Conspiracy for a speedy reconciliation. Warnings and possible consequences. Conspiracy to restore friendship

If you do not know how to improve relations with a person after a quarrel, then use a conspiracy to reconcile. It will help eliminate negativity, restore harmony and understanding not only between family members, but also friends or partners.

Universal conspiracy to reconcile

Using a variety of conspiracies, you can not only take revenge on the people with whom you quarreled and who offended you, but also make peace with them. Such rituals will help even if you understand that the reason for your quarrel was either another magical intervention.

For the most a simple rite you need to prepare some sweet fruit. It can be an apple or another fruit. In addition, you will need wax candle.

It is worth noting that using similar method It is allowed both to build relationships with parents, and with a spouse, friends or colleagues. At dawn, light a candle, pick up the chosen fruit and whisper the words over it three times:

The hour of reconciliation has come, let all grievances and quarrels be forgotten. As you wish, so be it. Key, lock, tongue.

Divide the fruit in half. You should eat one part, and treat the other to the individual with whom you want to renew the relationship. In just a few days, you will see that your relationship will begin to improve.

What is the most important weapon a woman can use if she needs to restore harmony in a relationship with a man? - Of course it is. tasty food. You will need to prepare a dinner in which the main dish should be meat or fish.

You can use this method even if your quarrel was made by a rival. Instead, you can use this particular rite.

Take a pack of salt, split it in a frying pan, sprinkle it with consecrated water and whisper:

I collect all the squabbles around the house,
All bad thoughts, all blasphemy,
All courts, gossip,
All bad conversations, disputes and quarrels,
I'll collect all the bad, put it under lock and key,
I will lock with seventy locks,
I'll wrap it in seventy chains,
Seventy-seven turns.
There is someone smarter than me
Who wants to destroy this conspiracy,
Return quarrels and scandals to my house,
Then it will do
When he can drink all the water from the seas-oceans.
My words are key.
My words are under lock and key.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!

As you say these words, imagine as carefully as possible that your home is being abandoned. negative energy, all quarrels, disagreements. Think that from now on peace and tranquility will reign in your family.

When the text has been spoken exactly five times, take some prepared salt and add it to the prepared dish. Do not throw away the remaining product, but use it for cooking until it runs out.

This method will also work regardless of who you quarreled with. You will need a sheet of paper, which should be cut into three sections. On one write your name, but on the other - the name of the person with whom you wish to restore relations. On the third, describe the reason for your misunderstanding.

If it’s hard for you to constantly keep the image of a person in your head, then you can put his photo in front of your eyes. Place notes with your names on different sides of the reason for the disagreement. Then whisper these words three times:

A black cat ran between us, evil turned us away from each other. Friendship now waited for rivalry, prevents each other from understanding, does not allow each other to embrace. From now on, I burn adversity, destroy the hatred between us, forget all insults forever. Now harmony and friendship will return to us. As she said, so be it.

Now this piece of paper, on which the reason for the quarrel is written, must be burned. Hide the sheets on which your names were written.

If you each ceased to understand each other with best friend, your relationship suddenly deteriorated, then this method is most suitable for you. You will need a photo of you and your friend.

In addition, arm yourself with a candle and two threads. Black and red. Light a candle, put a photo in front of it. Start winding a black thread around your hand saying:

I take away the pain of my soul, I take away sorrows, hardships, strife, misunderstanding, disagreements on this thread. They will be there, and (friend's name) and (your name) will now live in peace. As she said, so be it.

Now harmony will penetrate into the heart, even if (name of a friend) and (your name) do not know grief, tears and misfortune. Forgive me with all my heart, with all my heart. Let the soul sing with happiness, radiate love, live in peace.

The red thread must be tied on your hand. From now on, as long as you wear it, you will never quarrel with your girlfriend.

There is another ritual that will enable you to improve relations with your lover. You will need to set the table for 2 persons. It is advisable to take a white one for table setting, absolutely new tablecloth and devices that you have not yet used. You should also purchase two new glasses.

Arrange the cutlery opposite each other, sit on one chair and fill one of the glasses (it is allowed to pour both champagne and juice, certain rule regarding this no). A red wax candle is lit in the middle of the table. Now say:

I am with you, my dear (name), I will share the meal, I have one half, and you - the second. We have one fate for two. Think of me and don't forget for a moment. Let it be so.

Peace and full mutual understanding are not the main component of the relationship. Sometimes even in the strongest alliances there are misunderstandings and quarrels. Any omissions, even the smallest ones, accumulate, subsequently reaching a critical mass.

Over time, all the accumulated negativity spills out and destroys the complete harmony between lovers. In some cases, conflicts can even lead to separation. Everyone is ready to defend his word to the last, and not everyone can say “I'm sorry”.

What if the quarrel has reached its peak, and just a heart-to-heart talk will not save the situation? In such cases, a conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one can help, designed to remove the negative that has accumulated between lovers, plus the rite will bring harmony and balance to the union. These rituals can be applied both by the quarreled themselves and by an outsider. The main thing is to sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the ritual and pronounce the magic words with a pure heart.

A conspiracy to reconcile with her husband is a great opportunity to solve any family problems, he will also help strengthen the love of a lover for you, and re-ignite the flame of passion in a relationship.

