How can you congratulate your friend on her birthday in an original way? Original, beautiful and funny congratulations to a woman on her anniversary

So, after a while, a very important day comes: your beloved friend’s holiday is coming up, and you don’t know at all how to congratulate your friend on her birthday in an original way. After all, in the modern world there are so many different ideas, something new is constantly being invented, it is very difficult to keep track of everything and choose the best one. And I emphasize this word, because why otherwise have a holiday?

Do you really want your gift to be unusual, so that no one else would give you anything similar? Do you want to focus on the emotions and memories of the gift rather than giving something material? But do you realize that your budget is limited? What to do?

Right now I will answer all these questions at once in one word - ! Yes, this is exactly your ideal option. After all, what could be cooler than a specially staged situation in which, by chance (read: by your will), your beloved friend finds herself? She will definitely remember such a holiday with a smile for many years to come.

The first scenario is that you decide to organize everything yourself. Commendable initiative. But be prepared for difficulties! First of all, you need to carefully think through the scenario and theme, and then just start the organization itself. Please note that all of the above takes a sufficient amount of time, since some problems will definitely happen, so calculating the time correctly is your second step.

Now I will give a few ideas that, in my opinion, deserve your attention.


  • If you and your friend decide to celebrate her birthday in a small company in a cafe or restaurant, then this option may be perfect for you. Preparing this draw will also not take you much time. You just need to find a magician who will play the role of the waiter serving you. Once you place your orders, the show begins! Each of his approaches to the table with your dish is some kind of sophisticated surprise, the ideas of which you will discuss with a professional in advance. The surprise and effectiveness of this cute prank for your friend’s birthday will become the most vivid memory after the holiday.
  • The second option for a street prank is the following: agree in advance with your friends whom your friend does not know, so that during the day they give flowers, small gifts to the birthday girl in various public places, show all sorts of signs of attention, in general, behave as if they are the best friends for many years. If you start holding this draw a few days before the actual birthday, the effect will be much stronger, because your friend will not wait for a catch (as in the case of holding this draw every day) and will be extremely intrigued. At the end of the drawing, you can arrange some kind of award with a famous prize, which will be awarded to the birthday girl. For example, decorate everything in Oscar style with a red carpet, journalists and camera flashes so that your friend will bask in the attention while signing autographs.
  • It is quite easy to independently implement the next option - “kidnapping” your friend. True, this is only suitable if the birthday girl is not going to celebrate her birthday anywhere. The point of this surprise prank is that your friend should be “kidnapped” and taken to a certain place in your city. There may be several such places, everything is optional. At each point on the route, a certain group of her friends will be waiting for her friend (from 3 to 5 people per point), who should not give themselves away until a certain moment. Your friend's task is to free herself from the kidnappers. To do this, you need to go through a special “path” with various tasks and competitions (for example, find a treasure in order to be able to pay a ransom for yourself), and at the very end, take off the blindfold and see all your friends who have gathered specifically for her. The difficulty lies in thinking through the competitions - after all, your friend will have to do everything with her eyes closed.

By phone

  • If you and your friend live in different cities, but you want to congratulate her in an original way, then this option will certainly be suitable for you. Having thought through the details in advance, you can order an audio postcard with the voice of her favorite celebrity. Your choice can be any famous character, even the president. In my opinion, this is a very nice joke. After all, it will be a shock for any girl if her favorite singer or actor calls her and congratulates her on such a significant event.


If you have the opportunity to make a surprise right in the birthday girl’s apartment, so that she doesn’t guess anything ahead of time, then the following ideas are definitely for you!

  • The first option is for those who have known the birthday girl for a long time. This surprise prank is called “Time Machine”. If you organize everything correctly, then your friend will make an amazing journey through her life, remembering all the bright moments.

Waking up on the morning of her birthday in her room, she is suddenly transported to her early childhood, looking around. She will have to answer some tricky questions from her infancy, thought out in advance by you, maybe even find some thing - here your imagination and possibilities are limitless. From this childhood room, your friend will go to the next - youth, where there will be new challenges. You can continue this way until you run out of ideas or rooms in your apartment. It wouldn’t hurt to style each room for a certain age, using all sorts of things reminiscent of this period of life. At the end of the drawing, you can give a memorable gift made by you, which will remind your friend of all stages of her life.

