Congratulations to the woman economist. Best congratulations on Economist's Day: the main thing is financial success

We wish you millions of discoveries, we wish you luck, we wish you, our colleague, great events and, of course, singing angels. We wish you on behalf of the team that you be beautiful and stable, that you give us all a surge vitality. On your birthday, we wish you inspiration, we wish you care, do not shy away from work. We wish your boss to be immensely pleased with you! ©

On your bright birthday, I hasten to wish you luck to the point of dizziness, I wish you, without embellishment, that you are always happy with life. At this wonderful hour, I wish you to believe in yourself, to know even more secrets of this wonderful world. May everyone in this world give you a million discoveries and gifts, joyful meetings and fun problem solving. My dear colleague, happy holiday to you! ©

May wishes come true
Let every day be remembered
Let happiness shine
May the boss forgive you
Wishes, colleague, team,
Every day magical divas! ©

On your birthday
I wish you patience
I wish you good luck and faith
I want to be the first in everything
My dear colleague
I wish you love from the bottom of my heart! ©

On the name day, I hasten to congratulate the girl and colleague. I want to wish that the work brings you satisfaction. May you draw inspiration and be successful. I wish you love in your personal life and success at work. May the authorities be kind. I wish to develop my talent and abilities. ©

Happy birthday, colleague! May your beauty never fade. I wish you an extraordinary mind, beauty and charm. let all the bosses be crazy about you. I wish you a good salary, many days off and holidays, and a quick rise up the career ladder. Let everythnig will be alright! ©

I wish you joy
I wish you love and warmth
I wish you chocolate sweets
So that love increases a hundred times,

I wish you joy and peace
I wish you a hundred poods of wealth,
I wish not to create an idol for myself,
I want a hundred quiet words

I wish, my colleague, friend,
So that you appreciate the guys
For a successful career
So that there were spiritual forces! ©

I wish you peace and kindness
I want songs and words
I wish you a beautiful fairy tale
And deliverance from the shackles

I wish you masterpieces
I want beautiful portraits
I want help in trouble
And eternal gentle summer

I wish, dear colleague,
Colorful dreams for you
Happiness without end and edge
And deliverance from the shackles! ©

I wish, my good
Peaceful and pretty
So that you do not lose heart
To forgive all friends

To receive as a gift
The sun is clear to you
I wish, a smart colleague,
You have crazy love

To be the boldest of all
To bring success
For everyone to be ready
Give a bouquet of words! ©

On your birthday
We want you to be yourself
We wish at this hour
To bind us

Friendship forever bold
So that the riches of the river flow,
To smile only at you
A ray of sunshine in destiny

We wish you, by all means,
Our colleague, change,
Rainbow love to the sky
And, of course, plenty of bread! ©

Good day! lucky Russian economists, they have the opportunity to celebrate their professional holiday at least twice. From time immemorial, June 30 was considered the Day of the Economist, however, unofficially. And yet it was on this day that the planners who work in all spheres of the national economy accepted congratulations. Economists plan, calculate and control financial flows company or firm in which they work. These are the best analysts and mathematicians capable of scrupulously analyzing a huge amount of digital information.

And so, in 2011 Russian government decided to make Economist's Day one of the official holidays, although a different date was chosen for this. And now, on September 8, financial economists, and with them specialists from all spheres of the economy, solemnly celebrate their official professional holiday. But do not forget about the traditional date. Something, but their memory never fails.

Congratulations on the Economist's Day in verse

Save everything and everywhere
Soon you will hide all finances.
True, our economist,
It's definitely clean on the hand.
He is not afraid of obstacles
Thoughts are varied,
Everywhere, he manages everything,
He knows a lot about economics.
On this day of the economist,
Let the champagne sparkle
And everyone congratulates you
happiness, joy wish.

