Short romantic love stories to read. Love stories from life. Love Story: Man as a blooming garden

All these touching and sweet stories from real life, after reading which you begin to believe that this world is not so bad...

This is the power of love! So different, but so real!

I teach English at a social center for the disabled and pensioners. So before the start of the lesson, my elderly students fuss, open notebooks, put on glasses and hearing aids. And so an 81-year-old student, adjusting his hearing aid, said to his wife:

Tell me something.

I love you,” she whispered back.

What? He turned on his device.

They were both embarrassed and he kissed her tenderly on the cheek. I have to teach English, and I'm crying. Love exists!

I'm 32. They didn't sell martinis in the store (I didn't take my passport). The husband shouted across the hall: “Yes, sell it to my daughter, everything is fine.”

My grandfather was very fond of borscht. And so the whole month grandmother cooked it, with the exception of one day when she cooked some kind of soup. And it was on this day that, after eating a bowl of soup, grandfather said: “The soup is good, of course, but, Petrovna, could you cook borscht tomorrow? I missed him madly.”

For 3 years of relationship I was presented with socks, SOCKS! The most ordinary cheap socks! When I opened the “gift” with a suspicious face, something fell out of one and jumped under the sofa. Holding back her righteous anger, she climbed after him, and there, powdered with dust, lies a beautiful wedding ring! I get out, look, and this miracle is on his knees with a blissful smile and says: “Dobby wants to have a master!”

My aunt has three children. It so happened that the average child has been ill for 4 years, part of the brain has been removed. Constant resuscitation, expensive medicines. In short, you wouldn't wish it on your enemy. The eldest, 6 years old, has a dream to have hair to toe. They never cut their hair, they didn’t even allow the ends - tantrums immediately. Her class teacher calls, says she did not come to the last lesson. It turned out that instead of a lesson, she asked some high school student to cut her hair in order to sell her hair and buy medicine for her younger one.

From the moment the newborn daughter began to pronounce the first sounds, I secretly from my wife taught her to say the word "mother" so that this word would be her first uttered. And then the other day I came home earlier than usual, and no one heard me. I go into the room with my wife and child, and my wife secretly teaches my daughter to pronounce the word “dad” from me ...

Today I asked my husband why he no longer says that he loves me. He replied that, after I crashed his car, the very fact that I was still healthy and living in his house was already proof of his ardent love.

How interesting fortune works: I got a lucky ticket on the bus, I ate it, and ten hours later I ended up in the hospital with poisoning, where I met my whole life.

When I went to school, my mother always woke me up in the morning. Now I am studying in another city several thousand kilometers away, I have to study by 8:30, and my mother has to go to work by 10, but every morning she calls me at 7 in the morning and wishes good morning. Take care of your mothers: they are the most valuable thing you have.

Recently, I often hear from others: “passed away”, “he is not who he was before”, “she has changed” ... My great-grandmother said: imagine your soul mate sick and helpless. Illness takes away beauty from a person, and helplessness shows real feelings. You can take care of him day and night, spoon-feed and clean up after him, receiving in return only a feeling of gratitude - this is love, and everything else is childish whims.

At the dacha of friends, the door to the house slams shut. At night I wanted to smoke - I quietly went out into the street when everyone was already asleep. I return - the door is closed. And exactly a minute later my girlfriend comes out into the street, who felt that something was wrong, woke up and went to look for me. This is the power of love!

She worked in a shop with chocolate products (figures, etc.). A 10-11 year old boy came in. Pencil in hand. And then he says: “Is there anything not more than 300 rubles? This is for mom." I gave him the set and he dumped a bunch of coins on the table. And kopecks, and rubles ... We sat, counted for 15 minutes, so nice! Mom was very lucky with such a son: probably the last money, but she spends it on chocolate for mom.

Once I saw how one old man got acquainted with one old woman at a bus stop. At first, he looked at her for a long, long time, and then he picked a few branches of lilac, went up to this grandmother and said: “This lilac is as beautiful as you. My name is Ivan". It was so sweet. He has a lot to learn.

