Short and bright congratulations on your birthday. Happy birthday greetings - beautiful, short. Beautiful short wishes

Don't ignore our wonderful collection of short and beautiful greetings, unique wishes, cute birthday cards! Every birthday person always deserves a big holiday, regardless of the years he has lived. However, it is often difficult for invited guests to come up with the right words for the hero of the occasion. If you want to “correctly” congratulate a friend and express your true feelings, let the best short beautiful birthday greetings be a gift for him. They will definitely please the "newborn" and make him a little happier.

Briefly, I want to tell you everything
Listen to me carefully,
You will have something to dream about
You will have an interesting life!
You will create and you will pray
You will only have fun
So that the smile does not leave the face,
And the music turns you on!

In motion is life
So go ahead
Hold on close
Get into the turn.
Let your every year be new
Let him fly to you on shoulder straps,
Let everything be good in life
So that the holiday passes brightly and joyfully!

How many flowers are in the hall
How many smiles in the hall
How many happy words
Without the slightest error
Everything for you today
On your bright holiday,
And purposely let me
Wish you faith
Wish you hope, love,
Catch the rays of the sun closer!

Congratulations to you today
On your big birthday
He will be the property of the people,
There will be a lot of patience
Tales will be told later
How was the feast
Maybe even show
To behave very freely!

The stars stood up together,
What are they talking about?
Maybe they are screaming?
No - everyone will congratulate
Happy Birthday to You,
And love to send gifts!
We protect you
We know very well
That you are like a rose in the garden,
Let me steal you?
No, no - catch gifts,
Oh, it's going to be hot today.

I give you gifts
I give you flowers
Congratulations without a blot
I write to you for you
I always meet you
And I accompany you
Even with a word, even with a look -
I want to be always there!
On my birthday I will say out loud
What fell for the tricks
Your eyes and your hands
Happy Birthday Baby!

Happy birthday!
good luck, love,
Hope and health
Achieve dreams.

Only peace and sun
Success, good!
And to bring
Life is always joy.

happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you
Happiness, joy, success,
Good health, laughter!

Love, luck, inspiration
And all desires of fulfillment,
To live richly and without trouble
At least another hundred years!

We wish you joy, luck,
Smiles, happiness and warmth.
Let the mood be bright
Always successful - business.

Health, strength and inspiration!
Let the house be a full bowl.
Here is this sincere verse!

Happy birthday
Please accept from me:
Happiness, joy, luck,
Warmth and kindness!

I wish you a wallet full
And health over the edge.
I wish life a smooth path,
And let there be paradise in the family!

I want to smile more often
And bring positive to our world,
It is easy to achieve all goals,
On your life path!

May there be a lot of light in life
Good and only bright days!
Let only sunny summer
Always lives in your soul!

Let life flow easily
You will be picked up on your birthday
And carry forward - to dreams,
Love, success and money.

I wish you great health,
Support from family and friends
optimistic mood
And, like a holiday, bright days!

I wish you so much happiness
So as not to take it away at once.
You smile good luck
Do not be sad from resentment.

Congratulating on your birthday
I wish you
So that life is like in a fairy tale
Or like in a beautiful dream!

I want this birthday
Wish a car of luck
A sea of ​​joy without tears
Fulfillment of all dreams.
And love and inspiration
And cool mood!
So that all the best happens
Life seemed like heaven to you.
And health and good luck
And cloudless happiness!

I wish you pleasant events
Great health too.
Victories and new discoveries,
Goosebumps of happiness on the skin.

May good luck accompany
Jazz plays in the soul.
All tasks are solved
And life sparkles like a diamond.

Health, joy, luck
We wish you a happy birthday!
Enjoy the gifts of life
And do not be sad, but smile.

A barrel of money, a box of happiness.
Let bad weather pass by.
Car, mansion and cottage.
And longevity to boot!

I want only light in my life
Warmth, success and love.
In the soul so that it was eternal summer,
May the stars guide you on your way.

Only joy, in business - good luck,
New accomplishments and victories.
And that's the only way - nothing else.
Happy, bright, long years!