Congratulations on Economist's Day
I wish you endless finance.
Let the budget replenish
And a bright light shines through the windows.
There will be a beautiful wife
Or a caring man
Fate will bring you with love,
And there is a reason for everyone.
Economist fill up the family,
And teach the kids to count
So that a child can every year,
replenish the family budget.

So that the income is all year round,
And things were going uphill
You work as an economist,
Push yourself to the limit.
Your economist's day
We will celebrate together
Only you make up an estimate,
So that money is not strained.
Little by little, little by little
pour everyone a glass,
We're heading that way
Where everyone will be drunk.

I wish you on the day of the financier,
Be an altruist at work
To the poor, in a word to help,
Don't offend old people.
Let the finances float
And pockets fill up
By banknotes, like waves,
Swim to the coast.
Let the dream come true
And everything will be exactly the same.

Cool wishes Happy Economist Day

You are the backbone, foundation, soil,
The bank can't do it without you
The economy is solid
Took over the working class.
Economist's Day is a holiday
For diligent people
May he bring joy to all
Brighten up the dullness of weekdays.

Steel nerves, golden hands,
Economists are not bored
Trying to count everything
And create a profitable way out.
Your mindset is wealth
You are not from our space.
Every second economist
In life, a bright optimist.
He trusts all people very much,
But the money still checks.
Such a great profession
Being an economist is always fun.

Valuable professionals -
All our economists.
We wish them good health
Live so much fun, with love.
So that the calculations - without errors,
Every day is full of smiles
For relatives to help
Respected at work
So that friends always appreciate
In a team to love
All dreams have always come true
To raise wages
To make people gravitate towards you
And luck smiled.
We will congratulate you together, quickly
Let's say: "Happy Economist's Day"!

Today is your day, economist!

Let the balance always be clean
And a salary bonus
So that the wallets are rich,
For the brain to work perfectly,
Happiness reigned in personal life!

Who is the smartest in life?

Whose decisions are correct?
Doka in numbers, realist?
He is an economist!

On a professional holiday
It will be more expedient
Do not work, do not count -
Accept congratulations.

Economics is a science,
If only there was something like this:
Let your money not melt
And the salary goes up.

Economics is a science,

Accurate charts and numbers.
Today we congratulate
Those who know this cipher.

May work bring joy
And an impressive income.
Hard work brings
You have a career skyrocket.

Short SMS Happy Economist Day in verse and prose

Economic department

It does not sit idle with us,
After all, you are our economists,
Excellent specialists!
With the country's economy
You have long been on "you",
And our production
It's easy to calculate!
You have all the reports in your papers,
All calculations and calculations
How to save finances
And still make a profit.
Congratulations to the whole team,
Happy economist day to you,
Let your work be
Everything is smooth, clear, clean!
May good luck and luck
Accompanies you in life
Will be happy no doubt
May every day and every hour!

The key to the financial success of the state and each of its enterprises lies on the fragile shoulders of economists: one inaccuracy in the calculations and now a successful manufacturing concern suffers unprecedented losses. So let all your predictions come true, and let mistakes be bypassed. Happy holiday to you, Happy Russian Economist Day.

To be an economist is to be someone who really understands the movement of money. Congratulations to all Russian economists on their professional holiday and we wish never to lack funds and resources, both tangible and intangible.

The economy must be economical. You are an economist from God and, thanks to people like you, our country will become rich, strong and prosperous. I wish you success in your work and happiness on the personal front. Economist's Day is really your holiday!

There is a crisis in the global economy, but we believe that you have nothing to do with it! With your help, businesses prosper, banks make huge profits, and countries reach the peak of development. We wish you trouble-free work, friendly colleagues, sincere and generous customers!

