Why dream of dirty fingernails. Torn off nails come off. Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Nails Symbol of acquisition, conflict. Dirty - shame. To cut - the loss of money or a lover. Beautiful, long - for money or new connection; business acumen.
See long nails in a dream To profit. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Nails Seeing nails in your dreams is a lot of work for a small reward. Putting them in order - to perform a modest but noble work. Running or broken nails portend illness and failure in business. See your own in a dream dirty nails- to the shame and dishonor that will fall on your home if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Fine manicured nails: sign of prosperity. You will also have a penchant for learning and literary activities. Dirty nails: portend shame in the family due to the unworthy behavior of the younger generation. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails According to the legends of grandmothers, people with "rising suns" or transverse dashes on their nails will be lucky. Seeing white dashes on the nails is a sign of new clothes, fortunately. Pay attention to the nails of a stranger, on which “rising suns” are clearly expressed - to envy, an unkind attitude from people you don’t even know. Seeing a child who carefully cleans his nails - this dream testifies to pedantry and panache that cannot be overcome; someone who will make a lasting impression on you. Aesop's dream book

The meaning of sleep Nails self-image. Long, clean - satisfaction; short or gnawed - fatigue; dirty nails - treat yourself with disdain; break a nail - anxiety over trifles; do a manicure - work on yourself, your image. Home dream book

Sleep Nails Biting fingernails: a sign of impoverishment, and the inflexibility of the fingers indicates the rejection of prohibitions. Diseases of the nails: indicate the incapacity and depravity of faith. They say that long nails: portend bitterness. Seeing yourself without nails: to ruin. If someone sees himself with broken nails: he will die, the same means green nails. Islamic Dream Interpretation

Dream Nails Nails due to shape: represent a phallic symbol. The most common image is the insertion of nails into something or, conversely, the extraction of nails from something. If a man sees that he is embedding his nails into something: this symbolizes his desire to show sexual activity, and also reflects some elements aggressive behavior and violence. If a woman sees that a man is embedding his nails into something: this reflects the desire of a woman to have sexual contact with this man. If a woman sees that she is digging her nails into something: this is due to her desire to be more masculine, that is, to possess greater strength and maybe aggressive. This may reflect some homosexual tendencies, as well as feelings of hostility and destructive tendencies. If a man sees that he is having difficulty trying to embed his nails in some object: this image can symbolize the fear of losing attractiveness to women and the fear of impotence. If a woman sees a similar image: this reflects her hidden desire for impotence for a man and the loss of his attractiveness for other women, I have the feeling that she is sexually frigid. If a person, regardless of gender, sees an image of removing nails from something: this is a reflection of sexual guilt, a desire to step back, get out of sexual or emotional contact. If a person sees that he is scratching himself: this image speaks of disgust for sexual contact and about negative emotions in connection with sexual activity. The image of nails: may indicate the existing difficulties caused by the suppression of the inner essence of the “in sho” of a person through alien interventions, influences. In some cases, in the presence of this image, one should turn close attention on the state of the body and the presence of somatic pathology. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream interpretation Nails Nails are long: disappointed hopes are short: haste is sick: deceived hopes to pull out nails: reconciliation with relatives. Fingers are very beautiful: happiness in love to point a finger: big changes extra finger: inheritance lost: litigation scratching a finger: profit cut off: trouble with a friend burn: enter into a second marriage hand without fingers: lose children. New dream book 1918

