Fixed contests for the new year. Active New Year's game for the Shadow Theatre. Good jokes for the festive mood

What holiday can do without laughter and good mood?! Right! No! This is especially true for such an event as the upcoming New Year 2020. What is needed to create a unique and vibrant holiday? To begin with, the appropriate entourage: New Year's songs and music, winter themed decorations, delicious dishes, beautiful costumes, lots of champagne and many guests! But that is not all! Well-fed and well-dressed participants of the event need to be entertained! And here you can’t do without funny and perky New Year’s contests! We invite you to take a look at our selection!

The most incendiary contests for friends for the New Year 2020

Competition "Couturier"

The men of the company are invited to play the role of a couturier. For the competition, you need to draw on a piece of drawing paper a women's elegant dress with a lot of details: ruffles, cuffs, flounces, neckline, etc. The host, it is better that it be a lady, calls out different details to the men in turn, and they must show her on the dress. The one who called incorrectly is out. The one who never makes a mistake wins and receives the title of world couturier.

Game "Web"

On a gymnastic or any other stick you need to tie multi-colored ribbons. They are intertwined in random order, but without strong knots. The player is given the task of unraveling the web of ribbons using pencils in both hands or another object, but not with their hands.

The game "Jumpers"

Players jump rope, competing in the number of jumps. Everything would be fine, but they have flippers on their feet.

Game "How many bottles do you have?"

The boa constrictor in the cartoon was measured with monkeys and parrots, and we will measure the waist with bottles. The girth of the bottle should be measured, but not reported, and the girth of the waist of each participant. Then calculate the waist size in terms of bottles and invite the players to guess their number. Whoever named more accurately, he won.

The game "State in the wind"

Players are invited to let their fortune downwind. You need the same banknotes according to the number of players. Everyone lines up and, on command, blows on the bill, then runs up and blows again. And so on up to a certain point. Whose bill reaches the mark faster, he wins.

Seven funny New Year contests for any company

Game "Blind Pirate"

The blind pirate was left to guard the treasure. His role is played by the captains of the two teams. Various objects are laid out around them: scissors, a pair of shoes, toys and more. These are treasures. Players of the opposite team will hunt for them. The robber is blindfolded. Opponents on the whistle make attempts to grab treasures, and the guard thieves. A thief caught three times is out of the game. Time is recorded for each team. Who quickly left the pirate without treasure, he won.

The game "In every picture the sun"

Relay competition for the street or a large hall. The contestants are divided into two equal teams and stand in columns. Each is given a gymnastic stick, and at a distance of 10-15 m from the players, two hoops are placed on the floor. In turn, the players run up and lay out sticks around their hoops in the form of sun rays. In whose team the last player returns to his place, she wins.

Competition "Plastic Christmas tree"

To hold this competition, it is necessary to prepare a certain number of plastic cups in advance (for example, eighty), in order to divide them equally and give one part to one of the two participants. The cups are stacked one on one. As soon as the competition begins, the players must assemble a Christmas tree from the “props” as quickly as possible, and then disassemble it, carefully folding the cups as they were originally folded. The fastest of the two players wins.

Snowman T-shirt game

To run this competition, three players will be needed, who will have a seemingly trifling task - just put on a T-shirt the fastest, thereby earning victory in the competition. However, not all so simple. T-shirts should be rolled up and frozen in the freezer before being distributed to the players, which will definitely make the task more difficult.

Lip Reading Competition

To run this competition, you will need two players (for one round) and two pairs of headphones. Each of the participants puts on headphones in which music is already playing. It is necessary to check if it is loud enough so that the players cannot hear each other's speech. The first must ask the second a question, to which he in turn answers by reading lips. After some time, the roles change. In this competition, victory is given to the one who understands the essence of most questions.

Game "Dangerous Dancing"

For the competition, five to eight people will be required, for each of which you will need to prepare an already inflated balloon and something with which it can be tied. The ball is tied to the foot of one player. The task of everyone is to burst the balls of opponents. The last “survivor” whose ball remains intact will win.
Competition "Race during the Sabbath"

This contest will require a certain amount of inventory. It is necessary to prepare in advance two scarves, two mops and two buckets. An unlimited number of people can take part in the relay, but they must be divided into two equal teams, each of which is built at one end of the room. At the signal of the leader, the first of the line puts a scarf on his head as quickly as possible, sits on a broom and stuffs one foot into the bucket, without using the help of the team. In this form, the participant runs to the other end of the room and back, passing the baton to the next player in his team. Which one finishes faster - that one is given the victory.