Economist is an important profession that deserves fame and honor. You can make forecasts and calculations, financial calculations. It is your work that guarantees the opening of prospects for the development of the company, the strengthening of the state economy and business. Nothing can be achieved without economic services, because without professional help the budget will not come in order, and spending will be superfluous, not for its intended purpose. I want to wish you order in life and understanding of goals, prospects and bright opportunities. Let loved ones give smiles and kind words, tender feelings and faith in beautiful world. Remember that numbers are only part of the world, which also includes emotions and feelings, sounds, aromas and colors. Enjoy life and of course take my sincere congratulations, celebrate a professional holiday, which is truly important!

Economists are important professionals who deserve only the most warm words in the form of congratulations. I wish you, my dear little man, activity and health, energy and progress. Let life develop only 100%, please with brightness and fun. Let calculations become only part of it, an element of work, but not the only meaning. Close people nearby, a variety of entertainment and travel, creativity and inspiration for undertakings - these are the facets that must be discovered by all means. Let the salary get bigger, because money, as you know, is never enough. I wish you a luxurious life without the need to save on yourself. Achieve a career take-off in order to believe in your abilities and amazing prospects. Make dreams and wishes come true, remember yourself, because only in this case the holiday will leave the most best experience About Me. Congratulations on the Day of the economist, professional holiday.

Congratulations in prose Happy Economist Day

Who in life can show intelligence and understanding of mathematical, financial processes? Who shows perseverance even in difficult situations? Who can have only the right decisions? That's right: an economist. My dear economist, I would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday. Use today to take bright congratulations, rest from work. I wish you financial success and accumulation of money, correct calculations for your advancement. Let the economy open its worthy facets, give many opportunities for the successful achievement of goals. I believe that everything will definitely turn out right for you, because you have the right character. Congratulations on the Economist's Day, important holiday emphasizing the value of your profession. May everything come true in your life!

Many people note that they cannot understand anything in finance and calculations, economics, but you are amazingly able to cope with the tasks. Dear economist, you find the strength and ability in yourself to cope with complex work tasks. I wish you a lot of your finances, success and active career advancement. Let everything you dream about come true, because you really want to know that you are happy, dear little man. Wish vivid emotions and positive, discovering worthy facets of being. May life be kind and supportive to you, and loved ones will always be there. Strive for your goals, because it also depends your future and, of course, the attitude to work. Accept sincere congratulations on your professional holiday. Today you can have more rest and celebrate Economist's Day.

Raising the gross income for the state, opening up prospects for entrepreneurs - this is truly important tasks. Economist, it is you who helps many people to live at a decent standard, to be able to open up bright prospects in their lives. I want to express my admiration for the game with numbers and successful progress in the chosen direction of the work task. Life should certainly reward you for doing so many important work tasks. I wish you a lot of finances and the opportunity to spend them on entertainment, travel, and not on paying expensive utilities and treatments. I believe that life will certainly please you with its bright facets and positive events. Remember that not only work is important, but also personal life, the opportunity to enjoy your destiny. Let today you feel that the economist is a truly important profession. Congratulations!

Despite the fact that this holiday is celebrated on June 30 and is considered unofficial, congratulations on the day of the economist every year sound sincere and promising. Everyone who is somehow involved in the economic sector of our country celebrates this holiday, and any team finds its own form of celebration. best gift to an economist, by the way, money is considered - keep in mind. However warm congratulations nobody canceled!

Poems about an economist (congratulations in verse)

There are hundreds of options for how economists celebrate their professional holiday. However, it is often not complete without postcards that colleagues give each other at work, wishing happiness, health and success in their favorite business. Any of these verses will harmoniously complement your postcard.

Economists are a bold people
Accountants - be quiet, be careful.
Where the economist will shout: "Forward!",
The accountant will say: “No, you can’t ...”
Two sides of the coin, but always
One dares, and the other is thrilled
From fear and doubt
She only owns the main book.
Imagine a duel, who will win -
Drunk economist il buh-quiet?
The economist reproaches the accountant,
But he won't say too much.
There is a sense in accountants, yes, there is,
In economists - prowess and courage.
And the fact that accountants are only in honor,
Valiant economists do not need!