Soul to sing and laugh
And the heart believed in the dream.
So that happiness does not end at all,
And your eyes saw beauty.

So that all desires come true -
Everything that you have in mind.
Good luck in every endeavor,
Fun on your birthday!

Let today, on this holiday,
Your dreams come true
And life will be fun, cool,
And bridges do not diverge.

I wish you joy and laughter
Love, family warmth.
I wish you happiness and success
May life be kind to you!

Happy Birthday!
May happiness surround you
And life will be full of luck
Giving you joy every hour.

May the day be filled with warmth
May all dreams come true.
Let there be light in the soul
Let there be a lot of kindness!

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
And I wish you happiness!
May luck, good luck
They will be in your power.

May health be strong
Goals are achieved
All serious tasks
Easily solved!

Happiness, joy and success
Let them hurry home.
Happy Birthday
And I wish you bright days.

Let them warm and hug
Warm words of relatives
From the heart let the sun blow
In wishes from them.

Happy Birthday! Happiness in the house
And cozy warmth
To joyful and bright
Your life has always been.

To fall like stars
To accounts and wallets
Euros, dollars and even
Our good rubles.

With all my heart I wish you happiness
And many long light years
Strength to fight any adversity,
More joyful victories.

I want to smile more
Years run forward - and let:
In the soul - forever eighteen,
And the heart will not be touched by sadness.

May every moment on your birthday
It will be unique, bright,
He will gather your friends
And every moment will be a gift.

Let the guests come to your house
Love, luck and harmony,
Live here forever
Huge, like the sea, happiness!

Let dreams come true
Everything you desire.
Happiness, kindness, success,
Colors, magic and laughter!

Joy, shining eyes
And love like the first time.
The day started with a smile
Your holiday to be a success!

Let sadness pass by
Let the sun shine brighter
And all your desires
Carries a fair wind!

Let all dreams - like butter,
Friends - good, faithful.
Love, health, happiness
And endless joy!

Relatives Friend Girlfriend Beloved Beloved Happy Birthday

I want to congratulate you cordially,
May your life be full of love
The hand is strong, health is eternal,
And the heart is young, like spring!

Today, with the first glimpse of dawn,
I want to congratulate you with all my heart.
Always take the best from life
Fate so that in a corner could not put.

So that the heart burns in fiery passion,
And it was reborn, like a phoenix, again.
Without letting you down, so that health grows stronger,
And true love reigned in life.

I wish you to develop harmoniously and improve daily, to be an energetic, positive person, to charge those around you with incredible magnetism. Let everything in life develop easily, beautifully, and every day fate bestows joyful moments.

Let it lay down with beautiful patterns
Your happiness is in a changeable fate,
So that you can open up for joy
And he attracted luck only to himself.

May every moment bring you:
Health, strength and patience.
Sadness melts like ice
Luck accompanies everything.

More good news
In the soul to be inspired.
Happy, loving children -
Beautiful mood colors.

Sincere wishes are always successfully translated into reality, and I want boundless happiness, excellent health, phenomenal luck, which I, with all my heart, wish, to come true in your beautiful and joyful life as soon as possible.

I wish you happy moments
And the brightest impressions
Wonderful changes in life
And less upset.

Let all suffering turn away!
May happiness come to the house forever.
Smile with love
We are on a holiday that awaits today!

I wish you good luck
Freedom, joy, love.
And for me a great happiness
Success will be all yours!

Let unrealistic dreams fill your thoughts again. Let health be an inexhaustible source. Always be in good shape and be able to realize talent in life. Let the sunlight illuminate your path, giving the love of those around you.

Let the birds chirp and sing songs
Let the rainbow shine playfully!
Let your friends support you and understand
And life will always be beautiful!

Today is your holiday!
Energy, strength, beauty,
May heaven bless
Dreams become real!

Let love sparkle in your eyes
Luck knocks on your life
Good will come and aspiration,
Harmony and inspiration!

May every day bring you new moments of joy, filled with sincere love, quivering tenderness, all-consuming passion. Let the surrounding harmony inspire you to creative success!

