Happy birthday with your own words to a woman. Congratulations on the anniversary in prose for a cool woman. The future is in your hands

Huge clouds gathered over our small town. But, this does not mean at all that today, we will not be able to properly celebrate your name day. Quite the contrary, I will try to make this holiday even brighter and better for you. I just know how much your mood deteriorates when you look at bad weather. But, trust me, today you won't even remember it. As you can already see, some gifts are already in your room, among them is my gift, which you will surely like. Know that I have chosen it with great care. Now you are standing in front of me so small and airy, like a fairy from good fairy tale. But in fact, this is just an appearance, which will dissipate immediately after you speak. Because, to be honest, your character is not sugar at all. But, nothing, all people have their shortcomings. And on this day, I would especially like to tell you that you try to live your life in such a way that later, looking at the past years, you will not be ashamed. Good luck with this!

Congratulations on your birthday. I want to tell you that your sincerity attracts people, your laughter makes others laugh, and your sharp mind is able to find a way out of the most difficult situations. When you are happy, you want everyone around you to be happy as well. So be happy always! Achieve, conquer new heights, love. Live in such a way that you will not regret a single minute of your life later. Let all the surprises of fate be pleasant, and the broken nail will be the biggest reason for worry. May fate save everything that is important to you. Health to you and your family! Friendship, strong as wine! Love passionate and long! Happy birthday to you - on this bright day, dear and beloved birthday girl!

Happy Birthday. Today is not in vain such a bright and bright day. After all, today was born such a wonderful and kind woman. So let the sun shine only for you, and the birds sing in your honor. And most importantly - may there always be peace and tranquility in your soul. And luck, success, love, respect and joy will surely come to you. After all, with such a person it cannot be otherwise.

Sincere words of congratulations on the birthday of a woman

God rewarded the Indian woman with industriousness, the African woman with passion, the French woman with piquancy, the German woman with thriftiness, the American woman with efficiency. And you already have all these qualities. Because you are the best!

Happy birthday! I wish you as many positive emotions as possible. To make plans come true and dreams come true. Women's and maternal happiness, to be loved, desired, priceless. Greedy glances of men, sweet kisses and the embodiment of the most secret desires.

On this day, I congratulate a beautiful young woman on her birth! Let your husband carry you in his arms. May there be a lot of laughter, luck, smiles and joy in the house. May there always be harmony in your soul, tenderness settle. I wish you to always be the standard of femininity, not only externally, but also internally.

I don't even know what to wish you. It would seem that you have everything. But most importantly, I wish that you could save all this and carry it through your whole life. And may there always be true friends, loving people and reliable acquaintances in this life. Let all the cases that you take on turn out the first time. I wish that the mood was only excellent. And let all life be like a fairy tale.

I wish you to remain as sweet, gentle, radiant, cheerful, good-natured, smart, beautiful. Always rejoice and smile, be unique and impeccable. Never be upset or sad, despite the envious. May every day be filled with bright events, and each goal be achieved.

On this beautiful day, I want to wish you a happy birthday. Wishing you just the best would be trite of me. I wish you to always remain so cheerful and bright, so that in your eyes that passion for life always blazes, which adorns the life of the people around you with its light. So that tears are only from happiness, and the heart jumps out of joy, and not from anxiety. Laugh more often, because there is nothing more beautiful than hearing your laughter. Long years to you, but so that they are not a burden to you, as well as good health and, of course, good luck, because without it in our difficult time no way. Once again, happy birthday, good luck celebrating it today.

Happy birthday greetings touching words to a woman

Dear (name), happy birthday! On this beautiful day, I want to wish you one thing: let a smile always illuminate your face- and in moments of joy, and in moments of sadness. When a woman smiles, all her affairs are arguing, she is lucky not only in business, but also in love. Smile is our weapon and our helper. So let every day be a small holiday, and you will always have a reason to smile!

The wise man said that beauty will save the world! These words are confirmed in you - you are beautiful, kind, smart and a very bright soul! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that you always and everywhere remain yourself, do not grow old over the years, but only become younger in body and soul! Let a sweet smile illuminate your face and always help you in difficult situations! Love yourself and be sincerely and infinitely loved! Create and enjoy your creation! May success always be with you!

Sweet, beautiful, charming and inimitable, in a word - wonderful woman I congratulate you on your birthday. May the whole world be at your feet on this day, may there not be enough hands for all the bouquets and gifts. I wish you to always remain a magnificent woman, inspiring the hearts of your loved ones with your radiant smile, filling your life with numerous victories, happy stories and joyful emotions.