As with all conspiracies, main principle"do no harm" here. If you sincerely wish the couple reconciliation, the forces of light will certainly come to your aid. But out of ignorance, making it worse by confusing the words of the conspiracy is also very simple.

On the way to reconciliation

Such conspiracies are carried out very simply for their implementation, the main thing is to observe step by step recommendations and act according to the plan prescribed in the conspiracy. Any rite to eliminate problems in a relationship, including reconciliation with a loved one, should be carried out only during the period with the growing moon. better days weeks for the ceremony are - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, these days are considered women's. It is not advisable to perform rituals on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. On Sunday, psychics and magicians in general do not recommend performing any magical rituals.

To reconcile the couple, the conspiracy must be read in a whisper, understanding the meaning of the words and putting your love into the words. One of the main conditions for the conspiracy to work: the longer the couple is in a quarrel, the more difficult it will be to reconcile them. Therefore, it is better to start the ritual immediately after the conflict.

A reconciliation conspiracy is a magical rite aimed at bringing peace, mutual understanding and warmth into human relations, so it does not even bear a share negative consequences.

Such rituals belong to White magic, do not suppress the will of the individual and do not have any negative consequences.

Scrambled eggs and salt will bring back the fret

A conspiracy to reconcile with a friend, with a boyfriend, with a spouse, with a boss, made for scrambled eggs - is not only effective, but also tasty.

In order for all conflicts to disappear soon, it is necessary to cook scrambled eggs in this way: we take two chicken eggs in the hand and read on them "Our Father" three times. We break eggs, throw salt and sentence a text that has been learned in advance or written down on a piece of paper.

Conspiracy "For reconciliation" on scrambled eggs

“Salt is in the egg, and I am a servant of God (name) in the heart of a servant of God (name of the target). Amen."
meeting so that I understand my perspectives. My heart skips and worries. Sympathy arose and multiplied. Don't let me fall into torment. Bring on a date (name of a loved one). I will pray to you for this. My God, my Vizardas. I will praise you, greet you. Don't let me miss my chances. Khantaa upar."

You need to eat scrambled eggs while it is hot, otherwise the rite will not work.

If the standard attempts to bring peace back to the relationship have not worked, a salt plot will be an excellent option.

The best type of conspiracy in a quarrel with a husband is strong conspiracy for salt.

Magic words are slandered on salt, after which it can be safely eaten.

Conspiracy "For reconciliation" for salt

“White and pure salt, help me, the servant of God (name) Awaken love in the heart of the servant of God (name), So that his feelings for me are strong and strong, So that he does not see his life without me, To be bored, longing, could look only on me. I evoke love in him, I evoke an answer, I evoke for a long time, For all eternity, forever! Amen!"
wedding candle and bell ringing at the wedding hour. That command is still in effect today. To go to the souls of the Slave (name) and the Slave (name) to each other, in the eternal circle, forever and ever, in endless love. I crown with a strong word, I protect with a stucco deed. I fasten with all white magic. Amen!"

It is best to treat the person with whom you want to make peace with a delicious dinner or lunch. And if the relationship has been spoiled for a long time and a joint dinner is impossible, you can simply throw the spelled salt under the rug of the house of the person with whom the conflict arose.

If the conflict, like a dark cloud, hangs over the gentle world of friendship and love, do not be inactive. There are ways out of this situation. Some try to sort things out, thereby aggravating the situation more and more, others forgive and take the first steps towards reconciliation.

But there is a method by which it is possible to remove the main emotional cause of the conflict - a quarrel, and everything else will be clarified and dispelled by itself when people put their thoughts in order and see that they love and are loved. This wonderful method is called magical conspiracies for reconciliation.

Just a few words, and negative feelings dissolve as if by the stroke of a magic wand.

Let's look at conspiracies with individual examples:

  • reconciliation spell with husband
  • spell to end conflict
  • words to reconcile with a girlfriend
  • how to make peace with your spouse

It is very unpleasant when a relationship with a dear spouse is more like a battlefield than a cozy home. To make peace, read a conspiracy that can eliminate those bad emotions that destroy the peace between you. It should be read in secret, alone with your thoughts. It is advisable to do this shortly before bedtime. After the magical procedure, try not to talk to anyone else and not to give anything to anyone under any pretexts. Just go to bed with a strong inner faith that you will soon make peace.

Here are the words of the conspiracy:

“The sun and the moon will not go to war with each other! Stone and water in the world always among themselves! The spirit of heaven and earth must be in harmony! Let the servant of God (name of the spouse) with the servant of God (your name) be reconciled in love and affection, do not swear, do not pout, but laugh and joke! Amen".

Recommendation - the rite of reconciliation with her husband works much more efficiently if you create a certain mood. It should not be used when you are upset or very upset about something. Get rid of bad emotions first. An ordinary candle can help with this. Just look at her even, calming flame. And the plot can also be read by candlelight. First admire the candle flame, imagining that all the negativity burns in its fire.

Conspiracy to reconcile with a friend or girlfriend

If a black spark of discord slipped between friends, there is also little pleasant. Both suffer and suffer. There is no force in nature that could force one to turn away from loved one. But to quarrel and run into different sides quite possible. But will this bring peace to anyone?

Even if it seems that the conflict is protracted, almost for a lifetime, a feeling of regret remains in the soul, which then gnaws for many years.