I wish you to live slowly
So that the soul blossoms with goodness,
Find beauty in your life
Fulfilling your dream.

You bring happiness to everyone
And congratulations are easy.
Star of love, hope, passion
You shine high in the sky.

Wishes are getting louder
Poems and toasts in your honor,
We continue to give radiance
And make your loved ones and family happy!

Please accept my congratulations as a sincere impulse of the soul! From this day on, I wish you to always be in a great mood, be friends with good luck, not know illnesses and defeats, enjoy life, live exclusively surrounded by love and warmth!

Alina Ogonyok

Let life be filled with bright colors
I want to draw inspiration from her,
Moments will always be only beautiful,
Good luck, health to you. Happy Birthday!

I wish you a lot of luck
And I want a cottage by the sea.
And happiness, of course, in addition,
And, most importantly, a lot of health.

Happy Birthday! bright life,
Full of happy surprises!
Will be the best gift
Let the love of family and friends.

Happy birthday, I hasten to congratulate you,
I want to wish you well
So that happiness is always there,
So that health does not take a year!

Congratulations, congratulations!
I wish you much joy
Lots of money and love
Success, glory ahead,
Longevity and happiness.
Let all bad weather go away.

I wish you strength on your birthday
So that the path of life is excellent,
I wish you happiness, blessings and light,
Love, kindness, warmth, success.

I wish this birthday
So that all your dreams come true
Let the mood be bright
May your life be full of love!

Your birthday is today.
I wish you no doubt
A lot of happiness, health, luck,
Achievements, good luck, patience.
Let all troubles be forgotten on the way to you,
Only love and success will be around.

I wish you happiness over the edge
And let the house be full of kindness,
Let life resemble paradise
May all dreams come true.

Everything goes like clockwork.
It will be the way you want.
Treat every day like a holiday.
Let dreams come true!

Bright days, more luck.
A lot of joy in fate.
Happy Birthday!
Happiness and love to you.

Happy birthday!
On this day I wish you
Happiness, joy, success,
Sea of ​​sun, sea of ​​laughter
Salaries to you from the capital
And success in your personal life!

I wish you happiness on your birthday
Always live bright and beautiful,
Good, colorful mood,
And a lot of positive!

Birthday came -
The holiday is wonderful.
We wish with all our heart
Life is exciting.
Happiness, joy and laughter,
And health and success.

Good luck, warmth,
More happiness and love
Success, youth, strength,
We wish you.

May every day bring good luck
And joy will fill your life.
Let fate give happiness in addition
And all desires will be fulfilled.

Happy Birthday
And I wish you inspiration
Live happily for a hundred years
Swim on the river of good luck!

Sun bright in the morning
Every day I wish.
Never lose heart
Start the day with a smile.
All desires of fulfillment,
Happy Birthday!

Goodness, love, earthly good,
Good health, warmth.
And life is fabulous and bright,
With all my heart I wish.

May there be in life: joy, happiness, strength,
Health, warmth, kindness, comfort.
Relatives to always be there,
And let the troubles go away forever.

Happiness to you - without looking back,
Work without fatigue
Health - no treatment,
And life - without grief!

May happiness be your companion
Will remain forever
Let it be there forever
Beloved person!

Good health to you
Blooming life like spring
A rich economy, like a generous autumn,
A strong family, like a frosty winter!

May there be many good days in life,
In the family, harmony, happiness and peace!
Always be beautiful, healthy,
Cheerful, cheerful, ground.

May there be harmony in your family,
May everyone be healthy
Let your garden bloom in spring
And the house in the garden will be beautiful.

We wish you a clear sky and a radiant sun:
Eternal peace and infinite happiness,
Health, joy, success,
More joyful laughter.

The solemn moment has come
I raise my glass
For the incomparable eagle
The culprit of this table!

Birthday! Really!
Has it been a year since last?
After all, from that still fun
I never left!

Today is your birthday
May God give you good health.
Let peace live in your family,
Warmed by happiness, joy, love.

So that the seas are all knee-deep
So that life flows like a full river
I want to meet the record holder
With a record for the size of the wallet!

