How to please a man and excite him quickly (with reviews, photos and videos). How to give a woman real pleasure

fundamentals. .

More than half (about 60%) of women can please themselves on their own. These are the results of numerous studies provided by experts. In this way, these women suppress the accumulated irritability, as well as tearfulness. For those who have never engaged in such actions, you can provide some advice. You need to stroke and lightly hit with your fingertips near and directly in the area of ​​​​the labia (outer and inner). Many positive moments in the effective and quick achievement of pleasure are provided by the study of the clitoris, which has a body hidden in the depths and a head that is covered only by thin skin. You can start by just lightly touching it. A little pressure and movement of the finger in the clitoral area will give an even sharper impression, which can be adjusted by just changing the pressure. Feelings can intensify if you try to tighten your lower abdomen and try to push it out of yourself. The main thing is not to stop.

It is believed that masturbation is one of the reliable ways to get a vivid sexual sensation in the form of a strong orgasm. Masturbation also promotes sexual activity without much dependence on a partner, to some extent it can slow down the aging process of the female body. In some women, clitoral rather than vaginal orgasm may predominate. Ordinary showers can also be used to achieve such orgasms. You can remove the spray nozzle and send a strong jet directly to the clitoris and vagina, choosing the optimally acceptable temperature and pressure. However, start with a slight pressure of water, then increase, because. while feeling stronger. The most effective in this case is the warm temperature of the water. Orgasm can be achieved in just a few minutes. You can use a bath filled with warm water. It is necessary to lie on your back, pointing your buttocks towards the water tap and selecting the desired temperature and water pressure. A jet of water should enter the vagina and directly onto the clitoris itself. You just need to find the right position and completely relax.

You can also apply in the same way and jacuzzi. Just do not need to be too close to the jet, it is better to start from a large distance, reducing it gradually, while finding the best place.

For the stronger sex, a woman is a mystery, sometimes it is difficult to understand what she really wants. But in order to please a lady, it is not at all necessary to reveal all her secrets. It is enough just to be ready to deliver sensual pleasure to your beloved. Every man feels at ease with the woman he can satisfy.

How to make a woman feel desire

There is nothing complicated in this, you just need to pay more attention to it and know some subtleties.

  • touch. They are very important for a girl, because it is through them that she feels male support and love. It is enough just to slowly run your palms along her waist so that she feels the desire.
  • kisses. A woman is especially pleased with unexpected kisses. Remember that they don't always have to be exactly passionate. Even a gentle kiss on the nose will be pleasant for her.
  • Whisper in the ear. Girls are pleased to feel the warmth of your breath on their skin. But no need to whisper dirty jokes or hackneyed compliments. Tell her just how you feel. You can practice speaking with girls correctly.
  • Massage. A simple massage of the shoulders and feet can also arouse desire in a woman. Particular attention can be paid to massaging the hollow located at the base of the thumb. According to the Chinese, this place is the point of "female lust". The main thing is not to rush and remember the main goal: to please her.

How to please a girl in bed

To satisfy your partner, you can try to find the G-spot, which is considered the center of female pleasure. For this, the pose of the rider is very suitable. Slowly apply oil to the woman's body, do an erotic massage. Stretch her pleasure, as the greatest pleasure is to be on the verge of an orgasm. During intercourse, do not forget to tell your beloved about how good she is and how deep your feelings are. If you stop thinking only about yourself and take care of your partner's feelings, you can see her from a completely different side. Satisfaction in sex is an integral part of a strong relationship between a man and a woman.

How to give a man pleasure, so that later he has a constant desire for intimacy

Today, the lack of normal relationships in the family, including sexually, is one of the main reasons for divorce. Many successful couples stop intimate relationships within a few years after the start of a life together. What is the reason here?

How to give a man pleasure, so that later he has a constant desire for intimacy

1 If a woman is ashamed of even the very word “sex”, then it will be difficult for her to keep her man next to her. Therefore, clearly realizing her problem, she should work on herself, read the advice of sexologists and psychologists, and it is better to go to them for a consultation. In this case, understanding and correctly assessing the situation, a woman first needs to learn to be liberated, to desire intimacy with a man, to receive unforgettable pleasure from this herself and to give pleasure to her beloved.

