Beautiful phrases about sisters. Poems about a sister - tender feelings for a beloved relative

  • "The greatest happiness for me is my sister !!! we live in perfect harmony with her, fist in the eye, heel in the ear !!!"
  • - Dear, what is this sheep in the photo next to you??!?!? - Sister! -.. She's so sweet
  • A sister is the best friend you can't get rid of.
  • I saw him with an arc ... went to the hairdresser, bought new clothes, changed makeup, came to visit him ... and this is his sister ...
  • If I eat porridge, a pussy will grow, so my dad tells me, and my sister - about boobs
  • And my daughter will also love your son, they will be brother and sister -
  • The sisters hardly forgive each other the grievances experienced at the age of five.
  • Mom, asking me three questions: why is the music playing so loud? Where is your sister? and who is locked in the closet? I realized that I knew the answers to all questions ...
  • There is no rivalry in the family more acute than between sisters, and there is no friendship stronger than the friendship between adult sisters.
  • And you still believe ..... you believe .... in love ... my little sister ...
  • Sister annealed ... She came from her birthday and, to her mother's question, "Did you drink?" answered: "Champagne glass."
  • What is good news worth if you can't share it with your sister?
  • Ahhh, the world has gone crazy!!! My 5 year old sister lies and listens to my mr3 while I sit and draw her coloring book!!!
  • When my boyfriend left me, my sister told me a smart thing after which I calmed down ... "if a person leaves, then in order to give a place to another, even better" don't believe it, but it calmed me down
  • Of the two sisters, one is always watching and the other is dancing.
  • I found a letter from my younger sister (7 years old) ... It says: "Santa Claus, help my sister pass her exams. She is good with me" I love her!
  • I stole her personal diary from my sister - let's say YES to slavery!
  • I’m taking my brother to kindergarten today, and then he gives out: “Vika, just don’t tell anyone that you are my sister. And then I’m ashamed to walk with you without makeup. ” Lived up...
  • Chelyabinsk nurses are so severe that no one knows if they are sisters or brothers...
  • My sister is 4 years old, and she is already downloading games from the Internet, they have come!
  • Sister is going to swim, looks in the mirror. - Naaast, but what do you think, when I grow up, my prince will recognize me?
  • Ahah)) Jeeee =)) My little sister instead of "Kinder Pinguy" says "Kinder Pinder, and instead of November - fuck
  • "I CAN, I'M NOT MARRIED" - my sister shouted at a bachelorette party the day before the wedding
  • Sister is 5 years old. I explained to her what a herd and a flock are. The next day I check, as I remember. I ask: when there are a lot of cows or sheep - what is it? My sister thought for a moment: - School, or what?
  • Do you want trouble? Take the phone from your sister during the conversation. Typhoon of emotions!!!
  • Sister (6 years old) says to me, with a serious look: I am my mother's daughter, grandmother's granddaughter, grandfather's fidget and your little one -

If you have an older or younger sister, there are probably a lot of emotions and different memories associated with her. It can be fun walks and funny adventures, joint pranks and crazy ideas. There were sometimes small quarrels, but even in them some special relationship is felt, which is impossible to imagine with any other person. Such a variety of feelings could not but manifest itself in the poetic work of authors around the world. Lyricists dedicate beautiful lines to their beloved sisters, which may well move especially sensitive representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to tears.

The image of a sister in literature

Poems about a sister are not necessarily a personal dedication. Poets often use this image for their works, using it as an example to show many scenes from life, family relationships, friendship and enmity between loved ones, and also simulate a huge variety of instructive situations. We know enough fairy tales and stories about three or two sisters, relatives or cousins, an older brother and a younger sister, an older sister and a younger brother, etc. Some of these works have a deep meaning, while others are more entertaining. Nevertheless, the image of a sister is familiar to everyone, even if he himself has no sisters.

