one.

Preparing for a first date with a man

  1. The first step is to take care of what to wear. But do not expect that the success of a date will depend only on the chosen wardrobe. A man will meet you at the dress, and spends on the mind.
  2. Do not rush to the first beauty salon to have the experts dye your hair red and grow long nails. If a potential young man liked your look on the day of dating, save it.
  3. Be yourself, highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. If you want to preen, do a French manicure, renew the paint on your hair, exfoliate to cleanse and smooth the skin.
  4. Be sure to select the appropriate wardrobe. A man will not like it if you look too vulgar and easily accessible. He will not think about the fact that this girl can be married, but about the sex scenes and the lack of prospects for the future.
  5. Choose a dress that is just above the knee length with a moderately revealing neckline. Or you can opt for trousers, accompanied by heels and a romantic shirt.
  6. Do not try on someone else's role. If you are not used to walking in high heels, your face will soon take on a pained expression. Wear comfortable flat sandals to be prepared for any change in plan.
  7. Psychologists agreed that the first date with the same person cannot be replayed. You may not agree with this, but try to do everything right from the beginning.
  8. Between adults, a spark often runs at the first solitude. Be ready for anything. Epilate the legs and bikini area, moisturize the body with lotion, get beautiful underwear, stockings and garters.

Where to go on a first date with a man

  1. Often, when a man invites a woman on a date, he himself chooses the venue for the event (or several places). But if you agree that the choice is yours, follow some simple tips.
  2. If a man invited you to sit in a cafe on a sunny day, you can protest by providing an option in return. For example, say you want to have a picnic or go boating.
  3. A great pastime can be cycling, roller skating, motorcycle, convertible, quad bikes and even hoverboards.
  4. In cases where a guy with brightly burning eyes invites you to dinner at an institution that you do not like, do not rush to refuse him. Compromise, choose a cozy table and create a romantic atmosphere.
  5. You can also have a good time on a date outside the city. Rent a gazebo in a special complex, swim on catamarans, fry kebabs, and in the evening, upon arrival, preen at home and go on a date again, but already to the movies.

What to talk about on a first date with a man

  1. During the conversation, look into the eyes of the young man, do not look away and do not run your eyes left and right. If a man is looking at you with obvious interest, this is an extremely good sign.
  2. Even if you like to chat non-stop, don't do it. Such behavior looks ridiculous. In addition, in confusion, you can say stupid things that you wish to later on.
  3. Girls are fond of soap operas and various tearful series, so they are happy to discuss them. Refuse such a topic for conversation so that the man does not take you for a fool. It is better to discuss interesting films with meaning.
  4. Never interrupt the gentleman, let him finish his speech. Learn to keep up a conversation on any topic, even if the conversation turned to politics, oil rigs or traditional medicine. Be an interesting opponent.
  5. Do not try to tell everything about yourself at once, let such little things be revealed gradually in the process of further communication. If a man finds out all your "underground", he will simply be uninterested.
  6. Ask about the successes and achievements of a man, but do not flatter him openly. Give a few veiled compliments about professional and personal qualities to make him feel like a male.
  7. Real men are interested in independent and, no less important, self-sufficient women. Be like that. It is not necessary to say that you are sitting on the neck of your parents and are having difficulty making ends meet.
  8. In no case do not whine, do not complain about life. Pessimistic women have almost no chance of winning a man on a date. He will run away from you at the first opportunity.
  9. Keep a positive vibe and try your best to make the date go smoothly. Do not arrange an interrogation, take an interest in his life in a veiled way. No need to touch on the subject of ex-girlfriends or the state of a bank account.
  10. Conquer the gentleman with your sincerity and lightness. You must be interesting to a man. Be dignified and a little mysterious, do not reveal all the cards, even if the man insists. But building a touchy is also wrong, everything should be in moderation.


  1. Remember, when going on a first date, you need to discard all negative thoughts and pressing problems.
  2. On such an important day, you need to be yourself, you should not bring negativity and workload to the meeting. Get the maximum pleasure from a date, know the joy of a meeting.
  3. Have a good time, enjoy the conversation. So a man will see lightness and cheerfulness in you. The consequences of such behavior will be the inevitable second date. The main thing is not to play, but to really be sincere.