Focus directly on the feelings that you had for a girlfriend or friend even before the occurrence conflict situation. Admit it to yourself - after all, you had an amazing kindred of souls! Imagine internally that this person is content and happy. Try to eliminate claims from your thoughts, think - they did not bring good to anyone.

When you tune in to the right wave, read this conspiracy:

“God bless these words! Become witnesses, Mother Earth, Moon and Sun! All God's creatures, the foundations of the universe, archangels and angels, all God's army! I pray and grow! Seeking protection and strength! There is no stronger army, no more powerful force! Come, help, stop the fight between (names of those who quarreled)! Let the enmity go away from now and forever!

Let hatred drag the darkness into the void! Let angry troubles turn into love of victory! Guardian Jesus, Mother of God! Bring enmity to the court of Svarog! Remove the quarrels and scandals between (the names of those who quarrel), let the fires go out between them forever! From now on forever! There will be no power for enmity in man! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Read it thrice. Then imagine the person you want to reconcile with. Send over the invisible energy channels to him your affection, love and sincere gratitude for the fact that he brings you good.

Conspiracy for a speedy reconciliation with your beloved boyfriend or girlfriend

If you feel that you will soon quarrel with your loved one, do not let it happen. After all, the emerging quarrel can be eliminated in the bud. If you feel that discord is not far off, just step aside and read a simple plot.

Say it alone, so as not to get involved in your personal relationships stranger energy flow. To do this, it is not necessary to retire in a room, it is enough just to get rid of many everyday problems and think only about reconciliation.

Read the plot three times, imagining a multi-colored beautiful rainbow in the sky. Close your eyes for better concentration. The same words work for girls:

“The sunbeam is friends with the dew! Both make up a big bridge! Rainbow! Spill with happiness! Pour harmony into the heart of (name of a loved one)! Let evil and scandal turn into fog! Between us (names), both of them are a hoax! The wind blows the fog! Love will bloom again!”

Conspiracy to reconcile with a girl or wife

So that your beloved wife stops being offended by you, do not be lazy and try. Prepare for her the dish that you know how to do best. And read on him a conspiracy for reconciliation. If you are not a master at cooking, just pour tea or coffee, and say this on a mug (or any other treat):

“Let conflicts and enmity go away forever! May the warmth of wisdom and love light up the mind of the wife, and forbid it to burn with evil! Let grievances be forgotten and all tears dry! We go through life side by side with her, despite the cold ice!”

Treat your wife to spoken coffee and soon she will even forget about the cause of the conflict. From such a treat, peace will reign in your family for a long time!

If there is no hope for reconciliation

A serious quarrel can thoroughly spoil the peace in the family. Sometimes it seems that it is unrealistic to forget about the words you heard. The already illusory hope of reunion is fading. Do not despair! A powerful conspiracy to reconcile will help you return joy and harmony to your relationship.

The magic words of the conspiracy must be read in the morning and in the evening, with 12 candles lit at the same time. They should be in candlesticks. The ceremony is performed in front of two icons. The plot is read in a half-whisper 12 times within 12 days. When the ritual is completed, extinguish the flame of the candle with your fingers. Twelve days later, when the reading of the plot is over, the cinders must be collected. Put them behind the icon of the Mother of God. Here is the text of the spell:

“God bless me. From the throne to the church, to the very royal gates, an angel reached. Standing at the gate Mother of God and Archangel Michael. In the hands of the Virgin, a sword and a saber. Anger kills with a sword, cuts off quarrels with a saber. Put, Lord, in place the world in the hearts of God (your names). Strengthen peace, peace, lock the gates more, and, Lord, throw the key into the swamp. Mother of God, bless. Lord, Jesus Christ, command that they live in the world and be in the world. Now and ever, forever and ever. Amen".

When conducting a magical rite, simple conditions must be observed:

  1. Lighting should be calm, subdued. The flickering of a small candle will be enough.
  2. No one can tell about the ritual performed.
  3. It is advisable to read the texts of the conspiracy before going to bed. Communication and conversations for this period are completely excluded.
  4. During the ritual, you need to be in a calm, balanced state. Thoughts should be directed only to the object of the conspiracy.
  5. The text of the conspiracy should be memorized and recited from memory. Thanks to this, you will ideally focus on the process.

The power of magic helps to find family peace in the most difficult, painful conflict situations. Strong faith and knowledge of conspiracy secrets will return harmony and warmth to your relationship with your loved ones.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, in this article will talk about effective conspiracies for the reconciliation of relatives. When there is no peace and harmony in the family, they will help magical rites for love between relatives. Magic affects people in different directions - it quarrels and separates someone, and reconciles someone, brings them together, binds them with bonds of love, inseparable.

Like any rituals where something is removed, something is disposed of, the waning moon is preferable. When people need to be brought together, they conjure on the growing phase of the moon. For example, strong conspiracies on quick reconciliation after a quarrel with her husband, it is better to read on the growing moon, and so that the mother-in-law leaves the daughter-in-law alone, then the waning phase of the moon is at the disposal of the magician.

How to remove aggression and extinguish quarrels in the family with a water conspiracy

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will give several examples of effective conspiracies to remove aggressive behavior loved ones and relatives. These magical rituals can help:

  • with aggression,
  • scandalous attitude,
  • anger
  • hysterical states of relatives.