  • The most common idea for organizing a birthday prank on your own is decorating the front door of your friend’s house with balloons with wishes, various posters and other decorative elements to make this day even more unforgettable. If you are full of interesting ideas, then you can also create a special competition program on each floor of the house.


And if you still don’t want to bother with all this, you don’t have time to carefully think through ideas and organize - don’t worry, just contact our agency, where real experts in their field will do it for you. We have a huge selection of budget pranks for every taste - organizing a real colorful flash mob, a “hug day” that lifts your spirits, a real congratulation from your favorite movie characters directly for your friend, the most gigantic congratulation on a huge screen on the wall of the house and much more. Our agency can also create an exclusive script based solely on your ideas and wishes.

So the choice is yours! And I wish you even more inspiration and a great day.

A friend belongs to the category of the closest people and it can be quite difficult to find something original to congratulate her. Over the years of close communication, all her wishes became known, many of which had long been realized and all the congratulations that could be said were said.

And now, my beloved friend’s next holiday is approaching, but she can’t come up with something interesting. Don't be upset! We have a few creative ideas in stock that you can use to wish your friend a happy birthday in an original way!

First of all, let's note that there are three components to a bright and interesting congratulation. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • The effect of surprise. This is perhaps the most important component, since the strongest emotions appear only when a person is absolutely unprepared for what awaits him. Often the first reaction is some confusion, but then there is always a moment of delight and joy.
  • Creativity. Of course, a bright and original congratulation is unlikely to be possible without the use of imagination. In addition, all sorts of creative abilities can come in handy, which will make congratulations for your friend more interesting.
  • Pleasant emotions. The congratulation should cause joy, and not frighten or, even worse, disappoint the birthday girl. So, if you stage a scene for a modest and shy girl with the participation of many characters, accompanied by increased attention to her person, she is unlikely to appreciate it. Therefore, when thinking about how to congratulate your friend on her birthday in an original way, take into account her nature and character.

10 fun ways to congratulate your friend on her birthday

1. Voice greeting

This is the easiest and most convenient way to congratulate your friend on her birthday in a fun way. Using a special service, you can order congratulations from famous people, stars, and politicians. Choose the time of the call to watch the reaction of your friend, who will undoubtedly be shocked, or better yet, film her at this moment on camera!

2. Musical or Video greeting

We choose a beautiful template and in a couple of minutes we create online original personal video greetings, musical cards and slide shows with our wishes and photographs.

3. Flash mob

A congratulation for a friend in the form of a flash mob will be very bright and memorable. In order for everything to go smoothly, good organization is necessary. For example, a friend will receive a lot of vivid impressions when she looks out the window in the morning and sees a group of dancing friends with umbrellas. On each umbrella you need to attach letters that will make up a congratulation, and at the end the dancers stand up so that it turns out “Happy Birthday.” But for such congratulations, you need to practice first or entrust this work to professionals.

4. Forgotten holiday

It is necessary to persuade all friends and acquaintances so that no one congratulates the birthday girl on her holiday. When a confused friend is completely desperate, you need to come to her with balloons, gifts and champagne.

5. Congratulations in photographs

You will need a camera, posters and markers. Write congratulations, kind words, compliments and wishes to your friend on the posters. Have someone take a photo of you with each one. Photos can be posted on social networks, or you can put them in a photo album and give them to a friend.

6. Portrait from photo

It will be a great surprise for the birthday girl. You can order it on the Internet. Ask the artist to write a few wishes from you. Such a gift will delight the birthday girl for a long time and remind her of the past holiday. You can also print a photo of your friend on a T-shirt and write your wishes directly on it with a marker.