Why do nails dream The dream in which you see your fingernails has positive value, on the legs - negative. Too long nails mean distress when you need the help of friends. Short bitten nails portend sad events that you yourself will serve as a pretext for. To cut nails in a dream means difficult situation, an almost hopeless situation. Doing a manicure - you will have to agree to unfavorable conditions for you, pedicure - work will not bring you joy, and even more so material wealth. Broken nails mean that you will be misled about a matter in which you will not be completely dedicated. Sick, fallen nails portend that you will face need with your own eyes. Nails covered with bright scarlet varnish are a sign of reconciliation with relatives after a long quarrel. A dream in which your nails are pulled out or needles are driven under them - success in business and revenge on your offenders await you. If someone scratches you with their sharp nails- this is to failures and illness in the family. running nails with the dirt that has accumulated under them, they predict a deterioration in the situation in business and entrepreneurship, discord with a loved one. Seeing cat claws instead of nails suggests that in pursuit of dubious pleasures, you can succumb to bad influence. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Nails NAILS on the hands are large - profit // grief, the plan will not come true; short, cropped - loss, poverty, haste, vanity; small - failure; brilliant - unexpected news; cut - resentment, quarrel, failure; pull out - illness, trouble, death; gnaw - loss; grow - deep old age; suddenly grew - wealth, money. Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Nails: a warning of danger, someone's or one's aggressiveness. Also a symbol of protection. Beautiful manicured nails: reflect safety. Cutting, biting nails, being cut short: loss, impotence, disagreement. See long nails, cling to nails: show vanity, cruel behavior. Do a manicure: hide your intentions. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Nails Nails. Seeing nails in your dreams indicates that you will have to work hard for little pay. Tidying up your nails means that you will do noble work, even if it is very modest. To see running or broken nails means illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream promises shame, dishonor that will fall on your house if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails To dream of nails indicates that you will have to work hard for little reward. If in a dream you put your nails in order, then you should do a noble, but modest job. Running or broken nails dream of illness and failure in business. We saw dirty nails, get ready for the shame and dishonor that will fall on your head. There is only one way out: critically assess the real state of affairs. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Nails: a test on the way. You break: you choose the path of testing yourself. Broken Nail: Trials passed. Long: a long way trials, you will have to "climb a sheer cliff." Gnarled, dirty: very unpleasant situations from which it is necessary to leave with honor. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Cut fingernails A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will part with your friend; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will inadvertently harm someone and will regret it; and dreaming on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means that you will soon forget about troubles. Cut toenails A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will try to restrain your desires; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means that you will make peace with your enemies; and seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday - this dream is to improve well-being. see in hand big nails- to grief. Jewish dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails “Scratch out your place”, “sharpen claws on someone”: hatred, anger “scratch out someone’s eyes”: revenge, rivalry “grab onto something (someone) with claws”, “press against a nail”: expose, put in a hopeless position. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails See nails in a dream: feel own wish fight and dominate nails: this is a symbol of action, struggle, resistance to someone, a fabric, with the edge of which you can painlessly part if necessary. Long nails: this is a state of inconvenience and limitation, stiffness in actions inside and obstacles from the outside (the claw is stuck - the whole bird is an abyss - a proverb). To see (in a dream) long nails in oneself: to understand one’s own failure in business and the fact that, despite all the efforts made (long nails are just an obstacle to actions), the result will be optimal. Nails: symbolize anger, the desire for a final resolution of the situation, but long nails short nails: hastily decisions taken that provide no benefit. Short nails (cut or bitten off): a symbol of removing an unpleasant inconvenience that is not a major obstacle, hasty actions, spontaneous decisions that do not make sense, but seem important and decisive. Sleep can be interpreted as unfavorable. Unhealthy nails (stratified, stained, burrs, abscesses): in a dream and in reality indicate problems with the liver and general wrong course qi energy in the body, to a complete mismatch with the spring season and the cessation of forward movement in any season. Sleep is unfavorable. Seeing nails / claws that are not your own: a sign of directed aggression, danger. Imperial dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails The nails on the hands are large: profit / grief, the plan will not come true short, clipped: loss, poverty, haste, vanity small: failure brilliant: unexpected news cut: resentment, quarrel, failure to pull out: illness, trouble, death gnaw: loss grow: deep old age suddenly rose: wealth, money. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Nails Warning of danger, someone's or one's aggressiveness. Also a symbol of protection. Beautiful manicured nails reflect safety. (See also Fingers.) Cut, bite nails, have short cut - loss, impotence, disagreement. See long nails, cling to nails - show vanity, cruel behavior. To do a manicure is to hide your intentions. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Nails Seeing nails in your dreams - to great work for little reward. To put them in order: to perform a modest but noble work. Running or broken nails: portend illness and failure in business. Seeing your dirty nails in a dream - to the shame and dishonor that will fall on your house if you fail to critically assess the real state of affairs.

A person sees dreams every night, but he remembers few of them, so it is important to try to remember as many details as possible in order to correctly decipher the symbols seen. If you dreamed of fingernails, then it is worth remembering what they were and what you did with them.

Why dream of fingernails?

