Congratulatory words for the anniversary of the registry office. Congratulations on the day of registry office workers in verse and prose

Waltz Mendelssohn, what a miracle?
The employee of the registry office gave
That sound is a gourmet dish
He blessed the young
The association is:
Family birth, happiness, laughter,
Clerk of the registry office, CONGRATULATIONS!
Let there be happiness and success!

Registry office worker, you know a lot
About many people, their deeds!
But you keep all the secrets strictly
Among countless papers!
Do you know who married whom?
Who just preferred divorce
Who, who, when was born!
So let your day be lucky!

Everyone needs registry offices,
May they be healthy
All those who work in them
Simply amazing people!

Both beautiful and smart
And in the work of the grip,
Let them give you some money
To a small salary!

Let the authorities appreciate you
Loves and cherishes
Even with a word to offend
Never dare!

Day of employees of the registry office!

And above the heads of the radiance of heaven!

Congratulations to the employees of the registry office
You accept this verse from us,
Wishing you love and good luck,

We wish you happiness, good luck,
Lots of light, smiles, kindness!

Congratulations to the employees of the registry office!
You have a very modest dachshund:
For such a great cause
The mayor should pay the premium boldly!
Respect from the people big to you
Relevant at all times
Demanded, good people,
Definitely need help!
Beauty to you, harmony, happiness,
Zeal for work, passion,
Successful participation in everything!

Congratulations on the Day of Civil Registry Office Workers! What kind of papers do you issue ... Marriage certificates, birth and death certificates ... In a word, significant events in the fate of a person, they will certainly be reflected in your papers ... Please accept my congratulations and best wishes, as well as that all work be done easily and quickly, without a single mistake!

Day of employees of the registry office!
One day each of us will be there
Lush weddings, births, divorces,
We will remember for many years!
You open the door to a new era
And you make us believe in happiness!
Good luck, joy, new miracles!
And above the heads of the radiance of heaven!

Dear employees of the registry office,
Congratulations on this day!
And the seal, like a huge blot,
Let it lie until working hours.
Take a break from the ceremony
And, forgetting about your care,
Celebrate in harmony.
Well, tomorrow - everyone to work!

The registry office is a beautiful palace,
It was created only for loving hearts!
Not everyone will go there.
Only the one who finds his love!

We congratulate the employees of the registry office,
We wish you great luck and happiness!
Do good deeds
connect loving hearts!

The registry office is a sacred institution,
There are seals in it, all things,
Registered clearly
The whole game of life!
We wish you people
Don't be sad for no reason
Better take and all the reasons
Yes, eliminate forever!
So that you shine with happiness
So that you have love
Accept without hesitation
Congratulations from us!

Congratulations to the employees of the registry office
You accept this verse from us,
Wishing you love and good luck,
A couple of gentle and affectionate lines.
Bring joy to the newlyweds
After all, without you a family will not be created,
We wish you happiness, good luck,
Lots of light, smiles, kindness!

Employees in the registry office - like a guardian angel,
That the fates of people will be firmly bound together.
Perhaps someone does not see them in them,
But that's the way it is, you can see it live.

Thanks to all those who work in the registry office,
Who has married hundreds of people more than once.
Who thousands of times promises and oaths
I spoke to the newborn's family again.

I wish you festive days
I wish you bright colors!
Let you beautiful people
Always answer “Ready!”

But this is work, and at home
I wish you tender children
I wish you comfort, peace
And only welcome guests.

And the joy that you give to couples,
Let it come back to you twice!
Health, success and happiness,
Always be in the ranks and - in the price!

Civil acts are all under the report,
Your work is always useful,
We sincerely wish you good health,
And to make your dream come true.

You are the joy of events and the pain of loss,
Fix where it is supposed to be there,
We wish you a heartfelt salary,
And a satellite - we advise you good luck.

So that everything is in order in the family,
Live happily ever after, stay strong.
And if you have time to relax,
On your holiday, it's time to have a snack!

December day filled with light ...
To congratulate wonderful people,
I, so as not to offend them at the same time,
Avoid stupid ideas
I don't need no tax fee
No special words
Happy Civil Registry Day!
All the best to you! And advice and love?!

Registry office workers!
All of you personally
Happy professional holiday
We hasten to congratulate you today!
We wish you all earthly blessings from the bottom of our hearts!!!
Your work is undeniably important
And everyone in this world, of course, needs it!
After all, everyone who was born,
You give his first document ...
And further in life you go with everyone,
And be the first to know everything about everyone:
From life care or change of surname,
Marriages, divorces - just in abundance -
You need to fix everything in time ...
Your honorable work is worthy of a reward!
Although you are not in power to decide the fate of people,
But you see so much grief and happiness,
What seems to be their own problems
For you forever - a closed topic ...
And happiness is so necessary!
So let adversity pass by!
Congratulations on your holiday again,
We raise a toast to your health!