If someone in the family constantly quarrels with loved ones, or is in a state of depression and anxiety, scandals can be calmed with the help of charmed water.

You can also speak water for yourself if there is anxiety, irritability, anger, sleep disturbances. Those people who practice some, and who made conspiracies for reconciliation with water, give good feedback. The rituals are simple and working, relevant for many. Try to make them at home.

An independent conspiracy to reconcile those who are in a quarrel

According to the condition of the ceremony, you need to wait for a clear starry night, and read the words of the conspiracy over the water. And then give a wash to a person who is worried, swears with close relatives. You can give this water to drink. Sometimes several relatives need such help. There are no restrictions, act according to the circumstances.

If it's hot, then this effective home plot after strong quarrel, you can read without waiting for the night, but right in hot pursuit to extinguish a quarrel.

“Water, you wash and wash off, you, water, are everywhere: in the lake and in the river, in the ocean and in a bucket. Take away (name) from screaming and anger, from a rude word, from vain tears, from a thousand angry thoughts. He would not have suffered, he would not have screamed. Cool his anger, calm his anger, wash off, drain, rinse from his violent head. Be you, my words, strong, be you, my words, modeling. Amen".

Can also be used as quick plot to reconcile friends. Works good. Acts like:

  • cool,
  • rage,
  • anger,
  • irritation

- restrained, does not pour out on loved ones. However, the negative state does not disappear, but rather freezes at the boiling point, freezes.

A quick conspiracy to reconcile with a beloved man - from scandals in the family

If a wife or mother is in distress from the scandals of her husband or son, or son-in-law, help independent conspiracy from frequent quarrels in family. You will need for this white ritual:

  • large cup or bucket of spring water
  • husband shirts

Pure spring water speak from constant quarrels with her husband, then take the man's shirt and wet it with charmed water. Hang outside to dry in the sun. When the shirt is dry, let him put it on so that the brawler becomes meek and obedient.

“The river does not splash, the star does not shine, the moon does not sway, my husband (name) does not eat up. He doesn't grumble, he doesn't scream, he doesn't wave his arms. His soul rests. Sleep, sleep in the doors, in the windows, in the walls, sleep quietly, there is no dashing. Amen".

On the waning moon, read a conspiracy to reconcile with her husband

Here good plot, which allows you to calm anger, move your husband to the first step to try on. Perform a home ritual on a waning moon so that anger disappears, not increases. To speak the anger of your relative or family member, read the witchcraft text for food or drink for 3 days in a row:

“In a dark forest, in a black tower, an old grandfather sits. He is wearing a black cap, a belt and a black zipunische. On his feet are black boots, in his right hand is a black sharp ax. He cuts, cuts down all the thoughts of evil, mournful, generic, superficial, internal, heart and brain, secret, evil eye. It cuts all over the white day, in the evening and morning dawn, in the middle of the day and in the old. For every thought, for deed, for the devil's command, for his will. For all twenty-four hours, for a day, daily, minutes, minutes. And some evil was not named here, was not magnified, everything was shattered by the steel of a black ax. For now, for eternity, for eternity. Amen".

An effective conspiracy to reconcile the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law

Also a proven rite for reconciliation of the daughter-in-law with the mother-in-law. But, I would say that the magician Sergey Artgrom said that this rite does not just work to reconcile these people, it good ritual for peace at home.

So that the mother-in-law does not attack the daughter-in-law, in order to pacify her husband's relatives, do this. On the last day of the month, take water from 3 sources, drain into one bucket and read on it textconspiracy to reconcile daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, for peace in the house:

“Rivers, noisy waters, from three buckets, from three lakes, from three streams, from three rivers, from three oceans, from three swamps, from three fountains, from three pipes, from three puddles, from three glasses, from three spoons on my threshold. Wash away, water, from the threshold of every evil, every scandal, every misfortune. , conversations, unnecessary strife, various slander. Noisy rivers, thundering streams, forbid quarreling and making noise, knocking, shouting to my mother-in-law (name). Let it be so".

With water, enchanted by a strong conspiracy to reconcile with the husband's mother, wash the floor throughout the house.

Magic ritual from quarrels between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law

Another effective conspiracy to reconcile with the husband's mother. At the evening dawn, face west, hold a new towel in your hands. Three times at the setting sun, read the witching words:

“Health, health, for many years, for a quiet life. Good evening, dawn, scarlet skies, I read, proofread, speak, pronounce. Already, the snake and the viper were walking, but they lost their poison, do not hiss to them, do not whistle to them, do not twist in a ball, do not sting and do not fight. So I don’t swear with my mother-in-law (name), don’t find fault with each other, don’t quarrel with us, don’t break us. For centuries we love each other. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Whisper for mother-in-law's love - a home conspiracy for reconciliation after a quarrel

“Young moon, earthly walker, were you at Adam’s house? Have you seen the deceased in the coffin? Just as the dead do not swear with the living, one does not eat up against the other, so would my mother-in-law (name) and I all century - for century, all life - for life, all the hours and all the minutes. Amen"


Independent conspiracies for reconciliation with a daughter - a love spell of a father to a child

Often, women who raise children alone and need help turn to me, the magician Sergey Artgrom. active participation father in raising offspring. There are such rituals in both black and white magic. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will give here the words of a conspiracy to reconcile people from the rituals of white magic. Not so much even for reconciliation, but for binding the father to the child. This is a spontaneous ritual. A mother must read.

