Daughter's birthday. Happy daughter's day. Warm congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

You have a holiday in your family today -
The princess grew up fast
And became a real lady
Although still small.

The flower is sweet and tender
May he live in happiness and love.
Good will be with her, but good luck,
Let your daughter wait for life.

Happy birthday daughter
Our congratulations.
Let it grow beautiful
Everyone for a look
Clever, helper,
Support in old age.
Let it be happy
Strong and healthy.
Well, you parents
happy days,
Long life and pride
For my daughter's success.

I congratulate you on the birthday of a wonderful girl - your daughter. I wish your beauty to be happy and healthy, so that her dreams always come true, so that her successes are great. Enjoy life with your daughter, believe in your baby and give her an amazing world of love and joy. All the best to your family, incredible miracles in the life of your beauty.

Let the daughter always please
And the years are filled with happiness
May her life be great
Successful, long, unusual.

Let her be all right
And in my personal life, everything is in order.
And you, parents, be patient.
And happy birthday to you!

Your daughter has a birthday
And you are happy without a doubt.
The princess is growing up fast
And how a flower blooms.

Let her shine with joy
The boys lose their heads.
Beauty and cleverness grows,
Let the best take from you.

Healthy and loved
Cheerful, bright, very cute.
May she be happy
Talented, kind, gentle.

Daughter's birthday
Holiday for parents.
you ask today
guardian angel,
So that he takes care of his daughter
From misfortune, bad weather
And pray to God
For her, you are happiness.
Parents' Word Path
Heaven will hear
May fate be happy
Will be given from above.
It will be bright, smooth
May her road
So that you always have her
Waiting at the door.

The beloved daughter in the house is growing up,
Laughs happily and smells sweet.
Affectionate, beloved little flower,
Your feelings are beautiful little sprout!

Happy birthday to my daughter, I congratulate you.
I wish you love and affection, tenderness,
To grow a flower, always pleased.
Let her avoid trouble!

Let her be a singer, she dances well
And he reads poetry, sculpts and draws,
She will become very smart, slim and beautiful,
With a kind, gentle heart. May it be happy!

To you parents today
I send congratulations -
On your happy bright holiday -
On my daughter's birthday.

Let the happy grow
Happy with health
Surrounded by warmth
Kindness and love.

In addition to the happiness of the daughter,
What else do you need?
her good fortune
You will be rewarded.

Your daughter is older
More amazing and more beautiful.
Let it grow even sweeter
Healthier and kinder.

Happy Birthday.
All desires of fulfillment,
Best of all
Much will be given.

Smiled more often
Life seemed to be sweeter.
Every moment was wonderful
He brought adventure.

Your daughter has a birthday today
I wish her happiness and good.
May luck accompany her in everything,
May she always be joyful and cheerful!

Let your daughter warm you like a ray of sunshine
And only good works for you.
Let him not dare to offend you in life.
Love to you and spring warmth!

Your daughter has a birthday
But you also need to congratulate
After all, your daughter is an inspiration,
She is the most precious thing in the world!

Let your daughter have everything
What is her soul waiting for?
Let flowers bloom for her
And let life be good!

I wish my daughter good luck
Goodness, blooming beauty,
Smiles and hot love,
And in the heart of eternal warmth!

You are older and smarter
Grow up, more beautiful, more beautiful!
Got everything I wanted
This year has been a star.
Your birthday has come
And gain new strength.
Follow five important rules in life
And on earth you will see eternal paradise:
Do not disturb peace in worldly affairs,
Don't risk your head
Take care of your health, like a rare treasure,
Live well, but don't be rich.
And let him come to share his leisure,
A reliable and cordial friend to you!

Beautiful congratulations on your daughter's birthday

Let under bright packaging
Gifts and dreams await!
And on holiday cards
There will be bright flowers!
May a wonderful birthday
Congratulate everyone around!
Let your voice sound
And the happy laughter of friends!

