Congratulate a guy on his birthday in your own words. Happy birthday greetings to a man are beautiful in their own words. Warm words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

Happy birthday to the most amazing guy. I wish you to be an incredible lucky person in life, a cheerful soul of the company, an amazing gentleman, an object of female adoration and male envy. Let there be a lot of money in your wallet, and let the soul be filled with childish spontaneity.

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Happy birthday to a wonderful guy. I wish you a constant cycle of happy events in life, endless luck in business, a cheerful mood, complete self-confidence and stubborn pursuit of your dreams.

Today is a wonderful day, your birthday! May your cherished dreams always come true! Let your life be filled with bright events, true friends, a good rear - this is family and love! You are our ray of light, always remain as radiant and childishly simple! Happy birthday!

Congratulations! I wish you joy, good luck, inspiration! May everything you want come true in your life! Be always a darling of fate, always be able to be in the right place, at the right time. Let each new day be similar to the previous one in only one thing - it will be just as successful!

My dear, beloved, dear little man, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, success, prosperity, fulfillment of desires, vivid emotions and impressions. Live easy, enjoy every minute you live. I am blessed to have such a wonderful and loving person by my side.

My dear friend and respected person! I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish you good health, real happiness, endless joy, mutual love and beautiful music in your soul! Thank you for your kindness and understanding!

Happy Valentine's Day, my ex! Congratulations on this wonderful day for you! I wish you to have more in your life: smiles, sunny days, true friends, happiness and love. May your life be everything you dreamed of! I, as a former girlfriend, wish you to always be cheerful and not lose heart, more new fans and compliments. Activity, good physical shape and mental balance. A sea of ​​​​admirers and one single and unique princess beautiful for you for all your years of life! Happiness!

You are my happiness and you are my joy! You are my inspiration and my love! You radiate such an amount of energy and charm that it is simply impossible not to admire yourself! You are the best man in the whole world! May your whole life be a huge island of happiness without grief and misfortune! Happy Birthday!

We wish you to always be in life, like a birthday cake. So that they look forward to you and rejoice at the sight of you even at the end of the day. So that you always taste the sweetest. So that they want to look at you and eat at the same time. So that you give joy and a smile to people of different age-old categories. Happy birthday!

We wish you to be like your favorite actor, but at the same time not to lose your individual, such an attractive charm. We wish to find the strength in ourselves to please people with our presence. We are always ready to help. Because you are such a good person. Positive mood in all matters. Happy birthday!

Darling! On your birthday, I want to give you these warm words: I love you more and more! You have become a year older and my love has become more! I will always be by your side, in any situation and at any moment! Happy Birthday sweetheart!

My incredible young man has a birthday today. Why incredible? Because I know that my man works all day, spares no effort, but he is never sad or tired. I do not remember a single case when he came home exhausted, complained of fatigue, was irritable. He manages absolutely everything, while I know that sometimes he still wants to be alone, to relax a little, but he does not leave time for himself. My beloved, I want you to always remain as active, cheerful and energetic. For my part, I am always ready to help you gain strength and energy. I love you very much, my best man. May this day be remembered by you with joyful and happy moments. Be healthy, my darling. The most important thing is never get sick, and we will have everything else. Happy birthday!

On your birthday, I wish you everything is gorgeous: salary, cars, women. Whatever vacation - in the Canary Islands, cottage - in the Emirates, foreign currency account in a good bank, wives - a model, and friends - oligarchs. Move only forward! I wish to be the first and the best in everything! So that fate would present only pleasant gifts.

I love you so much that sometimes I can't put it into words. I want you to know that your birthday is the day my soul mate appeared in the world. I wish you great friends, success in your favorite business, and I am near, because I cannot be away for a long time.

You are the best guy on the planet. It is your birthday today! With love and warmth, I congratulate you! I wish this day to remain forever in your memory! May it bring you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness and an ocean of joy! Great mood and smiles! I wish you the fulfillment of all desires! Good health, a fountain of love and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness! You have no idea how much I love you! Always stay the same and don't change, because you are the best!

Dear birthday boy! I want... No, I insist! So that today becomes that significant starting point, when everything bad is now left behind. So that only positive emotions, great impressions, and joyful, happy days await ahead. To make every moment lived bright and rich! So that the work would bring satisfaction and money, the children would please with success, and the harmony in the soul would never end. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to be able to achieve your goal, so that everything always works out and is wonderful in your destiny, because it is important for a man to be able to go towards his goal, without fear and without noticing obstacles! Therefore, with all my heart I want to wish all the best, go forward, strive for your goals, love and be loved, be able to protect yourself and your loved ones!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to conquer all the rebellious peaks, hit all the intended goals, return what is lost, know what has not yet been explored, multiply all the best and get rid of the unnecessary forever! May life be generous with good gifts.