Manners and courtesy

  1. The fair sex tends to be late for dates. In this case, you should understand that you should not linger for more than a quarter of an hour. If you are really late for a meeting for any reason, be sure to warn the chosen one.
  2. Just make a call or write a message. In this way, you will show the man that you care about him and you are worried. The gentleman, in turn, will treat you more respectfully. Upon arrival at the meeting, it is recommended to turn off the phone so that the gadget does not interrupt your date.
  3. If you have turned off the sound, do not rush to the phone to see who is texting or calling you. Notice if the man did the same. If his phone is ruining the date, consider whether it's worth continuing. A well-bred gentleman would never allow such a thing.
  4. You can do it in a different way, immediately agree and put the phones aside. Answer calls only as needed. Always thank the man for the attention and courtesy shown to you. If the gentleman took off your coat or opened the door, ordered coffee, thank him.
  5. In this case, the man will understand that it is not in vain that he shows his upbringing and respect for the woman. As a result, signs of attention will become more frequent. In particular, you need to learn how to properly respond to the compliments of the boyfriend. You can say something nice in return.

Talk about exes

  1. It should be noted right away that such topics are unacceptable not only on the first date, but also in the future. In the first meeting, you should already have a lot of topics for getting to know each other. If a man asks a question about a past personal life, answer simply and briefly. Do not pile on him about unhappy relationships and love.
  2. Try to move the conversation to a new topic, do not ask counter questions. If the man insists on talking, say that this is personal information that should not concern him in any way. Otherwise, end the date without any follow up. You have a new life.
  3. Do not make yourself a victim and do not say that all your ex-men are bad. Such information should not come from your mouth at all. Also pay attention to the conversations of the gentleman. He shouldn't talk about himself like that. A self-respecting man will not ask you such a question and will not tell you about himself.


  1. On the first date, there should be no hint that you are sexually available. A man will take advantage of you, there will definitely not be a second date. Don't act like a courtesan, have dignity. There are enough girls of easy virtue. If a man came on a date, then he is looking for a serious relationship.
  2. Do not be of the opinion that if a man took you to an expensive restaurant and the evening was just great, you owe him something. Explain that this was not asked, and it was more important for you to know him as a person. If a guy spent a lot of money to impress you, he can afford it.
  3. Respect yourself and the choice of a man, be a worthy woman whom he called on a date. You have no price, you are not a product. If you gave up intimate relationships on the first evening, and the man did not call you on the next date, rejoice. You definitely do not need such a gentleman. It is important to understand that normal relations cannot be built with such boyfriends.
  4. Educated men give preference to women with dignity and honor. First of all, learn to respect yourself. Thus, you will check the man for endurance, whether he really wants a serious relationship with you.

Restaurant payment

  1. When a man and a woman go to a restaurant, the person who invited them to the restaurant pays the check. However, if you offer to divide the amount by two, the man will take such a statement responsibly.
  2. In the first case, he will consider you a serious lady who does not want to be a freeloader. In the second, he will become indignant, because it doesn’t fit in his head how a woman will pay on a date that he arranged.
  3. If the gentleman is a gentleman, he will brush off your offer, and he will do the right thing. A real man won't let a lady pay for herself. Moreover, such a proposal would offend him.

Get ready for your first date. Visit the hairdresser in advance and renew the hair color, do a neat manicure, put your body in order. Choose a place to spend time together or let a man do it. Learn the recommendations of what not to talk about on a date. Be yourself!

Video: first date - how to behave and what to talk about?

Be ready to make decisions. If the person you're going on a date asks you about where you want to spend time, don't be afraid to speak up. Most likely, in this way he shows attention to you, offering to make his choice. Show that you can make decisions.

Choose an activity during which you can interact with the person. For example, watching a movie together is not a good idea because you won't get to know the person better. Have a cup of coffee together or visit a museum. Set aside time for communication.

Be punctual. Being late says that you do not value the time and the person who was made to wait. Therefore, come to a date on time or a little earlier than the appointed time.

Don't be indifferent. If you show indifference or indifference, you are unlikely to develop a close relationship with a person. Just be yourself. Don't be afraid to show emotions.

  • For example, if a person invites you to a movie, you should not limit yourself to the following phrase: "I liked this movie." Don't be afraid to show your enthusiasm. You can say: "I really liked this movie! The main character of the movie was amazing!"
  • Turn off your phone. If you are not a doctor who needs to be always in touch, you can do without a phone during a date. Show the person that you value their time and the attention they give you. You can do this if you are not distracted by phone calls or messages.