On a windy day, go outside, stand facing the wind, and read the plot 12 times to tie the father to the child, to show attention and care:

“The hungry can be fed, the thirsty can be drunk, but the longing for a child can never be satisfied. There is no food for parental hunger, no parental thirst for water, no rest for the parental heart. It whines, suffers, rests, does not know about its child (name). Wind-father, you cannot be conquered, but you can feed the hungry. Feed, wind, (husband's name) not human food, but. Take a walk, play out, melancholy, find my husband (name), crush him, if, bring him to his blood child. So that (name) suffers for his child, keeps on his mind, on his mind day and night, misses, yearns, counts minutes before meeting. Wind-father, remove bitter tears from all orphans and widows, and take their anguish to my husband. Let him mourn for his child, yearn, miss, never forget his child: neither in bed, nor at a feast, nor on the street, nor at home. He would have been in a hurry and, like the wind, flew, he wanted to see his child. Amen".

If there is more than one child from this man, then, while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, change the word “child” to “children” and name their names.

White magic conspiracy to reconcile people - remove hatred

By using magic conspiracy you can smooth sharp corners in a relationship. Reading the words of the spell to reconcile with the beloved guy, you can remove hostility between lovers, moreover, this ritual is also used to establish friendly relations at work.

Magic Ritual:

  • removes envy,
  • desire to hurt a colleague,
  • improves the atmosphere in the team,
  • reduces the captiousness of the authorities.

You can also influence the situation when there was a quarrel with a friend or relatives, witchcraft softens the consequences of quarrels. So, you can safely use the text of the conspiracy to reconcile with a friend, as well as to remove the enmity between relatives in the family.

To independently conduct a ceremony for reconciliation between loved ones, you will need:

  • piece of wax
  • 3 needles
  • metal bowl or bowl

Stick needles into a piece of wax, then put the wax in a ladle and put it on fire. Read the words of the waning moon conspiracy to reconcile those who are in a strong quarrel. You need to repeat the witching words 77 times:

“I release the servant of God (name) (or slaves (men), if two are the culprits) from all evil and villainy. Like beeswax melts in needles, expires, so let all evil and villainy melt and disappear from the servant of God (name). Key in the sea, tongue in the mouth. Amen".

Wait until the wax has completely melted and spread over the ladle. Remove from heat and let the wax harden. Break apart cured wax into two halves, and take it to two banks of the same river. When you hide the halves of the wax cake, you need to read the magic words:

“Until these two halves converge from the two banks, until then the servant of God (name) at the servant of God (name) will not scream, find fault, get angry and swear. Amen".

8 Home conspiracy to reconcile a husband and wife - from quarrels of spouses

The magical text is read in the matrimonial bed three times. If they calculate the impact of the conspiracy on reconciliation with his wife after swearing, let the husband read on women's days. And if a wife wants to make peace with her husband after a quarrel, let her recite on men's days.

“Father-argument, be quick. Hurry go to dry forests, to dark skies, to quicksand swamps, to prickly glades. They are waiting for you there, stocking pancakes with butter, washing down with funeral jelly. There you have honor and reward, but in our house you are not needed. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Free conspiracy to reconcile after a strong quarrel between spouses

This is a home plot to remove anger between husband and wife after swearing. Even if there is no particular malice, but quarrels take place, the text of this conspiracy at a distance for reconciliation with her husband will help bring order to the relationship. Take for an independent ritual:

  • ordinary lace
  • yellow wax candle

You can hold the lace for some time in the pocket of your husband's jacket, jacket or trousers. Then read and burn on a candle. It is good to do this effective conspiracy to reconcile after a strong quarrel of the spouses in combination with wax castings, With magic rituals from scandals and quarrels.

Take a string, tie 3 knots in the middle - one on one, and at the same time read the text of the conspiracy so that the husband is the first to go to reconciliation after a quarrel. After that, the lace must be burned.

“In the forest there is an aspen hut, guarded by three mad dogs. Wool in tufts, sharp fangs, black grazing, barking, biting, not allowed to the hut. (With these words, start knitting knots). I will tie up anger with the first and second and third. I'll shut the dogs in the mouth. Dogs will eat anger, with (names) anger will be removed. There is no anger in the house, live in evil dogs and die. I tied my anger with three knots, three chains for three hundred years and three years. Whoever gnaws the knots will take the anger for himself. It is said - tied up, tightened, entangled. Amen".

Even in close relationships, it is difficult to avoid quarrels, so a conspiracy to reconcile can help in this situation. Quarrels leave an unpleasant imprint on the relationship of people. Therefore, magic works not only to reconcile two quarreled, but also to create harmony in their relationship.

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Varieties of conspiracies for reconciliation

Conspiracies for reconciliation are divided into several types:

  • a conspiracy to reconcile with a beloved man;
  • ritual for reconciliation with a woman;
  • a rite to get rid of grievances in the family;
  • a conspiracy to get rid of quarrels for scrambled eggs;
  • conspiracy on ice;
  • honey ritual for reconciliation;
  • conciliatory ceremony for friends;
  • prayer for reconciliation.

