How a man transforms into a woman. Incredible transformation of men into women

A mysterious man in bizarre clothes, chanting with a tambourine, a spirit caster and a traditional healer - this is how we imagine a shaman. Many inhabitants of Siberia still believe in the power of local soothsayers and sorcerers. And few people know what shocking facts are sometimes hidden behind the magical rituals of shamans.

epileptic seizure

Arctic hysteria is a psychopathic disease that affects the inhabitants of Siberia and the Far North due to a number of objective factors, such as low temperatures, small numbers, lack of vitamins, etc.

The Swedish religious scholar Oke Olmarks (1911-1984) believed that shamanism is a pronounced form of Arctic hysteria, when a person experiences epileptic seizures. The patient considers his hallucinations to be communication with spirits and believes in everything supernatural. The only difference between ordinary psychopaths and a shaman is that he can control seizures, deliberately induce them using special techniques.

Death for renunciation of shamanism

If the spirits of the ancestors have chosen a person as a shaman, then he must accept his destiny or die. Among the peoples of Siberia, it is believed that before obtaining the abilities of a soothsayer and healer, a person experiences the so-called “shamanic breaking”. This is an inexplicable disease, from which it is possible to heal only by starting communication with the spirits.

For many people, the visions that arise in them become a real shock, the usual perception of the world collapses, life plans are reassessed. If the chosen one is not ready to completely change his fate, then he becomes seriously ill. The rejection of shamanism for such a person means a quick death.

Marriage to a deity or spirit

The Romanian historian and philosopher Mircea Eliade (1907-1986), in his book Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, wrote that shamans often enter into ritual marriages with various deities or patron spirits. They are sure that they enter into sexual relations with the inhabitants of other dimensions while in a state of trance.

There were cases when such a mystical wife demanded a divorce from the shaman if he was married before receiving magical abilities. And mortal husbands did not dare to oppose the will of the "heavenly" ladies.

Shamanism involves not only business, but also sexual relations with spirits. It is the cornerstone of such beliefs.

Ejaculation during a ritual

Shamanic ecstasy is tantamount to symbolic sexual intercourse. As a rule, the tambourine ritual ends with ejaculation. A special state of consciousness, when the soothsayer "connects" with spirits, goddesses, magical assistants, almost inevitably causes an erection in a man.

Often mystical experiences of shamans are connected with sexual emotions. And the close relationship between what is happening in the mind of a person and the physiological reactions of his body to imaginary events is beyond doubt among psychiatrists.

Are they werewolves?

The helper spirits of shamans often appear in the form of various animals, birds, fish and reptiles. Imitating the movements and habits of a totem animal, during the ritual, a person symbolically transforms into a representative of the fauna. He puts on the appropriate skin and mask, makes sounds like a roar, growl, howl or scream. Having reincarnated, the magician leaves for the taiga, believing that he has actually become a beast.

Many inhabitants of Siberia believe that shamans are werewolves. Moreover, not only wolves, but also bears, beavers, wolverines, snakes, crows... According to legend, light and dark shamans sometimes fight to the death with each other, being in their animal forms.

Drugs for ecstasy

Usually, monotonous beats on the tambourine and ritual dances are enough for the shaman to achieve a state of trance, but they use additional means to increase the ecstasy. Usually it's drugs. We are talking about eating hallucinogenic mushrooms, inhaling the smoke of intoxicating herbs, smoking special mixtures.

Shamans widely use drug intoxication to communicate with spirits and divination. Such substances, they believe, help to better tune in to the perception of the supernatural world and its inhabitants.

Sex reassignment and "transformation" into a woman

Among the Kamchadals, Chukchis, Koryaks and representatives of some peoples of Siberia there are transvestite shamans. More often, men "turn" into women, although it happens that shaman women begin to dress and behave like representatives of the stronger sex. Such people may even enter into marriages, which are now called LGBT unions.

The reincarnation of a male shaman into a woman is not ritual, but quite real. Well, except for sex reassignment surgery. And all at the behest of the spirits that appeared during the ritual, of course. Moreover, some shamans are so disgusted by the very thought of such a thing that they prefer to commit suicide.

Torture by fire and frost

A young man who has received the gift of a shaman from his ancestors is going through many trials. And it's not just magic. Having accepted his fate, the young man finds a teacher - an experienced colleague who tests the neophyte's resolve and shares his knowledge with him.