Seeing beautiful and well-groomed nails in a dream is a good sign that predicts material stability and good position in society. The night vision in which I had to do a manicure is a good sign indicating that soon you will have to do some important and good deed. Short and neat nails are a symbol of stability and peace. If you had to bite your nails, then you should expect a quick gift that will bring a lot of positive. The dream of dirty nails promises trouble in the team, and it will not be easy to find a compromise. If the nail fell off in a dream, it means that soon you will be able to get rid of relationships that no longer bring positive emotions.

Why dream of cutting fingernails?

A similar plot means that the time has come to throw away the burden of the past, which does not allow moving into a happy future. In one of the dream books, a dream where nails were to be cut is a harbinger of conflicts, and they can arise both in the family and at work. For girls, such a dream promises parting with loved ones.

Why dream of painting your fingernails?

Such a dream means that soon we should expect the appearance of a fan in life who will be attentive and give a lot of positive emotions. Another similar plot is a symbol of prosperity.

Why dream of long fingernails?

Long nails in a dream portend an offensive difficult period which will end soon. A dream in which the nails of a huge length, indicates that the dreamer too often shows his firmness of character and even rigidity. For young girls, such a dream can promise success in the love sphere.

Why dream of broken fingernails?

If the nails were broken, then this can be taken as a warning that the dreamer has chosen a very difficult path in life, filled with difficulties and trials. The dream interpretation recommends stopping and seeing if there may be an easier road nearby. If only one nail is broken, then an insignificant one can provoke development in the future. serious problems. A dream where a person breaks his nails is a warning about a possible disease.

The nails on the hands that a person sees in a dream indicate the state of his affairs, as in personal life as well as in finance.

In order to understand the meaning of this or that dream, it is necessary to carefully consider every little detail of the dream, to the actions performed with the nails and your sensations.

Dreamed of your nails

Seeing nails on your hands in a dream - prepare for difficult business and work that the dreamer will have to complete in the near future. But, the greater the amount of work, the greater the reward he expects.

In a dream, nails break

In a dream, they act as a warning sign that minor, according to the sleeper, troubles can escalate into great difficulty. The dream calls to control your feelings, emotions and not to speak rash phrases. Rudeness and aggression towards close people and friends should not be allowed.

Also, such a vision indicates to a person that he needs to refuse to do things, the feasibility of which he doubts. An ill-considered desire to do everything at once can lead to to financial waste and loss of respect from others.

Another interpretation of a dream in which breaking nails are present is Family status where one of the family members behaved unwisely, and the dreamer feels a deep sense of shame for him.

Nails exfoliate

A dream, where the nails of the sleeping person exfoliate, should alert. For a woman, such a vision promises an appearance, a man speaks of a secret, but very strong opponent.

Sore nails

Sore nails speak of deterioration in physical and emotional state , both sleeping, and someone from his immediate environment. Such a dream can also warn of a quarrel with relatives.

Painted nails

The interpretation of the dream is influenced by the color of the varnish with which the nails were painted. Nails warn a young woman about the likelihood of being drawn into the network of passion and erotic frenzy. Woman, bound by bonds a marriage that sees red-painted nails will be strongly tempted, and it will be in her own interest not to succumb to him.

Adult women and males can see red nails in a dream as a sign speedy reconciliation with family, friends or colleagues. This nail color says about the imminent restoration of the emotional balance of the sleeping.

black nails warn of a serious struggle between the dreamer and ill-wishers, where the sleeper will have to defend his dignity and honor. The dreamer's accusations are likely in deeds and deeds that he did not commit, as well as in his insincerity.

In addition, nails painted with black varnish can speak of dark soft ones that haunt the dreamer. If such thoughts and ideas are not eradicated, it will soon be possible development of psychological disorders.

Nails without polish

clean nails natural color talk about the inner peace of the dreamer, about the complete satisfaction own life, pure thoughts.

Long nails

For girls, a dream in which her nails are long and well-groomed carries positive value. Most likely, very soon a person will appear in her life with whom they will be connected by a pure, gentle and kind romantic relationship.

Also, such a dream may indicate that she will soon receive her chosen one.

Married women are promised long fingernails family well-being.

Men who see such a dream can prepare for unexpected financial profits.

short nails

Briefly talk about the dreamer's unwillingness to change anything in his life, although the coming changes promise only prosperity. Fear of change does not allow a person to understand his true desires and goals, which hinders his development in all areas of life. Dream Interpretations advise you to take a break from everyday routine, look deep into yourself and put your feelings and thoughts in order.

gnawed under the root, fingernails speak of missed opportunities.