Poems of congratulations on the day of registry office workers

You often register marriages,
And it's not dangerous for anyone.
You often hear Mendelssohn's waltz,
Accept these flowers on this day.

Congratulations on the day of the workers of the registry office,
I wish you the best of happiness.
So that you register marriages more often,
And so that darkness does not overtake in your lives.

Many bright events occur,
And in the registry office they are handed documents,
To confirm this event,
And don't ask for any more answers.
Your wedding is coming soon
Immediately run to apply to the registry office.
And the child in the family was born,
A certificate will be issued that he is a citizen - a person.
We are happy to congratulate the employees of the registry office,
And a wonderful job to present them to you.
We wish everyone more laughter and smiles,
So that there are no mistakes at work.

You all stand on the same scales,
And you register marriages in heaven.
People come to you to write a statement,
But we shouldn't forget here.

Not only married people have holidays,
They also know a lot about the day of registry office workers.
And today, on this day, we congratulate them here,
Love, health, joy, of course, we wish.

So that happiness is near, just forever,
And a smile so that they never take off their faces.

I congratulate the lovers of the fates of the arbiter
With a great holiday, grandiose,
The day of the registry office worker is the day of the guardian's love,
Your motto is "It's never too late to get married!"

I wish you health, happiness and all the best,
Good luck, and pleasant changes in life,
So that all lovers come to the registry office,
And to be happy, leaving its walls.

Your work is unique!
There are no more jobs like this!
At the wedding palace
You have been working for many years!

Solemnly sealing the bonds,
Guiding the young
To family union
The sun of earthly days shone.

Congratulations on this job!
And I wish you much happiness!
Your whole life is like a wonderful holiday:
In labor, let it not be difficult for you!

Here the bride and groom
Come in for the first time!
Already wife and husband
They are issued by the registry office!
They are fun and scary
In their important hour...
The main employee of the registry office
Guys support now.
May kindness and your smile
Always keep them warm
A nice words and care
Fix the love of two!

Congratulations to everyone today, whose destiny is -
To ring young people in love,
Accept statements with anxiety in your heart,
Give birth papers to children!
Let a bad mood become a rarity,
And business is accompanied by luck and luck!
In the registry office there will always be steam, pandemonium,
So much joy on beautiful faces!
Have a colorful life, like in fairy tales!

I congratulate you
Today is your holiday!
You, the official of the registry office,
With a golden soul!

After all, in a family celebration
You are like a family member
Congratulations on your birth
And you smile!

And on the day magic wedding -
You main man -
Union of a couple in love
Connect forever!

I wish you
Warmth in your soul
And life to become brighter
Kinder and more fun!

To whom work every day is not work, but a holiday,
Who constantly rules the bright ball,
Who has seen thousands of dresses
Who loves while hating Mendelssohn!?

An employee of the registry office, carefully sealing the union,
With all my heart I wish you strong marriage bonds!
We will glorify the work of registry offices throughout the country,
Let's congratulate his hard workers - "parents" of families!

Poems of congratulations on the day of registry office workers

Heroes of time! Servants of the law!
We heartily congratulate you!
We wish that courage and hope,
They did not leave the soul in difficult times.
In a moment of risk, let luck be near,
You are the warriors of good in the fight against evil.
Victory is glad to see such people,
Her cozy house is always open for you.
May valor and courage in a dangerous moment
Help overcome momentary fear
And may the guardian of God, sweet-voiced,
Away from trouble carries you in his arms.
Today, dear friends, I will say a toast:
May the angel not leave your post!

Witnesses of fate - a difficult calling,
Accept congratulations on this day.
People bring hope, disappointment to the registry office,
You are not too lazy to listen to anyone.
wish good health and success in personal life,
Patience, good luck and harmony in everything,
Always to look bright, to "excellent",
And only the holidays were carried after work to the house.
There is a sun in life and bad weather,
Other people's flurry of emotions is sometimes unbearable.
We wish the client to always share only happiness,
And sorrows, problems took away with them.

You skillfully lead into adulthood
Two young people holding hands
Wish them love, happiness, kindness,
So that the young family is strong!

Now let us wish
With a firm hand you continue
Register legal marriages
Speak your crown phrases,

Don't forget about personal happiness
To be loved and to burn with a heart,
Let luck walk everywhere on the heels,
Helps make all your dreams come true!

