Happened September 3rd. Opening day of new doors

The list of holidays in Russia on September 3, 2018 will acquaint you with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays September 3

Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism

Terrorism is one of the most dangerous and large-scale threats to human life. Ideological militants and suicide fanatics do not just kill and maim. In their desire to gain power, they make a public outcry by any means, they try to influence the psychological state of people. In order to counter this ideology of violence, a memorial date has been established in the Russian Federation.

When they celebrate

The Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism is celebrated annually in the Russian Federation on September 3. Thanks to the country's President V. Putin, on July 21, 2005, he was added to the list of memorable dates with an amendment to federal law No. 32-FZ "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia" dated March 13, 1995.

Who is celebrating

September 3 is a day of mourning for all victims of terrorist attacks, as well as those who died while doing their duty during rescue operations. On the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, residents of the Russian Federation bring flowers to the monuments and memorials of those who died at the hands of terrorists, take part in mourning processions and events, remembering all the victims. This reflects the cohesion of society and the state against this ideology of violence, which is a threat on an international scale.

DNA Uniqueness Discovery Day

On September 3, 1984, British geneticist Alec Jeffreys discovered that each person's DNA is inimitable and unique, just like fingerprints are unique.

As the inventor himself noted, it was like a revelation. He was looking at x-rays of DNA and suddenly saw that the DNA strands were different. Jeffreys called them "genetic fingerprints". This is how "genetic fingerprinting" was born. With the help of "genetic fingerprints" it is possible to establish kinship, prove involvement in a crime, or vice versa - to help people who are imprisoned due to a judicial error go free - there are already quite a few such examples.

The first field of practical application of this discovery was criminalistics. To traditional fingerprinting - determining the identity of a person by fingerprint - was added genetic fingerprinting - determining personality by hair, saliva on a cigarette filter, or a particle of skin, or a drop of blood. Indeed, in any human biomaterial there is DNA. And as the scientist established, it is unique for each of us. This has become a new stage in the development of forensic science.

Alec Jeffreys proposed to introduce mandatory entry into the genetic database of all citizens of Britain. This would greatly help the work of the police. The database should store only the minimum information that is necessary to identify a person, and the samples themselves should be destroyed. According to Jeffreys, this is necessary so that forensic scientists cannot extract information about nationality, hair and eye color from genes. Thus, the police will have to first prove that the DNA found at the crime scene matches the entry in the database, and only then get information about the person, and not use the clues of geneticists if they do not already have a suspect.

Thaddeus the Preacher

The folk holiday "Thaddeus the Preacher" is celebrated on September 3 (according to the old style - August 21). On this day, the Orthodox Church venerates the apostle from the 70th Thaddeus and the martyr Vassa of Alon. Both of them came from the Syrian city of Edessa. Other names of the holiday: "Thaddeus Day", "Thaddeus", "Flax", "Vasilisa".

The Apostle Thaddeus, having been baptized, became one of the 70 disciples sent by the Savior to the cities he wanted to visit. After the crucifixion of Christ, Thaddeus returned to his homeland, where he continued to carry the word of God. Many people accepted the Christian faith through his lessons. The priests and even Prince Avgar could not resist, which was facilitated by many miracles during the lessons of the apostle. After himself, Thaddeus left two temples - one in Edessa, the other - in Virit.

The Holy Martyr Vassa lived during the reign of Emperor Maximian. Being slandered by her husband, she was forced to watch the sophisticated torture of her three sons, whom she raised in love for God. After her death, the children experienced many of the tortures on themselves, but did not renounce the faith. For this, the hegemon of Macedon ordered the beheading of the martyr.

From that day on, the traditional flax harvesting began. According to legend, there is some good power that looks after the fields and does not let children play among the flax. The people called her the Linen. People who have met Flaxseed describe her as a fair-haired girl with bright blue eyes. She will definitely tell a good owner the moment when the flax is ripe and can be harvested. Therefore, among the people, the holiday was called "Flax".

During the harvesting of flax, the peasant women said: "Baba Vasilisa cares about flax." Having compressed the flax, it was laid out in the meadows - for the sake of "laying down", in other words, so that excess moisture would come out of it, and it would become soft and flexible. At the same time, each woman uttered a conspiracy: “Lie down, my lenok, white and soft, do not be afraid of the wind, or the whirlwind, or the frequent rain, or the red sun.”

In Rus', flax has been cultivated since ancient times as one of the most popular plants. It was grown in order to subsequently obtain linen fabric after appropriate processing. Among the Slavs, the most common clothing was linen clothing. Such clothes were recommended for people with a hot nature, as well as in dry and hot weather. Linen fabric helped well with scabies and increased sweating. From flax, our ancestors produced canvas, fishing tackle, ropes, linseed oil, which was used both for cooking and for the treatment of various diseases.

bra birthday

Where did the bra come from? Well, of course, in France. Back in 1889, the wealthy feminist Ermini Cadoll unveiled her invention at the World Exhibition in Paris. It was a version of the corset with two cotton cups equipped with straps. The chest was split in the middle - a real know-how! The idea was approved by the doctor Gosh Saro. She made it by cutting the corset in half: the top half became a bra, the bottom half became a belt. The model was tested at the Paris Medical Academy. The first portfolio of bras appeared in 1907 in Vogue magazine.