The future Siberian shaman endures real torture both by fire and frost. For example, they can wrap it in wet sheets and put it outside on a winter night, where the air temperature often drops below -50 ° C. And he should stand until the sheets are completely dry.

In addition, the shaman needs to acquire symbolic power over fire. To do this, he touches the hot metal with his hands and feet until the limbs lose their sensitivity. But then it strikes people, calmly interacting with fire.

Fortune telling on shamanic turtles

Shamans are usually buried not in cemeteries, but in forest thickets, so that no one bothers them. But each Siberian people has its own traditions. For example, among the Yukagirs, the corpses of soothsayers and healers were dismembered, and the bones were divided among relatives, since it was believed that they save from evil spirits.

Particular attention was paid to the skulls of shamans. They were framed with a wooden frame and kept as family heirlooms. In Siberia, they even guessed with the help of such ritual remains, living shamans “asked” their deceased colleagues for advice on various issues.

Sex change at the present time is not a curiosity, and society does not react to such changes as sharply as it did 10 years ago. But there are individuals who managed to surprise the world, and become mega popular, rich. All of them are united by age - 50 years and older. Even at this age, some men are ready to undergo dozens of plastic surgeries and radically change their lives, leaving family and children behind.

Big breasts, lush lips, white hair, dark skin of the body - why not Pamela Anderson? Only in the photo you see a 56-year-old Italian, in the past a man, and now it is Fulvia Pellergrino. Cardinal reincarnations of sex change began 10 years ago. To do this, Fulvia had to sell a car and a house in France, but she is not going to stop there, since she is very far from an ideal appearance. Surprisingly, for 30 years Fulvia was an exemplary family man, a father, and when Marissa's wife found out about her husband's desire, she did not turn away from him, but helped her to reach her goal.

Their marriage did not break up, they, as before, live under the same roof, only now Fulvia is perceived in the family as a younger sister. On his Facebook page, the Italian indicated that he was in an open relationship.

Stefan Wolsht, a Canadian, decided to start his life in a completely new way after 50 years. Until the age of 46, Stefan was a model citizen:

■ have been married for more than 20 years;
■ went to church regularly;
■ raised 7 children.

But at one fine moment he began to wear dresses, drink hormonal drugs. His desires were not shared by other family members, which is why Stefan left home. And being on the verge of another suicide, Volsht realized that in his heart he felt like a 6-year-old child. Soon he was lucky to meet an elderly couple who warmly received Stefan and allowed him to live with them. Now the "little girl" named Paul feels just fine: she plays toys with the kids, wears children's sundresses, braids, and happily poses for photographers. Carefree old age: but they say that time cannot be turned back.

Caitlyn Jenner is the 2015 Glamor Champion of the Transgender Woman of the Year. In the past - Bruce Jenner, better known as:

■ decathlon champion;
■ stepfather of TV star Kim Kardashian, who has been married to Kris Kardashian for 25 years;
■ father of 6 children;
■ A well-known American TV star who has starred in the reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians since 2007.

After Bruce, in 2015, after an official divorce from Chris, stated that all this time he felt like a woman, and from now on he only calls himself Caitlin, his popularity goes through the roof:

■ 3.2 million Twitter followers;
■ a welcome guest at any secular party;
■ The title of "World's Most Famous Transgender Person".

At 66, Caitlin looks flawless, boldly photographed in revealing outfits, underwear, her popularity breaks all records, and her name does not leave the front pages of glossy publications.

The oldest person who decided to change sex was 81-year-old James Rose from England. He is a retired military man, father of three children and grandfather of four grandchildren. In a happy marriage, James lived for 42 years. After divorcing his wife, he finally decided to become a woman. According to him, he never felt comfortable in his body. At the age of 81, the man completely completed his journey to the final transformation into a woman, having undergone a sex change surgery. Today, James calls himself Grandma Ruth. The only thing that worries the British woman is her small breast size. In all other respects, Ruth looks flawless, and the smile does not leave her face.

A strong, courageous, professional sniper, a respected man in the US Army, Charles Pontiero, at the age of 40, decided to become a blond woman. He made such a decision after meeting on the Internet with 29-year-old lesbian Maria. The love turned out to be so strong that Charles not only abandoned his family, but refused to serve, moved to live in the UK, and changed his name to Alesia. Before that, he was married three times and has two children. Today, to replace the service in the army, Alesia is an aspiring actress.