7. Pirate Party

This congratulation is suitable for a group of girlfriends. Without telling the birthday girl anything in advance, organize a pirate party: prepare clothes, pirate hats, rum and other paraphernalia. Break into an unsuspecting friend's house or unexpectedly "attack" her on the street. If your birthday is in the summer, you can celebrate the holiday on the banks of a river or lake.

8. Holiday quest

This is not just a congratulation, but an exciting adventure for the hero of the occasion. This is organized quite simply. Prepare gifts for the birthday girl with your friends and place them in different places, do not forget to attach a note with further instructions and the search route. Where can you hide gifts? Yes, anywhere! In a storage unit in a shopping center, in a park under a bench, in a mailbox, etc. Give your friend the instructions, complete with the first point. Let her go on an exciting journey and have fun. At the last destination you should meet your friend with flowers, balloons and champagne.

9. Streamer or poster

You can congratulate your friend on her birthday in an original way using a poster or banner with congratulations and a photo of the birthday girl, which can be placed near her home. Surely she will really like this surprise.

10. Gift with delivery

Order a beautiful bouquet of flowers for your friend, include a card with congratulations and a signature in it. Let the bouquet be delivered early in the morning so that this is the first pleasant impression on the holiday. Instead of flowers, there can be any other gift - a dress or beautiful shoes. A lonely friend will be pleased if a handsome young man delivers the gift and tells her a few pleasant words and compliments. A positive charge will be provided for the whole day!

11. DIY

This is perhaps the most sincere way. After all, what is created with warmth and attention always gives a lot of pleasure. You can make a “book of wishes and desires” using various techniques and a variety of materials. You need to write your own in it and leave room for your friend’s wishes. In addition, this is the most economical, but not inferior in its originality method. You can also make an unusual postcard with your own hands.

Sketch for congratulating a friend “Back to childhood”

The host brings the birthday girl to the center and says:

On a wonderful day (date of birth)
A girl was born,
And the sun on this wonderful day
The sky lit up brightly!

He puts a cap on the birthday girl’s head, a rattle around her neck and a pacifier in her mouth.

Everyone immediately fell in love with the girl,
They gave her gifts!

Gives a beautiful doll in a box.

(name) grew up to the joy of everyone!
But there are no problems!
For your disobedience,
(name) received punishment.

He puts him in the corner and jokingly hits him with a belt.

Our (name) has grown up
It's time for her to go to school
Study and try!

The teacher comes out with a magazine and reads out the items:

Friendship studies - five,
Assistance - five,
Veselology – five,
Friendship - five!
For diligent study
There will be an award ceremony for (name)!

Gives a diploma to “Best Friend.”

Well, now (name),
Already a grown girl,
So now
Let's have fun!

And we wish our (name)
Always remain like this
And our strong friendship,
Never torn apart!

Sketch of congratulations to a friend “Ambulance”

Two people in white coats enter the room - a doctor and a nurse.

They say: “Did you call an ambulance? Where is the patient? Urgently for inspection!

The birthday girl comes out.

The doctor feels the pulse:

“Oh, our pulse is racing! This is a dangerous symptom!”

Listens to breathing:

“And breathing frequently, which is also a dangerous sign!”

He examines his eyes, ears, taps his knees with a hammer:

“Yes, there is only one diagnosis and there can be no mistake!”

The nurse is frightened: “What is the diagnosis, doctor?”

Doctor: “Cheerful syndrome and extensive birthday in acute form! The patient can infect everyone with a good mood!”

Nurse: “What should I do?”

Doctor: “The case is hopeless! I can only recommend this product (takes out champagne) 200 grams orally to all guests right now! For the patient’s health!”

Happy birthday!
I love you, dear!
You are the most beautiful in the world,
Even if you're on a diet.

I want to lose weight,
It's a woman's happiness to have.
Many profitable projects
Stunning percentages

Enough for stockings
And beautiful scarves.
To be loved and appreciated,
They always carried it in their arms.

Original birthday greetings to a friend in verse

Hey girlfriend, smile wider!
You are the best of all today.
Lose yourself in happy birthday greetings!
And give everyone your cheerful laughter!
Bad weather and adversity will pass you by,
God, let you bloom like a rose!
There is no bad weather
Because you exist in the world!
Don't forget that in our life
Miracles always happen
Your house will be full
Happiness, joy and eternal goodness.