And the first patent for the invention of a bra was acquired by American Mary Phelps Jacob on September 3, 1914. Often it is she who is credited with the authorship of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a bra. There is a version that she made the first bra from handkerchiefs.

The most expensive bra in the world costs $12.5 million. It has 3,900 precious stones, including diamonds and rubies.

For the first time the phrase "underwear" appeared at the end of the nineteenth century.

Your bra size should have a medium hook-and-loop fastening, and two fingers should fit freely between the fabric and the body.

According to the recommendations of mammologists, push-up bras with a push-out effect should not be worn for more than six hours a day.

The red color of women's underwear is in first place in popularity among men.

Stretch marks on the chest are very often the result of an improperly fitted bra.

The largest bra in the world was made by the Japanese company "Triumph international" in September 1990, its size corresponds to the 28th bust size. It took 70 meters of fabric to make.

The Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism is one of the memorable dates in Russia. The day is celebrated on September 3rd. This is the newest memorable date in Russia, established by the federal law "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia" dated July 6, 2005. It is connected with the tragic events in Beslan on September 1-3, 2004.

On September 3, it is customary in Russia to remember the victims of terrorist attacks, as well as law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty.

Events that happened on September 3

1189 - Richard the Lionheart is crowned the English throne as Richard I.
1260 - The Mamelukes defeated the Mongols at the Battle of Ain Khalut in Palestine, inflicting the first defeat of the Mongol Empire.
1539 - Pope Paul III recognized the Jesuit Order.
1609 - English navigator Henry Hudson discovered New York Harbor.
1650 - English Revolution: Battle of Dunbar.
1690 - Adrian, Metropolitan of Kazan and Sviyazhsk, was elected Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.
1739 - the city of Shostka was founded (Sumy region, Ukraine).
1741 - during the war with the Swedes, the Russian army captured Wilmanstrand (Finland)
1752 - A day never seen in the history of Great Britain and the colonies. In connection with the transition to the Gregorian calendar, after September 2, the 14th came immediately.
1783 - Treaty of Versailles signed. Great Britain recognized the independence of the USA.
1791 - France proclaims its first constitution.
1798 - Battle of Spain and Great Britain off the coast of Belize.

1803 - John Dalton makes the first record with standard notation for chemical elements.
1812 - In England, the world's first canned food tin, manufactured by industrial means, appeared.
- Chiapas declared independence from Spain.
1826 - in Russia, a number of Decembrists reduced the terms of hard labor.
1828 - Wedding of Alexander Griboyedov and Nina Chavchavadze.
1838 - The Institute for Noble Maidens was opened in Kyiv.
1859 - Shamil leaves Dagestan for St. Petersburg.
1864 - An explosion wiped out the Stockholm laboratory of Alfred Nobel, where he and his father conducted their experiments with nitroglycerin. 5 assistants and Alfred's younger brother, Emil, were killed. The father was shattered by grief. But Alfred did not stop his experiments, and three years later received a patent for the manufacture of dynamite.
1866 - The First Congress of the First International began in Geneva.
1875 - In Moscow, in a solemn atmosphere with a huge crowd of people, in the presence of Emperor Alexander II, the laying of the building of the Historical Museum took place.

1912 - The world's first cannery opens in England.
1914 - Russian troops took Lvov.
- Cardinal Giacomo della Chiesa is elected Pope Benedict XV.
- American Mary Phelps Jacobs invented the bra. She made an "experimental" sample with the help of a maid from handkerchiefs and patented her invention in 1915. All women at that time wore corsets, and at first the "backless bra" was not successful. But the enterprising husband of the inventor, who served in a corset company, offered his owners a novelty, and they turned out to be visionaries, acquiring a patent from Mary for 15 thousand dollars. Interestingly, Mary is a direct descendant of the inventor of the steamboat, Robert Fulton.
1915 - A regiment of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen was created in the Austrian army.
1918 - Fanny Kaplan, accused of attempting to assassinate Lenin, was shot by the commandant of the Kremlin.
1924 - Canada's first scheduled airmail service established.
- The first international handball championship was played.
1929 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 381.17, the high before the crash.
1932 - construction of the Moscow Canal began.
1933 - Yevgeny Abalakov reaches the highest peak of the USSR - the peak of Communism (7495 m).
1939 - Britain, France, India, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany.
1940 - the British government announced state compensation to the owners of houses destroyed by German aircraft - 2 thousand pounds for each house
1945 - Day of the victory of the USSR over militaristic Japan (for several years it was celebrated as a public holiday).
1947 - After a break caused by the war, the construction of the Leningrad metro resumed.