You bring hearts all together
You work for the good, you are one!
All newlyweds come to the registry office,
And everyone goes out - husbands and wives.
Thank you for your work
Everyone is happy now around.
Congratulations - thank you for your service,
You will turn any friendship into love.
You accept our congratulations,
Please register soon!

Our beloved registry office workers,
What kind of work is yours still not easy,
And how many nerves will you have to spend,
No one can do this kind of work.

You are such a wonderful energy to people
Carry your difficult work.
After all, any wedding without your care
It will seem completely empty.

You marry, write, think for a long time
Divorce and marriage, birth and death,
Prepare metrics for moms and dads,
Don't let the earth whirl around you.

These four letters are familiar to absolutely everyone. Little girls dream of getting there in a white dress and with a groom. Parents receive birth certificates for their children there. And even the latest entry in a person's life also goes through the registry office. Therefore, the employees of the registry office cannot be left without a professional holiday. On December 18, we thank those who daily carry out the painstaking work of registering life, marriage, death. Responsibility, warmth, empathy, charisma - these are the qualities that every employee of the registry office undoubtedly possesses. This day was chosen for a reason. On December 18, 1917, a decree was signed that established the need for registration of acts of civil status in the relevant authorities. The date, we celebrate the day of the registry office workers, is December 18.

I wish you that fate loves you
What would an angel protect you from adversity,
So that there is abundance in your life,
To please you every sunset and sunrise.
Let the robot too, everything will turn out well,
After all, your work is very necessary for everyone,
I wish, as they say, a cottage by the sea,
And what success would be waiting for you everywhere!

You will not find anywhere your occupation more beautiful,
You create families, which means you do good,
And such forces are sometimes subject to you,
No one can hold you except you.
You are a registry office worker, sentry of fate,
Observe strictly all traditions, you are the law,
For your work, on this holiday I wish you
Happiness, we bow to you from us!

Today we send congratulations to the worker of the registry office,
We wish you love and great patience,
And happiness to be as big as the sea,
So that neither trouble nor grief disturbs the heart!
May your family always be proud of you
So that you never have to say goodbye successfully,
May love accompany you for many more years,
And in the heart so that there will never be bad weather.

Let no mistakes happen in your work,
Let there be more positive in it,
Hundreds of happy smiles pass through you,
So live the same and you are always happy!
May the sun illuminate your life without fail,
Let all meta be realized soon,
Your profession will always be held in high esteem, invariably,
So let you increase your salary and position faster.

You have a job - you create families,
For this you are always held in high esteem in the world,
Today we want to tell the registry office worker
That we are ready to congratulate you on the holiday.
We wish you good and great happiness,
So that there is never anything bad in life,
May fate surprise you with gifts,
May you be loved and respected forever.

Being a witness to fate is not an easy calling,
So accept congratulations on a holiday,
People bring you joy and disappointment,
And you are not too lazy to listen to and understand everyone.
We wish you only positive in your personal life,
So that there is harmony always and in everything,
To look young and always great,
So that only goodness and wealth come to the house.

Here the bride and groom
Come in for the first time!
Already wife and husband
They are issued by the registry office!
They are fun and scary
In their important hour...
The main employee of the registry office
Guys support now.
May kindness and your smile
Always keep them warm
And kind words and care
Fix the love of two!

I wish you festive days
I wish you bright colors!
Let you beautiful people
Always answer "Ready!"
But this is work, and at home
I wish you tender children
I wish you comfort, peace
And only welcome guests.
And the joy that you give to couples,
Let it come back to you twice!
Health, success and happiness,
Always be in the ranks and - in the price!

You see happy smiles
You see loving hearts
You see terrible mistakes
Which give birth again to the registry office
More happy marriages to you,
And a strong reliable family!
You are precious like diamonds
You are very important for the registry office!

You skillfully lead into adulthood
Two young people holding hands
Wish them love, happiness, kindness,
So that the young family is strong!
Now let us wish
With a firm hand you continue
Register legal marriages
Speak your crown phrases,
Don't forget about personal happiness
To be loved and to burn with a heart,
Let luck walk everywhere on the heels,
Helps make all your dreams come true!