Beautiful nails

Well-groomed, beautiful nail plates indicate a probable promotion or change the place of activity to a more successful one. However, it happens that new job will bring only emotional satisfaction, while the financial aspect leaves much to be desired. But, in this regard, positive changes will soon follow.

Dirty nails

A dream in which a person sees dirty nails on his hands warns of squabbles and skirmishes in the team. Solving such problems will be difficult and painful.

Some dream books interpret the dream of dirty nails as an indication of the immoral and obscene behavior of the dreamer, which should be reviewed and changed by all means.

Sometimes such a vision speaks of envy, gossip from ill-wishers, who will soon become much more active. You need to meet such blows with your head held high and not give in to the desire to prove your case. In this case, it is impossible better fit a wise waiting tactic.

Fallen nail

If a fingernail fell off in a dream, then soon, at the initiative of the dreamer, a relationship will be broken off that lasted for many years, but brought only trouble and disappointment.

Another person's nails

If you see someone else's broken nail, the dreamer needs to prepare for some difficulties in communicating with friends.

If on the hand of another person got down nail plate , it is necessary to pay attention to relatives, perhaps one of them needs emotional support.

Beautiful and well-groomed nails on someone else's hands they talk about approaching joy and good luck, happiness and good health.

Ugly, dirty nails a stranger has a warning of impending troubles and difficulties. You should think about your own reputation and not allow denigration of your honor and dignity.

Very long other people's nails symbolize wealth, changes in the dreamer's level and quality of life for the better.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book interprets dreams about fingernails as follows:

  • see your nails to troublesome but low-paid work;
  • caring for nails is a noble cause;
  • ugly, sick nails - illness, failure;
  • dirty fingernails - a shame that the dreamer's family will fall.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga interpreted dreams about nails in different ways.

In some cases, dreaming nails indicate that a person will have to do a thankless job that he cannot refuse. Well-groomed nails promise wealth and happiness. Ugly, diseased nails warn of an imminent disease.

What does the dream in which we see fingernails mean? A similar plot most often personifies the current life situation relating to work and business. In order to understand exactly why you are dreaming of such a picture, try to remember as many details from the dream as possible.

Interpretations of various dream books

Not all dream books give an accurate interpretation of what fingernails may dream of. According to Gustav Miller, this indicates an excessive workload that will not be appreciated. Did you have a dream in which you brought beauty to your nails? There is a high probability of getting a position that will turn out to be very prestigious, but it will bring practically no income.

The same dream, according to the Esoteric dream book, warns that life is preparing a series of trials for the sleeping person. Try to remember what the nails were like in your dream. Long say that the difficult period will last for a long time, and short and broken ones promise that troubles are about to be left behind. Sloppy nails promise problems that you need to get out of without losing face.

And why can you dream if you cut your fingernails? To achieve this or that goal, you have chosen a path that will be very difficult and will be filled with obstacles.

Remember them appearance if you want to understand why you dream of seeing the nails on the hands of another person. Were they strewn with light dots? According to the dream book, someone is very jealous of you, maybe even the one you see in a dream.

Were your nails long and ugly? Be attentive and careful - the enemies around you weave evil intrigues, try not to fall into their trap. And why dream if the fingernails were broken off? Because of someone's actions, you can’t succeed in your career and in the service, the dream book explains.

Dreamed of a child who tidies up his nails? In reality, meet a person who will make a truly grandiose impression on you. But such a dream has another interpretation - it says that the sleeping person is inherent in narcissism. It will not be so easy to overcome him, the dream book warns.

What did they look like

In order to understand exactly what else fingernails can dream of, it is worth remembering a few more details - color, condition and beauty.

What can you dream about if the nail on the hand is broken? As the dream book explains, some minor event can soon develop into a very big problems. Try to control yourself, avoid negative expressions in relation to friends and colleagues. You should also stay away from rash actions and not agree to dubious events.

Were the nails that you saw in a dream beautiful and neat? It is quite possible that you will soon get a promotion or even change jobs. But do not expect high income from the very first days - you will have to make efforts to make your work more valuable.