As you can see, not only women can be weird, but men also do not lose in this matter. The development of plastic surgery works wonders.

Modern gender studies argue that the concepts of "man" and "woman" are not so much biological as social, and between these two poles there are still many opportunities for self-determination. Wonderzine is starting a series of posts about people who have had to adjust their outward gender so that their inner understanding of themselves finally matches what other people see. Our first material contains the story of Masha Bast, Chairman of the Russian Bar Association for Human Rights (formerly Evgeny Arkhipov), who came out as a transgender woman in September 2013.

interview: Sasha Sheveleva

Masha Bast

I have never had a dilemma - to be me a man or a woman.
I literally from the age of three, as far as I can remember, identified myself as a girl. The older I got, the more acute was the need to look like a girl. At the age of 10, I already began to wear women's clothes, to paint. Of course, my mother noticed that her clothes were all rummaged and dressed. She probably thought that it was connected with some kind of teenage growing up, she tried not to notice it. At the age of 12, I already went to a disco, met and danced with boys. The parents were not aware. We had a private house, and it was convenient for me to leave the house so that no one could see me. Some of my peers paid attention to the fact that I was wearing a bra - they laughed, but pretended not to notice. After all, I sunbathed like a girl - in a women's swimsuit, many of my friends saw my tan.

When I was 15 years old, my parents already began to suspect something, and I had a conversation with my mother. I didn't understand then what was happening to me. I did not know what transsexualism is, that there are people who correct their external signs. I myself thought at the age of 13 that I probably needed some changes in the body. I didn't like the roughness of the skin and voice. At the age of 14, I bought a hormone, such a powerful pill, and drank it. She was tense, and then my mother began to suspect something and found this pill, asked what it was. I said "medicine". Well, she threw it away. Closer to 15, I learned what transsexuality is, that people correct their gender. And I made a decision for myself that I would also change my external signs. For me, there was no such thing as "I want to change sex" or "I am a man who wants to become a woman." I have always felt like a woman, I just felt uncomfortable with the fact that I have a male body.

At the age of 16, I tried to suppress the feminine in me. I thought that maybe I really have such a teenage age, and took up weightlifting. I began to look like a 40-year-old man at the age of 16. They even started preparing me for participation in the Olympic Games in Sydney. And you know, I became so unhappy. I imagined that I am a man, I am winning the Olympics. But I'm not a man. I can't be a man. I went to crazy workouts, my peers were afraid of me, they didn’t come up on the street, because I was huge like a closet. But I'm a woman! Do you understand? It didn't suit me. I was very unhappy with this. And the more courageous I became outwardly, the more I felt like a heavy spacesuit on myself. I decided that I couldn’t do this anymore: I started injecting female hormones in frantic doses, I began to lose weight. I didn’t know then what shemale was, I didn’t know what transition was.

I had a conversation with my mom. I came in a miniskirt, with long hair. Mom said: “Do you want to be a woman? Yes please. But, - he says, - on the street. Go and earn. Only herself." And what is the street at that time? That means you're going into prostitution. I couldn't. I said, "Okay, I'm on my own." And I decided that I would live like this, and then I would get an education and help myself with the correction. For me it was probably a dilemma. And my mother and I started playing games, which ended with the fact that at the age of 17 or 18 the first ambulance came to me. I chose the hormones incorrectly, weightlifting also could not be abruptly abandoned. My pressure was over 200, like an old grandmother. I had to forget about hormones and exercise. I tried to return to my female body, but it was difficult due to health problems. I then decided that I would take a time out - I would go to a university, get an education. And only after receiving the status I will go and do everything. And so it happened. My mother knew very well that I would change, whether she liked it or not. My brother, who lives with me, was always aware of what was happening to me. He saw everything. I have been Masha for him since childhood.

