How to make love. Fashion Tips - women's online magazine

Having sex and making love... What's the difference? I tried to formulate how they differ for me ... While having sex, I strive to enjoy and deliver it to my partner. When making love, I don't think about it...

When making love, I don't think at all. There is no partner in this... We are one. There is no separate my and her pleasure. It is general. One for two...

After sex, I go to the shower. We were, you know, sweating… exchanging bodily fluids. And I'm going to restore the purity and autonomy of my body.

After making love, we lie embracing ... because it is impossible to open the embrace ... and I so regret that it is impossible to hug both front and back at the same time ... and that we are separated by skin ... how great it would be to penetrate it and run it under your own ... What a shower ?! I want to feel her presence with all my skin for as long as possible ... eagerly draw in her scent on her ... go to bed in the evening and feel her on my pillow (why does she always strive to lie exactly in my place and settle down on mine ???).

After sex, a woman begins to tell me something excitedly ... I nod lazily, not listening ... I don’t care much ... so ... let her talk ... I feign interest on the machine ... When I get bored, I reach out my hand, pull it to me and close my mouth with a kiss. Shut up, honey… don’t spoil the charm of the moment with your chatter… Yes, let’s get back to the interrupted lesson, I caught my breath (although I don’t get breath)…

After sex, I want to get away as soon as possible. Slamming the car door behind her, I stop thinking about what happened before I felt her kiss on my cheek, lips. I will remember her later. After. When I want sex again. However, this will happen pretty soon.

After making love, we go to the car, holding hands ... because we definitely need to feel that we are there. In the car, her hand will lie in mine ... or her fingers will caress my hair ... At the slightest opportunity, we will touch each other with our lips ... And I will start to get bored ... what’s there, yearn ... already in the first ten minutes of separation ...

After sex, I feel deep satisfaction. Are seething in you vitality and juices. The muscles are slightly stretched... but it's a sweet pain... it's not strong at all... even pleasant...

After making love, I am overwhelmed with joy and peace ... I am all in myself ... The women walking towards me click their jaws and shoot with their eyes ... the men have nodules ... and only a few conspiratorial smiles ... However, in my condition I don’t care about all of them ...

After sex, I cheerfully pack up and go to sleep in my bed. One. Well, or get out of my bed as soon as possible. Otherwise, I don't sleep. And the presence of a sex partner during sleep will greatly burden me. Sleep is so intimate...

A lovemaking partner settles down to fall asleep ... he fills all the “tubercles and hollows, petals and folds” of my body ... Raking my chest into my palm, I exhale sleepily, “Now it’s good!” And I listen to how her breathing changes ... here she is again fidgeting, putting her head on my shoulder ... I froze ... to make her more comfortable ... and quietly slipping away into sleep ...

No, the body protested in the dream. I woke up on the very edge and realized that I had been trying to escape all night, to slip out from under the weight that was unusual for me ... but she stubbornly caught up ... For which special thanks to her ...

I love sex. I certainly love him very much. But if there was a choice I would still make only love ...

situation. There is an ugly expression in our language... study love. How can study love? No one can " study love". However, the expression is used everywhere, and for a reason. People try study love; even in love, they remain the ones who... the greatest opportunity to know what it is to surrender is lost. There are many tutorials on how study love or how to achieve a total orgasm and so on. It's amazing how people read stuff like this...

... ] for a few moments you disappear. If you are, even if you are here, happiness becomes impossible. If you doing love with your sweetheart if you really doing" love happiness will be out of reach. love it is forbidden study. You may or may not be in love, but study love impossible. Love should not be harsh, rude, should not be a capture, appropriation of a woman. Onslaught and a quick rollback is impossible ...

So it is with hatred, one moment you love it, the next moment you hate it. This is the conflict, and it exists as long as Love is a doing, an occupation. We must understand that Love- not doing. You can love, but you can't "do" Love. You can love, but you can't study love. You should not apply the terms of psychological relationships to love, but it is better to use the terms of the state of consciousness. If there is...

In adults, the need for a reliable emotional connection with a partner. Remember: a mother looks at her child with the same love that and two lovers on each other. Although in our culture it is considered bad to be addicted, is it a weakness... a defensive stance out of fear, or resolve everything in a spirit of mutual understanding? Let's say your wife says, "I'm not really in the mood study love this night". You can do deep breath, remember how much she loves you, and say, "Well...

We often regard this categorically: this is the end of love. Meanwhile, in real life together people agree study(And are engaged) love not only in the presence, but sometimes in the absence craving. Nothing reprehensible - you just need to carefully ... while striving to destroy the other - in this way everyone can heal the wounds inflicted on his pride. Such a " correct» aggressiveness will also affect sexual relationships in which there will no longer be poison. Hold him/her This...