Why dream if the nails were dirty? This promises conflict situations in a working environment, and they will be very difficult to solve. Such a dream carries another interpretation - it is highly likely that the behavior of the sleeper is far from ideal, it may be worth reconsidering your habits, beliefs and attitude towards other people. It may be so, the dream book warns, that evil intrigues are weaving around the dreamer's person.

It is very good for people involved in business to see long nails. According to the dream book, all projects will bring considerable financial success. It will be possible not only to fully open up, but also to direct your efforts to new achievements.

Young girls who see beautiful and well-groomed nails in a dream will be lucky in love. Those who have not yet managed to tie the knot will be presented as a gift very soon wedding ring, in the family of married people, peace, tranquility and mutual understanding will reign.

Short nails, as the dream book says, symbolize the unwillingness of the sleeping person to change something in his life. It is quite possible that this happens due to the fact that the daily hustle and bustle does not allow you to focus on what is truly important. The best thing in this situation would be to change the situation - to go to a quiet, calm place where you can be alone with yourself and your thoughts. That's the only way to get them right.

Did you dream that your fingernails were covered with bright red varnish? You will be able to establish relationships with friends and loved ones, which will contribute to the normalization of mental comfort. Were your nails black in a dream? Ahead is waiting serious fight for your good name. False accusations will be sent to your side, and you will have to try to restore honor and dignity.

What did they do with the nails?

Why dream of painting fingernails? In the current situation, you can no longer go with the flow. You have to take matters into your own hands and move forward decisively. If the varnish was yellow color, your thoughts are not too clean, and green speaks of beauty and vitality. Maybe you decide to radically change your life, or some of its aspects - daily routine, nutrition, social circle.

Why dream of cutting nails? According to most interpreters, quarrels are coming in the future, both in the work team and in family circle. Is this what a young girl dreams about? Soon she will have to leave her home for a long time, the dream book warns. And if a man saw such a dream, it means that in the near future he should rely only on his own strength - friends will not be able to help.

Did you have a chance to cut someone's nails in a dream? Someone pretty much dislikes you, the dream book explains, and there is a considerable share of your fault in this. Try to remember - what if you inadvertently offended someone? Or maybe sometimes you are harsh in your statements? On the advice of a dream book, get rid of everything that can turn people against you.

I dreamed that a nail fell off thumb? Very soon, the sleeper will be ashamed of his rather obscene behavior. And first of all, relatives and close people will suffer from it.

If a woman sees in a dream how someone varnishes her nails, soon a person will appear in her life who completely occupied her heart. As the dream book says, he will become much more than just a friend, but over time, a life partner. But, if the nail polish was immediately removed during sleep, this person will turn out to be an insincere hypocrite who will only bring disappointment and pain.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday 03/23/2019

Sleep from Friday to Saturday can also be used in reality. abundance happy events And pleasant experience given by Morpheus, says...

The more amazing the dream, the more deep meaning embedded in it. Why dream of fingernails? Agree, it is not often possible to see your hands in a dream, and even remember the shape and condition of the nails. As the dream book says, fingernails or toenails can have many different interpretations. It all depends on the specific details of your dream. Remembering them as accurately as possible, you will get the most reliable prediction.

Why do you dream of toenails or fingernails - dream books say that the interpretation of sleep depends on the condition of the nails seen.

Sleep is a necessity for a person, like food or air. At this time, our subconscious is resting, and the body is actively recovering to continue coordinated work. This whole period is accompanied by colorful images of vision pictures, which are actually encrypted clues from our subconscious.

You saw your fingernails in a dream

Why do you dream of your fingernails - such a dream is considered a positive omen in various fields life. This may be a state of health, position in society, new capabilities of the body and physical form, labor activity. The length of the nails can characterize the duration favorable period referred to in the interpretation.

If you dreamed of fingernails, this can be interpreted in different ways:

  • For girls - good luck in the love direction;
  • For married ladies - harmony in family life and harmony in everyday matters;
  • For business people, this is the need to get together, apply all their possible potential and make a “jump” towards profit and success;
  • For young people - a meeting with the only one.

Also, the dream in which you remember the nails on your hands can be interpreted as an increase in work, the maximum load in human activity. Sometimes, such a dream can be interpreted as a warning against quarrels and an opportunity to protect yourself from conflict.

