A do-it-yourself spinner is a fashion trend and a way to make any event unforgettable. How to make a do-it-yourself spinner out of paper: simple master classes with diagrams

Turntables. These uncomplicated toys on wooden sticks with bright blades spinning at the slightest breath of wind are very popular with adults and children. It's hard to explain why people are so interested in watching these, to tell the truth, disposable gizmos. But if you dream up a little, then children's imagination easily turns home-made turntables into a Carlson propeller or a rotorcraft, romantic youth into a decoration for a wedding celebration, and a practical adult generation into a scarecrow for birds and moles.

A small digression from the topic, or Why you need to involve your offspring in the creation of a turntable

The windmill is a wonderful example of a toy that parents can make with their children. The manufacturing process will not take much time, but the turntable (made with your own hands, all the more so) will become a source of pride for the child, bring him closer to his parents, make him feel that he is on the same team with adults and can independently create even a simple, but miracle.

The benefits of such joint creativity will be undoubted for everyone: the child will learn the basics of three-dimensional modeling in a playful way, and his mentor-parent will be distracted from his adult activities and rest his soul.

Paper spinner making

A paper spinner is made from 2 multi-colored square sheets of paper (20 x 20 cm). You will also need:

  • scissors;
  • ruler with a pencil;
  • awl;
  • carnation or plastic push pin;
  • a piece of polyethylene measuring 20 x 20 cm;
  • iron;
  • wooden stick.

To make the spinner durable and attractive, it is desirable to make it two-color. To do this, take 2 sheets of bright paper of a contrasting color, put a piece of polyethylene of the same size between them and iron the entire three-layer “sandwich” with a hot iron - the polyethylene will melt and securely fasten the sheets of paper together.

As mentioned earlier, a do-it-yourself spinner is made on the basis of a square sheet of paper measuring 20 x 20 cm, but this is not so important. The main thing is to find and designate the intersection point of the diagonals of the square, thereby dividing it into 4 triangles. From the point of intersection on each diagonal measure a segment 1.5 cm long and put a mark. Armed with scissors, the sheet is cut diagonally to the mark line. Then, at each left corner of all 4 triangles, retreating about 0.7 mm, a hole is pierced with an awl. The same hole is made at the intersection of the diagonals.

It remains to successively lay all the triangular fragments on top of each other so that all the holes made earlier coincide, and fix the turntable on a wooden stick with a button with a plastic head (or a nail with a wide hat).

If everything is done correctly, then you get something like this turntable. With your own hands, it turns out, you can make a toy that looks no worse than a purchased one.

Making spinners from plastic bottles

Craftsmen actively use plastic bottles to make various crafts. Now the arsenal of their products has been replenished with another useful novelty - a turntable.

Bottle turntables will decorate the garden plot and scare away uninvited birds who want to feast on the grown products.

It is not difficult to make such wonderful flashlights-turntables. A plastic bottle is cut into narrow strips that are bent at a certain angle. Then a hole is drilled in the cork of the bottle and the windmill is mounted on a wire, through which the spinner will be attached to the support.

Afterword, or How to make life even more beautiful

As can be seen from the description, a do-it-yourself turntable is made quickly. The Craftsman does not require exotic materials. The remnants of wallpaper, cardboard juice boxes, plastic bottles are used - in general, materials that are often sent as unnecessary to waste. But the scope of this craft may be the most unexpected. A spinner made of paper or plastic can serve not only as a familiar toy.

It has become fashionable to decorate celebrations and weddings, decorate garden plots. Turntables are used during photo shoots, with their help they create unusual swaying panels for the holidays. A seemingly simple trifle can bring a sense of celebration into our lives, cheer up and make any event unforgettable. Isn't it a miracle?!