Touching poems about sisters

It often happens that sisters become the closest people to each other. They are both friends and relatives at the same time, which obliges them to a certain level of relationship. Moreover, such a relationship lasts throughout life, even if the sisters cease to live under the same roof and see each other quite rarely. Having gone through many joint situations and experiences together, supporting each other at any moment, helping with advice and providing friendly support, the sisters become truly one whole, which neither time nor distance can separate. All the feelings and emotions that arise at the same time sometimes just want to be embodied in a poem and dedicate them to your dearest person.

Beautiful words in honor of the sister do not have to be invented on their own. With the help of a large library of works, you can find suitable lines that were written by talented authors of the past. At the same time, the assortment of such poems is constantly updated, because modern poets do not sit idle and gladly dedicate cool poems to their beloved sisters. In such a work, your feelings, joint memories can be said, words of love and gratitude can be said. In addition, it is quite possible to pick up a verse with wise advice or parting words, words of support, if your sister needs them at the moment.

To please your sister or cousin with a few poetic lines, you should not reinvent the wheel or wait for a special occasion. Short touching quatrains will do a good job of conveying your sincere feelings to your closest relative. With their help, you can mourn together, laugh, think about the eternal, or simply confess to each other in boundless sisterly love.

Family relationships are an endless source of feelings and situations that you want to share with others. The article proposes statuses about the younger sister. After all, these relationships are one of the most multifaceted.

Statuses about a younger sister with meaning

  • "It wasn't until my sister started dating a guy that I realized how my parents felt looking at me at her age."
  • "In order to stop constantly quarreling with the younger sister, you need to talk heart to heart with her more often."
  • "We have different genders, ages and interests. But blood relationship is not the main thing that unites us. Love is what really matters."
  • "Trust in a relationship with a sister is expressed even without words."
  • "There are friends whom we do not choose. God did it for us. Thank Him for such happiness, for my little sister."
  • "No one likes their copies. I do."
  • "We not only have common parents. We have a bond with her that no circumstance can destroy."
  • "My little sister is the embodiment of joy, tenderness and warmth."

Sister birth statuses

  • "An angel has appeared in our family: parents now have one more child."
  • "Before her birth, I had no idea that a girl could be so friendly."
  • "Parents often want to choose friends for their child. But the best thing is to give birth to him."
  • "With younger brothers and sisters, you can share a room, sweets or a TV remote control. The only thing you can't share is the love of your parents. It's enough for everyone."
  • "Rivalry between sisters is possible only in childhood. In adulthood, they become best friends."
  • "With the birth of this girl in our house, it became noisy, worries and responsibility were added. But her joyful laughter is the best gratitude."
  • "She had not yet had time to be born, and I already imagined how she showed off her older brother to her friends."
  • "No statuses about the younger sister can fit all the joy that her life gives."
  • "While you are still very small. But very soon you will secretly take my lipstick and try on jeans. I will pretend to grumble, but in my heart I will be very glad that I have you."

Funny statuses about sister

  • "With the birth of my sister, I had the opportunity to look after someone, care for and ... experiment."
  • "My sister and I manage to share one room. During the day, she walks while I sleep. At night, it's the other way around."
  • "I'm not afraid that my youngest will tell someone about my secrets. After all, I also collected dirt on her."
  • "It's funny and enjoyable to watch your little sister try to be like you."
  • "My dream is to live to see the day my sister learns to cook."
  • "It's pointless to quarrel with your sister for a long time. Sooner or later, one of us will run out of ink and will have to share. Reconciliation is inevitable."
  • "Rule for brothers: always help your sister when she has painted her nails. Then you won't have to darn your own socks."
  • "Communicating with your sister is like walking through a minefield. All the time you think:" Will you pass or not?
  • "There will come a time when children at school will no longer be called by the names of their older brothers and sisters who also studied there."
  • "Do you want your house dance in a dressing gown to become the property of the Internet? Give your sister a phone!".