Let all sorrows, hardships pass by,

About everything that happened, do not regret.
Life is for this
To live it to the fullest.

Today is your birthday
So, you need to powerfully break away!
After all, you will have a whole year,
To have time to get back a little oklematsya!

We wish you a lot of happiness in life
Love, warmth,
To pass you bad weather,
All life to be bright.

To live is a word that knows no boundaries,
To live - because You are dear to all of us,
We sincerely wish you
Happiness, health for all time!

I want the key to a new car
A hefty pack of money
Cold beer in a glass
And so that friends do not forget!

I want to be so beautiful
Like flowers in the morning with dew,
I want to be so happy
For everyone to envy!

We wish you inspiration in your work,
In the family circle - warmth and kindness.
Among friends - love and respect,
And in life - a dream come true.

I wish you health, I wish you success,

Let anxiety not enter your path
And the sun shines on your path.
May health, happiness, joy and good luck
They will walk hand in hand with you!

I wish you a whole bunch of happiness
Smiles, joy bouquet,
Friends reliable and cheerful,
Happy life, long life.

We wish you a life without torment,
Don't worry for no reason
Always look cheerful

We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that the house was protected from grief and troubles.

Well, where can we get such a song
Find worthy words
So that from warm congratulations
head was spinning in the verses.

Another year has passed
Young your life blooming.
Let only happiness bring you
Every day, every month to come!

Great occasion, birthday
And we are happy to congratulate you
Love, Luck and Luck
May they always be there!

I wish you happiness on your birthday.
May everything succeed without exception!
Let the mood be wonderful
And every day is excellent, kind, clear!

People and flowers will smile at you,

Love, health, happiness and dreams!

Happy birthday to you.
Have fun on this day, do not be sad.
I wish you a lot of happiness
And especially happiness in love!

Don't let your youth fade away
And with it - love and kindness.
May they be an eternal guest in your house
Peace and happiness, peace and warmth!

I want to forget about illness, adversity,
Stay healthy for many more years
So that people give you joy in full,
So that peace and spring reign in the heart!

We wish you health for many years,
Let all sorrows and hardships pass a mile,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy, happiness,
And only tears sparkle from laughter.

Friends, we are ready to confirm again,
That we love you as before,
We will drink love for yours,
For happiness, faith and hope!

May every day be like a birthday
Let only happiness and success!
Let life be like a kilogram of jam
So that everything is fine, the best!

So that you on your birthday,
The men surrounded.
To compose odes
And your husband washed his socks!

At this festive table,
I drink to your home
He was famous for peace and labor,
For happiness and fun in it!

Let gloomy days in life
Warmed will be a friendly lot,
Let it be a companion on the way
Simple human happiness!

We want to wish you only good luck.
So that joy walks with you always,
So that health, fun and happiness in addition
Were with you - and away the trouble.

We wish happiness to heaven
Explore all earthly wonders
To know the divine power of love,
And see the world beautiful and happy.

We wish the sun on earth
And the sky is soft blue
Love and joy to you
And the happiness of the most earthly!

We wish you a life without torment,
Don't worry for no reason
Always look cheerful
Never know where it hurts.

May this day be beautiful
And all dreams come true.
May the sun shine on you everywhere
And the flowers are smiling.

I do not want a crystal life -
And on a clear day, bad weather happens,
I wish you all the best,
Simple human happiness!

May this day be spring rays
People and flowers will smile at you,
And let them always go through life with you
Love, health, happiness and dreams.

Let the years run by
Bypassing all the bad weather,
We wish you with all our heart
Love, health, happiness.

Let people judge you
Not by date of birth
And by the gleam of cheerful eyes,
In a good mood!

Let the year be added - it does not matter!
That is the secret of life,
Stay young forever
Even if the years are added.

Be healthy and lucky beyond measure!
We wish you success, bright faith,
And may you be a guiding star
Life shines brightly and always.

We wish you bright long years
And good health
Happy birthday helmet hello
With great love.

Happy birthday!
We wish you happiness, enjoyment!
And so that life does not become a mistake,
Let your face bloom with a smile!