Funny contests for adults for the New Year 2020

Competition "Joke with a beard"

This competition can be held without leaving the festive table. The host gets up and starts telling some famous anecdote. The one who can continue it receives a piece of cotton, which must be glued to the chin. The same thing happens with the next anecdote. As a result, the winner is the participant who has the largest "beard".

Competition "Tape of Ariadne"

You should prepare for the competition in advance: cut a long ribbon into many pieces and hide them in various unexpected places in the hall. In addition, it will be good for the participants to give out such a piece for an example. Their task is to find as many hidden segments as possible and tie a ribbon out of them. The winner is awarded to whoever has the longest ribbon. It is better to hold a competition during dances, when the overhead lights are off and the room is illuminated only with light music.

Competition "Competition of jigits"

This competition is very popular due to its entertainment, gaiety and passion. The host invites several people (usually 2-3), who are given carnival mustaches and hats. In addition, they are awarded "horses": children's horses on sticks. If you can't find them, you can use any household tool with a long handle, such as mops. The task of the players is to jump the distance to a certain goal. It will be even more fun if you invite them to play the balalaikas at the same time. The first person to arrive at their destination wins.

The game "Reveal the secret!"

This game is for the whole company. Participants are given pieces of paper and pens. Half of them write questions, the other half write answers. Both questions and answers should be standard, for example: “Do you drink cognac in the morning?”, “Do you cheat in the second half?” and so on. Answers: “Sometimes”, “Only if no one sees”, “With pleasure” and the like. Questions are placed in one pile and answers in another. The first player announces to whom he wants to ask a question and takes out a piece of paper. After that, he says: "Reveal the secret ..." and reads out the text that is written on the sheet. The person to whom the question is addressed takes out a piece of paper from the pile of answers. Then the respondent himself asks a question to one of the players, and so on. The winner is the couple whose question-answer is the funniest or most original.

Contest "When you hear the number 3, take the prize immediately!"

The competition involves 2 or 3 players. They stand around the chair on which the prize lies. Santa Claus calls the numbers in random order and suddenly sounds 3. At this moment, you need to grab the prize. The most agile participant wins.

Game "Snowballs"

Snowballs in this game are white balloons, and the more they are inflated before the start of the game, the better. The players are divided into two teams. Each has a captain. Each of them is given a large garbage bag with pre-made holes for the legs. Their task is to get into the bag and keep its upper edge open. The leader gives a signal, and ordinary team members enter the game. Their task is to collect “snowballs” scattered on the floor and throw them into the bag of their captain. All this happens to cheerful music. Then the host gives a signal to stop, the music stops, the game ends. Summing up begins - counting "snowballs". Which team has more. She did win.

"Smoke the Smell"

Five are playing. For the game, various things are prepared in advance (a tea bag, an apple, money, a beer bottle, a book, etc.), which are attached to a string so that the players do not notice them. The first participant is invited to the room. The leader blindfolds him and brings each item in turn. The player needs to determine in five seconds what kind of thing is in front of him, without touching it with his hands. Only the nose can be used. The winner is the one who has the best sense of smell and guesses the most things.

Guests will definitely enjoy such entertainment for the New Year 2020! With coming!

You are presented with a selection of the coolest contests for the new year 2019 for a fun company. I would like every guest to remember the next New Year's Eve, and contests, games, quizzes were used in your practice more than once.

The recommended sedentary competitions for adults at the New Year's party can be safely “diluted” with outdoor games, and children can also be involved in some. The choice of both is simply endless, so go for it!

You already know that 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. The pig, although a domestic animal, is a fabulous creature applicable to the New Year. Therefore, New Year's games and entertainment should be selected in a similar style. The table and the apartment can be decorated with New Year's accessories with the symbols of the coming year. And 2019 itself is better to meet with friends, girlfriends, relatives, loved ones, with entertainment and fun games. think ahead to keep every guest interested.

Contests for the new year 2019 for a fun company are the coolest

Competition "New Year's cocktail"

4 - 5 participants and 1 presenter are called, they blindfold him. A glass is placed in front of each participant. All drinks on the New Year's table are involved in creating a cocktail, so decide on them in advance, do not harm the guests. Each cocktail will be made from three ingredients. The presenter, before pouring the first cocktail ingredient (as well as all subsequent ones), asks one of the guests in the hall: “Does this person need to pour this?” Pointing to one or another drink until he answers “yes”. And so in three circles (that is, according to the number of cocktail ingredients). The resulting cocktails are drunk by the participants, making a New Year's toast.