A paper spinner is a simple and original thing, which is not at all difficult to create, but it will bring a lot of joy. Toddlers just love these bright propellers. They are ready to run around the lawn for hours, watching their rotation. Turning on the fantasy, we can find many non-trivial uses for turntables made from colored paper. In addition to using it as an interesting children's toy, this wonderful and very simple movable structure can be used in decorating rooms. In addition, paper pinwheels will be a wonderful and unusual decoration for cocktail tubes at a themed party. They will set the tone for a children's holiday and help keep the kids busy, becoming a wonderful souvenir.

So, let's figure out how to make a beautiful pinwheel out of pieces of paper and what we need to work.

It’s not at all difficult to make a funny decoration for cocktail tubes with your own hands. Children can be involved in the work. A festive mood is created in the process of preparing for the celebration.

There are few materials for making turntables and they are simple. We only need:

- cocktail tubes
- squares of colored paper. They will need as many as we plan to make turntables.
- scissors,
- Double-sided tape,
- small buttons
- glue gun for attaching them.

And if you want to make movable turntables, then we will also need wire or pin - accessories for jewelry.

First, we cut the squares diagonally from the corners to the center with scissors. We do not cut 1.5 - 2 cm to the center.

Glue pieces of double-sided tape on the inside of the turntable to each quarter.

Then, we bend the incised petals and glue them to the adhesive tape on the adjacent triangle, as shown in the figure.

We bend and glue all four corners. We glue the turntable to the tube with a glue gun. And decorate with a button in the center of the finished turntable. And if you want to make a rotating turntable, you need to pierce the center of the turntable with a piece of wire or a pin. Then bend the ends of the wire on one side and on the other so that the piece of wire is free enough to rotate. The ends should be bent so that you can then glue the tube to one side with a glue gun, so as not to stain the turntable itself. And decorate the other end of the bent wire with a button.

In the second case, you will get a functional turntable on a straw from which you can drink drinks. In the first case, you get such a pretty decorative spinner made of bright colored paper.

Making turntables with your own hands is a great activity with children. This paper craft called "Scarlet Poppy" is a bladed spinner with a diameter of about 15 cm. Having mastered the model of this spinner with the help of a master class, you can make similar ones of any color and decorate them with a summer cottage or a children's holiday.

You will need:

  • Office paper Red
  • colored cardboard- green and black
  • Copy paper(using it you will transfer the turntable template to a sheet of rough cardboard)
  • Rough cardboard(packaging of cereals, sweets, cereals, etc.)
  • floral wire 1.2-1.5 mm (gerbera) for making the axis of rotation (if you use another wire, it should be hard enough not to bend in the wind, but still soft enough to be wound around the stick without much effort -holder)
  • wire cutters for cutting wire
  • Hand punch- with its help you will make perfectly even holes for mounting the turntable on the axis of rotation.
  • Scotch- with it you will strengthen the place where the hole will be punched in order to extend the life of the turntable
  • Separators- beads, pieces of a cocktail tube: in order for the bladed spinner to rotate freely, you need to make sure that it does not touch the holder stick on one side and the end of the wire axis on the other.
  • stick holder- a round wooden stick, for example, a thick wooden skewer (4 mm in diameter). The stick can be painted with acrylic paint in two layers. It is non-toxic, dries quickly, forming a durable waterproof coating on the surface. If you want to make an outdoor turntable, use a wooden stick, sharpening one end before painting, so that the stick can be easily stuck into the ground.

If you really want to make a street turntable, you need to laminate paper or cardboard for crafts yourself. For this, an ordinary hot-melt adhesive film, which is glued with an iron, is suitable. It is sold in school and office supply stores and is typically used for laminating notebooks and books.

  1. Print out the pinwheel template and use carbon paper to transfer it to rough cardboard and cut along the outline.

  1. Trace the template onto red office paper and cut out two identical pinwheel pieces.

  1. Using scissors, wavy the outer edge of each blade at its widest point to make it look like the petals of a poppy flower.