A story told by my girlfriend.

She went to the store today with her younger brother (he is 2 years old). He saw a girl, about 3 years old. He grabbed her by the hand and dragged her along. The girl was in tears, but her father was not at a loss and said: “Get used to it, daughter, boys always show love in a strange way.”

When I told my mother about the girl I like, she always asked two questions: “What color are her eyes?” and “What kind of ice cream does she like?”. I'm in my 40s and my mom died a long time ago, but I still remember that she had green eyes and loved a cup of chocolate chips, just like my wife.

“The first of April - I don’t trust anyone!” Who doesn't know this saying? But for me this notorious date, which coincided with the day of my appearance at the law office, meant nothing, you can’t fool me anyway! I don't believe anyone's word any other day! And it’s not at all because I once “burned myself in milk”, I’ve just been like that since childhood.
Even at school, the nickname Foma the Unbeliever stuck firmly to me, and not only because of the surname Fomin, but also because I always doubted everything. “You will be very hard in life! my mother told me. “Believe the man who brought you into the world and wants only happiness!” You run the risk of being left not only without friends, but also without protection from relatives!
My mother and I were always very close, we talked a lot about life, about relationships between people. And as I got older, I started asking her more serious questions, in particular about my father. And as a result, I came to the conclusion that my attitude to life is not at all accidental! The fact is that I grew up in an incomplete family. Dad left us when I was two years old and I don't remember him at all. He has a different family for a long time and quite an adult child. And all that my mother and I have left of him is only his last name, which I sometimes regret very much ...

They say you can't escape fate. That's just how to understand - who is your destiny? The one you know all your life, or the one you are ready to know every day?
Yura and I were “married” in kindergarten. Solemnly they played a wedding - the whole group and the teacher with a nanny were invited. And for those around us, we became an inseparable couple: together we came up with pranks, together we received “what we deserved” from adults. When my grandmother sometimes took me out of the kindergarten during the “quiet hour”, I, leaving the bedroom, invariably went to the bed of my “priest” for a farewell kiss on the cheek. The teachers laughed at such an open manifestation of children's love, but they were secretly afraid - what would all this lead to?
And this led to the fact that Yurka and I went to the same school, to the same class and, of course, sat down at the same desk. All ten years of study, I regularly copied mathematics from my “husband”, and he is my English and Russian. “The bride and groom” teased us at first, but then they stopped - we did not pay any attention to it, simply because we had long been accustomed to the ridicule of others. What's there to worry about? After all, they were just jealous of us! Our parents were friends, we regularly went to visit each other and even occasionally spent vacations together. So the phrases of relatives about our happy family future did not bother Yura and me at all. Accustomed to the nickname "newlyweds" since kindergarten, we felt quite comfortable in this role.

I was seventeen, and this handsome adult with exquisite gray hair was over forty. And yet for me there was no husband more desirable than he. I fell in love with my father's friend, the head of a large firm. After school, I tried to enter several institutes at once, but did not get enough points. I didn’t want to go to study “anywhere”, just to get a diploma. Mom sobbed, grandmother called acquaintances and friends in search of blasphemy, and dad ... My "coming" dad, "Sunday" dad, who left the family ten years ago, found, as it seemed to everyone then, the best way out. He appeared in our house, as usual, on Sunday morning, and cheerfully ordered from the threshold: - Lyalka, stop crying! - it's mom. "Natasha, hurry up!" - that's for me. - Back to the ice cream parlor? Mom sobbed. "You keep thinking she's a little girl, and we're in trouble!" - I know. Therefore, I say: let it gather quickly, they are waiting for us. Will you, Natasha, work! There was silence: three women, their mouths open, looked at my dad in shock. Satisfied with the effect, he laughed merrily. - Don't be so scared, ladies! There is nothing terrible in this. A year will work, gain experience, then with experience it will be easier to do. My friend needs an intelligent secretary just now, and you, Natasha, are still very intelligent! - Dad winked mischievously, and I immediately felt light and cheerful.