1950 - races on the track in Monza (Italy) ended the first world championship "Formula 1". The champion was 43-year-old Nino Farina.
1953 - Nikita Khrushchev was elected First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
1962 - Jens Otto Krag becomes Prime Minister of Denmark.
1967 - Day H, Sweden changed to right-hand traffic.
1971 - The USSR, Great Britain, the USA and France signed a quadripartite agreement on the status of West Berlin. It stated that the city was not part of Germany.
1973 - A monument to Lesya Ukrainka was unveiled in Kyiv.
1976 - Viking-2 unmanned vehicle lands on Mars.
1977 - Elvis Presley for the 17th time took the first line of the British hit parade with the song "Way Down"; this is the first of Presley's songs that became a No. 1 hit after the singer's death.
1984 - In the UK, Dr. Alec John Jeffreys of the University of Leicester discovered that the sequence of bases in DNA is an individual feature of each person. This property of DNA, known as "genetic fingerprints," has come to be used in family relationships and forensics.
1984 - Iron Maiden releases the Powerslave album.
1993 - in Massandra B. Yeltsin and L. Kravchuk signed a protocol on the settlement of the dispute over the Black Sea Fleet.
1996 - The United States launches a missile attack on Iraq (Operation Desert Strike).
1997 - In a referendum, the majority of Newfoundlanders (Canada) voted to end church interference in public education.
- A new building of the Moscow Chamber Musical Theater under the direction of Boris Pokrovsky was opened on Nikolskaya Street in Moscow.

2000 - Russian-Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra was founded.
2004 - the outcome of the terrorist act in Beslan: as a result of a spontaneous storming of the school, more than 300 people died, 186 of whom were children.
2008 - Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega announced the recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
2009 - Moon Festival or Zhongqiu Harvest Festival in China.
- The premiere of Karen Shakhnazarov's film "Ward No. 6", the shooting of which was first planned back in the late 80s.
Michael Jackson's funeral was held in Los Angeles.

September 3, 2017 - Sunday, 246th day of 2017 according to the Gregorian calendar. September 3 corresponds to August 21 of the Julian calendar (according to the old style).

Holidays September 3, 2017 in Russia

  • Day of solidarity in the fight against terrorism. This memorable date for Russia was established in 2005 by the federal law "On the Days of Military Glory of Russia" and is associated with the tragic events in Beslan (North Ossetia, September 1-3, 2004), when militants seized one of the city's schools. As a result of the terrorist attack in school number 1, more than three hundred people died, including more than 150 children. Today, remembering the victims of Beslan and Budyonnovsk, the seizure of the theater center on Dubrovka and the explosions of residential buildings in Moscow, Buynaksk and Volgodonsk, and all terrorist attacks, as well as law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty, we are united in our intention to resist with all our might terrorism, both national and international, to prevent this criminal insanity from spreading. A mandatory condition for terrorism is the resonance of a terrorist action in society. Public response to a terrorist act is necessary for terrorists to change public sentiment. Attacks affect mass psychology. Terrorist organizations demonstrate their strength and readiness to go to the end, sacrificing both their own lives and the lives of victims. The terrorist loudly declares that in this society, in this world there is a force that under no circumstances will accept the existing order of things and will fight it to victory, or to its end. But, on the other hand, at present, the anti-terrorist movement is being activated all over the world, the level of knowledge is rising in order to resolutely resist terror of all stripes and prevent either a second Beslan, or a second September 11, or those major terrorist attacks that occurred in December 2013 in Volgograd, when in less than a day two explosions thundered at the Volgograd railway station and in the city trolley bus, killing 34 people. The vigilance and responsibility of each of us constitute the arsenal of the anti-terrorist coalition. We must remember that any person, regardless of their position, can suddenly become involved in a tragedy. And traditionally, various commemorative events, charity concerts and educational events are timed to coincide with this day in different cities of the country. After all, it is important to remember that terrorism should not only and not so much be fought as it should be prevented. It is not for the sake of beautiful words that we are talking about the need to respect cultural and confessional characteristics, the right to preserve their own identity for all peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation. Only tolerance and mutual respect will prevent the growth of the social base of terrorism and deprive criminals of hope for support in society. This is the best prevention of extremist sentiments.
  • Day of workers in the oil, gas and fuel industry (Day of the oilman). On the first Sunday of September, a number of countries of the former USSR celebrate the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers. This holiday is dedicated to all workers in the oil, gas and fuel industry, it first appeared in the USSR in 1980, when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree on the establishment of this professional holiday. With the collapse of the USSR, the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, some member countries of the union moved the date of this holiday to other days, others changed the name of the holiday, and still others completely abolished it. But still, Russia, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan continue to celebrate the holiday on the same day and under the same name as before. The professional holiday of workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries is also celebrated on the first Sunday of September in Kazakhstan and Moldova. In Kazakhstan, the holiday was called "The Day of Oil and Gas Complex Workers", and in Moldova - "The Day of the Gas Sector Worker".

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Holidays September 3, 2017 in Ukraine

  • Entrepreneur's Day. In Ukraine, every year on the first Sunday of September, Entrepreneur's Day is celebrated. This holiday was established in the country by presidential decree in 1998. The purpose of introducing such a holiday is to note the important role of this sector of the economy, that it plays in the formation of a new economic system of the republic. Citizens of Ukraine have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the Constitution. At the same time, the activities of entrepreneurs are regulated by a number of laws and other regulations. In particular, the laws of Ukraine “On Property”, “On Entrepreneurship” and others are important legislative documents in this matter. The Day of the Entrepreneur of Ukraine is celebrated, as a rule, in a narrow circle by the entrepreneurs themselves and their relatives. In some cities, on the occasion of the holiday, various events are held dedicated to the problems of small and medium-sized businesses and the development of entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine. These include forums, conferences, round tables. Seminars, exhibitions and trainings. Unfortunately, in the conditions of an unstable economic situation, doing business in Ukraine is not an easy task, but the more important is the work of entrepreneurs and their contribution to the economy.