Competition "Sharpshooter"

As an entertainment for the New Year 2019, you can play snipers. It's most fun to start the competition when the participants are already a little tipsy, the coordination of the guests becomes more free, there is less constraint, and it is already a little more difficult to hit the target.
The task is as follows - the guests are divided into two teams, in turn, each player throws "snowballs" into the bucket. A bucket from the players is set at a distance of five to seven meters, as "snowballs" you can use cotton balls, crumpled paper, or just take a couple of sets of simple Christmas sparkling plastic balls that are sold in the nearest supermarket.

Competition "Photo Studio"

All the participants will be happy to take part in this competition, from the props - a camera, a smartphone, a camera. Each participant must draw a card with the role that he has to play. The player has only a few seconds to figure out in what position to appear in front of the others and what emotions to show. The leading photographer is armed with a camera and begins a photo session. He introduces the contestant and his role in turn, and then takes a couple of amazing pictures of the “actor” or video. It is desirable that pictures, videos can be immediately displayed on a large screen, so that all participants have a good laugh. Later, these photos, videos can be sent to all guests of the holiday by e-mail.

Pick up additional accessories for the competition, and you can come up with the following roles:
- Playing on his staff, like on a balalaika, Santa Claus;
- Dancing dance "Chunga-Changa" Snow Maiden;
– Tired Reindeer;
- The snowman is resting on the sea;
- Dormant Christmas tree;
- Smiling Pig - a symbol of the year, etc.

Game "Triple Trap"

Two participants stand opposite each other - in front of them on a chair lies a prize. The host considers: “One, two, three ... a hundred!” "One, two, three .... eleven!" “One, two, three…twenty!” etc. The winner is the one of the party guests who will be more attentive and be the first to take the prize when the host says “Three!”

The leader's digital score can be diluted with small rhymes to interest and amuse the participants. The absence of a rhyme at the end of a quatrain will confuse players:

I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three",
Get your prize now!

Once we caught a pike
Consider what's inside.
Small fish were seen
And not one, but as many as ... five.

Dreaming guy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command "One, two ... march"

When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, two, or better… seven.

One day a train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you took the prize.
I give you a five.

Music and dance competitions

It is not difficult to stir up a New Year's company at a festive party with impromptu musical competitions or dances. Games during the dance, dance and song minutes will help to diversify such a program. Check out the ones below. Choose, play and make your holidays brighter and more fun.

New Year's "Macarena"

This cheerful dance is great for the New Year holiday as a warm-up for a friendly company. A leader is needed for a dance minute. Many people know how the Macarena dance is performed. For those who have forgotten, the presenter will tell you the movements, they are:

"One" - stretch the right hand forward;
"Two" - stretch the left hand forward;
"Three" - the right hand on the left shoulder;
"Four" - left hand on the right shoulder;
"Five" - ​​right hand behind the head;
"Six" - left hand behind the head;
"Seven" - the right hand on the right thigh;
"Eight" - left hand on the left thigh;
"Nine" - wagged the lower part of the body.
Be sure to pick a tune.

Competition "Two Rings"

For this New Year's competition, you must prepare a twine 3 - 4 meters long and two medium metal rings. The diameter of the ring should provide for the capture of two palms. Thread the twine into the rings and tie the ends of the twine, one in one ring, the other in the other.

The number of players is eight to ten people sitting in a circle.

Stretch the rope in a circle, and let each of the players take hold of it with both hands. Hands must be kept on weight. Someone two, of your choice, take opposite places in a circle, along with a twine in one of the hands they will grab one ring.

How to participate?

The competition simply requires attention from the participants. Check who and to what extent possesses this valuable quality.
The rings, which were taken over by two participants from the total number of players, will not stay with them for long. As soon as the game begins, the participants pass the rings around the circle to other players from hand to hand. In order to lose track of them, everyone continuously intercepts the string, moves their palms in one direction and the other, pretending to accept or pass the ring to a neighbor. As a result, it will be difficult for a group of players to guess who has invisible rings.

In the game, you must always carefully observe the movements of the hands. It is clear that soon both rings will be in the hands of one of the players. Slowly, trying not to draw attention to himself and not letting go of the string, he should put his hands on his knees. Those participants who notice this will immediately and also secretly follow his example. One of the gaping players will do it last. In the form of a fine, take a phantom from him, offer to fulfill some playful desire, or ask him to drive in another competition, and this one can be continued.

Competitions for the new year 2019 for a fun company are the coolest table

New Year's quiz

Another great type of entertainment for a fun New Year's party is a New Year's quiz. It will not let you get bored, diversify other table games and give you a break from active games or dances. Quiz questions can be invented by yourself or use from the article.