My dear! Today is your wonderful and festive birthday! I sincerely congratulate you and wish that we will celebrate this day with you for many, many years, so beautiful, young, kind, sympathetic and very sweet! May you meet only very good people, be sincerely loved and truly love yourself, enjoy every minute the Lord has given us and appreciate every moment! I wish you the strongest health, happiness - the sweetest, great love, but no trouble!

Beautiful, gentle, affectionate, beautiful, just incredible woman Happy birthday today. I wish you to be cheerful, cheerful, glow with happiness. May every day give many unforgettable moments, surround only nice people and all cherished desires come true.

Beautiful birthday party! Especially when you celebrate it! You have everything thought out in advance, You are a wonderful hostess, cheerful girlfriend, jack of all trades! With all my heart I wish you mutual and impartial love, understanding, financial stability and good health like a diamond! Happy birthday!

Regardless of on what occasion congratulations are pronounced and by whom, the hero of the occasion always evaluates them according to several key criteria. Firstly, it is the content, that is, the very essence of words. Secondly, this is the form of submission, that is, to what extent original form these words are spoken. And, thirdly, it is sincerity, emotional message and originality. It is quite understandable that any person will appreciate those congratulatory words, which are pronounced from oneself, that is, from pure heart. And in this case best fit, without a doubt, my sincere congratulations happy birthday in your own words.

The question remains one. Write congratulatory words on your own, or try to pass off other people's congratulations as the work of your own mind? And in this matter, we would recommend that you prefer the second option, despite the moral component. In the end, the authors of these words worked specifically so that other people could use the result of their intellectual work for their own benefit. Use and you, throwing aside all your doubts.

Vlio.ru gives you excellent opportunity give the birthday man not just words, but also emotions, your soul and your heart.

Happy birthday in prose dear woman! accept from me heartfelt congratulations, a box of chocolates, a gift and, of course - warm regards! What do you dream about? Let everything be fulfilled! Let your every day begin with a smile, and remember that you are the best and beloved for your family, which means that everything will always be better for you than in the good old fairy tale!

Happy Birthday! We wish you health, good luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all dreams come true. Let life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!

I want to wish you not only well-being and a good life, but also a successful combination of circumstances. So that you can be proud of your achievements. Live brightly and smile every day!

Happy birthday! I wish you good, light, peace, smiles, good mood. Let all bad things pass by, life's hardships be overcome with ease, and every day be filled with joy and happiness. And of course, bright faith, great hope, endless love.

On my birthday, I wish you lightness of feelings, spiritual vigor, clarity of thoughts and bright positive feelings. Let Vital energy will help to achieve the most incredible ideas.

Happy birthday to a beautiful, tender, affectionate, beautiful, simply incredible woman today. I wish you to be cheerful, cheerful, glow with happiness. Let every day give many unforgettable moments, only pleasant people surround you, and all cherished desires come true.

Let a kind artist paint your life only with bright colors, and let the days bring impressions that you want to remember. Happy birthday!

From the bottom of my heart, accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, financial stability, harmony in everything, love in all its manifestations, a peaceful sky above your head. Let good luck and success accompany you in life, people close in spirit surround you, and every day of your life shines with new rainbow colors!

Dear (name)! Let life be hard sometimes, but be strong. And for yourself, quickly open a reliable path. Do not know how to survive, but live, always go only forward, always be friends with luck and try to catch your bird of happiness! Good health to you!

Happy Birthday! Let happiness accompany you on every path, protect health under any circumstances. Luck and luck will become your reliable companion in life. I wish you inspiration in everything positive mood and fulfillment of all plans.

Happy Birthday! I wish you joy, happiness, good luck, more money, creative success, and most importantly - to find your soul mate, who can surround you with their care and attention.

Happy Birthday! I wish you the same brilliance in the eyes, health, energy on the way, without the envy of girlfriends, friends - by interests, a fast-moving career, income - by expenses, gifts and flowers! Hope, dream, love, be loved.

wonderful, amazing, unique woman, happy Birthday! I wish you peace, good luck, warmth, prosperity, understanding, fulfillment of dreams, let men admire and carry in their arms, never lose heart, have more rest and do not forget me.

Happy Birthday! Let there be joy and luck, love and prosperity, respect and recognition in life! Let loved ones appreciate and pamper. We wish you more happy days and sincere smiles! Stay always so charming and charming.

Dear, happy birthday! I wish you and your loved ones good health, mutual understanding, unearthly and passionate love with your husband, all kinds of achievements, fulfillment of your most secret desires! Remain as sweet, kind, interesting, beloved, faithful, positive, charming and beautiful!