Happy birthday to your daughter

Charming, bright, beautiful,
Smart, kind, hardworking,
Gentle, honest, eloquent,
Our most beloved daughter

On your birthday we wish
Be soft, but with a steel rod,
Don't forget how you were raised
And live as we always dreamed.

Gentle beautiful congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

Let for your beloved daughter
Opportunities will open!
Let the prospects multiply
And the complexity is gone!
May happiness be sunny
The dream shines like a star!
Boole, like a bird, joyful,
Pretty like a rose!

Beautiful congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

Today is your beautiful day!
When were you born!
The stupid shadow of sadness has gone!
And smiled in a whirlwind of happiness!

You are my dear daughter!
You are my baby doll!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I love and adore you!

May you have prosperity!
Always love your loved ones!
Do not know you any worries!
Until the farthest days!

Wise beautiful congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

I will tell my daughter:
Let the sun shine bright bright!
I value you very much.
And you are no longer a rebel.
I wish you find
Everything you are looking for in this world.
On your birthday, find
I want a source of light.
I wish you a good journey
And remember, relatives are waiting at home.
Let there be hope ahead
I want you to master everything!

Good congratulations on the daughter's birthday beautiful

Daughter, you are only at the beginning of the road.
You shine with beauty and patience,
So manage this life like this
So as not to choke the conscience of remorse.

So that you can look into my eyes
The people that surround you
For a star to shine brightly
What accompanies you everywhere!

Beautiful birthday greetings for daughter

I congratulate you
Daughter! my copy!
I wish you happiness
My dear, dear.

Be beautiful, be nice
Charming, slim.
You are my life flower
My joy is the "source".

Sincere congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

Congratulations to my beloved daughter
With all my heart today I wish
So that you are beautiful yourself
I could always get my way

To play a blush on the cheeks,
A smile to shine on the lips
Always be as beautiful
After all, youth cannot be turned back!

Sincere beautiful congratulations on your daughter's birthday

I congratulate you on your birthday
With joy I fulfill your dreams.
May there always be joy in your life.
Tenderness for you will never subside!

What can I wish my dear?
To be the best? To be the most beautiful?
There is no louder, more important voice in the world.
I wish you happiness, my daughter.

Nice beautiful congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

Sweet, darling and most beloved
Daughter these words:
Be, my sun, the happiest,
Fairy tales, kindness and warmth!

Be beautiful, but not only externally -
Be beautiful soul
And be happy, not only today -
May happiness always be with you.

Be sincere like a child
Like rose petals, be gentle
I congratulate you, my sweet kitten,
You know that I love you!

The most beautiful birthday greetings for daughter

Here again the year has come, you, daughter, have become older,
But now you have a great time,
You have become older, and everything is subject to you,
Only youth has left your yard.

Instead, it's time to grow up
It's time for hope, success and love.
Hold fate by the tail, it is your creation.
Catch a beam of luck, live, love, create!

The most beautiful birthday wishes for daughter

Our daughter, you are the most beautiful of all!
We say without exaggeration:
You win any race
Congratulations on your birthday!
You will conquer all with kindness
And you will warm with a bright smile.
You will create your own beautiful world.
You can do anything, daughter, you can do anything.
We want you to win
But - not by force, but by warmth and light.
Listen to dad, and of course - mother.
Win mental victories!

Warm beautiful congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

Happy birthday to you, daughter
Let everything be as you want
May you be lucky in your career
You just have to believe in luck.

And let love be bright
The best gift for you
Let the money come
And let your friends not let you down.

Pleasant joyful minutes
And boundless delights.
Let dreams come true
And you will achieve everything!

Here comes a bright moment - on the calendar is the cherished date, which your daughter must have been waiting for. She waited for sure, because no matter how old a woman (both small and adult) is, she will never lose the ability to dream and wait for joy and happiness. Of course, a birthday is always an occasion for bright expectations. And loving parents always want to make these expectations at least partly justified. And they prepare in advance congratulations to their daughter on her birthday, also with the brightest expectations and feelings, in the hope of achieving her smile and radiance in her eyes. And even for a little daughter, who was born not so long ago, loving fathers and mothers want to find warm and tender words. Even if the daughter does not understand them, she will definitely feel.