Congratulate your friend on her birthday in an original way

Dear, best friend,
You are a ray of sunshine in a storm forest.
You are an exemplary wife in the family,
And beautiful - everything suits you!

You are always successful at work
At home, you are a master of the house!
Although, like all of us, she is not without sin,
But, dear, it’s not for me to reproach you.

Be healthy, cheerful, beautiful,
Have fun and laugh heartily.
Be for our joy, be happy,
And strive for new heights!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a friend

Or the heat disturbs the soul,
Or there is a blizzard in the heart,
You were always with me
Dear friend.

So I wish you
Me on my birthday
To walk according to fate
You are not upset

For you to sing songs,
To smile
To have flowers in your soul
They blossomed luxuriantly.

Let our friendship burn
A bright star,
It will be as strong as granite
And like the sun - hot.

The best original birthday greetings to a friend

Happy Birthday, best friend,
Let the champagne flow like a river.
Let soft toys fly
And life flows like spring water.

Don't be afraid and don't hide from problems,
I wish you to believe in a miracle on this day.
My dear friend, your Bethlehem will come,
And happiness will come running out of nowhere.

The most original birthday greetings to a friend

On your glorious birthday
From our entire company
Please accept congratulations:
You are Miss Charm!

Well, part-time -
Miss Tenderness and Miss Grace,
All protection is for you,
Our delight and applause!

Original happy birthday greetings to your best friend

Congratulations, gifts, flowers...
You are celebrating your birthday.
I wish you useful connections,
Princes of your choice, iron horses.
I also wish you success, happiness, health, laughter.
Always be such a laugher
A sweet and faithful friend.

Original birthday greetings to girlfriend

Happy birthday, girlfriend,
Laughing, merry!
Be beautiful and slim
Definitely in love.

Princes' army for you,
Serenades under the moon,
Don't be bored and don't be sad,
Never shed tears.

I wish you mischief,
Fairy tales, miracles, magic.
I wish to be myself -
So wonderful!

Congratulate your best friend on her birthday in an original way

The sun rose, stretched,
It's your birthday
Why are you sad?!
Everything lives, loving you!

Do your hair, put on lipstick,
Wear your best dress.
Do you hear the festive trumpets?
Everyone is trumpeting, whoever is not too lazy.

Raise a glass of champagne -
You are the best today
Like the Queen of Shamakhan, -
Success awaits you in everything!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to your beloved friend

I wish you don’t lose your shape
She infected us all with her mood
So that there is no reason to be sad and despondent
To make men lose their heads over you!
So that the seas are all knee-deep
So that life flows like a full river
I wish you to meet the record holder
With a record for wallet size!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to your best friend

Female friendship is a concept
About which they talk a lot,
It so happens that few are able to
Women's friendship is good to understand.
You and I are always inseparable,
We call you every day,
We share pressing problems,
You are my talisman, and you are my guardian.
I congratulate you as best I can,
Maybe it’s good, I don’t know how to congratulate
Many years have passed, but I still believe -
You are not capable of betraying your loved ones!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a friend

Lots of happiness and warmth
On your birthday I wish you
Life will always be bright
With you - I know for sure!

There will be life without anxiety,
And with an eye on success,
Easy roads,
And a cheerful ringing laugh.

Let the winged bright flash
Light up to the skies.
Your whole world, my baby
It will be woven from miracles!

Happy birthday to you
And I will say, without hiding at all,
That I adore you with all my heart,
You are my support and joy.

Our friendship only grows stronger over the years.
You, my friend, are like my sister.
There is no evil envy between us,
You are full of optimism and kindness.

May your life be long, happy,
Every day will be full of love.
Be always consistently beautiful,
Live only in the best by faith.

May your cherished dreams come true,
Let warmth reign in your heart.
You are as beautiful as fresh roses.
I, friend, am lucky to have you.