On this beautiful day, we want to wish our birthday girl a happy birthday! I wish her to remain as beautiful and blooming, kind and sweet, joyful and cheerful, so that in her life there are no reasons for sorrow, but only reasons for smiles. We wish you happiness, health, fulfillment of all desires and long- for long years life!

Happy birthday cutie, our mischievous! We prophesy you happiness, never know bad weather, excellent health, a pretty body, a pretty smile, a gentle grin and good luck in all matters, in money - additions! Also, the joys of family, bosom relationships.

Happy Birthday! I wish you luck in life, your health does not fail, so that good people surround you and never betray you, so that dreams come true, new goals are created and inevitably realized, smile more and enjoy life.

Happy Birthday! I wish you to be healthy, full of energy and strength, cheerful, cheerful, loved, so that harmony reigns around you ... Travel, dream and never forget the faithful dedicated people who devoted minutes of their lives to you and asked nothing in return.

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you to always remain sweet, kind and sympathetic, let your man be reliable protection and support. You are special, your charm and charisma charge with positive and make you smile. May your life path be strewn with rose petals from true friends.

I congratulate you on this wonderful and long-awaited day, I wish you everything that you wish for yourself, the fulfillment of all your dreams, always remain as beautiful and happy as you are now and never cease to please those around you with your sincere smile.

Happy birthday, good luck, congratulations, ups and downs from failures, cool friends, more chocolate and jam, handsome men and a bagel with a roll to cheer you up, iPhone six, ten and one hundred and fifth, good boss, colleagues, in personal life all the most desired, more children, light, hopes come true and no disappointments, so that it is better than everyone else!

I wish you endless happiness, radiant beauty, gentle sea of ​​love, spiritual kindness, to be gentle, cheerful and cheerful! May this day be everything for you: smiles, gifts, hugs, flowers and dizzying compliments, cheerful faces of friends and joyful children's laughter!

We wish you to be the same blooming and beautiful throughout your life. With all our hearts we wish you a huge and pure love, love and be loved, and most importantly - great and good health, success in all endeavors and continuations.

I congratulate you with all my heart on your birthday! May everything always come true! I wish you a lot of smiles, kindness and joy, so that there are true friends, pure and mutual love, good health, endless happiness, great patience in life, not everyone earthly goods and all, all the most kind and beautiful and radiant!

I wish you to live to be a hundred years old, may the motor in your chest work without interruption and without repairs, may your life be a wide and even track without potholes and potholes. I also wish that you do not skid on sharp turns, that you always firmly hold the steering wheel of your life in firm hands. Good luck and happy journey!

Dear birthday boy! On your birthday, I sincerely wish ...
So that the green "Mercedes" of your life will easily and happily take you through life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that the road goes along blooming garden and to have all the people you need around. For your well-being and success!

To a friend: My dear friend, today there are so many beautiful words sounds like you. Accept my wishes for you, long years and good health you, youth, strength, beauty, may it always, not only on your birthday, come true cherished dreams. Smile more often, be happy in a word.

I want to wish you on your birthday that you be simple like the wind, inexhaustible like the sea, and like the earth, full of memory. Be light on your feet, like the sail of a ship, be cheerful, like the songs of the waves rustling in the open. And may the whole thrill of life of all times and races always live in you!

Enjoy every minute of your life. Drink it carefully, in small sips, without spilling a single precious drop. Admire nature, because she also admires you. You have everything you need to be happy, and you will definitely achieve everything you want. Believe in your strength, in your dream! Happy birthday!

I congratulate you on your birthday and sincerely wish that every new day of your life is filled with optimism, interesting creative ideas And joyful meetings with friends and people close to you in spirit. We wish you good health family happiness, excellent mood. Let the morning dawn meet you with bright colors. Give smiles to people, and they will readily reciprocate your love! Happy holiday!

Birthday is a special holiday. In childhood, we wait for him with joy, impatiently, and the year lasts a long, long time, and such long-awaited name days never come. But now time begins to race faster ... With age, it seems that the years flicker, like pages in a book that we flip through: birthdays come more often, we are getting older, and sometimes it seems that we do not have time to see something important on these pages called Life. I wish you on your birthday that your life is full, that nothing important is missed, and that all plans and dreams come true. Let your house be a full bowl, work is going well, and family and friends will always be ready to lend a shoulder. Be happy!

Let everything be as you dream today: there will be beautiful weather outside the window, and you wonderful mood! I wish you to celebrate your birthday noisily and cheerfully - with incendiary dances, songs, toasts and congratulations. May everything that your guests wish today come true, and your life be filled with light, happiness and kindness.