ZAGS - record of acts of civil status. Accordingly, December 18 is the Day of Civil Registry Officials in Russia. History of registry offices Russian Federation began on December 18, 1917. On this day, the decree "On civil marriage, on children and on the maintenance of books of acts of state, according to which legal consequences for acts of civil status were recognized only if they were registered in government bodies. The church has ceased to fulfill the duty of recording information. The general management of the registry offices of the RSFSR was carried out by the Central Department of the Civil Registry Office under the NKVD of the RSFSR. Since then, birth, death, marriage, divorce, paternity, adoption, change of name are subject to registration in the registry office.

Congratulations on the Day of the registry office workers and I want to wish only a joyful and bright atmosphere at work, only happy and good events in life. I wish to register strong marriages and lovely children, I wish you to dream about your beautiful and certainly achieve your goal.

I congratulate the employees of the registry office on the Day and wish that the work brings joy and gives good emotions, that every day fills the heart with love and happiness, that any business can be done, that only good things happen in life, that the mood is always wonderful.

Congratulations on professional holiday- the day of employees of the registry office! We wish you to have the happiness of human hearts around you. So that the eyes always sparkle, spiritualize the mood and increase the desire to live, create and love. We wish you prosperity, development and all sorts of desired benefits!

Congratulations on the Day of the registry office worker and from the bottom of my heart I wish you only joyful events at work and in life, sincere gratitude to people and great respect, good mood and excellent health, excellent success in any business and unquenchable love.

Dear employees of all civil registry offices of the country, we congratulate you on the day of employees of the registry office! Thank you for your work sincere concern and feelings, for making each wedding ceremony aesthetically beautiful, unique and individual. We wish you good, inner warmth, beauty, real smiles, sincerity, health and prosperity!

I wish that every day brings joy, success and good mood. I wish that only eternal marriages and gifts brought by storks had to be registered. Let life always be a holiday filled with joyful smiles, sincere hugs and good people. Happy civil registry office worker's day!

I congratulate the employees of the registry office on the Day and sincerely wish every day to register not only acts of work, but also acts of happiness, success and joy in personal life. May work always be a holiday, may you never be sad and bored. All the best and good mood.

Happy Civil Registry Day. W out of joy and hope, A angelic patience, G brilliant ideas, WITH intelligence in any situation. And may every day bring happiness, smile, love and good luck, may everything be in order and under control in work, may there be plenty of opportunities for victories and miracles in life.

Each of us is at least once connected with the registry office, so today we deservedly congratulate its employees! We sincerely wish you to work in pleasure, not knowing fatigue! Do not forget about your own happiness, enjoying it for many years!

You connect destinies, and it's wonderful! Let your work always give you only pleasure and joy! I wish you personal happiness from the bottom of my heart, sincere love And decent salary! Let the smiles on your faces shine as often as possible! All the best to you dear workers registry office!

Total congratulations: 13

The registry office is such an institution:
registers births,
Divorces, weddings - and so on,
All civil states.

Contrary to the usual
Accepts congratulations
Registry office worker - because
Today is just his day!

We will come to the registry office with bouquets,
And pour all the workers
Let them take a sip of wine
Hearing this congratulations!

Those who are for the creation of families,
Responsible who pledged
Units of the universe -
Marriage - this congratulations!

We wish you inspiration
Long and happy years
Courage and renunciation
Achievements and victories!

Don't rush to agree
If they ask for a divorce,
Learn to smile
Saying to a friend: "I'm sorry!"

Congratulations on the Day of the registry office worker and from the bottom of my heart I wish only joyful events at work and in life, sincere gratitude from people and great respect, good mood and excellent health, excellent success in any business and unquenchable love.

The registry office is a beautiful palace,
It was created only for loving hearts!
Not everyone will go there.
Only the one who finds his love!

We congratulate the employees of the registry office,
We wish you great luck and happiness!
Do good deeds
Connect loving hearts!

Everyone needs registry offices,
May they be healthy
All those who work in them
Simply amazing people!

Both beautiful and smart
And in the work of the grip,
Let them give you some money
To a small salary!

Let the authorities appreciate you
Loves and cherishes
Even with a word to offend
Never dare!

Work in the registry office is not easy,
But you're doing great!
Connects loving hearts
Rarely do you go on sick leave!

We wish you joy and light
Goodness and beauty!
Let people be in your life
Just as good as you!

Before you with tenderness in your eyes
Young people are standing today
And holding hands
Hear the words of the saints.

And bind their marriage tightly,
A new path in life will begin
And we congratulate you on your day,
Registry office worker, don't forget:

You are on a big mission
You connect hearts
And after an important ceremony,
Sit on the fingers 2 rings.

Many couples are already in front of you
They swore allegiance, love.
You have seen many tears
Many prayers have been heard.

It's time to wish you happiness
So that everything is like people
To have wealth
And more joyful ideas.