If you dreamed about your toenails

Why do toenails dream - on the contrary, they symbolize negative, negative moments and emotions. Any part of a person's life can be affected: friends, health, work environment, social advancement. As the dream book says, toenails can even portend sadder events.

The dream in which you remember the toenails can be regarded as a kind of warning about a threat or danger:

  • People with "position in society" should think about reputation;
  • The younger generation needs to reconsider their behavior so as not to bring shame to the family;
  • Girls should be more careful with rivals;
  • Family people should not show cruelty towards loved ones and smooth out differences;
  • People who are making a career should moderate their vanity a little and hide their intentions a little more.

You saw clean and well-groomed nails

Since childhood, we know that clean nails are the key to health. In a dream, this rule is preserved. If you dreamed of clean nails, then everything is in order with your health. in perfect order. Seeing healthy and well-groomed nails in a dream can mean only one thing - you are on the verge of important and amazing events that please you. Good news and good luck await you. The wheel of fortune will turn to you the winning side. It is necessary to take what is happening seriously and not frighten away that large-scale pleasant event that is coming towards you.

See dirty nails with black border

Why dream of dirty toenails or hands - you should expect trouble on all fronts:

  • Diseases are already on the threshold, both for you and your loved ones;
  • Most likely, you are in trouble at work or on the way to it;
  • If your field of activity is finance, then you should wait out the unfavorable moment and not make dubious transactions. Fortune is not on your side today.
  • It is also necessary to turn Special attention on teenage children, they may get into trouble or be influenced by others.

What do yellow unhealthy nails mean in a dream

The yellow color in a dream is aimed at drawing attention to small details in real life and ability to solve specific problems. yellow nails can mean experienced troubles and individual negative moments that do not allow you to live in the present, constantly returning consciousness to the past. Moments like this need to be let go. In addition, it would be nice to pass medical examination, in order to avoid psychological disorders and possible depression.

You saw broken nails - what is it for

Why dream of broken fingernails or toenails:

  • Artificial - to unexpected problematic troubles and long life obstacles, about which rumors and gossip may creep;
  • Real ones - dream of unexpected and prolonged illnesses;
  • If the nails were long before the breakdown, then the volume of the problem increases many times, acquires a more global dimension.
  • If the nails were cut short before the breakdown, then the problem lies much deeper, not on the surface;

An important moment is how exactly the nail is broken:

  • If at the very root, then the problem is long-term;
  • If at the very top, then the problem can be solved in loyal ways, without going into details;
  • If it is broken obliquely, then most likely the problem will affect you “tangentially”;
  • If it is broken with blood and pain, then it is worth preparing for decisive action and taking on important responsibility.

The number of broken nails, often, no one remembers, but they were all broken or partially, also plays a role in the interpretation of sleep:

  • All nails are broken in a dream - the turning point is already close, you just need to properly motivate yourself for action;
  • Partially broken - the tipping point is still far away, there is time to prioritize.

Seeing your toenails or fingernails in a dream can mean stress at work.

You saw your nails in a dream

If you see your nails in a dream, then everything indicates that you will have to work, work and work again. Moreover, the reward for this will be minimal, and the reward even less.

  • If your nails were on your feet, then the labor will be physical;
  • Seeing fingernails in a dream is a moral labor, but it will bring satisfaction;
  • If your nail is cracked, it speaks of self-doubt and inability to live fully;
  • If the nail tears, a “black” stripe will soon come.

You dreamed of another person's nails

In reality, we often celebrate such trifles as a manicure or hairstyle. In a dream, it is not always possible to remember who exactly belonged to the nails, but this is necessary for a more subtle justification of sleep:

  • If the owner of the nails is a woman, then this is a sign of deceived hope, most likely your dreams will not come true;
  • If the owner is a man, then there is a chance for rapid career growth, as well as recognition and glory that has “fallen” on his head;
  • If the carrier of nails is a deceased person, to the loss of additional income;
  • If the baby is nursing, this is a warning against the possibility of accidentally committing a crime;
  • If the child is your own - a warning against unnecessary pursuit of dubious income;
  • If the child is a stranger - a warning against the possibility of meeting with a hopeless situation;
  • If the child is dead - to intrigue and various gossip, short-lived and almost painless for you.

Manicure and nail polish

Why dream of painting nails in a dream? Because of a large number options and details of the plot - this is one of the most ambiguous dreams. To paint nails in a dream, what is it for, the interpretation is always associated with specifics.