Figures, forms and reports -
There is no rest, no sleep.
Take a break from work
It's a holiday! You the whole country
Sends a bow, economists.
Happiness and kindness to you,
Long life and optimism
Everyday light labor.
Less cases and paperwork -
More bonuses and salaries.
Thank you for everything,
You are in great demand with us!

Figures, estimates and budgets -
All thoughts mixed into one
We congratulate you today:
Happy Holidays Economists!

May the world of magic numbers
You sum up the good,
Evil will take everything from life
Let the pain divide into two.

And love, hope, faith,
Happiness, let joy be for you
Every day and even at night
Multiply hundreds of times!


June thirtieth - economist's day,
We hasten to congratulate you on the holiday,
You live in a world of calculations, numbers, prices,
You are a professional - what else to add.

We wish you always achieve your goals,
Success at work, at home,
So that you can always show and prove in practice
Talent, intelligence and correctness.


Wonderful, flexible mindset,
You do miracles with money
The first economy in the company,
Not like office plankton.
Create a plan for the company
And in this business you are talented.
Not knowing rest and sleep,
Work is important to you.
Economist! let me
Happy birthday.
From all colleagues, from all people,
We congratulate you on your anniversary.

Economist - specialist
We respectfully hasten to say,
That happiness is near, that joy is near.
As long as they want it, it's time to grab it.
Grab your wings like a bird, happiness
And never let go.
There are few such skillful people in the world,
We wish you to prosper forever!

Congratulations to the economist in prose

Congratulations to colleagues on Economist's Day should also be heard orally: for example, during an informal celebration in a cafe, restaurant or club. Financiers belong to the category of specialists who prefer to speak the language of numbers, rather than invent high-flown literary combinations, so our congratulations to the workers - to help you!

On this day, Dear Colleagues, it would be desirable to wish first of all more knowledge. In our business, you always need to replenish and improve your professional baggage. A pinch of stubbornness will also come in handy, as well as positive attitude even in the most difficult period reports. I would also like to wish that work never brings you a tiring feeling of boredom. Numbers are our world. And who, if not us, makes it perfect!

Colleagues, do you know what distinguishes us from other specialists? First, we never rely on luck. In our business, this is simply not possible. Second, our unique mindset. We are all well aware that the work leaves its mark on our everyday life. However, this is by no means a bad thing. Rather, on the contrary: we are more responsible, collected, self-confident. I would like to wish that we never lose these qualities. Let every hour of work bring only pleasure!

Congratulations on the Day of the economist for a woman is a confirmation that she has taken place as a specialist. And it is these ladies who have gathered in our team. It is thanks to you that the unique and important financial climate is created in the company. Moreover, it is always difficult for finance departments to join teams that create creative products. However, this task is up to you. We wish you to improve in your business, but never stop dreaming for a second and remain as charming and charming!

What distinguishes an economist from other specialists is that he knows a lot in advance. Moreover, he does not assume, but knows for sure! This is a feature of our beloved profession - to be accurate, confident, unshakable. No one in the company can foresee its development as far as we can. For this we are appreciated. However, today I would like to wish you not just success in your career. We will also need personal happiness, moments of real rest and wishes that come true!

Who else but we, accountants and financiers, know that money was created not just for love. They are designed to multiply. And this is our the main task which we are successfully fulfilling! After all, we do not just love money. We know one hundred percent how to properly dispose of them. I would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you to continue to work miracles by turning one banknote into three!

Economist's Day: congratulations on irony

Everyone knows that today the world is facing a massive economic crisis. However, we are sure that the economic department of our company is clearly not to blame! Well, maybe just a little bit. And that, only for the sake of prosperity of our firm! Colleagues, are you aware that it is thanks to you that the country is still developing and is proud of its success? Please take this into account and continue in the same spirit. Be the happiest masters of numbers!