    Take a deep breath. If you are too tense, the person you went on a date with will definitely feel it. Take a moment to relax. Enjoy being with this person.

    Have a good time. The meeting should take place in a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere. If you enjoy communication, then your companion will certainly be pleased with the time spent with you.

  • Listen, at least as much as you speak. The art of listening is tantamount to the art of speaking well. So listen to your interlocutor. Try to hear what your companion wants to convey to you. Do not think about what you will say next at this time. When you answer the interlocutor, show that you are listening carefully.

    • If your companion says that he likes gardening, do not respond by saying that you are far from it. Ask questions related to what interests this person. For example, you might ask, "Really? What do you like to grow? Do you have a big garden?"
  • Are you on your first date with someone you like, and are you really looking forward to a relationship? Are you afraid to get confused and seem stupid when you meet? Don't know what to wear, where to go and how to behave? You, of course, want the date to be unforgettable and interesting, which would be nice to remember, to sort through the moments dear to your heart with trepidation and while away the time until the next new meetings ...

    How to behave on a first date

    An important stage in the formation of relationships is the first romantic meeting. It is at this moment that the initial impression of a person is formed, which will become decisive in the matter of continuing your communication. The first date is a good chance to show yourself from the good side, and at the same time understand whether this is your man or not. Excitement and panic are unnecessary emotions that will only interfere. Just enjoy communication, because you have been waiting for this for so long!

    Meeting point

    For the first date, appoint a place in the city that is familiar and comfortable for you, so that you feel calm, you can return home at any time. In cases where the guy and the girl are not yet familiar with each other, it is advisable to meet during the day, in the most crowded places: a park, a restaurant, a cafe, an entertainment center. You don’t need to go to a stranger’s house or country house, don’t invite him to your place.

    1. On the first date with a guy, you need to do something, be passionate, in order to get rid of stiffness. In the summer, you can go to the beach, to the water park, ride a catamaran. The cinema will help a couple who do not yet have common topics for conversation. After watching the movie, you will have something to discuss, and then the conversation will go by itself. In addition, sitting next to each other in the twilight, it will be easier to understand whether it is pleasant for you to be close to each other. Having visited the bowling alley, you can observe the reaction of the guy when he loses - how quick-tempered he is. Go to the zoo - there it will become clear how he treats animals, how capable he is of taking care of his younger brothers. Children running around with their parents will help to tune in a positive way.

    However, cafes and restaurants remain the most common places for dates. And not in vain, there is a great opportunity to appreciate the gentlemanly qualities of your chosen one: manners, courtship, attitude towards money.

    Before visiting a cafe, psychologists recommend that an unfamiliar couple take a walk for 30-60 minutes in the fresh air in a relaxed atmosphere and just chat with each other. After a walk, you will become more relaxed, and it will be easier for you to continue communication in the institution.

    What to wear and how to look for a date

    Well, if you have agreed in advance where you will go. Accordingly, choose your clothes. If you don't know where the date is, dress in comfortable clothes. If you're not used to wearing stilettos and tight long dresses, don't experiment with this on a date. A guy won't judge you by the clothes you choose, just like the color of your nail polish. Styling on the head is also not so important for men, they are not very versed in this, they may not even notice.

    1. You can go for a romantic date with a simple pin-up, clear nail polish and natural makeup. The main thing is that the hair and nails are well-groomed, the areas of increased hair growth (legs, armpits) are shaved, the body is clean. A thin trail of perfume should come from you. But do not overdo it with him, otherwise the guy will not want to meet you a second time in order to avoid a sharp annoying smell.

    To impress, try to look spectacular, but not vulgar. The effect can create some kind of accent in the image - a shiny brooch, a butterfly-shaped hairpin, patent leather shoes or expressive makeup. Some attractive detail should be present in your appearance in order to be remembered, but not to be evident at the same time.

    How to behave and what to talk about

    It is better not to touch on the first date questions about who earns and how much, who had partners and how many. Everything that a young man talks about reluctantly, put it in a distant drawer. A win-win option is to ask questions about the guy's hobbies. Ask what goals in life he sets for himself, what he has already achieved. Ask in what places he rests, where he traveled and where he would like to visit. Such neutral topics set you on a positive wave, they do not force you to do anything. Put the question in such a way that you get a detailed answer to it, and not a short “no” or “yes”, otherwise the conversation will not start.