Wouldn't betray her,” he shrugs. “What else does she want?” Intimacy for Tom is study love two times a week. Marriage for him was an excuse to limit his growth. Tom and Deborah, both ... our selfish attitudes and vulnerability and fear of intimacy are overcome. When we doing love, we notice and touch Oneness together with the other. We learn not only to give or receive Love but become love. Relationships (of any kind) that are based on love, not desire...

The partner is no longer there. It is easier for women to have this feeling because they always are engaged love With eyes closed. It is best to keep your eyes closed while performing this technique. Only then... in deep connection with existence itself, and the door, the other, is no more. The other is only a door. Pursuing love with a woman, you are, in fact, doing love with existence itself. A woman is only a door, a man is only a door. The other is only a door to the whole...

Love for life or insanity

A friend tried to seduce me, but I made my choice a long time ago. After all, with her I have not just sex, as a physiological process. were engaged love until morning. She said that she loved me, she just didn’t say, she tried to score on her feeling (I live, I’m going to get married on September 15). I... her next whole day. I tried to make her think bad of me (she reproached herself for her actions, was engaged self-flagellation), and pretended to be interested in her friend, but my maneuver was unraveled. One day later I'll know...

To personal life was full and rich, every woman should know how to make love with a man. A few simple tips will help you gain confidence in this matter.

How to make love with a man: the most relevant tips

1. Do not insist too much on a long foreplay. Men do not like prolonged foreplay. This is primarily due to the fact that they are not as romantic as women. Ten to fifteen minutes is enough.

2. Learn to relax by letting young man penetrate as deep as possible.

3. If possible, you should allow a man to make love to you when he asks.

4. In a woman underwear should always be great. It's an integral part of sex appeal.

5. Do not be jealous if a loved one watches an erotic video, it is worth perceiving such facts as a kind of highlight of an intimate relationship.

6. Don't be afraid to experiment. It may be worth discussing a few new techniques or positions to improve the quality of sex.

7. Don't give up oral sex, for a man, he is able to become a true pleasure.

8. Away with any imitation. You should not sigh theatrically, the muffled, booming moans of pleasure sound much more erotic.

9. Whispering in bed affects a man magically. You can whisper anything, including obscenities.

10. You should not command a young man when making love, it is much better to gently guide him.

11. Learn to understand his reaction. If you know his erogenous zones and act on them, he will consider his soulmate the best lover.

The art of love is an ancient mystery that anyone can master. To enhance the effect, you can use little tricks, for example, feed your loved one with aphrodisiacs, influence him with the help of aromas, dances.

Rules for good sex

Sex is a complex art. There are many subtleties, rules. But there are rules that simply cannot be ignored. However, unlike most other arts, sexual art learning is always a pleasure. The site Love-911 will tell you ten main rules for good sex.

1 rule of sex

During sex, you need to think about sex.

And if sex isn't safe, it can't be good, because big hour Your thoughts will be focused on how not to fly into it, and not on how to make it pleasant and get the most pleasure yourself. And all this can end with very undesirable consequences for you.

Exception: unless you are having sex for procreation.

2 rule of sex

If you don't want sex, then say so.

No need to lie "log", or do a favor. It will only get worse for your relationship. Both should want to make love. And, if there is no desire to make love for a long time or sex has become rare, then you should not think that if your partner is silent, then everything is fine. Worth thinking about possible reasons that interfere with you and what can be changed in your life to eliminate these causes. Talk about your problem with your personal Coach.

Exception: appetite often comes with eating. But keep in mind, if you have already started the process, but your appetite has not come, you cannot interrupt lovemaking. This can greatly offend, break off or embarrass a loved one, and as a result, conflict may arise and sexual relations will seriously deteriorate in the future.

3 rules of sex


Good sex should always have variety. When sexual contact always take place at the same time, in the same place, in the same nightgown, always in the position you are already familiar with, sex becomes as mundane as washing your hands. Say: How long have you enjoyed washing your hands?

Exception: Mine dirty hands, you certainly get a certain pleasure from this process. Also, habitual sex, in some cases, gives a certain pleasure to both partners.

4th rule of sex


Talk while making love. Of course, not about their work or household chores. Talk about sex, your desires, compliments, discuss your feelings. Do not be shy and do not complex. There is nothing wrong if you voice all your feelings and desires, and your partner is silent. Ask, ask questions. In any case, at least your partner will finally find out exactly how you like it and what you want. What happens next is likely to please you very much. Do not refuse then to fulfill his fantasies.

Exception: if you are making love in a place where you can be heard, of course, you need to keep up appearances. Quiet sex, "in secret", is no less enjoyable.

5th rule of sex

Make love with a relieved stomach.