  1. Fold the two pieces together and slide the blades behind each other so that their narrow ends are on the same side and point counterclockwise. Glue the parts together in the middle - you get a pinwheel resembling a flower. Glue a circle with a diameter of 3.5 cm, cut out of black paper, to the middle of the “flower”. To strengthen the middle, glue the same circle cut out of green paper on the back of the turntable in the same place.

  1. With a black permanent marker, draw frequent strokes on the blades of the “flower” pinwheel around the black center to “fluff” it.

  1. Since office paper is quite thin, it is advisable to strengthen the ends of the blades with transparent tape. Stick it on the outside of the turntable. Then punch holes at the ends of the blades. This should be done only after gluing the adhesive tape.

  1. On the reverse side of the turntable, draw three strokes over the holes, end each stroke with a dot. These will be the stamens. Punch a hole in the center of the turntable.

  1. Paint a wooden or paper stick green with acrylic paint. Fasten the wire at the end by making 3-4 turns.

  1. Bend the wire perpendicular to the stick, preparing the horizontal axis for the turntable.

  1. First, string a bead onto the wire, then the turntable itself through the central hole, then a few more beads (preferably black ones).

  1. It remains to fix the ends of the blades on the wire. First, put two opposite blades of the top part of the spinner on the wire. Then - located next to two opposite blades of the lower part. Moving in one direction, continue to put on the wire a pair of opposite blades, either the upper or the lower part.

  1. String a bead on the wire, and then a dark green circle cut out of cardboard or thick paper. Bend the wire at a right angle and cut off the excess with wire cutters at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the bend.

  1. Cover the tip of the wire: with double-sided adhesive tape on a foam base, glue another one, but of a smaller diameter, on top of a dark green circle, after drawing a crosshair on it with a green felt-tip pen - a poppy box. The black strokes at the ends of the lobes are now located around the middle of the flower, turning into stamens. Since office paper is quite thin, the spinner will turn out to be light and mobile.

Veronica Podgornaya

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Comment on the article "How to make a turntable with your own hands: a master class with a photo"

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1. Domashny Ochag - women's magazine. [link-1] 2. A site dedicated to knitting [link-2] 3. A resource about knitting [link-3] 4. Darievna.ru: crochet and knitting, embroidery and other types of needlework [link-4] 5. "World of Embroidery" [link-5] 6. Vyazhi.ru - Site about knitting. Exclusive models. [link-6] 7. Fenechki.ru - Weaving of floss baubles; kumihimo and others [link-7] 8. Author's cross-stitch patterns [link-8] 9. MiniBanda.ru - all about your children [link-9] 10. Riolis - kits and patterns for...


Thank you so much for such a comprehensive list of crafting resources.

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Great idea! It's immediately clear where to start, no need to "reinvent the wheel".
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Feb 13, 2013 12:37:18 pm

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In the spring, children are very fond of playing with turntables that spin in the wind. To make such a bright fixture, you only need paper, a pencil and a button. But for free rotation, you need to correctly assemble the toy. This article describes in detail a master class on creating a children's turntable, which you can do with your own hands.

Before you start making a weather vane out of paper, it is important to know a few features that will help the blades spin with ease.

Typically, a turntable is made of four blades, but more can be. The more you use them, the stronger the mount for the toy is needed.

The blades of the toy do not stick together, otherwise they will not rotate evenly. To fasten them, you need a metal base, such as a sewing needle or a button.

The basis for a weather vane can be an ordinary cocktail tube or a wooden skewer. But you can even use a simple pencil.

Materials and tools you will need:

  • brightly colored cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler, scalpel or knife;
  • sewing needle;
  • marker;
  • glue gun.

Advice. Take thick cardboard, as the blades will rotate, which can lead to rapid wear of the paper. Photo paper with a glossy surface is perfect, it is whiter and more flexible. Get a simple pencil with an eraser at the end, it will be convenient to cling to the structure for it. Use a utility knife instead of a scalpel.

Step 1. Cut out a square from cardboard. The optimal size of the workpiece for the turntable: 15 by 15 cm.