What is the name of the party where you can't recognize the guests? (Masquerade).
- What is the name of the “soulmate” of the Snowman? (Snow Woman).
— What is the second New Year called in Russia? (Old).
- What does Santa Claus “exchange” his gifts from the bag for? (For a verse or a song).
- Where does winter live in an ice hut? (Near the forest at the edge).
- How does winter knock you off your feet? (Ice).
— A blizzard snaking along the road. (Drifting).
- How do you ring a Christmas tree? (Round dance).
- "Snow child" of joint yard games? (Snowman).
- Who does not need a diet in winter or summer? (Herringbone: slender in winter and summer ... was).
- An incendiary sign of a good New Year's Eve celebration. (Fireworks).

Contests for the new year 2019 for a fun company the coolest houses

dance quiz

We check the erudition and sociability of the public. For each correct answer we give a small souvenir. At the end of the quiz, those participants who have prizes in their hands are invited to the stage, let them prove themselves in the next competition. Thus, the required number of people will be recruited for other competitions. In addition, there will be the necessary, cheerful atmosphere at the beginning of the holiday, enthusiasm, solidarity, a good mood will be created.

Questions for the dance quiz:

"Fruit" dance of sailors (Apple).
The main dance of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Samba).
Letkin's half (Enka).
A dance whose characteristic feature is rhythmic percussive footwork (step, or tap dance).
Cuban dance, also widely used in Latin America (Cha-cha-cha).
Dance after vodka (Gopak).
Caucasian dance (Lezginka).
Popular Greek dance (Sirtaki).
The famous Spanish dance (Flamenco).
The first dance of Natasha Rostova (Waltz).
Dance with high throwing up of legs (Cancan).
Argentine couple dance, characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm (Tango).
Russian dance to the stomp (Trepak).
What kind of dance can polish the floor to a shine? (Twist).
What dance does the main character of the film "Dandies" learn? (Boogie Woogie).

How to make the quiz harder?

Alternatively, you can complicate the task of the quiz. Ask the participant who correctly named the dance to try to demonstrate it - dance to the appropriate short musical composition (you can ask the participants to hum a melody, beat the beat, clap their hands). That will be much more fun. In this case, it is better to purchase more significant incentive prizes, because a solo number will be performed, with the exception of a pair dance, a pair should be selected for it.

New Year's song contest

You can hold a New Year's song contest in many ways, both traditionally (participants take turns singing into the microphone), and more creatively. For example:
- All participants of the New Year's Eve are divided into two teams and sing each other. You can simply continue the song started by your rivals, you can perform songs starting with a certain letter, etc.;
- Teams or participants sing New Year's songs using only vowel sounds. Or, on the contrary, only consonants. Choose the option that seems funniest to you;
- New Year's songs are performed in the "animal" language: like a cat, like a dog, like a pig, etc. That is, the song needs to grunt, meow, bark, etc .;
- Parodies of popular songs - another version of the song contest. In this case, funny and interesting New Year's songs-alterations are prepared in advance;
- If a large creative company is expected at the New Year's Eve, then you can arrange a competition for mini choirs, rock groups, ensembles, etc. Participants must form teams, come up with a name for their choir or group, choose an image, performance style and, of course, a song. The musical composition is played using any improvised means used as instruments or accessories.

Dance battle

Divide the participants into two teams and turn on a dance tune for each in turn.
Whose team of players deserves more applause wins.
Examples of dance compositions:

- a gypsy
- in the style of rap;
- East Dance;
- Russian folk dance;
- romantic dance;
- club style
- Indian dance.
Such a dance competition will not only amuse the festive-minded guests, but also help to lose some calories.

We hope that these competitions for the new year 2019 for a fun company are the coolest, funny, humorous ones and will not make you bored, and the event will be fun and provocative. Arm yourself with ideas, props, connect relatives, girlfriends and friends. Turn on your imagination, give yourself, your family and loved ones an unforgettable New Year's Eve!

Send the contest to yourself or friends.

Did the obligation to organize New Year's leisure fall on your shoulders? Do you often have to come up with scenarios for holidays and parties for a group of friends? It didn’t work out to arrange a costume party, but there are no other ideas? And New Year's Eve must be unforgettable. Then arrange a fun party, combining a magnificent feast and funny contests for the New Year for adults.

Do not panic and do not fuss - we will help you create a script for a great holiday, and we will advise you on fun contests for the New Year. Intellectual competitions for adults for the New Year can be safely "diluted" with outdoor games. The choice of both is simply endless, so go for it!

When, having tasted a little of everything that the hospitable hosts have offered, the guests at the New Year's table begin to get bored - urgently offer them games for the New Year for adults. They will take the company and cheer up to unprecedented heights. Several funny contests, and even a very large company will not be bored.