    To leave a good impression on a person, reveal to him those good qualities that you value in yourself. Listen to the chosen one, do not interrupt. If the topic is not interesting, listen to the end of the thought, then smoothly move on to another topic. Do not talk only about yourself, create a dialogue.

      What you definitely shouldn't do:
    • Pretend. If you failed to please him real, it makes no sense to build another out of yourself. Anyway, sooner or later the cards will be revealed.
    • Control a man (“when will you quit smoking?”, “why are you dating this man?”). It is unlikely that after this he will want to meet with a person who is constantly brainwashing.
    • Be intrusive. Agree on the next date yourself, ask him if he liked you, what are his plans for you, etc. Most likely, the gentleman will want to run away from such a lady to hell.
    • Behave defiantly (loud uncontrollable laughter, obscenities, rough tone of voice). A man will be ashamed in public with such an ill-mannered girl, he will no longer want to experience such shame again.
    • Get drunk. No decent man likes a drunk girl. Therefore, you should strictly control yourself in the amount of alcohol you drink.
    • Of course, everyone has emotions, we are all human. But how to behave in order not to have time to spoil the impression about yourself? Mentally control yourself with the phrase: “how do I look in his eyes now?”

    kisses and sex

    In this case, everything depends on age, degree of emancipation and intentions. Kissing means a lot to young girls, while more experienced ladies take it easy and can kiss a man as a token of sympathy or gratitude for a great time. There is nothing wrong with a kiss, if you want it, on the contrary, it will leave vivid impressions and the man will have an incentive to meet you again. The main thing here is to choose the right moment.

    Another question is whether to have sex or not. This is a personal matter for everyone, it also depends on the case. Many people think that having achieved their goal, the stronger sex will lose interest in the girl, but there are no guarantees that after your refusal, he will call you soon. Logically speaking, there is nothing criminal in sex if before this date you have known each other for a long time or for some reason you simply trust this person.

      To think about and refuse sex on a first date is:
    • virgins who are in search of the one and only;
    • supporters of serious relationships, not fleeting intrigues;
    • those for whom making love is something more than carnal pleasures.

    Secrets of the Perfect Date

      To make a romantic meeting successful and memorable for a young man, follow the basic rules:
    • Don't reveal your weaknesses, show only your strengths. But remember: having your own point of view is not the same as having a flaw, so don't be fake if you don't like something, just to please the person.
    • Look natural, feminine, well-groomed.
    • Be in a good mood, with a "light in your eyes", show your interest in communication.
    • Don't commit to anything.
    • Make sincere compliments to a man, approve of his courtship.
    • Try to catch every word spoken by your companion, and memorize the information that he tells about himself. At the next meetings, this will be very useful to you - the person will understand that he is special for you, since you remember so much about him.

    Knowing how to behave on a first date, taking into account the type of character and interests of a man, you can make him want to meet with you next time.

    For example, if a man is an intellectual person, you should not passionately discuss some subject unknown to you with him. Share knowledge on a topic in which he is not as strong as you, but at the same time shows interest. If a guy likes to feel like he's in charge, don't be afraid to step into the background, don't boss him around.

    1. Returning from a date with a man for whom there are tender feelings, women begin to experience the most. The unknown is frightening: what if he does not call. Thoughts come into my head: “maybe I said something wrong”, “I looked funny”, “he probably already forgot my name.” Don't panic! Just wait. If the feelings are mutual, he will definitely show up, because just like you, he will yearn and worry.

    If the guy doesn’t call for a long time, and you don’t have the strength to wait, write him an unobtrusive message on social networks. For example: “how is your cat doing?”, “well, did you pass your thesis?”, “something you are missing”. Do not write that you really liked him and want to see his beautiful profile as soon as possible, this will discourage the young man from striving to further you. After he does invite you to a meeting, let him know that it is possible, but you have some business to finish. .

    The girl who was invited on the first date should understand that the young man already likes it. Now it remains only to continue to be for him that sweet and direct lady that he liked. Perhaps the first date will not be enough, and it will only become the starting point for subsequent others.