World and international holidays September 3, 2017

  • There are no world and international holidays on September 3, 2017.

Orthodox holidays September 3, 2017

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • Memorial Day of the Apostle from 70 Thaddeus;
  • Memorial Day of the martyr Vassa and her children, the martyrs Theognius, Agapius and Pista;
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Abraham of Smolensk, archimandrite;
  • Memorial Day of St. Martha of Diveevskaya (Milyukova);
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Avraamy the industrious, Caves, in the Near Caves;
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Martyr Raphael (Momchilovich), hegumen Shishatovatsky;
  • Commemoration of the Cathedral of Moscow Saints;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Alexander Elohovsky, presbyter;
  • Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Pavel Yagodinsky, presbyter;
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Martyr Ignatius (Dalanov), hieromonk;
  • Light-painted (Light-painted image) - icons of the Mother of God.

Folk holidays September 3, 2017

  • Thaddeus the Preacher. The folk holiday "Thaddeus the Preacher" is celebrated on September 3 (according to the old style - August 21). On this day, the Orthodox Church venerates the apostle from the 70th Thaddeus and the martyr Vassa of Alon. Both of them came from the Syrian city of Edessa. Other names of the holiday: "Thaddeus Day", "Thaddeus", "Flax", "Vasilisa". The Apostle Thaddeus, having been baptized, became one of the 70 disciples sent by the Savior to the cities he wanted to visit. After the crucifixion of Christ, Thaddeus returned to his homeland, where he continued to carry the word of God. Many people accepted the Christian faith through his lessons. The priests could not resist, and even Prince Avgar, which was facilitated by many miracles during the lessons of the apostle. After himself, Thaddeus left two temples - one in Edessa, the other - in Virit. The Holy Martyr Vassa lived during the reign of Emperor Maximian. Being slandered by her husband, she was forced to watch the sophisticated torture of her three sons, whom she brought up in love for God. After her death, the children experienced many of the tortures on themselves, but did not renounce the faith. For this, the hegemon of Macedon ordered the beheading of the martyr. From that day on, the traditional flax harvesting began. According to legend, there is some good power that looks after the fields and does not let children play among the flax. The people called her the flaxseed. People who met the flaxseed describe her as a fair-haired girl with bright blue eyes. She will definitely tell a good owner the moment when the flax is ripe and can be harvested. Therefore, among the people, the holiday was called "Flax". During the harvesting of flax, the peasant women said: "Baba Vasilisa cares about flax." Having compressed the flax, it was laid out in the meadows - for the sake of "laying down", in other words, so that excess moisture would come out of it, and it would become soft and flexible. At the same time, each woman uttered a conspiracy: “Lie down, my lenok, white and soft, do not be afraid of the wind, or the whirlwind, or the frequent rain, or the red sun.” In Rus', flax has been cultivated since ancient times as one of the most popular plants. It was grown in order to subsequently obtain linen fabric after appropriate processing. Among the Slavs, the most common clothing was linen clothing. Such clothes were recommended for people with a hot nature, as well as in dry and hot weather. Linen fabric helped well with scabies and increased sweating. From flax, our ancestors produced canvas, fishing tackle, ropes, linseed oil, which was used both for cooking and for the treatment of various diseases.