I am at least a thousand sheets
I will write you poetry.
Words are not enough to say
How dear are you to your mother.

You are my blood
There is no more you in the world.
Let my girl
God will help you in life.

The sun will rise in the sky
Look into the window
Cheeks with a ray touches -
Happy birthday, baby!

In the yard, washing the face,
Murka murmurs.
A gift is waiting for you from us!
Happy holiday, daughter!

My friend, my flower,
My beauty!
There are many daughters in the world,
But you are the only one for me!
Like a mischievous ball!
How I love you, my ray!
Be always, always like that!

You, like a miracle, entered the house,
It became the main joy in it.

Time passed, you grew up
And how the rose bloomed.
We want no mistakes
Generously gave life to you

All that youth is bright:
The tenderness of the look and smile,
Joy, happiness, ringing laughter,
Kindness, faith and success!

Our joy! You are beautiful,
Carefree and easy
Eat wonderfully with birds
You dance lighter than a moth,

You give generous smiles
The charm is full
And you, our fish,
The whole family is subdued.

Be happy, our joy,
Smart, grow strong,
Fairy luck bowl
Waiting for you ahead.

Today you were born
Like the sun, in the sky, sparkling.
Our beloved, dear person,
Our dear daughter.

And all the birds sing for you
And poets compose verses again
This world is for you, for you
Our sweet and dear.

Let the winds take away sorrow
From your eyelids, sadness, longing blowing away.
The veil will not touch a tear
Your eyes, our joy is holy.

Reasonable, smart grow
To have fewer mistakes
On an unbroken path of life
Which sometimes happens so unsteadily.

Know that you are always with you
Your faithful loved ones
Those who in your life never
Won't betray, won't judge for anything

I want to smile, always be happy
And with optimism to meet the older years
You will forever remain for all the most beloved
And I want your cherished dream to come true

So that in life you are not afraid of difficulties
And along the way she walked proudly with her head held high
You never strayed from the right path
And luck is always with you!

Dear daughter,
The sun is red
fresh marine
A wicked breeze!
You are everything wonderful
light, clear,
Gentle and youthful
Beautiful flower!
Be pretty
healthy, sociable,
generous with feelings
And genuine laughter!
Be cheerful
And amazing
Happiness awaits you
Love and Success!

Dear daughter! The sun is clear!
Gentle night mischievous breeze!
You are everything wonderful, tender, clear
My dear, young, beautiful flower!

Be pretty, healthy, sociable,
Generous in feelings and sincere laughter,
Be amazing and amazing!
Happiness, love and success await you!!!

We hasten to congratulate you, beloved,
Let your soul sing, daughter,
We love you, what else to add,
The fact that you are beautiful is amazingly good!

When did you first open
big blue eyes,
I realized that in these eyes
All my life, love and affection,

As if two suns live in them,
Like it's two windows
In the world of purity, smiles, laughter,
Where every new day is fun

Where every new step is an event,
And every person is a discovery
And where, taking a brush and paints,
We could make the whole world a fairy tale!

When did you first open
big blue eyes,
I realized that in these eyes
All my life, love and affection,

As if two suns live in them,
Like it's two windows
In the world of purity, smiles, laughter,

Where every new day is fun
Where every new step is an event,
And every person is a discovery
And where, taking a brush and paints,

We could make the whole world a fairy tale!
You grew up my baby
Beautiful, smart, kind, sensitive,
May your life sparkle with happiness
And the bright sun shines!

Happy birthday to your daughter

Daughter, a delight for the eyes,
You want to grow up fast.
Though the game still attracts you
You feel it's time
Carefree childhood, miracles.
They just won't fall from the sky
Benefits without which you can not live -
You need to put in the effort.
Ten years you live on earth,
Many secrets have already been revealed to you.
How many discoveries lie ahead!
You are at the beginning of a long journey.