It won't do any good if you have sex after you've had a big meal.
First, you will not be able to actively move with full belly. Secondly, you will feel uncomfortable, and, in best case, you will just sluggishly roll over from side to side. And thirdly, after a full meal, you want to sleep much more than actively engage in sex.

Exception: It may be a good idea to combine dinner or breakfast with sex. Feeding and at the same time caressing each other, you will have sex so quickly that you still won’t have time to eat your fill.

6 rule of sex

Sex sober.

A woman drunk on the board, in terms of her sexual performance, is in no way inferior to rubber doll. It is inappropriate to talk about the pleasure of receiving pleasure here. God forbid, in general, to remember in the morning that something happened. And the drunk guy... all his actions to make love are more like trying to shove toothpaste back into the tube.

It will also be useful for you to know that, even after drinking one bottle of beer, a man’s sperm becomes sharp, sour taste. Also, as in smoking man, sperm has a bitter bad taste, and in a smoking woman, the juices secreted from the vagina during arousal have a specific bad smell, color and taste.

Exception: Drunk and slightly tipsy woman - two big differences. In the second case, a small portion of alcohol can betray additional looseness. But, nevertheless, it is better to make love, being drunk on love, and not on alcohol.

7 rule of sex

Give pleasure to your loved one.

You don't have to be selfish. Your loved one, by the way, also wants to relax and have fun. But do not take the whole initiative of the process on yourself. Manifest female wisdom, creating only the appearance of his egoism.

Exception: Unless you are doing self-gratification alone.

8 rule of sex

Don't be afraid to look stupid.

No need to think and complex about how you now look from the outside. Believe me: you look much better than you think, and you definitely like your loved one? He already knows all your shortcomings, and he likes them. If he doesn't like something, sooner or later he will let you know.

Exception: If you are aware of your physiological shortcomings, you should pay more attention to eliminating them, and not to your complexes. And always remember: Your loved one loves you for who you are, not for who you can be.

9th rule of sex

Don't focus on...

When making love, trying to deliver maximum pleasure to each other, do not focus your attention only on the genitals. Do not forget that besides the penis and clitoris, there are other parts of the body with very erogenous zones. Even very, very sensitive. Study each other, pay attention to every centimeter.

Exception: While traveling through all the expanses of the body, from time to time, nevertheless, remember intimate places.

10 rule of sex

Good sex should never be taboo. And restrictions too.

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Most women and men are naturally a little afraid to have sex for the first time. Will I enjoy it? Will it hurt? Will I be able to satisfy my partner? These are all questions that most women and men will think about before their first time happens.

The truth is that your first few times won't be remembered as your best sex. Most will agree that the first time it often hurts a little, it's uncomfortable, and often very awkward. After you've tried sex a few times, then you'll enjoy all the pleasures that this kind of intimacy has to offer.
Be ready
The sex will most likely not be that great the first few times. Many people jump into sex before they're ready because their friends are doing it, or because their partner expects it.
A few questions you can ask yourself: Do I trust my partner completely? Do I see myself in long term relationship with this person? Does he/she put pressure on me?
While everyone has troubles, if you don't feel like you're fully prepared, wait. If the partner really cares about you, he will understand that this is a serious decision, and you do not want to rush.

How to make love for the first time?

  • Choose a place where you feel safe and comfortable, your bedroom may be the best place.
  • Select safe time when roommates/parents/friends don't bother.
You want to prolong the foreplay for quite some time before taking the plunge. Having a good understanding of your body and how it works, as well as playing with a partner, will relieve tension. Make sure you feel 100% comfortable in nude with dim lighting, as sex will be much more intimate if you look at each other.
Communication is the most important thing V sexual relations. Decide what to say to make sure you both feel the same way. Getting a theme makes you feel more comfortable.
Most women feel pain during intercourse the first few times because they are not used to having an object penetrate them. It can be sharply cut with the fingers.
Excessive dryness in the vagina and on the penis can be a problem, especially during the first experience of intercourse. While lubrication won't stop all pain, it will certainly reduce it to some extent.
There are a few positions that are really good for beginners, depending on your concerns. If you want to be in control, then we recommend that your partner lie on his back and you can straddle him. If you prefer to be on the bottom, the missionary position is probably The best way begin.
If your partner has erection difficulties, or ejaculates prematurely - each of which happens often, the first few times - be supportive. This can be one of the most embarrassing moments that can happen to a young person, and if not handled properly, can lead to problems. If erection problems happen, try to stimulate it a little, for example, with your hand.
The most important thing you should know is to practice safe sex using protection. To protect you from pregnancy, or to prevent getting an STD. You can buy condoms at most pharmacies or order them online.
Remember that this experience should be very special and intimate for both partners. Good luck and remember that the best sex happens with people you care about and love.

How to have sex for the first time? Video