Holidays September 3, 2017 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday in Belarus September 3, 2017 - Day of Belarusian Writing. The Belarusian Written Language Day is held annually on the first Sunday of September. The concept of the holiday provides for showing the unity of the Belarusian printed word with the history and culture of the Belarusian people, reflecting the historical path of writing and printing in Belarus. Traditionally, the Day of Belarusian Literature is held in cities that are historical centers of culture, science, literature and book printing. In Belarus, 2012 was declared the Year of the Book. For the first time, in 1994, festive events took place in the ancient city of Polotsk. Then such historically significant cultural centers of the country as Turov, Novogrudok, Nesvizh, Orsha, Pinsk, Zaslavl, Mstislavl, Mir, Kamenets, Postavy, Shklov, Borisov, Smorgon, Khoiniki, Gantsevichi, Glubokoe, Bykhov became the capitals of the holiday. The XXI Day of the Belarusian Written Language was held on September 7, 2014 in the city of Zaslavl (Minsk region). In 2015, for the first time, the city of Shchuchin in the Grodno region became the literary capital of the country, which passed the honorary baton to the city of Rogachev (Gomel region). In 2017, the capital of the holiday dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Belarusian book printing will be the ancient Polotsk, the hometown of the Belarusian educator and pioneer printer Francysk Skaryna. As part of the holiday, participants and guests can get acquainted with new book editions, meet Belarusian and foreign writers, journalists, publishers, listen to performances by poets and writers, creative teams and performers. Also, according to tradition, the Day of Belarusian Literature hosts the awarding of the winners of the competition for the best literary works of the year, a scientific and practical conference and a number of other events.
  • Holiday in the Republic of Moldova September 3, 2017 - Day of the National Army. The Armed Forces of Moldova were created by decree of the President of Moldova No. 193 of September 3, 1991 "On the formation of the Armed Forces". This day in Moldova is celebrated as the "Day of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova". In the Moldavian Principality, the so-called "small army" was a regular military force. It numbered about 10 thousand people and consisted of the Gospodar army, separate boyar detachments and mercenaries. The "large army" (about 40 thousand people) was convened in cases of special need and consisted of the majority of the male population capable of bearing arms. After the formation of the Moldavian SSR in 1940, residents were called up for military service in the Armed Forces of the USSR. On September 4, 1990, the Supreme Soviet of the Moldavian SSR adopted a Resolution on the suspension of the USSR Law of October 12, 1967 "On universal military duty" on the territory of the MSSR. The first stage in the formation of the National Army of Moldova as an independent state was the decree of the President of Moldova No. 193 of September 3, 1991 "On the formation of the Armed Forces". According to the Constitution of Moldova of 1994 and the National Security Concept, the military security of the country is ensured by its armed forces. On November 14, 1991, the government of Moldova declared military camps, bases, weapons, vehicles, equipment and other property belonging to the units of the Soviet army stationed on the territory of the republic to be its property. In 1995, the “Military Doctrine of the Republic of Moldova” was developed and published (Decree No. 482-XIII of June 6, 1995), and by 1997 the process of creating the military structures of the Armed Forces was completed. In 1998, the period of compulsory military service was reduced to 18 months, later - to 12 months. At the moment, the conscription service lasts 12 months. In 1997, the combat-ready armed forces numbered just over 11 thousand people. The number of reservists who could be drafted into the ranks of the armed forces is about 300 thousand people. In 1998, more than 1.145 million people were considered fit for military service. After the NATO Secretary General's visit to Chisinau in January 1999, it was decided to reduce the size of the army from 10 thousand to 6.5 thousand people. In early August 2001, the government newspaper "Nezavisimaya Moldova" published data on the size and armament of the Moldovan army. According to this information, the strength of the National Army was 8500 people, there were 209 armored vehicles in service (including 55 BMD and 154 armored personnel carriers), 205 artillery pieces and mortars (incl. , 79 howitzers, 115 mortars and 11 Uragan artillery rocket systems) and 31 aircraft. In September 2007, the size of the Moldovan army was reduced from 6.8 thousand to 6.5 thousand military personnel; in service there were 209 armored vehicles and 150 guns and mortars. In addition to military personnel, there were 2,300 civilians in the army. On October 3, 2007, a solemn opening ceremony of the NATO Information and Documentation Center took place in Chisinau. The individual action plan of the Moldova-NATO partnership provides for the reform of the entire security and defense system of the country on the principles of NATO and the transfer of the National Army of Moldova until 2010 to the standards of the North Atlantic Alliance.
  • Holiday in Tunisia September 3, 2017 - Independence Day. After World War II, an active independence movement unfolded in Tunisia - in honor of him, the country established the Independence Movement Day in Tunisia, celebrated annually on September 3. Despite the repression that the colonial authorities brought down on the national independence movement in 1951, military resistance to the colonialists was expanding in the country. Detachments of the fellahs burned the estates of French planters, blew up bridges, and killed French officers. In 1952 and 1953, crops were harvested in large latifundia under the protection of tanks. France sent 70,000 regular troops into the country, and yet the liberation movement expanded everywhere: the organized Tunisian proletariat entered the struggle. In June 1955, France was forced to make concessions, she agreed to grant independence to Tunisia, but without the right to determine the country's foreign policy. On March 20, 1956, a new agreement is signed giving Tunisia full independence. Since then, this day has been celebrated in the country as a holiday - Independence Day. In April 1956, Habib Burgiba was elected Prime Minister, and in July 1957, President of the country. He was the recognized leader of the party, which, compared with other bourgeois parties, was more firmly connected with the broad masses of the people and had undeniable merits in the national liberation movement.
  • Holiday in Australia September 3, 2017 - National Flag Day. National Flag Day in Australia is not a public holiday like in a number of other countries, but it is an important commemorative date that has been officially established. Flag Day is celebrated on September 3 and is accompanied by a flag-raising ceremony. The national flag of Australia was first flown on September 3, 1901, after Prime Minister Edmund Barton announced the winner of the competition to design the flag of Australia. The flag measuring 5.5 by 11 meters was raised above the dome of the Royal Exhibition Center in Melbourne. For the first time, the idea of ​​celebrating National Flag Day was expressed in 1984 by John Christian Vaughn, a historian and vexillologist from Sydney (vexillology is a science that studies flags, banners and other similar items). He organized a public flag-raising ceremony in Sydney's Hyde Park. Every year the number of adherents of the holiday grew, and in 1996, the Governor General of Australia, Sir William Dean, officially proclaimed September 3 as the National Flag Day of Australia. The first official flag-raising ceremony took place in 1996 at the Martin Place Amphitheater in central Sydney. Flag Day is not an official holiday in Australia, but ceremonies are held in schools and government organizations.