At the mention of a date, girls usually roll their eyes dreamily, anticipating romance. I shudder with disgust - a consequence of a sad personal experience. The first boy who invited me on a date was Maxim Erokhin. We studied together from the first grade, but only in the seventh he drew attention to me. I was not my own from the unexpected happiness that fell on me. The one for which all the girls were dying, suddenly resigned his next passion, the beautiful and clever Carolina, and invited me to hang out in the evening near the school. I set out to water. All of herself is so badass, hobbled to the school porch to slay him on the spot. I put on my mother's high-heeled boots and perfumed her dressing room fifteen minutes late, as it should be. Max carelessly chased the ball with the boys. “Come with us,” he suggested to me. I capriciously showed hairpins. "Then get somewhere," he commanded. I sat down on a bench near the sports ground. So she sat for two hours. Max ran up from time to time: either he handed gloves to keep, or he trusted to hold the mobile. When he managed to score a goal, he triumphantly shouted to me from afar:- Did you see it? I showed admiration. - How about tomorrow? he asked when it was time for me to go home.

The stranger from the minibus at first seemed to me to be an ordinary impudent person who wants to win my favor at all costs. But very soon I realized that I myself needed his attention. That evening, things were about to get worse. Just before the end of the working day, the boss shouted for no reason, however, he later apologized, but this didn’t make me feel better - my mood was spoiled. The necessary minibus left from under the very nose, which means that again I will have to pick up Mishka from the kindergarten later than everyone else - the teacher is already looking askance at me, unhappy that she has to guard my five-year-old son until late. And on top of all the misfortunes, the cosmetic bag was torn when I took it out of the bag to tint my lips, and almost all the cosmetics spilled into the dirt. Almost crying, I wandered to a small market next to the bus stop. The next minibus is still coming up ... During this time, I will have time to buy Mishka a Kinder Surprise, he loves them very much. *** - Girl, be careful! - some guy at the last moment literally pulled me off the roadway - in frustrated feelings, I did not notice how the red light turned on, and almost stepped under the wheels of the "gazelle".

My story is very interesting. I have been in love with Timur since kindergarten. He is nice and kind. I even went to school ahead of time for him. We studied, and my love grew and grew stronger, but Tima did not have reciprocal feelings for me. Girls constantly hovered around him, he used this, flirted with them, but did not pay attention to me. I was constantly jealous and crying, but I could not confess my feelings. Our school consists of 9 classes. I lived in a small village, and then moved to the city with my parents. Entered the medical college, and healed quietly, peacefully. When I finished my first year, then in May I was sent to practice in the area where I used to live. But I was not sent there alone... When I got by minibus to my native village, I sat next to Timur. He has grown older and prettier. These thoughts made me blush. I still loved him! He noticed me and smiled. Then he sat down and began to ask me about life. I told him and asked about his life. It turned out that he lives in the city where I live and studies at the medical college where I also study. He is the second student sent to our district hospital. During the conversation, I admitted that I love him very much. And he told me that he loved me himself ... Then a kiss, long and sweet. We did not pay attention to the people in the minibus, but drowned in a sea of ​​tenderness.
We are still learning together and going to be great doctors.

It was a quiet warm summer night. Two people walked along the side of the road holding hands. They were together. They loved...

Suddenly, an instant collision of two cars ... The girl felt a wild pain and lost consciousness, the guy barely dodged the wreckage, he suffered less.

The hospital... These indifferently cruel hospital walls... Ward. Bed. On it is a girl, with fractures and significant blood loss. A guy was sitting next to her, he did not leave her for a minute. Once again, a nurse came into the room, called the guy to her. They went out.