We've known each other for so many years
And we've been through a lot.
I love you so much, dear,
And congratulations from the bottom of my heart.

I wish that every single one
All your dreams came true.
I wish to be invincible
In business. Especially in love!

Change for the better, grow,
Always glow with charm.
Go through life with ease
And don't lose your charm.

My beloved girlfriend. You are the best person in my life. I can trust you with all my experiences and joys and I know that you will support me in any case. Thank you, my dear. Today I want to wish you a happy birthday! Be healthy, cheerful, free in thoughts and actions, rich in soul, loved by your heart, protected by the forces of heaven, warmed by the rays of the sun and incredibly happy in strong hugs. May your beauty not fade, your charm not weaken, and compliments never cease to emphasize your strengths. And let the green light burn for you everywhere. Good luck turning in any direction. Friend, happy birthday!

I am very happy about our friendship,
There is no such friend anymore.
You are the brightest, the kindest
Reliable, sensitive person.

I wish you, dear,
To be loved always, always,
So that you live without being discouraged,
She was beautiful and young.

May you succeed in everything
Dreams will come true in full,
May luck smile
Always be drunk with happiness.

Such people are rare on the planet,
How are you, my dear friend?
I'll tell you the whole truth frankly,
There are no secrets, no secrets:

You are the best friend - it's true.
To you - with trouble, and with joy - to you.
You will listen the way you need to,
You will never leave me in trouble!

Happy birthday today.
And everything that is best in the world is for you.
Let love be the sure reward
For all your good deeds!

Be happy, dear, and successful.
And smile... To spite all enemies!
And count on me, of course.
You're lucky to have me too.

Girlfriend, sweetheart, dear,
Happy birthday,
Let it be another year
Will give you great success
And love that blows the roof off,
The tail is a pipe and the nose is higher,
A million wonderful flowers,
Only appropriate compliments
Around the world and cruises,
Fulfillment of whims,
Fashionable dresses, as many as you want,
Kisses day and night
Cool shoes, one by one,
Earrings with diamonds
Let life be like in heaven
Know that I love you!

Hug you gently,
And I wish you beauty
Happiness is a boundless ocean,
May your dreams come true!

I'll whisper in your ear
Wishing for miracles
Happy birthday, girlfriend,
And thank you for being there!

They say that there is no such thing as female friendship,
But this is clearly not about you and me.
Nobody understands me like you,
You have become like a sister to me.

It's easy with you, it's calm with you,
You know me better than anyone.
I'm very glad that I became worthy,
A best friend like you!

I sincerely congratulate you today,
Be happy my dear.
And I wish you an ocean of love,
So that you don't observe its edges.

And let your cherished dream come true,
You deserve this more than anyone.
And your head will spin from the bright life,
Be surrounded by positivity and beauty.

My dear friend, my beloved,
I congratulate you on your birthday,
You know how much I love you!
I wish you happiness and love,
I wish you peace and warmth in the family,
Let any dreams come true.
I want to always trust myself,
May all goals be achieved with a bang!
And on your birthday, beloved friend,
I wish you to be beautiful as always.
We will preserve our friendship from all ills
For many more years to come!

Happy birthday, beloved friend!
You are closer, dear, to me!
Who else if not you, my dear,
Will he give me friendly, practical advice?

Who else can I be with until dawn?
Carefree chatting about life?
And who to trust with all the secrets?
With whom to laugh, sometimes to cry?

Only with you, dear friend,
I'm ready to share everything.
I'll be honest, it would be difficult
I can live in this world without you.

And today I wish you
Drink the cup of life to the dregs!
Everything will be fine, darling,
After all, it cannot be otherwise!

Congratulating a friend is a sacred thing!
I will reveal my secrets to you alone.
For the fact that you can always support,
I must say thank you, my friend.
You have become dear to me, I confess to you,
And this fact means a lot in fate.
On your name day I want to wish
Great luck, all the best, and again
I want to address you with confession:
... that I can be proud of our friendship!
Dear, no one will quarrel between us.
Good luck to you every day, every hour!