In general, competitions for adults for the New Year are good because they can be held without leaving the festive table. And before the start of more mobile fun, comic fortune-telling for the New Year will be able to set the audience in the right mood. To learn how to make it fun and funny, read the article. And as soon as the guests warmed up and got excited, lift them from the table and arrange outdoor games for the New Year for adults.

And so, New Year, contests.

Intellectual fun games for the New Year for adults


New Year's Eve is in full swing, all wishes have already been made, wishes have been voiced, but just drinking and eating is not interesting. Then invite the guests to fill their glasses and take turns making a New Year's toast, but not just a wish, but with one condition. Congratulatory phrases should start alphabetically.


  • A - Absolutely happy, raise a glass to the New Year!
  • B - Be careful, the New Year is coming!
  • B - Let's drink to our ladies!
  • G - The Year of the Horse is coming - Hurray!

Particular fun, the confusion of the participants, comes when the game comes to such letters of the alphabet as G, E, F, S, b, b. You can combine this competition with a game of cities: when congratulations should begin with the last letter of the previous toast. In this case, it is interesting for guests not only to come up with a toast with a given letter, but also to cause trouble for the next participant in the feast.

For example:

  • A - Are you weak to drink for the Snow Maiden?
  • U - Let's take a glass for the New Year!
  • D - Long live the fun!
  • E - By God, I'll get drunk if we don't get hired!

Funny contests for the New Year:

Having reached for the festive dishes, the guests, groaning with pleasure, fell apart in their places and were not able to have fun and dance? Try to stir them up with a still but fun game: TV Guide.

Before the start of the competition, you will need to prepare a few cards. It is desirable that there be more of them - this competition is captivating, it is one of the most popular at holiday parties. On each of the cards, write five or six completely unrelated, different words.


  • 1. Vodka, president, stapler, hand, door;
  • 2. Santa Claus, rubber, herring, medicine, barrier;
  • 3. New Year, album, beaver, flu, chess;
  • 4. China, sombrero, dog, car, plastic.

Participants draw one card and read their contents (but not aloud). Then you give the participants thirty seconds to come up with just one sentence - hot news about an event that supposedly happened in the world on New Year's Eve. Moreover, this sentence should fit all the words from the card - all the important information about the incident. The words on the cards are allowed to decline as you like, turning them into any part of speech.


"On New Year's Eve, a rare breed of checkered beaver fell ill with landscape flu in the zoo of the capital."

Good mood of your company is guaranteed!


The host of the party selects two volunteers and announces to them that the time has come to finally decipher the secret abbreviation MSS. At the same time, the rest of the company already knows that MCC means "my neighbor on the right."

Two “chosen ones” are placed in the middle of the circle of participants, and they take turns asking leading questions, trying to guess the abbreviation. Questions of this type are allowed: “what size”, “what color”, “is it here”, “what does it look like”, “what does it smell like”, and so on. And the respondents must give answers, each in relation to his neighbor on the right.

It’s not worth dragging out the game for a long time - if they still don’t find the solution, in about twenty minutes, reveal the secret of the MCC to the poor fellows and bite the defeat with a cake, raising a toast: “For quick wit”.


Choose two tipsy members to play the roles of wife and husband. For more fun, you can reverse the roles of a man and a woman: he is a wife who has just given birth, she is a happy husband who managed to celebrate the good news.

The task of the husband is to ask his wife in detail about the child: what gender, whom he looks like, how the birth went ... The more unexpected and varied the questions, the more interesting the game. The task of the wife is to answer her husband's questions with signs, since the thick glass in the hospital ward does not let sounds out at all. Guessing the answer is not at all necessary, it will be hilarious just to observe with what gestures the wife will explain the situation to her dull husband.

New Year contests:

For this game, you need to distribute paper and pens to the participants. Let each of them write something about himself that people sitting at the table are little known. Then these notes need to be rolled up and put in a box or basket. As you pull out these revelations one by one, read them aloud. And the company should try to guess which of those present are talking about, who is the author of this statement.


This is a very famous and quite popular game. Have the participants split into two teams. The task of the first team is to come up with some kind of tricky word, and tell it in secret to one of the players on the opposing team. The task of the chosen one is to depict the hidden word without making a sound, only by facial expressions, gestures and plasticity, making it so that the members of his team can guess what the word was intended for. Given that these are contests for adults for the New Year, the word can be anything, which means that the demonstration process is incredibly fun. When the guessing is successfully completed, the teams switch roles, and, I assure you, the "revenge" will be even more hilarious. After some practice, the game can be made more difficult by guessing not words, but whole phrases.