Happy birthday wishes for daughter

Happy birthday, daughter, our dear kitten,
Beauty and clever, the fruit of great love.
We wish you happiness and health,
May all your wishes come true.

Happy birthday to daughter

You are for mom and dad - the sun and the berry.
For grandparents - you are the light in the window.
Happy birthday, daughter, may all dreams come true
There is no one in the world more precious than you.

New birthday wishes for daughter

On my daughter's birthday
We want to wish:
good health,
Joy and strength.

Let my daughter not know
No offense, no trouble
Life is happy
Many, many years.

May love be mutual
It will be for ages.
There will be a strong one nearby
Strong hand.

You are our treasure
Pride and love.
Happy birthday, daughter
We are always with you!

Wonderful birthday wishes for daughter

My dear daughter
Happy Birthday to You!
Be cheerful but obedient
Proud but not indifferent...
Let good luck fly to you!

On horseback, let the princes ride!
Or sail on the seas
And they will fall at your feet.
And don't yawn here:
What better choose!

Interesting birthday greetings for daughter

You have grown up, my daughter,
Childhood is far away.
But you have me, your mother.
May it continue to be difficult.
Pass confidently through all adversity,
I wish you only warm weather.
Let the sun light your way
And always be smart.
Let there be one mistake
I want to see your smile.

Happy birthday to your beloved daughter

Happy birthday, dear daughter.
May he be joyful in everything.
We heartily congratulate you,
We look forward to seeing you with good hope.

Be happy and protected by God
From resentment, doubt and loss.
No matter how the road turns fate,
Stay loving and have faith.

In the distance we yearn, of course,
We love you very much, we pray for you,
So that the Lord, great and eternal,
Save you from all sorrows.

Cool birthday greetings for daughter

Happy birthday, sunshine!
My daughter.
All that is good
I wish.

soft hairs,
Pink cheeks.
You grow in joy
Little daughter.

Happiness and health.
A million toys.
And not necessarily
Be completely obedient.

Stretch my hands
And laugh out loud.
God! store
My child.

Original birthday greetings for daughter

Everyone is in a new rank today:
Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather!
And ready to shout a hundred times:
Daughter, granddaughter - all over the world!
May she grow beautifully
Glorious, sweet, mischievous,
A little flirtatious, maybe
Playful and funny!
Let perky and happy -
Laughter does not stop in the house!!
The girl will become beautiful
In a word, it will be the best!

Sincere congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

Congratulations, daughter, happy birthday!
We love you very much, we appreciate you!
Always know: you are our inspiration,
You warm our hearts day and night!
Rejoice in every success
And on the road to avoid obstacles
On this day we wish, dear!
Discover talents without end and edge,
Every day only with benefit living!

Sincere congratulations on the birthday of a daughter

Mom's helper
Daddy's joy
You grew up baby
For a family reward.

Be young and blooming
Like a spring flower.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts -
Daughter, happy birthday!

Gentle congratulations on the birthday of a daughter

Happy birthday, my daughter!
You are beautiful - you look like your mother!
Resist your smile
Not a single guy can soon!

At least you for pigtails now
They twitch their hands insolently -
Remember, that hour will come soon -
They will run to you only with flowers!

Children's birthday greetings to daughter

Someday the dolls will remain
In a far corner on the floor
Your childhood will part with you,
Forgetting Yulu under the sofa ...

But to still feel
Feel good everywhere
To be joyful, not sad,
You remember ... your old pot!

And if insults want
Accumulate in a heavy bag
Then you don't have to mess with them -
Go with them in an old pot!

Creative birthday greetings for daughter

Such spiritual beauty
It is not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a tremulous heart beats!

Eyes are beautiful and sad
They look at us with affection ...
And we confess on our birthday:
You, dear, we love!

Simple birthday wishes for daughter

Celebrates birthday
All our family
I became quite an adult
My girl

best outfits
We buy her
There is nothing more beautiful in the world
my daughters,

It will be chocolate
I know her life
For your luck
Hold on girl!