2 A woman who is accustomed to undressing in the dark or under a blanket does not excite a man. Indeed, often sexual desire begins with visual perception. It gives a man special pleasure when a woman feels as liberated as possible, has good control over her body, takes care of it and gives her beloved the opportunity to admire it.

3 Don't be ashamed of your body. A man already knows perfectly well all the shortcomings of his beloved. Not every time and not every clothing can hide, for example, slightly crooked legs, full hips or a belly that has appeared. In this case, you can use loose capes and translucent peignoirs. You should learn how to properly present yourself and enable a man to admire the female body as much as possible.
You can give pleasure to your loved one in different ways. A great start is an intimate massage. It is not for nothing that such a massage has been very popular in the east for more than one millennium. His secret lies in the correct use of women's hands, body and erogenous points in a man. At the beginning of this pleasant process, a man should be relaxed with calm conversations, quiet music or foreplay. Then turn him over on his stomach and start lightly stroking the back and along the spine with the palms of his hands. Here, skilled women also use their breasts for caress, as well as thighs, kisses and tongues.

A special pleasure for a man will be delivered
caresses with hands in the occipital region of the head. The main thing is that the movements should be smooth and calm, you should not rush here. It is important that women's touches to his body are in no way interrupted. Further, slowly, you should move on to an active massage of the coccyx, buttocks and upper thighs of the legs. Caressing the buttocks and thighs, you can use light pinching, stroking and even spanking

Caresses of the intimate zones of a man

After the partner's body relaxes as much as possible, you can gradually move on to his genitals: the caresses of this erogenous zone can give special pleasure to each member of the stronger sex. Yes, and the woman herself is excited, caressing this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe male body. Proper use and light touches with hands, lips, tongue, kisses and female breasts will bring unforgettable pleasure to your loved one. If desired, such caresses in the genital area can last for hours, but do not forget about other parts of the man's body.
The scrotum and testicles require a special approach. Some men in these places love a light touch with the tongue, lips and fingertips. Others enjoy the gentle squeezing and gentle biting of these parts of the body. Next come the perineum and anus, which also belong to the special erogenous zones of a man. There are a large number of nerve endings in these zones, so the female caress of these areas gives the partner maximum pleasure and a lot of pleasure.
Do not forget your partner during an intimate massage and caresses to watch your chosen one. After all, the right massage should bring pleasure not only to a man, but also to a woman. So, partners should strive for such pleasant caresses mutually. During an intimate massage, first of all, the man himself discovers unexplored areas that bring him great pleasure. He learns a lot about new areas and zones of his body, the hypersensitivity of which he did not even suspect.

So a man feels himself defeated before the power of gentle, correct caresses of his partner. In bed with his beloved, he ceases to control himself, gives vent to his feelings and receives maximum pleasure from intimacy with his beloved. And the woman, in turn, gains sensory experience, which gives her the opportunity to always please her beloved. But also, in addition to new discoveries in the field of feelings, partners fill their relationship with trust, frankness, desire for intimacy and warmth. In further cohabitation, the right relationship is built between them, even in everyday hustle and bustle.

It is important that long-term relationships, ossified in a routine, with the help of such pleasures and caresses, receive a new impetus and unexpected freshness. A massage done with special passion and tenderness is able to give pleasure not only to the body, but also to positively stimulate emotions and feelings. Here, the most important thing is to trust your own intuition and emotions, and also be able to obey the surging feelings of tenderness in time. There is no limit to the art of giving pleasure to a loved one. One must be able to love, because intimacy is not only mechanical sex, but also pleasant touches of hands, lips, kisses, which contain all tenderness and passion.