She will live, right? Tears flowed from his tired, swollen and sleepy eyes.
"We're doing our best, but you know...
- Please, I beg you, do not let her die, I have no one but her.
We will do our best, we will try our best...
The guy wiped away his tears and returned to the ward with the nurse. The girl sensed that something was wrong.
- Tell me, I'll survive, you will help me get out? Is it true?
“Of course, honey, we will do our best,” the nurse said and lowered her eyes.
When the guy and the girl were alone, she told him:
- Promise me: whatever happens, you will definitely be happy! I want it!
- What are you talking about! You are my happiness! I can't be without you!
-Promise me! You yourself understand everything! I want to be sure that you will be happy! Even if without me! Promise me this, for my sake!
“…Okay, I’ll try, but I can’t promise…”
Night has come. The girl fell asleep, and the guy dozed off by her bed ... The girl had a dream in which her mother sank to her from the sky and said:
- My girl. Tomorrow night I will come for you. We will fly away to another world where there is no evil, pain, betrayal. You will be calm there...
- Mother?! How?! Already?! But... but I don't want to leave... I... I love him... I can't live without him
I came to warn you, be ready. Spend the last day with him ... I have to go, - large silver-white wings spread behind her back, and she flew away.
In the morning the nurse came, the test results left no hope. The girl and the boy stayed together. She told him that she would die today ... He did not believe it, shouted at her, spoke. That everything will be fine, but she told him:
- Please, let's spend the last day together. I want to be with you.
He was silent. His heart was pounding wildly, his soul was torn to pieces, tears flowed like a river, he did not know what to do.
- Let's just stay together, remember our happiness. I want to meet my last sunset with you, I want to kiss you ...
All day long they were together, without opening their hands, recalling all their joys... He could not imagine himself without her even for a second... But... The sun was already setting towards their last sunset. Both had tears in their eyes...
- I don't want to lose you, my love.
- I understand, but that's probably how it should be, that's how it should be.
- I will be very bad without you. Very. I will never forget you.
- Darling, I will always be by your side. I will always help you. My love for you is eternal! Remember this!
In those last moments, they both wept.
- Beloved, I'm not afraid to die, because I know what love is! I lived for you! I never lied to you.
- Darling, I'm scared.
- Don't be afraid. I will be near…
Suddenly the pulse stopped. The soul flew out of the body. She saw how he strongly pressed her body to him, how he screamed, begged not to leave him. The nurses came running. They tried to do something, but it was too late.
Suddenly she felt someone take her hand. It was mom.
- Mommy, I don't want to leave him, please, just a minute, I want to go to him. Please Mom!!!
- My girl, it's time for us ... We must fly ...
The girl looked at herself. She was glowing, pimples appeared behind her back. She looked at her lover for the last time, flapped her wings and flew away with her mother ...
He felt pain in his heart and felt his soul being torn apart. There was not a single thought in his head, only her, her eyes, her hands, her lips.
After a long time, he was brought to his senses by a phone call.
- Hello...
“You can bury tomorrow,” they called from the hospital.
- How to bury? Already? No! Please, can I say goodbye to her one last time?
- Here in the cemetery and say goodbye! replied a rough male voice.

Again a warm summer day, the sun shines somehow in a special way. He stands next to the coffin in which lies the one for whom he lived, the one he dreamed about. She. The most beloved. He didn't understand what was happening.

Suddenly, he felt someone's gaze fixed on his back. He turned around, but saw nothing. It seemed to him that someone put a hand on his shoulder. He turned around again and again did not see anything, but he felt that she was standing nearby, he just did not see her. He held her hand. Angel. I felt her warmth. So dear ... She kept her promise to be with him.

Many days passed, she flew to him every day. She was with him when he woke up, when he fell asleep. She was there when it was difficult for him, when he felt bad.

Quiet winter evening ... Snowflakes shine in the light of lanterns. He looks out the window. Lights are on in neighboring houses. He remembers her, her voice, her eyes, his love ... He so wants to hug her again, take her hands again, look into her eyes again. But…

He left a trace of his breath on the cold glass and wrote her name.