Correction of external signs of sex is a series of operations. It all depends on the person, what he wants: if he wants to change the genitals - this is one operation. If he wants to bring beauty - you can do at least a hundred operations. I was lucky because I have a feminine appearance: there is no Adam's apple and never was, my chin has always been feminine, my nose is small. But there are people who have problems with the shape of the skull, Adam's apple. I did not change gender - I corrected my body. I was originally a woman. I made a decision for myself: I put all these commissions, documents in the background, because the most important thing is in me. Of course, many are faced with a problem: in order to have an operation, you need to change the documents and have a conclusion from the commission. To change documents, you need to do an operation. The document is a human invention. I drive a car, although I have a man's license. I follow the rules of the road. Let them stop - I will explain to them my rights and their rights. I am an independent person, I say: “Here are my documents, this is me. If something doesn't suit you, that's your problem." You don't have to be ashamed of yourself. People are embarrassed and feel guilty. You didn't make yourself that way - nature made you that way. Are you to blame? No. Therefore the society is obliged to accept you. If it does not accept, then this is a problem of society.

In adolescence, you need to talk to people
about what is transgender,
for a person to grow up mentally healthy

My wife knew everything about me from the very beginning, even when we just started dating in 2008 - I was already taking female hormones then. We are in a lesbian marriage. We discussed all this when we met. The only thing I can tell you is that I am a bi woman. In my youth, I liked both boys and girls. I dated men. They treated me like a woman. Brutal, large men under two meters looked after me. We are planning to have children. I didn't have children because I needed to change properly. Of course, I will tell my children everything about myself.

I believe that in adolescence it is necessary to talk with people about what transgender is, so that a person grows up mentally healthy, not a maniac. If parents notice that the first signals have appeared (around the age of 10), you should immediately run to a psychologist and in no case treat them. If this is transsexualism, then we need to stop fighting and start helping the child so that he is already a girl by the age of 18 preparing to get married. You can't hurt a child. There are provocations against me. In the village where I live, information was launched that I was gathering a rally of transgender people - the whole village was cordoned off, they were looking for these transgender people.

I know, for example, that Limonov (Maria Bast was the personal lawyer of Eduard Limonov and represented him in the Supreme Court of Russia and the European Court of Human Rights. - Note. ed.) couldn't reconcile my past and present. And I immediately say: you did not communicate with Evgeny Sergeyevich, but with Masha. Evgeny Sergeevich was the image that I carried to society in order to make it easier for me to communicate, but I looked at you through the eyes of Masha, and my brains were Machines. Most people understand this, 10% of acquaintances do not. Most often, rejection occurs among religious people. They are looking for an explanation - most likely, this is a performance, a planned PR move, some kind of protest. After coming out, I became a moment of truth for most people. I saw how people treat me: among friends there are users, but there are real friends. Users have left.

Photos: via Shutterstock

In the last decade, gender reassignment surgery has become a common phenomenon. Although modern society is still biased towards transsexuals, many still decide to embark on this difficult path of transformation from a man to a woman and vice versa. What will a person who wants to change their gender have to face? How is the operation of changing gender from male to female? What are the risks? "Popular about health" will help to understand these issues.

Where to start a man who wants to become a woman?

The gender transition process is quite complicated. It is necessary to go through, as they say, all the circles of hell. It all starts, of course, with making a conscious decision. If a guy has been experiencing discomfort in his body since childhood and suffers because of his gender, then he has a chance to change everything. However, the decision should not be made on emotions, because of resentment towards the partner or other circumstances. The next stage of reincarnation is a visit to a psychiatrist.

A man needs to register with this doctor and be observed by him for at least a year. The psychiatrist conducts many conversations with the patient, prescribes the necessary tests to find out if there really are no other ways to solve the patient's problem. If the medical commission establishes the fact that the guy is really a transsexual, then he will eventually be issued an appropriate certificate. It also states that no other mental abnormalities were found in the patient. This means that the decision was made consciously. The next step is hormone therapy.

Taking hormones as part of the transformation of a man into a woman

After receiving the conclusion of a psychiatrist, a man must be tested for hormones. Based on their results, it will be seen what dosage of hormones should be prescribed to the patient. Hormone therapy is a long process, taking pills before surgery is carried out for 9 months. It is impossible to skip or change the dosage, the doctor should adjust the doses, based on the results of the tests (they are taken every one and a half to two months).