How to give a girlfriend incredible pleasure
Do you want her to tell all her girlfriends about the fantastic night with you? Well, or at least not tell them about a fantastically nightmarish night with you ... Then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the rules of sex. Now at least you will know what they are!
1. Even with a minimum of effort, you can make her feel really crazy sex. In advance, drag some flimsy table to the bed and place on it the most hated ceramic and glass products. Now all that remains is to violently shove the table at the right moment so that all these mugs in the form of a cow with a handle and an ashtray "Greetings from sunny Krasnoyarsk" loudly turn into a pile of fragments. As befits a lusty male, you will not pay the slightest attention to this catastrophe.
2. Lubricant should be applied to the penis, not stuffed into the vagina. And in general it is better to do it as imperceptibly as possible.
3. If you are in public, and you want to express the fullness of your feelings, bring the girl's hand to your lips and stick your tongue briefly into the gap between her palm and thumb. Attention: this super intimate action is only appropriate in relation to a woman with whom you have already had sex.
4. Never twist her nipples. She definitely won't like it.
5. Before you have sex directly, a good tone recommends that you first caress the girl for a long time with your fingers, tongue and tip of the penis. How long should it take? About a couple of hundred years. Maybe a little more.
6. Before oral sex, you need to thoroughly wash what you are going to offer your partner. Especially if there is still some lubricant left on it.
7. Carry her around the room - women love it. So they feel themselves as gentle, fragile creatures, under the reliable protection of strong male hands.
8. If the girl is very fat, do not try to pick her up, even if you can handle twice as much weight in the gym without any problems. Fat girls are not accustomed to such treatment - she will not be touched, she will squeal in dreary horror.
9. By the way, about full girls. No need to lie, assuring that she is thin. She herself knows very well how thin she is, and guesses that you hardly need urgent services from an ophthalmologist either. Better stress how you get turned on by the abundance of curves and shapes, using the words "luxurious", "real" and "wow!". So let her mentally put you in the category of perverts, but she will stop shyly hiding under the sheet.
10. A difficult, but most effective way to annoy a woman: with one hand, press her against the wall (but without undue pressure), with the other, unfasten everything that is unfastened, and move away everything that interferes. All this time, silently look the girl in the eyes, caressing her body with your fingers.
11. Legs! Kiss your feet! Bite them, lick them and massage them. It is not clear why so many sensitive sensors are crammed into women's feet, but it is a sin for such wealth to disappear without work.
12. If you get a hair in your mouth during cunnilingus, make it so that she does not see how you look for it and spit it out.
13. Light biting and sucking on the earlobes excites almost all women. Cheerfully shoving a wet tongue into your ear dampens 90 percent of them.
14. Warn her when the case is nearing completion, so that she is mentally prepared for the fact that such happiness cannot last forever, looked up from the Discovery Channel and, for the last time, also tried to come to some result.
15. Sex will begin about 22 minutes after you - purely out of philanthropic feelings - offer to massage the poor woman's head, back and shoulders, tired at work.
16. Women appreciate when men know how to do them well, using not only natural data, but also the achievements of science. But never take a vibrator out of the bedside table without a box: if women still somehow know how to share men, then she will look at a vibrator deprived of virginity with a shudder of disgust.
17. Proper lighting in the bedroom is very important: orange and pink tones are much more preferable than green and blue. The former paint the skin in pleasant cheerful tones, masking minor defects, while the latter are great experts in turning impeccable beauties into anemic, suspiciously spotted creatures.
18. And if you have exceptionally blackout curtains, you can sometimes have sex in complete darkness. In total, hopeless and absorbing darkness, so that even the vague silhouettes of partners could not be seen. You have no idea how this liberates women.
19. Tickle her. Pinch your ass. Provoke her to smack you on the head with a pillow. The "we're eight years old" romp is sometimes the best pregame.
20. Does she have a headache again and is she tired? Try the method that one of the readers shared with us in a letter: “And what do you think he did? was indignant, then burst out laughing, and then she could not stand it and joined in. True, there is a suspicion that this trick is one of those that work only once.