How bad it is for me without you ... I miss you so much. I'd give anything just to hug you again. Just to see again. I feel so sad without you... I want to see you. Take me with you, huh? Or... Or come back.

Suddenly another breath trail appeared from the street side of the glass. Someone wrote his name. It was her. She heard him calling her.

There were tears in his eyes. He cried like a child, from powerlessness to change something.

On the other side of the glass, drops appeared, which immediately froze ... These were her tears. It was the purest love in the world. The one that is told in fairy tales, the one that everyone dreams about, but they can’t turn it into life, that love that cannot be described in words. It can only be felt. It was the love of an angel for a man.

Patterns began to appear on the glass that appear in severe frost, but the drawing was unusual, it depicted her. She was just as beautiful. All the same bottomless eyes, the same look...

God saw their love and suffering. He just wanted them to be happy. He did just that. He gave a new life to this girl.

One fine morning, the guy and the girl just woke up together again. They did not remember anything, they just felt that something inexplicable had happened. Some kind of miracle. Only their frozen names remained on the glass, which they themselves wrote there. Since then, the two have lived side by side. Among us ... They will become angels when another such fabulous, mutual love appears on earth.

Part 1. Alyosha.

On the eighth day of the campaign, I realized that I could not go any further. Despite all the worries of the guys, the flu was doing its dirty work. The tractor-all-terrain vehicle, the driver, which I was, at the same time performing all other mechanical duties, remained mothballed at the base until spring.

There was no one to carry me in my arms, everyone was already overloaded. Someone remembered that aside from our path, about 15 kilometers, there should be a stationary weather station.

I resolutely refused to be accompanied, got on my skis, threw a backpack over my shoulders and set off on the road under the doubtful looks of my friends.

Trouble always lurks unexpectedly: the snow suddenly settled under me and I found myself waist-deep in water. There was a hole under the snow, and I managed to fall into it. Having lost my skis, I hardly got out on the snow.

I don't remember how I got the rest of the way. I only remember that at the door of the weather station I tried to get up, but my legs could not hold me and I collapsed onto the porch. I woke up quickly. Agile girlish hands had already undressed me and rubbed me with alcohol. After 10 minutes, I was lying under two blankets and drinking strong tea in half with alcohol.

I woke up late the next day. It was light outside the window. - Girls - I called.

A young blonde came out of the room, dressed in a light gray jersey suit that accentuated her superbly developed curves.

Tell me, please, where can I see the head of the station and do you know if a radiogram was sent to the party that I arrived safely?

The blonde smiled and replied that the radiogram had been transmitted, and I saw the head of the station, Natalya Vasilievna Kuznetsova, in front of me. - And this, she pointed to the second girl standing in the doorway, my deputy - Leah Vladimirovna Volina. And we already know about you. You are a mechanical engineer of the geological expedition Alexey Snezhin - she hesitated for a moment.

Ivanovich - I suggested.

So my acquaintance with two took place ... I don’t know just the words. In general, with people whose fate became my fate.

Part 2. Natasha.

Leah and I have been friends since childhood. They lived in the same house, studied at the same institute and were inseparable until the 4th year. Together at dances, together at lectures, together preparing for exams. At the end of the 4th year, I married Volodya, a graduate student who taught practical classes with us. After that, Leah and I began to meet less often. I was engaged in the organization of life, I enjoyed new sensations and feelings of physical intimacy with a man. I loved Volodya. We were young, healthy, and, after a short natural period of awakening of feelings (before marriage, I was a girl), I selflessly surrendered to the passion for love joys that had awakened in me. Volodya was more experienced than me. Although he never told me this, I guessed that he had women before me. But his past didn't bother me. I enjoyed the present. Before marriage, I was completely unaware of the intimate side of family life, that is, theoretically, I knew what was happening between husband and wife in bed, and my girlfriends sometimes told separate episodes from their adventures for the sake of boasting, but I didn’t particularly believe them, thought deliberately composed to embellish the actual prose of sexual relations. I went in for sports a little, was healthy, always in the midst of friends and comrades, and felt the requirements of the floor weakly. Only in the last six months before marriage, when our relationship with Volodya moved from kisses to more intimate ones, at night I felt languishing and mentally tried to imagine how it would all be. At one time, I was tormented by the question of how, under him, I would call my ... and his ..., and what words he would say to me about his desire ... me. In reality, everything turned out to be much simpler, and at first we did not need words to denote this. The feeling of acute curiosity after the first time was replaced by a feeling of slight disappointment. I was a little hurt, ashamed, and everything happened so quickly that I did not have time to fully feel it all. When Volodya felt my blood on his fingers, he kissed me, spoke all sorts of stupid words to me, but prudently refused again to try to exercise his marital right that night.