Here is how the dream book interprets to paint nails with varnish on the hands:

  • yourself - to be on the eve of the appearance of important news;
  • to another person - to get favor and good attitude from the authorities and the team;
  • red color of varnish - predicts health, respect and honor;
  • scarlet - a call for caution and distrust of unfamiliar people;
  • lilac - to intrigue and gossip;
  • beige - to a great loss;
  • colorless - to an empty attempt to return success;
  • multi-colored - there is a risk of disgrace in public;
  • sparkles - to depression.

Trim your own or another person's nails

Interpretation of dreams in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since the first attempts to create dream books. Ancient Greek philosophers became the founders of scientifically based theories of the interpretation of dreams based on the knowledge of human psychology. Years passed, one century succeeded another, but the interest in dreams moved people to describe more and more voluminous interpretations. Each author endowed his interpretation with distinctive features.

What are nails for? Dream books know the answer to this question.

Miller's dream book - a lot of work

This dream book is rightfully considered the most voluminous and most truthful option. It was compiled based not only on practical knowledge, but also on the foundations of psychology and astronomy.

  • To see nails in principle is to produce voluminous work for a small reward.
  • Put your nails in order - do a very modest but necessary activity.
  • To see broken or neglected - unsuccessful business ties and premature illness;
  • To see dirty or untidy - if certain steps are not taken, then there is a possibility of dishonor and shame on the whole family.

Wangi's dream book - a bright streak in life

Compiled on the basis of the seer Vanga's own dreams, who in her entire life has not been mistaken in a single prediction.

  • On the hands - a positive omen;
  • On the feet - a negative omen;
  • Long nail - long light streak in life;
  • Short, broken or dirty - to big trouble;
  • To varnish - to do unnecessary work, useless and fruitless;
  • A sick nail (fungus, dark color, clumsy) is a harbinger of a strong and prolonged illness, an unexpected injury or a long-term feeling unwell;
  • Lengthening (building) the nail - improving well-being and sudden wealth. The longer the length, the greater the wealth.
  • If the nail breaks at the very root - financial collapse, lack of money;
  • Smooth and long natural nail- a reward for good work and material wealth.

Freud's dream book - desire for intimacy

Created on the basis of psychoanalysis, taking into account practice and medical history various people, and of course, direct observations and reflections of the psychiatrist himself. Nails in a dream are nothing more than an association with contraceptives in various options and a condom, specifically.

  • The cutting process is safe sex, once or repeatedly, respectively;
  • Varnishing shows your attitude towards contraceptives and the desire to choose proven and super reliable means;
  • Barbs to see, cut, bite) - this is a warning about the ineffectiveness of contraceptives;
  • Seeing dirt in oneself - there is an opportunity to get a venereal disease;
  • Seeing dirt in another person is “dirty” thoughts about you;
  • Clean, even nails - desires of a sexual nature, dissatisfaction;
  • Gnawing - the desire for sexual satisfaction without the use of a condom;
  • Seeing toenails is an irresistible desire for perverted unprotected sex.

Modern dream book - good luck and luck

Existence modern dream book does not cross out the regalia of others. Of course, some interpretations for people of the 21st century are clearer and closer. However, it also carries the experience of its predecessors.

  • Well-groomed nails are a sign of luck and further prosperity. Perhaps you will open a literary gift and will certainly be lucky in your studies.
  • Beautiful nails in all respects portend honor and wealth;
  • Unusual length - expect trouble and violent quarrels with loved ones;
  • Gnawing - to receive something as a gift, a gift;
  • Paint in a brilliant color - get unexpected good news;
  • Do yourself a manicure - portend good shopping, new outfits and jewelry will delight you;
  • If a man sees in a dream bright manicure in a woman, this is in danger;
  • Pure - success with the opposite sex and fortune;
  • Dirty - to chagrin.


Whether it is worth taking night dreams seriously is the decision and choice of each of us. However, since ancient times, people have honored dreams, taken them seriously, studied them and described them in dream books. Information has been accumulated and supplemented for centuries. It is probably worth listening to the call of the roots and periodically looking into the dream book in order to be fully armed. In any case, everyone makes their own choice: someone lies down and inspects dreams, and someone goes to bring them to life.

Video "Why Nails Dream"