Today, on your birthday,
We wish with heart and soul:
Health, cheerfulness and laughter,
In all your affairs, success!

Holiday of the soul - birthday,
We shake your strong hand!
Happiness, love and health
Our best friend!

Happy birthday to you today
We wish your dreams come true
Health and happiness for many years
We wish you all from the bottom of our hearts!

Happy birthday to you!
We wish you great happiness in life
Bright days and smiles bouquet,
Do not get sick, do not grow old for many years!

And no matter how old you are,
Trust me, don't be afraid of them.
We wish you bright happiness in fate,
Your years are your wealth!

We wish you many years, we wish them a lot,
So that only good luck will be brought to you.
May you become a year older today
Do not be sad: you have entered the time of maturity!

Stop, years, for a moment,

I sincerely wish, from the bottom of my heart!

We congratulate you on your birth
We wish you health, happiness,
Truthful, smart, strong-willed,
There would be more of such a country!

On a beautiful day, spring day
Happy Birthday!
Let you from all sides
Bring a million flowers!

Birthday is a wonderful date
It doesn't matter if the years go by.
Life is so bright and beautiful
That you should never be sad.

To the sound of a crystal glass
The fizz of sweet wine
We congratulate you on your birthday
We wish you happiness and good.

We wish you love and happiness
And joy for many years
To sail past you bad weather
And happiness never left the house!

We wish you a sea of ​​happiness, boundless,
Many joys in life, comforts,
And besides, reliable health,
So that you live your whole life without interference!

Let the years rush like a whirlwind - it does not matter,
After all, time will heal all your wounds!
May trouble not come to your warm house
And the sun will not be covered with fog!

I'll tell you now, in the midst of fun,
So that you do not forget about friends,
To be invited to a birthday
Celebrate centennial anniversary!

Let the years rush, let you live a lot of them!
Do not let sadness in your heart, you will become younger!
Your head is gray, but that's not the point!
After all, the soul is young, you see how it sang!

I wish you long years, good winters
And good Siberian health!
Let those who love with all my heart be near
And respond to love with love!

May life be full of flowers
Just like a gentle spring!
And let Cupid - the winged god -
Love will overshadow the threshold!

May the wonderful moments of life
They remain in my heart forever.
May today's birthday
It will be bright, cheerful, cordial!

I wish you happiness,
Human, spiritual warmth.
Let all bad weather bypass
And life will be full of kindness of the heart.

Let the light of the soul not fade, -
I wish you endless happiness!
And on the paths of untrodden roads
God bless you from every misfortune!

With all our hearts we wish you happiness.
So that there is no bad weather in the soul,
Health, cheerfulness and laughter,
In big things - great success!

May all long roads become short ones,
Rocky paths will be smooth
Let the fontanels meet you full,
Let thunderstorms and lightning pass you along the way!

We wish you only great happiness
Live without grief and anxiety.
May only joy and good luck
They cross your threshold!

We wish you not to get sick, not to grow old,
About everything that happened, do not regret.
Life is for this
To live it to the fullest.

I wish you health, I wish you success,
To make tears shine only from laughter,
So that happiness and joy shine in a smile,
So that all wishes come true.

May happiness always shine on you
Health will be strong
And let joy not bypass
Well-being will not be forgotten!

The whole house was covered with lilacs
With your gray shadow
All because today is the day -
Your birthday!

I want you to decide
In fate, all the difficult tasks
To be happy and loved
Always - good luck in everything!

It doesn't matter that the years have almost flown by,
It does not matter that they left without asking at times.
If only the heart in the chest beat in rhythm always,
And the soul would be young.

It's your birthday today -
The brightest day
So accept congratulations
From the dearest people!

May your life be happy
Good luck will not forget the way to you,
May joy and goodness, hope and fun,
You will bring as a gift - Birthday!

It doesn't matter that the years fly by!
May everything you want come true!
Let him have time to forget, everything that needs to be forgotten!
May love remain and the desire to love!

May God always give you happiness and warmth,
Straight roads, love of relatives and friends,
So that troubles and sorrows do not hang,
May your life be wonderful!