Colorful birthday greetings for daughter

Your eyes are like two diamonds.
Your smile is worth its weight in gold.
You are a real joy to me.
So stay the same always.
Let your heart shine
And the soul soars like in the sky.
Open the door to your soul
And always be as good as you are.
Be smart sweet, the most gentle,
So beautiful, only true.
I want to live and enjoy life
And always try to be so beautiful.

Cool birthday greetings for daughter

Didn't have time to look back
How quickly you grew up
You became so beautiful
No number fans.

We don't get tired for you
Say thanks to God.
Health, dear, love,
And a lot of happiness!

Happy birthday daughter

Daughter, dear, happy birthday!
How much would you like to say...
Live dear for a long time, peacefully, fun,
But never forget to dream!

And may all dreams come true over the years,
You dad only understand correctly -
You can't live with only dreams
At least a couple, but still embody!

Cool birthday greetings for daughter

I hasten to congratulate you, daughter, today.
Your birthday is ringing invitingly!
Paths open to unbridled glory,
Success prophesies flights to the zenith.

Circling, taking away in the skies, dreams
About passionate magical love-starfall.
Get up quick! Already waiting for a date
Crazy happiness in full dress!

Youth congratulations on the birthday of a daughter

Daughter's birthday
Holiday dear,
We are a lump of you
Brought home!

And now the princess
marvel beauty,
affectionate daughter,
Kindness in the heart!

Let to you, daughter,
The world will be good
For you today
This wonderful feast!

Wise birthday wishes for daughter

Happy birthday to you!
May life always shine like a rainbow!
You are not a girl, but a treasure - I know for sure.
What a lucky mother to have such a daughter!
Help her in everything and always,
You are never capricious!
Let fate not skimp on gifts,
All desires are in a hurry to come true at once!

Warm congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

Here, daughter, and your birthday -
Let the cup of fate be full of happiness,
I want everyone to love you
And brought good luck in the life of the wave.

I wish you success
Let love reign in your heart
Let your silvery laughter not stop,
As clean as a river in the high mountains.

Big congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

Dear daughter, you are only ... years old,
Everything is on the shoulder - nothing is impossible!
We wish you good luck without measure,
Joy, happiness, hope and faith,
Let everyone love you endlessly
And live your life on "excellent"!

Unusual birthday greetings for daughter

At my daughter's
Birthday today!
Guitar ringing flies
To us through the windows from the courtyard,
Neighbors tear and dream -
Got congratulations
From her suitors
Already since eight in the morning!

Let's send with you
All boyfriends in the forest,
Let's hug like in childhood
And we'll sit together
After all, until now, daughter -
You are daddy's princess
And on this birthday
We will go for a walk in the park.

I will buy you there
Big balloon -
You so dreamed about him
Years, sort of, - twenty years ago,
Baby, happy birthday!
Love, kindness, luck,
Good luck inspiration
And happiness without barriers!

Happy birthday wishes for daughter

Poems for you today
Beautiful little princess!
May your dream come true
Life will be bright and wonderful!
There is not enough room in it for evil,
Resentment, adversity and regret ...
So that you bloom like a flower.
Happy birthday to you!!!

Best birthday wishes for daughter

Our joy, our daughter -
This world has been waiting for you!
You came smiling
So that the darkness of malice is gone.
Happy birthday.
Accept gifts from us!
Let luck bear fruit.
Let the sun shine in your eyes.
At night, the moon will meet bright,
Dispersed the evil clouds.
The world is not poor for kindness!
Whoever believes this is right.

Birthday wishes for daughter

Let any dream, as if by magic,
It can turn into a fairy tale!
Like a kind fairy waving her wand,
Everything you wished for - will happen in an instant!

Happy birthday greetings to a cute daughter

My daughter, happy birthday!
Let the mood be good
Always be beautiful, charming,
Affectionate and very attractive!

In the heart, let love be eternal,
The most beautiful, hearty,
Daughter! Smile from happiness
And do not be upset over trifles!