How little we need to be happy - the health and success of our children, the attention and love of loved ones. May the bird of happiness fly to you and help all your dreams come true. Always be loved and desired, never be discouraged, solve all problems easily and simply. May hope, faith and love always accompany you!

I wish my interesting, beautiful, wise friend not to change either externally or internally, because you are beautiful as you are! Live brightly and richly, beautifully and richly! And may your home always be full of love, soul, and comfort!

Dear friend, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you great success in all your endeavors. I wish you spiritual highs, inexhaustible vital energy, family well-being. May your life flow like a full river, may you always be lucky in everything. Good health to you, best friend, self-confidence and good luck in everything. Live and enjoy life for many, many years. May you be surrounded by reliable, loyal friends. Be as wise, kind and beautiful. Let the melody of spring always ring in your soul.

Happy birthday to my friend on this joyful and bright day. Let the sun shine in your soul and let your hearts tremble joyfully. Let love warm you on cold days, and let respect and admiration reign at work. May your health always be as strong as a nut, and your smile as warm as a ray of sunshine. Live without knowing significant problems and bitter troubles.

Today is the birthday of one person who is very important to me. It was with her that we spent our childhood years, which we still remember. Although I have no doubt that we will also tell our children about our cool childhood. She was the only one who was there for me when I had various problems. I will never forget the help and support she gave me. Know that this is all simply priceless. I congratulate you on your holiday and wish you the most necessary thing - health. You love various extreme sports and everything else, so your health will definitely come in handy. I also want to wish you inspiration, otherwise you too often complain that the muse does not come to you. Just be happy and healthy, my dear. Believe that everything else is in your hands. Happy holiday! Everything gonna be alright.

My friend, since your last birthday, I have accumulated a lot of wishes that today will fall on you like an avalanche. I wish you excellent health, great love, so that you can drown in emotions, passion and tenderness. I wish you a huge number of gorgeous bouquets of flowers, both with and without an occasion. I wish that your dreams always live within you, and that they always come true, one after another. I wish you warmth and kindness, so that there is always a reason to laugh sparklingly, I wish you miracles and magic in life. Darling, I want to tell you that although we are not related by blood, I probably have no person closer to you in all the land. You are always there to help, support, cheer, cheer, and advise. Sometimes, I learn from you to live easily, think positively and love openly, without selfishness. I am very lucky that I walk through life side by side with such a person! Happy Birthday, I love you very much!

Always be as bright, generous, desirable and successful. I wish you good health, loyal friends, good mood, a lot of positivity and true female happiness. Today the huge and crazy world is spinning just for you. Happy birthday my friend!

Beautiful words of congratulations to a friend on her birthday in prose

I wish the best friend in the world, the most sympathetic, kind, tactful, to have every reason to feel happy, loved and inspired! Let your kindness give you only positive emotions!

Well, here you are, my friend, old stick, another year older! What can I wish for you? Let wrinkles not be visible, cellulite disappear, lips and boobs become bigger, and men salivate! In short, Happy Birthday, I love you!

I wish you good health, great happiness, the broadest prospects, great achievements, great victories, constant abundance, interesting events and exciting travels! May luck and success always accompany you! Congratulations!

Receive best wishes on your birthday! I wish you success in all your endeavors! I wish you spiritual uplifts, inexhaustible vital energy, family well-being. May your life flow like a full river, may you always be lucky in everything. I wish you good health, confidence and good luck in everything. Live and enjoy life, and let the melody of spring and love always sound in your soul!

My faithful friend, I want to wish you female happiness, a husband who knew how to appreciate you, pamper you and love you endlessly, healthy parents who are ready to support any of your business and, if necessary, offer help.

Today is my friend’s holiday – a wonderful birthday. May your life bloom like a lush rose, may all your wishes certainly come true, may luck never leave you. Good health to you, friend, good mood and success in all your endeavors. May your life be long, fun and happy. Always be at the apogee of admiring attention. Never lose heart, be confident. May you always be lucky in everything, and may hope, faith and love never leave you.