Rules for conducting rites for reconciliation after quarrels

You need to conduct a ritual for reconciliation as follows:

  1. You can not use the magic of reconciliation for selfish, selfish purposes.
  2. You can read a conspiracy to make peace with a loved one during any period lunar phase. It is not necessary to wait for the growth of the moon, as is customary when using other conspiracies. The rite of reconciliation must be done as soon as possible after a quarrel in order to achieve the goal.
  3. During the ceremony, it is recommended to light candles. Their flame has healing property, favorable energy, cleansing the biofield of the one who does the ritual. Also, the flame of a candle acts on the one on whom the ceremony is performed.
  4. To carry out a magical action should be in complete silence and peace.
  5. For the ceremony, you need to wear light-colored clothes.
  6. The ritual in order to make peace with a man must be performed in men's days- Tuesday Thursday Saturday. Rites for reconciliation with a beloved woman should be carried out in women's days- Wednesday, Friday.
  7. For a ceremony using a photograph, it is necessary to take a fresh picture of a person - the image should not be more than a year old.
  8. Read a prayer for reconciliation should be before going to bed or early in the morning. This time is considered favorable for the conciliation ceremony.
  9. Prayers should be read thoughtfully, pronouncing each word clearly in order to achieve an effect from them.

Don't forget about these important things as intent. The power of thought can materialize. If you believe in the accomplishment of a conspiracy, then its action will not take long. When a person doubts magic, then he has nothing to count on.

The most effective conspiracies for reconciliation with a loved one

Efficient and powerful conspiracy reconciliation refers to white magic, which restores relationships, peace between people. To quickly reconcile with your loved one, you can try quick, effective rituals that do not require special skills.

A conspiracy to scrambled eggs for reconciliation with her husband

The conspiracy acts on the reconciliation of a husband and wife when both are in a quarrel. With the help of a charmed scrambled egg, you can quickly build relationships with your spouse, avoiding the agonizing wait.

For the ritual you will need:

  • two chicken eggs (bought on the market, without bargaining);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • church candle.
  1. Light a church candle, place it to your right.
  2. Take two chicken eggs in right hand and read over them Orthodox prayer"Our Father".
  3. Crack the eggs into a hot skillet, adding salt to them.
  4. While the eggs are fried, you need to speak them.
  5. The text of the conspiracy is as follows: “Like salt in an egg, so am I, a servant of God (name), in yours, a servant of God (name), heart. Forget the offense, forgive the offense. Amen. Amen. Amen".
  6. Cross after reading the spell scrambled eggs three times.
  7. Feed your husband scrambled eggs.

Ritual for reconciliation of spouses

A strong prayer for reconciliation with her husband acts in such a way that the man loses his desire to quarrel with his wife again.

To forgive your beloved, you will need to take:

  • two pink candles;
  • person's personal item.

The sequence of the ceremony during a quarrel is as follows:

  1. Place your husband's personal item between two candles.
  2. Light two candles.
  3. Imagine in detail reconciliation with your husband: how he approaches, asks for forgiveness, gives a bouquet of flowers, his further actions.
  4. Read the words of the prayer: “Lord, hear me, servant of God (name). Do not leave me in difficult times, help me. Deliver us with the servant of God (name) from quarrels, anger, hatred. May our love overcome obstacles, our joint path will be illuminated with light. May my beloved forgive me everything. I bless you, forever and ever. Amen".
  5. Perform the ritual for nine days in a row. Light candles every day closer friend to a friend, so that on the ninth day they stand side by side.

The waning moon plot for reconciliation with her husband

A conspiracy to reconcile those who are in a quarrel is read only on a waning moon in order to remove negativity from relationships.

For magical action you will need:

  • photograph of a person;
  • church candle.

The order of the ritual:

  1. Wait until night falls.
  2. Close the doors to the room.
  3. Sit comfortably in front of an open window.
  4. Put a photo, a candle next to you.
  5. To talk a person into reconciliation, light a candle.
  6. Read a spell over the photo: “The moon is waning, anger cools down, resentment passes, love comes. Amen".
  7. Extinguish the candle, leave the photo on the window for three days.

After the ritual, a loved one will not want to swear and be offended.

Ritual to get rid of quarrels in the family

To get rid of the conflicts that occur in the house, and not quarrel, you can conduct a simple and effective ceremony.

For the ritual you will need:

  • red ribbons (as many as there are rooms in the house);
  • new needles (the same amount);
  • church candle.

Perform the following rite:

  1. When midnight comes, turn off the lights in the house.
  2. Light a candle. Put the ribbons and needles in front of you.
  3. Tying a knot on each ribbon, read the words of the conspiracy.
  4. The text of the spell is as follows: “I tie a knot, I save the house from quarrels. I pierce the knot with a needle, the house is from evil people I protect. Amen".
  5. Above each door in the house, hang ribbons, fastening them with needles.
  6. Extinguish the candle.

After the ceremony, peace and tranquility will reign in the house, the spouses will not swear, and those who are in a quarrel will quickly reconcile.

Rite of reconciliation with a loved one from a photo

To quickly make peace with a guy, use this simple and powerful plot.

For the ritual you will need:

  • photograph of a lover;
  • red candle (large).