What changes occur to a man as a result of taking female hormones? The features of his face gradually soften, acquiring femininity, the body also changes - the hair on the face, legs, arms disappears, the figure is slightly rounded. What hormones should a man take? Most often it is estrogen. Sometimes the doctor considers it necessary to include progestogens in the course of hormone therapy. Hormone intake is stopped at least one month before the planned date of the operation. After surgery, it is necessary to take female hormones for life. And how the operation itself proceeds, you will learn further.

operation from man to woman

From the point of view of anatomy and surgery, it is easier to turn from a guy into a girl. The operation is performed in a hospital and lasts from 5 to 8 hours (depending on the complexity). What exactly does a surgeon do? First, he removes the male testicles. The future vagina and clitoris are formed from the tissue of the penis, the scrotum is used to form the labia.

If this tissue is not enough, then a section of the sigmoid colon or skin taken from the man's forearm is used.

In parallel, the surgeon will have to perform other plastic surgeries - mammoplasty (breast augmentation) and face correction. The surgeon must work with the patient's cheekbones, nose, if necessary. Such operations are successfully performed in Russia and other countries. Most of these transformations are done in Thailand. In this country, they are loyal to transsexuals. There are about 15 thousand of them. The cost of a sex change operation from a man to a woman in sunny Thailand is almost three times lower than in other countries.

Who should not undergo gender reassignment surgery??

The following factors serve as grounds for refusing to carry out such an operation:

1. Age up to 18 years.

2. Absence of a psychiatrist's report or detected mental abnormalities.

3. Homosexuality.

4. HIV, AIDS, hepatitis.

5. Diseases of the liver, heart.

6. Other possible health problems for which surgery is contraindicated.

What are the predictions for a successful outcome of sex reassignment surgery??

Any operation is associated with the risk of infection, this must be understood from the outset. Heart problems may arise during the introduction of anesthesia, and it should not be ruled out that the transplanted tissues may not take root well. It is also important to mention the nuance that after the operation, the patient's life expectancy is reduced. Hormone intake plays an important role in this regard. However, in almost 80 percent of cases, the outcome is favorable.

In addition to the risks of harming health, the patient will face many psychological problems. He will certainly face misunderstanding among his entourage, relatives, it is also worth mentally preparing for this. After changing gender, a man who has turned into a woman needs to go through many procedures with identity documents.

Sex change from a man to a woman is a long and complex process that requires patience, awareness, and willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of your well-being. It is very important to weigh everything many times before making a decision, because there will be no turning back.

Life itself sometimes proves reincarnation in spite of all skeptics. Living witnesses of the events of the past and they do not need to prove anything to anyone, because their memory and experiences are in their blood.

Thanks to researchers, it is possible to touch the phenomenon of reincarnation and understand how it happens. transformation of a man into a woman why close people are born together.

Early Lives of Johnny, Robert and Gnananadas

A.K. Nandadasa Johnny was born in 1945 in the heart of Unawatuna, a coastal town in the Galle district, on the south coast of Sri Lanka. He was known to everyone as "Johnny". His father's name was Padrick Appuhami and his mother was Sizel Hami. Johnny had a brother named Gnananadasa who was three years younger than Johnny.

In 1946, Paliagurunge Akmiman Robert, who was simply called “Robert”, was born in the same city. His father's name was A. Dharmazana and his mother was Mary Nona. Robert did not get along well with his father, but was very close to his mother.

Johnny and Robert have been best friends since childhood. They played cards, swam and dived into the sea, climbed trees. They were both born into poor families. Johnny and Robert were Buddhists and they worshiped at Yatagala Temple. Robert was more pious than Johnny.

Johnny got a job at a spectacle frame factory in Galle. Soon he acquired a modest jungle home on Romassala Hill, not far from a cliff overlooking the sea.

Robert dropped out of school in the ninth grade and took a temporary job as a bricklayer and laborer. He later worked in a battery factory.

Amarapala, Johnny's friend

At the eyeglass factory, Johnny befriends a man named Amarapala Hettiaratchy.

On October 20, 1966, Johnny and Robert were invited to the wedding of a friend of Amarapal and his wife Yasawati in the village of Pitadeniya, located 14 kilometers north of Galle.

The couple lived in the village of Pitadeniya, despite the fact that Amarapala worked at a factory in the city of Galle.

1971 uprising

Because of the gap between the rich and the poor, people began to plan an uprising in Sri Lanka. In the Galle region, Johnny, a talented orator, became the leader of the rebels, and Robert became his right hand. Due to its remoteness, the Romassala hill became a training field for the rebels. Food and supplies were kept at Johnny's house.