  • Holiday in Iran September 3, 2017 - Day against British intervention. The Day of Combating British Intervention is an Iranian commemorative date celebrated on September 3 (Shahrivar 12 according to the Iranian calendar). Day against British intervention takes place on September 3 in memory of the day of the death of Rais Ali Delvari, who died during the battles with the British cavalry. This day is considered to be the end of British intervention in southern Iran. Rais Ali Delvari prepared an armed uprising against the British, which resulted in a selfless armed struggle against the British soldiers. In 1915, despite the fact that Iran did not officially participate in the First World War, British soldiers landed in the port city of Bushehr and quickly captured it. This was done in order to prevent the capture of southern Iran by the forces of the German Empire, to create a barrier for the German army to the strategically important mineral reserves of Iran and the south of the Arabian Peninsula, and also to enter the Indian Ocean. From the very beginning of the First World War, Rais Ali Delvari was busy preparing for an uprising against the British. On July 12, 1915, the rebels attempted to attack the British residence in Bushehr, but their troops were driven back. On August 8, 1915, the British government sent an additional force of 500 cavalry to reinforce its position in the city. On September 14, 1915, the British government removed the governor of Shiraz and the province of Fars, Mohber al-Saltana, and appointed a new governor, Habibollah Qawam al-Molk, in his place. However, already in December, the new governor was expelled from Shiraz by a pro-German officer of the gendarmerie. Five days later, the city was attacked by the British fleet, and on September 3, during fierce fighting between the rebels and the British cavalry, Rais Ali Delvari was killed. Subsequently, the British used pro-British population groups to regain control of the lost territories, which they successfully succeeded in doing. However, a few days later the British vice-consul was assassinated by a tribal leader. In order to commemorate this uprising and to highlight the outstanding contribution of Rais Ali Delvari to the independence of Iran, the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance decided to establish a day of remembrance for the rebels on the day of the death of their leader - September 3rd. Subsequently, in the list of holidays and days of memory of Iran, the Day of Combating British Intervention was assigned to this date.
  • Holiday in Qatar September 3, 2017 - Independence Day. September 3rd is Qatar's Independence Day. On this day in 1971, Qatar's independence from Great Britain was proclaimed. It was the second declaration of independence in the country's history. The peninsula, on which modern Qatar is located, was repeatedly conquered by different peoples. In the 7th century, Qatar became an Islamic state that became part of the Arab Caliphate. After the collapse of the Arab Caliphate, it was under the rule of the emirs of Bahrain, then - the Portuguese, after them - the Ottoman Empire. In the 19th century, Great Britain became interested in the territory of Qatar. Having achieved from the Ottoman Empire the refusal of claims to Qatar, she imposed an agreement on the proclamation of a British protectorate on Qatar. The protectorate was proclaimed in 1916, in 1934 the protectorate treaty was renewed. After World War II, the national liberation movement began to gain strength in the country, the first mass demonstrations and protests began to take place, and the first trade unions appeared. On September 3, 1971, the independence of Qatar was proclaimed. Qatar's Independence Day, celebrated on September 3rd, is not a national holiday. December 18 is considered the national day of Qatar. This date is considered the founding day of the state of Qatar. Qatar was born thanks to the efforts of Sheikh Kassem bin Mohammed Al Thani, who is considered the founder of modern Qatar.
  • Holiday in Taiwan September 3, 2017 - Armed Forces Day. The Republic of China (better known as Taiwan) celebrates Armed Forces Day on September 3rd. This holiday commemorates the surrender of Japan in World War II. On September 2, 1945, the Japanese Surrender Act was signed aboard the battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. The government of the Republic of China (which included large parts of mainland China, Mongolia and Taiwan) announced a three-day celebration to celebrate the victory over Japan starting September 3rd. In 1946, September 3 was proclaimed "Victory Day in the War against Japan", and in 1955 the holiday was changed to Armed Forces Day. In the People's Republic of China, proclaimed in 1949, September 3 is celebrated as a memorable date - Victory Day over Japan. Armed Forces Day is not a public holiday. Every year, the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of China decides whether to make it a holiday for military personnel. The Republic of China Armed Forces includes the Army, Navy (including the Marine Corps), Air Force, Coast Guard Administration, Armed Forces Joint Command, Armed Forces Reserve Command, and Military Police Command.
  • Holiday in San Marino September 3, 2017 - Day of the founding of the republic. The main national holiday of San Marino is the Day of the Republic (its full name is the Holiday of San Marino and the Republic). It is celebrated on September 3, the anniversary of the founding of San Marino in 301. The Republic of San Marino is known not only for being one of the smallest states in the world. Within its current borders, San Marino is also the oldest state in Europe, and it is also often called the oldest republic on the planet. According to legend, San Marino was founded by Saint Marin (from whom the name of the state comes). He fled Dalmatia from religious persecution. For some time he worked as a stonemason, and then, in search of solitude, he built for himself a small cell on the top of Mount Titano, around which a monastery was formed after a while. Formally, the founding date of San Marino is September 3, 301. The Republic of San Marino became in 855, getting rid of the protectorate of the neighboring Duchy of Urbano. The collective heads of state and government are the two captains regent, who are elected by the General Council of San Marino for six months. They usually belong to opposite parties. The position of captain regent was established on the model of consuls in ancient Rome.
  • Holiday in Canada September 3, 2017 - Merchant Navy Day. September 3rd is Merchant Navy Remembrance Day or Merchant Navy Day in Canada and the UK. This memorial day is dedicated to the members of the merchant marine who gave their lives during the First and Second World Wars. The British merchant marine played an important role in the battles of the Atlantic in the First and Second World Wars. During the Second World War, he suffered heavy losses from German submarines (U-boats). During the war, about 32,000 merchant seamen were killed aboard escort ships. But even despite the losses, the merchant fleet made a great contribution to the victory of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. The Canadian Merchant Marine was created in 1939, within hours of Canada's entry into World War II. He also played a major role in the Second Battle of the Atlantic, serving as reinforcements after the British merchant fleet suffered significant losses. But, unfortunately, for several decades after the war, merchant marine veterans were denied official recognition and privileges. In the UK, Merchant Marine Day became an official day of remembrance in 2000, with official ceremonies being held on this day. The Canadian Parliament created a similar commemoration day a year later in recognition of the contributions and sacrifices of Canada's merchant marine.