Happy birthday to dear daughter

balloons, posters,
new outfits,
All gifts are given
And the certificates
Celebrate the birth
my daughters,
There is no more beautiful
She is not sweeter

The guests wish us
grow healthy,
So it will be
Baby, don't be sad!

Happy birthday greetings to your own daughter

The day you came into life
I will always remember.
I want to wrap you
Kindness and love.

For a daughter, even if she has just started going to the garden, it is important to choose the right and kind words especially for a significant personal date. After all, everyone knows that a woman loves with her ears (of any age). And this only once again confirms that the fair sex is very attentive to every word addressed to them. And they pass it through. That is why it is much easier to influence a lady with words than a representative of the other half of humanity. And that is why, when preparing congratulations to your daughter on her birthday, every word from it must always be taken very seriously. Even if you congratulate with a joke, it should be all the more appropriate. However, for loving and attentive mom and dad, this will not be a problem. Such parents will surely be able to say the most appropriate words on this day to their daughter.

I want to wish you a lot:
To find your happiness
So that the road was straight
Which path did you follow in life?

So that you often smile
To make it brighter around
To stay with you forever
Let alone, but your reliable friend.

Be the most fun
And the happiest
Good and gentle
And the most beautiful!
Be the most attentive
The most beloved!
simple, charming,
Let everything come true
What do you want yourself!
Love you, faith,
Hope good!

I remember a wonderful moment -
You appeared before me
To the sound of your own singing,
Half a meter (only!) long!

Can't believe there was time
When you were a baby!
Didn't talk, didn't walk
I couldn't hold my head!

Be happy my dear
And keep your head up!
Let it not be silent for a long, long time
That song called life!

Today you were born
Like the sun, in the sky, sparkling.
Our beloved, dear person,
Our dear daughter.

And all the birds sing for you
And poets compose verses again
This world is for you, for you
Our sweet and dear.

Let the winds take away sorrow
From your eyelids, sadness, longing blowing away.
The veil will not touch a tear
Your eyes, our joy is holy.

Reasonable, smart grow
To have fewer mistakes
On an unbroken path of life
Which sometimes happens so unsteadily.

Know that you are always with you
Your faithful loved ones
Those who in your life never
Won't betray, won't judge for anything

You have matured a year today
Do not rush to the mirror with anxiety -
You've gotten better this year
Have fun and laugh heartily.
Forget insults and hardships
Smile magically and lightly.
In the heat and cold, rain and bad weather.
We wish you luck.
Be happy, affectionate and sweet,
Behind the back - good luck two wings ...
Be such that life loves you
So that it is not in vain that she lived in the world!

Be young, always beautiful,
Desired kind and simple,
Always friendly and kind
Always loved, dear!
Let life be everything you need
What is good about life:
Love, health, happiness, friendship
And forever young soul!

My friend, my flower,
My beauty!
There are many daughters in the world,
But you are the only one for me!
Like a mischievous ball!
How I love you, my ray!
Be always, always like that!

Let for your beloved daughter
Opportunities will open!
Let the prospects multiply
And the complexity is gone!

May happiness be sunny
The dream shines like a star!
Be joyful like a bird
Pretty like a rose!

May they always shine in your eyes
Rays of happiness, dear daughter,
Let trouble and cold bypass
And there will never be a terrible pain.

You can't live without mistakes,
If the whole century does not vegetate in silence.
Only b, daughter, there were these mistakes
Not from poverty - from the generosity of the soul.

It doesn't matter that you reach for a lot,
It's bad if it doesn't lead to anything.
We are not always on the right track
Let's break through the darkness right now.

But when you get through, don't turn around
And don't call your mom for help...
I want to be clean and lucky
You were in work and in love.

If someone suddenly deceives bitterly,
It will be difficult, but... you will survive.
Worse, if you "fall in love" by calculation
And put a lie in your heart.

Don't be cruel to the guilty
And she is guilty - confess.
All the same, we are people, not automata,
Still, life is not an easy thing...