For three or four weeks, I did not feel much pleasure, believing that it was just necessary. I made my nest, made various purchases, was proud of my position as a married woman among my fellow students, and was generally satisfied with family life. But gradually I began to enjoy the visit of a "friend" of my "house". “A friend of the house,” as we began to call it, although for the thrill of sensations, sometimes we called a spade a spade, but this came later and Volodya taught me almost all the words. He really liked it when I asked directly what I want. At first, I just lay under Volodya, but gradually, with his help, I mastered other poses. I especially liked to lie with my back on the high cushion of the sofa, Volodya stands on the floor in front of me and holding my legs, gives them various positions. At some moments it hurt me a little from the deep immersion of his head into me ...., but it was a sweet pain, I endured it and even sometimes purposely did it in such a way as to feel it.

True, at that time I did not understand some of Volodya's desires, I evaded them. So, I was ashamed to do this in the light and, in general, to appear naked in front of Volodya in the light. I did not understand the desire that arose in him to kiss mine ... I always covered her, substituting my hands for a kiss. Now, having become somewhat more experienced in these matters, I understand why Volodya remained dissatisfied at the same time. He was obviously counting on a reciprocal kindness, but I did not understand this, and he did not dare to ask for it. I was brought up in this respect in very strict rules and could not even imagine at that time that between a man and a woman there could be any other ways to satisfy passion, except for the usual introduction of a “friend” into a “house”. In general, she was a naive fool, in which life very quickly enlightened me. Nor did I understand Volodya's desire to take a self-photograph during our "visits." He brought photographs several times to such subjects, but I did not believe that what was depicted in the photographs could give pleasure and enjoyment to a man or woman. I thought that this was deliberately posed to excite the senses of those who would consider it. Volodya even became interested in collecting such cards and photographs. He sometimes examined them, after which he was very excited and tried to quickly drive me into bed. At that time, it suited me more to feel in my ... .. my husband than to consider how others do it. Obviously, Volodya completely satisfied me at that time, as a woman. I was “full” and, when I had a desire to feel his movement in myself ..., he always went forward and even in abundance. We did not want to have children until I graduated from the institute, and therefore we sometimes protected ourselves with an elastic band, and sometimes, when Volodya and I were tired of it, we simply interrupted everything at the very last second, so that the seed remained on the sheets or on my thighs and stomach. Volodya wiped it with his or my panties and they were quite often stained. When Volodya interrupted prematurely, I always felt sorry for him, because he did not experience pleasure to the end. And at that time I did not know how to help him. But it was quite simple, I only found out later.

After passing the state exams, I had to leave for undergraduate practice. Warmly saying goodbye to Volodya, at that time he was just about to leave somewhere, I went to the station, where we were supposed to be met by the head of the group with tickets. To great joy, he got the tickets only the next day, and the whole group went home. Knowing that Volodya was not at home, I opened the door with my key and entered the corridor. Volodya and I had an isolated one-room apartment. I put down my suitcase and started taking off my coat, and suddenly I heard Volodya's voice. Wanting to please him that fate gave us the opportunity to spend another day together, I quickly entered the room and ...