Beautiful couples come to you,
They go back happy!
registry office - a place where he and she
They answered each other "yes!"
Your work is noble
And, of course, it's the people's business!
Congratulations enthusiastically,
Excellent, slightly unusual,
We wish you beautiful ceremonies!

There are smiles and sometimes tears.
Your profession is very important.
Each of you is not ordinary, a hero.
Can create a family very urgently.

Often you are sad, sometimes you are easy.
Everything is so vague and empty.
But they are coming to you. They trust with a vengeance.
You will help them cement these feelings.

Everyone who is in the registry office at work,
We congratulate now
Accept wishes
And gifts from us!

May your path be good
Won't turn on the wrong track
He will be strewn with happiness,
And he knows no trouble at all!

your families forever
Will be bound by love
Our heartfelt congratulations
May it lead you to health!

ZAGS - record of acts of civil status. Day of employees of the registry office is celebrated on December 18, starting in 1917, when the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian Republic signed a decree "On civil marriage, on children and on the maintenance of books of acts of state." This document was the first in the USSR concerning the regulation family relations. Until that time, the functions of the registry office for registration were performed by the church, keeping records in the registers of births. Currently, family law in Russia is regulated by " family code RF”, adopted on December 8, 1995 by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The functions of the registry office staff are quite extensive and include: registration of birth, marriage, adoption and paternity, divorce, death, change of name of citizens. In other words, employees must understand not only family law but also in civil.

There is always work in the registry office,
There is no moment to rest.
But today is a glorious holiday,
You might be able to roam a little.

I wish you happiness in life
And the salary of a hundred thousand,
Great joy and happiness,
Let nothing grieve.

May work bring joy
May you be lucky in everything, always
Let only happiness radiate
your kind eyes.

Thank you for your wonderful work
After all, you forever unite hearts!
Those in love are running to you in droves,
To put on each other two rings!

I wish you only the best from the bottom of my heart,
Laugh, have fun, live brightly!
May every marriage be happy
Which you helped to conclude!

Congratulations on the Day of the registry office workers and I want to wish only a joyful and bright atmosphere at work, only happy and good events in life. I wish you to register strong marriages and lovely children, I wish you to dream about your beauty and certainly achieve your goal.

Civil Registry Officer, congratulations!
Today is your holiday.
Let love and joy surround
May prosperity be with you.

I wish you every success
At work, at home and everywhere.
Let without obstacles and flaws
Only positive accompanies you.

Happy registry office day, we congratulate you,
Good luck, good luck in your business.
Patience, many good days ahead,
Happiness, health, so as not to get sick.
There is ease in work, only let
Down with failure, sadness and sadness.

He was born, and they got married,
And he gets divorced, though not at all a fool,
All of this must be accurately recorded.
And to each his own document to give.

You are in trouble literally the whole day,
From the city come the villages.
We want to wish you today
To in the district the best registry office become!

We wish you to grow and prosper,
Troubles, punctures never know
Blossom and smell, embracing happiness,
And vacationing in Hawaii in the summer!

How many happy people in the world
How many children have been here
Everyone, of course, is grateful to you,
It is so important to congratulate the employees of the registry office!

Be healthy, loved, rich,
Every day, were to be glad
More smiles, warmth, kindness,
And make your dreams come true!

Have you seen so many happy
united hearts,
In beautiful festive outfits
Those who decide to go down the aisle,

So be happy you too
At any wonderful life hour,
Let love help you
And let the registry office be proud of you!

And a wedding is not a wedding, if you don’t go to the registry office.
You will be congratulated in the registry office, do not forget that day.
Flowers, congratulations, rings and laughter
They will remain in everyone's memory for a long time.

A child is born - the registry office is needed again,
Birth must be registered in the registry office.
We go to the registry office workers at an important hour,
Thank you very much for this from us.

You write acts
The states of people.
Failures and problems
Let them run away quickly.

Let the work in the registry office be
bring joy to you.
Let the income be stable.
I want to wish now

Good luck and health to you,
Happiness, for long years, of good.
Let adversity not disturb.
May you be lucky in everything, always.

You hear “Yes” more often than others.
Destiny is unfolding before your very eyes.
You feel someone else's love sensitively
And you know that for them it is not a joke.

You see tears, smiles, dreams,
You believe them because they are so pure.
And you know that the fairy tale begins
But you are not magicians, you are employees of the registry office.

So always stay positive
And make people happy with your work.
Let not only today, but always
Your faith in love will be firm.

Congratulations: 58 in verse, 13 in prose.