Today, September 3, Russia celebrates the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism, the Republic of Moldova celebrates the Day of the National Army, and in Tunisia, the holiday is the Day of the Independence Movement.

Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism (Russia)

In Russia, on September 3, the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism is celebrated - the newest memorable date in Russia, which was established on July 6, 2005 by the federal law "On the Days of Military Glory of Russia" and is associated with the tragic events in Beslan, when school No. 1 of the city of Beslan was seized militants. As a result of this terrorist attack, more than 300 people, including more than 150 children, were killed at the school.
Remembering the victims of Beslan, people must resist both national and international terrorism with all their might and prevent the growth of this criminal insanity.
All over the world today, the anti-terrorist movement is being activated, which is raising the level of knowledge in order to prevent and resist terror of all stripes. It is necessary not only to fight terrorism, but to prevent its occurrence. Only mutual respect and tolerance are the best prevention of extremist sentiments, only they will deprive criminals of hope for the support of society and can prevent the development of terrorism.

National Army Day (Republic of Moldova)

Today, on September 3, the Republic of Moldova celebrates the Day of the National Army, which is the institution of the stronghold of the national security system of this state. Along with other national holidays, the Day of the National Army is celebrated with the participation of not only those who wear military uniforms, but also all residents of Moldova. Today, the National Army of the Republic of Moldova is successfully fulfilling all the tasks related to raising the level of combat training of soldiers and officers of various units, who are involved in solving many important tasks.

Independence Movement Day (Tunisia)

September 3 The National Independence Movement of Tunisia led to its independence. In Tunisia, after the Second World War, an active movement for independence unfolded. The Independence Movement Day holiday was established to commemorate this event.
In 1951, despite the repressions of the colonial authorities, which brought down on the national movement, military resistance to the colonialists developed in the country. In 1952 and 1953, fellahs blew up bridges, killed French officers, and burned the estates of French planters.
France sent regular troops to Tunisia, but the liberation movement continued. The Tunisian proletariat joined the fight, so France in June 1955 had to make concessions and grant Tunisia independence without the right to determine the country's foreign policy.

Unusual holidays September 3

Today, September 3, unusual holidays are celebrated - the Day of opening new doors and the Holiday of the Balzac age. Today we can celebrate the Day of the Broken Threads

Opening day of new doors

If it suddenly seems to you that everything that happens in your life is too familiar to you, then try to immediately find an unfamiliar door and enter it! You can simply draw such a door on the wall, the main thing is with what heart you step there. Behind this door will be everything that you are afraid of, or secretly expect from yourself, hope to find ...

Feast of the Balzac age

The Balzac age in women is a special state of the female body, poets dedicated their poems to this age, this age was sung in songs. Balzac's age is similar to autumn. And the colors are bright and the aromas are unusual, but the sadness of the completion of something does not leave ...
Ladies can't fight
coffee, cognac and cigarettes,
compare september flesh
with spring requests.
Day of the Unthreaded
What does it mean to "break the thread"? This is when you want to send everything to hell from the heart and do what the soul desires. Today, September 3, is just such a day. And today you are not averse to "breaking the thread"?

Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Thaddeus the Preacher

On this day, Orthodox Christians know what church holiday is today, they honor the memory of the apostle from the seventy of St. Thaddeus - one of the disciples of Jesus Christ, who was not among the closest disciples.
Thaddeus was born in the Syrian city of Edessa. Once he came to Jerusalem for a feast and, having heard the sermon of John the Baptist, received baptism from him in the Jordan and, having met Jesus, became his disciple.
Immediately after the execution and resurrection of Christ, the Apostle Thaddeus went to Syria and Mesopotamia to preach. In Edessa, Thaddeus converted Prince Avgray, the priests, and many ordinary people to Christianity. Thaddeus often accompanied his sermons with miracles of healing, so the prince wanted to reward him, but the apostle refused all gifts and left to carry the word of God to other cities. In the Phoenician city of Virita (today it is Beirut), Thaddeus founded a church there and died.
Peasants harvested flax on Thaddeus. On this day, another holiday was celebrated in honor of the martyr Vassa of Alon.
Compressing the flax, it was laid out in the meadows - for the sake of "laying down", in other words, so that from it
Our ancestors observed the weather on this day. It was believed that if the sun shines on Thaddeus and the sky is clear, then four weeks ahead you can expect the same weather.
Name day September 3 with: Alexander, Ignatius, Cornelius, Martha, Paul, Raphael, Thaddeus