On your birthday, it is customary to wish what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy – and from the bottom of my heart I wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved, and I wish you this with all my heart. I want to always see you joyful, warm mutual love with a happy gleam in his eyes. Of course, in order for happiness to be complete, you need to do what you love, feel needed and successful. I wish you that your work always brings you not only decent income, but also pleasure.
There is nothing better than seeing success happy people. So forgive me selfishness, and do me a favor - be happy, loved, successful, healthy, cheerful, young in soul and body. I want to see you like this always, both on holidays and on weekdays! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! May your life cup be overflowing with happiness, health and love! May all your wishes come true! And let everything be the way you want it!

With all my heart - happiness, fulfillment of desires! Let life, like a bright mosaic, be made up of light colors joy, unforgettable events and every new day brings good luck and good mood!

Our youth is a happy, impetuous moment, incomprehensible to us, but all reliably stored in the memory. Our new summers are wealth, a wise time that allows us not to make mistakes and enjoy life as we have it.
May all your days be filled with sparkling joy, positive peace, stormy impressions, new insights, exotic travels and convincing victories of wisdom. And we want to perceive all life changes as curious cruises that will surely end happily and bring only joy and successful resolution of difficulties. On this day, meeting with relatives and friends will fill your whole life with life-giving energy! Happy birthday, may your birthday bring you optimism and energy for many years to come!

If you do not have the opportunity (or desire) to call a friend and congratulate her on her birthday, then you can simply send beautiful congratulations happy birthday in prose or verse. Try to find the words that fit the best. specific person, given his occupation, desires and aspirations.

Happy birthday greetings to a woman in prose

Happy birsday, my dear! I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity, kindness, joy, love, happiness, Have a good mood, smiles, vivid impressions. May warmth and comfort always fill your home, may the sunlight warm you in any weather, and may wishes come true at the mere thought of them.

Happy Birthday! I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! May life be filled positive emotions, true friends, happy days. Bright, bright, happy events for you!

Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, loved ones give attention, joy, warmth and affection, friends surround you with sincere understanding and support, colleagues respect and cherish. May everything that seemed unrealizable come true, and let the most desired thing happen!

Congratulations on your birthday! May every day of your life be filled with positivity and optimism, interesting ideas and pleasant encounters. Let health never fail you and give you cheerful mood. Let good luck and success be your constant companions, and let any few difficulties be easily overcome.
Happiness, luck on your birthday!

Happy Birthday! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

I congratulate you on your birthday, and I want to wish you to always remain as sincere, cheerful, sincere and joyful, because everything that happens is ultimately for the better! Always remember this! Let your life be not only light stripe, but also replete with all the colors of the rainbow, excluding gray and black! And I wish that all your plans end with the expected result, and that you are always proud of yourself! May all your hopes and desires come true, turning life into a real fairy tale! Happy birthday, the most a beautiful woman on the ground!

Happy birthday queen! I wish this year to be full of amenities, surprises, love, bright meetings, travel, shopping, tenderness, romance and good news! Become even more beautiful, even kinder, even smarter, richer, more necessary, more interesting and happier! And I wish you a great birthday!

Let life become a long journey full of adventures and discoveries, every day promises a holiday, and night - fairy tale! Happy birthday!

You know that not only on your birthday, but also on any other day, I wish you only from the bottom of my heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful! Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, performance cherished desires and creative accomplishments!
Happy birthday!

I congratulate you, my joy, and wish you all the best. Always remain as cheerful and cheerful, and may your beauty always enchant everyone around you. I wish you eternal youth, happiness and more smiles. Let nothing ever bother you, and good luck will always be with you. All earthly blessings, prosperity, warmth and love to you!

Let the aroma of the presented flowers and attention loving people give pleasant moments and great happiness on your birthday!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to wake up every day with a feeling of happiness and in the very in a better mood. Let health and money by default only multiply, and dreams and desires come true as often as possible, allowing you to rejoice at new victories and always smile.

Happy birthday!! I wish you to swim in the ocean of positive, to live on the island of Joy, not to know grief and evil! I wish you lots of money! So that three whales are always present in your life: happiness, health and good luck! Let them carry you with the flow of your life and never let go!

Let every day be full of fun and drive! Feel free to implement all your ideas! And may all your dreams come true!

Happy birthday! I want to wish life to be full pleasant events, brilliant ideas and real victories! Let your soul shine with positive and good mood! And in difficult moments of your life, friends and people close to you will always be nearby! Of course health and long life. Joy and laughter, respect of friends and love of relatives! Happy holiday, happy birthday!