Save everything and everywhere
Soon you will hide all finances.
True, our economist
It's definitely clean on the hand.
He is not afraid of obstacles
Thoughts are varied,
Everywhere he succeeds
He knows a lot about economics.
On this day the economist
Let the champagne sparkle
And everyone congratulates you
happiness, joy wish.

You know, colleague, I envy you a little! I spend money thoughtlessly, they always disappear somewhere! And you own some kind of magic inexplicable to me. No matter how much you give, you will always bring more. Is that how you do it? I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you always experience only delight and real pleasure from your work! We know that benefits are not only material ...

Congratulations on Economist's Day,
I wish you endless finance.
Let the budget grow
And a bright light shines through the windows.
There will be a beautiful wife
Or a caring man
Fate will bring you with love,
And there is a reason for everyone.
Economist fill up the genus
And teach the kids to count
So that a child can every year
replenish the family budget.

It seems that economists, like no one else, feel their importance in the profession. After all, there are two things: your fragile shoulders and financial success companies. You know, colleagues, I'm even a little afraid of you. After all, it is enough to replace just a few numbers for a huge concern to suffer unrealistic losses! And you can. True, I want to wish the opposite: so that your work brings only profit. Moreover, both the company and you personally!

I wish you on the Day of the financier
Be an altruist at work
Help with a poor word
Don't offend old people.
Let the finances float
And pockets fill up
By banknotes, like waves,
Swim to the coast.
Let the dream come true
And everything will be exactly the same.

We wish you that the numbers sang,
We went clearly drill,
Achieved financial goals
And keep you safe.

Let it be in profit and happiness,
Love, health of the whole family.
So that the world is not divided into parts,
But for moments and days.

An economist on his birthday
We wish you every success
Let rest and personal life
Work won't be a hindrance
We wish you bright impressions,
Love, stable prosperity,
Let, despite all the problems,
Life will be colorful and sweet!

Happy birthday, economist. I wish both life and the economy without stagnation and depression, with tall income and ideas. May the country's economy be healthy, may our excellent economist be healthy. Good luck, success, personal well-being and prosperity.

happy birthday congratulations
We are you, economist,
According to calculations, the most important
You are our specialist.

hand calculator
You don't let go
All laws of the market
You know by heart.

Do you use it in your calculations?
Analytical mind,
You can easily count us
The effect is economic.

I wish that in the calculations
You didn't know the mistakes
For life to be complete
Happiness and smiles.

You have arrived a faithful defender,
Finance brave king!
And the case of banknotes and coins
You play a vital role.

We wish you prosperity
Both in the house and in the wallet!
Let life be a joyful fairy tale!
Go light to your desires!

In business we wish you success,
In the family - kindness and love!
Problems don't stop you!
Catch happiness in your hands!

Happy birthday, congratulations
Dear workaholic,
Specialist in the profession you are cool
Master of Economics.

Let work only bring
happiness and salary.
And for overtime
Bonus and payout.

So that always only with joy
Meet the new day
Lived in love, harmony
And did not lose heart.

I wish you on your birthday
Good luck, bright, clear days,
In a career, only promotions,
Smiles, loyal friends,
Good health, love,
And also unearthly happiness!
So that all your dreams come true
I want a lot of money!

You are in financial battles -
Warrior, ace, artilleryman.
Happy birthday, congratulations
Dear economist.

Let work be a joy
Let the numbers inspire.
Never let it touch
Your soul pain and sadness.

Let all balances come together
Up to a single ruble
All poems and romances -
Everything is for you today.

And I wish that in the calculations
Everything has grown and grown together,
Worries passed by,
And whatever you want came true!

You are sitting at a computer program.
Responsible employee, let's face it.
You think, you write, you carefully delve into everything
And you study the clauses of the contract.
In order to properly distribute the funds,
Bankrupt so as not to become in the future.
In advance, and you will calculate the profit.
A talented economist, everyone knows that.
Drop everything for a minute,
Give a vacation to your working route,
After all, today is your birthday.
Accept congratulations from your colleagues.
Still hold the mysterious bag,
And it contains an original congratulations.