Statuses about the relationship of brothers and sisters

  • "We can live like a cat and a dog. We can not talk for a long time or make fun of each other. But I will always stand up for her. After all, she is my little sister."
  • "Friends can betray one day, spouses can leave. And only a sister will remain dear and closest to you forever."
  • "Only one girl can a brother forgive a bad mood, whims and anger. And only for her will he always be ready to stand up. For his sister."
  • "When a little sister meets a guy, the task of the parents is to bless them. The task of the older brother is to check on him."
  • "Mom's care and sister's friendship - that's what guys look for in future wives."
  • "There is no greater joy for parents than mutual understanding between their children."
  • "An older brother has a responsible task: to be an example of how men should behave. In this way, he will help his sister make the right choice."

Little sister: touching statuses

  • "I love to communicate with my little sister. She still has such a pure and spontaneous soul."
  • "No matter how harmful, restless and clinging little sister is, it is impossible to be offended by her."
  • "She is still very tiny. You feel strong next to her, you want to be a protector. You are an older brother, you are a hero for her."
  • "When a little sister looks at you, you want to be better."
  • "We can teach our younger brothers and sisters how to use a spoon and how to tie shoelaces. They teach us something more important - to truly enjoy the little things."
  • "Even a young guy can raise a woman. If he is an older brother."
  • "Our connection is beyond time and circumstances. We are relatives, although very different. We can talk nonsense to each other, but we will not allow anyone to speak badly about one of us. Sister, thank you for having me!"

Native people are not only common DNA. It’s not even living together that makes them close. These are emotions that are shared. It is an experience that is passed on. Let the statuses about the younger sister help express all the variety of relationships and, most importantly, love.

Statuses about a sister with meaning are a good way to tell the world about the happiness of having a best friend in your life. A selection of such expressions will help highlight exactly those words that are so important to say to a dear person.

Statuses about sister with meaning

  • "If there is someone to whom you can tell your secret with the same confidence as your mother, then only your sister."
  • "I have friends. But I can't find someone as loyal and dear as my sister."
  • "The ability to find with a sister is a school of how to become a friend to other people."
  • "When you have a sister, you don't have to worry about your problems alone."
  • "Sisters of teaching - this is not an accusation or moralizing. Multiplied by indifference to you."
  • "Sister is your reflection and opposite at the same time."
  • "Friendship between sisters is like good wine - it grows stronger with age. And like spring - the longer the cold, the more pleasant its arrival."
  • "None of your peers cares as much about your happiness as your own sister."
  • "People who have siblings appear more whole and happy."

Statuses about a sister with meaning do not have to be used only for social networks. It can be a pleasant SMS or a note that will definitely cheer up a loved one.

Funny statuses about sisters

Statuses about a sister with meaning can be funny and ironic, like the relationship between relatives themselves.

  • "Sharing all the news with your sister is pointless. After all, she already knows everything."
  • "If a girl watches football, plays computer games and knows how to make a slingshot, then this is your little sister."
  • "As a child, my sister and I constantly fought. But then we grew up, grew wiser and understood - it's better to let them fight because of us."
  • "When she calls me stupid, I answer:" All in you!
  • "Why do you need if you have a younger sister?".
  • "To avoid having to do all the housework alone, steal your sister's personal diary."
  • “My little sister, when she found out that I would have a child, exclaimed: “Who will be - a boy or a girl? I need to know if I'm going to be an uncle or an aunt?"

Beautiful statuses about sister

Statuses about a sister with meaning, beautiful and funny are also a great way to congratulate. A postcard with an original statement from a loved one will be a nice addition to the gift.

  • "I am grateful to fate that I have such a treasure. Thank you for being in my life, sister."
  • "You and I are already happier than many people on Earth. Because we have each other."
  • "To be more beautiful than me, I can only allow you."
  • "This birthday is not only your holiday. It is also my celebration, another favorite day of the year."
  • "Blood kinship is what unites despite thousands of kilometers. Despite quarrels and omissions. Despite all the troubles and hardships."
  • "Happy are those who, with trepidation and anticipation, are waiting to meet their brother or sister."
  • "Unfortunately, all life is not a holiday. But as long as you are in it, I am able to overcome everything."

The best statuses and aphorisms about a sister are those that come from the heart. These are the words that can awaken and express feelings. And share it more often.