Games for the New Year for adults:

Some of the guests already hardly remember the last letter of the alphabet - it's time to shake them up and make them practice artistry. The "Turnip" contest has stood the test of time, and despite its outward simplicity, is an excellent option for a New Year's pastime - fun is guaranteed!
The number of participants in the competition - according to the number of characters of the well-known fairy tale "Turnip", and one leader. New actors will need to memorize and rehearse the text of their role well:

turnip- alternately clapping his hands on his knees, then in his hands, saying at the same time: “Oopa-na!”.

Dedka- rubs his hands, saying: "Tek-s."

grandma- constantly threatens his grandfather with his fist, saying: “I would kill the reptile!”.

Granddaughter- coquettishly twitches her shoulders, saying "I'm ready." To heighten the effect, we advise you to choose a man of impressive size for the role of a granddaughter.

bug- each time it scratches behind the ear, saying: "The fleas got it!".

Cat- says: "And I'm on my own," shaking his hips.

mouse- shaking his head, ruefully says: "We finished the game!"

The task of the actors, at every mention of their hero by the host, who reads the classic text of the fairy tale, is to immediately play their role.

It looks something like this:

“I planted Dedka (“Tek-s”) Turnip (“Opa-na”). Turnip grew up (“Oopa-na!”) Big-very big. Dedka (“Tek-s”) began to pull the turnip (“Op-na!”). Grandfather pulls, pulls, but he cannot pull. Then Grandfather (“Tek-s”) called Grandma (“I would have killed the bastard!”) ... ”, etc.

The greatest fun begins when it comes to the words: “Grandfather for the Turnip, Grandma for the Grandfather ...” Explosions of uncontrollable laughter and excellent mood are guaranteed! Don't believe me - see for yourself!

Competitions for adults for the New Year:
"Drunken Checkers"

Such games for the New Year for adults are suitable for real intellectuals who prefer to drink with special pleasure. To do this, they use a real board for checkers, and instead of figures - stacks of wine. On the one hand, white wine is poured into the piles, on the other hand - red.

Games for the New Year for adults:
"What do you like about the neighbor on the left?"

As you probably already guessed, each participant will need to tell what he likes about the neighbor who is sitting on the left. To do this, everyone sits in a circle and expresses funny thoughts about a friend. When all the guests voice these intimate details, a surprise awaits them: the presenter will joyfully announce that since such sympathy is sincere, now everyone will have to kiss their neighbor on the left in the very place that they liked the most.

Mobile funny contests for the New Year

Competitions for adults for the New Year:

This competition is mainly for men, but not required. For the competition you will need: empty bottles, rope (about half a meter long for each participant), and pens or pencils.

Each participant is attached to the belt of his trousers with a rope, at the other end of which a pencil or pen is tied. Empty bottles are placed on the floor in front of the participants - to each his own. The task is to get a handle on a rope into a bottle. The competition has been tested by time - bursting laughter and fun are guaranteed.

Contests for the New Year:

The competition is predominantly for women. Participants are located facing the audience and with their backs to the chairs standing behind each. The facilitator puts a small object on each chair (apple, caramel, pencil, cone ...), so that the participants do not see it. At the command of the Princess, they sit on chairs and try to determine by touch with the fifth point: what kind of object is it. Peeping and touching is prohibited. You can also guess the number of identical objects placed on the chair, count them. The winner is the one who determines the first item. And the last, or the participants who did not cope with the task, are given a punishment, at the discretion of the winner.

Competitions for adults for the New Year:

Of course, such games for the New Year for adults are held only in very close, close companies and, as a rule, pretty tipsy. Two teams of participants are formed, each of which must lay out the longest chain of their own clothes, while taking off everything they please. Of course, the team with the longest chain will win.

new year competition

You need to prepare for the competition in advance. You need to take the most ordinary balloons. Write funny tasks on pieces of paper. Roll up the notes and put inside the balloon, inflating it later. The player bursts the ball he has chosen, and without the help of his hands, and he must complete the task he has received!

The task can be anything - it all depends on your imagination. Eg:

  • 1. Depict the battle of the New Year's Chimes.
  • 2. Stand on a chair and tell the whole wide world that Santa Claus is coming.
  • 3. Dance rock and roll.
  • 4. Eat some sugar-free lemon wedges with a happy face.
  • 5. Guess the riddle.

Funny contests for the New Year:

For this competition, as well as for the previous one, you need to prepare in advance. Take the most ordinary balloons. But write funny riddles in notes. Roll up the notes and put inside the balloon, inflating it later. The player bursts the ball he has chosen, and without the help of his hands, and guesses the riddle. More precisely, he does not guess, and as a punishment he performs a task.