Perform the following rite:

  1. Wait until midnight.
  2. Light the red candle.
  3. Put a photo of your loved one next to it.
  4. Read the plot three times: “The candle burns, flares up. Your love, servant of God (name), intensifies for me. Fire burns resentment, fire burns hatred. As the candle burns out, so forgive me, the servant of God (name). Amen".
  5. Put a photo of your loved one under your pillow.
  6. Perform the ritual for three days in a row.

Conspiracy to reconcile with a man

The reconciliation ritual is simple and very effective, so the result should be expected in two weeks.

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • church candle (white);
  • a handful of grains (rice, millet, buckwheat).

The sequence of the ritual is as follows:

  1. Perform the rite at night, when the clock is exactly twelve.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Take a handful of grains in your right hand.
  4. Read the words of the conspiracy five times: “You step on the grains of the spell, you forgive me. You can’t be offended for a long time, as you see, you will melt.
  5. Throw the grains under the carpet, put out the candle.
  6. The beloved must definitely step on the carpet with grains.

The video from the channel "Alexander Pichuev Magic and Runes" shows how to make another ritual for reconciliation with a man.

Honey conspiracy to reconcile with a guy

If a girl and a guy quarreled, then charmed honey can reconcile them.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • some fresh honey
  • silver spoon.

Perform the following ritual:

  1. Invite your beloved guy to visit under any pretext.
  2. Make tea for your loved one.
  3. Dip a silver spoon into honey, read the words of the conspiracy: “Honey is sweet. And I, the servant of God (name), for you, the servant of God (name), is also sweet. Amen".
  4. Dip a spoonful of honey into the brewed tea, mix.
  5. Make sure the guy drank the tea to the end.

An old conspiracy to reconcile with a beloved man

Our ancestors used this conspiracy, but it does not lose its relevance at the present time.

For a conciliatory conspiracy you will need:

Perform the ceremony in this order:

  1. Put on a new dress.
  2. Gather flowers in the field at dawn.
  3. Sit comfortably in a quiet place under any tree.
  4. Let your hair down.
  5. Start weaving a wreath of flowers. At the same time, read the spell: “I, the servant of God (name), went out into the open field. The sun lights my way. The grass lies like silk underfoot. The servant of God (name) does not harbor resentment, his love for me is stronger every day. I weave a wreath of flowers, I weave our quarrel with the servant of God (name). Amen".
  6. When you finish weaving a wreath, take it to the pond and throw it into the water.
  7. After that, return home without looking back.

Conspiracy from quarrels on Women's Day

So that there are no quarrels between a man and a woman, this ceremony must be performed for nine days on the same day - Wednesday. It is recommended to choose the same time for the magical action - noon.

For the ritual you will need:

  • new comb;
  • nine church candles.

The rite is as follows:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Comb your hair with a new comb. At the same time, read the spell: “As I comb my hair, so I reconcile us with the servant of God (name). The servant of God (name) will follow me, ask for forgiveness. As I put down the comb, so our love with new force flare up. I'll put out the candle, I'll put out the hatred, I'll remove the anger forever. Amen".
  3. Place the comb under the pillow.
  4. Extinguish the candle.

An apology from a loved one will come soon after the completion of the ninth day of the ceremony.

Rite with ice for quick reconciliation

A powerful rite of reconciliation between a man and a woman acts in such a way that the guy quickly forgets the offense, and the girl easily forgives her lover.

For the ritual, take:

  • ice cube (you can use ordinary ice brought from the street);
  • three church candles;
  • photograph of a person.
  1. Light three candles, put them in a circle.
  2. Place a photo of a person in the center of the circle.
  3. Put a piece of ice on the picture.
  4. Start casting the spell: “The ice is melting, it’s warm between us. The ice will melt, our love will burn. Amen. Amen. Amen".
  5. Let the candles burn out.
  6. It is necessary to ensure that the ice completely melts on the image of a loved one.

An effective conspiracy to reconcile with a guy

A strong ritual is used for those who are in a long quarrel.

For the ceremony you need to take:

  • white cloth;
  • personal item of a loved one;
  • a photograph of a lover;
  • pink candle.

The rite is as follows:

  1. Before going to bed, spread a white cloth on the table.
  2. Put a photo of your loved one on it.
  3. Place a personal item of your lover on the image.
  4. On the left, light the pink candle.
  5. Read the plot nine times: Higher power, I beg you for help. May the servant of God (name) forget the hidden offense, ask for forgiveness for what was said. As a love candle burns out, so the feelings between us will flare up again. Amen".
  6. Let the candle burn out completely.
  7. Wrap a stub, a personal item, an image in a cloth and put it under your pillow for three nights.

The best conspiracies for reconciliation after quarrels

It happens that after a strong quarrel, people stop talking and seeing each other. It seems impossible to reconcile, and nothing helps. To correct the situation and make peace with a loved one, you can conduct a strong conspiracy that will help two people find a lost understanding.

A strong conspiracy to reconcile friends

When the situation is such that a friend does not make contact, you can independently conduct a simple and very strong conspiracy to reconcile.

For the ritual you will need candles:

  • Pink colour;
  • Red;
  • white.

The rite of passage is as follows:

  1. Wait until nightfall, turn off the lights in the house.
  2. To your right, light a pink candle.
  3. Light the white candle on the left.
  4. Place a white candle in the middle and light it.
  5. Close your eyes, begin to mentally imagine reconciliation with a close friend.
  6. Say the words: “My words are strong, my thoughts are strong. As candles burn with a bright flame, so hatred, anger, jealousy, resentment are burned. The candles will burn out, our friendship will be reborn. Amen".
  7. Extinguish three candles at a time.
  8. Rite spend nine nights in a row.
  9. On the ninth day, if the candles do not burn out completely, then leave them to burn out.