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday! May all desires, even the most incredible ones, come true, the feeling of all-consuming happiness and joy never leaves the soul, and the smile does not leave the face. Reliable friends and faithful support in the family, support from loved ones and relatives, good health, good luck, optimism always and in everything!

Happy birthday greetings to a guy in your own words - this is perhaps the best gift that you can give your loved one on his holiday. Yes, of course, guys love material gifts, but without warm words, this gift will seem simply empty, cold and insensitive. Therefore, if you want to really please your boyfriend and make him happy, you will have to write a small congratulatory speech.

What needs to be said? Everything is simple. No tricks needed - speak from the heart. Wish him health, good luck, success in any endeavors and patience. Words must not sound false. Show maximum sincerity and warmth, and then even the coldest heart will melt and literally sing.

Believe me, any guy will be very pleased to hear congratulatory words from his chosen one. Therefore, right now, take a pen, a piece of paper in your hand and start coming up with congratulations.

If the case does not stick at all, then take one of the ones presented below. You can use the texts given as the basis for your own congratulations, or you can memorize the finished version as it is. The main thing is that you put feelings into everything you say. In this case, your boyfriend will remember this birthday for a long time.

Congratulations on your birthday! With all my heart I want to wish you happiness, health, well-being, as well as as many undertakings as possible, which in the future will end the way you intended! Let there never be sharp turns in your destiny, and let life go smoothly and measuredly, while leaving space for fun adventures. May you always be lucky and happiness in life never ends!

Without a doubt, you have always been the best of men that many women dream of. Added years, gray hair at the temples, but most of all added a thirst for life. Happy birthday to you, real man!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to be able to achieve your goal, so that everything always works out and is wonderful in your destiny, because it is important for a man to be able to go towards his goal, without fear and without noticing obstacles! Therefore, with all my heart I want to wish all the best, go forward, strive for your goals, love and be loved, be able to protect yourself and your loved ones!

We wish our birthday boy to always keep spiritual youth, because youth is a delightful state of expectation of beauty, it is a feeling that everything is possible, everything is within your power. We wish you health, happiness, may success and good luck always accompany you!

Happy birthday! May all cherished desires come true, and close people will be nearby, ready to support at any time! Let the goals and objectives set help you move forward and constantly grow, not be afraid of any obstacles and remain a real man! Know how to keep your word, do not lie, remember that parents are sacred, and loved ones are more important than anything in the world, and you will succeed!

May your masculine strength only increase over the years, may everything that you make our world cool always be in your life. Always be a "warrior" in life: brave, courageous, courageous and strong. On such a wonderful birthday, I congratulate you and wish you to be complacent, wise, and courageous. And as one philosopher said: “The strongest of all is the one who controls himself,” and on this occasion I wish to always control myself and, accordingly, be the strongest. Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday my dear friend! What do you wish? Happiness, joy and health, great victories in all matters, luck and inspiration, kindness and joy! What could be better than the ability to gratefully perceive every given moment, to rejoice in the fact that you are healthy and able to build your own life? May you always be accompanied by positive, any business promises success and great joy!

Happy birthday! Of course, you know what the secret of happiness is - you are not so many years old, and you have already fulfilled the lion's share of your cherished desires, gained recognition and success, with which you can only be congratulated a thousand times! I wish you to continue to be the Creator, the Master of your own happiness! To multiply it, to live easily and pleasantly, every day adding new amazing stories to the baggage of good memories!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a man in your own words

Happy birthday, I want to wish self-confidence, a profitable, calm and beloved job, a stable, strong, large and happy family, unforgettable impressions, an expensive car, a country cottage, a full house of friends, confidence in the future.

Beautiful words of congratulations on the birthday of a man

On this day, I want to regret something special for you, but you already have everything important. You are strong, happy, you have a family and a job that brings joy. Therefore, from myself, you can only wish that you never lose it. Then your life will always be full of positive emotions, and every day brought joy, and today's positive charge was enough for a whole year.

Short words happy birthday to a man

On this wonderful birthday, I want to wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires, incredible happiness, sincere and true love, success and luck, all the best in life!

Birthday wishes for a man

I wish you that your life be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like a glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

Sincere words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

Never let the years that add wisdom and life experience to you interfere with the commission of rash and spontaneous actions. They give the feeling of happiness. Never let those around you who make up your social circle influence your own opinion. It is what makes you stand out from the crowd. Never let troubles, which bring up in you tolerance and courage to overcome them, disappoint you in life. Live smart and be happy!

Cool words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

Happy birthday! Let there be more sharp turns in your life, the refrigerator is bursting at the seams, and money falls out of the bags. A goldfish lives in the aquarium, fulfilling your every desire, and your favorite kisser and hugger sleeps in the bedroom.