Providing the company with riddles that are impossible to solve is not at all difficult. Here is an example:

  • 1. There are two women at the fence: one is glued, the other is sewn ... What should be done with them?

(Answer: tear off one, tear off the other).

  • 2. With eggs and onions, not a pie?

(Answer: Robin Hood).

  • 3. What is it: blue gold?

(Answer: the beloved got drunk.)

  • 4. What does 90/60/90 mean?

(Answer: speed with a traffic cop.)

  • 5. What is it: sitting on the ceiling and chewing on a light bulb?

(Answer: Ceiling Lamp Gnawer.)

You can compose a lot of such riddles, they will cheer you up by themselves, as well as the answer options, which, for sure, all the guests will try to come up with, without exception. And to make your task easier and not add trouble to New Year's preparations, you can use our collection of cool riddles for adults:

Fun contests for the New Year:

Various funny clothes are stuffed into the bag in advance (national hats, underwear, stockings or tights, swimwear, bows, scarves, diapers for adults, etc.). Among the guests choose a DJ. The task of a DJ is to turn the music on and off, but at different intervals and unexpectedly for the rest.


Contests and quizzes for the New Year holiday.

Funny games and contests for adults at the New Year's holiday

round dance

The players stand in a circle in the order "guy - girl", Grandfather Frost (leader) - in the center. Santa Claus says: “Do I have good hands?” Everyone answers: “Yes”, take the hands of the neighbors and walk around the leader while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, Grandpa asks again: “Is my stomach good?”. The players take on the stomachs of their neighbors and continue the round dance. What else is good with Grandfather Frost and what you have to hold on to while leading a round dance depends on the mood and degree of intoxication.


For the game you will need "snowballs" (you can crumple napkins or newspapers, the more - the better) and chairs according to the number of players.

Participants are divided into two teams. Players of one team line up on chairs in a line. The task of the opponents is to choose the most accurate, and he must send as many shells as possible in those standing on chairs from a distance of 10 meters. "Targets", in turn, can dodge. Then the teams change places.

The team with the most snowballs that hit the target wins.


For the game you will need the following props: a children's plastic stick and a puck. Several pairs participate: the woman depicts the gate with her feet, and the man must drive the puck into the “gate” from 3-4 meters. The winning couples advance to the second round, where men and women change places. The funniest thing about this game is the comments of "hockey players" and fans.


Players form 2 circles: outer - men, inner - women. The host announces what needs to be done to the players, and they perform tasks. The nature of the actions is determined only by the facilitator's imagination, for example: say hello as a wife and husband after a long separation, hug, strangle each other like a neighbor, scratch each other behind the ear, and so on. After each action, the outer circle moves clockwise.

Amazing Creatures

Each guest is given a piece of paper. The player must draw a head on top - a person, an animal, a bird. Then the sheet is folded so that the image is not visible - only the tip of the neck remains. The drawing is transferred to a neighbor. Each participant in the game had a new sheet with an image that he had not seen. Everyone draws the upper part of the torso, again “hides” the drawing and passes it on to a neighbor to draw the limbs on the new sheet received. And now you can expand all the drawings and see what creatures are depicted on them. The host can announce a competition for the best story about amazing creatures.

Prize in riddles

Any object that can act as a prize is wrapped in paper. The content of any riddle is glued onto the wrapper. This bundle is wrapped around again, and the riddle is glued again. This operation must be repeated 10 times. The players sit in a circle. The host gives a prize wrapped in ten wrappers into the hands of one. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the answer; if not, he reads the riddle aloud. The one who guessed it gets the right to further expand the prize, and everything continues according to the same scheme.

The prize is given to the person who guesses the last riddle.

For this game, you can use the following humorous riddles and questions:

What can't be eaten for breakfast? (Dinner and supper)

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald)

Get up - reach the sky. (Rainbow)

About 40 million people do it at night. What it is? (Internet)

There is a dead man in the desert. Behind the shoulders is a bag, on the belt is a flask of water. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul. What did the man die of and what was in his bag? (The man died from hitting the ground, and in the bag is a parachute that did not open)

The 12-storey building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the ground floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others? (Regardless of the distribution of residents by floors, button "1")

Where is the snowman from? (From ZIMBABwe)

What is it - the color of lilac, sees back the same way as forward, and jumps higher than the bell tower? (White blind horse, because lilac is white, and the bell tower does not jump at all)

What is it: the eyes are afraid - the hands are doing? (phone sex)

What is: the kindest ghost in the world with a motor? (Zaporozhets)

What is it: there is a head, there is no head, there is a head, there is no head? (Lame behind the fence)

How good it is for you and me, I am under you, and you are on me. What's happened? (Hedgehog carries an apple)

What is it: flies and shines? (Gold tooth mosquito)

What is: 90/60/90? (Speed ​​at the traffic police inspector)

Earrings for simpletons. (Noodles)

What's on a woman's body

Jew on the mind

Used in hockey

And on the chessboard? (Combination)

What question will no one ever answer yes to? (Sleeping to the question: "Are you sleeping?")