Everyone needs an economist.
With him, a prize awaits us all in life.
Go around the other side
We are a problem or a crisis.
Happy Birthday!
You - all the best!
Feel no fear
All confidently consider
Enrich life around.
And ideas are very fast
Implement successfully.

If one of your friends, acquaintances or relatives is one of the people whose specialty - economist - is one of the most important and in demand today, then do not forget to congratulate them on their professional holiday. We are used to congratulating each other on generally accepted holidays - Happy Birthday, New Year, March 8, February 23, but few congratulate us on our professional holiday, and some people sometimes do not even know about the existence of this kind of holidays. So why not do pleasing to a person? Especially if you know that he will not be congratulated on this holiday by any means. a large number of of people. Call him, saying the words of congratulations, write an SMS or just send wishes to social network. And then there will be one more happy person in the world. Just imagine how he smiles and rejoices when he receives your congratulations. It would seem such a trifle, but nice! So make your loved ones happy!

country's economy
You must always watch
Dear economist!
You are an optimist in life
Congratulations, cheers!
It's time to celebrate the holiday
Happiness to you, happy birthday!
And good luck with everything.

You saved soap this morning.
Of course it's very cute!
Then he did not save tea,
(Woke up on the floor by chance).
You did not save perfume,
As well as a tie and a suit.
Economist, happy birthday!
Don't skimp on joy!

How to distribute income
You know, an economist.
How to increase turnover
You know you're an artist too!
In his business, just ace!
Happy birthday dear!
Don't save on us
We will celebrate with you!

You learned to save
Budgeting, writing a report
You have achieved a lot
Economist to become!
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you to flourish in life!
We also wish, without a doubt,
Become the chief economist!

Happy birthday, economist!
You are a wonderful specialist!
How do you plan your budget?
What is enough for us for a banquet,
In honor of your birthday!
We wish only one -
Be happy, our dear, always
And never be sad!

You distribute money flows,
What for development, and what for income,
And then the reports are running out of time,
And you need to calculate the turnover.
You cope with everything, you know a lot,
Our economist, happy birthday, dear!
May all roads be easy in life,
And we will all be proud of you!

We congratulate you, economist,
Happy birthday! We wish you good luck!
We know for sure that you are not a pessimist,
And on the shoulder of any task for you!
We wish you happiness, may you always be lucky
At work, at home, things are arguing.
You know money loves a bill
And don't let them hurt you!

Economist, wish you a happy birthday
In finance, so that there is always order!
So that luck always awaits in business,
And so that the ardor of the worker does not cool down!
Counting enterprise income
We ask you not to forget about us.
Let the years go by
We want to wish you much happiness!

Our excellent economist,
Our honest guardian's income!
Happy birthday to you, dear!
In our firm, you are a hero.
Consider "on time" you are all finances,
You write reports like romances!
We wish you well in life
Good luck has come to you!

Economist, your job -
Reports up a sweat!
You manage finances
You know exactly where to put them.
And happy birthday congratulations
We wish you good luck!
You reach your goals
Live, work and dream!

Our economist, congratulations
Happy birthday to you today!
We wish you prosperity
So that the ardor of the worker does not fade away!
Save money without a doubt
In your organization
Well, today, on my birthday,
We wish you happy days!

Economist, congratulating you on your birthday,
We wish you good luck in your work!
They converged so that all the accounts, without a doubt,
So that all important tasks were solved!
Always, so that dear, you were held in high esteem,
Well, to have prosperity in the house,
Loved that you are all at work,
And you, of course, to love your life!

The company is not enough
You saved money.
We want enough
Funds for all your dreams!
You are an economist from God,
Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations! And wish
A sea of ​​happiness for you!