Step 2 At this stage, it is necessary to apply auxiliary lines on the workpiece. To do this, first mark the center of the figure, then use the ruler to draw the diagonals of the square. But do not connect them in the center - the middle of the workpiece must be intact. Additionally, put four points at the corners of the figure as shown in the figure.

Step 3 Cut the cardboard according to the marked lines. Wrap each corner of the workpiece towards the center (with a dot on paper towards the middle).

Alternately bend the blades of the turntable into a cross. Do this carefully so as not to wrinkle the paper, as the creases on it will prevent the toy from spinning.

Step 4 Position the pencil vertically towards you. Carefully shift the workpiece so that its middle coincides with the grater. Pierce all the blades in the center with the needle and then push it through the eraser.

Place the blank at a distance from the pencil. This will create free space for the turntable to rotate.

Step 5 A drop of hot glue will protect your hands from a possible puncture and additionally fix the needle on the structure. Place it on top of the pencil (on the back of the blank).

This is the toy you should get as a result of work.

Making a simple spinner for playing with children is very simple, the main thing is to clearly follow these recommendations and follow the advice.

They are very popular with spinners because they are very catchy. But their main advantage is the simplicity of design, so many people make such baits with their own hands. Moreover, the spinner allows you to fish in any conditions, even specific ones.

Features of homemade bait

Many fishermen prefer to use spinners, because they can catch not only roach and bream, but also predators. These metal plates weigh 0.5-20 grams. To catch a large fish, it is not necessary to use huge turntables; quite often it can be caught on small spinners. The thing is that predators are attracted not by the size of the bait, but by fluctuations during wiring.

Varieties of spinners

Turntables are divided by location into the following types:

  • Back loaded. The pear-shaped weight in them is located on the axis and is shifted to the edge of the bait with a thickened part.
  • With center load. The load in such baits is strictly symmetrical or has the shape of a bell, it is located on the axis.
  • Front loaded. In these turntables, the load is placed in the front.

However, do-it-yourself baubles with a weight located in front, which is most often made in the form of a small fish's head, are in the greatest demand. In addition, these lures fold during flight, which allows you to increase the casting distance. Moreover, the asymmetric shape of the load-head eliminates the twisting of the fishing line during wiring, and even overwhelming it over the tee. Another indisputable advantage of front-loaded spinners is that they begin to spin as soon as they are in the water.

In order for a do-it-yourself bait to turn out to be catchy, it is necessary first of all to study its composition in detail. After all, the oscillation frequency and the game depend on each element of the turntable. For example, spinners with a front load, as a rule, consist of a central axis, a load-head on a steel wire, a clamp, a bead, a petal, a tee and a cambric.

Turntable manufacturing methods

There are two options, do it yourself. The first method involves assembling the lure from prefabricated parts. For this, special spare parts are purchased and spinners of various shapes and colors are created. But another way involves making a turntable from scratch.

Of course, the first option is easier and even more fun, since all the details are available for assembling the spinner. The second method will require a lot of effort and a lot of free time from the fisherman. In addition, you will need some needlework skills and a special tool for work. If you have experience in creating things with your own hands, then there should be no problems with making bait for perch, pike or other predator.

Necessary tools and materials for work

A do-it-yourself spinner is assembled from elements such as:

  • petals, which can be made of brass, copper or tin;
  • beads for supporting the petals;
  • lead;
  • heat shrink tubing about 5 mm in size;
  • collars, threads and tees;
  • steel wire with a diameter of at least 0.5 mm.

And also for work you will need wire cutters, pliers, round-nose pliers, a hammer and an emery cloth.

How is a do-it-yourself spinner assembled?

When creating all the elements of the bait, you need to pay great attention to the size and shape of the petal - since this is the main part of the spinner. The narrower it is, the smaller will be the angle by which the spinner will deviate from and its rotation will become faster.

To attract predatory fish like pike, it is better to use oval petals that rotate slowly, and for catching perch, on the contrary, narrow, exciting high-frequency vibrations.