A magical rite is able to reconcile with a friend even with a very strong quarrel.

Conspiracy to reconcile with a friend after a strong quarrel

The ritual is performed in order to improve relations with a friend.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • general photo with a girlfriend;
  • two church candles;
  • white candle (large);
  • piece of paper;
  • pen.

The ritual, so that the girlfriend forgives, must be carried out in the following order:

  1. Place the group photo in the center of the table.
  2. Light a white candle, place it on the picture.
  3. Light two church candles, place them to your right and left of you.
  4. On a piece of paper, write about your resentment towards your friend.
  5. Take a sheet of paper, fold it in two and burn it over the flame of a white candle.
  6. While the sheet is burning, read the plot: “I burn the insult, I restore our friendship with the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".
  7. Throw the ashes out the window.
  8. Extinguish the candles.

Conspiracy to reconcile with daughter

With the help of this conspiracy, you can achieve reconciliation with your daughter. Since the connection between mother and daughter is strong and strong, the rite takes effect immediately.

For the ritual, take:

  • daughter's hair
  • photograph of daughter
  • pink candle.

The ceremony is performed in the following order:

  1. Put on a hair photo.
  2. Light a pink candle, place it to your left.
  3. Close your eyes, read the plot: “My blood, my soul, remember me, the servant of God (name). How I raised you, how I took care of you, so now you will remember me. Forgive the offense, forget about the quarrel. Amen".

Conspiracy to reconcile with the mother-in-law

To make peace with your mother-in-law, conduct a simple, powerful conspiracy that will work immediately.

For a conciliatory ritual you will need:

  • church candle;
  • gift for mother in law.

The sequence of the ceremony is as follows:

  1. Buy a gift for your mother-in-law.
  2. Place a candle next to the gift, light it.
  3. Read three times over the candle flame: “We are with you, the servant of God (name), one family. Let the grievances be forgotten, the hatred will go away. As you accept my gift, so you will accept me. Amen".
  4. Hand the gift to your mother-in-law in person.

Conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one

The plot is read for reconciliation in the family. The rite will also help to establish relationships with your mother, with your sister.

For the rite of reconciliation you will need:

  • church candle;
  • icon of the Mother of God;
  • white fabric.

Perform the ritual in the following order:

  1. When it's midnight, turn off the lights in the house.
  2. Lay out a white cloth on the table.
  3. Place the icon of the Mother of God on the table.
  4. Light a church candle, walk with it around the house with the words: “My house is my fortress. Resentment leaves, anger leaves, hatred cools down. Love reigns here. So the Mother of God commands. Amen".
  5. Put the candle to burn out near the icon.
  6. In the morning, remove the white cloth, the icon, the stub of the candle in a secluded place.

Conspiracy to reconcile with brother

To make peace with your brother, you can try to commit strong ritual for reconciliation.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • brother's photo;
  • brother's personal item;
  • white candle.

Ritual sequence:

  1. Turn off the lights in the house at night.
  2. Light a white candle, place it to your left.
  3. On the right, put a photo, a personal item of a brother.
  4. Read the spell nine times: “My brother, my friend, my soul, my blood. As you and I are connected, tied with a thread, so the quarrel between us melts, resentment disappears. Hear me, forgive me. Amen".
  5. Let the candle burn out completely.

Orthodox prayers for reconciliation

An Orthodox prayer for reconciliation with a loved one will help someone who has not been able to find suitable way get out of the conflict. Prayers help a person to tune in a positive way, calm down and accept selfless love into his life. When people reach this state, their lives change in better side, conflicts are exhausted, problems disappear.

Prayer to Jesus Christ for reconciliation with a spouse

A strong prayer for the reconciliation of spouses should be read:

  • at dawn and before going to bed;
  • with a lit church candle.

The text of the prayer for reconciliation with her husband is as follows:

Lord Jesus, have mercy, help me, your servant of God (name). Forgive our sins with your servant of God (name). Get on the right path. Give us back our love, mutual understanding, peace. Let anger, bad weather leave our family. We will overcome any obstacles together, fortunately we will come. How pure our thoughts are, how sincere my prayer to You is, so peace returns to our home. Amen.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia for reconciliation with her husband

Prayer for quick reconciliation can change the relationship of two loving people behind a short time. Therefore, you need to pray with faith and hope for the correction of the situation.

Holy saints Peter and Fevronia, help the servant of God (name). Light his way, bless him. How you lived a righteous life, so teach us, do not leave us without your help. Save our family, return love to us. I trust my heart in you, saints, I pray for pious help. Amen.

Prayer for reconciliation of relatives

A powerful prayer for reconciliation helps relatives to forget the accumulated grievances, to forgive each other.

Prayer words:

“Almighty, I trust in You, I pray for help. Connect our hearts with the servant of God (name), reunite our love. Help me find happiness. You see everything, you know everything, You illuminate us with the Light of God, you do not leave us. May heavenly joy accompany us, our souls will respond. Lord, help us get rid of adversity, anger, hatred. Amen".