Robert was responsible for the weapons component. From his experience in a battery factory, Robert learned how to build pipe bombs.

The bombs were tested on Unawatuna Beach. The uprising began on April 5, 1971. The rebels raided police stations at night, when the officers were sleeping, in order to neutralize the police and take away weapons.

Woman with radio in Yaddehimullah

The woman from Yaddehimulla whom Johnny and Robert knew was one of the few people in the area who had a radio. Johnny and Robert visited this woman at night when no one could see them in the dark and listened to the news of the uprising on the radio.

The Sri Lankan police and army put all their efforts into putting down the uprising. It is believed that 1,200 people died during the battle.

The Capture of Johnny and Robert

In the Galle district, the police and army surrounded Romassala Hill. Johnny and Robert escaped capture by hiding in caves and crevices between rocks. Two weeks later, in mid-April 1971, they tried to leave Halle, but the police detained them at the station.

In prison, Robert formed a plan. He told the police that he would lead them to a cache of weapons and bombs hidden on Romassala Hill.

Around 10 am on April 19, 1971, Robert led a group of officers to a place on a hill overlooking the sea, still in handcuffs. He pushed one policeman and beat another, after which he tried to dive into the sea. Shots rang out from all sides.

Robert was wounded on the right in the abdomen just below the chest, after which his dead body fell into the sea.

The police officers, enraged by Robert's deceit, returned to the police station, where they beat Johnny to death.

The reincarnation of the rebels in twin girls

A little over 7 years later, on November 3, 1978, in the village of Pitadeniya, Amarapala, a friend of Johnny from the factory, and his wife, Yasawati, celebrated the birthday of twin girls, whom they named Sivanti and Sheromi.

Sivanti born with a birthmark measuring 2 by 1 cm on the right side of the abdomen, just below the chest, corresponding to Robert's gunshot wound. No one else in the family had such a birthmark.

When Sivanti spoke at two and a half years old, she said that she had a different home where she had her father, mother and sister. She told how she had to hide in a cave with the Joniya.

Sivanti said that she and “Joniya” were arrested and handcuffed. Sivanti put her little hands behind her back as she said this to show what she meant.

She said that she was shot while trying to escape, that she wanted to dive into the sea. When Sivanti told the story, she pointed to her birthmark, which matched exactly the location of Robert's gunshot wound.

Sivanti remembers the names of her parents in a past life

Sivanti said her mother's name was Mary Akka. Akka means elder sister. Recall that Robert's mother's name was Mary Nonna. Ian Stevenson claimed that Mary Akka was a nickname for Maria Nona. Sivanti asked to be taken home.

Sivanti said that in her past life, she knew a man named "Uncle Kurun". Mary Nona later confirmed that one of Robert's comrades in the rebellion was indeed named Uncle Curun.

Sivanti told her mother, Yasawati, that they wanted to hide in the caves in the dark. She also said that Sudu Nangi once sent her clothes in a bucket.

Robert did know a woman named Sudu Nangi. When he was on the run, this woman allowed Robert to wash and wash his clothes in her well. Robert left his clothes to dry and Sudu Nangi later brought or sent with someone the dried clothes to Robert.

One day she did send Robert's dry clothes in a bucket. Sivanti also claimed that Sudu Nangi saw Robert taken to the police station. Indeed, Sudu Nangi witnessed how Robert was taken to the police after his arrest.

Sivanti remembers the name of her past incarnation

Sivanti talked about the Yatigala temple, which she allegedly used to go to. Recall that Robert was a devout Buddhist. When the twins were three and a half years old, their mother took them to the Yatagala temple, where Sivanti noticed that the building had been restored.

Indeed, a new wing was added to the building. In the temple, for the first time, she declared that formerly her name was Robert. This happened in May or June 1982.

Amarapala and Yasawati, the parents of the twins, now realized that Sivanti had been describing the life of their friend Robert, who was a guest at their wedding, all along. The rumor that Sivanti was remembering details from her past life in the body of the rebel Robert had spread throughout Pitadenia County.

A schoolboy studying in Pitadenya wrote to his family in Unawatuna, where Robert had previously lived, about these past life memories. In this way, Robert's family became aware of the existence of Sivanti and her stories.