When the goat is seven years old, what will happen next? (The eighth will go)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)

What needs to be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (Remove each boot)

He left his grandfather and left his grandmother ... (Sex)

Cross-eyed, small, in a white fur coat, in felt boots? (Chukotka Santa Claus)

What is: two bellies, four ears? (Cat wedding)

Wrinkled Titus amuses the whole village. (Lack of youth in the countryside)

At what speed must a dog run in order not to hear the sound of a frying pan tied to its tail? (The dog must stand. This task in the company is immediately revealed by the physicist: the physicist answers that she needs to cub at supersonic speed)

There is a bald hedgehog - how old is he? (18 - he is taken to the army)

What are you looking at me, undress, I'm yours. (Bed. Option: hanger)

Now hanging, now standing, now cold, now hot. (Shower)

You remember it a little, it will be hard, like a potato. (Snowball)

Small, gray, like an elephant. (Baby elephant)

One hundred clothes, and all without fasteners. (Bum)

The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he get to? (To the police)

It nourishes in autumn, warms in winter, amuses in spring, cools in summer. (Vodka)

What do money and a coffin have in common? (Both are first boarded up, and then lowered)

The boy fell down 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will a boy break if he falls down 40 steps? (Only one, because the second one is already broken)

Four brothers stand under one roof. (Brigade)

Which word always sounds wrong? (The word "wrong")

Which wheel does not spin when turning right? (Spare)

Staff of Santa Claus

The chairs are placed in a row, the seats alternately in different directions, and the players sit on them. Santa Claus (leader) picks up his staff (mop) and begins to bypass those sitting on chairs. If near someone he hits his staff on the floor, this player should get up from his chair and follow the leader. So Grandfather walks around the chairs, knocking here and there, and now he is followed by a whole round dance of “snowflakes” and a herd of “bunnies”. The driver begins to move away from the chairs, walks in circles, like a snake; the rest repeat all the movements after him. Suddenly, at an unexpected moment for everyone, Santa Claus knocks twice on the floor. This is the signal for everyone to take their seats immediately. And this is now not so easy, because the chairs look in different directions. The driver himself tries to take a place one of the first. Now the one who did not get the chair leads.

Crawl to the Christmas tree

Several intersecting, intertwining "paths" of different colors are drawn on the floor with colored chalk, which end at the Christmas tree. Under the Christmas tree, of course, is the prize. At the beginning of each path, a card is placed describing the method of movement: crawling, goose step, back forward, jumping on the left foot, without the help of legs, etc. The players, having chosen their “path”, try to reach the end of the path as quickly as possible as described on the card. Whoever reaches the target first is the winner.

New Year costume

The host calls two couples and offers to make a New Year's costume using only newspapers, pins, clothespins and scissors. Winners are determined by other guests.

Fanta from a bottle

At the party, everyone is given two or three sheets of paper, and everyone writes their wishes on them. For example: "Depict a snowman who has begun to melt", or "Kiss Santa Claus", or "Perform a striptease at the Christmas tree." Then these pieces of paper are rolled up into tubes and put into a bottle of mineral water or cola. Everyone who wants to sit in a circle and play spin the bottle, but the rules are as follows: whoever shows the neck, he takes out one note, reads the desire and fulfills it. The highlight of the game is that the player can get his own phantom, so a reasonable amount of sadism and masochism in inventing desires is welcome.

Close circle of friends

Prepare papers with the names of body parts, fold them so that they cannot be read, and put them in a hat. The first two players are pulled out on a piece of paper and pressed against those parts of the body that are indicated on them. Then the third participant pulls out a piece of paper, where it is written which place he should touch, and so on along the chain. Then it all starts in the second round. In this case, the chain should not be broken. The first grabs the last, the second grabs the first, and so on until the pieces of paper run out or until there is enough flexibility.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

All the girls present and the presenter remain in the room in front of the Christmas tree. Each chooses a Christmas ball and remembers it. Then the men enter one by one. The man who enters chooses any ball on the Christmas tree and, if he guesses some girl, drinks with her brotherhood or takes off one piece of clothing from her. After all the men have chosen once, they again leave the door, and the girls change the hidden balls. The one who hits the same girl two (three, four) times wins. The winner becomes Santa Claus, and she, of course, becomes the Nude Snow Maiden.