Let your charm drive men crazy, and your prudence and ability to conduct business only add to your attractiveness! And let everything just fade next to such a brilliant birthday girl. I congratulate you on the holiday, may everything that is planned come true, may your dreams slowly come true. Happiness to you, harmony in your personal life and success in all matters!

Happy Birthday in verse to a woman

I only wish bright days,
More joy and laughter.
I want loyal friends
And in undertakings - success.

Love - to the very brim.
Good health, like rocks.
Absolutely no enemies
And there was plenty of money!

Let them say that years are like water,
May your years be full of water
And may you always remain
Not less years than hit today.
To friends for joy, but to spite fate
We want you to always be lucky
So that life was not life, but a feast for the eyes,
And make every day a birthday!

Happy special day!
Good luck in everything!
Prosperity and cash prizes!

Great moments!
From all the compliments!
And eternal luck in life!

Be the most cheerful and the happiest
Good, and gentle, and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way in impotence.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness!

Years go by, and oblivion to nothing,
No matter how hard you try, life does not want to give,
But every time a birthday comes
To believe again, to win again.

So let it be bright and encouraging,
Like a ray of sunshine through a frozen window.
And you don't have to be sad about anything.
Trust in the coming spring.

What woman's happiness? In bouquets of flowers?
In hot kisses?
In the trembling of the lips or in the magic of words?
In dreams consisting of several dreams?
In the rays of the rising sun?
What is called happiness for women?

What to wish? This time the question
Smiles happiness - it's not new
Everyone congratulates so now
And we want not so, but in a different way.

May life be full of miracles
And the road is full of flowers
Let the stars fall from the sky
Only to your doorstep

And on this day we sincerely wish
All earthly blessings in the world and goodness
Happy birthday hearty congratulations
We wish you happiness, joy, health and warmth!

Take my simple words:
I wish you mountains of gold
Health - cart, love - tornado,
In business, on personal - everything is as it should be.

In friends - honor, in the family - care,
And in pleasure - work.
good luck - in good friends,
Have fun at your leisure.

Nice words and compliments,
Victories and joyful moments
Awards, recognitions and applause,
Desires - to be realized.

And let happiness burst in the door -
Big, bright like the sun -
No knock, no warning.
And happy birthday.

I want to live and be loved
Do not grieve, do not despair
And along the long road of life
It's fun to walk with a smile.
May this day be a sea of ​​bouquets
Friends will give you
Sorrow will not touch the beautiful eyes
And your life will be easy!
sit down like you Sun beam,
Be gentle, always kind.
And let happiness be the reward
For all the coming years!

Years pass silently
Like birds of heaven caravan.
And time rushes imperceptibly -
You do not be sad for nothing.

Don't be sad when you see the change
When you find an extra wrinkle.
New days come to replace days
And each age is good in its own way.

IN good holiday many wishes:
Joy, good luck, long years!
Travel and new discoveries,
Bright achievements and victories!

Interesting things, reliable friendship,
Cheerfulness, health, strong strength!
So that everything that is needed in this life,
I brought it with me every day!

Happy birthday, dear, kind!
More happiness in life to you
For men, always be incomparable
Never give up the fight!

Open your soul to good
Keep your heart open too
Don't be sad for the past
Hold the real reins!

Birthdays come and go
And life goes on non-stop
Without giving us one iota of indulgence
In a series of falls, ups and downs.
But let you smile more often
Happy and happy days,
And only good people meet
And the main lights will not go out!

Soul to sing and laugh
And the heart believed in the dream.
So that happiness does not end at all,
And your eyes saw beauty.

So that all desires come true -
Everything that you have in mind.
Good luck in every endeavor,
Fun on your birthday!

You are beautiful like a goddess
You are sometimes inexplicable
We celebrate your birthday
And with all our hearts we wish
A sea of ​​happiness, a mountain of money,
And a whole lot of smiles.
Stay like this,
Gentle, sweet and dear!

May fate keep you
From evil, from troubles, from all misfortunes,
And let it ring in your soul
Like the song of a lark, happiness.

Let health not fail
Let fun be heard in the house
And only joy, but not sadness
We'll give you a birthday.

Fragrances velvet roses,
Every bright, wonderful moment,
The fulfillment of rainbow dreams
May your birthday be happy!

gentle, sincere words heat
Let it warm with magical breath
So that there is always happiness in the soul
And every wish came true!

Happy holiday! Happy birthday!
You are beautiful as ever
And with such a mood as now
You always go through life

May you not meet sorrows
Let the trouble pass by
Never stand near the abyss
And always be yourself!