Happy birthday words for a young man

Today, we wish the hero of the occasion the most important thing - always stay young! No one will argue with the fact that youth is a wonderful state when you are full of strength and energy, plans and hopes, when you expect something bright and joyful to happen every day. When you are young, you are sure that you can do everything, any task can be solved in one-two-three... Therefore, we wish you not to lose this feeling of carefree youth in your soul! Be happy!

Good birthday greetings for a man

Happy birthday! Today we will fulfill all your desires, and also wish you together to live happily ever after, because who, if not you, deserves the best? Perhaps it is impossible to find such a second wonderful person, and therefore - happiness to you, prosperity, good luck, indestructible health and true love!

Happy birthday to a man in simple words

Best wishes! Health, happiness, sea smiles and love the size of an ocean! And most importantly, always remain beautiful, smart and charming!

Warm words of congratulations to a man on his birthday

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what is possible and given. After all, you can't live life again. Love always and you will be loved. May this bright and high day bring you only joy, success and health.

Birthday wishes for a man in your own words

On your birthday, I would like to congratulate you, and wish you from the bottom of my heart - financial well-being and achievement of goals, may work bring satisfaction and joy, may your most cherished dreams come true, wishes that your all come true and your friends are not forgotten.

Happy birthday, I want to wish self-confidence, a profitable, calm and beloved job, a stable, strong, large and happy family, unforgettable impressions, an expensive car, a country cottage, a full house of friends, confidence in the future.

On this wonderful birthday, I want to wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires, incredible happiness, sincere and true love, success and luck, all the best in life!

I wish you that your life be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like a glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

Happy birthday! Let there be more sharp turns in your life, the refrigerator is bursting at the seams, and money falls out of the bags. A goldfish lives in the aquarium, fulfilling your every desire, and your favorite kisser and hugger sleeps in the bedroom.

Happy birthday! Today we will fulfill all your desires, and also wish you together to live happily ever after, because who, if not you, deserves the best? Perhaps it is impossible to find such a second wonderful person, and therefore - happiness to you, prosperity, good luck, indestructible health and true love!

Best wishes! Health, happiness, sea smiles and love the size of an ocean! And most importantly, always remain beautiful, smart and charming!

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what is possible and given. After all, you can't live life again. Love always and you will be loved. May this bright and high day bring you only joy, success and health.

On your birthday, I would like to congratulate you, and wish you from the bottom of my heart - financial well-being and achievement of goals, may work bring satisfaction and joy, may your most cherished dreams come true, wishes that your all come true and your friends are not forgotten.

I wish that when celebrating a birthday there is such a person who will direct the celebration in the right direction, tell about what happened the next day and be able to solve all the problems that have arisen.

Who in the universe is more honest, stronger, more fun, kinder and smarter than everyone else? He is a cool birthday boy! Don't lose true friends. Protect your loved ones. Let life sparkle with sparks, and dreams lead to happy lands.

May your close and dear people always be healthy, and may happiness come to your house without an invitation. We wish you strength and health so that you can keep this happiness for life!

Happy birthday! May the most fantastic dreams come true, may the universe help you, and may luck haunt your family endlessly! Wherever you are, there is always fun, good and interesting! Stay the same wonderful man! Congratulations! Hooray!

My dear, beloved, dear little man, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good health, success, prosperity, fulfillment of desires, vivid emotions and impressions. Live easy, enjoy every minute you live. I am blessed to have such a wonderful and loving person by my side.

Happy birthday to a great guy. I want to wish you never to lose self-confidence and courage of the heart, always strive for success and achieve your goals, always remain a sincere and kind person, a real and noble man.

My dear, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you good, prosperity, success, health, true friends. You are strong, smart, beautiful, affectionate. I'm so happy to have you in my life. May everything work out for you, all your dreams come true. I love you!

>Open your eyes and smile! Be simpler and you will see how everything around you will appear in a completely different light! You have become a year older and must comply! I wish you a happy birthday and wish you not to grow old in soul, not to lose friends, not to get sick and not to despair! I'm with you!

I wish that your soft ears always hear only pleasant words, your fluffy paws hold the most precious gifts, and your perky tail is always a gun. Happy birthday, bunny!

May only pleasant accidents await you in life and all that is planned will come true, presenting you with only positive moments! Happy birthday!

I wish you a stellar life! Let the stars grow on your shoulder straps, and over the years their number increases on the cognac that you drink, and on the hotels where you have to stay. And let the starry sky above us be a witness to the same tender and reverent love we have with you!

Darling, today is your holiday, it's your birthday! I want to congratulate you and wish you the fulfillment of your desires, a wonderful mood and the brightest victories in life! Let all emotions be only positive, and the celebration of this day will be remembered for a long time!