Sheromy recognizes relatives from a past life

On July 17, 1982, several of Robert's friends and family visited the twins, who were 4 years old at the time. One of the first visitors was Johnny's younger brother and friend of Robert Gnananadas. Seeing the visitor, Sheromi said, "My little brother has come."

This was Sheromi's first memory of a past life. She then ran up to Granananadasa and hugged him. Grananadasa wept at this reunion and promised to return. Sheromy also stated that her former name was Johnny.

The next day, July 18, 1982, Granananadasa returned with his sister and mother (Johnny's sister and mother). When they entered the house, Sheromy, seeing Johnny's mother Sizel Hami, exclaimed "That's my mother!".

Sheromy also named her "Ama" which means mother. She then said, "This is my Nangi," pointing to Johnny's younger sister. Nangi means little sister in Sri Lanka.

Sheromy greeted her mother from a past life, Sizel Hami, very warmly, but she was quite cold towards Johnny's father. This reflected Johnny's relationship with his father - father and son didn't get along very well.

When Johnny's mother and sister were about to leave for home, Sheromi began to beg "Take me with you!" She burst into tears as they started to leave. Sheromy claimed they were together when they were arrested.

One witness said that when Johnny and Robert were arrested, one of them was already on the bus while the other was still outside. Sheromy also reported that they were caught together.

Sheromy remembers hanging upside down, her death, and watching Johnny's body from the spirit realm be burned.

Two days later, when Grananadasa questioned Sheromi about the details of her past life, she described how she had been tortured and hung upside down. Sheromy said that she remembers the sight of an inverted Buddha painting she saw while hanging with her feet from the ceiling. Sheromy barely held back her tears as she described these past life events.

Most importantly, Sheromi also remembered that she was doused with some kind of liquid, after which her body was burned.

Recall that Johnny's body was burned a few days after his death. This means that Johnny/Sheromi's soul could see Johnny's body being burned as a spirit, since Johnny was already dead when his body was burned.

Sheromi realized that she was Johnny in her past life and acknowledged her twin sister as her past life friend, Robert.

After that, the twins often discussed their past lives together.

For example, Sheromi once told her sister “Your hands were tied”, to which Sivanti replied “Your hands were also tied. Do you remember our bus ride?”

Twins recognize places from a past life

Godwin Samararatne, a research scientist, learned about the twins' past life memories from a newspaper and decided to investigate the case. He visited the twins at the end of July 1982.

Ian Stevenson interviewed the twins and families involved in the case in October 1982. Godwin acted as an interpreter.

On July 4, 1982, when the twins were about four years old, Godwin took them to Romassala Hill. When the road ended, the twins were led to a walking path and asked to show the way to the houses where they had lived in a past life.

The twins went down a steep and rocky path. Sivanti led the group to a spot on a cliff where she, being Robert, tried to escape by jumping into the sea and was shot dead.

When Ian Stevenson followed the route, he was amazed at how Sivanti found her way to the cliff - everything was strewn with stones so that Stevenson could not believe that the trail existed.

The twins were then asked again to find the houses they had lived in in their past incarnations.

Now Sheromy joined the process and led the group straight to the ruins of Johnny's house on Romassala Hill, more than a hundred meters from the cliff from which Robert had jumped into the sea. The house was badly damaged by that time, but the foundation was still standing.

Godwin also took the girls to Yaddehimulla. The woman on the radio in Yaddehimulla heard about Sheromi and Sivanti's past life memories. When she noticed the twins passing by, she called out to them, "Would you like to come and listen to the radio?" The twins replied, “We will come at night.”

Recall that Johnny and Robert could only come to listen to the radio at night, when no one could recognize them in the dark. Ian Stevenson was very impressed with the twins' announcement.

Phobias and past life habits

Both girls were afraid of people wearing khaki shirts, the kind worn by police officers in Sri Lanka. They were also frightened by the sight of jeeps in which there were policemen or soldiers.

During the games, both girls liked to make clay bombs. When Ian Stevenson asked the twins what was used in making the bombs, they answered “nails, paper, cans, wires, broken bottles”, which of course was used by the rebels to make bombs at home.

Both girls had a habit of holding sticks in their mouths, simulating their burning and smoking. Johnny and Robert were heavy smokers.