Making do-it-yourself spinners also implies the choice of the shape of the petals, which are different:

  • "Indiana" - a bait with an average range of indicators;
  • "Colorado" - baubles with huge lifting power;
  • "Mepps French" - universal elongated turntable;
  • "willow leaf" - bait for wiring in stagnant water and along a fast current.

The petal of the turntable is cut out with special scissors for metal from brass, tin or copper, not more than 0.5 mm thick. After that, with a rounded hammer, this part is given a bulge, bend and shape.

Making a clamp for spinners

When the petal is ready, it should be fixed to the axis, for which you need a clamp. Of course, you can make the bait without it, but then the spinner will spin worse. If you do not want to do it, remove the clamp from an unnecessary bait or buy it.

This element of the turntable is made from a thin plate of brass. A narrow blank with a size of 1-1.5 mm is cut out of it, in which holes are then made and all burrs are removed. Then it remains only to give the homemade clamp a shape. Basically, it is made semicircular or in the form of a bracket.

Some make such a piece of wire, exceeding the diameter of the axis of the bait, by winding the edges. It should be remembered that the rotation of the plate depends on the shape of the clamp. Moreover, on one bait, you can make two options for spinning the petal at once. Suppose, when it has a triangular shape, it rotates slowly and for a long time, and a semicircular one - quickly.

Then, using round-nose pliers, it is necessary to roll the free edge of the wire into a ring, after which a fastener is hung on the tee. Lurex or woolen thread plumage is also knitted on it, which is securely fixed with glue.

Next, a thermophyte tube should be put on the forearm of the tee. They seat her on the fire of a lighter, acting carefully so as not to spoil the plumage. Such a rigid mount is done to reduce the number of overlaps of the spinner, since it flies head first, and there is a small weight. Thus, it turns out an excellent front-loaded do-it-yourself.

This spinner can be improved if desired, just equip it with a screw. After all, a do-it-yourself spinner made with a propeller is capable of attracting predators with the movements of the blades. The screw behind the bait creates a vortex flow that makes it sway. At the same time, the movements come out uneven, similar to the swim of an injured small fish. The propeller does not have to be installed on a spinner, it can be fixed on silicone or a oscillator. It turns out a beautiful spinner spinner.

Spoons for making spinners

Making spinners with your own hands is more difficult than making them from ready-made parts, but many spinningists find this activity very exciting. When assembling bait for large fish, time flies by unnoticed. Quite often they are used when making spinners, spinners, spoons. With your own hands, baits made from these cutlery are very catchy. True, for their manufacture you will need a small workshop.

Such a do-it-yourself spinner is made from the following materials: a swivel, a tablespoon, clockwork rings for fishing line and for fixing tees. In addition, for work you will need:

  • vise;
  • grinding wheel;
  • pliers;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • drill and hammer.

Using this method, you get a good do-it-yourself lure on a perch. The pinwheel attracts this predatory fish to itself with vibrations.

Before starting work, you first need to saw off a small part from the spoon with a hacksaw to create a spinner, namely the end of the handle about 8-12 cm. The resulting workpiece must be processed on a grinding wheel to get rid of sharp edges and round it a little.

Then you have to drill holes in the workpiece through which you can pass through the rings. You should also slightly change the shape of the future turntable so that its game attracts predatory fish. One edge of the cut handle must be clamped in a vice, and the other slightly turned with pliers. The bait after these steps should acquire a helical shape. Access rings are attached to both sides of the workpiece, and where the leash and fishing line are fixed, a swivel is tied.

Do not use the turntable in extremely cold weather. Remember that for perch in the winter there is nothing better than live bait. Inexperienced fishermen are advised to use spinners with oval petals, and also take a few spare pieces with them.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making a turntable, and anyone, even a novice fisherman, will be able to make it with his own hands. The main thing is not to be lazy, and then you will definitely get a catchy lure.