September 3rd in history

Britain, France, India, Australia and New Zealand declared war on Germany
Day of the victory of the USSR over militaristic Japan (was celebrated as a public holiday for several years)
After a break caused by the war, the construction of the Leningrad metro resumed
Nikita Khrushchev elected first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee
Jens Otto Krag becomes Prime Minister of Denmark
Sweden switched to right-hand traffic
The USSR, Great Britain, the USA and France signed a quadripartite agreement on the status of West Berlin. It stated that the city is not part of Germany.
Monument to Lesya Ukrainka unveiled in Kyiv
Viking-2 drone lands on Mars
In the UK, Dr. Alec Jeffreys of the University of Leicester discovered that the sequence of bases in DNA is an individual feature of each person. This property of DNA, known as "genetic fingerprints", has become used in establishing family relationships and in forensics.
B. Yeltsin and L. Kravchuk signed a protocol on settling the dispute over the Black Sea Fleet in Massandra
US launches missile attack on Iraq (Operation Desert Strike)
In a referendum, the majority of Newfoundlanders (Canada) voted to end church interference in public education.
A new building of the Moscow Chamber Musical Theater under the direction of Boris Pokrovsky was opened on Nikolskaya Street in Moscow.
The denouement of the terrorist act in Beslan: as a result of a spontaneous storming of the school, more than 300 people died, 186 of whom were children
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega announced the recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia
Premiere of Karen Shakhnazarov's film "Ward No. 6", the shooting of which was first planned back in the late 80s.
The funeral of Michael Jackson took place in Los Angeles.

Do you know what holiday is celebrated on September 3rd? There are several reasons, actually. Let's talk about each of them.

Significant days on the calendar

Holidays are the days of the year when the whole country celebrates any traditions associated with fun and joyful events. Or when a great event took place in the country, to which the people pay tribute, worship and want to make it into the long memory of folk culture for future generations, celebrating annually with solemn rallies, concert programs and other types of solemn ceremonies with the participation of honored persons of the country. These dates are accompanied by the awarding of citizens who have achieved particularly outstanding achievements in their personal and social activities. And all the people are proud of their heroes.

September 3, 2005

But on September 3, what kind of holiday has been celebrated in Russia since 2005? Anyone who knows about this event will immediately be transported to that difficult and not at all festive day when the misfortune occurred.

When in the city of Beslan the terrorists were able not only to capture, but also to destroy the lives of about 300 people, 150 of them were children. Who and why did this in peacetime in a peaceful city - now this question is no longer relevant. Now the urgent task is to do everything so that this does not happen anywhere and never. So then what kind of holiday on September 3 do we celebrate with the whole country? Yes, we are celebrating the Day of Remembrance associated with those tragic events.

The official name of this day is the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism. And therefore, anti-terrorist actions are organized and carried out all over the world, movements that contribute to increasing knowledge on how to prevent, how to counter terrorism all over the world. Therefore, the Day of Farewell is also celebrated on September 3rd. What a holiday, we already know.

The terrorists were still defeated, with heavy and irretrievable losses, but they were destroyed nonetheless. As in the Victory over fascism, we have suffered incalculable losses, but still we mark the end of the war with the Victory Day, proclaiming the end of the dark forces and the dawn of a bright future.

Joyful day 3 September

The Russian Church celebrates this day as Thaddeus Day, dedicated to one of the 70 apostles of Christ and sent by Him to one of the cities that He wanted to visit.

Thanks to the lessons of Thaddeus, many, even Prince Avgar and the priests of that time, accepted the Christian faith in the Savior. And one of these believers, later canonized as a martyr, Vassa accepted the severe tortures of her children and herself for the sake of faith, but did not renounce it, which earned her the deep and sincere worship of like-minded people.

This day is marked by the beginning of the traditional. According to legend, people met on this day a linen maiden who had a beautiful fair-haired and blue-eyed appearance of a friendly girl, filled with kindness and love for people working in the fields.

What else are we celebrating?

Let's go on a short tour of the very recent past, when all the countries of the present CIS were one mighty Union, and all holidays were common to all. Such a holiday was the day legalized by the Government of the USSR - the first Sunday of September. And this Sunday in 2017 falls on the 3rd.

On this day, numerous workers in the oil and gas industry of all CIS countries will happily celebrate their labor and, perhaps, heroic achievements, receive awards, sing and dance, attracting a lot of their friends and relatives to the celebration. The peoples of the CIS countries can really be proud of the labor achievements of their citizens, because thanks to them everyone lives in warmth, drives cars filled with fuel, wears clothes and shoes, all this is possible thanks to the processing of petroleum products. Indeed, now it is even difficult to imagine in our material environment that oil and gas could not be used.

Therefore, we also congratulate with gratitude all those who work in this industry, often risking life and health. After all, the work of oil and gas production is very often fraught with danger, each employee lives hard, away from home warmth and comfort.

September 3 - what kind of holiday? End of the war!

On this day, another wonderful holiday is celebrated - Victory Day over militaristic Japan - the end of World War II! In the difficult post-war days after the complete defeat of fascist Germany, Russia continued to hold back the onslaught of the Japanese fascists. And so, from August 9 to September 2, the last push was made towards the final victory of Russia over its enemies. In this offensive, Russia lost about 36 thousand more people. More than 308 thousand soldiers and officers were subsequently awarded orders and medals, 87 people received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The offensive lasted 25 days, during which the northern parts of China and Korea, as well as the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin, were liberated. After that, Japan was forced to admit defeat, and the Soviet Union could celebrate the final victory over its enemies. The war ended on September 2, but by decree of the USSR Government of September 2, 1945, it was determined which holiday in Russia should be celebrated on September 3. The date is designated Victory Day over Japan. Our people know about this holiday.