We are so used to coming to your house,
Where everyone sits in his usual place,
Where at the luxurious, as always, table
We've been feasting together for so many years!

On your birthday
Accept my best words!
I wish you mood
And love, and prosperity!

It's your birthday today -
The kindest, most joyful day of yours!
You accept congratulations from the heart!
Let adversity go away, sadness shadow!

I wish you a birthday
Pleasant, joyful chores!
Let the fun sparkle in the house
And there will be happiness all year round!

May youth always be with you
And with it - health, beauty!
Let happiness not forget about you
And the house is surrounded by kindness!

Happiness and joy - on your birthday!
Fabulous days, infinitely beautiful!
Let there be more luck in life
Glorious friends and charming colors!

Let the birthday give only joy,
Pleasant surprises and flowers,
Only the most beautiful moments
And the gentle light of love and kindness!

May this birthday be bright
Will give the warmth of heartfelt words,
Smile, kindness and congratulations,
And the aroma of enchanting flowers!

May they always fill life
Good luck, joy of the moment!
And let the cherished dream
Come true on your birthday!

Stop, years, for a moment!
Take your time! Time, don't rush!
Love and happiness, eternal flowering
We sincerely wish from the bottom of our hearts.

We are very glad to congratulate you
And with admiration we say:
Meeting with you is like a reward,
We all adore you!

Harmony in life, love, inspiration!
May the days become brighter, brighter,
And everything that is conceived in this moment,
Let it come true soon!

From a pure heart with an open mind
Today we wish you a great life.
So that there is health, and happiness, and joy!
So that the years fly by and are not a burden!

Great happiness, smiles, flowers,
Desires of any fulfillment!
Good luck in everything, gentle sincere words,
Love! From the bottom of my heart - happy birthday!

We wish you sincerely, sincerely
Do not know worries and anxieties,
To accompany forever
Health, happiness and love!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy.
Let there be success in everything
And your laughter always sounds!

Happy Birthday to You!
Accept my congratulations
May the rays of joy, illuminating your house,
They bring great impressions into your life.

Smiles and fun, and dear guests,
Love, enthusiastic mood,
Always good news.
How wonderful life is! Happy Birthday!

I wish you many happy days
Love and good luck, reliable friends,
Always treasure your health
And never worry about anything.

I wish you cloudless, bright days,
Happy smiles, in the eyes of lights,
Soul girlfriends and reliable friends,
And let life be more fun every day.

Birthday - flowers
And the smiles of friends
The sweetest words
Excellent ideas.

Meet the birthday
Drive away sorrows
Dream of beauty
And bloom with happiness!

I wish on my birthday
unlimited luck,
Happiness full pockets
And the best friends!

Congratulations, congratulations
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Bloom and sing songs
Nothing to regret!

I want to live beautifully
mutual love,
Learn and create
To be a happy person.
In a good mood
Celebrate a birthday!

Goodness, love, spring moods,
From for the birth of cool experiences,
Forget your sorrows
May everything that you wish come true.

To have someone to meet the dawn,
Live only the best moments.
Do not know forever sorrows, troubles.
And happy birthday!

Best birthday to you!
Smiles, success, kindness and luck,
Warmth and comfort, dreams come true,
Healthy happiness, happy love.

I wish you peace, silence.
The roads of the alluring and young spring,
May your birthday
Happiness will come
It will bring you good luck and joy.

Let the magical holiday please
And congratulations fireworks,
Pursuing success-prankster,
And happiness lasts a whole century.

Congratulations are for you
Will bring you good
Make your dreams come true
It will make your days easier!

I congratulate you
At your holiday hour,
May your dreams come true.
For a keen eye
So that the fire does not go out
In your heart from the power of love.

I want to have a great time
Do not get upset over trifles,
To live every day to the fullest
Strive, believe and love.

May everyone smile at you today
Like a click, wishes come true.
Let joy fill your ether
And the holiday will unfold for the whole world!

I want to sincerely love
Learn, hope, create
be a good person
And very interesting to live!