We recently decided to figure it out in our narrow circle of women: why does the seemingly inconspicuous “gray mouse” enjoy overwhelming success with men, while the smart and spectacular beauty, on the contrary, suffers from a lack of attention? "And just where are these men looking?!" the most impulsive among us fumed. "Where to where! To the root," said the wisest. And she popularly explained that, they say, everything, girlfriends, is in your hands, that you need to think with your head, and work with your lips and tongue.

We immediately make a reservation: of course, men are different, women too. But all, let's say, have common ground. A small survey among friends and acquaintances helped to reveal the most cherished desires of men and find their most sensitive erogenous zones.

So, ten ways to deliver heavenly pleasure to a man.

1. Run your hand through his hair
To get started, run your fingers along the back of your partner's head, play with the curls of his hair. Run your hand deeper into his hair. And immediately you will feel with what gratitude the partner will perceive this gesture. Sliding through the hair, hold the palm of your hand in the hole just under the back of the head. Few people know - two very sensitive points are hidden here. And a gentle touch that appears as if from nowhere can arouse the most acute desire in a man. In your sensitive hands, the partner will become pliable, like wax, and gentle, like a Persian cat. And do not forget: even the most courageous and impregnable are completely defenseless at the moment of excitement.

2. Bite on the ear
Knowing a lot about love, the East tenderly sang of such a part of the body in a man as ... an ear. Masters of erotic massage know: earlobes are very sensitive. Try running the tip of your tongue over them. Hold the lobe in your mouth, biting it lightly. A sophisticated woman will find the right moment to add a grain of pain to a cocktail of pleasure.

3. Sprinkle cinnamon on your nipples
Do you think only a woman loves to have her breasts caressed? Male nipples and the circles around them are actually just as receptive. Give pleasure to yourself and him - lick with the tip of your tongue. If the man is frozen in anticipation, continue the game. You can also add fingers.

An experiment for gourmets - smear nipples with jam. Someone, you see, will choose and hotter! There are cases when men asked to drop on the nipples ... mustard. They say that even fragrant cinnamon is especially popular with hot natures.

4. Break the ice on his back
Forget the manic nature of Sharon Stone's character in Basic Instinct. Fish ice cubes from a bucket of champagne in front of your partner. This icy little thing in skillful hands (and lips) can work wonders. Ask your partner to lie on their stomach and run a scalding piece of ice across their bare back. Top down. Along the very line of the spine. Give the man a piece of ice from mouth to mouth during the kiss. This game is sure to please both.

5. Caress his little finger. On the foot
Men love to have their feet massaged. Use any massage oil. First, rub his heels, then start with his fingers - they are very sensitive, especially the little finger. From these unearthly caresses, your partner will flutter into seventh heaven with happiness.

6. Use your tongue
The “path of bliss” is called the “pigtail”, starting from the male navel and leading below ... You can gently walk along the “path” with your palm. You can try the "spiral tactics" - circular movements with your fingers electrify the nerve endings and increase arousal.

7. Slap him on the buttocks
Are you still able to contain your impatience? Amazing. It's time to think about a very erotic slides of muscles below the belt. We are talking about the buttocks. To begin with, massage them with light movements. Without thinking twice, move on to a more energetic massage. You can even spank a little. A man is always ready to give this part of the body into gentle and affectionate hands. Perhaps your partner is one of those who react violently to anal stimulation as well. But this point is very sensitive to any sudden impact, so be careful. If the partner doesn't like it, it's better not to break from the back door.

8. Expensive testicle...
There are a lot of conflicting opinions about how close a lady can approach the saint himself. The testicles are so sensitive that they are even endowed with the ability to "run up". Protective reflex. So be careful with these "twins". Only warm touches can turn into special responsiveness. If the man is gratefully relaxed, use more intimate caresses with the tongue and lips.

9. Take him by the bridle
If you still do not understand what is the most sensitive point on the main mm ... manhood, let's tell you. This is the so-called frenulum, a thin ligament between the head and the foreskin. Massage this little V-shaped thing with your thumb. Affectionately and carefully. Get a very big result!

10. Censored