Dear, my beloved friend! You are a real ray of sunshine for everyone around you. And I get your warmth as a best friend a little more than others. Thank you for this! On your birthday, I sincerely wish you cheerfulness, light in your heart and simple feminine happiness!

They say that a woman's life is short, but this is not true at all! After all, my friend has many years of happiness, prosperity and love ahead of her! I know it will be so, because on her birthday we will all wish her this! She is our friend, for someone she is a dear person, which means that our faith in miracles is quite enough to make everything we wish for on this day come true!

Dear friend! Today is your birthday, and I once again want to remind you that you are an amazing person. Caring, beautiful, wise, economical - it's all about you. I hasten to wish you all the best, because you, like no one else, deserve happiness in life. May troubles never knock on your happy home. Always be cheerful and a great optimist, and with this mood I wish you to live to be a hundred years old. And of course, celebrate this crazy anniversary with you and dance a striptease on the table, to the surprise of your grandchildren! I wish you don’t count on the fact that you and I will ever part, don’t even dream! You can’t get rid of me so easily, and even if you die, then die together! I’m joking, of course, but there is some truth in this, my friend. You are so dear to me that I am ready to do anything for you, I am ready to be friends with you forever! Happy birthday!

My dear, precious friend! Congratulations on your birthday! May you have everything you wanted and let everything that prevents you from living happily go away! May your health, my dear, never fail you, may your good mood never leave you, and may your radiant smile never disappear from your bright lips. Let there never be problems and difficulties, but only love, prosperity and understanding. Happy birthday!

Birthday greetings to your girlfriend in your own words

Happy birthday to you, my friend! I wish you a sweet life, delicious moments and, as they say, that everything is in chocolate! But seriously, I wish you a peaceful sky, love, confidence in moving towards your goals, financial well-being, good luck in all areas of life, so that life sparkles and plays with all the bright colors and colors, bringing pleasure, joy and happiness!

Dear girlfriend! Congratulations! You are so kind, cheerful, bright! You warm us with your warmth and radiant smile! May everything work out for you, may everything succeed! Congratulations!

A friend is a witness, accomplice and the last incorruptible authority of the “women’s” court, at the same time. Happy birthday, my many-sided and irreplaceable!

What a wonderful holiday - birthday. How many compliments and warm words we wish on this day. Dear friend, allow me from the bottom of my heart to congratulate you on your personal holiday and wish you all the best. May today bring you a lot of joy and good luck. May you certainly be lucky. I wish you, my best friend, great happiness, long life, beautiful and mutual love. May fate always be favorable to you, may a good angel protect you from troubles and evil.

Happy birthday to you, my dear. I am very grateful to fate for bringing me to you. You are a Friend with a capital F and you deserve the best in this life, which is what I sincerely wish for you. The most comfortable home, the most friendly family, the most temperamental and generous husband, the most obedient children, the most luxurious car, the best health, the most unearthly happiness! And I take upon myself the responsibility of being the most faithful friend.

Let life be filled with love, care, kindness, bright emotions, incredible travels and good interesting people. Attract joy and all good things like a magnet. Congratulations!

Today is the most wonderful holiday - my friend’s birthday. From the bottom of my heart I wish you joy, long and happy years of life, success at work, and all the best. May you always be lucky in everything, may fate bring you only pleasant moments. I wish you good health, attention and great luck in everything. Let only good news make you happy. Dear friend, always be in shape, let everyone admire you and say only sincere compliments. May your guardian angel protect you from all bad things.

Dear friend! You know that not only on your birthday, but also on any other day, I wish you only from the bottom of my heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful things!!! Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements! Happy birthday!

My dear friend, on this wonderful and festive day, accept my congratulations on your birthday. Don’t be sad that the years go by, because every year you are more and more beautiful. You and I have come a long way in life, and you have never betrayed me. Always be as charming, smiling and responsive. You are a ray of light to everyone who knows you. You inspire everyone to do good deeds and deeds. And I want to wish you that all your goodness will return to you. You deserve it. I also want to wish that your dreams always come true, that luck never leaves you. Be loved and love. Happy holiday!