Twin girls exhibit masculine traits

Sivanti and Sheromi acted like they were still men. For example, they preferred to urinate standing up.

They both liked to wear their T-shirts rolled up so that their stomachs and part of their chests were visible, like Johnny and Robert did, but the girls didn't know that. Both loved to climb trees and ride bicycles, which girls of that time did not do.

Both twins claimed to have beards, stroking their chins in imitation of beard stroking, similar to how Robert and Johnny did. They also asked their older brothers to prepare cards so they could play.

If you remember, Johnny and Robert often played cards together. The twins continued to be masculine until they were in their twenties, even though they learned to urinate sitting up like women.

Reincarnation, gender reassignment, homosexuality and transsexuals

Of the 1,200 cases reviewed by Ian Stevenson in which children exhibited past life memory, only in 10 percent of cases there was a sex change, so when a sex change occurs, the reincarnated soul may still identify with the gender from the past life.

This observation may explain the emergence of homosexuals and transsexuals.

Here we can mention the dramatic case of the reincarnation of a Japanese soldier who was reborn in the body of a woman, but retained a masculine way of thinking, including attraction to women, which subsequently led to the fact that the woman became a lesbian.

Families accept past lives of twins

Growing up, the twins will visit Granananasu, Johnny's younger brother, in Unawatuna several times a year, he in turn will come to them in Pitadenia. When they meet, they will exchange gifts.

All three families involved in this story - Johnny's family, Robert's family and the parents of the twins - accepted these two cases of reincarnation due to the fact that all the stories of Sheromi and Sivanti were confirmed in life.

The twins' parents noted that they never discussed Robert and Johnny's lives in their home. Their father, Amarapala, admitted that he had no memory of these deaths (of Johnny and Roberta) until his daughters started talking about them.

It is also worth considering that since the death of Johnny and Robert on April 19, 1971, more than 10 years have passed before the twins began to talk about their past lives in 1981 and 1982.

Since their parents never talked about the rebels, Sheromi and Savanti could not learn about Johnny and Robert's life in the traditional way. Note also that Amarapala, the father of the twins, was not particularly happy that his daughters were infamous rebels in a past life.

Amarapala's brother occupied a high position in society, therefore Amarapala's family was law-abiding and did not support the rebels.

Evidence of reincarnation

1. Physical resemblance. Sivanti was similar in build to Robert, and Sheromy was the same build as Johnny. There was also a similarity in facial features between Sheromi and Johnny.

2. Life planning. Johnny and Robert were best friends and they reincarnated together, becoming twins in later life.

3. Preservation of gender traits of a past life. This observation shows that souls can plan their future reincarnation and reincarnate as relatives or close friends in the next life.

Johnny and Robert were men who were reincarnated as women, but retained the behaviors of men, including the habit of urinating standing up. Such cases of reincarnation can shed light on the reasons why some people become transgender or homosexual.

4. Skills and behaviors from a past life. Sheromy and Savanti made clay bombs and knew the ingredients Robert and Johnny used to make bombs at home.

The twin girls rode bikes, climbed trees, rolled up their T-shirts to expose their bellies, and imitated stroking their beards, showing typical masculine behavior characteristic of Robert and Johnny.

5. Phobias from a past life. The twins were afraid of the khaki and Jeep uniforms. Johnny and Robert were captured and killed by police and army personnel wearing khaki uniforms and driving jeeps.

6. Topographic memory. Savanti led the team investigating the case of twins along a barely visible path to a place on a cliff where she, as Robert, tried to escape by jumping into the sea, but was shot dead.

From there, Sheromy led the group to where her home was when she was Johnny. Also past life places stimulated memories from Sivanti's past life, in Yatagala temple she remembered that her name was Robert.

Robert was a religious Buddhist who prayed at the Yatagala Temple.

7. Birthmark from a past life. Savanti had a birthmark in the same place, on the right side of his abdomen, just under his ribcage, where Robert had had a gunshot wound.

Savanti pointed to her birthmark when she told how she died trying to jump into the sea.

8. Spirits in cases of reincarnation. Sheromy knew that Johnny's body was burned after death.
The body was doused in gasoline and burned a few days after death, suggesting that the spirit of Sheromy/Johnny was watching from the spirit world.

The case was studied by: Godwin Samarante, Ian Stevenson, MD, and Trutz Hardo.